Ordinance 94-39 O~XX~ ~Bn 94- ~e~ ~ ~ SECrETARy OF STATE ~ ORDIN~ A~ING ~Z ~I~ ~% ~ ~ID~I~ ~BILITATION ~; ~IDING ~ ~ FOR TIT~ ~D ~TATION~ ~DING FOR ~D ~SE~ ~IDING FOR CON~ ~D S~BIEI~ ~D ~IDING FOR ~ E~I~ DA~ · ~, ~e Florida S~e ~lsla~ure ena~ed the William E. Sad~ski Affordable Housi~ A~ on July 7, 1992 (the "A~"), Se~ion 420.907, e~ se~., Florida S~a~utes, ~apter 91-37, Florida ~ministrative C~e, as a c~prehensive f~ding package for s~te and l~al housin~ pr~rams to better enable 1~al g~e~en~s ~o meet ~heir respons~bili~ies for affordable housing in accordance wl~h' their c~rehens~ve planS~ and ~, ~rsuan~ ~o ~e A~, the s~a~e has allocated a ~on of n~ and existing ~o~men~ng s~a~ ~axes on ~eeds ~SHIP" fu~s) to loca~ g~e~ents for d~elo~en~ and ~ln~enance of affordable h~s~S e, Collier County has adopted Resolution No. 93-159 pr~id~ng for a ~1 Housing ~s~s~ance Plan, and ~lch pr~des a ~xi~ a~ard schedule, a cost ~r uni~, and a ~i~ for eligible h~si~g ~nefi~l~ from awa~s ~e SHIP ~nds~ and ~, the C~nty desires ~o adop= a residential reh~li~tion prOram cons~sten~ wi~ ~e ~1 H~sing ~sistance Plan, which will u~ll~ze varies fund~ sources. N~, ~FO~, ~ ~ orda~ned ~ the ~ard of C~n~y C~issioners of Collier C~nty, Florida, ~at= SE~ION I= Title a~ Citation ~is Ordinance shall ~ ~ and oi~ed as the "Collier County Residential Rehabilitat~on SE~ION II: Intent.and A. ~e intent of ~his Ordinance 1. To es~ablish and fund the Collier COunty Residential Rehabilitation ~ram from available funding s~rces to ~nclude, bu~ no~ be l~mi~ed ~o, S~a~e H~s~ng In~t~atives Pa~nersh~p ~ram (SHIP)$ Florida S~IE Cities C~nl~y ~elo~en~ Bl~k Gran~ ~ram (CD~)~ rloridaF~x Rehabilita~o~ ~ram(s) C~unity Block ~Velo~ent Gran~ En~i~leme~t PrOtein(s) ~O~ prOram funds pursuant to ~e Home Inves~men~ ~ram. 2. To restate ~hat the maximum cos~ ~r un~ for eligible housing benefit~ng fr~ awa~s made ~rsuant ~o ~he Collier County Residential Rehab~li~on ~ram shall no~ exceed ~he l~m~ts established ~n Resolu~o~ No. 93-159, ~he Collier County ~al Housing Assis~ance ~ram, and other -1- .. the Board of County Commissioners and othsr state and federal guidelines. 3. To adopt the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Proeras Policy .Guidelines and Administrative Procedures for use in the l~plementation of the Progran. 4. To adopt application forms and other necessary forms for use in the implementation of the Program. Said forms say be modiZied administratively from tisa to time to conform with requirements of funding sources. SECTION IXI: Adoption of Residential Rehabilitation Program The Residential Rehabilitation Program is hereby adopted. X copy of said plan including program forms and contracts is annexed to this ordinance and adopted and made part of this ordinance by re fetenee o SZCTION lVz Conflict and Severmbility In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County, the sore restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance, or the partioular application thereof, shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by any court, administrative agent7 or other body with appropriate 3urisdiction, the remaining section, subsection, sentences, clauses, or phrases and their application shall not be affected thereby. SECTION V: 'Effective Date This Ordinance shall become effective upon. receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND [XJLY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this /~ day of ~ , 1994. · ATTEST=' " ~ '.. .. . · Approved as to' form and ~ legal sufficiencyz ggrh~ ' ~ i Ashton ~ ~es's O~~n~e~s~ Assistant County AttOrney' fl~l~ f that_ -2- ,o,, n67,,,,. 35 COLLIER COUNTY RESIDElfrIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM POLICY GUXDv-LIIIS lID IDXlIaSTRITIVI I~OCIDURES The purpose of this policy is to establish administrative procedures and program 9utdelines for housinq in Collier County vhtch is eliqible for rehabilitation and is owned and occupied very lov- and Icy-income persons and families. The standard definition for both wLover income familyw and 'Very low-income familys are found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR] Title 24, Section 813.102. A 'Lower income familys is defined ass Family ~hose annual income does not exceed eighty {80%) percent of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD, with adjustments for smaller and larger families' while a very low- income family is 'A family whose annual income does not exceed fifty (50t) percent of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD.. '- Very low- and Lov-incoma Persons are also defined in Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19, The Local Housln~l Assistance Prcxlram as follows: 1) sI~izl~le~i~ - means one or more natural persons or a family, not including students, that has a total adjusted gross household income that does not exceed eighty (80t} percent of the median annual ~dJusted Gross Income for households within the State or SOt of the median Adjusted Gross Income for households within the Hetropolltan Statistical Area or, if not within a Hetropolltan Statistical Area, within the County, whichever is. greater .... ' ,(p. 4 ) 2) '~ - means one or more natural persons or a family, not lncludi.ng students, that has a total annual adjusted gross income that does not exceed fifty (50t) percent of the median annual Adjusted Gross ATTAC~XE~TA Annual Income for households within the State or fifty (50%) percent of the median annual Adjusted Gross Income for households within the Metropolitan Statistical Area or, if not with'in a Metropolitan Statistical Area, within the County, whichever is greater .... w (p. 6) Income data for the Naples Metropolitan Statistical Area are supplied bythe U.S. 0epar~ment of Mousing and Urban Development (HUD), and apply to all of Collier County. The definition for "Annual Income" is found in 24 CFR, Section 813.106. I. The Director of the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department is destg~ated as the Program Administrator. lI. The Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department (HUI) shall be responsible for: A. Identifying potential program participants 1. Potential participants for the program will be ~dentified through the following ac~ivities: a. The Housing and Urban Improvement Department will advertise in a publication,of general circulation in the County announcing the program and the availability of funds for rehabilitation services b. The Mousing and Urban Improvement Department will contact local non-profit, community- based organizations in the county through outreach activities to locate potentially program participants 1) Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19 defines Community-based Organization as "... a non-profit organization that has ~ll/N re,b11 2 XTTACBXEFrX among its purposes the provision of affordable housing to Persons Who Have Special Needs or Very Low-income Persons, Low-income Persons, or Moderate-income Persons within a designated area, which may include a municipality, a county, or more than one municipality or county, and maintains, through a winimum of one-third representation on the organization's governing board and otherwise, accountability to housing program beneficiaries and residents of the designated area. A community