Resolution 1985-146 ~ 11I1 II:iiI - .. . ~~ llESOLUTIOM MO. ---U::.ll6 A USot.oTIOK UQ11ISTIKO THI D!PAJl'IHIKT OF KATUW. USOUlCU, DIV1S1OK OF KAaDtI USOUlClS, STAT! or rLOUDA, to ISTAlLlSR A UBnlCT!D IOATINe ZOKI lOa TRI PURPOSI OF lIC1JLATIKC IOAT SPDDS AND WADS 1M TRI VANDDlILT LAGOON AlIA. WDEAS, the Bo.rd of ba. p....d Ordinance 79-8, the purpo.e of prOllOting .af.ty in th. oPlt.tion of "....la on ..t.rvaye'-: within Collier County, .n to prev.nt injuries .nd .property d."SI. cau.lct by the nlaliSlnt oper.tion of such v....l.; and WHEREAS, .aid ordinanc. provid.. that the Board of County C01IIIIl1.lionlr. may, by R..olution, adopt at a public h.aring upon .t lea.t fiftlen (15) d.y. notic. of .uch hearing publi.hed in a new.paper of sen.rd circulation in Collier County Florida, de.ignated .r.a. a. "No Wake - Idl. Sp..d Only" area.; .nd WHEREAS, in an,l effort to reduce boat and property damage re.ulting from -, f .xc.llive boat wak.~, it is deemed advisable that the V.nd.rbilt Lasoon Ar.. I fr01ll the vicinity ~f Bayview Avenue extending .outhward to the .outh.rnmoat ahoreline of Vand.rbilt Lagoon be designated .s a re.tricted area for the purpose of placing lign. .long the ...wall. dUign.tina the .r.. a. "Idl. Speed - No Wake"; and WHEREAS, the r.quired adv.rti.ement has been accompli.had; and .WHEREAS, Chapter 327.46 F.S. requires: that .fter de.ignation of ..id .r.a. by the sov.ming body of the County, appiic~tio~ b. ..de to the D.partm.nt of Natur.l Re.ources for the establishment of said restricted area.; .nd WHEREAS, upon the establishment of the restricted area. by the Division of Harin. Reaourcea of the D.partment of Natural lla.ourc.., thl Bo.rd of. County Co.Ia1sa1onln of Collier County will .ccllPt rl.ponsibility for placement .nd ..inten.nce of regulatory ..rker.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOAJlD OF COUNTY COHKISSIOHERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, doe. h.r.by .pprove this re.olution and that the Public Works Administrator and Tr.n.portation Dep.rt..nt Director .rl authorized to .x.cute the n.c....ry p.rmit .pplic.tion. .. requirld by the St.tl of Florida Dep.rt_nt of Natural llesourc.. to d.a1anat. Vanderbilt Lagoon a. . "Idl. Spe.d - No W.b" zonl. .. OBBn9.18J ,.~...- .\ : ~"~'f,'J', _...J.~I;i,~: 'vi \'''~' no'O...~ t181' O' ~; .~... uoo '.... '~.~., . ~;:i":'~. ~' ~" foUonz , , !\;.,.- "'Co.b~lonar ,~. ."....1"- . ~ '." ' :~. ';"1:0, . ::' eo.1aaicmu .." 1..1"~,..., '~~:.i.;" .,' 5~."';'4...'",:, . I!'''''''', ,.,....- ';:. , . . ,~ ~~~., ;''',f ~.",..,~.\. er~":~^ .,..~.: ..~.... Coad.donlr l~~;:h'~ ....~~::.~~~~.~. Q~.. "\)1\" ~ .' . .1" ~ i.,~:,~...t.;~ ,'~~:~I'..~" .."'..I 1985 ',ilo.::'"..-.,,. .'...........;. ~ J",.., ~,,'I...,- ..',~'.L-~T: . '..? .~;.{:), l;l: .ilU.LUK J"" Clerk ~.... . . .. .. ... . , j:~'~''''r-;... . '].,.. . . ....~' ;'. R f~;;;('~ '. ,_ ..'::~ .,'. ~: ., ;' ',I., . ,,~. ~'~"~'1-~ 0 .,:,. ";~",i~,'~'-'- APP~ovld .s to form .nd legal sufficiency: ." ."~1 '-.;' {/E - , , , ~- d._. : ~~L;: Thi. aeaolut10n adopt.1I .fter - MUon. ..cond and roll call vote al ._,J .:;. ~s"1onar eo.isdonlr .. Administratively Approved tr: " ,.,. ~~.:.~.;., ~","l ,~~:.:~' , J~J~ l;r'f'" ~( ~ l,~ .. :: .. -