Resolution 1978-094 .J R-7R-94 June 13, 1978 A RESOLUTION DECLAR!::'J A NEED FOR AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUWnITY TO FUNCTION IN COLLIER CJo:rTY, FLORIrJ^ WHEREAS, there has been ~~eated in Collier County, Florida, a public body, corporate and ~.litic, known a8 the "Collier County Industrial Developm.n~ ,',u~hority" by virtue of Chapter 159, Part III, Florida Statutes; &"; WHEREAS, the Collier CO',".::I Industrial Development Authority, by virtue or said Statute, i. ~.~ permitted to transact any'busi_ I ness or exerciee any authorit:: 'J:ltil and unleo. the County Cominis- sion in Collier County declar.., by proper resolution, that there is a need ror such an authori~;' in Collier County; and WHEREAS, at the oUgge.ti,~ ,r the Economic Development Council or Collier County, the Comml..~:~ has determined, upon its 0110 motion, and does by these prese~~s determine that there 1s a need ror an industrial development a~~hority in Collier County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HE?!", RESOLVED: 1. That there i. a noed :",,, an industrial development authority to runction in Collier County, :lorida, and accordingly, the COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP:~E}lT ~'::'nORITY be, and is hereby authori zod and empowered to transact any a~i all business and to exercise any' and all powers so authorized =:: law ror an industrial development authority as set forth in Ch..;~." 159, Part III, Florida Statutes; and 2. That, as required by la'., the rollowing ceven persons, eaoh or whom are residents and .lectors or Collier County, Florida. be and are hereby designated a~~ appOinted to serve as the rirst memb.r~ or the COLLIER COUNTY :::JUSTRIAL DEVELOP1~ENT AUTHORITY, ror tht rollowing term of yea"s, or until their respective suc- ccssara are apPOinted and qua:!~~ed: For a term of four Y!a~s: Ralph Carter and Norman Herren For a term of three ~;~ars: t-lilllam Price and James Ringo For a term or two yea"3: Walter Rogers and William Ryan For a term of One yee~: Al Roepstorfr &JCK '042 p;,~, 230 ! IlECOlUlq.. MEMO. LePhIll'7 ., wrf*t, '!)pIn, .r Prfn"n~ _tW..., .. ..u d_.. ..... ....,..... Page 1 or 2 " t~~.;.~.~,r.~...., "".'~~,rr.~. . .;~":":~~~~____~_,_ .....J,..;.... .,.-,' - "'.".'"'' "iI!"" t <~. . ~'I '~'.~'''',A,.1O' '.' !"'~' f '._""'~'.Y"l",,\;,I;'JloIt~w-' .....Ii, I' , r.~CK June 13. 1978 This resolution adopted after motion, second, and roll call vote as follows: Commiasloner Wimcr motioned and aye Commissioner Brown seconded and aye Conunissloner Pia tor aye Commissioner Archer absent and not voting Commissioner Henzel absent and not voting , Done and ordered this 13t~ day of June, 1978 while convencd in regular session. BOARD OF COUNTY COM11ISSIONERS COLLIE:tOUNT~'. FLORlpA . , /. ).J- " By' , " '-- (j 'U { !- { ./Jo n A. Pistor, Chairman -- , , .... ....~...... '<';'- ,\ Approved e.! ';0 form: 431;Z~-..- County Atto"ney 12EJ,,, ,,,'.-~,., ... . Pager r 2 f;:d