housing development organization established pursuant to 24 CFR, Par~ 92.2 and a community development corporation created pursuant to Chapter 290, Florida Statutes, are examples of Community - based Organizations.' (p. 3) c. The Collier County Code Enforcement Department will refer potential clients that have been cited with violations of Collier County Housing Code Ordinance No. 89-06, as amended, to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department. The Housing and Urban Improvement Department will determine the individual/family interest in participating in the program and whether the potential participant is incomeeligible to participate in the program, pursuant to the requirements of Section II.B., below. B. Applicant Eligibility Criteria ~ll/w. r~n 3 1. All applicants in this prc~lram must have fee simple c~nership of the single-family dwelling unit for which residential rehabilitation services are requested. a. ' Where there are co-owners for a property, each co-ovner is required to participate in ths application process, the income eligibility determination process which includes household income and asset certification and third party vsrl£ication, and the secondar~ mortgage/lien application and closing process. 2. Accepting and processing applications for rehabilitation servlcesz a. All potential participants ~ust complete the program application entitled 'Form Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Pro~raaPrelimtnaryApplication.' b. The Preliminary Application fob shall be used to document the general information regarding the potential participant which will include, but not be limited to, c~nership status, number of residents living in the housing unit, previous residences, employment historT, and bank and credit references and history. c. The Preliminary Application ~ust be signed by all parties with an ownership interest in the property. d. sFormA, Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program Preliminary Applications shall be maintained as part the permanent prc~Iram file for each homeowner XTTACKMFMT X making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. 3. All potential participants must complete "Form · IX', Residential Rehabilitation Applicant Income ~,: Certification." a. The Income Certification Form shall be completed by potential participants to determine, in part, the income eligibility of the individual(e) and the household applying for the program. b. Documentation of income Sources for each household resident or other immediate family member over mightsan (18] years of age must be provided for the last twelve (12) month period preceding the date of the application. c. Adequate documentation may include, but not be limited to, the most recent year's federal income tax return. d. Failure to disclose and report all sources of household and family income during this process will result in disqualification for a residential rehabilitation loan. e. If applicant is approved for participation in this program, any and all loan funds will become due and payable immediately upon written notice delivered by certified mail where such unreported lncone is documented by the Program Administrator. f. "Form B, Residential Rehabilitation Applicant Income Certificationm shall be maintained as part of the permanent.program file for each ~1L/9~ rd~l S homeowner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. 4. All potential participants must complete either 'Form 'C', Residential Rehabilitation Applicant Aseet Certifications or 'Form 'C-1', Residential Rehabilitation Program Asset Certification Addendure. s a. 'Form C, Residential Rehabilitation Applicant Asset Certifications shall be completed by all potential program participants who meet the following criteria in order to determine initial income eligibility. ~ 1) Any homeowner whose a~sets exceed $5,000 (including all family members or other individuals residing in the house to be rehabilitated) I and 2) Any homeowner whose home may be rehabilitated with funds from any funding source other than Hurricane Andrew Assistance or SHIP. b. This Certification must be compl, eted so as to i'nclude asset information for all residents of the housing unit and all members of the family unit. c. For those homeowners whose home will be rehabilitated exclusively with funds from the SHIP program and whose assets do not exceed $5,000, the form entitled 'Form Residential Rehabilitation Prowlram Asset Certification Addergum' shall be completed. 1) Such Certification shall be applied to and must include the assets of all family sembers residing in the dwelling ?Be/w, r~..b~1 6 : unit. d. Both 'Form C, Residential Rehabilitation Program Asset Certl£icationn and 'Form C-I, Residential Rehabilitation Program Asset Certi£1cation AddenduRe shall be maintained as part of the permanent program file for each homeowner making application to the collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. e. For purposes of this program, assets shall include, but not be limited to, real property other than the property to be rehabilitated under this program, savings, stocks, bonds end other forms of capital investment, excluding interests in Indian trust land and equity in a housing cooperative unit. 5. All potential participants must provide adequate information so that sForm 'D', Verification of Employments can be completed in a timely manner by their employer. a. Potential participants must complete Part I, Applicant Information and Part II, Employer Information, which includes the name and address of their current employer. b. Employer must complete Part III, Employment Information, and sign the document, and return the document by mail or personal delivery to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department. c. Applications will not be considered complete until Verification of Employment has been signed and delivered to the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. ' XTTACIDaNTX 1) Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department shall provide an addressed, stamped envelope to be utilized by the employer to return the Verification of Employment .form to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department. 2) Forms returned to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department by potential participants rill not be accepted for usa in theprogram. d. 'Form 'D', Verification of Emplo~ntm shall be maintained as part of the permanent program file Zor each homeovner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. 6. Where a potential program participant is unemployed at the time that application is made to participate in the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program, the form entitled Unemployed Affidavits shall ba c~mplated, signed, and notarized by the applicant. a. If an individual becomes employed during the course of the program application process, the individual must report aaidlemployment to the Collier County Housing and Urban IMprovement Department vithin ten vorking days, e~cluding holidaye and reekends, and complete eForm D, Verification of Employment,' re~erred to in Section II.B.5, above. b. m~orm ~, Unemployed ~ffidavitm shall be maintained as part of the permanent program ~18/~ r~al 1 8 !. XT?ACIDa1IT X ~flle for each homeowner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation P togram. 