Ordinance 94-58 I ORDINANCE NO. 94- 58 ~. '~ .... N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-10Z, A~ ~J ~='~ TICLE ONE THEREOF, GENERAL PROVISIONS; ARTICLE> ~ TWO THEREOF, ZONING; AND ARTICLE THREE THEREOF, DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS; MORE PARTICULARLY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS; SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF FACT; SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (APPENDIX A); SECTION FOUR, ADOPTION OF ACCESS MANAGEMENT MAPS, APPENDIX V; SECTION FIVE, CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; SECTION SIX, INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; AND SECTION SEVEN, EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 30, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance Number 91-10Z, as amended, which established the Collier County Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Land Development Code may not be amended more than two times in each calendar year pursuant to Section 1.19.1,LDC; and, WHEREAS, this is the second amendment to the Land Development Code, Ordinance 91-102, in this calendar year; and WHEREAS, on March 23, 1993'the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 93-124 establishing local requirements and procedures for amending the LDC; and WHEREAS, all requirements of Resolution 93-124 have been met; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners in a manner prescribed by law did hold advertised public hearings on October 12, 1994 and October 26, 1994 and did take action concerning these amendments to the LDC; and ~ WHEREAS, all applicable substantive and procedural requirements of the law have been met. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that: SECTION ONE: RECITALS The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth. SECTION TWO: FINDINGS OF FACT The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereby makes the following findings of fact: 1. Collier County, pursuant to Sec.163.3161, et se~.,Fla. Stat., the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act {hereinafter the "Act"), is required to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan. 2. After adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Act and in particular Sec. 163.3202(1). Fla. Star., mandates that Collier County adopt land development regulations that are consistent with and implement the adopted comprehensive plan. 3. Sec. 163.3201, Fla. Star., provides that it is the intent of the Act that the adoption and enforcement by Collier County of land development regulations 'for the total unincorporated area shall be based on, be related t0, and be a means of ~mplementation for, the adopted Comprehensive Plan as required by the Act. 4. Sec. 163.3194(1)(b), Fla, Star., requires that all land development regulations enacted or amended by Collier County be consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, or element or portion thereof, and any land development regulations existing at the time of adoption which are not consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, or element or portion thereof, shall be amended so as to be consistent. 5. Sec. 163.3202(3), Fla. Star., states that the Act shall be construed to encourage the use of innovative land development regulations. 6. On January 10, 1989, Collier County adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan (hereinafter the "Growth Management Plan" or "GMP") as its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 1634.3161 et se~. Fla. Star., and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. 7. Sec. ~63.3194(1)(a), Fla. Stat.,manda=es that after a Comprehensive Plan, or element or portion thereof, has been adopted in conformity with the Act, all development undertaken by, and all actions taken in regard to development orders by, governmental agencies in regard to land covered by such Comprehensive Plal~ or element or portion thereof shall be consistent with such Comprehensive Plan or element or portion thereof. 8. Pursuant to Sec. 163.3194(3)(a), Fla. ~tat., a development order or land development regulation shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, 88888888 and other aspects of development permitted by such order or regulation are compatible with and further the objectives, policies, land uses, densities or intensitiesin the Comprehensive Plan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 9. Section 163.3194(3){b). Fla. Stat.,requires that a development approved or undertaken by a local government shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, capacity or size, timing, and other aspects of development are compatible with and further the objectives, policies, land uses, densities or intensities in the Comprehensive Plan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 10. On October 30, 1991, Collier County adopted the Collier County Land Development Code, which became effective on November 13, 1991 and may be amended twice annually. 11. Collier County finds that the Land Development Code is intended and necessary to preserve and enhance the present advantages that exist in Collier County ;encourage the most appropriate use of land, water and resources, consistent with the public interest; overcome present handicaps; and deal effectively with future problems that may result form the use and development of land within the total unincorporated are of Collier County and it is intended that this Land Development Code preserve, promote, protect, and improve the public health, safety, comfort, good order, appearance, convenience, and general welfare of Collier County; prevent the overcrowding of land and avoid the undue concentration of population~ facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, recreational facilities, housing, and other requirements and services; conserve, develop, utilize, and protect natural resources within the Jurisdiction of Collier County~ and protect human, environmental, social, and economic resources; and maintain, through orderly growth and development, the character and stability of present and future land uses and'development in Collier County. 12. It is the intent of the Board of CoUnty Commissioners of Collier County to implement the L~nd Development Code in accordance with the provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Chapter 125, Fla. Star., and Chapter 163, Fla. litat., and through these amendments to the Code. SECTION THREE: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The Collier County Land Development Code is hereby amended as shown on the side sheets which compromise Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. SECTION FOUR: INCORPORATION OF THE ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN MAPS AND EXPLANATION OF LEGEND AND NOTATIONS ON ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN MAPS The Access Management Plan Maps, as well as supportive explanations and notations thereon, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Appendix V, are also hereby incorporated into the Land Development Code as Section 2.6.38. SECTION FIVE: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County'and other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION SIX: INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be tenumbered or relettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or any other appropriate word. SECTION SEVEN: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this __ day of , 1994. DATE:/'~./Z.j~F/~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS · COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA · : :' !; ""< ' ' ' ~~-L~ B~.~ ' :~1 ASSISTANT CO~TY A~O~EY ~ ~e fll~ wl~ ~ ~ ~[~em ' f' t~t ORIGIN~ Staff (Community Development) AUTNOR~ Bob Mulhere, Acting Current Planning Mgr. DEPARTMENTZ Site Development Review Department. LDC PA~E~ 1-20 CMANaEz Addition of language to clarify intent. REASONZ This Section allows for redevelopment of non-conforming residential structures, after destruction, to,the same extent, height, and density of units per acre subject to the development standards in effect at the time of redevelopment. There has been some confusion related to rebuilding to the "same height" when the building does not comply with current required flood elevations. The intent of this additional language is to clarify the fact that any rebuilding, while permitted to the prior extent, height, and density of acres, is subject to current flood elevation requirements and building codes. FISCAL IMPACT~ The proposed change will have no f~scal impact, either on the County or on the property owners as this change is intended to clarify existing language and does not propose additional regulation. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Building Code and FEMA flood elevation requirements. CCPC RECOMMENDATION: Amend the LDC as depicted below. DIV. 1.8 NONCONFORMITIES. Seo. 1.8.10 ~Q~-CONFORMINa STRUCTURES. Notwithstanding the foregoing restrictions as to reconstruction, any residential structure or structures in any residential zone district may be rebuilt after destruction to the prior extent, height and density of units per acre regardless of the percentage of destruction, subject to compliance with the applicable Duildin~'Code re~uirements in effect at the time of redeveloDment. In the event of such rebuilding, all setbacks and other applicabre district requirements shall be met unless a variance therefore is obtained from the Board of Zoning Appeals. For the purpose of this Division, a hotel, motel, or boatel shall be considered a residential structure. Words underlined are added; words et~Puek--~Peu~h are deleted. ADVERTISING, DISTRIBUTION AND SOLICITATION ON OPEN PUBLIC ROADS AMENDMENTS TO THE COLLIER COUNTY 'LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (SECTION 2.1.15) TO PROHIBIT ADVERTISING FROM WITHIN PUBLIC ROADS, AND GIVING ANY TANGIBLE ITEM TO, OR THE SOLICITATION OF ANY BUSINESS, MONEY OR ANY OTHER TANGIBLE ITEM FROM, ANY OCCUPANT OF ANY MOTORIZED VEHICLE BEING OPERATED ON ANY PUBLIC ROAD IN UNINCORPORATED .COLLIER COUNTY THAT IS OPEN TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND IS UNDER SUCH ENFORCEMENT JURISDICTION OF COLLIER COUNTY. Paragraph 2 of Section 2.1.15 of the Land Development Code is amended as follows: 1. Any use or structure not specifically permitted in a zoning district as a permitted use, conditional use or use allowed by reasonable implication shall be prohibited in such zoning district. Roadside sales shall be prohibited in all zoning districts unless a temporary use permit and appropriate licenses have been obtained. 2. Subject to e×ceDtions in Ordirh~Dce No. 76-11. as amended. the storage, display, or sale of any items, services, materials, or products, whether finished or unfinished, processed or natural, Within public right-of-ways shall be prohibited. MotwithstandinG anvthin~ in Ordinance No. 76-11. as amended. or any other Dart of the Collier County Code. in ~HlincorDorated Collier County no person shall be upon or ~ UDOn any DUblie road. when the road is open to vehicular traffic, for the bUr_DOSe Of disDlavin_~ any advertisin~ to. or distributin~ anv. tanqible thinq or solicitin~ any business, contribution or ~any other tarLgible talhg from_a/Ly__QccupaDt any motorized vehicl~e that is bein~__qp_~rated on the DUblie road. No Person shall be within four (41 fe~ of aav edge ~uch road for the purpose of dietributinq any tangible thinq ~olicitin~ anv business. contribution or any other tangible thin~ from any occupant of any mo~orized v~hicle bein~ oDerate~ ~ ~l]e Dublie road. As used in this Section ~.1.15. "roa~" ~ved or %ln~V~rfacus that are available and used either travel of. or in the road Oarkin~ of. motortzed vehicles. "Road" includes all medians in all such interior areas. and includes shoulders. All roads. lmcludin~ ro~ds th.al ~re separated by One or more m~4ia~ have ~ges. "Ro~d" i~cludes s~reets. ht~bw~ys an~ olhgr Words tha~ Words underlined are added; words's~ue~h~ough'are d~leted. '~?~ 3. The storage, display, or sale of any items, services, materials or products, whether finished or unfinished, processed or natural, other than from within, or as part of the normal operation of, a permanent structure authorized by the Collier County Land Development Code shall only be allowed in accordance with Sec. 2.6.33. * * * end of ordinance amendments · * · BASIS FOR THE SUBJECT AMENDMENTS: 1. Sections 125.01(1)(m),'316.006(3)(a), and 316.008, Florida Statutes (1993), authorize the Board of County .Commissioners to regulate, develop and'enforce plans for the control of traffic and restricting the use of roads underits Jurisdiction. 2. Pursuant to Section 316.130(5), Florida Statutes (1993), no person shall stand in the portion of the roadway paved for vehicular traffic for the purpose of soliciting a ride, soliciting employment, or soliciting business from the occupant of any motor vehicle'. 3. Section 316.2045, Florida Statutes, (1993), prohibits the unauthorized obstruction of the free, convenient and normal use of public streets, highways and roads in order to solicit, without proper authorization of a lawful permit; and authorizes counties to issue permits for the use of any street, road, or right-of-way that is not maintained by the state. Organizations that are qualified under Section 501(3)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code and are registered as a solicitor with the State of Florida pursuant to Chapter 496, Florida Statutes, and organizations acting on behalf of such exempted entities are exempted from the statutory prohibitions of Section 316.2045, Florida Statutes, while on roads that are not maintained by the State of Florida, and therefore such entities are exempt from such restrictions regarding solicitations unless there is a local ordinance regulating such activities. 4. Pursuant to Section 316.2055, Florida Statutes (1993), it is unlawful without eXception for any person on a public road, highway, or sidewalk in the State of Florida to throw into or attempt to throw into, any motor vehicle, or offer or attempt to offer, to any occupant of a motor vehicle, whether standing or moving, or to place or throw into any motor vehicle any advertising or soliciting materials or to cause or secure any person or persons to do any one of such unlawful acts. 5. Section 316.007, Florida Statutes (1993), authorizes local authorities to enact ordinances necessary to vest Jurisdiction of violations of Chapter 316, Florida Statutes (1993), in the local court. Words ~l~[lined are added; words e~uek--t-h-~eugh are deleted. 6. Section 316,008(1)(g), Florida StatuteS, authorizes Collier County to restrict the use of public roads within its enforcement Jurisdiction. 7. The prohibitions in the subject ordinance, as amended, are content-neutral, are narrowly tailored to serve the County's significant interest in safety to pedestrians and motorists, and leave open ample alternative channels of communications available to those individuals who desire to conduct the subject activities upon public road right-of-way while such public road right-of-way is open to vehicular traffic. 8. Safety hazards are caused by persons who go onto traveled public roads to display advertising to motorists or who go onto such roads, or immediately adjacent to such roads, to distribute any tangible item to any occupant of motorized vehicles, or who solicit business or contributions from occupants of motorized vehicles then being operated on public roads in unincorporated Collier County; such activities impede the normal flow of vehicle traffic. These prohibitions do not prohibit simple display of hand-held advertising in the four (4) foot area immediately adjacent to, but off of, the road. 9. Vendors, solicitors and other pedestrians who interact physically through exchange of any tangible thing with occupants of motorized vehicles that are traveling on public roads, are subjected to risks of ~odilyharm and other physical dangers inherent in such physical interaction. 10. Any solicitation from occupants of motor vehicles being operated on public roads distracts vehicle operators from their primary responsibility to observe traffic and be alert for potential traffic hazards, to observe the applicable traffic control signals, and prepare to move their vehicle through intersections in compliance with traffic rules. 11. Although when an occupant in a vehicle that is momentarily stopped on a road that is open to vehicular traffic hands money or other thing to a pedestrian, such money exchange almost always requires more time and attention of the occupant than when a pedestrian merely hands a paper or any other tangible thing to such occupant, all such interactions between a pedestrian and a occupant in a vehicle too often impede the safe and orderly flow of traffic and too often cause other traffic and pedestrian safety hazards. 