Ordinance 88-06288- 62 BAT PI. AJO~ED UNIT DLrVELOPHZ3T ORDINANCE, BY ADDING GOLF COUASF~S, PB, ACTZCE DRIVING RANGE AND OTHER CUSTO~LUt'f ACCESSOJtT USES IELATED TO GOLF COURSES TO SECTIONS 4.03B.2; 503B.2j 6.03B.2; 7J~3B.I ~ BT ADDIBC PARKINC LA.NGUAGE FOR USES OTRER TU~ I~dELLING UNITS TO SECTION:$ &,0&.07~ 5.05.06~ 6.04,06: 7.0&.06~ AND BT PRO¥IDINC AN EFFECTIVE DATE. t;hereas, on Apri! 29, 1977, the Board of County CootieS/shat,! appraved Ordinance Number 77-18, vhich ~scablished the Pelican Bt! Planufld Unit Dewtlopueutl ~Jnd Uhezsaa, I~eet~u~housa Cmmunities of ~pleo, Inc., petit~ed the ~ard of ~unC7 ~issl~,ero of Collier ~nCy, Florida, to m~i ~d~mmc. ~.r 77-18 by ~ddins lfnlulle to al~ residenti~ fz~p secti(~ as foll~g IK)V, TI~RZI~3~E BE IT OY, DAINED by the Board of County ComLiSA~OUeFA Of Coll~er County, l~orida: SECTION ONE: Section 4.03B.2 of Ordinance 77-18, the Pelican Bay Flare, ed l~tt Development Docul~ut,ie hereby mnded to read u fellers: 4.03 FE~ITTED USES A/qD STItUCTUKES No bulldins or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered, or used, or land or rater used, in vhole or in part, for other than the folloving. A. Peraiccsd Principal Uses and Structures 1) Single Fenlly detached dvellinge. 2) A~tmched single-fm~ily unite as '= coubiuations of up to and including ~ .... three (3) sinlle-fauily attached uni~a'- ~ per structures.  . ..,.~ 3) Parks, playsrounds, playfielde and . ,~.,. - c~nl7 ~ed op~ ~'~'=: ~) ~ater nanageMnC facilit:~e8, ~ ~ Il. Pe~icced Principal USeS and Requir~uS S~e Plan 1) Non-comsercial boat laumchtng facilities, and multiple docking areas not to exceed one per dvelltn$ unit. bVORDS UNDER/.INED ARE ADDITIONS~ %/OBDS ~L'R~JGK--THRGUGH-AB/~ DELETIONS, 2) o lecrsatioua! clubs, lo1£ coursest Rractl~drivin[ ranis end other customer7 accesser7 uses related to ~_1~ c~rseet Intended'to leS'vi t~'~ eurro~nding residential area. Churches, schools, and child care centers v hen acclslory to the church or school. £dctiou 4.0&.07 of Ordinance 77-18, the Filican Dovelop~snt Document, is hereby amudsd to read as folloes~ &.04.07 OFF-STREET PAR~IHG ICE(tUIILDII:~S~ One parking space shell be required for each dvelltng unit and such space shall be located vithin the building setback line, For uses other than dvellinS untts~ parkin sha-'~'~be ~rovtded in accordance vith the IoniaB Ordinance SECTION THREE: gectio~ 5.03B.2 of Ordinance 77-18, the Pelican Bay Planned Unit Development Dec, mint, ia hereby an~nded to read aa follovs~ 5.03 ]~ building or structure, or part thereof, aha11 be erected, altered or used, or land or ~tar used, in whole or in part, for other then the follovtnlt A. Principal Uaesg 1) Single f~nlly units are perttttsd as individual structures or aa c~abtnations up to and including six (6) flingle lastly attached units per structure. Such unit types as single family attached, duplex, patio, cjuster attached, cjuster detached, villa attached, villas detached and ze:o lot lints ate pertttted. 2) Nulci-fanlly residential units including garden apartuenta. 3) Parks, playgrounds, playfielde and cmmonly mmed open apace. &) Vacer smnegeu~nt tactlitila B. PRINCIPAL UgES REQUIRING SITE PI,AH APPROVAL~ 1) Nm~-com~rcial boat launching facilities and multiple docking areas. 2) 3) 4) It~czeattonal clubs, ~oH coursea~ cueto~sr~ acce~.o~ ulea related to &()~ c~iesF Lnciodid co ll~l chi iur~oundLal rev/denc/a~ area. C~urchei, schools, child care center, and [overmlental adsin/atration buildinp. C4~nvalelcent holes, reit holes, hones for the a[ed, adult foster hms, children's hones, rehabilitation centers and liconaet skilled nursin[ facilities; inch unit shall count as one-thire (1/3) oia dvellin[ uniC in account/n[ for the dvelll~[ unite aeelined ia 5.02 above. $~CI~I 011 FOUl: Section 5.05.06 of OTdinance 77-18, the Pelice.u Bay Planed ~tit Developu4nt Dec.ant, ia hereby amended to read as foilers: 5.05.06 OTt*-~ PA.I~ING: Those principal uae structures which ars identified in Section 5.03.A. shill contain a~tnlmmof rye (2) Ipaces per dvellin[ unit. The Director Bay pec~C a lesser nuuber of parkln[ spaces to bt paved vhen circus[cancan indicate infrequent use. Ko~tver, those unpaved spaces e~tll be Ires[ed and reserved for future p.svins. For noes ocher than dvelliflS unite! perkins aha1! be provided in accordance rich cha leninS Ordinance of Collier County. llECTION FIYE: .' .... . Section 6.03B.2 of Ordinance 77-18, the Pelican hy Planned l~vel~NuC ~c~nC, is her~y imbed to read as foil.s: 6.03 U~ES P~I~ To bulldin[ or structurl, or part Shitter, ah~ii be erected, altered or used, or l~nd or rater used, in Whole or part, for other than the follovin[: A. Principal Usair 1) 2) Hulti-fauily reaidontial.