Ordinance 94-54 ORDINANCE NO. 94-..%4 ~AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE 1994 COLLIER COUN~ ./~ -~e...~GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEM~T /~ ~ "~%NNUAL UPDATE AND AMENDMENT BY CORRECTING, f~ ~.~ ~DATING, AND MODIFYING CERTAIN COSTS, REVENUE ~ URCES, SUPPORTING OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES, AN~ ~ [~ u~y ~HE DATES OF CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES ENUMERA~D ~ \%. - PITAL IMPROV ENT ELEMENT xo. CAPITAL P o=ECT ~%,. ".CYjIN FISCAL YEARS 1994/95 THROUGH 1998/99; PROVIDING  ~" FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Part II, Florid& Statutes also known the Local Government Cgmprehsnsive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of !98.5 and Chapter 9J-5, Flor~daAdmin~strative Code, also known as the Minimum Criteria'for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Determination of Compliance require that Collier County correct, update, and modify costs, revenue sources, or.the dates of construction of facilities enumerated in the Collier County Growth Management Plan Capital Improvement Element on an annual basis; and W~EREAS, Collier County has prepared an Annual Update and Amendment to the Capital Improvement Element of its Growth Management Plan (Ordinance No. 89-05) that takes into consideration the plans and financial resources of the County and of the Agencies of the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Part II, Flor~da'Statutes, Sections ~63o3177(3)(b) and ~63..3187'(2} provide for annual updates and amendments of local.g0vernment Capital Imprgvement'Elements that consider corrections, updates, and modifications concerning costs; revenue sources; acceptance of facilities pursuant to dedication= which are consistent with the plan; or the dates of construction of any facilities enumerated in the Capital Improvement Element; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission in a manner prescribed by law did hold a public hearing concerning the correcting, updating, and modifying of certain costs, revenue sources, and the dates of construction of facilities enumerated in the Collier County Growth Management Plan Capital Improvement Element for capital projects in Fiscal Years 1994/95 through 1998/99 on September 15, 1994 and recommended that it be submitted to the Board of County 'Co~missioners, as prepared,~noti~g certain considerations and reco~mendationa~ and ~IERF~S, the Board of County Conissioners did take action in the manner prescribed by law and did hold a public hearing on October 11, 1994~ and WHEREAS~ all applicable substantive and procedural requirements of law have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida that : ~: Update of Costs, Revenue Sources and Construction Dates of Facilities Enumerated in the Capital Improvement Element of =rowth Nanagement Plan. This Ordinance, as described herein, shall be known and cited as the 1994 Growth Management Plan Capital Improvement Element Annual U~date and Amendment for Collier County, Florida. The Collier County 1994Capital Improvement Element Annual Update and Amendment, attached hereto and i~corporated by reference herein as Exhibit A, consisting of objectives and policies~ requirements for capital improvements implementation~ and costs and revenues, is hereby adopted and shall be the Collier County Growth Management Plan Capital Improvement Element Annual 'Update and Amendment of 1994 and shall supersede any and all previous Capital Improvement Elements applicable to the unincorporated area of Collier County. ~= Severability. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity .of the remaining portion. ~: Effective Date. This Ordinance. shall become effective upon'receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed i!. with the Secretary of State and shall remain effective until the ~.. Department of Community Affa~re determinee that the ~994-~995 Comprehensive Plan Amendment is in compliance. ATTEST= B0 F~~~C0~ COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT.E. '.BROCK, CLERK CO~.IER COUNTY, FLORIDA , ~eputy Cleric n '/.~ ;., ~..,, ,' Approved as to form and sufficiency.' ~ar~o~e M. S~ud~n~ ~of~~ ~sistant County At~o~ey ~ ~~,~ CAPITAL XMPROVE](ENT ELEMENT t~Lf4h S~xth AnnuaX U~da~e & Amendmen~ COLLTER COUNTY FLORIDA GROWTH XAN~C]EMENT PL]~N ,arowth Management Section Anondnont rransnLtted to ~CA bF XosolutLon Ho. O0-40& 94-730 STRIKE-OUTS ~ AND UNDERLINES IN THE ~DOPTRD ~E~TZONS REPRESENT PENDZN~ AMENDMENTS ' :,,.:' :. .'- T]~BLI OP CONTFHTB Psge ~. ~ NO. 94-54 ~~.,~.~0. 94-730 !~, Z. INTRoDucTION ~ * ZZ. C~PZT]tT, ZMPROYEMENT GO.LB, OB~ECT~E~ ~ POLZCZE~ CIE - Z * ZZZ. Z~L~TZ ON SCHEDULE OF C~ZT~ Z~RO~BZ Roads Pro~ec~s CZ~ - ~9 D~a~naq~ Pro~ec~s C~B -~ ~S P~o~ec~l CIE - ~ L[bra~ Bu~ld~n~sPro~ect8 C~E - ~ Government Buildings Pro~ects C~E -~ Parks P~oJects C~B - ~ Wa~er Projects CIE - ~ Sewer Projects CIE - ~ ~ndf~11 Projects tIN -~ * IV, COST ~ R~E~ES CIE - ~ * V, PROG~B TO ~B~B IMPLICATION CIE - ~ VI. ~YBZB (Support Doa~en~s) Public Facility Retirements Appendix X Capital. Improvements Projects Appen~B Capital Improvement Financ~ng Appendix C Capacity Collier County School Board Appended Capital Improvement Program T~m~ng & ~cat~on of Cap~al Appendix ~ Improvements= -~rrent ~cal ~ract~ces F~anc[~g Plan ~ppe~d~F Collier County Fifth ~nual Update Appendix G & Invento~ Report (AUIR) on ~bl~c Facilities * ~ndioa~es ~or~one ~o ~e a~o~ed ~ Ord~nanoe ~. Doo, Ref~ 6995 ORDZN~J(CE NO, ~DATX~G~ ~D HOD~HO C~AXN ~S, BO~CES; SUP~Z~ O~E~IV~ ~D ~lCl~. XN ~E COLL2~ CO~ GR~ ~AG~ C~XTAL I~PROV~ ~ ~R ~XTAL I~ FIS~ Y~ 19~4/95 ~RO~H ~998/9gl FOR S~BXLX~; ~D PROV~DXNG ~ EFFE~ZVE DATE. ~S, ~apter 163, Pa~ II, ~lorida S~a~u~en also kn~ ~he ~al G~ernmem~ ComprehennLve Planni~ a~ ~nd ~vel~en~ Xe~la~ton Ac~ og X985 and ~ap~ar ~-S, ~l~rida ~ G~e~ent Comprehensive Plans a~ Deto~ination o~ C~pllan~e re. Ire thl~ Collier Co..t~ correct, u~ate, a~, ~lI~ revenue s~rces, or ~he dates.o~ oonst~otion o~ enumerated Afl the Collier Count~ Or~h ~anag~en~ Plan ~pltal II~eJefl~ gl~ent on an annual ~ala; and ~, Collier County his prepared an ~al ~ato ~efldment to the Capital lmpr~emen~ Zlemen~ o~ its Hanag~ent Plan (OtdAnance Ho. ~0-05) ~at takes into consideration ~e plans and financial rel~rces o~ ~e C~nty I~ of o~ ~e S~aCe et Plorida; a~ ~S, ~apter 163, Part Il, ~ Statutes, B~lons 163.3177(3) (b) and 1~3.3187(2) provide for tn~el u~etts iBe~ients or l~al g~er~en~ Capital lmproveBen~ lleBents consider corrections, u~ates, and ~iIlcatlofls concernl~ revenue sourcesl acceptance of facilities ~rs~nt to d~lcatl~ ~lch are consistent vl~h ~h~ plan~ or the dates o[ any facilities en~erated In the Capl~l I~r~sent ~, the Collier County Plannl~ Cmlsslon ~, pres~l~d ~ law did hold a ~bllo hearl~ oonaerni~ coffering, u~ating, and ,~l~yl. n9 o~ canaan ~.ts, S~rces, and ~he dates o~ co~st~ctlom ~ f~ollltles en~rate4 in the Collier County arch Hanaqe~ent Plan Capital · on lapte~ber IS, 1994 and recommended that it be aulml~ted to the Board o~ County Commissioners, al preparld, noting oertein considerations and recomaendations; and the ~nfle~ prescri~d ~ law end did hold I ~blio hea~/ng off ~oh~ 11, 1994] and of lay have ~en N~, ~~, BE IT O~A2~ ~ the Boa~ of cm/siloners of Collier c~n~y, Florida ~at ~ ~s U~a~e of Co,Cs, Revenue ~ources and Conit~ot/~ U~ate a~ ~e~n~ for CollLer C~nCy, Florida. C~nty 1~4 Capital ~npr~enent ~l~en~ ~nual ~ate attached hereto and Lnco~a~ed ~ reference herein lnpr~enents Llplementatlon; and costs an~ revenues, Ls here~ adopted and shall ~ the Collier C~nty Gr~h Ha~ag~ent Plan J" applicable to the unLncor~rated area o~ Collier C~nty. ~t ~everablll~y. II I~ phrase or portion of ~hls ~dlnanoe Il held l~lld or unconstitutional ~ any Court o~ c~tent ~ur/sd/~lon, lu~ pre,sion and such hold~nq shall not ~ec~ ~e ~l~d~ty rmining ~Aa Ordinance shall ~coae effec~Ave ~m receAp~ from the Secreta~ o~ S~a~e tha~ this Ordinance has ~en fLl~ vl~ ~e Secreta~ of B~a~e and shall renaln effe~lve until C~prehensive Plan ~e~en~ Il in c~pll~nce. , ~e~y cle=k Approved il to lorn and legal euffioiency~ Wa~jo~.e a. S~ud~nt ~OX,I~ZON NO~ ~4- 730 A RESOi/JTXON APPROVZNG ~1[~ PROPOBEO CO~LZKR COUNTY, I"~ORIDA GROWTH MANA~I~EI~ PLAM ~S, th~ ~al Government 'CompFehenl~ve P~ann~nqand ~ (2993)) a~d ~apter 9~-S, ~ ~, ~in~un Criteria for RevL~ of ~al G~or~ent C~prehensivo Plans and Deracination o~ C~pllance, require the2 In the event ~S, Collier County has prepared A. end~e~t~ t~ the Zl~eflt; tho Oolde~ Gate ~aster Plifl; and tho Capital ~blic partio/pa~ion and c~mont thr~gh~ the Plon Amendment preparation proce. I; and th~ pro~sed~endaenk. ~o ~e ~r~h ~anaqe~nt Plan race.ended approval of said Plan ~end~ents ~o ~he Boa~of C~lssLoners; and ~S, Collier County mus~ su~it the pro~sed Plan revl~; and ~, Collier County Bay r4~est tha~ the gepimen~ Community Affairs review ltl proposed Gr~th Kanagement Plln Amendmen~i; and ~S, upon Feceip~ o~ CollieF C~nty~s pFo~ged Managenefl~ Plan Amendmentl, the Oep~rtlen~ o~ C~n~y Affairs "' ~st, w~thin ~hLr~ (30) da~s, flot~fy CollAer C~nty, for review has been made by ~ho Southwel~ FlorLda Regional Plann~ng Council, any affected peraon or CollLer C~n~yt end I~R~AS, upon receipt of am.manta £rom ravlsving 9ovsrnmantal agencies, the Department of Community Af£airs shall hays thirty (30) days to ravie~ ¢onnenta ~ the vat,Gun gavirnmen~ ~gena/e~ and transmit to CoZZ~er C~nty ~ts ~Ltten c~ent, regarding the p=opo.ed F~an ~nendnent. ~lch lnaZude any ob~ection~ and rec~endatlonm for .~X~lcatlonl and : ~E~B, Coil/er County, u~n receipt of the ~lCCen from the Dipar~men~ of Co~un~y &fgaici ~l~ adopt, or adopt changes, the propo.ed Gr~ Hanaqenent Plan ~endnentl vlthln (60] days of luch rece/p~l and ~9, the Department o~ C~lty Af~airl, v~thl~ (45) daya of receip~ of Collier County's Idopted Gr~h Nanlgement Plan ~endmentl, ~ revl~ and dateline 1~ the PIa~ ~endmint~ and ~nd Develo~eflt ACt of 19'e5, ii ane~edl the State C~prehene~ve Plan/ the I~thvelt Florida ~Lonal Pol~ Finn and Aule ~-5, Florida Xdninis~rat~ve Cmlssioner~ of CollLer C~nty, Florldn~ that: ~e ~olr~ of Count~ CM~JJlo~erl here~ ippr~el the pr~led C~r~latlon BlemenC~ the Golden Gate Halter Pln~ and the Cap,Ca1 lnprovenent Zlenen~ and attached hereto aM $flco~rated hereXn !~. reference I. txhlblt X for the pu~se ot transmittal to the ~par~nent ot conaunit~ Xffairi and riquiltl that the Department evaluation of the Gr~h Wanagement Plan Ane~ments prlo~ to final deracination of compliance vXth the ~al G~ernnenC C~prehenl~ve Planning and ~nd Oevelo~en~ Repletion Act og 1985, and Rule 93-5~ Florida AdminintratlVer~e, H~ ~erla f~ ~evlev of ~cal Govern=eat Co=~rehe~l~ve Pla.I i~d Dete~at~o~ Compliance. " ~le Reeolu~lon fdop~ed e~er mo~lon, eeoond end roll o811 C~l~oner ~o~ Aye N, Jtudent County Attorney Xo X~OD~TIOg In 198S and 1986 the Florida Legislature significantly strengthened the requirements for county and city comprehensive plans. One of the new provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act is the requirement that the comprehensive plan must contain a Capital Improvement Element to "... consider the needs for and location of public facilities ..." (Section 163.3177(3), Florida Statutes). The Capital Improvement Element (CIE) is supposed to identify public facilities that will be required during the next five or more years, including the cost of the facilities, and the sources of revenue that will be used to fund the facilities. One of the specific requirements of the legislation states that the public facilities that are contained An the CIE must be based on "standards to ensure the availabil~ty of public facilities and the adequacy of those facilities Including acceptable levels of service." The administrative regulation that implements the statutes defines the phrase "level of service" as "... an indicator of the extent or degree of service provided by ... a facility based on and related to the operational characteristics of the facility. Level of service shall indicate the capacity per unit of demand'for each public facility." (Section 9J-5.003 (41), Florida Administrat~ve Code). Dos. 3~efz 4995 AND POLXCX~S Identify and define t~es' of public facilities for which the County responsible, establish standards for levels of se~lce for each such public fac~lity, and dete~e what ~ant~ty of additional publ~o facilit~es are needed in order to achieve and maintain the standards. Pol~ ~e County shall es~ablish standards for levels o~ se~ce for three categories of public facilities, as fo11~s: Ca~ego~A public facilities are facilities which appear ~m other elements of ~h~s comprehensive plan, ~nclud~ng arterial and collector roads, surface wats= management ~ystems~ potable water and parks and recreation fac~litiee. ~e standards for levels of serrate of Category A County provided ~ubli~ facilities shall apply to development orders issued ~ ~he C~nty and to the County'~ annual ~dget, a~d to the appropriate i~dividual element of this Comprehensive Plan. ~e standards for levels of se~lce of Category A facilities which are hoc County provided shall apply to development orders issued by the County and to the appropriate individual element of this Comprehensive Plan, but shall not to the County's annual Catego~ B public facili~ies are facilities for the Co~ty's libra~, Jail, emergen~ medical se~ice, other gove~en= buildings, and dependen~ fire d~stricts. ~e standards for levels of se~ice of Catego~ B public facilities shall apply to the County's annual budget, ~t ~ot apply to develo~en= orders issued by the County. Category C includes those facilities operated'~ Federal, State, and municipal goVer~ents, independen='districts, and private organize=ions. ~e standards for levels of se~ice of Catego~ C facilities shall be adviso~ only, and shall not apply to the development orders issued ~ the County or ~e County's annual ~blic faciliti~s shall include land, st~ctures, the initial furnishings and e~!pment (including ambiances, fire apparatus, and libra~ colIection materials), design, pe~itting, and costs. Other "capital" costs, such as motor vehicles and mo~orized e~ipment, computers and office e~ipment, office furnishings, a~d small tools are considered in the County's annual ~dge~, ~t such items are no= "public facilities" for the pu~oses of the Gr~h Management Plan, or the issuance of develo~ent orders. Doo.