12. The similarities between the dangers to pedestrian and motorist's safety inherent in the distractions prompted by solicitation of contributions from, and the ha/~ding of tangible items to, occupants of vehicles are essentially ]~distinguishable from time safety point of view. Words g~erlined are added; words et-ruek--~h[ough are deleted. 13. Collier County by adoption of these amendments intends to promote the sa[ety of motorists and pedestrians. 14. It is appropriate to restrict use of traveled public roads by pedestrians (and at the edge of such roads) in the manner provided for in this ordinance, as amended, to protect the safety of pedestrians and motorists by prohibiting such unsafe activities within, or immediately adjacent to, traveled lanes of public roads, streets and highways, and thereby prohibit such activities that give vehicle operators incentives to make quick and dangerous lane changes, vehicle turns and other physical actions of motorized vehicles that impede the prompt, orderly, predictable and safe movement of motorized vehicle traffic. 15. These prohibitions apply to activities that are allowed as exemptions by Ordinance No. 76-11, asamended, but only when applied toward any occupant within any motorized vehicle that is not legally parked. -4- Words .uDderlin~_dd are added; words st-Mek tb~eugb are deleted. ORIGIN: Staff AUTHOR: David Weeks, Senior Planner DEPARTMENT: Long Range Planning LDC PAGE: 1-37 and 2-208 LDC SECTION: 1.19.1 and 2.6.38 (new) CHANGE: Amendment to the Collier County Land Development Code, Article 2, Division 2.6, to add Section 2.6.38, Access Management Plans; and Article 1, Division 1.19, to add Subsection, regarding Access Management Plan map amendments, and to renumber the existing Subsection. REASON: Policy 4.4 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan requires development of Access Management Plans for each Mixed-Use Activity Center. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no, or at least minimal, fiscal (operational) impact upon th~ County. Implementation of the Access Management Plans will, primarily, involve the review of proposed access point types and locations as part of the development order review process. This is an existing staff function, the cost of which is included in the development order fee. In most cases, staff anticipates little, if any, new cost to owners and developers of property. This amendment does not require submittal of additional applications, plans or fees. In most cases, the access points provided on the Access Management Plan maps do 'not differ from that presently allowed under the Access Management Policy. The new cost to owners/developers occurs if/when they choose to initiate a "major" change to the Access Management Plan maps. If such a change is requested in conjunction with certain development orders, the additional cost to the owner/developer would be for providing public hearing notice. (This cost, estimated at $50.00, will be included in an upcoming Fee Resolution.) For a "maJor" change not requested in conjunction with certain development orders, the cost would be the same as for any other amendment to the LDC. Also, any appeal of a staff determination bears a cost for public notice. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Resolution #92-442, Access Management Policy, and Ordinance #93-64, Collier County Construction Standards for Work Within Rights-of-Way. CCPC RECOMMENDATION: The Collier County Planning Commission's recommended changes, briefly noted below, are reflected in the ordinance/on the maps. 1. Add language re: access to properties outside of Activity Centers. (Sec. 2. Add language re: interconnection within mixed-use projects. (Sec. 3. Make correction to Section reference. (Sec. 4. Modify language re: minor changes to location of access points or median openings. (Sec. 5. Add language pertaining to environmentally sensitive lands re: conditions for administratively approving variation to location of access points or median openings (Sec. 6. Modify Access Management Plan map #4 re: median opening, access point and traffic light for Regency Village/Stiles PUDs; and re: median opening and access point for Donovan PUD. (Appendix'V) 7. Modify Access Management Plan map #9 re: median opening and access point for Citygate PUD/opposing access road. (Appendix V) 8. Add a section providing an appeal process to the CCPC of the Director's determinations re: variations to access point and/or median opening locations. (Sec. Staff has no objection to changes 1-7, but has some concern about #8. Section of the LDC provides for the BCC, acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals, to hear all Appeals of administrative determinations pertaining to matters in the LDC. The BCC has designated itself as ~ Appeal body. The CCPC's recommended change would result in this being the only type of Appeal heard by the CCPC; likewise, it would be the only type not heard by the BCC. It doesn't seem logical or appropriate to select one specific type of Appeal over all others to be heard by a separate Appeal body - unless that body possesses a particular expertise in the subject area. FIRST BCC HEARING: At the October 12 hearing, it was the consensus of the Board to delete Section providing for Appeals to be heard by the CCPC. The BCC gave staff no other direction. Amend the following section: SEC. 1.19.1 TIMING. Amendments tothis Code may be made not more than two (2) times during any calendar year as scheduled by the County Manager, except: Any amendments to the Collier County Official Zoning Atlas may be made more often than twice during the calendar year. Words ~ are added; words e{-P~ek th?eug~ are deleted. / Any amendments to the Access Manecement Plan m~P~ {Appendix V) may be made more often then twice durina the calendar veer if related ~nd if submitted and reviewed in conjunction with submittal and review of, the following tvpes of development orders: Rezonina. PUD amendment. Development of Reaional Impact {DRI) approval. DRI amendment. Conditional Use, site Development Plan fsDPI approval. SDP amendment. subdivision approval fincludin~ Plats. Plans. and amendmentS), construction approval for ~Dfrastructure {including water, sewer, qradtnq, paringS, and Building Permit {for single familv dwelling I.I~.I.2 In the case of an emergency, amendments to this Code may be made more often than twice during the calendar year if the additional Code amendment receives the approval of all of the members of the Board. For this purpose, "emergency" means any occurance or threat thereof whether accidental or natural, caused by man, in war or peace, which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial damage to or loss of property or public funds. Add the following section: SEC, 2,6,38 ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLANS. 2,6.38,1 purpose and Intent. This section pertains to transportation access within Mixed-USe Activity centers as designated on the Future DaDd use Map .of the ~rOWth M~nagement Plan, AD Acgess Management Plan mad exists for each Mix~-Vse ~ctivity Center (see APPend]X' v), The pgrpose of the Access Mamaqe~ent Plans i~ to ~QDtrol the number. location and tYPe Of access points to the roadW~.vs (usually arteriels and/or collectors) around which each Mixed-Use Activity Center is loca~O~, so that the adverse impacts to safety. capacity ~Dd operating conditions of the roadwavs will be minimized. while providing adequate access to those properties within the Mixed-Use Activity Center. The location and type of future ~ccess POintS IDqress/E~ress) is based UPOn the Collier County Access Management Policy (Resolution #92-442). existin~ road and land use conditions. and the objective of minimizing the number of access points to the roadw~Ly_network. Future acces~ points are subject to chanc~ aS improvements ~re p~anned and designed. based Words underlined are added; words streak throu~ are deleted. UPOn road capacity and safety considerations. This section restricts the location and tvDe of ingress/eqress POintS and me~ia~ Openings: restricts the location of traffic siqnals~ identifies areas appropriate for shared access ~Dd ~Dterconnection; and o~hCrwise regulates transportation access - all within Mixed-Use Activity Centers. Access to properties not located within ~ M~Wed-Use Activity Center controlled by the Access Management Policy [ResolUtion #92-44~. and as may be ~memded]. the collier COunty construction Standards for work Within ~iqbts-of-way [ordinance ~93-~4, and as may be ~m~mded], and any other applicable regulations. 2,6,38,2 Implementation, The Access Management Plans ~hall be implemented by the Development Services Director in the review and D~rmittin~ of all development projects within the boundaries of the Mixed-Use Activity Centers. The Director shall consult with the Transportation Services ~dministrator. Capital ProJ.~.cts Director. 9ther ~overnment a~cies. a~.Decessary, ~0 ensure the proper implementation of the Plans. 2.6,38,3 Access Management Plan MaPs. There are 21 Access Mana~emen~ Plan m~ps - one for each Mixed-Use Activity Center and one for the Future Activity center.at th~ intersection Of Van~erbilt D~Ch Road (CR-86;!) and Airport Road .fCR-31]. The maps depict; .~Ii~ed-use Activity Center boundaries: eWistiDg ~on~ng districts and their boundaries, major development. ]ngress/eqreSs points_and type (full or restrigted a~ce~s], restrictive medians. median openings. traffic signals. and sidewalks: aDDroved but unbuilt in~ress/e~ress POintS and ~yDe: new in~ress/e~ress POints and tVPe: future and potential median oDeninq modifications: potential traffic signal locations: potential locations for shared access or interconnection: existinq ingress/e~ress POintS tO be monitored for DossiDle modification: a;]d other relevant data. These maps are found in Appendix v together with an expl~natior[_0[ ~be map ODd notations, 2.6,38,4 2,6,38,4,Z Future development orders within M~xed-Use Activity Centers can only be aUgproved if the ~G~ess ] oC~tio~(~J__!~.~d_t_YD~[~J__qce~D]Y wjth tho~ depicted on tile ~Ccess Man~!~nt Plan maP~. except as provided in sec, 2. ~. 38.5. l. Words Underlined are added; words et-~*eek bh~eugh are deleted. 3_~ Future mixed-use projects are reGuired to provide an internal interconnection amon~ major project phases. sections. or types of usesL ~D~esS ode or more of the four circumstances listed below is applicable. For purposes of this section. mixed-use refers to a project with a residential component and one or more of the following ComPonents: commercial, industrial,. ~nstitutioDal, 2.6.38,4.2,~ It is not phYsicallY possible to provide the interconnection, ;,6,38,~.2.2 The location of environmentaliv sensitive lands precludes the interconnection, ;,~,38,4,2,3 The interconnection will result in nQn-residen~ial traffic travellin~ throuQh q residential area. e,g. truck traffic from a h~avv commercial area travellind through the residential component of the pro~ect. 2,6.38,4,2,4 The interconnection provides minimal or no benefit. e.g. the non-residential component contains a single low traffic Generating use such as a small General office building. 2.6.38,4.3 During development or red~ve~oDment of Commercial lots, shared access a~d/or ~Dterco~Dection shall be encouraged. ~,~,38,4,4 Ten ~10~ Mixed-Use Activity Centers contain an intersection identified oD the Future Trafficways Map - Year 2015 {Traffic Circulation Element) ~s ~he site of pOssible future ~rade separation, These future ~rade separations may result in necessary ChanGes to the location and type of access POintS and median openings. The t~D {10) Activity Ce~ers are found on man ~umbers 1. 2.7.8. ]~. 13. L4. 16. 17, fi~d 18. 2.6,38.5 Access ManaQement P]~ M[p ¥ariations and A~- Z.6,38,5,~ Variations, The DeVelOpment Services Director may approve. or impose. a variation in the Ingress/eGress points ~nd/or median openings shown on the Access Management Plan maps. without necessitating a map amendment (other than Information UPdate Amendment. Sec. ~,~,38.5.2. ~enerated by staff). udder ~DV_of ~b~ ~ol]owing c~rcu~st_~ces: 2.6.38,5.1.1 Approved In~res~/E~reSs-Unbujlt: For existinq PUPS (~pproved prior to the a~oDtion of this Words ~ are added; words e~kth~eugh are deleted. amendment) which contain lanSuaae Providing flexibility in the location or tVDe Of access DOintiS] and/or median oDeningls]. the Director may approve or require the utilization of this flexibility if such change to the access DOint{S) and/Or median oDening(s) will cause one Or more o= th~ following conditions to occur and will not bare a detr~menta~ effect on the safetV, caDacitV and Operating conditions of the ~DuttiDq roadwayis): 1. Interconnection of projects 2. Shared access 3. ~lignm~nt Of access Doints oD opposite sides of the roadway where there is no restricted median 4, R~d%]Go the number of authorized access DOintS on the abuttin~ r-Q~tLW_~Y_L~t 5. Promote safer traffic conditions on the abutting roadwayis) 6, F~cilitate imDrov¢~ traffic flow on the abuttin~ roadway(s). 7__~. Preservation/conservation of a viable environmentaliv sensitive area. ~,6,38,5,~,2 New In~ress/E~ress: A minor c_hhange (10% of parcel front~.qe] to the location o~ a New In~ress/E~ress DOint{S). and any accompanying median openingis). maV be aDdrOved during review of a development order {the same development orders identified in Sec. if such minor change will cause one or more of the above GonditiQ~ flisted in Sec. 2.~.] to occur and will not have a detrimental effect on the safetv. caDacitv and oDeratin~ conditions of the abuttin~ roadwayis]. ~,6,38.5.1,3. MeW Ingress/Egress: Where multiple parcels ~er single own{r~hiD are identified to each have their own access DOint. ~d one or more p~rcels are undeveloped. duri~ review of a develoDment order {the sam~ development orders identified in Sec. 1,19.1.2). the number. tVDe and location of access DOintS. and any accomDanvln~ median oDenin~s, ~uthorized by the Director may be more restrictive than that identified on the A_qcesS Management Plan m~p~ t[ such changeis) will cause one_or more of the ~bove conditions illsted in $~c.] to occur and will not have a detrimental effect oD the s~etv. caDacitv and o~erati~q conditions of the abutting roadwavis), ~,6.3~.5,1,4 ExIstin~ Ingress/EgresS: For existing access points being monitored {monitoring consists of review an~ ~nalvsis ofaccident reports. traffic Words ~ are added; words et-Puek thro~g~ are deleted. volumes and_.oDeratin~ conditions within close proximity to the site]. the Director may. whether d~rin~ review of a development order (the same development orders identified in Sec.] or independent of development order review. approve or require the modification or removal of the access POint(S]. if such modification or removal is deemed appropriate and necessary based UPOn moDltorin~: add if such modification or removal willcauSe ode or more of ~be above Conditions (listed in Sec, 2,] to occur and will not have a detrimental effect on the s~=ety, capacity and oper~tiDq Conditions of the abuttin~ roadway(s]. 2.6,38,5,1,5 Right-in Only. Right-out Only OR Entrance onlY. Exit only: Durin~ review of a development order (the same development ordersidentified in Sec. the Director may aoDrove or require elimination of the separate entrance and exit POintS and their replacement with a sinale inqress/eqress POint if such chan~e wili cause one or more of the ~bov¢ conditions (listed in Sec. to occur and will not have a detrimental effec~ oD the saf~tV, capacity and 9peratin~ conditions of the abuttin~ roadway(s]. ~.6.3s.5,~ Informat(on Update Amendments, AnnualIv. Community DeveloPment staff will i~iti~te amendments to each affected Access M~naqement Plan mad to reflect informational chan~es. e.