Resolution 1992-100/DO 92-1 ,.; ~iHl ... . ~ . . ,~; , ., ~ "' - .1...... ,~ DEVZLOPMElI'r ORDER 92- 1 .&aKDARY 11, 1112 RESOLUTION NUMBER 92- 100 A RESOLUTION AMENDING DEVELOPMENT ORDER 84-1 01' THE TOLL GATE COMMERCIAL CENTER DEVELOPMENT OR REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI) BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE A AMENDING THE TRANSPOR'l'ATION COMMITMENTS; SECTION ONE B ADDING DRAIlfAGE/WATER QUALITY /WETLANDS COMMITMENTS; SECTION 01fE C ADDING WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT /WATER SUPPLY COMMITMENTS; SECTION OlfB 0 ADDING HOUSIlfG REQUIREMENTS; SECTION ONE B ADDIlfG GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS; SECTION on l' ADDING POD DOCUMENT; SECTION ONE G DELETIlfG OH'TITLED SECTION ".0; SECTION ONE H AMENDING THE 'l'ERMINATION DATE; SECTION ONE I ATTACHING THE MASTER PLAN; sECTtOn TWO, FI1fOINGS OF FACT; SECTION THREE, CONCLUSIONS 01' LAW AND SECTION FOUR, EFFECT OF PREVIOUSLY ISst1EO DEVELOPMENT ORDER, TRANSMITTAL TO DCA AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County C~i..ioner. of Collier County, Plorida approved oeve1opaent Order 84-1 on January 17, 1984, which " approved a oeve10p118nt of Re<1iona1 Impact (DRI) known as Toll Gate and ~, the Application for oeve1opwaent Approval (ADA) was into and by reference ..de a part of the Development . Order I and r;l; "" f::' 1IBEREAS, the real property which i. the .ubject of the Devel- . ~,~ Order i. legally de.cribed and .et forth in Exhibit "A" to the Deftlop118nt Order; and WHEREAS, the owner. of the DRI property desire to expand the DRI ~; and WHEREAS, Wil1ia. R. Vines, repre.enting Toll Gate Commercial center, petitioned the Board of County commissioners of Collier County, rlorida, to amend the Development Order; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planninq Commission has reviewed and "considered the report and recommendations of the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) and held a public hearinq on the ~ition on January 2, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Board of county commissioners of Collier County has reviewed and considered the reports of the SWFRPC and the Collier t County Planninq Commission and held a public hearinq on the petition on II 000 ~&~,~ 111 -1- FEB I I 1932 January 14, 1992, which hearing was continued to January 28, 1992; JfOIf, THERUORE, BE IT R~LVEO BY CQIDIISSIORERS 01' COLLIER COUNTY, FLORtDA that: SL-i:.1011 0IrE: AXENOMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ORDER THE BOARD OF COUNTY A. Section 4.C.3., Transportation, of Development order 84-1 for the Toll Gate eo..ercia1 Center is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. TRAHSPOR'l'ATION: ~aft.po~a~ie"-..".ra~ed-hy-gell-6a~e-eOBaereiai-ee"~erT Vh.ft--eeabi"ed--vith--e~her--.r~h--i"--~he--areaT-viii ".e...i~a~e----*"ter.eetieft----i.preve.e"t.----a~----~he iftter.ee~ie"--ef-eR-9Si--a"d-SR-84T---e~her-i.preve.e"~s ..y--al.e--~--r.~ired--a.--de~eFai"ed-hy--a-.e"i~er*"~ pre4J!'a.T R.eeaae"da~ie".~ aT Yh.--appiiea"t--.haii--~-re~ir.d--te-paY--fer-~ha .i9ftaii.atieftT--t.rft-iaft..--a"d-eth.r--i.preve.e"~. de..ed-".e...ary-hy-~he-ee."~y-Eft~ifteer-er-Pge~-fer ~h.-i"~.r..etie"-ef-eR-9Si-vi~h-9avi.-Be.ievard-tsR 8.tT---9h..e-iaprev...ft~.-.hall-be-..d.-a~-~h.-~*.e ~ha~--~hi.-i"~er.ee~ie"-i.-fe."d-~e-exeeed-ievei-ef ..rvie.--.e.T--Servie.-i.vei-d.~.raifta~ie"-.haii-b. ..d.--hy--either--the--eeiiier--ee.ft~Y--B"~*"eeri"~ gepa~.e"t--er-Pge!T---~e-~hi.--.ftdT-the--appiiea"~ .haii--..bait-aft--aft".ai-.e"i~erift9--repert-~e--~he eeiiier--ee.fttY-Eft9*"eeri"9-gepart.eft~T--~he-Napies teeii*er--ee."~yt-MTPTeTT--PBe9T--aftd-~ha-Se.thves~ Pier*da--Re9ie"ai-Pia"fti"9-ee."e*i-fer-rev*evT--~e fir.~--.e"iteri"9-reper~-.haii-~--..ha*~~ed-a~-~he ~i.e--ef--i...a"ee--ef--~he--f*r.~-eer~*f*ea~e.--e! ee..pa"ey-fer-geil-ea~.-e....re*ai-eeft~erT--Reper~s .hail--~-..hai~~ed-a"ft.aiiy-."~ii--~iide.~-ef-~he pre~ee~T---Yhi.-r.pe~-.haii-ee"~aift-~raffie-ee.ft~. ~ake"--a~-~he-aeee..-pei"t.-te-th.-.i~e-a"d-~.r"i"~ .eve.e"~.-a~-~h.-eR-9StfSR-84-*"~er.ee~*e"T hT Me"i~erift9--9avi.-ge.i.vard--~e--d.~.rai".-i~.-"eed fer--fe.r-ia"e.-.haii-~9i"--vi~h-Pha.e-iT--A~--~he ~*.e-~ha~-~he-per~ieft-ef-9av*.-B..ievard-fre.-Rad*e Read--~e-eR-9Si-i.-fe."~-te-exeeed-ievei-ef-.erviee .e.--thy-~he-eeiiier-ee."~y--Eft9ifteeri"9-Bepar~.e"~ er--PBe9tT-~h.-appiiea"t-.haii-~-re~ired-~e-pay-a preper~*e"ai--.hare-ef--~h.--ee.~-ef-~ve--ia"e-read ee"s~~e~ie"T--exei.di"~-r*9h~--ef--vaYT-thre.~h-a" areavide--f."d*"9--progra.T---Yhi.--.hare--v*ii--he de~erai"ed--a~--~he--~*.e-ef--f.ii-h.iide.~--e!-~he pre~ee~T--~e--~he--~e~ai--vei..e--ef-~he--pre~ee~ed ~raff*e-aie"~-~he-readvaYT eT A~--~h.-~i..--~ha~-~h.--eo."~Y-E"9i"eer--de~erai"e. ~ha~-eR-9St-fre.-I-?S-~e-9aYi.-Be.~evard-tsR-84t-is fe."d-~e-exeeed-ievei-ef-serviee-.e.T-~he-appi*ea"~ .haii--~-re~*red-~e--paY-a-preper~ie"ai--.hare-e! ~he--ees~-ef-~ve-ia"e-read--ee"s~rue~ie"T-exei.di"g r*~h~-ef-vaYT--~hro.~h-aft-areav*de-f."d*"~-pre~ra.T Yhe--appiieaft~~.--.hare--.he.id--he--de~era*"ed--as e.~i*"ed-i"-Reee..e"da~*e"-bT Alternatives: Impact Fees: if Since Collier County ~ adep~s - ",..." f."_ _.1,.... ".. ., adoDted an impact fee for development, this fee can be substituted for the proportional payment outlined below. to the extent authorized bv the terms of the imDact fee ordinance *"---~fte reee..e"da~ie"s. Any external road improvements already paid for should be credited towards the overall fe. charged the applicant. ~ The acolicant or his successor shall be fully resDOnsible for site-related roadway and intersection i~rovements reauired within the Toll Gate Commercial Center DRI. The aDclicant shall be reauired to ~av the full cost for anv site-related intersection i.