~tef 8 ~995 The quantity of Public facilities that 11 needed to eliminate existing deficiencies and to meet the needs of'future growth shall be deteratned for each public facility b~ the following calculations Q- (s x D) - 2. Where Q Is the quantity of publiO*faclltty needed, S ks the standard for level of serVice, D ks the demand, such as the population, and I ts the Inventory of existing facilities. A. The calculation will be used for existing demand In order to determine existing deficiencies. The calculation will be used for projected demand In order to determine needs of future growth. The estimates of projected demand wtll account for demand that Is likely to occur from previously issued development orders as well as future growth. B. The County Commission will review all rezone requests and proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) affecting the overall County-wide denstt Permissible dave1 ~---,- u4 ...... y or tntenstt~pOf o~ .... - -~ consideration of their i both the variable "D" the formula Q . (S x D) - I, and actin on overall roadway system. The County Commission shall not the approve any such rezone request or FLUE a ~-racxng a~d/or ~ro4ec ~ +~ I_[__.~-¥[~ segment already unacceptable Level of SerVice or~ 2 ~he population' ro4ect ... ..... , ~ ~_ BEBR hi h more of the following simultaneously occur~ one or 1. Specific mitigating stipulations are approved in conjunction with the rezone to restore or maintain the Level of Service on the Impacted roadway segmentl 2. The.adopted population standard (BEBR high range projection) used for calculation of -Q# in the formula Q - (S x D) - I is amended based on appropriate data and analysie$ 3. The Schedule of Capital Improvements is updated to Include any neceaeary proJects that would support the additional public facility demand s) created by the rezone or amendment to the Future(Land Use Element. C. Significant impact ts hereby defined for Section B of this Policy as generating Potential for increased County-wide population greater than 5% of the BEBR high range population projections for Parks, Solid Waste, Water, Sewer and Drainage facilities, or as generating a volume of traffic equal to or greater than 5% of the Level of Service C Peak hour volume of an Impacted roadway. D. There are three circumstances ~nwhich the standards for '* Doa. Refz ~ggS eIB- 2. levels of service are not the exclusive determinant of need for a public facllity~ 1. Calculated needs for public facilities in coastal high hazard areas are subject to all limits and conditions in the Conservation and Coastal Management and Future Land Use Elements of this Gro~ch Management Plan. 2. Replacement of obsolete or worn out facilities, and repair, remodeling an~ renovation, will be determined bM the Board of County Commissioners upon the recommend- ation of the County .Manager. 3. Public facilities that provide levels of service in excess of the standards adopted in ~his Growth Manage- ment Plan may be constructed or acquired at any time as long as the following conditions are met: a. the facility does not make financially unfeasible any public facility of the same type that is needed to achieve or maintain the standards for levels of service adopted in this Growth Management Plan, and b. the facility does not contradict, limit or substantially change the goals, objectives and policies of any element of this Growth Management Plan. Any public facility that is determined to be needed as a result of any of the factors listed in Section B and D of this Policy shall be included in the reqular Schedule of Capital Improvements contained in this Capital Improvement Element. All capital improvement projects for such public facilities shall be approved in the same manner as the projects that are identified according to the quantitative analysis described in Section A of this policy. PolicX X./.3~ The determination of location of improvements to expand public facilities will take into consideration the projected ~ow~h patterns as identified in the,County's annual population projections. Where applicable~ public facility improvements will be. coordinated with the capital facility plans of any other governmental entity providing public facilities within Collier County. Public facility Improvements within a categorM are to De considered in the following order or priority: A. Replacement of obsolete or worn out facilities, including repair, remodelinq and renovation of facilities that contribute to achieving or maintaining levels of eervics. B. Ne~ facilities that reduce or eliminate extfting deficiencies in levels of service. f,:' : C. New facilities that provide the' adopted levels of service for new growth during the next five fiscal years, as updated by the annual review of the Capital Improvement Element. In the event that the planned capacity of public facilities is insufficient to serve all applicants for development orders, the capital improvements will be scheduled i~ the following priority order to serve: 1. previously approved orders permitting redevelopment, · ~ 2. previously approved orders permitting new development, 3. new orders permitting redevelopment, and 4. new orders permitting new developments. D. Improvements to existing facilities, and new facilities that significantly reduce the operating cost of providing a service or facility. E. New facilities that exceed the adopted levels of service for new growth during the next five fiscal years by either: 1. providing excess public facility capacity that maybe needed by future growth beyond the next five fiscal years, or 2. providt~g higher quality pubIlo'faoilitise than are contemplated in the County's normal deeig~ criteria for such facilities. Polt~ 1.1.ss ~he standarde for levele of service of publio faoilities ehall be ae follows: C&tego~j~& PUblto Factlittee county Ros~e Al.1 County arterials and collector roads: Level of Se~tce as indicated" "below on the baele of peak hour, peak season traffic vol~me~ I~vel of Service ~E~ on the follo~in~ deeignated roads: Ro&de ~o~ - ~o Airport-Pulling Road Pine Ridge Road to ~olden ~olden ~ate Parkway Al~po~-_~L]~f~LgRoad to Santa Barbara Boulevard Goodlette-Frank Road Pine Ridge Road to ~olden Parkway ~oodlette-Frank Road ~olden ~ate Parkway to US 41 Pine Ridge Road ~t~Po~-_]~L~JJlg Road to Al.2 L~vel of Service .Dw peak hour, peak season on all other County arterial and collector roads, however any section of road may operate at Level of Service "E# for a period not to exceed two fiscal years following the determination of Level of Service "E" in order to provide the County with time to restore Level of Service "D" by making appropriate improve- ments. Development orders may be issued during the two year period to the extent their issuance is consistent with Policies 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 of this Element. State and FsderaX Roeds~ ~XISTZNG RURAL /tREA URBANIZED AREA URBANIZED 1-75 C D D US 41 C D C ~ii., SR-84 C D ' C SR-951 - D C ]~ SR-29 D - - :. BR-82 D - - ! ~3 coUnty su~feoe water Management systemsl A3.1 Future flprivate# developments - water quantity and quality !'