7. If potential par~ictpant or any member of the household is receiving any form of public assistance, the form entitled wForm F, VeriZlcation o£ BeneZits' must be completed as part og the application process. a. The total amount of public assistance that is provided to each individual residing in the household must be documented on the wVerification of Benefitse b. The 'Verification of Benefitsw form must include all sources of public assistance funds for all household members; c. 'Form F, Verification. of Benefits' shall be maintained as part of the permanent program file for each homeowner ~aking application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation P togram. S. For 'individuals or fasilies whose dwelling unit was damaged by Hurricane Andrew, the form entitled 'Form &-l, Homeowner Hurricane Damage Certificationw shall be completed and signed by the homeowner and any co-owner. a. Completion of the Damage Certification form by a potential program participant shall initiate the inspec~cion process by the County Code Enforcement Department or the City of Naples Building Division. b. "Fore &-l, Homeowner Hurricane Damage Certificationw shall be maintained as part of the permanent program file for each homeowner ,,,,,, o67,,.;,. ;, making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation ProWlram. 9, Other veri£ication forms may be developed and used ~rom time to time by the Collier County Housinq and Urban Improvement Department in the course o~ the Program in order to obtain third party veri~ication of all sources of income and veri~ication of all assets claimed by an applicant or other household resident and/or member making application to the Proqram. a. Refusal by an applicant to provide information to Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement regardin~ sources for third party variZications for income and assets shall be considered sufficient qrounda for a negative determination of proqram eligibility. C. Xpplicant Eliqibility Determination 1. Collier County Housinq and Urban Improvement Department will maintain a program Zile for each prospective prc~raa participant that will contain all related participant applications, verifications, references, credit histories, and other related documents. 2. Collier County Housin~ and UrbanImprovement Department will determine whether each applicant meets the income eligibility criteria for ths program sat forth in the document entitled "Form G, Household Income Survey Form for Rehabilitation a. The income eliqibility criteria used on this form shall be updated on an annual basis to reflect the moat recent median income data as ~l~ ~ll 10 established by the U,S, Department of Housing and Urban Development, b. "Fore G, Household Income Survey Form for Rehabilitation Program" shall be maintained as part of the permanent program file for each homeowner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. 3, Applicant eligibility determination shell include a review of each applicant's credit history, a, Each applicant and co-applicant .must sign "Form H, Release and Consent for Third Party Verification. e b. Use of this form is restricted to the Collier county Housing and Urban Improvement Department, its 9Tentors, or a participating -local financial institution, as-required and permitted by law. c. "Form H, Release and Comnt for Third Party Verifications shall be maintained as par~ of the permanent program file for each homeowner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. 4. Applicant eligibility determination shall include verification of applicant's o~nership of the property to be rehabilitated and disclosure of mortgages to lending institutions a. Where an applicant owns title of the property to.be rehabilitated, Applicant shall provide a, copy of the property deed to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department 1. The Housing and Urban Improvement 71181~4 ,e4~a~1% 11 Department shall be permitted to obtain a copy of the deed by which Applicant acquired title of the property to be rehabilitated from the public records of Collier County 2. Where no such public record exists, it shall be contingent upon the Applicant to demonstrate ownership of the property for which application is being made. b. All applicants must provide adequate information so that "Form I, Verification of Mort4age or Deed of Trust' can be completed b~ any lending institution holding a nots on the property to be rehabilitated. c. Applicants must complete Part I, Applicant Information and Part II, Lender Information, which includes the name and address of any lending institution holding a note on the property to be rehabilitated. 1. If no lending institution holds a mortgage, applicant must designate such information on "Form I, Verification of l~ortgage or Deed of Trust.e d. If applicable, the lending institution must complete Part III, Mortgage Information, and return the signeddocunent to the Collier County Housing and Urban'Improvement Department. 1) If applicable, Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department shall provide an addressed envelope to be utilized by the lending institution to return 'Form X, Verification of ~Is~ ,d~bH 12 or Deed of Trusts to the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. .2) Completed Verification of Heregage or Deed of Trust, Pa~c III forms that are delivered to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department by program applicants will not be accepted for use in the Residential Rehabilitation Program. s. "Form I, Verification of MortcJage or Deed of Trusts shall be maintained as par1: of the permanent program file for each homeowner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. Each potential participant shall be sent a letter from the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department notifying them whether they meet the eligibility criteria' established herein. a. In cases where a potential participant is determined to be ineligible, the reasons for this determination shall be set forth in the notification letter to the potential participant(s). 1) Any such negative determination of eligibility shall be mailed to the applicant by certified mail within three (3) days of such determination. b. Potential participants who have been determined to be ineligible shall be given the opportunity to correct: or explain in greater detail any information that resulted in, or affected the negative eligibility 13 !:' XTTXC~F~T dstermin~tion ~ada by the Housing and Urban Improvement Department. c. ~e ~ram ~lnistrator shall ~ve the au~hor~t~ to ~ke a f~nal re~a~l~ an appl~cant's c~liance ~th re~ire~nts for ~lrd pa~ d. ~e ~raa ~n~strator shall have the ~lnal d~ision~ki~ authority re~ardinq a dete~lnation oZ eligibility or non- eligibility Zor pa~icipatlon In the Collier C~nty ~side~tial Re~bilitation ~ras. · . Such dste~ination shall ~ ke~ as a ~mnent pa~ oZ the a~licant~s prOram III. ~te~nation oZ CoheSive Xctions ~. ~te~ination oZ cohesive a~lons ~ an ins~i~ depa~ment or divisi~ ~ ~r ~r~ant to this A~icle III aZter an a~licati~ to ~ Collier C~ty Rehabili~tion ~am has ~en s~mitt~ ~ an individual 1. ~te~lnation oZ co~e~ive-a~ions say ~ conduPed prior to an applican~'s receivin9 a ~inal dete~lnation oZ eli~ibllity Zr~ the Collier C~nty H~si~ and Urban I~r~ent ~pa~ent B. Uninco~rat~ Collier C~n~y 1. Collier C~nty C~e En~orc~en~ ~pa~ent will conduc~ and c~lete the initial ins~ion oZ a dveilin~ unit underlie prOram within ten workin9 days oZ notification o~ a pa~icipa~lon in the Collier C~nty Residential ~/~ ~ 14 ;. Rehabilitation Program by the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. a. l Initial inspection will determine if there are deficiencies and/or violations of the Collier County Housing Code Ordinance, Ordinance No. 89-06, as amended. 