~. zoning chan~e. and staff approved variations, Relation to Riaht-of-Wav Permit. Nothint in this.Section of the Code (See. 2.6.38} shall ~reclude Collier County from enforcing conditions of a riQht-of-way permit issued pursuant to Ordinance #93-64. the Collier CoUntY COnstructioR $~Rdards for Work Within Rights-of-Way. as it may be amended or ~Derceded. s.c. removal of aD access point. etc. 2.6,38.7 ~pplicabilitv on State Controlled Roadways. Agcess points. median oDeninqs. etc. on State ~ontrolled roads are subject to approval ~y ~he Florida Department_of Trans~ortatto~_~ Words ~31~JaJalD_~ are added; words e~aek thPeugh are deleted. APPENDIX V Access Management Plan Maps - AND - EXPLANATION OF LEGEND AND NOTATIONS ON ACCESS FuANAGEMENT P~RN MAPS~ ~ts~inG Buildings and Structures - Generally r~Dresents the shape. size and location of structures (Primarily nQD-residential) existing at the time of adoption of the maD, $Q~ uses are identified for Geo~raDhic reference (e,g,, b~Dks] and others because of high traffic generation ~QHV~Dience stores, shopDin~ centers), Existing InGress/EGress - Indicates'an existin~ drive or driveway into a project at the time of a~.Qption of the maD, ADDroved lngress/Eqress-Unbu!lt - Indicates a drive. drivew~v or roadway aLproved by an existin~ development order (PUn. Planned Unit Development or SDP. Site Development Plan) but not constructed at the time of adoption of the map, New Inqress/Egre~s - Indicates desired location QffUture ~gesS points. Future development orders could onlV_be approved if access Points ComD1V with these locations. Monitor For Future Modification/Removal - Tndjcates an existing or anDroved but unbuilt access POint, at the time of adoption of the map, which is to be monitored (revie~ add accident reports, traffic volumes, and operatin~ conditions within close proximity to the site) for oossible modification or removal, Usually this symbol is accompanied bY the potential change identified in parentheses. e,g,, "(possible removal)," Access POintS maV be modified thru median modification (e,g,, chan~e median opening from .full directional, etc,) and/or at the access point itself, Median modification may occur independent of site development ac~ivitv, MQ~fication or remoyal of the access POint itself ~y occur at time of site redevelopment. significant site alteration. or change in use. Existing Modians - Depictslocation and shade of existing rostrictive medians (grass or concrete median, not Painte~ ~ian) at the time of adoption of the maD, 'Median dimensions are representative- no field measurements were performed, 8idewalk - Indicates existing paved sidewalk at the time of adoption of the maD, possible Traffic Light - Indicates the possible location of a traffic light at some time in the future, Words underlined are added; words e~Pc, ugh are deleted, FutUre.Closure of Median opening - Indicates ~h~ planned or aDDroved closure of an existing median ooeninG due to scheduled roadway improvements. Possible Closure of Median OPeninG - Indicates the possible clo~Ure of an existing median ooening. Future Modification of Median Openin~ - Indicates the planned or approved modification of an existing median opening. e.~, chan~e from full oDenina to directionai. FoSS~ble Modification of Median Opening - Indicates the possible modific~tioD of ~n existing median opening, shared ~ccess Encouraged - Indicates desire~0r one access point to serve two or more parcels of land, Staff would enCourage/reqUest this at time of development order review, Adjacent parcels under same ownership may be limited to a single access POint onto the major roadway.. Interconneot Encouraged - Indicates where an interconnection between properties appears appropriate. Staff would encouraGe/request this at time of development order review. Potential Interconnect - Indicates ~eneral location where an inter~onnection between properties appears appropriate and where one of the two p~rcels is alreadv developed. Staff m~v encouraae/re~uest...this at time of development order review of the undevelop_~d parcel and at timeof redevelopment or si~nificant use change for the existing developed Parcel. No Direct Access to (n~me.of road} - Indicates a p~rGel c~nnot obtain access from the specified roadway resUltin~ in access being Obtained through interconnection with aD adjacent property and/or from some other street, No Direct Access to (name of road) Unless ~ ~hared Access Point - Indicates a parcel cannot obtain agcess fro~.the specified roadway - resulting in access bein~ obtained through tn~erconnection with an adjacent property ~;~d/or from some other street - u~less the access is shared ~ith..~n adjacent pr0nertv. FUtUre Removal, Future RiGht-In~__~ight-Out,.etc. - Indicates a planned or aDDroVed change to an access ooir, t due to scheduled roadway imprOVements {e.~.. planned future 4-1anin~ will inGlUde medtaUO~ such thatan acc~~~ng~ from full ~o dtroctional] or due te ~ ~pDroved rlevelo~meD~ Order for different land use which ~hows ex]stin~ access DOtn~ removed or modified. Possible Removal, Possible Ri~ht-In, Riaht-Out, etc. - Indicates ~ possible chan~e to an access POint due ~O future ~edian modifications not yet planned or as a result of monitoring the access POint, Words underlined are added; words e~e~ are deleted. ORIGIN: Staff AUTHOR: Wayne Arnold DEPARTMENT: Site Development Plan Review LDC PAGE: 2-12 LDC SECTION:, Minimum Yard Requirements CHANGE: Add yard requirement for non-conforming agricultural lots of record. REASON: BCC direction upon public petition FISCAL IMPACT: None. This added provision for determining setbacks on non-conforming agricultural lots will not require any additional staff, equipment or procedures in order to implement. These requirements will be applied at the time of building permit application. The change may result in a lesser up-front review time due to the explicit setback requirements for non- conforming lots. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. Proposed Amendment: 'Minimum Yard Requirements. 1. IFront Yard. Fifty,feet (50') 2. Side Yard, Thirty feet (30') 3. Rear Yard, Fifty feet (50') 4. Yard Reauirements for Non-conforminq Dots of Record, a. Front Yard. Forty feet (40'). b. Side Yard. Ten Percent (10%) of thO lot width. not to exceed a maximum of 20 feet on each side. c. Rear Yard. Thirty feet {3Q') Words ~ are added; words eWuek theeugh are deleted. ORIGIN: Staff AUTMOR: Wayne Arnold DEPARTMENT: Site Development Review LDC PAGE: 2-28 LDC SECTION:, & CHANGE: Modify 50' front, side and rear yard requirement and renumber sections as applicable. Reduce the front yard requirement for non-conforming MH lots of record. REASON: No historical justification FISCAL IMPACT: None. The proposed changes to this section do not affect current budget or staffing levels. Costs to affected parties are not directly affected, but could be reduced by providing an increased building envelope on a site which might otherwise require the developer/builder to obtain a variance prior to construction. The modified building setback requirement will continue to be implemented through the typical building permit review process, and will not necessarily result in any change to review time-frames or procedures. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: 2 2 10 4 3 1 Front Yard. Twenty-five feet (25')~T whe~ -~ .... ~ ~e public ~ ~ t-e t-he bcundaric~ cf the --^~cct flf~y feet ~S0') Side Yard. Seven and on/half feet (7 1/2')~T ...... ~ when -~ .... ~ t~e pu'a4=~e -^-~- ~ Rear Yard. Ten feet (10')~T except when From exterior boundary of Dro~ect or Dark~ fifteen fee~ (15'~ or the minimum applicable yard, whichever ~reater. Yard Exceptions. Any non-conforming, platted MH lot of record or non-conforming MH lot located within a mobile home rental park which was in existence before the effective date of this code shall be subject to the following standards: Front Yard. ~Ten (1Q') feet Words underlined are added; words et-~uek--t~;rcugh are deleted. ORIGIN: Staff AUTHOR: Wayne Arnold DEPARTMENT: Site Development Review LDC PAGE: 2-31 LDC SECTION:, Uses Accessory To Permitted Uses. CHANGE: Modify accessory uses of TTRVC zoning district to address resident and County concerns. REASON: BCC direction from public petition to work with TTRVC owners to address concerns FISCAL IMPACT: None. The proposed modifications to the accessory use section of the TTRVC district are the result of a public petition and BCC direction to address concerns over permitted accessory structures. The below changes will result in no additional requirements for personnel to implement or enforce the Code. Funds are currently budgeted to accomplish the required review, and compliance with these Code provisions will continue to monitored through the building permit review process. Enforcement costs could actually be reduced due to the County seeing increased compliance with the Code by residents of TTRVC parks because the changes reflect accessory structure standards endorsed by the residents. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: 4. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with travel trailer recreational vehicle lots, including: a. Enclosed utility/storage area of the same siding material and architectural style as that of the associated recreational vehicles, not to exceed an area of sixty (60) square feet. Any utility/storage area shall be located adjacent to its associated recreational vehicle~ and made a continuous part of a screened-in porch where such a porch is attached to the vehicle as herein provided. Where utility/storage areas are m~de a continuous Dart of a screened-in Porch. the area of the utilitv/stora~e area may not exceed 25% of the area of the screened-in Dorch or 120 ~quare feet. whichever lesser. Words underlined are added; words e%~P~e~~3h are deleted. b. for recreational vehicles fixed by a permanent anchoring ~ystem. a screened-in porch elevated or at ground level with a solid roof structure, architecturally compatible with its associated recreational vehicle, not to exceed an area equal to the area of the recreational' vehicle to which it is attached. Said screened-in porch shall provide for any site utility/storage space requirements as herein provided and shall not contain any other interior walls. All such screened enclosures must be permitted and constructed according to this Code and applicable building codes Ne ~eating aJ~P ~ e~ ~ ..... e~ e ccnstructcd e ccntalncd ~ such e~ ~ Exterior walls may be enclosed with screen. ~lass or vinyl windows, except the storage area ~ shall be enclosed with the same material as the principal unit. Vinyl ~ arc requirc~ ~ cxtcnd ~ ~ undcrsidc ~ ~hc rooZ ~ F .......... ~ ...... ~abcva ~- finish flccr. Words ~ are added; words et-~,M~--t4~e~h are deleted. ORIGINs Staff (Community Development). AUTHORs Bob Mulhere, Acting Current' Plannimg Mgr. DEPARTMENTs Site Development Review Department. LDC PAGEI 2-52 CHANGEl To provide language requiring outdoor storage yards to be fenced. REASON~ Numerous calls and complaints have been received by Code Enforcement from property owners abutting various types of storage yards due to the fact that no fencing is required to screen such storage yards. Additionally, the minimum landscape requirements, which eventually provide some degree of buffering, do not provide for an effective screen between the storage yard and the adjacent properties. FISCAL IMPACTs This change qualifies as new regulation in that it proposes to require all storage yards in the C-5 District be enclosed with an opaque fence or wall, or equivilant landscaping, a minimum of seven feet in height. This will have an impact on the developers and property owners by requiring opaque fencing or screening for all new storage yards. It should be noted that many of these storage yards will be enclosed with fencing for security reasons, but these fences are not opaque and do not provide a visual barrier. The cost of installing an opaque fence versus one that is transparent'is not significantly greater. RELATED CODEB OR REGULATIONBs N/A BEC. 2.2.15 1/2 liEAirY COMMERCIAL 2.2.15 1/2.2.1 17. Outdoor Storage Yard, provided outdoor storage yard not be located closer than twenty-five feet (25') to any public street and that such yard be completely enclosed, except for necessary ingress and egress, Dursuan~ to the requirements of Section 2.2.15 1/2.6 of this Code.by an epaquc fcnc= ..... 'I not Ices than six ....... ). ~ .... ' "~ ..... '~^~ ""~" that tIhis provision shall not allow as a permitted or accessory u~, pe~ wrecking yards, junk yards, or yards used in whole or part for scrap or salvage operations or for processing, storage, display, or sales of any scrap salvage, or second hand building marterials, Junk automotive vehilces, or second hand automotive vehicle parts. Words underlined are added; words struck thrcugh are deleted. 2.2.15 1/2.6 Fence Reauirements. All permitted or conditional uses allowing for storage other than within an enclosed building. includin~ but not limited to storage of man~f~qtured products. raw or finished materials, or Vehicles other than vehicles intended for sale or resale. shall be required to screen such storaqe areas with a fence, 9[..¢quivilant landscaDin~ or Gombi~tion thereof, not less than seven feet (7'~ in heiqht aboVe..qround level, Said fence or wall shall be opaque in design and made of masonry, wood, or 9ther materials approved bv the Site DeYelopment R~yiew Director, 2.2.15 1/2.7 Li~htin~. Lighting shall be ... ~ Signs. As required in ... Words ~ are added; words e~ugh are deleted, LAND DEVELOPMENT COD~ AMEND}tENT ORIGIN: Staff AUTHOR: Donald W. Arnold, AICP Acting Site Development Review Director DEPARTMENT: Site Development Plan Review LDC PAGE: 2-50 and 2-51 LDC SECTION: 2.2.15 1/2.3 CHANGE: Renumber conditional uses of the C-5 Zoning District REASON: Scrivenor's Error FISCAL IMPACT: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: 2.2.15%.3 Conditional Uses ~or C-5. The' following uses are permissible as conditional uses in the Heavy Commercial District (C-5), subject to the standards and procedures established in Div. 2.7.4. 1. Agricultural Services (groups 0741-0742,0752, with outdoor kenneling) 2. Amusement and Recreational Services - Outdoor (groups 7948, 7992, 7996, 7999) 3. Bottle Clubs (All establishments engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption are subject to the locational requirements of Sec. 2.6.10). ~ ~. Child Day Care Services (8351), provided: a. All areas and surfaces readily accessible to children shall be free of toxic sub- stances and hazardous materials. This shall include all adjacent and abutting properties lying within five hundred feet (500') of the Child Care Center's nearest property line. 1) For purposes of this subsection, the following definitions shall apply: (a) }Iazardous Materials: A mater- ial that has any of the fol- Words underlLned are added; words strack-ehroa~h are deleted. 1owing properties; ignitable, corrosive, reactlye and/or toxic. (b) Toxic Substances: A substance which is, or is suspected to be, carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, or toxic to human beings. b. It shall not be located within five hund- red feet (500') of the nearest property line of land uses encompassing wholesale storage of gasoline, liquefied petroleum, gas, oil, or other flammable liquids or gases. c. It shall not be located on the same street customarily utilized by con- struction truck traffic from asphalt plants and excavation quarries. d. It shall have a minimum lot area of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet and a minimum lot width of one hundred feet (100'). e. It shall provide a minimum usable open space of not less than thirty percent (30%) of the total square footage of the lot area. f. It shall provide that all open spaces to be used by children will be bounded by a fence of not less than five feet (5') in height, to be constructed of wood, masonry or other approved material. g. It shall provide a landscape buffer in accordance with Div. 2.4. h. It shall comply with the State of Florida, Department of Health and Re- habilitative Services Child Day Care Standards, Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 10M-12, effective March 11, 1986. i. Where a Child Care Center is proposed in conjunction with, and On the same parcel as, a facility which is a permitted use, the requirements set forth in subpara- graphs a-h above, with the exceptions of d and e, shall be used to provide the protections to children using the Child Care Center intended by this Section consistent with the development of the proposed permitted use. Communications (groups 4812-4841) with com- munications towers that exceed specified height, subject to Sec. 2.6.35. Farm Product Raw Materials (groups 5153-5159) Words underl{ned are added; words a~;u;k-&htouRh are deleted ~ 1- Fuel Dealers (group 5983-5989)' ~ ~. Homeless shelters, as defined by this Code. 6 ~. Hotels and Motels (gToups 7011, 7921, 7041 when located outside an Activity Center) ~ 10. Justice, Public Order and Safety (groups 9223-9224) ~11. Kiosks 1112. Local and Suburban Passenger Transportation (groups 4131-4173) ~iA- Motion Picture Theaters (7833, drive-ins) ~-~14. Permitted uses with less than seven hundred (700) square feet of gross floor area in the principal structure. ~-~15. Soup kitchens, as defined by this Code. ~16. Transfer Stations (4212 local refuse collec- tion and transportation only). 