~ standards as specified in Collier County Ordinances 74-50 and 90-10. A3.2 Existing "private" developments and existing or future public drainage facilities - those existing levels of service identified (by design storm return frequency event) by the completed portions of the Water Management Master Plan as listed in the Drainage/Water Management Subelement of the Public Facilities Element. A4 County Potable Water Systemst A4.1 County systems 135 gallons per day per capita plus 21% for non-residential A4.2 City of Naples - 150 gallons per'capita per day A4.3 Private potable water systems: Sewage flow design standards as identified in Policy 1.3.1 of the Potable Water Subelement of thie'GrowthManagement Plan. AS County Sanitary Sewer Systsmsz AS.! County systems: 100 gallons per day per capita plus 21% for non-residential A5.2 City of ~aples - 150 gallons per capita per day A5.3 PriVate sanitacy sewer systems: Sewage flow design standards as identified in Policy 1.2,1 of the Sanitary Sewer Subelement of this Growth Management Plan, A~.I 1.~ tons of Solid Waste per capita per year GIB - S Doe. Re: z 699S '? A6,2 Two years of landfill lined cell disposal capacity at present ;. fill rates A6.3 Ten years of landfill raw land capacity at present fill rates A7 Count~ Parks and Recreation Facilities! A7.1 Regional ~ark land - 2.9412 acres per 1;000/pop. A7.2 Community Park land - 1.2882 acres per ;~ A7.3 Recreation facilities - $~OO179.00 capital investment .- per capita (at current cost) : Categor~ B Public County Library Buildings s 0.33 s~uare feet per capita '~' B2 County Library Collection ~ ~OSX.X0books per capita '~ B3 County Jail s 0.0024 beds per capita B4 County Emergency Medical s 0.00006 EMS units per capita Service : BS County other Government g 2.58 square feet per capita Buildings S~ County Dependent .fire districtss, B~,~ lele of Capri District '- 0.00097 apparatus and stations '.' per capita B6.20chopee District - 0.'00057 apparatus and stations per capita Categoz~O Public Faoilitiess OX Municipal streeteg. !~ C1.1 City of Naples - not to exceed annual average capacity of "C~ for all streets C1.2 Everglades City - annual average cf "A~ for all collectors C2 Pederal and State Lands Surface Water Hanagement~ C2.1 Federal Lands Surface Water Management - to protect Natural Resources, development allowed will be designed so drainage will have no adverse impact on resources. (Mo measurable standard) C2.2 State Lands Surface Water Management = leased lands for agriculture to have best management practices per clean water act. (No measurable standard) Municipal Surface Water Managements C3.1 City of Naples - maintain existing level of service. New development to conform with ~- county surface water Doo. Ref~ 69~S C3o2 ~vargladss City - ID yaar - 24 hour sto~ event C4 Xunioipal Potable Water C4.1 gvergladss City - 13~ qallons par capita par day~ plus '~' 21% for non-residential CS Xunioipal Sanitaz~ Sever ~, C5.~ ~erglades City - ~00 gallons per cap~ta pe~ day plus 21t for non-residential "~ ~ C6.1 City o~ Naples - 1.55 tons per capita. ~* C6.2 ~erglades City - 1.55 tons per capita ~ ~.~ Fed,ral Parks~ ~erglades National Park~ B~ ~. ~ress ~,s,~e - ~o pro~e~ ,~.. environmentally sensitive lands. Boundaries set ~ legislation. (No measurable standard) : ~.2 State Park~ Poli~ Al ~o~ to devol~ ~ore ~an 20%. (No measurable standard) ~' ~.3 State Recreation Standard i~ of no papilla= lizo, ~:.. Area~ Physical develo~en~ limited to no ,.~ ~ore than S0% of land area. ~.4 State ~ese~es~ to maintain exceptional obJe~s to ~,.~' conditions. Physical develo~ent '-. limited to no more than 5% of land area. (No =easurable standard) ~.5 State Xuse~ no standard for size .,... ~.6 S~te O~amental no standard for eize ~ ~arden: 08 X~ioipaX Parks and aeoreation Faoilities~ :/ CS.X City of Naples: a. Co~uni~M Parks 2 a~es/ x~ooo population b. ~ei~hborhood Pa~ks ~ X a~e / 1~000 population ~. Beaches - X mile /25,000 population Recreation Facilities ~vel of Se~ice S~andards: X. Basketball C~s - X/ S,000 p~ula~ion 2. Baseball Fields - X/ 5,000 po~la~ion 3. Beach Access Points - 1/ X~000 po~la~ion 4. Boa~ Ramps - X/ S,000 po~la~ion 5. Bike ~ails - X/ 1,500 population 6. Co~uni~y Cen~era = 1/ ~,000 po~la~ion 7. Football Fields - 1/10~O00 population 8. Horseshoe Pi~s - 1/ 2,S00 popula~ion 9. Hee~ing Ro~s - X/ S,000 po~la~ion ~. XO. Pavilions - X/ S,000 po~la~ion 11. Picnic Areas - 1/ 5~000 population 12. Play Areas - 1/ 6,000 population 13. Racquetball Courts , 1/ 2,500 population 14. Shuffleboard Courts - 1/ 2,500 population 15. Swimming Pools - 1/25,000 population 16. Tennis Courts - 1/ 2,000 population 17. Volleyball Courts - 1/ 4,000 population C8.2 Everglades City= a. Community Parks -- 1.25 acreS/534 population b. Recreation Pacilittes= 1. Basketball Courts - 1/534 population 2. Baseball Fields - 1/534 population 3. Bike Trails - 1/534 population 4. Community Centers - 1/534 population 5. Football Fields m 1/534 population 6. Pavilions - 1/534 population 7. Picnic Areas - 1/534 population 8. Play Areas - 1/534 population 9. Tennis Courts - 1/534 population a. No standard in industry b. Collier County Usable Open.Space Requirement Ordinance i82-2 Sec. 7.27 1.. Planned Residential Developments - 60% of gross area shall be devoted to usabl.e open space 2. C0mmerotal, Industrial,'& 'Mixed Purpose Development - at least 301 of gross area shall be devoted to open space 3. Dedication of usable open space - Maximum of 8% of gross project site C10 1~blio SohOOlll a. K - 5 Elementary School - 832 students/building / b. 6 - 8 Middle School - 1100 students/building o. 9 - 12 High School - 2200 students/building Cl1 ~ublio Xealth Faoilitiesf Count~ Government Buildings standard of 2.58 sq. ft. per capita includes the County's public health facilities. -[., Doo. Ref s 6995 / FZN~NCZ~L FEABXBX~ZTY OB~ZrJ~Z~ 1.2 s Provide public facilities in order to maintain adopted level of service standarda that are within the ability