~*nita includin[ [arden apartmmute, Those uses peruitted in Group 2 vhen developed in accordance vith Section 5.04, 3) Parks, playsrounda, playfields and counonly t~u,e,d open space. UNDERLINED ARE ADDI?IONSI ~ORDS STR~GI~-TNIOgGIi-AIl DELETIONS. l)rincipal Usgs hquirinl Sit. ~lsa Approval: 1) 2) ~ou-cosmrcial boat launching facilities and uultipla docking areas, aecrm&tional clubs, golf courses. practica driving ranis and other customary accessory uses related to ~-[f cOUnsel, intended Co laFYe chi surrounding residential area. ]) Omrchea, schools, sad child care centers. Convalescent hones, rest hones, hauls ~or the sled, adult foster children's hones, rehabilitation canters and licensed skilled nursing facilities; each unit shall count aa one-third (1/3) of a dwelling unit in acco~ncing eec the dvellius units assisned in 6.02 above. I{ECTIOW SIX: Section 6.0&.06 of Ordinance 77-18, the Pslica~ hy Planned Utit I~velop~nc Docun~ut is her.thy rounded to read as follova: 6.0~.06 OFF-S~f PARXIWG: Those p:rincipal usa It~cturts ~rhtch art identified ia Section 6.03.A.a.~tll contain a mlnimm 1.5 parking sparta per dvelltn~ unit. The Director my pe~iC a lesser n~er of paring spiral to be paved ~Nen circ~st~ces indicate infrequent use. H~ever, those u~aved spices shall be Srasled and res,~ed for future p~ln~. For uses other than d~ellinF~uuits. ~arkins shall b~ provided In accordance with the ~ninl O'rdinsnc, of Coll~er County. ItECTION Section 7.03B, I of Ordinm~ca 77-18, the Pelican Bay Plmmed Unit £)evelop.nenC Docunent. ts he~:eby aneudad to read aa follovs: 7.03 USeS P£RHITI~ lis buildtns or st~cture, or part th,reof, ahll be erected, altered or used, or l~d or water used, In whole or part, for other the A. Principttl Uses: 1) ~lti-fa~ly residential buildinss. 2) Th()sa uses paruittad iu Group 2 vheu developed in accordance with Section 5.04. 3) Those uses psruittsd in Grasp 3 vbm developed in accordance vith Section 6,0~, 4) PerJ~, playsrounds, playflelds and coumonly ovued open space. Water nanasement facilities. Existing non-comurctal plant nurser7, B. Principal Oees Requirins Site Plan Approval t) Recreational clubs, self courses, practice drivins ranks and ocher ~us~omary accesser? USel related co gol~ cc~rses~ intended to serve the surroundins residential area. Churches, schools and child cars ClnClFI. 3) Civic and cultural facilities, Hotels and uotels, u~ximm of 1,500 unite, Each hotel az uotel unit shall count as one-third (1/3) of a dvelll~s unit in accounting for the dvellinl units assigned in 7.02 above. 5) Private clubs intended to serve the residents o! Pelictn by. '. 6) Convalescent hones, rest hones, hones for the sled, adult foster hou~s, · chlldren*a babes, rehabilitation · ' cen~ers and licensed s~lled nursins facilitiesl each unit s~ll c~nC as ~e-chird (I/3) of a dvtllin~ uniC in accoonCins for the dvellinl unica assisned in 7.02 above. ~ION EIb: .i~ ........... ~i'.; .... :: ....... '.'" .~. ~cti~ 7.01.06 of ~dinanca 17-1~ the Pelican ~y Plead Dq~elop!ue. nt. Docuuent, is hsrtby munded to read aa follovsi 7.04.06 OIT-STLr~ PARItlHG~ Those principal use structures vhich are identified in Section 7.03,A shall contain a tlninun of 1.$ perkins spaces par dwellinS unit. The Director ~y perult a lesser number of perkins spaces to be paved v hen "' circumstances indice:ed infrequent uae. Hoverer. those unpaved spaces shall be sraesed and reserved far future p&vin$. For uses other then dwelling units~ parkiuq shall be provided in accordance etch the Zonins Ordinance of Co~lter Count,ILL DATE~, JUly 26, 1988 COLLIER COI/BTY, FLOitXDA r~. ..