1) The Code Enforcement Department may pursue enforcement action against individuals or property owners where Housing Code violations are found. b. Collier County Code Enforcement Department will document the results of the Initial inspection on the Code Enforcement Departeent's form entltlod sInspectlon Report, MInimum Housing Code - Ordinance 89- 06.s This form may also be referred to as wForm Js for use in this, program. 1) A cop3/of the signed, completed inspection form w111 be provided to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department within three (3) working days of the completion of the inspection by the Code Enforcement Department. 2) "Inspection Report, Minimum aouslng Code - Ordinance 89-06s shall be maintained as part of the permanent program file for each homeowner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. c. Collier County Code Enforcement ~epartment shall identify and prlorittze code violations on the "Inspection Reports completed for each dwelling unit so that rehabilitation services 711s/~ r~1 ! 15 can be directed at elimination of any pressing and iuediate safety and/or health concern. 1) Health and safety Housing Code violations shall be given priority by Contractors over any cosmetic rehabilitation york during inspection, bid preparation, and provision of rehabilitation services. 2) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, in consultation vith the homeovner, to determine and prioritize rehabilitation services beyond immediate health and/or safety concerns which are identified and prioritized by the Collier County Code Zn~orcement Department. d. The sLyned and completed Code Enforcement Department Inspection Report rill provide the basis for Contractors to complete the form entitled "Form X, Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program Work Write-Up.' City of Naples l. At the City#s discretion, either the City of Naples Building DIvision or the Collier County code Enforcement Department rill conduct and complete the' initial inspection of dvell/ng units under this program within ten (10) workLng days of noti£iCation by Collier County Housing and Urban Zmprovement Department o~ a homeovner's participation in the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program by the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvesent Department within the incorporated boundaries of the City of Naples. a, initial inspec~ion vill determine iZ there are deficiencies and/or violations of ~hs City of Naples Xousing Cods Ordinance, Ordinance So. 12-~21, Is 1) ~e Cl~y oZ Naples hildtnq Division ~y pursue en~orcnent a~ton against Individual, or p=~e~y ~er(m) vhere H~sing C~e violationE are Z~nd. b. City of Naples hlldl~ Division or Collier C~nty C~e gn~orcement hpa~ment lnspe~orE v111 dmen~ the resultm of the Initial lns~ton on the fort entitled "Fort L, Clty of Raplee l~i~ ~* or mm o~er Etanda~ fort ~lch uy be d~eloped ~or u~e in this prOram. 1) ~ co~ o~ the sl~ed, caplet~ lnspe~lon fort rill ~ pr~lded to the Collier C~nty H~stng and Urban Z~r~ent h~ent vt~ln three (3) vorklng days oZ ~e c~pletton oZ ~e ins~ion ~ ~e InsUring dlvlslon o= depa~ment. 2) "FOrt L, CIty Of RapleE l~lon ~* mha11 be matn~lned as pa~ of ~e pemnent p=~ras file ~or each h~e~er ~ktng a~llcatlon to the Collier C~nty Re,ldential Rehabilitation ~ras ~oEe reEidence 1E l~at~ vl~in ~e city ~ndartes. c. City of Naples BuildincJ Division, or other 711S/~ reich11 17 inspecting entity, shall identify and prioritile code violations on each dwelling unit so that rehabilitation services can be directed at elimination of any pressing and immediate safety and/or health concern. 1) Health and safety Housing Code violations shall be given priority by Contractors over any cosmetic rehabilitation work during inspection, bid preparation, and provision of rehabilitation services. 2) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, in consultation with the homeowner, to determine and prioritize. rehabilitation services beyond immediate safety and/or health concerns which are identified and prioritized by the City of Naples Building Division, or other inspecting entity. d. me signed and ccnnpleted Inspection Repert will provide the basis for contractors to complete the form entitled *FoE~8 ~F, Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program Work Write-Up. - D. Contractor's Initial Inspection 1. Upon written notification as described in Section IV.B.4, pre-qualifiod contractors shall conduct a professional inspection of. any eligible dwelling unit in order to determine the need for any rehabilitation work that goes beyond correction of housing code violations. a. Any such rehabilitation work that may go beyond the minimum re~uirements of the City z/~s/~ m,b. 18 of Naples Housing Code shall be documented and noted on the Work Write-Up form by the inspecting contractor. b. The Contractor shall document estimated material requirements and unit labor costs for installation of materials on the Work Write-Up form. 1) The Work Write-Up form shall include any estimates of cost for the materials s~d work that must be completed to correct all County and/or City Housing Code deficiencies found during the initial inspection. 2) The Work Write-Up form shall distinguish between estimates of material and labor for correction of code violations and any additional rehabilitation work which the contractor identifies as a result of his/her inspection of the dwelling unit. c. The completed Work Write-up form will serve -as the basis for bids from pre-qualified contractors which will address all documented Housing Code deflc~encies of the eligible dwelling unit and any other work that may need to be completed to protect the health and safety of residents and/or the integrity of the dwelling unit. d. A copy of the signed, completed Work Write-Up form will be provided to the homeowner, the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department, and the Collier County Purchasing Department within three (3) working days of the ccnnpletion of the inspection by Znl/g(rd~bIt 19 ,o. 067,,, con~ac~oro A. Solici~:a4:ion of Cone:rat'cots for pa~iGipa~ion in Collier C~n~y ~siden~lal Rehabilitation l. ~e Collier C~n~y ~rchasinq ~pa~men~, ~andem wl~h ~he Collier C~n~y H~slnq and Urban lspr~aen~ ~pa~nen~, viII Zomlly soll~i~ ~allfica~ions a~ rela~ed lnZom~ion Zr~ various con~ra~ors and pre-~aZizy con~ra~o~. 2. C~ni~i~ ~aS ~edures and ~idelines ~o Con~ra~oFs a. ~Fu procures for i~ion of premises, s~lssion of bids for individual residences, no~ice of c~encmn~, and ne~h~s of pa~en~ for seaices will be ~lined and pr~id~ ~o ~en~ial pa~icipa~inV contractors a~ a ~nda~o~ pre- ~aliZica~ion mee~ing condu~ ~ Collier C~n~y Housin~ and Urban ~pa~Hn~ and ~he Collier C~n~y ~Fchasinq ~pa~en~. 