of the County to fund, or within the County'e authority to require others to provide. Existing facility deficienciee measured against the adopted level of service standards will be eliminated with revenues generated by ad valorem taxea and intergovernmental revenuea received based on economic activity. Future development will bear a proportionate cost of facility improvemente necessitated by. growth. Future development's payments may take the form of, but are not limited to, voluntary contributions for the benefit of any public facility, impact fees, dedications of land, provision of public facilities, and future payments of user fees, special assessments and taxes. Policy X.S.Xs The estimated capital expenditures for all needed public facilities ehall not exceed conservative eatimatee of revenues from eourcee that are available to the County pursuant to ~urrent law, and which have not been rejected by referendum, if a referendum is required to enact a source of revenue. Policy 1.2.2s . ' Existing and future development ahall both pay for the coati of needed public faollitiee, ixiating development ehall pay for some or all facilitiae that reduce or eliminate existing deficiencies, acme or all of the replacement of obaolete or worn out facilities, and may pay a portion of the coat of facilities needed by future development. Both exiating and futura development may have part of their costs paid by grants, entitlements or public facilities from other levels of government and independent districts. Public facilities financed by County enterprise funds (i.e., potable water, sanitary sewer and solid waste) may be financed by debt to be repaid by user fees and charges for enterprise services, or the facilities may be financed from current assets (i.e., reserves, surpluses and current revenue). Polio2 1.2.41 Public facilities financed, by non-enterprise funds (i.e., roads, surface water management, parks, library, emergency medical service, Jail, other government buildings, and dependent fire districts) ahall be financed from .current asaete (pay-as-you-go financing) except aa otherwise provided in this policy. Fublic facilities financed by non-enterprise funds shall not be financed by debt unleae such borrowing is the only financing technique available that will enable the County to provide facility capacity eufficient to meet standards for levels of service concurrent with new development. Debt financing ahall not be used to provide excess capacity in non-enterprise public facilities unleaa the excess capacity is an unavoidable result of a capital improvement that le needed'to achieve or maintain standards for levels of service. Z~otwithstanding other provisions of this policy, general obligation bonds approved by referendum ~ay be used for anM publio facilities to acquire capacity needed within the five year capital improvements plan or for excess capacity. ~olio~ · ha County ehall not provide a puMlic facility~ nor ehall it accep~ the provieion of a puMlic facility I~M othere, if the County ie unable to pay £or the eubsequent annual operating and maintenance costs of ~he faollitM. ~oli~ X.2.~ ~ior ~o ~lacal Meat X98~-90, ~he. C~n~M shall a~ a ~eviae~ Xmpa~ ~ee Ordinance re~irin~ ~e aame level o~ ae~ice ~andard a~ a~op~e~ in Poli~ X.X.5 o~ ~hia elemen~ in orde~ ~o developmen~ a pro ra~a share o~ ~he coa~a re~ired ~o finance ~ran~po~a~iom improvements necesai~a~ed ~ such devel~en~. ~e Corem shall continue ~ collec~ lmpa~ ~eea ~o~ Park~ and ~ecrea~ion and Libra~ facilities re~iring ~he =ame level o~ ae~lce ~andar~ aa a~op~e~ in Poli~ 1.X.5 o~ ~hia elemen~ new develo~en~ a pro ra~a share o~ ~he coa~a re, ired ~o ~inance Park~ an~ Re~ea~ion an~ ~i~a~ impr~emen~a necessitated ~ auc~ develo~en~. ~e prima~ ~ource o~ ~unding ~or CXE ~oJec~ ~400, County ~ail, rill ~ a ~eneral OMliga~iom Bond referendum for approval o~ a ~nd issue ~0 ~ ~lnanced ~ a ne~ a~ valorem ~ax. Z~, ~or an~ reason, ~he Coun~M canno~ adop~ one or more o~ ~he revenue s~rces Aden~lfied~An Policies X.2.6 ~hrough ~.2.8 o~ ~his El~en~ and said ~evenue sources are Aden~ifie~ as needed funding fo~ specific proJe~a within ~he adopted Schedule of ~pi~al X~r~en~s, ~r~ ~nag~en~ Plan shall ~ amended ~s~ on one foll~ing a~lons: A. Remove ~ough a plan amen~en~ facili~M i~r~amen~s or n~ facilities fr~ ~he adopted Schedule of Capital Xmp~emen~s ~ha~ exceed ~he adopted levels of se~ice during ~he nex~ five (5) fiscal B. Rem~e fr~ ~e adopted gchedule o~ Capital X~~en~s ·hrough a plan ~en~en~ facility L~~en~s o~ n~ facilities ~a~ ~educe ~he ~ra~ing cos~ of ~iding a se~ice or faclll~M ~ do no~ p~ide additional facility capaci~M; c. ~era ~easible, ~ransfer funds fr~ a fund~ ~on-Capi~al Xmprovemen~ Elemen~ capital pro~e~ in orde~ ~o fund an id4n~i~ied de~lcien~ Capital Xmprovemen~ Elemen~blic faoili~M. ~e resul~ing ~evisions shall ~e~ired annual u~a~e. D. ~er ~e adopted level o~ se~/ce s~anda~d ~gh a plan CXB - X0 amendment for the facility for which funding cannot be obtained. E. Do not issue development orders that would continue to cause a deficiency baaed on the facility's adopted level of service standard. Foli=y X.2.XOs Collier County will not exceed a maximum ratio of total general governmental deh~c service to bondable revenues from current sources of 13%. Whereas Florida Statutes place no limitation on the application of revenues to debt service bM local taxing authorities, prudent fiscal management dictatea'a self-imposed level of constraint. Current bondable'revenues are ad valorem taxes and State-shared revenues, specifically gas taxes and the half-cent sales tax. The Enterprise Funds operate under revenue bonding ratios set bM the financial markets and are, therefore, excluded from this deb~ policy. CXB - XX · · / OBJ~CTI'F'B 1.3S Effective with plan implementation pubiIc expenditures in the coastal high hazard area shall be limited to those facilities needed to support new development to the extent permitted in the Future Land Use Element. In addition, public expenditures shall include the following categories= A. Maintenance of exiatingpublic facilities; · B. Beach, shore and waterway access; C. Beach renourishment. The County shall continue to expend funds within the coastal high hazard area for the replacement and maintenance of public identified in the Conservation and Coastal Management Element. PolloT The calculated needs for public facilities will be based on the adopted level of service standards and future growth projections within the coastal high hazard area. The Future Land Use Element limits new residential development (thus.obligations for infra- structure expenditures) to a maximum of four dwelling unite per gross acre within portions of the coastal high hazard area. In addition, re-evaluation of existing zoning on unimproved properties that are inconsistent with the 'Future Land USe Element will be undertaken as