~rov..ents (includina but not li.ited to sianalization. turn lanes and additional throuah lanes\ found to be necessarY bv Collier County for the ~r01ect's access intersections onto CR 84. ~ Th. acclicant shall make a crooortional share contribution to Drovide the necessary transDOrtation i~rovements. includina desian and enaineerina. utility relocation. riaht-of-way acauisition. construction. construction contract adainistration. and construction insDection nec.ssarv to maintain the adoDted level of service for the followina sianificantlv imoacted reaional roadvavs throuah Dr01ect buildout in 1996: SR 84 (Davis Blvd.\ - Radio Rd. (CR 856\ to CR 951 CR 84 - CR 951 to Dr01ect west entrance CR 951 - Vanderbilt Beach Rd. to Pine Ridae Rd. (CR 896\ Rattlesnake Hammock Rd. - County Barn Rd. to CR 951 Santa Barbara Blvd. - SR 84 (Davis Blvd.\ to Rattlesnak_ Ha_ock Rd. Vanderbilt Beach Rd. - Aimort Rd. (CR 31\ to CR 951 Radio Rd. (CR 856\ - Kinas Way to Santa Barbara Blvd. If any of the road seaments identified in this DaraaraDh become deficient in the future. the County shall establish an Area of Si9nificant Influence (ASI\ around such seament cursuant to the Collier County Adeauate Public Facilitv Ordinance. ~ The aDDlicant shall make a DroDortional share contribution to the necessarY imDrovem;~t~. includina but not limited to. riaht-of-wav: ~~;t ~f sianalization. turn lanes. and other im~~ov;m~nts deemed necessarY bv FOOT or Collier County. ~r other aDDroDriate 1urisdiction. to maintain the adoDted level of service for the foilowi~9 sianificantlv imDacted off-~ite ~;~i~~~i intersections throuah Dr01ect ~ild~~t: - CR 95/1-75 ramcs - SR 84 (Davis Blvd.\/CR 951 -3- J).a. .L. - SR 84 (Davis Blvd.1/Radio Rd. - SR 84 (Davis Blvd.1/Santa Barbara Blvd. - Radio Rd./Santa Barbara Blvd. The timina for the initiati~n. ofdt~~"i:~~:e:~~i~ outlined in reco.mendations Bi a~l road seament or be made at the time that a rea o~xceed the adoDted intersection is Dr01ecte~ tOlevel determination 1 1 of service. Serv_ce ----- - i th :g!~~: n!~:~t g~~;~!:ji~~"'!~~i~:g:ig;~~: the aDDlicant shall submit a~nnuathe Florida ort to ColliAr Countv. -' t E:~artment of Communitv Affairs and the ~outhW~e Florida Reaional Plannina Council for rev ~~~ vear ~~~:~ ;~~i~:;~~';.~~h:h:~~n~d.~::~!:~eni.~~~~; f the Toll Gate Commercial Cen_er __ . S~~ll be submitted annuallv thereafter until after buildout of the or01ect. and at a mini:umt Sh~~~ contain neat season neat hour counts an u~~nt - t at each aDDroved access 0____. .ovemen_s -- -- i f tion shall be Additional monitorina reDOrt norma th t sUDDlied as recruired bv Countv Dolicv. as a DOlicv mav be modified from time to time. Should the eventual develQpment mix of the iO~l te Commercial Center DRI be such that the r D ~:neration and external traffic of the or01ect exceed the levels of service identified in the Substantial Deviation ADolication. on an iavei~~~ dailv or averaae neat season neat hour bas s. ti 1 the nr01ect shall 90 throuah a substan a deviation determination as outlined in Chanter 380. Florida Status. L. Based on the staff tranSDOrtation assessmentt~: sianificant nr01ect bmacts. construction h Oil be follovina transDOrtation imorovements . a needed orior to. or coincident with. deVelODmentto~ the Toll Gate Commercial Center DR!. if adOD eh levels of service are to be maintained throuq buildout (19961 on reaional road s.oments and intersections. SR 84 (Davis Blvd.1 - Radio Rd. (CR 8561 to CR 951 CR 84 - CR 951 to or01ect vest entrance Widen to 4L Widen to 4L CR 951 - Vanderbilt Beach Rd. to Pine Ridae Rd. (CR 8961 Rattlesnake Hammock Rd. - Countv Barn Rd. to CR 951 Santa Barbara Blvd. - SR 84 (Davis B1vd.1 to Rattlesnake Ha..oct Rd. Vanderbilt Beach Rd. - AirDOrt Rd. (CR 311 to CR 951 Radio Rd. (CR 8561 - Kinas Wav to Santa Barbara Blvd. * or reclassifv from a collector to -4- Widen to 4L Widen to 4L* Widen to 6L* widen to 4L* t Widen to 6L* an arterial at ~ the existinG lane confiauration. The acclicant shall be sub1ect to Manaqement System of the County herein. Oevelocment order octions mav be considered bv Collier County and the acclicant to the extent that the octions crovide adequate commitments for imnrovemen~~ indicated above to siGniticantly-i.nacted reGional roadways and intersections. Whatever oDtions are exercised. however. should be done vith the understandinG that the followinG conditions shall be met: the Concurrency as set forth ~ ~ If annual monitorino recorts confirm that ceak hour/ceak season traffic on the reaional road seaments and intersections above exceed the level of service standards adocted bv the ~ty and the pr01ect is utilizinG more than 5' of the level of service "D" capacity for urban areas or "C" for rural areas. then further buildina cermits and certificates of occucancv shall not be Granted until the standards of the County's concurrencv ..naae.ent syste. haye been met. The transcortation imnacts to the roads and intersection. aboye shall be aDDrocriately addressed consistent with Southwest Florida Reaional PlanninG Council colicies. and the determination of crocortional share and/or cioelinina of the reaional road imnrovements shall be in accordance with Section 163.3220 F.B. which requires a Local Government Oevelocment AGreement and a commitment bv the aDDlicant and/or the local Government to ensure concurrencv on all