Resolution 1985-160 I,:: '~~,:,~',- <, L~~o- ' :'h"~ .'...~.' ,.lif~~ ..' , J~ ,"" . .~::. - .. 1-85-160 .. July 30, 1985 A USOLUTIOK OP TBI BOARD OF COUNTY COMKISSIOHDS novmIMC lOl ASSESSK!RT or LID. lOa THE COST or TIE AlATIM!lCT OP PUBLIC tnJISANC!. IR ACCOIDANC! WITH OIDIIARCI 85-33. ..... "/', " ,',\~~:~'~" WHDW. .. prcrlid.d in Ordinanc. 85-33. tha co.t of .b.taent of ':,~r~~, certain DUbanc... ine1w1in. .cSa1n1.trative co.ta .ctually incurr.d,~ ~:~~'~)~~'<' . the County. .h.ll be .......d ...inlt .uch property; and!" ,/. VRIlEAS. the COlt th.r.of to the County II to ..eh parc.l calculated .nd reported to tha Board of County Commi..ion.ra. with . de.cription of laid p.rc.l; and .; . WHEREAS, .uch .....am.nt .ha11 b. 1..a1. valid .nd obligation. upon the property ...in.t which made until paid: and WHEREAS, the a....am.nt .hall becom. due .nd pay.bl. thirty (30) day. .ft.r the ..iling of l.g.l notic. of a....am.nt aft.r which' intere.t .h.ll .ccru. .t . r.te of twelve p.rcent (12%) p.r annum on .ny' unp.id portion th.reof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, 'th.t the property d..crib.d .. follow., and having be.n ab.ted of . public nuisance after due and prop.r notice thereof to tha own.r of .aid prop.rty, i. h.reby a......d the fol1ovin. co.t. of .uch abatement, to wit: ~: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: f.Q!ll $105.00 I Franci. H. V..ter Harco B.ach Unit 10, Block 344, Lot 2 I The CI.r~ of the Board .hall ..il a notic. of the .....ament of li.n to the oWner or own.r. of the .bov. d..cribed prop.rty, and if .uch own.r fail. to pay .uch ........nt within thirty (30) d.y. h.r.of. . c.rtified cOP1 of this Re.olution .hall b. filed in the Offic. of th. Clerk of Coutu, in .nd for Collier County. Plorid., to cODtltitute . li.n .gain.t .uch prop.rty .ccordinl to law, un1... nch dir.ction 11 .t.yed by this Bo.rd upon appeal of the a....am.nt by the own.r. DONE. ORDERED AND ADOPTED thi. 30th d.y of July, 1985 .ft.r .oti~. .econd and roll c.11 vote a. follow.: eo-i..ion.r Hotion.d .nd .y. Pistor Co_inioner Goodnight Second.d and .ye Commbaion.r Ha..e Ay. C~.aion.r , \\U~illJ n . ~~ '... Comm1W841Mer ~"i. ....... .... i~r;~.."'.;... ~~;;,. :' ..' 'j::ttEST.r,,-t:... ! n: ..' . WILLIAM j ~: .. ") ". ". ;, ~.. ..;".: ;.:\:: .~ . J .~.'. \J... .(q. ..... . ' - 'I . ' . . . ") '114 '~'n',\\'\ Holland Aye 'Aye BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIORERS COLLIER COUNTY. rLORmA ,y:,...iJf(t!fo". CllAIIIWl Vo.. APPlOVED AS TO roM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~~ 'COLLIEIl COUNTY AT'l'OIHEY .. ogg-V,f 192 WIlD UlOUJTt~ LID 10. 85-26 .,.;:~~l}~:;.,.,~,";,