Resolution 2010-158 RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - 158 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SCHEDULES ONE, TWO, AND FOUR THROUGH SIX OF APPENDIX A TO SECTION FOUR OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2006-27, TITLED THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT UNIFORM BILLING, OPERATING AND REGULA TORY STANDARDS ORDINANCE; TO INCLUDE PROPOSED WATER-SEWER RATES INCREASES OF 2.7 PERCENT, WATER RATE INCREASE OF 5 PERCENT FOR GOODLAND SUB-DISTRICT, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCTOBER 1,2010. WHEREAS, on December 11, 2001 the Board of County Commissioners adopted an Ordinance No. 2001-73, entitled the Collier County Water-Sewer District Uniform Billing, Operating and Regulatory Standards Ordinance, and increased the water-sewer user rates and directed staff to update the user rates after one year; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2006 the Board of County Commissioners adopted an Ordinance No. 2006-27, entitled the Collier County Water-Sewer District Uniform Billing, Operating and Regulatory Standards Ordinance, and increased the water-sewer user rates and directed staff to update the user rates after one year; and WHEREAS, Collier County uses water and sewer user rates to recover system operation, maintenance, renewal enhancement, replacement and debt service costs from residential and non-residential property owner system users within the boundaries of the Collier County Water- Sewer District; and WHEREAS, on June 24, 2008 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 2008-203 amending Ordinance No. 2006-27 and increasing the water and sewer user rates in Schedule One; meter tapping charges and backflow devise charges in Schedule Four; equipment, labor and administration charges in Schedule Five; and miscellaneous charges in Schedule Six; and WHEREAS, On June 10, 2003 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 2003-211 amending Ordinance No. 2001-73 and increasing the water rate in Schedule Two; Goodland Water-Sub-District; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2008-203 also proclaimed the price indexing rate adjustment in the mid-cycle years when the Water-Sewer District does not conduct a rate study; and the increase is to be calculated by applying one hundred percent (100%) of the percentage change in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all urban consumers as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as of April each year or 2.7% whichever is greater, to the monthly service availability charges and consumption / volumetric charges. This indexing will go into effect on October 1, of each mid-cycle year when the Water-Sewer District does not conduct a rate study; and WHEREAS, the Staff has recommended increasing the water and sewer user rates applicable to single family residential, multi-family residential, and commercial customers as specified in the attached amending Schedule One; increase the water rates for the Goodland customers as specified in the attached amending Schedule Two; change the term Backflow Device to Cross Connection Control Device, and also include language to charge actual costs where work is undertaken by subcontractors in Schedule Four; insert rates for equipment not previously included, for staff grades not previously included, and other charges not previously included, in order to fully reflect the equipment, labor, and administrative costs of work undertaken in Schedules Five and Six; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that it is in the health, safety and welfare to accept the recommendations of the staff. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: The Board of County Commissioners, after advertised public hearing: 1. Accepts the staff s recommendation and proclaims that the water and sewer user rates for the water-sewer district and water rates for the Goodland Sub-District as set forth in the amended Schedule One and Schedule Two to Appendix A of Ordinance No. 2006 as amended, titled the Collier County Water-Sewer District Uniform Billing, Operating and Regulatory Standards Ordinance, which amended Schedule is incorporated herein. These revised water and sewer user rate schedules will take effect at 12:01 A.M. on Friday, October 1,2010 for Fiscal Year 2011 and at 12:01 A.M. on Friday, October 1,2010 for Fiscal Year 2011 for Schedules Two, Four through Six. This Resolution is adopted after motion; second and majority vote favoring adoption this ~ f) \-1-, day ~, 2010. "'.... - :...;. 