3. ~e~ eZfo~ will ~ ado eo include ninori~y businesses in ~e 4. ~e ~o~1 solicitation will include a des~ip~lon or ~e ~an, l~s ~se, and ~he nature and scope of ~he woFk ~ha~ may be ~rZo~ in course of ~he ~ran. a. ln~eres~ contractors will su~i~ res~nses · o ~he ~oml solici~ion ~o ~he ~rchasi~ ~pa~mn~ b. ~e res~nses will ~ ~alua~ed ~ a TII~ r~11 20 ; selection cowaittee which will submit a recommended list of pre-qualified contractors to the Board of County C~msissioners £or approval c. Responses to the solicitation shall include, but not be limitsd to, the following docuaentatlonx 1) County and/or City occupational licenses 2) Current Certificates of Insurance to Lncludes a) Current liability insurance certificate b) Current Work~sn's Compensation certificate 3). Contractor Application 4) References a} Two (2) ma~or suppliers from whom construction materials have been purchased b) ~ocal financial institutions through which credit has been established c) Individuals (includin~ address, phone numbers, and dollar value of ~obs} for whom work has been recently completed. d. A Resolution will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners which will authorize the Chairman of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners to cmit the County to a contractual relationship with each 7jl~ r~l ~ 2 1 qualified firm for the performance of rehabilitation services, This contract will authorize qualified firms to submit bids for and perform residential rehabilitation work and services for qualified proqram participants. 1) The Resolution presented to the Board of County Commissioners for pra- qualification of contractors will pertain to all contractors, favorably evaluated or meeting the criteria utilized by the staff selection cc~mittee e. Bids may be submitted to perform rehabilitation work under this program only by pre-qualifiad contractors. B. Contractual relationship between Collier County and Contractors 1. Each qualified firm ~ust enter into a contract with Collier County to perform residential rehabilitation services and participate in the program. a. The Collier County Purchasir~ Department, in tandem with the Collier County Attorney's Office shall establish the appropriate form of contract between the pra-qualified contractors and the County. 1] The contract utilized upon approval by the Collier County Purchasing Department and the Collier County Attorney#s Office, which may be amended administratively' from time to time, shall be attached hersto and entitled ATTA~A "Contraot C-1# Agreement and General Speoifioa~ions,- b. Entering said contract is not a guarantee to contractor that work will be awarded to contractor for the residential rehabilitation program. 1) The contract provides the contractor the opportunity to participate in a competitive bid process to provide residential rehabilitation services for each eligible program participant. 2) Contracts to provide residential rehabilitation services will be awarded in accordance with Collier County's Purchasing Policy. Qualitative factors including, but not'limited to, the proposed time of completion for a pro~ect and any in-kind contributions offered in the bid will also be considered in the evaluation process. c. sCenetel Specificationsa found in Contract C- 1 shall serve as a guide to contractors and their subcontractors for preparing bids, -selecting ~aterials, and performing work under the Residential Rehabilitation Program. 1) 'General Specificationsa address: a) Materials and Workmanship - General b) ~ c) General Conditions, and d) ~Lg~/ll, which addresses rehabilitation work and materials eligible for reimbursement under ~ls~ r~lt 23 e67,- - 58' program guidelines including, 1, Aluminum Awnings and Canopy 2o Appliances - Electrical and Gas 3, Blacktop/Parking areas 4 ° Cabinets 5, Fencing 6. Concrete' Work 7, Doors and Windows 8, Electrical 9, Floor and Coverings 10, Gutters and Downspouts 11, Insulation 12. Landfll,1 13 · Painting 14. Pltmbing 15. Roofing 16. soffit and Eaves 17. Solar Energy System 18. Termites 19. Tree Removal 20. Vents and Crawl Space Access 21. Exterior and Interior Walls and Ceiling Finishes d) Contractors and firms may be placed on the list of eligible, pre- qualified contractors after the initial set of eligible contractors has been established only upon meeting all of the following requirements ~ 1) Contractor must meet all of the requirements contained and established in the initial : program bid. documents, 2) Contractor must be approved and formally added to the list of pre-qualified contractors by the Board of County Commissioners, 4. The Housing and Urban Improvement Department will 7/ts/9~ r~elt 24 ~ail notices to all pre-qualified contractors soliciting bids for eligible dwelling units based on the results of inspections conducted by the Collier County Cede Enforcement Department or the City of Naples Building Division and documented on each Jurisdiction#s elnspection Form.e a. Pre-q~alitied contractors will have a maximum of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date that the request for bids for an individual project is mailed to complete end submit the Work Write-Up, in accordance with Section Ill. Do7 form and a ccnaplete project bid to the Collier County Purchasing Department. 1). Any bid shall detail the individual cost to correct each Cede violation cited by the inspecting department or division and shall addresS: a) labor costs b) material costs. 5. Evaluation of Bids a. - In evaluating all bid prices, the County reserves the right to co=pare all bids submitted for rehabilitation work under this program to the following guidelinesx l) Labor costs should favorably compare to the most recent edition oZ spradlin, ;r., ed. (Chicago, IL: Frank R. Walker Co=party). a) Any labor cost that is not covered in this reference must be explained by the contractor and be broken ~ down by unit cost for the TIIkW, rehab11 25 I~;~' ~rl:icular service performed. b. ~ c~ o~ ~s bid d~ent ~itted contra~or ~o Is awa~ed the contra~ for an i~dl~idual dwellin~ unit shall be pr~ided to ~e Count~ Clerk Finance ~pa~ent to ensure tha~ pa~ents ~de to Contra~ors re~le~ cos~ included in ~e bid. 6. Notice to s. ~e svardee will when: 1) ~e h~e~er has exe~t~ and reco~ed the sec~ 2) ~e h~e~er has exe~t~ the pr~isso~ nots, 3) the h~e~er and contra~or hays migned ~ill~ti~ of 4) ~e h~e~er has sided w~tn~ C-3, hffom~ ~~w with Collier C~ty. b. ~e oEEicial Notice to ~e~ will be issued on a C~nty hrchase Order ~ ~e hrchasl~ hpa~ent. c. A Suppl~ental ~eed O~er will be issued to ~e contra~or ~r~gh ~e Collier C~nty Housl~ and Urban "F~ Q, ~ w~ll pr~de a sta~ date and s c~let~on date for the pa~lar proJe~ and ~st be s~ed ~ the h~e~sr,. ~$ Contra~or, and the Dlre~or o~ ~e COllier C~nty R~sing and Urban l~r~sen~ ~pa~ent. d. 'Fo~ Q, ~ ~ere shall ~ ~in~ined as pa~ oZ the pemnent prOram Zile for each h~e~er ~ki~ a~ltcation to 71l~ ~11 26 : XTT'AC]!XZN~X Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Prc<Jram. 7. Notice of Commencement a. Notice of Commencement must be filed by Contractor pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, for each dwelling unit receiving rehabilitation services under the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. b. Collier County Board of County Commissioners shall be named on the Notice of Commencement as "Lender.N c. Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department shall be named on the Notice of Commencement as -Persons within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents mar be served" as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7., Florida StatUtes. d. collier County Clerk Finance Department shall be named on the Notice of Commencement under he. In addition to himself, Owner designates ... to receive a copy of Lienor,s noticeN as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida 'Statutes. C. Homeowner/Contractor Relationship 1. One (1) standard program contract shall be used and signed by the homeowner (l) /program applicant(s), the Contractor selected to perform the work, and the Board of County Commissioners to establish the contractual relationship between all parties involved in the rehabilitation of each dwelling unit. a. Program Contract C-2 entitled wContract C-2, Contract for Rehabilitation of Ovner-Occupled Dvelllnq Units 1) The wContract for Rehabilitation o£ Owner-Occupied Dvelllnq Units shall include, but not be limited to, the £oll~lnq elements'. a) Scope of Work b) Contract Sum, which includes the total contract price c) Commencement of Work/Notice To PTo~eed d) Time and Li,quidated Damages e) Delays and Extensions of Time Contract Documents, including but not limited to the Contract for Rehabilitation of Ovner-0ccupied D~elling Unit, the Work Write-Up, and an approved Change Orders dtrect~n~ modifications g) C~mplaints and Disputes h) Public Liability/Builder#s Risk and Workmen's Compensation Insurance i) Ovner's Liability/Loss of Insurance ~ ) Equal Opportunity k) Use of Existin~ Utilities by Contractors and/or Provision of Temporary Services of Site 1) Contractor Supervision of Employees m) Naintenance of Premises n) Occupancy of the Premises o) Inspection of Work p) Change Orders and Xedifications q) Guarantee of Work r) Lead-Based Paint Certification s) Conflict of Interest t) Compliance with Local Codes and Ordinances u) Assignment and Transfer v) Termination w) Severabil ity · x) Conflicting Provision y) Waiver z) Nodification aa) Ills al or Unconstitutional ProvTsions ab) Hold Harmless and Indemnity ac) Anti-Discrimination Statement ---- l 2) ]~ copy of "Contract C-2, Contract for Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Evelltn~ Unit~ shall be salntained as part of the permanent program Zile for each hemcorner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. 3) "General Specifications for Rehabilitation and Home Repairw which are included as parc of the Contrac~ documsnt entitled wContract C-I, Agreesent for Services" between Contractor(s) and Collier County shall guide and provide direction to any and all Contractors and Subcontractors for materials purchased and installed under this program. D. Contractor/Subcontractor Relationship 1. Contractor shall provide Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department with a pro~ect bid which shall include= a. a list of all subcontractors performing work under contract# or otherwise, for each dwslliog unit that Contractor provides rehabilitation services. b. a breakdovn of projected labor and material costs for each subcontractor performing rshabllitation york on a particular dwelling unit. 2. Contractor is responsible for maintaining appropriate work quality by any and all subcontractors used to complete a rehabilitation ?lla~ r~ll 29 ATTACBXE~TA j- project. 3. Contractor shall require each of its subcontractors to procure and maintain, until the completion of the subcontractor's work, insurance of the types and to the limits specified for Contractor in 'Contract C-1, Agreement' and "Contract C-2, Contract for Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Dwelling Unit', unless such insurance requirements for the subcontractor are expressly waived in writing by Collier County. All liability insurance policies, other than professional liability, worker's compensation and employer's liability policies, obtained by Contractor to meet the requirements of the "Contract C-1, Agreement' and 'Contract C-2, Contract for Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Dwelling Unit' shall~name the Owner and Collier County as additional insureis and shall contain severability of interest provisions. If any insurance required expires prior to the completion of the Work, renewal Certificates of Insurance and, if requested by Owner, certified true copies of the renewal policies, shall be furnished by Contractor within thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration. 4. Contractor shall obtain a signed original of N, Waiver of Men to Date' from all 2ubcontractors performing work on a dwelling unit prior to submitting a. 'Form U, Request for Inspection.' a. All subcontractor Waivers of Lien are required to be submitted,with any Contractor's request for payment. b. Contractor must submit all Waivers of Lien ~1 ~ r~el ~ 3 0 vlth a request for payment to the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. E. Performance of Rehabilitation Work by Contractor and Sub-contractors 1. Materials to be purchased and Installed shall conform to the minimum material standards found in "Generml Specifications For Rehabilitation and Home Repair" as incorporated in "Contract C-1, Agreement for Services" a. Materials that are equivalent(s) in quality and life-c~ole may be substituted. b. Any substitutions of materials that occurs after a contract has been completed and approved shall require a change order, except where a particular item is no longer available. 1} Any change order(S) for substituted materials must be approved and signed by the homeowner and the Program Administrator or hiS/her designee prior · to Installation for the material to remain an eligible expenditure. c. Material specifications may be changed 'administratively, from time to time, to reflect changes in markets and technological Improvements In material composition. 2. All work performed by any contractor(s) and its sub-contractor(s) shall be in accordance wi~h= a. The Inspection Report completed and submitted by the Collier County Cede Enforcement Department or the City of Naples Building Division. b. Bid documents mxbmltted by the Contractor on "Fore K, ~ Work Write-Up" and any supplemental plans submitted in con~unction with this form. c. The Scope of Work established and agTeed to by the parties in 'Contract C-2, Contract for Rehabilitation of O~mer-Occupied D~ellin~ Unite d. The Program document entitled Specifications for Hose Repairs and Rehabilitation' 3. All work performed by any contractorgs) and their subcontractor(s) suet conform to the requirements a. The Collier County Housing Code, Ordinance No. 89-06, as amendedX b. The City of Naples Nousin~ Code, Ordinance No: 92-6621, as amendedX c. All construction industry codes referred to in the above referenced County and City codes, as amendedf d. 'General Specifications for Rehabilitation and Home Repairls e. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Bulldin~ Code, 1991 edition, as'amended. Contractual Relat'ionship Between Colliez 'C~nnty and l~ogram Participant A. Program participant(s) must meat income and program eligibility ~uidelinas as sat forth in Sec~ion(e) - II.C, above. ,0. 