12942 Wor~A underlLned nre ndded~ words s~r,ck-~r-u~h are deleted. ORIGINs Staff (Community Development) AUTHORs Bob Mulhere, Acting Current Planning Mgr. DE)ARTMENTx Site Development Review Department. LDC i?AGE: 2-56 CHANGEs To remove language requiring outdoor storage yards to be fenced only when abutting residentjelly zoned or used land (requiring outdoor storage yards to be fenced). Note= This change would not effect existing properties. Existing properties which do not provide an opaque fence or wall will only be made to comply as expansion or redevelopment OCCURS. REASON= Numerous calls and complaints have been received by Code Enforcement from property owners abutting various types of storage yards due to the fact that no fencing is required to screen such storage yards when the adjacent properties are not zoned residential. Additionally, the minimum landscape requirements, which eventually provide some degree of'buffering, do not provide for an effective screen between the storage yard and the adjacent properties. FISCAL IMPACTs This change qualifies as new regulation in that it proposes to require all storage yards in the Industrial District (not Just those which abut a residentJelly zoned property) be enclosed with an opaque fence or wall. This will have an impact on the developers and property owners of industrial properties by requiring opaque fencing for all new storage yards. It should be noted that many of these storage yards will be enclosed with fencing for security reasons, but these fences are not opaque and do not provide a visual barrier. The cost of installing an opaque fence versus one that is transparent is not significantly greater. In fact, staff inquiries reveal that a chain link fence costs between $6.00 and $8.00 per linear foot, installed. Adding slats to a chain link fence to provide opacity will increase the cost by approximately $2.00 a foot. Wooden fencing costs start at about $20.00 per linear foot and masonry walls or landscaping can be considerably more expensive when required to be opaque to a height of six to seven feet. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS= N/A CCPC RECOMENDATIONs Amend the LDC as depicted below. SEe. 2.2.16 INDUSTRIAD DISTRICT (I). Fence Requirements. ~l--pef~t~-ee~eee ~erm~ed as a ~c~nc~a~ use o~ the orooe~v and any ~u~dooc s~o~e v~rd abu~tn~ a res~dent~a~v zoned ~ u~h a fence a~ ~eas~ seven ~ee~ (?~) above gcound ~eve~. or ~ndsca~[nq sha~ be opaque ~n design and made o~ o~he~ ma~ec~a~s app~oved by ~he S~e Deve~opmen~ Rev~e~ D~ec~o=. ~o=ds unde~].~ned a=e added; ~ocds e~-~ue}; ~h~eh ace deZeted. ORIGIN: BCC Directed pursuant to Comprehensive Growth Management Plan Amendment AUTHOR: Bryan Milk, Project Planner Michelle Edwards Arnold, Senior Planner DEPARTMENT: Current Planning, Development. Services LDC PAGE: 2-52 LDC SECTION: 2.2.16~ CHANGE: Amend Division 2.2 by adding a new Business Park Zoning District (BP). REASON: Growth Management Plan Amendment Petition Number CP-93-04, amended the language of the Urban Industrial District within the Future Land Use Element to allow for business parks within industrially designated land use areas of Collier County. This amendment to the LDC will serve to implement the GMP by providing a mixture of industrial and office uses which compliment each other and by providing convenience services and amenities for the employees within an industrial project. FISCAL IMPACT: This change is a result of Board direction and has been written so as to comply with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment adopted by the BCC. An action to fezone property to Business Park will require the submission of a fezone application fee which will cover the cost of processing, staff review time, advertising and property owner notification. Thus, there will be no fiscal impact on the County associated with this amendment. The fiscal impacts on the applicant will be no different than those associated with any application to fezone land in Collier County. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Not Applicable. CCPC RECCOMENDATION: Amend the LDC as indicated below. ~ ~usin~ss Park Oistrtc~ [BP) ~ Purpose and Intent: The BUrDOSe and intent of the Business Park District (BP~ is to provide a mix of in~rial uses and offices which compliment each other and provide convenience services for the employees within the District. It is intended that the BP District be desi~ned an ~ attractive Dark-like environment. with low structural density and large landscaped areas provided for both the functional use of bufferin~ and enjoyment by the emoloVees o= ~be DP District, The Bp DlstriC~ corr¢s~o__D~S..to and i~plements the Industrial land ~]se desi~LOation on the Future Land Use Map of the co~lie[ CouO~ Growth Management Plan. Words ]Irh~]9/lt~ are added; words ...... '- ~ ..... ~ are deleted. / ~ Permitted Uses: The followina ue, es,' as identified within the Standard Industriai C].assification Manu~l (1987). or as otherwise provided for within this Section. are Permitted as a riaht. or as uses accessory to permitted uses in the Business Park District (BP]. L2_a/L~ Permitted Uses: 1. Aircraft and Parts ~rOUDS 3721 - 3728] 2. Apparel and Other Finished PrOdUct~ (~rOUDS 2311 -- 2399] 3.Buildinq Construction [~roUDS 1521 - 1542] 4. Business Services (~roUDs 7312, 7313. 7319. 7334 - 7396, 7342 - 7389, Dot includinq auction rooms {5999]] $,. Child Day Care $~rv~ces (9roup 835~) 6. communications {qroups 48~ - 4899 not IDclUdinq communication towers) 7. Construction: Special Trade Contractors (qrouDs 1711 - 1799) 8. Depository and Non-Depositor,! Institutions 6011 - 6163) 9. Dru~s and Medicines (qr0UDS ~833 - 2836] 10. Eatin~ Places ~nroun 5812 not includin~ fast foods and drive-thru restourants] 11. Educational Services (arouDs 8243 - 8=49] 12. Electronics and Other Electrical Eouipmem~ MaDufacturinq [qrouDs 361~ - 3699] 13, Enqineerin~, Account~. ResearCh, Management add ~e~ated Services [groups 87]] - B748] 14, Furniture add FiXtures MaDuf~cturiDq {qroups 251~ - 2599] 15. Government Offices/BuildinGs fOreUPS 9111 - 9~29, 9411 -- 9451. 9511.- 953~. 9611 - 9661] Industrial and Commercial Machinerv and CompUter EGuiDment {~rOuDS 3511 - 3599) 17. Industrial Inoroanic Chemicals (~rOUDS 2812 -- 28~9) 18. Job Traininq and Vocational Rehabilitation SerViCes (~rOUD 8331] 19. Peather and Leather Products (grOUps 3131 - Measuring, An~]yz]qg. aqd Coqtro]l~q I~trument~: Photographic. Medical add Optical Goods: watches and Clocks Manufaqturinq {nroUps 3812 - 3873] 21. Medical Clinics [~rOUDS 8Ollo 8021. 8041 -- 8049}, provided that said use shall be permitted only related, accessory use. supportive and incidental to the primary, planned research office facilit%~s and further provided that any such use shall b~ oriented internally ~O ~he ma'tor development of the Planned research office facilities, with no direct access to ma~or arterials external to the Dro~ect, Words %]Dderline~ are added'; words e~l~ue]( ~ba~eugh are deleted. 22. Medical Laboratories and Research and Rehabilitative centers (CrOUD~ 8071. 80931 23. M~mbershiD Orcanizations (CrOUDS 8611: Business Associations. 8631: Labor Unions and Similar Labor Orcanizationsl 24. Miscellaneouu Manufacturina Industries (croups 3911 - 3999) 25. Museums and Art Galleries (CrOUD 8412} 26. Ordinance and Accessories. not elsewhere classified (croups 3482 - 3489) 27. Paper and Allied Products (CrOUDS 2621 - 2679) 28. Personal Services (CrOUDS 7211 - 7219) 29. PhYsical Fitness Facilities (group 7991~ 30. Plastic Materials and Synthetics (groups 2821 - 31. printing. Publishing and Allied IndUstries faroups 32. PrOfessional Offices: Travel agencies (GrOUD 4724}: insurance agencies: (qrOUD 6411): Real Estate (CrOUDS 6531. 6541. 6552. 6553): }|oldinc & other Investment offices (grOUPS 6712 - 6799): AttorneYs {grOUD 8111) 33. Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products (~roup~ ~021. 3052. 3053) 34. Transportation EcuiDment {CrOUDS 3714. 3716. 3731. 3732. 3751. 3761. 3764. 3769. 3792. 3799~ 35. United States Postal Service {g[o~p 4311) ~6,. wholesale Trade-D~irable Goods (groUps 5012 - 5014. 50~1 - 5049. 5063 - 5092. 5094 - 5o99~ 37, Wholesale Trade-Nondurable Goods (groups 5111 - 5159. 5181. 5182. 5191 except that wholesale distribution of chemicals. fertilizers. insecticides. and Desticides shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoning district. 5192 - 5199) 38. Any other use which is comoareble in nature with the forcoinc uses and is otherwise clearly gonsistent with the intent and purpose statement of the district. ~.2.16~.2.2 Uses Accessory to permitted'Uses: 1. Uses and structures that are accessory and incidental to uses permitted as of right in the BP 2. Caretaker's residence. subject to Section 2.6.16. Retail sales and~or display areas as accessory to the principal use. not to exceed an area creater %ban twenty percent (20%) of the cross floor area ~f the permitted principal use and subject to retail standards for landscaping. parkin~ and ooen space, Words~L~Lltfh~ are added; words eegh are deleted. ~ General Requirements: The followina reauirements shall aPPlY tO the Business Park Zonin~ District and/or ~.~siness Park PUB District. 1. Business P&rks shall be a minimum of 35 contiguous acres. The term contiguous shall include properties separated bv either an intervenin~ Planned or developed public street riaht-of-wav: Drovidedo however. no portion of such separated properties shall be less than five ~5) acres. 2. Business Parks ~hall be permitted tO develop with a maximum of 40% commercial uses, For tb~ purposes of this sectiQn. commercial uses are defined as offices. financial institutigDs, ~ultur~l facilities. fitness centers. child care centers, restaurants and PUblic and semi-p~blic facilities, 3. Business Parks shall have direct access tO ~n arterial or collector street. with an internal circulation system that prohibits industrial traffic from traveling through Predominantly residential areas. 4. Access shall be in accordance with the Collier ~ountv Access Manaqement Pol.icv or plan and consistent with Objective 7 and Policv 7.1 of The Traffic Circulation Element, 5. Business Parks shall have ceDtra~ water a~d sewer, and shall not Generate light, BOiSe Or odors so as to be incompatible with surrQUD~l~ land uses, 2.2.16~,~,~ Dimensional standards; The followin~ dimensional standards shall aDD1V tO all permitted. accessorv. and conditional uses in the Business Park {BP]. Where SPeCifiC development criteria and standards also exist in the Immokalee Master Plan or in the Future Land Element of the Collier County Growth Management P~aD, they shall supersede any less stringent reGuirement or place additional re~uir~ments on development, 2.2.16~.2.4.1 f[lnimum Lot Area: Twenty thousand 20.000' s~uare feet. 2.2.16~.2.4.2 Minimum Lot Width; One hundred feet ~.2.16~.2.4.3 Minimum Yard Reouirements for principal and accessory structures: 1. Front Yard: Fifty feet ~50'~ 2. Side'Yard: The sum total of the side yards be twenty percent (20%] of the lot width, PQt to Words underlined are added; words e-~uek theeugh are deleted. exceed a maximum of fifty feet fS0'). This yard reauirement may be apportioned between the side yards in any manner. except that one (1] side yard may not be less than ten feet (10'] unless the structure is constructed at the side Property line, 3.Rear Yard: Fifteen feet (15'] 4.Yard abutting Residenti~l Lot: Fifty feet (50'} 2.2.16~.2.4.4 Distance Between Structures: If there is a separation between any two (2] PrinCiPal structures on the same parcel. said separation shall be a minimum of fifteen feet (15] or a distance eGual to one-half (~} the sum their heiqhts, whichever is the qreater, 2.2.16~.2.4.5 Maximum Melqht of Structures: Thirty five feet 2.2.16~.2.4.6 Minimum Floor Are~; One thousand (1.000~ square feet, 2.2.16~.2.4,7 Maximum Building CoveraGe: Maximum buildinq coverage shall not exceed fortv-five percent {45%~ of the let area. 2.2.16~.2.4.8 Minimum Open Space: A minimum of thirty percent of each lot shall be devoted to eden space. eden space shall be that unoccupied space which is not used for buildinqs. parkinG. driveways. or structures and which is eden to the sky. On improved lots. eden space is the area between and around structures. including recreation areas. 2.2.16~.2.4,9 Minimum Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading; As reGuired in Division 2,3, 2.2.16~.2.4.10 LandscaDin~: As recuired in Division 2,4, 2.2.16~.2,5 ~ LiGhtinG shall be located so that no light aimed directly toward a Droparty designated residential if liGhtinG is located within two hundred feet (200'~ of residential Droparty. 2.2.]6~.2.6 ~L_qfL~_L As required ~n D~v]s|on 2.5, 2.2.16~.2.7 StoraGe: No outside storaGe'or diSPlaY shall be Permitted. The Darkin~ of CommerCial vehicles may Permitted on improved Propert_v. nrovided such narkinq be limited to the rear yard. Furthermore. such Darkinq areas. when located on a ].ot abutting a residential district. shall be screened from said residential ~istrict. Such screen may be in the form of wall~ fences. and shall be at least six feet (6'} in heiqht, Words ~L~L~Jj3_e_~ are added; words s~uek th~M~{Jh are deleted. Said walls or fences shall be opaaue in desJan and made of masonry. wood. or other materials approvqd by the Development Services Director. Chain linked fences shall not be permitted, f~ As reauired in Division 3.2, Words ~U~ are added; words etruck thr=ugh are deleted. ORIGIN! Staff AUTHOR: Wayne Arnold DEPARTMENT% Site Development Plan Review LDC PAGE: 2-64 LDC SECTION: CHANGE: Clarify density calculation for mixed use PUDs. REASON: Current language requires interpretation. FISCAL IMPACT: This modification will not require any additional staff time or equipment resources to implement. Clarification of the method by which density is calculated could actually reduce the staff time associated with interpreting density provisions. Calculation of density will continue to be determined during the PUD rezoning process and will result in no direct costs to the applicant. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Maximum Residential Densities. 1. Maximum residential density permissible for the overall PUD shall be guided, in part, by the Density Rating System contained in the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. The overall maximum residential density permissible or permitted in a PUD shall be calculated by dividing the total number of dwelling units by the total of gross acreage of the proposed PUD excluding the acreage of the areas designated for commercial~ and industrial, or other land use having ~D established eauivalent residential density in thi~ Land Develooment Code 4~met-s e~ · ~e~NH~ef~s. The maximum density permissible or permitted in a PUD shall not exceed the density permissible under the Density Rating System. Words ~ are added; words ztr'ack thrGug~ are deleted. ORIGIN: Environmental Advisory Board AUTHOR: Fred Reischl, Enviromental Specialist II DEPARTMENT: Site Development Review, Current Planning Section LDC PAGE: 2-87 LDC SECTION: CHANGE: Addition of language to allow renovation or replacement of a single family structure to qualify for an exception to the special treatment (ST) reglations. REASON: As an exception to the ST .regulations, renovation or replacement of a single family struture within an ST zoning overlay ,district, may be approved administratively. FISCAL IMPACT: This amendment, if approved, will allow for renovation or replacement of an existing single family structure within an ST overlay area via administrative approval. Previously, in all circumstances, such an action required Environmental Advisory Board and in some cases BCC approval. Allowing for administrative approval will have a beneficial impact to the County in that staff time needed to process such a petition will be reduced since no public hearing and attendant advertising~ reports and agenda transmittel costs will be incurred. This will also be beneficial to the applicant (property owner) as administrative approval of such exception requests will not be subject to advertising and agenda deadlines. Operationally, this change will have no impact as the existing environmental staff will review these exception requests as in the past they have reviewed the ST permit applications. RELATED CODES: The applicant will still be subject to other zoning regulations and building codes. CCPC RECCOMENDATION~ Amend the LDC as indicated below. Exceptions. Where land has an "ST" designation and the proposed alteration or development area contains twenty (20) acres or less in gross area, and where no transfer of development rights are involved, the Development Services Director may approve a Site Alteration Plan or a Site Development Plan. Prior to such approval, the Development Services Director shall make a finding that the following conditions .exist: Words ~ are~added; words e~a~--~M~ are deleted. LDC Changes Section Page 2 1. The proposed site alteration or site development plan will not require any modification, with the exception of exotic vegetation removal, of the topography, drainage, flora, or fauna on the site. 2. Singlelfamily principal ~tructure where the proposed site alteration or site development plan will not require any significant modification of topography, drainage, flora, or fauna on the site, or where the alteration involves the renovation or replacement of a siR~le family structure. Significant modification shall mean greater than ten (10) percent of the site. 3. No pollutants will be discharged from the area that will degrade the air, water or soil below the levels existing at the time of application. All other site alteration or site development plan approvals of any size shall be as required in Sec., and Words ~/~ are added; words =truck '~ ...... are deleted. ORIGIN: At the request of the Historical & Archaeological Preservation Board (HAPB). AUTHOR: Raymond Bellows Project Planner DEPAR~MENT: Current Planning, Development, ServiCes LDC PAGE: 2-93 and 2-94 LDC SECTION: CHANGE: Amendment to the Collier County LDC Article 2, Division 2.2. Applicability During Development review Process. REASON: The Chairman of the Historic/Archaeological Preservation Board requested the change to give the Community Development Administrator the ability to consult with an accredited archaeologist since one is not employed by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: It is not expected that this option, allowing the Administrator to require the examination of a particular site, on which evidence of archaeological significance has been discovered, by an independent accredited archaeologist, will be excersized often. If this option should be invoked however, the associated costs will be bourn by the developer/property owner. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Not Applicable. CCPC RECCOMENDATION: Amend the LDC as indicated below. SEC. Waiver Request. Properties located within an area of Historical/Archaeological Probability with low potential for historical/archaeological sites may petition the Community Development Services Administrator or his designee to waive the requirement for an Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment. The waiver application shall be in a form provided by the Community Development Services Division. The Community Development Services Administrator or his designee shall review and act upon the waiver request within five (5) working days of receiving the application. The waiver request shall adequately demonstrate that the area has low potential for historical/archaeological sites. Justification shall include, but not be limited to, an aerial photograph interpretation, a description of historical and existing land uses, and an analysis of land cover, land formation, and vegetation. The Community Development Services Administrator or his designee may deny a waiver, grant the waiver, or grant the waiver with conditions. He shall be authorized to require examination of the site by an accredited archaeologist where deemed aDproDriate. The applicant shall bear the cost of such 8n eva]uation by an indCpcnd~nt agE3led|:ted archaeologist. The decision of the Community Development Services Administrator or his designee regarding the waiver request shall be provided to the applicant in writing. In the event of a denial of the waiver request, written notice shall be provided stating the reasons for such denial. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the Community Development Services Administrator or his designee may appeal to the Preservation Board. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the Preservation Board regarding a waiver request may appeal that decision to the Board of County Commissioners utilizing the procedure outlined in Sec. Words ~ are added; words eWuok--throu~h are deleted. ORIGIN~ LDC Amendment Petition by Robert Duane, AICP, Planning Director, Hole Montes& Assocaites. AUTHOR~ Bob Mulhere, AICP Acting Current Planning Manager DEPARTMENT: Site Development Review Dept. LDC PAGE~ 2-104,2-105 CHANGE: Allowance of off-site parking on lots not under the same ownership, under certain circumstances and subject to certain restrictions. REASONz Currently, the only methodology to provide off-site parking on lots not under the same ownership as the lots containing the business said parking is intended to serve, is ~hrough a Shared Parking agreement by approval of. the BZA via public petition. This language change would allow such parking facilities to be approved administratively provided the off-site facility meets the locational restrictions set forth in Section & 2, and further provided that: 1. the properties are contiguous; and, 2. the parking is in excess of that required by Section 2.3.14 OFF-STREET PARKING AND STACKING: REQUIRED AMOUNTS; and; FISCAL IMPACT: This amendment will only allow off-site parking on properties not under the same ownership in cases where the minimum required parking per code is already provided on site. Such request will be relatively few in number. This amendment will not require any additional fees beyond what the Code currently requires and thus will have no negative fiscal impact on the County or the applicant. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS~ N/A. DIV 2.3 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING SEC Locational Requirements. 1. All required off-street parking facilities shall be located on the same lot they serve or may be located on another lot ~nder the same or different ownershiP eT~-}e%~s--~dcr the sam= cwncr=hlp, provided: A. the lots are contiguous or would be contiguous except that a roadway that is not designated as a collector or arterial in the Traffic Circulation Element of the Growth Management Plan; and, Words ~ are added; words e%~uek thPeu~h are deleted. LDC Amendments/~off-site parking Staff side sheet Page two B. the lot proposed' for parking permits parking facilities or the same or more intensive land uses than the lot on which the principal structure is located, 9r the locational reauirements for com~Fcial uses identified in ~he FUture Land Use Element of the Growth Manaqement Plan can be met. C. that in the ca~e of off-site parking facilities DrODOSed tO be located on a lot or lots not under the same 0WnershiD as the lots on which the business or use said D~rkina i~ intended to serve is located. such off-site Darkinq may a~Drov~d as follows: 1. subject to the procedures set forth in Section 2.3.5 of this Code: or. 2. when the off-site Darkina is 1Q~te~ on property contiquous to the Droper~v o~ which the business or use it is intended ~o serve is located ~Dd is in ¢M~¢ss o~ the minimum amount of Darkinq required Pursuant to Section'2.3.14 of this ~0~, Words~l~V/j~ are added; words o~ruck thr=u~ are deleted. ORIGIN: Staff AUT~0R: Chahram Badamtchian DEPARTMENT: Current Planning, Development Services LDC PAGE: 2-121 REASON: LDC does not provide any size requirements for loading spaces. FISCAL IMPACT: The code currently requires a loading space for commercial activities and in fact business owners are desirous of providing a safe and convenient location for loading and unloading products in support o['their operation. This change is intended to simply provide for a minimum size of the required loading space and will have no fiscal or operational impact on either the County or the business operator or developer. RELATED CODES: None CCPC RECCOMENDATION: Amend the LDC as indicated below. SEC. Minimum loadin~ space size. Each loadina space ~ball be a minimum of ten feet/10'~ by twenty feet ~20'~ in size. Words ~ are added; words et~ae:: thresh are deleted. ORIGIN: BCC Directed AUTHOR: Joseph F. Delate, RLA, ASLA Landscape Architect DEPARTMENT: Current Planning, Development Services LDC PAGE: 2-139 LDC SECTION: Table 2.4 CHANGE: Amend Table 2.4 by adding Business Park Zoning District (BP) to Landscape Code Land Use Classifications. REASON: Addition of Business Park Zoning District (BP) to Land Development Code necessitates adding this district to landscape code so that uniform landscaping is provided in this new zoning district. FISCAL IMPACT: None. (For a more in-depth fiscal impact statement, see Business Park Amendment.) RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Not Applicable. 7. Commercial (C-1, C-l/T, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5); BUsiness Park Words UDderlined are added; words =truck through are deleted. ORIGINs Scrivener's Error AUTHORs Bob Mulhere, Acting Current Planning Mgr. DEPARTMENT z Site Development Review Department. LDC PAGEz 2-145 & 2-147 CHANGE= Addition of language approved by the BCC during the last amendment cycle but apparently inadvertently deleted from the final draft sent to the Secretary of State. REASON~ Scrivener's error FISCAL IMPACTs None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS~ N/A DIV. 2.5 SION8. SEC 2.5.6 p~OHI~ITED SIGNS. Accent lighting on walls of ~ommer~ial buildin~s that abut residentialIv zoned parcels. SEC 2.5.S.1.5.2 Accent Lighting. 2. Accent lighting cannot exceed one and one-half inch (11/2") in diameter per tVbe or strand. Words ~ are added; words are deleted. ORIGIN= In support of Business Park District (BCC Directed) AUTHOR: Bryan Milk, Project Planner DEPARTMENT: Current Planning, Development Services LDC PAGES: 2-145, 2-148, 2-149 and 2-150 LDC SECTION: 2.5.8..1.1,, and CHANGE: Identify new Business Park zoning district within Division 2.5. REASON: Reference to the Business Park zoning district within Division 2.5 will ensure adequate and consistent sign regulations for this new zoning district. FISCAL IHPACT: A fiscal impact will not result from this amendment. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Not Applicable. Pole or Ground Slans, Single occupancy parcels, shopping centers, office complexes, business parks. or industrial parks having frontage of one hundred fifty feet (150= I) or more on a public street, shall be permitted one (1) pole, or two (2) ground signs. In addition, multiple occupancy parcels such as shopping centers, office complexes, business parks, or industrial parks containing twenty five thousand (25,000) square feet or more of gross leasable floor area will be permitted one (1) directory sign with a maximum size of two hundred fifty (250) square feet for a single entrance on each public street. Construction Stqns. One (1) temporary on-site construction sign may be permitted for each parcel, identifying the name of the' development, company and contractor, and other pertinent similar information, which shall be removed at the time a certificate of occupancy is issued for the building or structure, or when seventy percent (70%) of a residential development is constructed and shall not exceed the following size restrictions: 1. Residential, industrial, business Dark. commercial and institutional developments within all zoning districts over 10 acres in size: A temporary sign not to exceed sixty (60) square feet at each street frontage. Words ~ are added; words ek ~h~-e~h are deleted. Real Estate Sians. One (1).temporary on-site ground or wall "For Sale", "For Rent", or similar sign within each front ¥Xard for each parcel or lot in excess of ten (10) acres in size, may be erected subject to the following: 1. Residential, industrial, business Dark. commercial and institutional developments within all zoning districts. Commercial. Business Park and Industrial Directional or IdeDtification Signs. Directional or identification signs no greater than six (6) square feet in size, and located internal to the subdivision or development, may be allowed subject to the approval of the Community Development Services Administrator, or his designee. Such sign shall only be used to identify the location, or direction of approved uses such as sales centers, information centers, or the individual components of the development. Directional or identification signs maintaining a common architectural theme may be combined into a single sign not to exceed six feet (6') in height, and sixty (60) square feet in area. Such signs shall require a building permit. For signage to be located along the Golden Gate Parkway, see Division 2.2, Sections and and the Golden Gate Master Plan. Words ~ are added; words ~ek,-.~h.eMh are deleted. ORIGIN: At the direction of the Board of County Commissioners. RUTHOAf Bob Mulhere, Acting Current Planning Mgr. DEPARTMENTI Site Development Review Department. LDC PAGE: 2-170 CHANGE: The proposed language ties in the solid waste disposal requirements of Ordinance 90-30 (The Solid Waste Ordinance) and places the most up to date regulations in the Land Development Code. REASON: This language is necessary to update and clarify the County's Solid Waste.Oisposalrequirements and provide the legal basis FISCAL IMPACT: This change does qualify as new regulation as the current code does not require bulk container service (dumpstars), but rather only requires that if one chooses to provide them, they be adequately screened. In an effort to address complaints by citizens of Collier County, and to have a regulation which supports the Solid Waste Ordinance, staff is proposing this change. This will have a fiscal impact on those.developers who would otherwise choose not to provide bulk container service sites within a multi-family development and thereby leave it up to the individual property owners. If this amendment is approved, the developer will be required to provide appropriate locations and screening for bulk solid waste container and multi-family recycling container service dependent upon the number of dwelling units and proximity to the solid waste bulk container sites. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Ordinance 90-30 SEe 2.6.15 GRRBAG~--DUMPSTSR ~o~ID w~sTC DISpOSAl. P~S~Rt to 0v~inan~e 90-30. as amended. solid waSt~ dispOSal shall be required in the form of bUZ~ CO~ta~De[ service (~arbaae dumoste~s} for all commercial establishments and multi-family proiects containina five (5) or more dwellin~ units under a common roof. excludin~ rowhouses or townhouses not exceedina two stories in height u~on demonstration of adeouate access to facilitate curbside Dickuu and that all individual units h~ve an enclosed location other than the residential st=uctu=e. such as a caroort or aa~a~e. for the storage of individu~lsolid waste containers. o= as otherwise permitted below. Ga~-b~ge--dumpe~-e~-eh=ll b~ pormittzd in ~Ii zoning ~istr~cts ~ubJoct to the Screenin~. All trash or recycle receptacles shall be located so as to be easily accessible to the residents and the solid waste hauler g~Pbagc dumpe~-e and mue~ shall be screened on at least three ~3} sides to prevent ~~~w of containers by adJ=inin~ nelohborin~ property owners and ~rom adjacent streets at the first floor level. except ~s provided for in Sec,~,6.15.1,3. bumpeters sh~ll=bc sorcencd on ~t ~..~ ~ Words ~nderlined are added~ words et-P~ek~ are deleted. LDC Amendment/Sec 2.6.15 Page Two 2.6.15,1.1~ The following structures may be pe~M~e~M~--~e used for screening for ~umpztcr= ~s reautred above: 2.~.~.2.I a. Wood fence. 2.~.I~.2.2 b. ConCrete block and stucco wall, brick wall, masonry wall, or walls of similar material. Z.~.15.2.2 ~, Vegetative screening in conjunction with Sec. or above. Screening for ~ .... ~ ...... ~ ..... ,as reuuired above. shall be exempt from height limitations for fences provided there is no obstruction of vision of adjacent streets. Screening of bulk containers f garbage dumpstersl eh=ll may be exempted in: Industrial Districts (I) if the dumpsters are located greater than two hundred feet (200') from residentially zoned or used property and are not located within front yards; Rural Agricultural Districts (A) in conjunction with a bona fide aqricultural use on parcels conforminq to the reauired minimum lot size in the District; and during construction in all other Districts. MinimUm r~quirements and locat~o~al restrictions. ~n the Case of ~Ulti-familv developments with more than four units per structure. at least one standard size bulk container {dumDster~ per every ten {10] units shall be reuuired.All such containers are subject to the followin~ locational restrictions: Solid W~ste bulk containers {~arbage dumpsters~ ~ball be Permitted in all zoning districts. b. Solid waste bulk containers ~v be located within a required yard provided they do not encroach into a reauired landscape area. and further provided that there be no blockade of the view of motorists or pedestrians so as to constitute a hazard. c. In the case of multi-familv d~VeloDments containing more than one {1~ structure. no solid waste bulk container {~arba~e dumoster~ shall be located ~reater than five h%[ndred feet ~500') from the structure it is intended to serve. 2,6.15,3 EX~PtiOnS, The Site Development Review Director.or his desiqnee, may allow the followin~ exceptions to the abovo reauire~ts: ~,6,~5.3,~ S01~d waste bulk containers (dump~terS~ mav be SUbstituted bY i~dividual solid waste disposal service funit bV unit curbs~e pic~-up) Subject to the Words underlined'are added; words et-Puek--~h~{~ag~ are deleted. LDC Amendment/Sac 2.6.15 Page Three a. In the case of individually owned multi-family dwelling units ~condominiums~. individual {curbside~ solid waste disoosal service may be substituted for the reauired bulk containers ~dumpsters~ UDOD documentation that the subgect unit or condominium association. havina been turned over from the developer to the residents. has voted in the magoritv to eliminate the use of dumDsters in favor of individual curbside service for all or Dart of a particular development. subgect to aCCeptance from both the Collier ColDlY Solid waste Department and the waste hauler. Additionallvo the association shall demonstrate that there is adeauate access to facilitate curbside PiCkUP add that all individual units have an enclosed location other than the residential structure, $~h as q carport or ~ara~e. for the storag~ of individual solid waste containers. b. In the case of multi-familY rental units bulk solid waste dismosal containers ~dumDsters~ shall be Used unless an alternative methodolo~v for solid waste piCk-uP is aDDroved by the Collier County SQlid Waste Department and the Waste hauler. c. In the case of a commercial use bulk 2olid wasta disposal containers {dumDstersl shall be u~ed unless an alternative methodology for ~olid waste DiCk-UP iS aDDroved by the Collier COunty SOlid Waste Department and the w~e hauler. Words ~ are added; words =truck thr=ugh are deleted. ORIGIN: CCPC AUTHOR: Chahram Badamtchian Planner II DEPARTMENT: Current Planning, Development Services LDC PAGE: 2-173 : LDC SECTION: 2.6.21 · REASON: Waterways are the only means of access to unbridged barrier islands. Considering boat docks as an accessory use on these barrier islands is denying access to properties located on barrier islands prior to the construction of a residence or other principal structures or uses. Language added to Section is intended to clarify how and where dock extensions are measured. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this amendment will result in the issuance of building permits for boat docks on unbridged islands, prior to the existence of a principal structure. This will have no fiscal impact other than collection of Building Permit Fees for.boat docks which qualify prior to the issuance of a permit for a principal structure. In some circumstances this may result in an additional inspection as currently the dock, when permitted along with a principal structure such as a single family home, is inspected in conjunction with the final C.O. inspection. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: Not applicable. CCPC RECOMMENDATIONZ Amend the LDC as indicated below. (The CCPC also recommended that staff review those zoning districts which allow private docks in conjunction with single family residential development, as well as the Accessory Use Section of the LDC which references docks. Having reviewed these Sections, staff does not feel that any further changes are necessary as each of these Sections directs the user to Section 2.6.21 for information relative to boat docks.) SEC. 2.6.21 p~IVATE BOAT }lOUSES AND DOCKS. Individual or multiple private docks including mooring pilings, davits, lifts and the like are permitted to serve the residents of a development on canal or waterway lots, provided they do not protrude more than the respective distance as specified in Secs. Words ~ are added; words et~P~e~--t-~i'e~h are deleted. LDC Amendments/July 1994 cycle Section 2.6.21 Page Two and for such canal or waterway. Permitted dock facility protrusion as well as extension of dock facilities are measured from the property line. bulkhead line. shoreline, seawali, riD-raD line. Mean High W~ter line: Whichever is more restrictive. Additional length/protrusion beyond said said respective distances specified in Secs. and may be requested and shall require public notice and hearing by the Planning Commission. Notice of public hearing shall be prominently posted on the property for which the extension is sought. Notice of public hearing shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least one (1) time fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. Notice of the time and place and place of the public hearing shall be sent at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the hearing by mail to all owners of waterfront property within three hundred feet (300') of the subject property. The Planning Commission may either approve, approve with conditions, or deny any additional length/protrusion beyond that permitted in Secs. and'The Planning Commissioner's action shall be based upon consideration of the following factors: On unbridaed barrier islands a boat dock shall be considered ~ permitted principal use; however a dock shall not. in anv. w~V. constitute a use or structure. which permits. reguires and/or provides for any accessory uses and/or structures. Words ~ilda~13~ are added; words eL,-eeek--.t, heeueJh are deleted. ORIGIN: Staff AUTHOR: Joseph F. Delate, RLA, ASLA Landscape Architect DEPARTMENT: Current Planning, Development Services LDC PAGE: 2-189 LDC SECTION: 2.6.33 CHANGE: Amend Section 2.6.33 (Temporary Use Permit) by specifically describing the landscaping and parking requirements for model homes, model sales center, and sales trailers. REASON: These changes are intended to clarify the parking and landscaping requirements associated with temporary use permits for models, sales centers, and so on. These are not new regulations, but rather a placement of the existing regulations in the Temporary Use Section in order to make these requirements easier to locate and extract from the LDC. FISCAL IMPACT: This change will have no fiscal impact on the County or the applicants for such Temporary Use Permits. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: LDC Division 2.3 and Division 2.4 SEC. 2.6.33 TEMPORARY USE PERMITS. P~rDose and Intent. Based upon the nature of some uses, their impact on adjacent uses, their compatibility with surrounding properties, and the length of time a use is intended to function, there is an identified need to allow certain temporary uses within a development site, and to provide for other types of temporary uses such as special events, sales and promotions. It is the intent of this Section to classify temporary uses and to provide for their permitting, administration and control. ~eneral. The Site Development Review Director, or his designee, may grant a temporary use permit for requests that demonstrate compliance with the intent of Sec. 2.6.33. Approvals for such requests shall be based upon, but not limited to the. applicant's description of the temporary use, the intended duration of the use, hours of operation and the impacts of the proposed temporary Use on adjacent properties. All requests for a temporary use permit shall submit. a Conceptual or Site Development Plan (SDP) as provided for within this section. The appropriate required plan and temporary Words ~Dderlined are added; words ztruck t.h~ are deleted. use permit application shall be submitted and approved prior to the submission of a building permit application and shall demonstrate, where applicable, that provisions will be made to adequately address the following: 1. Traffic circulation and safety within the site as follows: a. All Parkin~ spaceB shall be arranged in a manner for convenient add s~fe access for vehicles and pedestrians without causin~ vehicles to b~ck out into a riaht-of-wav. No parking spaces shall be arranged to cause vehicl~ to be moved in order for other vehicles to enter/exit a site. 2. Minimum parking requirements for the temporary use as defined within Div. 2.3, Off-street Parking and Loading as fQllows: a. Four {4) parkina spaces for the first model unit and one and one-half {1%) spaces for e~ch additional model unit {for dimensions see Section b. One {1) parkin~ space for disabled persons per parkiDa lot shall be provided {included as part of reauired parking) alon~ with an access aisle and barrier-free access to the unit {for dimensions see Section c. All DarkJOg ~Daces shall be constructed o= ~ concrete, ~$Dhalt. or other dustless material as may be approved by the Site Development Review Director {driveways and handicapped spaces shall be Dared). 3. SCreening, buffering, and landscaping of the temporary use to reduce potential impacts on adjacent properties as required in Section 2.4,4 B_nd approval bY the Site Oev~]op3ag_nt Review Director as follows: a. One (1] tree per thirty {30~ linear feet aroun~ the perimeter of the Darkin~ and drivewav areas. b. DQ~ble hedge between th~ rinht-of-wav and the parkin~ area; single hedge to screen off perimeter of drive and parkin~ areas. c. Pavement setback a minimum of ten {10] feet from ri~ht-of-wav line; {fifteen {15) feet for right-of-way one hundred {~00) feet or greater in widthS: ten {10] feet from side property lines {unless otherwise authorized bv the Site DeVelOPment Review Director]. Words ~EL~Ll/a39~ are added; words e~uek theeugh are deleted. ORIGINI Scrivener'sError AUTHORI Bob Hulhere, Acting Current Planning Mgr~ DEPARTMENT I Site Development Review Department. LDC PAGEI 3-4 CHANGEl Correction of language due to scrivener's error. FISCAL IMPACT~ None. RELATED CODES OR REGULRTION8i LDC Article 2, Zoning. Seo. 3.2.4 ~ Deeds and Other Conveyances. All deeds and other conveyances for properties hereafter on Chokoloskee Island shall include in 4~ -~ type the following statement: "NO GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, INCLUDING COLLIER COUNTY, SHALL EVER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE, UPKEEP OR IMPROVEMENT OF ANY PRIVATE DRIVES, ROADS, STREETS, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY PROVIDING INGRESS AND EGRESS TO THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONVEYED." Failure to include. this information in a deed shall not affect the conveyance of property. Words ~ are added~ words =trzck ~hr=ug.~. are deleted. ORIGIN: Staff AUTHOR: David C. Weigel; Assistant County Attorney John R. Houldsworth; Senior Engineer DEPARTMENT: County Attorney's Office Development Services LDC PAGES: 3-15, 3-16, 3-18 and Appendix A LDC SECTION: REASON: See attached memo from David Weigel to MarJorie Student FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County will be reflected by reduced staff time by Development Services Staff, as well as the County Attorney's Office, in preparing and reviewing executive summaries and resolutions for standard approvals of constructed subdivision improvements. Additionally, the development community and a private citizens will benefit in as much as currently the Board's approval is required for subdivision improvements and such approval must be received prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. And, currently once staff is prepared to recommend approval of subdivision improvements, there is a ten to fourteen day period before an item will appear on the consent agenda. If this amendment is approved, the waiting period for Certificates of occupancy, and sometimes closings on property, would be eliminated. CCPC RECCOMENDATION~ Amend the LDC as indicated. Jrh/doo: 606 Staff Side Sheet/COX 7/1/94 ! LDC Page 3-15 Section ComPletion. ADDroYal and Acceptance of Required General. The required improvements constructed under the policies, procedures, guidelines, and requirements established in this Division shall be aDDroved end accepted by the Board of County Commissioners as prescribed in this Sec. All applicable completed water and sewer facilities shall simultaneously be conveyed to Collier County, or to Collier County Water-Sewer District or its dependent water-sewer districts, where appropriate, or the appropriate Water-Sewer District in conformance with the provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 88-76, as amended. This Sec. describes the policies, procedures and data required to obtain approval and acceptance of all required improvements constructed. Acceptance of Reau ired improvements. Upon completion of all required improvements contained in the approved improvement plans, the required improvements shall be Dre] iminarily approved acccptcd by the County Administrator or his desi~nee ~ ~ County ~mmlu=i=ncz=. P. cq~srPe~ ~~ M~ =ccclv= prcllmln=ry acceptance ~ ~~ uhnl~ ~ :indlcatcd ~ rcuolutlo~ adcptcd ~ t~e ~ ~ All water and sewer facilities aDDroved accepted In this fashion and required to be maintained by Collier County shall be conveyed to the County pursuant to the provisions set forth in Collier County Ordinance No. 88-76, as amended. A maintenance agreement and the posting of subdivision perromance security for the maintenance of the retired improvements shall be required prior to the preliminary approval of the completed required improvements. Delete stricken language, add underlined language: Staff Side Sheet/COA 7/1/94 LDC Page 3-16 Section Procedures for Acceptance of Re~uired ImProvements. The applicant shall submit the following data, certifications, inspections and documents for review and approval by the Site Development Review Director prior to the County Administrator. or his desiqnee .~ e~ County Cammizulcncra denying, granting, or granting with conditions preliminary ~ ]lp3zr_Qy3tl of any completed required improvements and prior to authorizing the Site Development Review Director to issue any building permits for structures to be constructed within a subdivision or development, where the developer has chosen to construct the improvements prior to recording of the plat. 1. Maintenance ACreement and Subdivision performance Security. The applicant shall execute a maintenance agreement in the rotmat provided in APPendiX A. guaranteeing the required improvements against defect in workmanship and material for the period beginning upon preliminary eeee~ of all completed required improvements by the 8ee~ e~ ~ CommIz=icncr= County Administrator. or his deslanes and ending upon final aM ~ of the required improvements. Any documents submitted bv an ~pDlicant which are not in compliance with the ~tandard forms adopted in APpendiX A must be ~pProved by the Board of County Commissioners. The maintenance agreement shall be submitted to the Development Services Director along with the completion certificate, development records and subdivision performance security for maintenance of the required improvements in an amount egusl to ten percent (10%) of the cost of required improvements. The subdivision performance security shall be in a form established by the Development Services Director from time to time as shown in Appendix A. The maintenance agreement and security shall be approved by the County Attorney prior to ee approval by the eemm~ss~tencrs CoUntY Administrator or his Delete stricken lanEuaBe, add underl|ne |anSuaSe: Staff Side Sheet/COX LDC Page 3-16 Section 2. Acceptance of Dedication and Maintenance of ImDrovements. The dedication of public spaces, parks, rights-of-way, easements, or required improvements shall not constitute an acceptance of the dedication by the County. The acceptance of the dedication shall be indicated by a resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners indicating t~at the appltcan= has attested that all required improvements meet or exceed the standards established by this Division. Such resolution shall be prepared by the Development Services Director after all of the procedures and requirements for ~ aM final approval of the required improvements have been met to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director, Pursuant to Section 177.081. Florida Statutes, the dedication of facilities or areas on a Plat does not obliaate the Board of County Commissioners to construct or maintain facilities within such dedicated are~2 ~wcep~ when the obli~ation is voluntarily assumed bY the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners shall indicate in its resolution ~ivin~ final a~Drcv~l of the required improvements whether or not i~acceDts maintenance responsibility .for the improvements. DeteCe ~cricken lanBuaBe, add underlLne Staff Side Sheet/COA 7/1/94 LDC Page 3-18 Section[E~L~31~- Preliminary and final inspections of all required improvements satisfactory to the County shall be required. Preliminary inspection of the completed required improvements shall be required prior to any conveyance to or acceptance by the IBoard of County Commissioners of any required improvements and. the granting of preliminary acceptance. During preliminary inspection, the required improvements will be checked for compliance with the approved improvement plans. In addition, revisions or deviations from the approved improvement plans shall be identified and explained in writing by the applicant's professional engineer of record. All required improvements shall be in full compliance with the approved improvement plans and record improvement plans prior to submission to the Board. The final inspection shall be conducted no earlier than one (1) year after preliminary ~ approval of the required improvements by the 8ea~ County Administrator or his ~esianee. During final inspection the required improvements will be examined for any defect in materials and workmanship and for physical and operational compliance with the record improvement plans. See Sec. regarding the procedure required to obtain final acceptance of the required improvements. .. Section Preliminary ~ . Approval. Upon satisfactory completion of the required improvements, as evidenced by the compliance with Secs. through', the Development Services director, shall, if in agreement, certify that the applicant has complied with all of the provisions of this Division. Upon such recommendation' from the Development Services Director, the Beet~ e~ ee~Rt-~ Ccmmla=Ioncr~ by ~ County Administrator or his desianee shall preliminarily aPProve seesis% the required improvements, eek4~4~kje the ~ e~ the final ~ ~ establish the responsibilities for maintenance of the completed improvements through the execution with the applicant of a maintenance agreement and the posting of a subdivision performance security for · Delete