sianificantlY imnacted reqional roads. ~ LU The reaional roadway seaments and intersections on which this cro1ect has substantial imnacts are all ooerated and aaintained bv Collier Countv. The County has ..de the decision to clan for and manaGe the imcacts of this DRI thrOUGh its duly adocted comcrehensive clan rincludinG the remedial clan amendments aqreed to between Collier County and DCA. cursuant to that certain Sticulated Settlement AGreement between the carties (DOAH Case No. 89-1299GM)1. The County has considered the reGional roadway seaments and reaional roadway intersections as set forth in 3.B and C. hereof and has determined to reauire the croject to be sub1ect to and to comcly with the Concurrencv Manaaement System (eMS) of Collier Countv as adocted in its Growth ManaGement Plan and imnlemented in its Adeauate Public Facilities Ordinanca (APF). Divison 3.15 of the Collier Countv Land Develocment Code. The Adeauate Public Facilities Ordinance lAPFl reauires the Growth ManaGement Director to comclete an Annual UDdate and Inventorv lAUIR) bY May 1 of each year on roads and cublic transcortation facilities based on the adoDted level of service. The APF Ordinance reauires the Board of County Commissioners bv June 1 of each Year. to establish Areas ot Sianiticant Influence ("ASI") around any road seament or -5- Words T1n~~rli"~~ ~rp ~~~~~.~r~._~-w~~_~._~w~. ~~~ ~o,o~o~. r~ I I ~ / intersection which is deficient or is Dr01ected bv the AUIR to become deficient and which i. not scheduled for imDrovement in the Cacital lmorovement Element ("CIE") of the comorehensive clan in a manner and time which would crovide facilities concurrent with the imoacts of develocment oursuant to said APF Ordinance. Pursuant to the APF Ordinance. cr01ects within the boundaries of an ASI which i. drawn around a deficient road seament are unable to obtain further Certificates of Public Facility Adeauacv. pro1ects within an ASI drawn around a road seament which is pr01ected to become deficient are unable to obtain Certificates of Public Facility Adeauacv that would allow imoacts to exceed tbe remainina caoacity of those road seaments. The standards to be utiliz&d bv Collier County in establishinq the boundaries of the ASI's are set forth in Subsection of the Land Deyelooaent Code. In addition to the orovisions of the Collier County Adeauate Pubic Facilities ordinance. Diyision 3.15 of the Land Develooment Code. the DRI shall be sub1ect to the following conditions reoardino the transoortation iaDacts of the develoD8ent: ~ The Toll Gate Commercial Center Oeyelooaent of Reoional Imoact is sub1ect to the soecific reauirements of the Adeauate Public Facilities. Division 3.15 of the Land Develooment Code as that code existed on the day of its adootion. Any amendment to the transoortation oortions of the Land Deyelooment Code bv.'Collier Countv shall not be effective or aoolied to the DRI unless and until this Oevelooment Order is amended to incoroorate and render aoolicable such chanoes or amendments to the APF. Division 3.15 of the Land Develooment Code. ~ The aonlicant shall orovide. within fifteen (15) days of oublication each year. a CQDV of said AUIR on the reaional facilities set forth in 3.B. and C. herein to the SWFRPC and the Deoartment 2! Communitv Affairs. In the event that Collier Countv desianates an ASI around a deficient road seament that is oredicted to be SUbstantiallY impacted bv the Toll Gate Commercial Center DRI and the ASI does not include the DRI. then the aoclicant shall file a Notice of Chanae of this develQoment order with Collier County. the SWFRPC and the Deoartment of Community Affairs. oursuant to Section 380.06(19). Florida Statutes. The aoolicant shall file a Notice of Chanae within sixtv (60\ days from the date the County creates an ASI for such a deficient road seament that excludes the DRI. The aonlicant shall file with the ~ ~ -~- Hb I I Wi. ..... Notice of Chanae. a current traffic analvsis and other information attemotina to establish that the DRI is not havino a substantial imcact uoon the oertinent road s&ament. or other 1ustification for the County's exclusion of the DRI from the ASI. If an ASI is established for any deficient road seament listed in paraoraoh 3.A. and B. of this develooment order that does not include the Toll Gate Commercial Center DRI. the DRI shall not aoolY for or be issued any Certificate of Adeauate Public Facilitv until the Notice of Chanae decision is made bv Collier County. if neither DCA nor SWFRPC particioates in the oublic hearina on this Notice of Chanae oursuant to 380.0611911f1 and the chanae is adoote~ bv CQ11jer Countv. as orooosed. or until any aooeal of such decision to the Florida Land and Water Ad1udicatory commission is resolved. For OUrDOses of this develooment order. the DRI shall be deemed to have a substantial imcaet uoon a deficient road seament if its traffic imoaets exceed ~~:e oercent 15'1 of the level of service _ oeak hour. oeak season caoacity of the roadway. The Countv shall orovide the requisite public notice and hold a oublic hearing on the Notice of Chanae as exoeditiously as DOssible. Followina a oublic hearina. Collier Countv shall amend the DRI Develooment order to record its determination whether or not the DRI is havinq a substantial iaoaet uoon the deficient road seament or otherwise should not be included within an ASI for the deficient road seament. In makina this determination. the County shall include the imoacts resultina from all deyeloD1D8nt to occur oursuant to the Certificates of Public