1367- ,,. 67 Do J~lTplicant:(s)/Hoeeovner(s} is/are ~es~ns~ble fo~ re~inq any. change o~ inc~e to Collier C~nty H~sing a~ Urban Z~r~sen~ hpa~en~ vi~in ten (lO) vorking days oZ a~ change so tha~ closi~ Residential Rehabllita~ion ~an Is no~ unduly delayed. ~a~es in i~lvidual, hu~old, and/or family inc~e shall re~ire ~ha~ wYo~ B~ A~li~nt Zn~ ~lfi~ti~s be ~.~let~ and rece~iZi~ a. ~i~ ~y verlficati~ shall h c~leted prior to closi~ a Residential Rehabilitation ~an and exe~l~ wYo~ O, S~ a~ eFm p~ ~is~ N~.~ C. ~ram pa~lclpan~(s) (l.e.~ h~e~er, a~ co-~ez ~sre a~llcabls) ~s~ exerts "~o~ *N~, ~ZZl~vit ~o Zn~ ~e~ prior to elosi~ ~s Residential Rehabilitation ~an a~ exerting "Fo~ O, No~agew and "Fo~ P~ ~isl~ N~.w D. ~ram pa~lcipan~s ~st exe~ts a Second No~gage as a se~rl~y interest to finance ~s costs o~ rehabilitation ~rk ~rfo~ed on ~e prOram ~icipan~s ~elli~ ~it. 1. ~s Seco~a~ ~o~gage ~s~ ~ exe~t~ on O, S~ No~gagew or on a s~tan~ially s~ilar dment ~at has hen a~ ~ ~e Collier C~nty Office of the C~ty ~tto~. 2. ~ndsrs ~y lnclude~ ht not ~ limit~ to~ Collior C~tr Boar~ of C~tr Cmissionsrs or any registered ~lna~ial institution ~rati~ under ~ ~vs o~ Florida in Collier Florida. 3. ~e Seco~ No~a~e shall set fo~h the obligations oE the ~rrwer(s)~ ~er(s) Hor~gagor(s), and !~ortgagee(s) and shall Include, but not be linited to, the folioring uniform covenants S a. Payment of PTlncipal and XnterestX Prepayaent and Xate Charges b. Funds for Taxes and Insurance c. Application of Payments d. Chargas~ Liens e. Hazard or Pro~rty Insurance f. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the PropertyX Borrover's Loan Application, Leaseholds g. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Progem h. Mortgage Insurance i. Inspection Condemnation k, Borrower Not Release~, Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver 1. Successor's and Assigns tk~ joint and Several tiabilityX Co-Signers Loan Charges n. Notices o. Governing Lew~ Severability p. Borrower's q. ~ansfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower r. - Borrower's Right to Reinstate s. Sale of Note~ Change of Loan earvicar Hazardous Substances u. Accsleration~ Remedies v. Release w. Attorney's Fees x. Rlder's to the Security Instrument 4. Mortgage dollar amount(s) shall be limited by and shall not excee~z a. Progem guid, elines as established by program grantors b. Bids for rehabilitation services as submitted by participating contractors 5. Hortgage funds shall be disbursed imrsuant to the terms of "Form P, Promissory Notew and/or "'Contract C-3, Performance ~Jreement, w 6. The Second Mortgage shall be .recorde~l with the ?'lll/K r.~.l.s 34 of Zlce of tha Colliar County Clark of Courts upon closlng of tha Rehabilitation Loan with tha lsndtnq antity and tha Homaovnsr, 7o U~n clost~, R~s~er ~st pr~tds the Colliar Co~ty H~sln~ and Urban lmpr~nen~' ~pa~ent ~t~ a check to c~ar the costs of reco~atlon ~s ~o~a~e instnsnt ~i~ ~s Collier Clerk of CouPs and d~nta~ sta~ tax, 8, No pa~ent or dts~rsnen~ o~ ~an Zunds will ~ds or pr~ess~ for ~s priam pa~icipant~s~ or the Contra~or until Collier C~nty R~sin~ and Urban ~pa~en~ receives a ce~tZled c~ o~ ~he record~ Seco~ Non~a~e dinant. 9. A co~ oZ =Fern O, Se~ N~a~e' shall maintained as pa~ oZ the peruanent prOram file ~or each h~e~er ~king a~lica~lon to the Collier C~n~y Reaidential Rehabili~tion ~ram. C. ~ra= pa~ici~n~s ~st excite a ~isso~ Note as a searACy i~tmn~ a~ praise to ra~y Ho~gage a~ ~e time ~a~ ti~le to the pr~y transfers to an individual or individuals ~er ~an ~er(s) ~ or in acco~ance vi~ ~e Se~nd No~age. ~is~ N~w or on a ~s~ntially mAmAlet d~en~ that has ~en a~r~ed ~ the Collier County orEAce o~ ~e County 2. ~he l~=meJesory Note sets fo='ch the obligations of the Borrover, the ~ndet, aM the Woreholder and shall Include, ~t not be lllit~ to, ~e r/l~ ~11 35 followtn~ elements: a. ~or~cver's Premise To Pay b. Interes~ c. Pa~ents d. ~erts Rlqht To ~epay e. ~an ~a~es f. S~flina~ton ~erts Failure To Pay Is Re~ested h. Obliqatlons of Persons. Under ~is Nots Waivers Unlfo~ Seared Nots H~'er ~s~ pr~lde the Collier C~nt~ and U~ban Zmpr~ement ~pa~men~ vtth m co~ o~ the dment v~th~n three (3) vorX~ng days s~gn~ng ~ all J~olved 4. No pa~ent or advance o~ ~an ~unds v~ll be or prosseed ~or the prOram pa~cipant/h~e~er or the Contra~or until Collier C~nty H~sing and Urban Zmpr~ement hpa~men~ receives a the "Fo~ P, ~isso~ W~" fr~ ~e h~e~er. 5. A co~ o~ "Fo~ P, ~sso~ N~w shall ~nta~n~ as pa~ of .the ~mnent ~or each h~e~er ~k~ng a~lication to the Collier C~nty Residential Rehabil[tat~on ~raa pa~c~pants must execute the prOram entitled, "C~ C-3, Res~e~al ~am hrfomn~ ~emnt.w 1. ~e Perfomnce ~ra~ent sets fo~h obllqations o~ the ~ram Pa~iclpant with reqard to the fa~s and ~ses o~ the prOram ~ich includes, b~ is no~ 1lmi~ed toe a. that pr~ram pa~icipan~ ~ers~s the conditions of the loan, lncludi~ prOram ~i~elines, ~les, and restrAtions b. that benefits are no~ transferable c. that eliqibls ~ellin~ units ~ ~pied the pr ram pa~ici~nt prior to a~ a~ter comple~on ol rehabilitation ~ork 7/f~ r~l~ 3~ , ,o. 067,, , 71 dwelling unit d. that several funding sources maybe used to provide services under. this program, and which programs may have different requirements rs~ardin~ location of eligible dvellin~ units and use of funds e. that the eligible dvellin~ unit must comply with the requirements of the Collier County Housin~ Cede, Ordinance No. 29-06, as lamendedX or If located within the City of Naples, the unit must comply with applicable sections of the City of Naples Housing Cede, Ordinance 92-6621, as amended that no c~mer, co-ownsr or relative of an c~mer or co-~wner shall serve as a contractor or sub-contractor for the rehabilitation of the subject property, nor shall an o~ner, co- cknet, or relative receive any condensation for their labor with any program funds 1) A relative of a homeowner or co-ovner shall be defined in this instance as an immediate family member to include nother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, and cousin or a faslly member by marriage, to include mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-lay, and sister-in-law. g. that any Contractor performing work under this proqram shall be pre-qualified by the County as per Ssc~cion IV. Contractors, above h. that all work performed by a contractor will be in accordance with the Inspection Repor~ prepared by ths Collist County Code Enforcement Department, or by the City of Naples Building Division, and that no chan~es to bid ~ork will be paid for with loan funds ~here there has not been express written prior spproval by the Program ~tsinistrator .on the form entitled sFormR, Residential Rshabill~ation Pro~rasChan~eOrder' i. that access to the prcper~y and dwslling unit will be provided to County, City, or other appropriats personnel conducting inspections to determine interis progress and/or completion of work for any or all rehabilitation work performed with funds from this proqram that contractor is respensibls for acquiring any and all persits and approvals to perform work under this program and must provide ~1S/94 r~11 37 RTTAC~XJJTa evidence of permits where requested, by program