1 .: . 'i'~,.~~':. J~ \''''''f\'~\.' . ''')o' .... ..' .; . . . ': 5 . Approval as 10~form and legal Sufficiency: .lj)/:r'\l 1 ,:::/:;l'~-~", / .~i0D~ Jennifer . WhIte Assistant County Attorney By: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA '-ivL W ~ Fred W. Coyle, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT UNIFORM BILILLNG, OPERA TING AND REGULA TORY STANDARDS ORDINANCE APPENDIX A - FEES, RATES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE I - DISTRICT-WIDE WATER AND WASTEWATER RATES Palle I of3 1. WATER SUlllllUlry ofWaler Rale'll] Effeclive Effeclive Oclober I. 2009 Oclober 1,2010 WATER SERVICE A V AILABILITY CHARGES (Residential, Multifamily, Commercial, and Irrigalion Only) Meter Sizt 5/8" 3/4" $17.17 $17.63 17.17 17.63 37.90 38.92 47.98 49.28 72.25 74.20 113.42 116.48 209.66 215.32 347.08 356.45 690.62 709.27 1,102.86 1,132.64 1,996.05 2,049.94 2,695.94 2,768.73 I" 1-1/4" 1-112" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" VOLUME CHARGE PER 1,000 GALLONS (Residential, Multifamily, Commercial and Irrigalion Only) Block I Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 $2.36 $2.42 3.54 3.64 4.71 4.84 5.89 6.05 7.06 7.25 9.42 9.67 BLOCK RATE STRUCTURE (Residential, Multifamily, Commercial and Irrigalion Only) Consumption Block (Thousand. of GaUons) Meier Size ~ Block 2 Block 3 .!!!l!sU BlockS ~ 5/8" 0105 61010 II 10 20 211030 311050 Over 50 3/4" 0105 61010 11 10 20 211030 311050 Over 50 I" 01012 13 10 25 26 10 50 511075 76 10 120 Over 120 1-1/4" 01020 211040 411080 8110120 12110200 Over 200 1-1/2" o to 25 2610 50 5110100 10110150 15110250 Over 250 2" 01040 411080 8110160 161 to 240 24110400 Over 400 3" o to 80 8110160 16110320 32110480 48110800 Over 800 4" o 10 120 12110250 25110500 50110800 80110 1,200 Over 1,200 6" o 10 250 25110500 501101,000 1,001101,500 1,501 to 2,500 Over 2,500 8" o 10 450 45110900 901101,800 1,801102,700 2,701104,500 Over 4,500 10" o to 700 70110 1,450 1,451102,900 2,901104,300 4,301 to 7,000 Over 7,000 12" 010 1,075 1,076102,150 2.151104,300 4,30 I 10 6,450 6,45110 11,000 Over 11,000 PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT UNIFORM BILILLNG, OPERATING AND REGULATORY STANDARDS ORDINANCE APPENDIX A - FEES, RATES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE 1 - DISTRICT-WIDE WATER AND W ASTEW A TER RATES Page 2 of 3 2. W ASTEW A TER Summary of Wastewater Rates [I) ElTective ElTective October I, 2009 October I, 2010 WASTEWATER SERVICE A V AILABILITY CHARGES (Residential, Multifamily, and Commercial) Meter Size 5/8" 3/4" I" 1-114 " 1-112" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" $26.23 26.23 59.64 76.46 115.39 182.34 338.46 561.25 1,118.49 1,787.39 3,204.57 4,749.69 $26.94 26.94 61.25 78.52 118.51 187.26 347.60 576.40 1,148.69 1,835.65 3,291.09 4,877.93 VOLUME CHARGE PER 1,000 GALLONS (Residential, Multifamily, and Commercial) All Usaee 121 $3.69 $3.79 [I I Proposed rates to become elTective with the first full billing cycle for service rendered on and after October 1st of each fiscal year indicated. 121 Monthly individually metered residential usage charges are capped at 15,000 gallons. PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT UNIFORM BILLING, OPERATING AND REGULATORY STANDARDS ORDINANCE APPENDIX A - FEES, RATES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE 1 - DISTRICT -WIDE WATER AND W ASTEW A TER RATES Page 3 of 3 3. Fire Systems (Dedicated and Compound): (a) Fire Meter (i) Fire Service meter size will refer to the largest diameter meter register installed for fire protection. (ii) Fire Service meter connections that have consumption in excess of 5,000 gallons in anyone billing period are deemed to have provided domestic or other water usage and shall be billed according to regular water monthly availability and usage charges as described herein. (b) Volume Charge (i) Per 1,000 gallons 4. Water Restriction