part of the Zoning Re-evaluation Program specified In Policy 3.1K of the Future Land Use Element. Policy The County shall continue to insure that access to beaches, shores and waterways remain available to the public and by December develop a program to expand the availability of such access and a method to fund its acquisition. C~ZB - X2 OB3'ZC'TXV'I 1o4~ · he County shall coordinate its land use planning and decisions vith its plans for public facility capital inprovemants by providing needed capital improvements for replacement of obsolete or worn out facilities, eliminating existing deficiencies, and £uture develolment and redevelopment caused by previously issued and new develOlmen2 " : Poll~ 1.4.1t ~e Catty shall provide, or a~ange for o~ers to facilities listed In ~e Schedule of capi~l Impr~ents "Retirements for Capital Improvements Implementation Capt.1 Improvement, Element. ~e Schedule of Capital Improvements may ~, ~ ~fted as fall.s: A. ~e SChedule of Cap~tal Impr~emente ~ha11 ~ u~ated a~ually. B. ~rsuant ~o Florida Statutes 163,3187, the Schedule of Cap~tal Improvements ~ay be amended two ~mes during any calendar year, and as all.ed for emergencies, dovelo~ents of regional ~mpaot, and ce~a~n i~11 scale d~elo~ent aotivitiel. . ' C. ~auant to Florida S~atutes 1~3.3X77, the Schedule Capital Inprovementa na~ ~ ad~uste~ ~ o~dinance not deeme~ to ~ am amendmemt to the ~r~h Kanav~ent Plan for co~ection~, u~atea, an~ ~l~icatione conce~inv revenue aourcee~ or acceptance o~ ~acilitiee ~rauant to ~edications which a~e consistent wi~ ~e plan. PoXi~ 1.4.2t All Cat~o~A~blic facility capital i~r~emen~, aha11 consi,tent with ~e qoal,, obJe~ive, and policies of ~e appropriate individual element of ~i, Gr~nagemen~ Plan. ~e County .hall include in the capital appropriations of its annual ~dget all the public facility projects* listed in the Schedule of Capital Improvements for e~enditure, during the appropriate fiscal year. ~oJects for which appropriations have ~en ~de In the annual budget will not ~ removed once they have *~en relied upon for the i..uance of a ~lldinq pe~it. ~e C~nty ~y al~o lnelude in capital appropriations of Ars annual ~dget additional ~bllc facility projects that confom to Polt~ 1.1.2 '(5.3) and Poli~ 1.1.4(C) and (Z). ~e County shall dete~ine, prior to ~e issuance of ~ildinq whe~er or not there A~ mufft=ten~ capacity o~ Cateqo~A~blic facilities to ~et-~he standards for level, o~ .e~ice for existing population and the proposed development. No ~ildinq pe~it ,hall be issued ~ ~e time ~anda~ed for the ad,rich of land develo~ent regulations pursuant to Chapter 163.3202~ F.B.,'includtng any amendments thereto Unless the levels o£ service for the resulting develop~aent will achieve ~he standards in Polic~ X.X.S, Catego~A, and ~he requirements for Con~en~ ~naqe~en~ ~li~ies wl~in Ob~e~lve X.5 of ~is elemen~ are ~e~. f~ds in accordance wl~ ~he 5-Mea~ Schedule of'Capi~al will ~ limited ~0 Se~ice ~aas'es~ablished wl~in ~he ~unda~ies desi~a~ed on Hap ~-1 ~l~led~ ~Collier Co~y~a ~ree (3) ~a~er and/ or S~er Districts Boundaries", appearing in ~e ~blic Facili~ie~ El~ent for water and sewer. Roads i~r~ements will dee~ated om ~p ~-4W t~led, "5~ear Cap~l I~r~ent El~ent ~p~, a~.ar~ng ~n the ~aff~o C~r~at~on Ellen,. All o~er ~1~ fa=~l~es and ~e~ce t~es w~11 ~ provided on a Co~ty~de availability ~sIs. CXB - &4 CONCURRENCY To e~l~e ~hat public ~acilities and secv~ces needed to suppo~ deve~o~en~ a~e ~va~ab~e con~ccen~ v~h ~he Lmpac~s ct such develop- ~en~, ~e County's Con~c~en~ Kanaqe~en~ S~e~e~ shell ~ conele~en~ ~ ~ap~e~ ~63~ Pa~ Z~ Florida S~a~u~es and Ru~e Florida A~n~e~a~ve C~e. ~e Coun~ shal~ establish a ~e~la~o~ an~ ~on~o~n~ p~a~ ~o ensure ~he echedul~n~ fund~n~ and ~o~ ~e ~esuance of a bu~din~ pe~ ~o achieve and ~a~n~a~n adop~ed level of ee~lce standards. ~e =on~en~ re~remen~ for the Potable Wa~er, San~ta~ S~er, ~a~age and Sol~d Waste ~'vel of Se~ce Standards of th~s Gr~h Management Plan will be achieved or maintained ~f any one of the foll~ng ~tandards of the Con~rren~Management System are met~ A. ~e necessary fac~l~es and se~lces are ~n place at the ~lme a building pe~it ts Issued; or B. ~e neceesa~ labilities and ee~tcee are under const~lon at the tl~e a bulldln9 pe~lt is issuet~ or ~e,.neceseary iaollttles and ee~lcee are quaranteed In an enforceable development aqree=ent tha~ ln~lu~ee the provisions ol paraqraphs A and B o~ this polio, An enforceable development agreemen~ ~ay in~lude~ ~b ts no~ limited to~ develo~enb a~eemen~s pursuant to lesion 163.3220~ ~lorlda itatu~es~ or an a~ee=ent or develo~ =ent order issued pursuant to ~apter 3S0~ ~lorida Statutes. ~e agree=en~ ~ust ~arantee that the necessa~ facilities will be in place ~hen~e l~pa~s ol the develo~en~~. Poli~ X.S.2S ~e ~on~en~ re~ire~en~ ~or the Re~eation an~ ~en 5pace ~vel o~ 5e~tce Etandards o~ ~ts Gr~h Nanaq~ent Plan vii1 ~ achievs~ or ~ain~inet 1~ any one o~ the foll~lnq standards of the Con~en~ ~anaq~ent Eystem are met: A. Compliance with any one o~ the standards set ~o~h in B. At ~e ~tme ~e building pe~l~ ii !siued,.~e neceela~ facilities and se~ices are ~he subject of a binding exerted contrac~ vhlch provides ~or.cmencemen~ of a~ual const~c~ion of the re~ired facilities within one year o~ ~e issuance of the~ilding pe~it~ or C. ~e necessa~ ~acill~lee and ee~lces are ~aranteed In an enforceable developmen~ a~eement which re~iree ~e cmencement of the actual const~ction o~ ~e ~acilities wi~in one year ct the issuance of the applicable ~ilding pe~it. ~ enforceable development a~eemen~ may include, Sec~cion 1~3.3220~ Florida Statutee~ or an agreement or development Order issued pursuant to Chapter 380~ Florida ~ol~crj, ~,S,3~ The concurrenc~ requirement of the Traffic Circulation Level of Service Standards of this Growth Management Plan will be achieved or ~aintainsd if any one of the following standards of the Concurrency Management System are mat: '.. ~ A. Compliance with any one of the standards let forth in " POlicies 1.5.1 A; D, and'C and 1.5,2 B and C is met; or B. Iff areas in which Collier County has committed to provide the necessary public facilities and cervices in accordance with its five-year schedule of capital improvements, the concurrency requirement of the Traffic Circulation Level of Service Standards would be achieved or maintained if all of the following standards Of the Concurrency~anagement System, based upon an Adequate Capital Improvements Program and adequate implementing regulations are met: A Capital improvement Element and a five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements whLch, in addition to meeting all of the other statutory and rule requirements, must be financially feasible. The Capital Improvement Element and Schedule of Capital Improvements~ay recognize and include transportation projects included in the first .three years of the applicable, adopted Florida Department of Transportation five-year work program. 