Resolution 1992-187 ~241992 RZSOLOTIOIf 110. 92-taZ. RELA'l'I1IC '1'0 "..u.T.lOlf rDPO-92-2 FOR A VARIAlfCB fROK THE MlIlDIllII BASB FLOOD ELEVATIOIl RBQOIRED BY THE FLOOD DAMAGB PRzovUlhOlf ORDIIlAllCB CORD. 1l0. 87-80) AS IIlCOIlPOKATBD BY REFERBlfCB IIl'1'O THE COLLIER COOny LAJCD DEVELOPMEIlT CODE CORD. 1l0. 91-102). ~~s, the petitioner, Delfino Iloguez de. ire. to build ,.1.''''.''' :.'a bed1:00tlk and bathrooa addition located at 80 B I.le. of st. -. lIO%'e particularly de.cribed a. Lot 80, Port Au . PriDca,. plat Book 13, paqe 51, according' to Plat thereof, ZWC01:dad in the Public Recorda of Collier County, Florida at &D elevation ot ei9ht (I) feet (IlCVO) and has reque.ted a , nrl.._ troa the KiniJlua Baaa Flood Elevation required by 0rdinaDca JfUIIbar 87-801 and "u>dAS, the Board of Zoning' Appeal. baa held a pal)lic hearing' .. required by lawl baa reviavad Petition rDPO-92-2 in aecordanca with SUbsections 18(5), (6) and (7), Ordinance JrlIaber 87-80 a. incol.1^'cated by refaranc:a into the Collier ~ty Land Davalopunt Code (Ordinanca _0. 91-102) and has ade a finding' that the qranting' ot this petition coaplie. with the intent and purpose of ord1nanca Nullbar 87-80 a. follonl (1) The 1.79 foot reduction t1:a the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) 8 teat _ational Geodetic Vertical DatlDl CIlCVO) requir...nt m 6.21 _ational Geodetic Vertical DatUII CNCVO) i. the .iniJnm variance nece.sary, considering' the flood hazard, to attord reliet. (2) In pa..inq upon thi. varianc:a, the Board ot Zpninq Appeal. has conaidered all technical evaluation. provided to it, all relevant tactor., the standards specitied in ordinanca No. 87-80, especially those contained in SUbsectiona 18 (7) Ca-n). . COO rlr,[ 90 , , MAR 2 4 1992 1IOIf, THBRUORI:, BB IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZOIlIICG APPZaLS OF COLLIER COOICTY, FLORIDA, that Petition FOPO-92-2 is bareby qrantad sUbject to the tollowing conditions: 1. The variance shall be tor the reduction ot the Minimum Base Flood Elevation required by Ordinance No. 87-80 ~ 8 teet .avo m 6.21 teet lCavo. 2. The Chief Adainistrative Otticial shall mail a copy ot this Resolution to the petitioner by certitied mail return receipt requested and such aailinq shall constitute coapliance with Section 18, (10) of Ordinance Wo. 87-80. 3. The qrantinq ot this variance by the Board ot Zoninq Appeal. d_s not aaJce or !aply any assurances that the subject property or structures are not subject to flood daaage.. 4. The qranting' ot this variance shall not create liability on the part ot Collier County or by any ott!cer or employee thereat tor any flood damages that result tram reliance on this variance or any administrative decision lawfully aade thereunder. 5. In accepting' this variance, the petitioner asauaes all reaponaibility tor any property daaage resultinq tram its application. The qrantinq ot this variance has been predicated principally on the enqineerinq data and intormation provided by the Petitioner and a review ot sa.. with respect to the considerations required by Ordinance No. 87-80. BB IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relatinq to Petition ~r FOPO-92-2 be recorded in the minutes ot this Board. Coaaissioner Shmmhan ottered the toregoing Resolution and aoved tor ita adoption, seconded by . OOOU~[ 91 . .of /oW< 2 4 1992 'C t..ioner ~~ and upon roll call the vote _I AYESI o--.i.oner ShanabIn, CaImiarioner SmzIders, r""",,-.ioner Hasse. CcmIIlaef.olwr (;nndnf Ft sxl <''''''''' -imer Volpe DYSI .ABSBIl'l' AIID .0'1' Itv~.LIIG: A8D'&~~.L0If1 Done' .Ifbi. 14th day ot ..._ ,~ ,Ii' ,'1J~-~1fJ:jIJ; . . ~c: ""> :JAKES' C. cnI:ES, Cleric .. :, ..,~.. . ,. . )'''1 -" ,-'.... -. . ."j... "'.J _ ::.;;~+=?- ~~ - . &'(1. ,>V:. ." '; ...... '.I' .~" . '". <.. ..., it..J1dub'M '1'0 I'ORJI AIlD ~ -r1CZBIICY;.- ~P.~ USISTAJr1' ~n A'r'l"ORNl;ll Mn-r" , 1992. BOARD OF ZOICIJrC "PPEALS ~~~ ~.. .( rDPO-92-2 1lBSOLUTI0If 1Ib/7434 . COO'Y.! 92 ~,.,"""_._~~,~,,,,~-,,~,--'-'---'-