Facility Adeauacv oreviously issued to the DRI. The amendment to the Develooment Order is aooealable oursuant to SUbsection 380.061191 and Section 380 07 Fl id Statutes. . . __or__a If neither DCA nor SWFRPC oarticioate in the oublic hearina on the Notice of Chanae oursuant to Section 380.0611911fl. Florida Statutes and the Chanae is adooted bv Collier Countv as orooosed. the DRI mav be issued Certificates of Public, Facility Adeauacv tollowin the County. develooment order decision: If either DCA or SWFRPC oarticioates in the public hearina. the aoolicant shall not ~~~rc fO~ O~libe issued Certificates of _ac___ty Adeauacv until the deadline for anv aooeal of the Collier Countv decision has exoired oursuant to Section 380.07. Florida Statutes and no aooeal has been filed. La. 9.L II OOOt,,~ 117 FrS I I 1992 B. Development Order 84-1, for the Toll Gate Commercial Center i. hereby aaen4ed by addinq Section 4.0 entitled Drainage/Water Quality/.etlands to read as follows: D... DRAINAGE/WATER OUALITY/WETLAlfDS ~ ~ The oroposed chanaes to the or01ect's surface water aanaaement svst.. desion shall meet South Florida Water Manaaement District criteria in effect at the time of the aQolication for oermit modification. ~ At the time of the aoolication for oermit aodification. the aoolicant shall orovide details of all new control structures for this or01ect. includina di.ensions and elevations. A baffle (arease and oil interceotor\ shall be included in each control structure. as aoolicable. to encouraae discharae from the center of the water column rather than the too or bottom. The control structures shall be desianed to bleed down no more than 1/2M of the reauired water auality volume in 24 hours. A V-notch bleeder desian is considered preferable to a rectanaular notch desian tor control structures. ~ Calculations shall be orovided at the time of aoolication tor D8~it aodification which yerifY that the District's water auantitv and auality criteria are beina aaintained. includina those criteria aoolied to roadway imnrovements. D... At the time of aoolication for Construction and ODeration Permits for the individual commercial an~ industrial sites. the individual sites shall orovide oroof to District staff that each site orovides drv ore-treatment detention/retention for the first 1/2 inch of runoff. unless the site aoolicant orovides reasonable assurances that hazardous materials will not be aenerated. used. or stored on the site. ~ At the time of aoolication for a modification to the existina District oermit. a detailed olan for hazardous material handlina and emeraencv resoonse will be reauired to be orovided to District and Collier County staffs. ~ The aoolicant shall undertake a reaularlvscheduled vacuum sweeoina of all internal streets and Darkinq facilities. to be incorQorated as a best manaae~~nt Dractice. ~ If the develQDment should. in the future. utilize reclaimed wastewater for irriaation DUrDOSes. the aDolicant shall ensure that the onsite oreserved and created wetlands. DOnds and the surface water manaaement system are adeauatelv buffered from possible effluent contamination. ~ All Dr01ect construction shall take Dlace away from oroDosed buffers. the onsite wetlands and dry detention areas. so as not to affect the intended function of the surface water manaaement system. a 000 ra~: 118 -8- L. The ooeration of the Toll Gate Surface Water Manaaement System is deoendent uoon the Henderson Creek Watershed for an outlet. Therefore. a final Surface Water Manaaement Plan for the or01ect shall demonstrate that the SYstem is desianed in accordance with existina desian oarameters for the Henderson Creek Watershed. The aoolicant shall oarticioate in any on-aoina or future efforts bv Collier County to establish a Countvwide surface water manaaement system. Best Manaaement Practices and monitorina and aaintenance of the surface water manaaement system shall be imolemented bv the aoolicant in accordance with District auid~lines. J.... L. La. All internal surface water manaaement systems shall be set aside as orivate drainaae easements. common areas. oreserves. or shall be identified as soecific tracts on the recorded final olat. The aoolicant shall confirm. to the satisfaction of all federal. state. and local review and oermittina aaencies. and the South Florida Water Manaaement District. that the orooosed water manaaement svstem will not iaoact habitat. of any state or federallY listed olant and/or animal soecies occurrina onsite. or that such imoacts will be mitiaated to the benefit of onsite oooulations of those soecies. The above conditions shall suoersede anv conditions contained within the oriainal Toll Gate DevelQoment Order which are inconsistent with the above conditions. Any conditions contained within the oriainal develooment order which are consistent with the above conditions shall remain in force. All commitments made bv the aoolicant within the Substantial Deviation Aoolication are attached as Exhibit "B. and subseauent SUfficiency round information. related to OUestion 22 IOrainaael. and not in conflict with the above recommendations. is herebv considered to be Dart of this Develooment Order. The aoolicant shall describe the status of conditions and mitiaation actions reauired bv FDER and USACOE oermits for wetland imoacts. within each annual reoort. Ila. ~ 2a. ~ c. Oevelopaent Order 84-1, for the Toll Gate Commercial Center i. hereby amended by adding Section 4.E. entitled .Wastewater Kanaq...ntfWater Supply. to read as follows: L. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT/WATER SUPPLY L. For the ouroose of ootable water conservation. Toll Gate Commftrcial Center shall utilize low water use ~i~~b~~a fixtures. self-closina and/or metered water fauc d other water conservina devices. 1..a. For the ouroose of non-ootable water conservation. Toll Gate Commercial Center shall utilize xeriscaoe orincioles in the desian of the or01ect.s landscaDin~. ~ Toll Cate Commercial Center shall oursue an alternative -9-11 000 rJ': 119 F~R I I 19Q? o the use of Dotable water Drior to modification of the ~r01ect's existing landscaDe irriaationit w~;~~s ~~~ permit. However. withdrawals from the ~ns hell not be I d where mitiaation is DrODose_ s_a__ wet an s the Dotential for adverse imDacts on allowed due to iod The aDDlicant shall investiaate wetland hvdroDer___s. --- ---- t t the the feasibility of utilizina reclaimed wat~r ot~e~ermit Dr01ect's landscaDe irriaation demands Dr or modification. 1 Gate Commercial Center shall Drovide verification ~ i~l the South Florida Water Manaaement Dist~~ct. ~;ti~~ i f lication for a modification to __e ex t me.c~Dea~riaation oermit. that any DroDosed around or lan~ water withdrawals are reasonable-beneficial. in :~~ a~~blic interest and will not result in any adverse imoacts to existina leaal users or the environment. The Dr01ect's DroDOsed water use shall meet South ~ Florida Water Manaaement District criteria in effect at the time of Dermit aDDlication. The Dr01ect shall obtain notable water. and wastewater ~ treatment. from the Collier County utilities Division. if Collier County Utilities determines that i~hO~~~ sufficient caDacitv to serve the Dr01ect. Collier County Utilities Division determine that th~~hdO not have sufficient caDacitv. the AD~licant shall et e~ construct interim DOtable water and wastewater tr~~ menh f ilities. or shall DostDone develooment unt__ suc t1~e as Collier Countv Utilities' service caDaciirtiiS available to the oro1ect. Anv interim fac__ es constructed bv the a~Dlicant shall be constructed to Collier County Utilities Division Standards. and shall be di.-antled. at the ADDlicant's exoense. UDon connection to the County facilities. Whether Dotable water and wastewater facilities are Drovided onsii~ior offsite. the aoolicant shall demonstrate to Co er Countv that adeQUate wastewater treatment caDacitv is available at the time of final Dlan submittal. ~ As the Toll Gate Develooment may be reQUiredito ~ti~i~~ treated effluent for irriaation. the aDDl_can_ s a ensure that onsite lakes. wetlands. and the surface water aanaaement system are adeQUately buffered from Dossible effluent contamination. The a~Dlicant shall Drovide assurance that commercial and industrial effluents. if aenerated bv the Dr01ect. will be treated seDaratelv from domestic wastewater and handled in accordance with FDER criteria. seDtic tanks shall not be allowed. exceDt for construction or sales offices. due to the Dossibilitv of hazardous wastewater aeneration bv the commercial/office and industrial nortions of the Dr01ect. All construction Dlans. technical sDecifications. and Dronosed Dlats. if apDlicable. for the DroDosed water distribution and wastewater collection systems. an~ an~ ssible onsite treatment facilities. shall be rev_ewe ~d aDproved bv the Collier County Utilities Division Drior to commencement of construction. All notable water facilities. includina any Dossible onsite Dotable water treatment system. shall be DrODerlv sized to sUDDlv averaae and Deak dailY demand. in addition to fire flow demand. at a rate aDDroved bv the aDDroDriate Fire Control District servicina the Dr01ect area. II 000 120 -10- ~~ .: _ L. L. u... 1.L.. FEe I I 1992 ~ Th. lowe.t aualitv of wat.r .hall be utilized for all non-oo~abl. wat.r u.... .u... Th. above condition. .hall .uDersede anv conditions contained in the oriainal Toll Cate Comm.rcial Center Dev.laoaent order which are inconsistent with the above condition.. Anv conditions contained in the oriainal Dev.laoa.nt order which are consis~ent with the above conditions .hall remain in force. All ca.aita.nt. ..de bv the aoolicant. within the ADA and subseauent sufficienev round information. related to ouestion 21 (Wa.tewater Manaaement\. and OUest ion 23 (Water Suoolv\. and not in conflict with the above rec~ndation. shall be incoroorated as conditions for aooroval. 1L. D. o.ve1opaent Order 84-1, for the Toll Gate Commercial Center is hereby ...nded by ac:Sdinq a new section 4.1'. entitled "Housing" to read .. follows: L. BOUSmG The aoolicant has indicated SUDDOrt for a County linkaae fee ordinance which would reauire all develaoaent. both oevel()l:m8nt of Reaional Ilmact (DRIl aualified and non-DRI aualified. to contribute to a oroaram which addresses affordable housina conc.rns. The aoolicant has aareed ~o the i~.i~ion of a hou.ina i~act f.e for that oortion of the Droiect not oreviou.lv aooroved. and olatted.. which imoact fee would be apolicable until such ti.e a. the Countv has adoDted an affordable hou.ina imorov..ent orearam with a orooortionate share fundina .echanism. which oroaram is .andated bv the Collier Countv Growth Manaaament Plan to be in force not later than Januarv 1. 1994. That oortion of the Tollaate oroiect which has not vet been olatted and imDroved .hall be subiect to the followina condition: ~ Each develocment within that oortion of the Dr01ect which has not been olatted and i~roved at the time of adQotion of this DevelQcment Order (OOA 91-2\ shall Dav a fee of 20 cent. cer souare foot of aross leasable buildina area to an Affordable Housina Trust Fund at the time a bui1dina cerait i. filed with the County. The Affordable Housina Tru.