-., ."-"_~' ~,-. BURT L. SAUI~D£RS: CHAIRMAN ~!:" '3 ".... AGR~ X, Charles E. ?~rner of Westinghouse Cotumanities of Haplea, Znc., ss mmer or authorised agent for Petition 1~A-87-11C, agree to the following stipulations requested by the Collier County Pl~ning Cosmissioa in their public hearing on June 16, 1988, Petitioner shall be sablect to Ordinance 75-21 [or the tree/ vegetation re,level ordinance in existence at the tine of permitting], requiring the acquisition of a tree remove! permit prior to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be submitted to the Natural Resources Eansgemant Department and the Community Development Division for their review sad approval prior to any substantialvork ou the sits. This plan nay bs submitted tn phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the fi~nl site layout incorporates retained natiwj vegetation to the mia extent possible and how roads, buildfn~s, lakes, parking lots, and other lac.llitiss have bsmn oriented to a¢cosmoda:s this goal. Hativs species shall be utilized, where evallable, to the ~uaxLuun extent possible in the site landscaping dss/Sm. A iandscaping plan will be submitted to the Natural heourcss' lianagenent Olpar~nt and the C~uity Developer Division for their revise and approval. ~is plan vi11 depict the iucorpotation of uatiYe species ~ad their s~ with other flpectes, if any. ~e 8oal of site laudscap~l s~11 be the ~e-cteation of ~tive veletation and ~bitat c~tacteristics lost on the sit4 during c~st~cti~ or due to past ~tivities. de All exotic pXaacs, as defined in the County Cods, shalX be removed during ~tach phase of construction frae development f~reas, open space arena, and preserve areas, Following site gevelopuent a ~inCenflncs profIram shall be implemented to prevent reinvasion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, which will describe control techniques .and inspection t. ntsrvals, shall bs filed with and approved b:f the Natural e~sourcss Eanag~ment Itspartment and the Coumu:nity Development £)ivision. l.f during the course ef site clearing, excavation, or other constructional activit:ies, an archaeolo$ical or historical sits, artifact, or other indicator ii discovered, development at that lecation shall be ismdiately stopped and the Natural Resources ~anagenent Department notified. Oevelopusnt will be st~e'psnded for a sufficient length of tine to enable the Nmtural Resources lianageuent Department or a fe destt~nated consultant to assess the find and.detarnine the proper course of action in regard to its aalvageabtlit~. Thru ~a~ura~ ~s~c~s ~nsg~ut Depar~u~ ~ll respo~ to any ~ch no,if ice, ion in a ti~ly and efficient ~nner so al to pre/ida ~ly a minl~ inter~pti~ to any c~st~ctto~l hi) Clailring in the rough areas of the golf course viii be held to the nininun maount practical to retain as much native habitat es possible. Varec quality monitoring viii continua. Vsstinghouae and PBXD s~all explore vith the regulatory a&snciea the possibility ag dropping certain autocorrelated parameters (and maybe adding some pesticide or metal nonitoring). The Sics Development Plan for the golf course(s) shall be subject to ravtev and approval by the Hi~D. Prior Co the ccxsmencsment o! construction for any &oil course usa located vlthin residential area, the Nester Vatsr IMnaBanent Plan for Pelican Bay shall be nodifiad and shall be submitted to the Cotmty Vater NanaBemlnt Director for revieve ,., 031,,'.;215 2 FDA-87-11,CA&resnsnt Sheet l,[Y COE,IqISSIO~ EXPIXES: S~ORN TO AH1)SUB$CRIBF. D ~5£FORE NE 'IRIS sy NOTAiY : STATE OF FIX)RIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER I, JA~ES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: Ordinance No. 88-62 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 26th day of July, 1988, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 27rE. day of July, 1988. JAHES C. G!LES Clerk of Courts and Clerk " ... .. Ex-officio to Board of '~" r Co u n~t~y_Comm i s s i one r s ~ / . ;~..} B~: irginia Magri ... ... Peput~ Clerk ...."':" ''~ 03!,,;;216