2. A five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements which must include both necessary facilities to maintain the adopted level of service standards to serve the new development proposed to be permitted and the necessary facilities required to eliminate those portions of existing deficiencies which are a priority to be eliminated during the five-year period under the Schedule of Capital Improvements. 3. A realistic, financially feasible funding system based on currently available revenue sources which must be adequate to fund the public facilities required to serve the development authorized by the bulldinq permit and which public facilities ars included in the five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements. 4. A five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements which must include the estimated date of commencement of actual construction and the estimated date of proJec~ 5. A five-year Schedule of Capital I~provemsntl which~ust demonstrate that all actual construction of the road facilities and the Provision of commence in or befor ....... services is mcheduled to Schedule of Capital Zmprovemante. 6. A plan amendment is required to eliminate, defer or delay construction o£ any road Project which ia needed to maintain the adopted level of service standard and which ia listed in the five- ear S Xmprovementa. ¥ Chedule of · olA~y 1.5.4s On or before October 1, 1993, the County ehall implement, through adoption of am Ordinance, a Concurrency ~ama amen include a regulatory program g t S ets th~ Growth Maname ... ~._ a~d monitorin · ~ m. which shall AIc ~ ~-,,~ ~Aan an~ c - g yete~ po tea under Ob~+4 ..... one/stent e~,-, ..... mt with The monitoring system shall enable the County to determi le adhering to the ad'opted ~e ....... of Capital ~mprovmment.. vel of SerVice Standard.._~e,_whether it - , --- -,,~ Ace Schedule % REQOIREMENTf FOR CAPIT~L IXPROFEMENTB IMPLEMENTATION ~ac~Z~s, and ~ke ava$~ab~e ade~a~e, fac~l~es ~ch pro~e~ ~s n~=ed and n~ed, and ~. cos~ d~ng each of ne~ five fiscal years is sh~ in ~ousands o~ dollare (000). ~on~ and year for a~ual cmencement of cons~ion andre ~on~ and year each proJe~ will ~ c~pleted (~n se~Xce) Xs indicated. ~ch proJe~ in Catego~ A is consistent wl~ ~e level of se~ice s~ndar~ as ~dent~f~ed w~in th~s el~ent and the appropriate ~nd~v~dual element of th~s Gr~~nagement Plan. ~ch proJe~ ~n Catego~ B ~ coca,tent w~ the standards a~ ~den~f~ed w~th~n th~ element. ~t~onal elements were no~ developed for ~,go~ B 2~ ~JX~ ~ ~/~ I~ ~ 424 427 -. 3X ~ ~ ~ X0/94 ~6 ~7 426 33 X9 ~XOS ~ 32 ~ ~ .~': 33 ~7 ~ ~ ~/9~ ~/~7 2~ Z~5 3~5 5 5 4~Z - ...-';'.: : ' · 3~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~1 ~ - " 41 ~ ~ ~ ~ 41v 1~ 216 ~10 4~55 · . ~-h11~ ~ ~o z-~sz 10/99 ~101 . ~ ~ ~~t ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ 250 2'/50 '- - " 52 ~T~ ~ 10/97 ~l 2~ ~5 970 33Q5 S 53 ~vM~ ~ 04/9? fl~l 2~ ~1 ~15 2~5 5 3898 .' s& ~~ ~ .243 . . ... ::.~::~ ..... . ~.? ~ · * '... 55 ~~ ~ ~ ~0/07 10~i 3~ 305 3~ ~?S v~t ~ ~d - - SS 8an~ B~ Blvd. ru~uro 2?2 44~, 30 487 X~Lvl~gs~ou Ih~ future 2lQ ~,0 192 2S :LO 447 Beach Bo~di 2 lane8 SO ~ ~X~ ~ (~N) X0/gS 02~ XS9 XS9 · " '~ ~m A~ ~ I0 I:avLromli~ta],N,,Lt~LgatJ. Qll fi/& I~ ~030 2S 25 2S 35 2230 Jabs 468 '-. '-' :- . ,-- ':' ':';':. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4z)~ ~ ~ ~ ss~ 2s4o ~lXi~ ~ (~l~ 1114~7) ..... · &S ~ ~ ~ ~ 4~11 ~ ~ 228 948 4~ S~ 1~39 ~Sl5 I 41 ~~ ~ (~ 41)~~ ~/9~ -~ ~8 ''~S .3954 . :/':*~1~. , ....... ' 41 ~v~ ~~ (~-14)~ I Q4/9S $~7 6929 .' ". 1114~7 } : ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ (~ 41) -~ 06/99 ~1~ 191 S50 18~ . . 2~1 ..:'-::~. . .'* ~- ~_. .:. .. ~ .... . * .. -..,~ * ..': · '-. 30% ~%~ 302 ~ 303 ~ ~Q/94 ~ 396 396 3~ M ~ ~ V~Zo~ ~ 396 396 ~ ~=~_ 10194 ~5 306 ~ ~ ~ ~e~ O~~ 396 396 · ~%~ ~ -,~.:~:,~:~... -..~..-.*~: .::-~:.-..~-.~.. · ":".' '~',..':'~'::> ." -' ~' ~- ':': ' 70~ I.Lcyc~o ~z'a~s Cootcbmmm 200 .. .. La~d ', r- "":' "'" 703 CoemmzcLt~ ......... - . ~~ . . '.-". '.::.:1 . :': 701~ .'~": .-:.'<~:- · '.:. - ..-:.-->.. ~ ~0~ ~ ~ ~ (~) , : ~ .-:. boa. IMf~ Stl9 · ~ V~s (32 i~s) . .. & ZZe 09]96 ' ~'" ~ ~ ~ (~ ~k) ~ ~ S S ~'~' " ~~ ~ ~ W~ 02/94 ~S "- ~ ~apXeo ~~ P~k 02/94 ~/95 727 ~X~ h~ ff~ ~ J 71~ ~ ~ss 10/93 .~/:~ 110 11 ~XLtLes ~ ~ ~!95 .... '~.'.,.. cart,tod rorue.rd from ~ r~4/OS I, adAo 5280 X,.~'. of 16" - .';'""".-': .:_- 827o~fsboro · x2se5 828 ~ bf ~~ hn X (~) 83~ ~M ~0~ L.F. of 36 83~ ~-tS~ 3~ ~OS~ L.F. of 36 . : ..... s22 ~M 5~80 ~.~. '.. , '.... 83& ~ ~ ~ XS* (~)* 7920 L.~. . . ." 835 ~fl h ~6' (~)* · - --'.-. 2640 L.~. ~ " ~": ~ ~ 83i ~~ ~' (~)* · S~ ~.~. . ..-~. , '..¥.-. ~' '" '." ~3~ Z.S m ~ ~ (~) .- ~40 ~ ~ ~ XS' .' ~SO L.,. o~ 16' ,a~.~-~ i42 5 m O~ ~ (~) ':.' ".., ~...:. ~.:. . .'~ ~ L.Z. of ~' ~ · . 153 20' RLLI On OoodLettl,-lP,ru.k XOS60 T,,.~P. o£ 20' IS3Ii' Loop MLLu o~ film Dr:Lye 114S0 L.IP. of Z6' ~ lS4 20" MLLu - US 43. ]1o~ -'.':' 8000 L. IP. of 20" ilLLn £L'~m ~: 7JmOk~ee Bo&d to WLggLno ~ 855 13" ItiLu o~ Radio Bold (CC~)e H 21220 L.IP. of 22" I ~v~ ~ L.F. of 16" h~ Isa ~- ~ ~ ~os~ '- : 1~ L.F. of 30" ~ - -~ ',.-- ,-~ .. ',.. ',~ '. :. ~ort~ c~ htmemt ffX~zt 09/~5 ~/~s 100 6000 Iz3~mlXo~ 44O0 Add · Naa o£ ~pBcLt~ &nd * Ccmp1e~ Doe. Re:~ 5~1~ ~01 ~orth ~om~ I~s~i4m ~ & ~ o~ 904 ~ ~ty ~ (~)e ". ~04 ~t~ ~~ (~) I tO~ ~ ~t7 ~, ~ & ' (~)* . ~ DX~ . ~ ~08~ L.F. of I' ~ ~ '"~' '~-"~' ~ 910 lQ' ~m ~ - ~v~ ~. (~)* 24~ ~.?. o~ lO~ ~ ~ I)04. loft SJZ! (itt&) ':..? ~. i ' <. -,: ,~ ~.,; .... "'~ '. ',, ff~'o:~ oc4~ C~nnmM:~llm~ ~ 9~S ~ 96-97 m~ xx 914 20' ~ ~ ~-951~ 4X (~)' 114~ ~.~. o~ 20' ~ ~ I * · ~e~ ~ ~ o~ '- ~ ~ - ~S& ~ 114~ ~.~. of 20' ~ ~ 927 3.,07 2 1.07 ,. 032 ~ ~t ~X~ 1001 Llm:Imtl ~ ~ ~ 364 3~4 COIi~ r. 3tEVE:HUWS ~,~ Ty~lt OF '~I'-XC~ F'AC:XLXTT Xn ~he table below, the left column itemizes the types of public £acllitiee and the sources of revenue. The center column contains the S-year ~ ~ amounts o£ restricted revenues. The right column is a calculation of the deficit for each type of public facility. Ail deficits are accumulated as a subtotal. Below the subtotal deficit ia the source of additional revenue that will be used b~ the County to pay for the deficit in order to maintain the s~andards for levels of service listed in CIE Polic~ X.X.S. ; COUliTT ARTE~XAL & COLLECTO~t ROJ~DS ~ LESS Available Revenues: Gas Taxes $4~vO04r0~O ) Road lmpac~ Fees ~ Carry Forward ~OOO~OOO ~':'? Balanoe 0 ITATB ROADS IFffTWORK ~ ',/. LESS State/Federal Gas Taxes ~ : Balance 0 LESS System Development Fees/User Fees ~rS~rO00 Balanoe o IOLXDIFJJTIILM~/XLL A~ LESS Solid #sate USer re'es ~ Balanoe o OXw - 48 DoO.lts£ t 6995 LESS &vailable Ravenueas Park Impact Fees Boating Improvement ~ , L~S ~ X~a~ Fees ', ~S O.O.B. Referend~ Collation Total Libra~ Coats ~S Libra~ Impact Fees f~b~otaX De£AoA~ o£ Ree~Aated Revenue ye. coe~:e ADD ~nree~Fi~ed Revenueef ~ Val~ ~axes (~pi~l Revenue ~d) . Bal~ce S o ~ t~ ~:; .. ~XB - SO Doo.Ro£t 6t0S By the time mandated for the adoption of land development regulations pursuant to Chapter ~63o3202, F.5., including any amendments thereto, appropriate land development regulations will be adopted and the following programs will be implemented to ensure that the goals, objectives and policies established in the Capital Improvement Element will be achieved or exceeded. X. ~uilding Permit Review ~ part of the review of all applications for ~llding pe~its, ~e C~nty will deta~ine whether or not ~ere will ~ sufficient capacity of Catego~ A public facilities to meet the'standards for levels of sluice for the existing population and for the pressed develo~ent in accordance wi~h the re~irements of the Con~en~ Manag~ent Syst~. ~. Development Or,er Review As pa~ of the review of requests for all develo~ent orders having negative impacts on Catego~ A Public Facilities other than ~ildAng pe~its, the County will de~e~lne whether or ~ot suffiola~ capacity of Catego~ A public facilities is planned for c~ple~ion co~cu~ent with the impac~ om levels of se~lce that will ~ created ~ the proposed development during the next five fiscal yeare. Xmpa~ ~ee Ordinancea will re~ire ~e aame a~an~a~d ~o~ ~e level o~ 4. ~1 Budge~ ~e annual ~dget will include l~ its capital appropriations all projects in ~e Schedule of Capital Improvements ~at are planned for e~ndl~ures during the next fiscal year. S. Sui~l Repor~ ~e ~ndato~ semiannual report to the Depa~ent of C~ityAffairs conceding amen~entm to the comprehensive plan due to emergencies, dovolo~entm of regional impact and sell,ed s~11 dovel~e~ts will re~ on changes, if any, to adopted goals, obJe~lvo8 a~d ~l~cies in the Capital Improvement. Element. 6. ~da~o of Capital Improv~en~ Elemon~ ~o Bo~itorl~g of and'adjustment to the Capital Improvement Element to meet tho changing conditions must ~ afl ongoing process. Beginning in April of each year, the elemen~ will be u~ated in conjunction with the County's budget process and the release of the official B~R popula~ion estimates and projections. ~o u~ato will include~ 1. Revision of popula~lo~ proJe~ions; 2. u~ates of "facllity inven~o~; 3. U~a~e of unl~ cos~o; 4. ~a~e of facilities re~lremonts analysis to pro~e~ 10 ~ear ~o. Refl 499s needb (by fiscaI year) inorder to program pro~ects to meet the service standards. 5. Update of revenue forecasts in order to evaluate financial feasibility and the County's ability to finance capital improvements needed to meet the service standards. 6. Revise and develop capital improvement projects for the next five years. The first year's schedule of projects will be incorporated into the County's budget effective October iet. 7. Update of the public school and health facilities analysis. In addition to the annual update, the County will perform an assess- ment of the statue of the Capital Improvement Element in November of each year in con~tmction with the release of the preliminary BEBR population estimates and projections. This analysis will include an assessment of the status of capital projects funded during the prior fiscal year along with an assessment of existing and projected service levels versus the adopted standards. 7. ~onottrrency~anagement System The County ehall eetablteh by Ordinance and maintain a Concurrency ~anagement Syetem. The syetem shall conelet of the following oo~ponenta~ A. ~nnual monitoring report on the'capacity and levels of service of public facilities compared to the standards for levels of service adopted in Policy 1.1.5. of this Element. The report shall summarize the actual capacity of existing public facilities and forecast the capacity of existing and planned public facilities for each of the five succeeding fiscal years. For the purposes of long range capital facility planning, a ten year forecast of projected needed capacity will also be done. These forecasts will be based on the most recently updated Schedule of Capital Improvements in this Capital Improvement Element. This annual report will constitute the evidence of the capacity and levels of service ofpublic facilities for the purpose of issuing development orders during the 12 months following completion of the annual report. B. Public facility capacity review. The County shall usa the procedures specified in Implementation Programs I and 2 to enforce the requirements of Policies 1.5.1, 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 of this Element. C. Review of changes in planned capacity of public facilities. The County shall review each amendment to this Capital Improvement Element in particular any changes in standards for levels of service and changes in the Schedule of Capital Improvements in order to enforce the policies of thim Element. Concurrency Management Implementation strategies. The County shall annually review the Concurrency Management Implementation Strategies that are incorporated in this Capital Improvement Element= 1. Standards for levels of service are applied within appropriate geographical areas of the County. Standards for County-wide public facilities are applied to development orders based on levels of service throughout the County. 2. Standards for public facilities that serve less than the entire County are applied to development orders on the basis of levels of service within assigned areas. 3. Levels of service are compared to adopted standards on an annual basis. Annual monitoring is used, rather than case-by-case monitoring, for the following reasons: a. annual monitoring corresponds to annual expenditures for capital improvements during the County's fiscal year; and b. annual monitoring covers seasonal variations in levels of service. 'leI 1-year Evaluation required & 1-year evaluation and appraisal repor~ will address the implementation of the goals, objectives and policies of the Capital Improvement Element. The monitoring procedures necessary to enable the completion of the & 1-year evaluation include: a. Review of annual reports cf the Concurrency Management System; b. Review of semiannual reports to DCA concerning amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and o. Review of annual updates of this Capital Improvement Element, including updated supporting documents. STATE OF FLORXDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) ~, D~IGHT E, BROCK, C/ark of Courta in and for the Twentieth 3udicla! Circuit, Collter~Count¥, Florida, do hereby certify that ~he foregoing ia a true copy of: Ordinance No, 94-54 which was adopted by the Board of County Conmlastonera on the 1/th day of October, 1994, during Regular Seeelon0 #ITN~SS ~ hand and the official eea! of the Board of day of October, 1004. I~4XOHT K. BROCK Clark of Courta and Clark;-.~\.'~" /.,' Kx-offlclo to Board of ,,. ,..,~ County Commlaaton. qre . ~' .. Deputy Clerk