~ Fund .hall be adainis~ered bv the aooroDriate Countv aaency for the DUrDOSe of increa.ina the suoolv of affordable housina available to low and verv low incOlle households. This fee shall be ~erainated a~ the ~i.e Collier Coun~v adoDts an Affordable Housing lmorove..nt Proaram which includes a Drooortionate share fundinG .echani... In the event that. bv Januarv 1. 1994. Collier County has not enacted an affordable hou.ina i.prove.ent orearam with a proDOrtionate .hare fundinG .echani... the twenty cents Der souare foot fee reauire.ent shall be terminated. E. Development Order 84-1 for the Toll Gate comaercial Center is hereby amended by addinq a new Section 4.G. entitled "General Considerations. to read as follows: II 000 P&:.~ 121 FtB I , 1992 Q.. ~v.KERAL CONSIDERATIONS ~ All co.ai~nt. and imoact .itiqatinq actions orovided b; th;-aoolican~ within the Aoolication for Develooment A~r~;l ,;~ ;UoOi..entarv docum.ntsl that are not in po~tii~ with SD8cific conditions for or01ect aooroval ~tiin;d above are officiallv adooted as conditions for aoorovala IL. The aoolicant shall subait an annual reoort on the d;;el~.nt of reaional hmact to Collier Countv. the S~~hV.;t Florida Reaional Plannina Council. the o;~;;t;;~~ ot communitv Affairs and all affected oermit ;a;~~!;; as reauired in Subsection 380.06l18l. Florida Statutes a ~ The dev.looaent aha.ina schedule oresented within the ADi and as ad1usted to date of develooment order ~~roval shall be incoroorated as a condition of a~roval. If d.vel~.nt order conditions and aoolicant c~it..nts incOrDOrated within the develooment order. AoA or suffici.ncv round resoonses to mitiaate reaional hmacts are not carried out as indicated to the extent or in accord with the timina schedules soecified within the devel~ent order and this ohasina schedule. then this shall be or.suaed to be a substantial deviation for the affected reaional issue. If the local aovern.ent. durina the course of monitorino ~he develooaent. can demonstrate that substantial chanae. in the conditions underlvina the aDDroval of the devel~ent order have occurred or ~hat the develooment order was based on subs~antiallv inaccurate information provided bv the develooer. resultina in additional substantial reaional imoacts. th.n a substantial deviation shall be d.emed to have occurred. The monitorina checklist contained in ADDendix IV shall be used as a auide bv the local aovernaent in determinino addi~ion substantial reaional impacts. Il.&. L. Pursuan~ ~o ChaDter 380.06(16\. the aoolicant maY be sub1ect to credit for contributions. construction. exoansion. or aeauisition of nublic facilities. if the d.velooer is also sub1ect bv local ordinances to imoact f.es or exactions to .e.t the same needs. The local aoverna.nt .nd the develooer mav enter into a caoital contribution front-endina aar....nt to reimburse the develooer for voluntarY contributions in excess of the fair share. F. Development Ord.r 84-1 for the Toll Gate C~rcial Center is hereby ..end.d by adding a new section 4.H. entitled .POD Document" to .read .. follow.: IL. P. U. D. DOCUMEHT ~ The aDDroved Toll Gate Commercial Center POD Document as the .... mav be officiallY modified froa time to time. is herebY incoroorated and attached hereto as Exhibit ~ II 000 Fl? 122 -12- FEE 1 1 1992 G. Section 4. 0 of Developaent order 84-1, for the Toll Gate eo...rcial Center ls hereby deleted in ita entirety as follows: 8T e~itaeftta--.peeifie.-ift-the-PU9--er.*ftaftee-a8-set-fer~h--*ft BXhi~t--A--at~aehed--herete--aft.--hy-refereftee--..de-a--par~ ~ereef-aftd-as-fe!ieva. iT 8e~a*!ed--s*~e-dra*fta~e-plaft8-shai!-he--s~ha*~~ed-~e-~he wa~er---Mafta,..eftt--Adv*.ery---Beard---fer--rev*ewT---Ne eeftat~etieft--pePaita-aha!!-~--*ss~ed-~ft!e8.-aft.--~ft~ii appreval-ef-the-prepesed-eeft.~~e~*eft-*ft-aeeerdaftee-w*~h the--s.~*tted-p!aft.-is-.raftted-hy--~he-Wa~er-Mafta~e.eft~ AcIviaery-BoardT IT An--Bxeava_*eft-Perait--ahai!-he--re~ired-*ft--aeeerdaftee w*~-e~~y-er.*ftaftee-N8T-88-16T-es-a"ftded-hy-erd*ftaftee NeT-81-IT-fer-eefts~~et*eft-ef-~he-~we-re~eft~*eft-iakesT IT 8ft--ai~e-aftd--eff--.i~e-.re~ftdwa~er-eeftd*~*eftS--8haii-he f.rther--iftveat*,ated-a.-they--reiete-~e-h*s~er*e--ieeai draina,e-patterfts-eftd-the-Heftderseft-ereek-Ba8*ftT 4T 9he--d.veieper-shaii-ree89ftiee-~ha~-~h*s-area-*s-s~h;ee~ te--f!eed*",-aftd-vi!!--preeeed-w*~h-eeftst~etieft--at-*ts evft--ri.k-vith-knev!e.,e-~ha~-ee!iier-ee~ty-wiii-fte~-he heid--re.peft.ihie--fer--afty--fi"'*ft,--prehie.-~hat--.ay 8eell1"T ST 8~ee~--~o-P989-apprevai7--~he-deve!ep.r-.haii--prev*de the-fe!levi",. aT A--s..~kbe.ftd--!ef_--~.rn-iafte--eft-eR-95i--a~-SR-84 ~fere-afty-eertifieate.-ef-ee~paftey-are-*8s~edT ~ A--f.~.re--d..!--a..th~ftd-!ef~--~.rn-faei!ity--eft eR-9Si-a~-8R-84-Vheft-de..ed-varraft~ed-hy-~h.-ee~ft~y Bft,ifteerT eT Separa~e--!8fte.--fer--!ef~-~arftS7--r*9h~-~arfts--aftd thre~9h-~raffie-..ve.eft~.-eft-~h.-ve.tDe~ftd-appreaeh ef-8R-84-~e-eR-9SiT .T 9he---deveieper--a9ree.---~e--pay---a--fa*r---share eeft~r*~~ieft---ift--aeeerdaftee--w*~h---afty--iawf~i%y adep~ed-re9Ula~*eft-appi*ea~ie-~e-~~is-preper~YT 6T ~e--g~ii*~y-B*v*.*eft~s-.~*p~ia~*efts-as-fe~ftd-*ft-Bxh*h*~ eT-a~~ae~edT 8. Section 7 of the Developaent Order 84-1 for the Toll Gate eo.aercial Center is hereby a.ended to read as follows: That this Order shall remain in effect fer-a--peried-ef-~eft fi8t-year.-froa-~he-effee~ive-da~e-ef-~h*.-8ev.iep.eft~-erderT until December 31. 