stricken lanZuage, add underline lanSuage: Staff' Side Sheet/COA LDC Page 3-18 maintenance of required improvements in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the sum of the construction costs for all on-site required improvements based on the applicant's engineer's opinion of probable construction costs or contract bid price and grant preliminary acccptancc approval of the completed required improvements. The date of the action shall designate the commencement of the required maintenance period pursuant to Sec. Until preliminary eeeep~a~}e approval is granted, Final Certificates of Occupancy shall not be issued by the Development Services Director. Section Final AppVoya~ and Acceptance. The a~Dlicant sh~11 Petition the DeveloPment Services Director ~iDally ~pDrove the improvements. Upon expiration of the minimum one (1) year maintenance period and after satisfactory, completion of all final inspections, the Board shall adop~ a resolution qivlDq final approval of the reauired improvements, aC~nowledaina the dedication{s) of the final ~b~iviston Plat and establishins County resDonsibilitv for maintenance of the reauired improvements if it is the Board's desire to accent ~Dd maintain the facilities. The Board has no obligation to accent maintenance responsibilities ~Qr any facilities dedicated to Public use, Dursuant to Section 177.081. Florida Statutes. The Development Services Director shall notify the applicant in writing that final of the required improvements and applicable acceDtance of the facilities has been granted, notify all affected County agencies of their final maintenance responsibilities, and instruct the Clerk of the Court to return the remaining maintenance security held by the County. Delete stricken language, add underline language~ ORIGIN: BCC Directed AIrTHOR: Fred Reischl, Environmental Specialist II DEPARTMENT: Site Development Review, Current Planning Section LDC PAGE: 3-144, 3-144A, and 3-145 LDC SECTION: 3.13.7 CHANGE: Addition and deletion of language to the exemptions section of the Coastal Construction Setback Line (CCSL) regulations. REASON: The proposed changes would allow administrative approval of activities which are generally beneficial to the coastal area. Without a public hearing, dune repairs, re-vegetation, and dune walkover construction may proceed more quickly. FISCAL IMPACT: No direct fiscal impact to the County, however, if such petitions need not be brought to the BZA, there should be some fiscal benefit associated with staff review and processing time. A fiscal benefit to a potential applicant is the fact that the permit fee will be less than the variance fee ($1,000) as less staff time and resources would be required for the review and approval of these activities as apposed to the variance procedure. RELATED CODES: The proposed change requires that a permit be obtained from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). 3.13.7 E×emDtions shall be reviewed administratively for compliance with applicable County codes. and shall not be heard by the Board of County Commissioners. Exemptions to Sec. 3.13.4 shall include: The removal of ~ Au=tralian plnc trcc=, ~unk prcvldcd and defined as exotic ~ by County Code. Any modification, maintenance, or repair, to any existing structure within limits of the existing foundation or footprint, which does not require, involve or include any additions to, or repair or modifications of, the existing foundation of that structure, fXCqDt those modifications reauired by code, excluding additions or enclosure added, constructed, or Installed below the first dwelling floor or lowest deck of the existing structure. Words ~ are added; words ;truck t.%r=ug.h are deleted. LDC Changes Section 3.13.7 Page 2 Any structure(s) such as beach umbrellas and beach furniture that do not constitute fixed structure(s), do not require a building permit, weigh less than one hundred (100) pounds and upon review by the Development Services Director or his designee is/are determined not to present an actual or potential threat to the beach and the dune system and adjacent properties. This exemption shall not be effective during Sea Turtle Nesting Season (May i - October 31) unless the structures are removed daily from the beach. 3.~3.7.4 E~tlc~ garylot= "~"" .... ~ ..... '~-- Certificate :ppllcatig~ shall g~antcd. An Exam on conditions cr bc danlad. Prior to the Development a local ncwcpapcr cncc par ~cck for t~c ccnsccutivc taecn ~IC) ~ay: after =ald':;ctico or ~:cI:icn i: rcndcrcd ma7 ~c madc tc have thccxcmptlcn rcquc=t rcvlc'Jc~ by t~e Environmarital .'..~visor7 Words ~ are added; words =truck through are deleted. ORIGIN= BCC Directed AUTHOR: Barbara S. Burgeson, Environmental Specialist II DEPARTMENT: Site Development Review, Current Planning Section LDC PAGE: 3-145 LDC SECTIONS: 3.13.8, 3.13.9 and 3.13.10 CHANGE: Addition of a permit section. Such permits are to be reviewed and approved at Staff level. Renumber the Penalty and Civil Remedies Section 3.13.8 and the Severance Section 3.13.9, respectively as follows. REASON: The proposed changes would allow administrative approval of activities which are generally beneficial to the coastal area. Without a public hearing, dune repairs, re-vegetation, and dune walkover construction may proceed more quickly. FISCAL IMPACT: No direct fiscal impact to the County, however, if such petitions need not be brought to the BZA, there should be some fiscal benefit associated with staff review and processing time. A fiscal benefit to a potential applicant is the fact that the permit fee will be less than the variance fee ($'1,000) as less staff time and resources vould be required for the review and approval of these activities as appo~ed to the variance procedure. Staff proposes to bring forward an amendment to the fee resolution for Board review (proposing the the appropriate permit fees) within sixty days. RELATED CODES: The proposed change requires that a permit be obtained from the Florida Oepartment of Environmental Protection (FDEP). ~-^~ ~ ~ " PS?~ALTY AND CIVIL ~EpIES _a_~ ......... ~ zhall ~- prczccutad in tha namc of the ..... ~ ................. ~ ......... a flnc nat to ~" imprlconmcnt in thc County Jail not cxcccd $500.00 cr -z imprlzcnmcnt. Bach vlolntlon an~ cach day a vlolatlan oontinucz zhall czn~tltut= .......... ' ...... e~,y pro==cutlon a= 3.13.S.2 ~ivll Rcmcdlcc. In addition to or in licu of thc pc.~=Itlo= prcvldcd by gcncral law '-- ~- violation of ~..j ........................ campal thlo Cod~. Words 3AE~are added; words e%~P~e~Ja~rough are deleted. LDC Changes Sections 3.13.8, 3.13.9 and 3.13.10 Page 2 The followlna activities seaward of the Coastal Construction Setback Line shall not require a hearing by the Board of County Commissioners. but shall reauire ~ C~o~stal Construction Setback Line permit. Such permit shall be reviewed and aDDroved administratively by Si~ Development Review Environmental Staff. The appropriate fee as set by County resolution shall be Submitted with Permit application. Construction of a dune walkover with a maximum width 0C six feet. when a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Dennit has been obtained. Creation. restoration. re-veaetation or repair of the dune or other natural'area seaward of the CCSL on an individual parcel of land, when a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP~ Permit has been obtained and the followtn~ criteria have been met. ]L~ Sand used must be compatible in color and train size tO existin~ sand. Plants utilized shall be one hundred percent (100%} native coastal species. ~ Restoration plans shall be destaned by an individual with exDertise in the area of Environmental Sciences, Natural Resource Management or Landscape Architecture. Academic credentials shall be a bachelors or hi~her de~ree. Professional experience may be substituted for academic credentials on a year for year basis. PrOvided at least two (2) years professional experience are ~D the State of Florida. Words ~ are added; words e~~rough are deleted. LDC Changes Sections 3.13.8, 3.13.9 and 3.13.10 Page 3 ~ ~_~ E~4ALTY AND CIVIL REMEDIES, 3,13,9,1 F~Dalty, A violation of any provision of this Code is a ~isdem¢~nOr and shall be prosecuted in the name of the State in the COUntY COurt by ~h~. Prosecutina Attorney. add upon..cQnviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed.$50O,O0._or by imprisonment in the County Jail not to exg~ed sixty {60] days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, Each violation and each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense, The Board of County Commissioners shall have the Dower to ~Qllaterally enforce the provisions of this Code bv appropriate Judicial Writ or proceedin~ notwithstandina ~nY prosecution as misdemeanor, ~ Civil Remedies, In addition to or in lieu of the penalties provided by ~eneral law for the violation of ordinances, the Board of County Commissioners may brin~ inJunctive action to enjoin the construction or compel the removal of structures constructed in violation of 3-~ Severance, If aDV phrase or portion of this Division is ~or any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent ~urisdiction. such portion shall be deemed a separate. distinct and independent provision and such hQldinc shall not affect the validity of the remaining=portion, Words ]A~ are added; words ==ruc,k ~..hrcug.h are deleted. ~ONB~UC~ZONANDMAZI~41s. X~ AGREEM~'T FOR B~DZVZBZON ~IS CONS~U~ION ~D ~INT~CE AGRE~T FOR SU~OIVISION I~ROV~TS OF CO~I~ D~PM~ DISTRI~ (this "Ageement") is e~tered into th~s day of , 19 by and among , an independent special district and ~y politic of the State of Florida (the "District"), (the "Developer") and the BO~D OF CO~TY CO~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER CO~TY, F~RIDA (the "BOard"). A. Simultaneously herewith, the Developer has applied for Board approval of that certain plat of the su~vis~on to be known as (the "Plat"). B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County ~nd Development Cod~ (the "Code") re~ires the D~strict and the Developer to provide certain guarantees to the Board in connection ~tth the construction of the improvements re~red by the Plat. C. The D~strict and the Developer ~es~re to prov~e the required guarantees to the Board hereby. NOW, T~EREFORE, i~ considerat~on of the foregoi~g premises and the mutual covenants here~nafter set forth, the D~str~ct, the Developer and the Boar~ do hereby oovenan~ and agree as follows= O~TIVE PROVISIONS~ 1. Required Improvements. The District will cause to be constructed: Page I of 9 (collectively, the "Required Improvements"). Subject to Paragraph 3 hereof, the Required Improvements will be constructed within thirty-six (36) months from the date that the Board approves the Plat. 2. Security for Required Improvements. A construction fund (the "Construction Fund") has been established by resolution of the District adopted on , 19 (the "Bond Resolution") from which the cost of construction of the Required Improvements shall be paid. The Construction Fund shall be held in the custody of a bond trustee (the "Trustee"). Proceeds of bonds (the "Bonds") authorized to be issued by the District pursuant to the Bond Resolution. shall be deposited, at a . minimum, in the Construction Fund as follows: $. for costs of the Required Improvements (the "Construction Amount") and $ representing ten percent (10%) of the Construction Amount (the "Reserve Amount"). The Reserve Amount shall be retained as a reserve in the Construction Fund pursuant to Paragraph 5 hereof. In addition to the foregoing, proceeds of the Bonds shall be deposited with the Trustee to be held as capitalized interest and which, together with interest earned on [he Bond proceeds deposited in the Construction Fund, shall be sufficient to pay interest on the Bonds during the · ( ) month period following the issuance thereof. In addition, proceeds of the Bonds shall be deposited with the Trustee in the Debt Service Reserve Account Page 2 of 9 established by the Bond Resolution in an amount sufficient to pay approximately (__) months of debt service on the Bonds. There shall be sufficient monies in the construction fund to construct the required improvements and all other improvements authorized by the Bond Resolution, as well as to fund the Reserve Amount. 3. Construction of Required Improvements. (a) Annexed hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A" is a Construction Schedule 'relating to the Required Improvements (the "Construction Schedule"). The District shall commence construction of the Required Improvements within (. ) days following written construction approval to the District from the Development Services Department and the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds (the "Commencement Period"). The District will pursue construction of the Required Improvements to substantial completion within (__) months following the end of the Commencement Period (the "Construction Period"). (b) In the event the District fails to: (1) commence coDstruction of the Required Improvements within the Commencement Period; or (2) substantially complete construction of the Required Improvements prior to the expiration of the Construction Period, upon written notice to Developer by the Board, Developer shall immediately become responsible for the construction of the Required Improvements. The obligation to construct the Required Improvements within the Construction Period shall be a Joint obligation of both the District and the Developer. Page 3 of 9 4. Develooment Services DJrector~s Prelfminarv Approval o~ Reouired Imorovements. fhe Development Services Director shall not consider the Required Improvements complete until a statement of completion by the District's or Developer's consulting engineers, together with the final project records related thereto, have been furnished for review and approval to the Development Services Director of Collier County, Florida (the "Director") for compliance with the Code. Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of completion from the District, the Director shall either (a) notify the District or Developer, in writing, of his preliminary approval of the Required Improvements; or (b) notify .the District or Developer, in writing, of his refusal to preliminarlly approve the Required Improvements, therewith specifying those conditions that the District or Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Board's preliminary approval of the Required Improvements. In no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the Required Improvements if they are constructed and submitted f~r approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 5. Maintenance and Reserve Amount. The District or Developer, as the case may be, shall maintain all Required Improvements for a minimum of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the District or Developer and upon submission of a written request for inspection, the Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the Required'Improvements and, if found - Page 4 of 9 to be still in compliance with the Code shall recommend approval to the Board. The District or Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the Required Improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for the County. Sums equal to the Reserve Amount shall be maintained by the Trustee on deposit in the Construction Fund until the final approval of the Required Improvements. The Board shall reflect its acknowledgment of such finding by notifying the District, in ~rriting, of its final approval of the Required Improvements. Upon receipt of notice of such final approval, the District shall no longer be required under this Agreement to maintain the Reserve Amount on deposit in the Construction Fund. In the event that during the inspection the Director finds that all or some portion of the Required Improvements are not in compliance vith the Code, the Director shall promptly specify, in vriting, to the District those deficiencies that must be corrected in order to bring the Required Improvements into compliance with the Code. The District shall apply the Reserve Amount to payment of the cost of correcting such deficiencies. In the event the District fails to pursue such corrective action, the Developer shall bring the Required Improvements into compliance with the Code. Upon correction of the specified deficiencies and written notice thereof, the Director shall again inspect the Required Improvements and, if found to be in compliance with the Code, shall submit such findings to the Board for its final approval thereof. Page 5 of 9 6. Plat Recordation. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is a "Construction and Maintenance Agreement of Subdivision Improvements" within the meaning of, and meeting the requirements established by, Division 3.2.9 of the Code~ The parties acknowledge and agree that following the Board's approval of the Plat= a. The Developer shall not be entitled to record the Plat until the Board receives: (1) written notice from the Trustee that sums at least equal to the Construction Amount and Reserve Amount are on deposit in the Construction Fund (the "Trustee Notice"); (2) written notice from District and the Trustee that: (a) the project for which bond proceeds have been received by District includes the Required Improvements; (b) such Bond proceeds are sufficient to finance the Required Improvements as well as all other improvements to be financed by the Bonds (collectively "The Project") and to fund the Reserve Amount. The Trustee's representation that funds are sufficient to finance the Project for which Bond proceeds have been received as well as to fund the Reserve Amount is based upon the District Engineer's estimation of construction costs which is attached hereto and incorporated herein; and (c) the Project cannot be amended or changed without the consent of the Board (the "Project · Page 6 of 9 Notice")~ and (3) a representation and warranty from the District that all governmental permits to enable the District to commence construction of the Required Improvements have been obtained ("Permit Warranty")~ and b. Upon receipt by the Board of the Trustee Notice, Project Notice and the Permit Warranty, Developer shall be entitled to record the Plat without further condition, other than payment of any related recording fees established by applicable law and the execution of the Plat by all required parties. The County shall have no liability whatsoever to the bond holders. Neither the enforcement of the terms of this Agreement by the County nor the failure to enforce such terms shall create any liability whatsoever to the bond holders, the District, or the Developer. Any disclosure document prepared by the District or Developer in the offering of such Bonds shall provide a statement as described above relating to the lack of liability of the County.. S. Miscellaneous. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are, and shall be~ binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the District, Developer and Board. By execution below, the Trustee shall evidence its acknowledgment of and assent to the matters addressed herein. Any notice, demand, request or instrument authorized or required to be given or made hereby shall be deemed to have been given or made when sent by certified mail, return receipt . Page 7 of 9 requested, to the appropriate party at their address set forth below: To the District: To the Developer: To the Board: c/o County Administrator Collier County Government Canter 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 33962 With a Copy to: Collier County Attorney Collier County Government Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 33962 To the Trustee: IN WITNESS W~EREOF, the District, the Developer and the Board have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly . Page 8 of 9 authorized representatives as of thisj day of , 19 . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED DISTRICT: IN THE PRESENCE OF: ATTEST: District Secretary Its: WITNESS: DEVELOPER: By: Printed or Typed Name Its: Printed or Typed Name ATTEST: BOARD: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk < > Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Kenneth B, Cuyler Collier County Attorney Acknowledged and assented to: as Trustee under the within-mentioned Bond Resolution By: Its: Date: . Page 9 of 9 CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT entered into this day of , 19 by , description of entity (hereinafter "Developer"), the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, (hereinafter the "Board") and (hereinafter "Lender"). A. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: B. The subdivision will include certain improvements which are required by Collier County ordinances, as set forth in a site construction cost estimate ("Estimate") prepared by , a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 1. For .purposes of this Agreement, the "Required Improvements" are limited to those described in the Estimate. C. Sections and of the Collier County Subdivision Code Division of the Land Development Code requires the Developer to provide appropriate guarantees for the construction and maintenance of the Required Improvements. D. Lender has entered into a construction loan agreement with Developer dated (the "Construction Loan") to fund the cost of the Required Improvements. E. Developer and the Board have acknowledged that the amount Developer is required to guarantee pursuant to this Agreement is $ , and this amount represents 110% · Page I of 6, of the Developer's engineer's estimate o~ the construction costs for the Required Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer, the Board and the Lender do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause the water, sewer, roads, drainage and like facilities, the Required Improvements, to be constructed pursuant to specifications that have been approved by the Development Services Director within months from the date of approval of said subdivision plat. 2. Developer hereby authorizes Lender to hold $ from the Construction Loan, in escrow, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 3. Lender agrees to hold in escrow $ , from the ConstructiOn Loan, to be disbursed only pursuant to this Agreement. Lender acknowledges that this Agreement shall not constitute a draw against the Construction Loan fund, but that only such funds as are actually disbursed, whether pursuant to this Agreement or a provision of the Construction Loan, shall accrue intArest. 4. The escrowed funds shall be released to the Developer only upon written approval of the Development Services Director who shall approve the release bf the funds on deposit not more than once a month to the Developer, in amounts due for work done to date based on the percentage completion of the work multiplied by the respective work costs less ten percent (10%); and further, that upon completion of. the work, the Development Services Director shall approve the release of any remainder of · Page 2 of 6 escrowed funds except to the extent of $ which shall remain in escrow as a Developer guaranty of maintenance of the Required Improvements for a minimum period of one (1) year pursuant to Paragraph 10 of the Agreement. However, in the event that Developer shall fail to Icomply with the requirements of this Agreement, then' the Lender agrees to pay to the County immediately upon demand the balance of the funds held in escrow by the Lender, as of the date of the demand, provided that upon payment of such balance to the County, the County will have executed and delivered to the Lender in exchange for such funds a statement to be signed by the Development Services Director to the effect that: (a) Developer for more than sixty (60) days after written notification of such failure has failed to comply with the requirements of this Agreement~ (b) the County, or its authorized agent, will complete the work called for under the terms of the above-mentioned contraut or will complete such portion of such work as the County, in its sole discretion, shall deem necessary in the public interest to the extent of the funds then held in escrow; (o) the escrow funds drawn down by the County shall be used for construction df the Required Improvements, engineering, legal and contingent costs and expenses, and to offset any damages, either direct or consequential, which the county may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to carry out and execute the above-mentioned development work; and - Page 3 of 6 (d) the County will promptly repay to the Lender any portion of the funds drawn down and not expended in completion of the said development work. 5. Writtom notice to the Lender by the County specifying what amounts are to be paid to the Developer shall constitute authorization by the County to the Lender for release of the specified funds to the Developer. Payment by the Lender to the Developer of the amounts specified in a letter of authorization by the County to the Lender shall constitute a release by the County and Developer of the Lender for the funds disbursed in accordance with the letter of authorization from the County. 6. The Required Improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Subdivision Regulations. 7. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the ~mprovements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve the improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director of the Required Improvements. However, in' no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Page 4 of 6 Agreement. 8. Should the funds held in escrow be insufficient to complete the Required Improvements, the Board, after duly considering the public interest, may at its option complete the Required Improvements and resort to any and all legal remedies against the Developer. 9. Nothing in this Agreement shall make the Lender liable for any funds other than those placed in deposit by the Developer in accordance with the foregoing provision~ provided, that the Lender does not release any monies to the Developer or to any other person except as stated in this Escrow Agreement. 10. The Developer shall maintain all Required Improvements for one year after preliminar~ approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer and upon submission of a written request for inspection, the Development Services Director shall inspect the Required Improvements and, If found to be still in compliance with the Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Lender's responsibility to the Board under this Agreement is terminated. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the Required Improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 11. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and Lender, the respect- ire successors and assigns of the Developer and Lender. IN WITNESS W}IEREOF, the Board, the Developer and the Lender have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly . Page 5 of 6 authorized representatives this day of , 19 . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED <Developer Name> IN THE PRESENCE OF: By: Printed or Typed Name Printed or Typed Name Printed or Typed Name <Lender> Byt . Printed or Typed Name Prin6ed or Typed Name Printed or Typed Name ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk < >, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Kenneth' B. Cuyler Collier County Attorney · . Page 6 of 6 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCZ A~REEMENT FOR B~IBDTVIBION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO RECORDING OF PLAT THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO RECORDING OF PLAT AGREEMENT entered into this day of , 19 . between hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board of County CommLssioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the" Board." 1. Developer has, simultaneously w~th the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known 2. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code allows the Developer to construct the improvements required by said subdivision requlations prior to recording the final plat. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows= 1. Developer will cause to be constructed= within months from the date of approval of said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith agrees to construct said Page I of 4 improvements prior to recording said subdivision plat and the Board of County Commissioners shall not approve the 'plat for recording until said improvements have been completed. 3. Upon completion of said improvements, the Developer shall tender its subdivision performance security in the amount of $ which represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction. Upon receipt of said subdivision performance security by the Development Services Director, the Developer may request the Board of County Commissioners to approve the subdivision plat for recording and grant preliminary approval of said plat. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty dayu of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvementsl or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve the improvements, therewith specifying those conditions whfch the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. Page 2 of 4 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the 10% subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for the County. 7. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance s~curity to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed and maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt of acceptance of bids, the improvementu required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the Page 3 of 4 failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. 8. All of thls terms, covenants and conditions hatsin contained are and shall ba binding upon the Davalopar and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. IN ~rITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to ba executed by their duly authorized representatives this , day of , 19__. Signed, sealed and delivered <Developer Name:> in the presence of: Printed or Typed Name Printed or Typed Name Title Printed or Typed Name ATTEST: BOAP~ OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Deputy Clerk < >, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Kenn'a~h B. C~ylar Collier County Attorney -' Page 4 of 4 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINT~N3tNC~ AGREEMENT FOR BUBDMSION IM~RO~S THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS entered into this day of , 19__ between hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board o~ County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board." A. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as followsz 1. Developer will cause to be constructedz within months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof) in the amount of $ which amount Page I of 4 represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction plus 100% of the estimate cost of to complete the required improvements at the date of this Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier County, may call upon the subdivision performance security to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 5. The Development Services Director 'shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer In writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the ~mprovements. However, in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintainlall required improvements for a minimum period of one year after prelimina17 approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer · Page 2 of 4 shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services DIrector or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 7. Six (6) months after the 'execution of this Agreement and once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work completed. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. S. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security 'to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the Page 3 of 4 improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. 9. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives this day of . , 19 . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED <DeVeloper Name>: IN THE PRESENCE OF: Printed or Typed Name Printed or Typed Name Title Printed or Typed Name ' ATTEST= BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk OP COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy clerk < > Chairman Approved as to form and :! legal sufficiency: Kenneth B. Cuyler Collier County Attorney . Page 4 of 4 ACC;~;S MANAG6MENT ~,,... _ ACTIVITY CENT;R INDEX MAP ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN LEGEND []~S~ING Z~eEG ACCESS k~ANA~EUENT PLAN - ~ ~ ~T~ ~f ~ "~l~l ..: ., : ACCESS MANA(-'EMENT Pr. AN A PUl LEGEND t ~r~ ~T ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN  '" ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN £ & ! LEGEND ..... - ~ ~~ T ~t~t ~y z ~ l"' ~'~.~ ~ ' ACCESS MANAGEMENT PI. AN PUO A ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN I ! I ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN A LEGEND ACCESS MANAGEMENT P~.AN LEGENO ~T~ ~T~. ~T~ ~ ~ ~T ~ ~T ACCESS MANAGEMENT Pr. AN --- ACCESS MANAGEMENT PI. AN ~4 ,// ACCESS MANAGeMeNT PI. AN ACCESS MANAGEMENT Pr. AN /? ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN ACCESS MANAGEMENT PtAN STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk sT Conrts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida. do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a trtle copy Ordinance No. 94-58 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 26th day of October, 1994, during Special SessJon. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Col)ter County. Florida, this 28th day of October, 3994.. DWIGHT E. BROCK Clerk of Courts and Clerk .,,: ,, , Ex-offtclo to Board of ~:"' County Commissioners .. D~.pUty Clerk "'*