Surcharge: Water Shortage Phase* Phase 2 - Severe Phase 3 - Extreme Phase 4 - Critical Percent Reduction Goal In Overall Demand 30% 45% 60% Flow charge Rate Adjustment Percentage 15% 30% 40% * Per the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Water Shortage Plan Pursuant to Chapter 40E-21 ofthe Florida Administrative Code (FAC) The surcharge will be applicable to the volume charge for all single family and multi- family residential accounts for all consumption greater than Block 2, to non-residential accounts for all consumption greater than Block 1, and to irrigation accounts only for all consumption. The Block Structures are specified in Section One above. The surcharge is not assessed against the service availability charge. The water restriction surcharge will start on the first billing cycle of the month following the imposition of the restrictions. The surcharge will cease on the first billing cycle of the month following the revocation or lifting of the restrictions. PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION COLLIER COONTY WATER-SEWER DIITRICT UNIFORM BILLING, OPERATING, AND REGULA TlRY STANDARDS ORDlNAN<E APPENDIX A - It:ES, RATES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE 2 - OOODLAND WATER RATES Ilu!el oft Pruvidina monthly Wier fees for residential and non-residential properties in Goodland Water Subdistrict as foUows: I. Water Existina Effective Oclober I, 2004 Proposed III Effective October I, 2010 0) WATER SERVICE A V AILAIILlTY CHARGES (Individual Metered residenti.... Non-ResidentiaJand Irria;ation) ~ 3/4" I" 1-112" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 25.00 58.00 113.00 178.00 353.00 548.00 1,095.00 1,967.00 $26.25 $60.90 $118.65 $186.90 $370.65 $575.40 $1,149.75 $2,065.35 b) VOLUME CHARGE PER 1,000 GALLONS ($lMzol) ofu.age: Block I Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 $4.30 5.30 6.40 7.40 8.50 10.60 $4.52 $5.57 $6.72 $7.77 $8.93 $11.13 BLOCK RATE SfRUCTURE (Residential, Multifamily, Co~n:iaJ and lnieation Only) Consumptim Block (Thousand. ofGaUons) WlWI..1 I!!WI.1 1lIWI.1 IIIs.U JlIuU ~ 0105 61010 1110 20 211030 31 10 SO Over 50 0105 61010 II to 20 21 to 30 3110 SO Over SO o to 12 13 10 25 2610 SO 511075 76 to 120 Over 120 01020 211040 411080 8110120 12110200 Over 200 01025 2610 SO 5110100 10110 ISO 151102SO Over :!SO 01040 411080 8110160 161 to 240 24110400 Over 400 01080 8110160 16110320 32110480 48110800 Over 800 010120 12110250 25110500 50110800 801 10 1,200 Over 1,200 o to 2SO 25110 500 501101,000 1,001101,500 1,501 to 2,500 Over 2,SOO o 10 4SO 45110900 90110 1,800 1,801102,700 2,701104,500 Over 4,500 ~ 5/8" 3/4" J" 1-1/4" 1-112" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" It J Proposed I1Ite. to become effective with the fint fUD biUinC cyde (or service rendered on and .fter October .st of each fiscal year indicated. 2. The us.. chalJl! wiD be adjusted based on the 6Dowina Connula: Purchased Waler Adjutmenl Clause (PWACI- Esi,tiol Rates (N... City ofMan:o "land Volume ChlWlle - Old City of Marco "land Volume ChlWlle) $0.75 =Adder Esi.tinl Goodland $IM.oI + Adder = N... Goodland $/M.oI The purpsoe of the O. 75 factor is needed to adjust for unaccounted for water and the changes in the monthly fixed charges from the City of Marco Island For Each Rate Block: EXISting Rate Block $/ Mgal + Adder ~ New Rate $1 Mgal PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT UNIFORM BILLING, OPERATING AND REGULATORY STANDARDS ORDINANCE APPENDIX A - FEES, RATES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE 4 - METER TAPPING CHARGES AND CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL DEVICE CHARGES Page 1 of 1 Meter Installation Char!!es (TaDDin!! Fees) 1. Meter Installation Charges to be paid to the District shall be as follows: Meter size meter tapping charges: Meter Size 3/4 inch 1 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch Summary of Meter Tapping Charges With Service Line Installation Charge (1) Effective October 1, 2008 Effective October 1, 2010 $779.00 $779,00 $827,00 $827.00 $940.00 $940.00 $1,213,00 $1,213.00 Summary of Meter Tapping Charges Without Service Line Installation Charge (1) Effective October 1,2008 Effective October 1,2010 n~oo n~oo $270.00 $270.00 $347.00 $347.00 $410.00 $410.00 Meter Size 3/ inch 1 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch Cross Connection Control Device Char!!es (Formerlv known as BackOow Device) 2. Cross Connection Control Device Charges to be paid to the District shall be as follows: Meter Size 3/4 inch 1 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch Effective October 1,2008 $247.00 $270.00 $375.00 $433,00 Reduced Pressure Zone Device Charges Effective October 1, 2010 $247,00 $270.00 $375,00 $433,00 (1) Typical costs where the District performs all work. Actual invoice costs will be charged for work performed by subcontractors, PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT UNIFORM BILLING, OPERATING AND REGULATORY STANDARDS ORDINANCE APPENDIX A - FEES, RATES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE 5 - EQUIPMENT, LABOR AND ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES Page 1 of 1 DESCRIPTION (I) Equipment (Per Hour Rates): Rehab & Electriciads Truck Crew Truck Vactor Truck Camera Truck Boom Truck 20 Yard Dump Truck 10 Yard Dump Truck Pumper Truck Track Hoe (Big or Small) Back Hoe Olympian Generators Dewatering System 4" Trash Pump Mud Hog Trailer Signs, Barricades and/or Traffic Boan Road Saw and/or comJBctor Miscellaneous SmaU Equipment Soft Dig Truck Portable Lights Bucket Truck Pickup Truck (2) Labor (Per Hour Rates): Utility Technician Supervisor Crew Leader Senior Crew Leader Maintenance Specia6st Safety Coordinator SCADA Operator GIS Technician Odor Control Specialist Parts Manager Parts Clerk Equipment Operator (3) Administration (Per incident) (4) Parts (5) Sub-contractors (6) Ril!htofWav Permits (7) Laboratorv Tests (Per test) Summary ri Equipment, Labor and Administrative Char2es Effective October 1, 2008 Effective October I, 2010 $77.00 $51.00 $207.00 $155.00 $103,00 $72.00 $41.00 $207.00 $51.00 $67.00 $62,00 $41.00 $10.00 $15.00 $46,00 $103.00 $15.00 $5.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A $77.00 $51.00 $207.00 $155,00 $103,00 $72.00 $41.00 $207,00 $51.00 $67,00 $62.00 $41.00 $10.00 $15,00 $46.00 $103.00 $15.00 $5.00 $100.00 $25.00 $125.00 $40,00 $31.00 $41.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $27.00 $34.00 $29.00 $30.00 $28,00 $38.00 $30.00 $32.00 $32.00 $30.00 $26.00 $26.00 15% or $300; whichever is smaller 15% or $300; whichever is smaller Actual Cost Actual Invoice Cost Actual Cost Actual Invoice Cost Actual Cost $25.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT UNIFORM BILLING, OPERATING AND REGULATORY STANDARDS ORDINANCE APPENDIX A - FEES, RATES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE 6 - MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES Page I of I Summary m Miscellaneous Charges Effective OclDber 1, 2008 Effective OclDber 1, 2010 DESCRIPTION New Accounts - Change of Ownership $28.00 $28,00 Turn Off-Turn On at Owner's Request $50.00 $50.00 Meter Re-Read 6f different - charge is $0) S50,OO $50.00 Meter Data Log Analysis N/A $50.00 Meter Test: Onsite Test (more than 3% error - charge is$O) $140.00 $140.00 S250.00 $250.00 $55.00 $55.00 $55.00 $55.00 $100.00 $100.00 N/A $110.00 $180,00 Actual time and material colt N/A Actual time and material colt Offsite Bench Te!t (more than 3% error - charge is SO) Meter Lock Meter Unlock, 2nd and Subsequent Events Unlock after normal busines hours Meter Pull Meter Removal Discontinuance of Service- Meter Removal Illegal connection Actual time and material cost, plus average consumption, plus a $300,00 fine Actual time and material colt, plus average consumption, plus a $300.00 fine Convenience Fee - Credit Card SO.OO $0.00 Temporary Meter Deposit $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Duplicate Bill Processing Fee $2.00 $2.00 Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Processing Charge 15% of the amount or $100, whichever is smaller per Actual Bank Charge assessed plus Admin fee of 5% of the amount or $100, whichever is smaller Late Payment Penalty 5% of unpaid balance 5% of unpaid balance Vehicle Over Meter Charge S60.00 $60.00 Removal of Landscaping to Access Meter S80.00 $80.00 Septage Processing Charge/I,OOO galons $35.00 $35.00 Grease Trap Waste Charge/l,OOO glilons S45.00 $45.00