1997. Any develo~nt activity wherein plana have been subaitted to the County for its review and approval prior to the expiration date of this order, may be coapleted, if approved. This Order may be extended by the Board of County co.aissioners on the finding of excusable delay in any proposed develo~nt activity. I. A Master Development plan dated January, 1991 is attached hereto as Exhibit .C" and by reference incorporated herein. . onowr1?~ FF.B , I lOO2 SICTIOII 'l'WO: PI1fOINGS OF FACT A. That the real property which is the subject of the SUbstantial oeviation ADA i. leqally de.cribed as .et forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference aade a part hereof. B. Th. application i. in accordance with Section 380.06(19), Florida statutes. C. The applicant subaitted to the County a Substantial Deviation ADA and ~ficiency responseo known a. co.posite Exhibit B, and by reference ..de a part hereof, to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the teras and condition. of this order. D. The applicant propo.es the development of Toll Gate eo..ercial Center on 100.24 acre. of land for commercial, industrial and residential tourist u.... z. Th. pr~ed ehanqes to the previously approved Development order are consistent with the report and reccmaendation. of SWFRPC. F. A co.prehensive review of the iapact generated by the proposed chanqe. to the previou.ly approved development has been conducted by the county'. departllents and the SWFRPC. G. The developaent is not in an area designated an Area of critical stat. Concern pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.06, norida statutes, as ...nded. SECTIOII THREE: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW A. The proposed ChanqeS to the previously approved Development order constitute a substantial deviation pursuant to Section 380.06(19), Florida statutes. The scope of the development to be peraitted pursuant to this Development Order Amendment includes operations described in the Substantial Deviation ADA, the Substantial Deviation Sufficiency Report, and the Substantial Deviation Second SUfficiency Report which docuaents by reference are ..de a part hereof as co.posite Exhibit B. B. The propo.ed chanqe. to the previously approved Development Order are consistent with the report and recommendations of the SWFRPC. C. The proposed chanqe. to the previously approved development will not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives II 000 'l';! 124 FEB I I 1992 of the adopted state Land Developaent Plan applicable to the area. D. Tbe proposed chanqes to the previously approved development are consistent with the COllier County Growth Manaqe.ent Plan and the Land Developll8nt Re9U1ationa adopted pursuant thereto. SEC'l'IOII POUR: EPPECT OF PREVIOUSLY ISSUED DEVELOPMENT ORDER, TRAJlSMITTAL TO DCA AJfD EFFECTIVE DATE. A. Except as ...nded hereby, nevelopaent Order 84-1 shall remain in full force and effect, binding in accordance with its terms on all parties thereto. B. COpies of this oeve1opMnt Order 92- 1 shall be transaitted a..diate1y upon execution to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Land and Water Manag..ent, and the Southwest Florida bcJional Planni"9 Council. c. This Developwent Order shall take effect as provided by law. BE IT PuK'l'lSEK RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the 1Iinutaa of this Board. ~l.sioner HmI~ offered the foregoing Resolution and lIOVed for its adoption, seconded by COJIIIIissioner ~t and upon roll call, the vote was: AYES: (nrmi-.iooer Haue, Cnmrf..iooer Goodnight, Cnmrf-.ioner Shanahan, Cnmrlll:ioner Samders and Cnmtf -.ioner Volpe KAYS: "'. ,AB8EII'.r AJID lfOT VOTI.G: "..~.".. -", - 0 . , ...:......--....;rOf" ". . ...'A....: ~.~.. ',' (! ;'... -~~..:~f~" -?t 11th , " =-'!;):A{i,;., .,.......',%/0... ., A~f'1..j -'4." t . -. . J~ ~.~.~ Gi~~ . ~erk ..'\.,.......,. .'-.~ co ,. ....... -: ,)~. ,..)~~ '.. '.(~ "..to.. .' BY. P~~yP; . -- ,6),(J~ "' t · ~. ".' APP*'v~ AS TO FORM AHD LICAL ~urPICIENCY: day of v-"'"uny , 1992. BOARD OF COUNTY COJOaSSIONERS ~I. CO , FLOJUOA By: I ~ MICHAEL ~~~~ ,~S'1'U'1' COUNTY ATTORNEY ~'~-91-2/nb/7120 II OCO,.,.: 125 LECAL DESCRIPTIONI'DRUARY 11, 1112 Commenclng at the loutheast corner of Section 35. Township 49 South. Range 26 East, Collier County. Florida; thence along the ealt line of laid Section 35 North '.-56'-55" West 200.14 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of State Road 84 (Alligator Alley); thence along said north right-of-way line. North 89.-115'-01" West 331.23 feet to a point of Intersection of said north right-of-way line of State Road 93 (1- 75). and the POINT OF BECINNINC of the parcel herein described; thence continue along said right-of-way line of State Road 811 (Alligator Alley) on the following five courses: 1) North 89.-1151-01" West 2398.66 feet; 2) South 89.-561-16" West 1547.43 feet; 3) North 80.-431-58" West 709.38 feet; 4) North 39.-521-42" West 209.91 feet; 5) North 10.-2111-33" West 209.94 feet to a point on the East Limited Accesl. right-of-way line of State Road 93 (1-75); thence continue along said Limited Access. right-Of-way line of State Road 93 (1-75) on the following nine courses: 1) North 3.-191-52" East 285.34 feet; 2) North 23.-371-28" East 149.83 feet; 3) North 64.-121-39" East 1119.83 feet; 4) North 86.-371-01" east 778.54 feet; 5) South 87.-551-12" ealt 318.82 feet; 6) South 78.-441-38" east 318.32 feet; 7) South 74.-091-17" east 1199.30 feet; 8) South 73.-001-33" East 1904.96 feet; 9) southeasterly 233.67 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the northeast. having a radius of 116.2116 feet. subtended by a chord which bears South 75:'-35'-07" East 233.67 feet to the north right-of-way line of State Road 84 (Alligator Alley); and the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein described; , being a part of south 1/2. Section 35. Townlhlp 49 South. Range 26 East. Collier County, Florida; subject ~ easements and restrictions of record; containing 69.40 acres of land more or less; " bearings are baled on Florida Department of Transportation right-of-way map for State Road 93 (1-75). AlSO INCLUDINC THE FOLLOWINC .. Descrlpllon of part of Section 35. Township 49 South. Range 26 East. and part of Section 2.. Township 50 South. Range 26 East. Collier County. Florida COMMENce at an Iron pipe marking the Northeast Corner of said Section 2; thence North 89. 1151 01" West. 337.83 feet along the North line of said Secllon 2 for 8 POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 00. 02' 19" East. 59.98 feet; thence South 89. 571 41" West. 2.300.70 feet; thence on a course traversing from said Section 35. South 89. 561 02" West. 2.11118.711 feet; thence North 115. 1161 16" West. 71.58 feet; thence North 01. 281 311" West. 705.25 feet to the Easterly Limited Access R/W Line of S.R. 951 (Section 03175-2409); thence South 10. 24' 33" East. 209.94 feet; thence South 39. 521 112" East, 209.91 feet; thence South 80. 43' 58/1 East, 709.38 feet; thence North 89. 561 16/1 East. 1,547.43 feet; thence South 89. 1151 01" East, 2.396.67 (eet to the Southerly Existing Limited Access R/W Line of S.R. 93 (03175-2409); thence South 000 02' 19/1 East, 200.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Less and except the east 100.00 feet thereof. Containing 30.835 acres, more or less. II OOOFAGr 126 The entire project area Is 100.235 acres. 'KBRDARY 11, 11i2 I .en! "It ,., LEGAL Ur5C .If Commenc:lng at the IOUthast corner of S<<tlor. ,i. Tt!'-. '-"!.". ''1 ! .'uth. 1"-..', 21 East. Colller County. Florida; thence along the east II". or said Section 35 N(,.., i'"" ",.' """ "t 200.1~ fl'", to a polnt on the north right-of-way line or Sta'.. It. j r,I! ',,,ir.'Jator Alleyl; thence along said north right-of-way line. Nort. 'J ~:':;'-oI" Ylut 331.23 feet to a polnt or Intel"tectlon of said ~th rI9ht-of_.'~ lint of State Road 93 11- 75). 8ftd the POINT OF BEGINNING or the parc.l 1.1ofI'1t1n dncrlbltd; \hence COf'tlnul elong said right-of-way IIn" of ~tate Read IIJ (Alligator Alley) on the roll_lng nve courses: 1) North 19--II5'-CU. West 2391.66 reet: 21 South 19--56'-". West 1547.113 reet; 3) North 10....3'-51" West 709.31 rut; II) North 39--52'-112" Wnt 209.91 rut: 5) North 10--211'-33" Wnt 209.9lI fut to a point on the East Umlted Access. right-or-way line of State Road 93 (1-75); thence continue 8Iong said Umlted Access. rlght-or-way line or State Road 93 (1-75) on the rollowlng nine COUl"tes: " 11 North 3--19'-52. East 215.311 fnt; 21 North n--37'-2r East 1119.13 fnt; 31 North "'--12'-39" East "'.13 rut; III North "--37'-01. East 771.511 reet; 51 South 17.-55'-12" East 311.12 rnt; II South 71........'-31. East 311.32 rut; 71 South "--09'-17" East 1199.30 rnt; II South n--OO"-33" East 19CJ11.96 reet: ,) southeastarfy m.17 r..t along the arc or a circular curve concave to the northeast. having a Mtdlus or 11&.2116 rnt. subtended by a chord which bears South 75~-35'-07. East 233.67 reet to the north right-of-way II". or State Road lit (Alligator Alley); and the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein described; being a part of south 1/2. Section 35. T_nshlp II' South. Range 26 East. Collier County. FJorIcbi; subJect to ...-nts 8ftd rntrlctIons of record: containing ".~ IICI"n of I8ftd _e or Ins; . barlngs are based on Florlcbi Department or Transportation right-of-way map for State RoecI " (1-75). ' '., AlSO INCLUDING THE FOUOWING Description of part of Section 35. Township 119 South. Range 21 East. and pwt or Section 2. Township SO South. Range 26 East. Collier County. Florida ' COMMENCE at an Iron pipe --'<109 the Northeast Comer or said SeCtion 2; thence North .,- 115' 01. Wnt. 337.13 flit along the North line or said Section 2 ror a POINT OF BEGINNINC; thence South 00. 02' 19" East. st.91 r..t; thence South .,- 57' 1I1.'Wnt. 2.300.70 reet; thence on a course ....".,..1'19 rrom said Section 35. South .,- 56' 02. West. Z.""1.1II rllt; thence North "5. IlG' 11. West. 71.51 reet: thence North 01- ZI' 311. West. 705.25 reet to the Easterly Limited Access R/W LIne of S.R. 951 (Section 03175-2Q09I: thence South 10- 2Q' 33. East. 209.911 relt; thence South ]9- 52' 112. E.st. 209.91 reet: thence South 80. 113' 5.. East. 709.31 feet; thence North .,. 56' 16. E.st. 1.5117.113 reel: thence South 89. 115' 01. East. 2.396.67 rnt to the Southerly Existing Limited Ac:cas R/W Une or S.R. 93 (03175-2Q09): thence South 00. 02.' '" East. 200.00 reet to the POINT OF BECINNING. Lns and except the East 100.00 rut thereof. Containing 30.135 lICI"es. more or less. Th. entire project area Is 100.235 acres. . II OOOr&~~ 127 / rIBROAKY 11, 1112 EXHIBIT B SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATION SUFFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATION SECOND SUFFICIENCY REPORT A'1"l'ACHED BY REFERENCE HEREIN. . oon wl_128 ..." ~ ... ......, .. ~ ~ ~ -- '. MASTER " : DEVELOPMENT PLAN ,:'" TOIJ.GATE ~, >COWMERcIAL CENTER :. ~ ... anaa 1991 .~ i~1 ij,: IiI I~l! .~~. fl~8i ~d~ .. ;.I.~ ~t~Eli i:<~U I- % L1. ,- I; I- II II . II I; p~ .. II J. . fl ;c~ .. J- C.R. 951, EXHIBIT "C" 11.'000 FAj! 129