personnel, including but not limited to inspec~ors k. that Owner/Program Par~cicipant shall axecuts the Second Mor~cgage, Promissory Note, or other instrument deemed appropriate for use in this program by the Office of the Collier County Attorney and pay for recording costs 1. that payment for any work performed prior to execution of the Second Mortgage, Promissory Note, or other approved instrument, including but not limited to, an official Notice to Proceed, shall be the sole responsibility of the Homeowner/Program Participant m. liability for payment for any work performed by the contractor which does not conform to the Work Write-Up where express written approval has not been given by Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department and the Owner shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor n. that program funds for rehabilitation shall be loaned to owner at zero percent (0%} interest and payment of the principal amount shall be deferred until such time that title to the proper~y transfers to an entity other than the owner o. that owner shall occupy the rehabilitated .residential unit as the owner/program participant's primary residence until a Satisfaction of Mortgage is recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, or shall be in default of this Performance Agreement, the required Second Mortgage, and the Promissory Note p. that the maximum amount of the loan shall be the actual amount paid to the contractor, or seven thousand five hundred ($7S00) dollars, whichever is less. If the source of funding permits, the maximum amount of the loan may be extended to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) if needed tocorrec~ Housing Code violations of the Collier County Housing Code, Ordinance No. 89-06, as amended, or the City of Naples Housing Code, Ordinance No. 92-6621, as they maybe amended from time to time, q. that if the residence or property is historically significant$ 1) inprovements, must be consistent with those approved by the Florida Department ~18/9( rdmbfl 38 of State in accordance with the most current revision of 'Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings," and 2} improvements smst comply with the Collier County Historic/Archaeological Preservation Ordinance, Ordinance No. 91-70. r. that the Performance Xgreement shall be enforced by Collier County through inJunc~ive or any other legal remedy. 2, The Chairman o£ the Collier County Board of County Commissioners shall be authorized by Resolution to sign the Performance Agreement on behalf of the county. 3. A copy of "Contract C-3, Residential Rehabilitation Program Performance ~yremnt~ shall be maintained as part of the permanent program file for each homeowner making application to the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Inspection(s) of itehabilitation Work Interim Inspections for Cede Deficiencies 1. Contractors are responsible for. arranging interim inspections with appropriate county dr city departments. 2. Interim inspections will be conducted by Collier County Cede Enforcement Department, or the City of Naples Building Division in order to determine compliance of rehabilitation work with the County Housing Ordinance, Ordinance No. 29-06, as amended, or the City Housing Cede, Ordinance No. 92-6621, as amended. a. All work performed under the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program must 39 ,o,, 74 Conform to all State, County, and/or City code requirements to be reimbursed under this program. 3. Copies of inspection forms shall be si~ned b~ each individual performin~ an inspection and a col~p of the completed, si~ned inspection form will be provided to the Collier County Housinq and Urban Improvement Department within three(3) days of complstin9 each inspection. a. Each inspection form shall be main~ained as a perunan, part of each-program participant#s file. 4. Interim' inspections of premises ~ay be made by the Collier County Housin~ and Urban Improvement Department, the Collier County Code Enforcement Department, the City of Naples Bulldinq Division, or by inspection personnel from a Collier County financial institution, when such institution becomes an active participant in the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. 5. All rehabilitation work performed under the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program must conform to the requirements of s~en~ral Specifications' as incorporated in eContract C-l# A~remnte as well as qsneral industry work quality standards for such work ,in order to pass inspectionCs) and b~ reimbursed under this program. 6. The Collier County Code Enforcement Department and/or the City of Naples Buildin9 Division shall be vested with the authority to make a final determination of conforsanca ~o Code rsquirmnts r/~s~ r~b~ ~ 4 0 ~ ]&TTRCID2Fr X for all cede related rehabilitation york performed under this program. B. Interim Inspections for Rehabilitation Work Other tha~ Code Deficiencies 1. Triterim inspections for otherI rehabilitation work will be performed by Collier County Cede Enforcement Department# or the City oZ Naples Building Division to determine if materials and vorkmanship comply vith the requires,nts of this program ae described. in 'General Specifications for Rehabilitation and Rm Repairw above, as veil as the requiresants o~ the County and City for such york. 2. Copiss of signed, completed inspection forms for any inspection(s) shall be provided to the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvesent Department within three (3) working days of completion of ths inspection. 3. Each inspection form shall be maintained as a permanent part of each program participant#s file. 4. Interim inspections of premises may be made by the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department, the Collier County Cede Enforcement Department, the City of Naples Building Division, or by inspection peraonnel~ from a Collier County financial institution, when such institution becomes an active participant in the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program a. Such inspections may address, but are not limited toz 1) Inspections prior to mediation between the homeowner and contractor, when needed :' xtrA~axz~r x 2) Znspec~ions to determine extent of work progress prior to approval for an interim, proqress, or final payment to contractor. 5. All rehabilitation work performed under the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Prc~jram must conform to the requirements of 'General Specifications for Rehabilitation and Rose Repairs as veil as ganeral industry work quality standards for such work, in order to pass inspection(s) and be reimbursed under this program. 6. The Program' Administrator shall be vested with tha authority to make a final detarminatlon of work completeness and work quality in the event that there is disagreement among any of the parties. C. FInal Inspections for Coda Deficiencies 1. Contractors are responsible for arranging final inspections with appropriate county or city inspection departments. 2. Final inspections will be conducted by Collier County Code Enforcement Department, or the City of Naples Building Division in order to determine compllanca of rehabilitation work wlth the County Housing Ordinance, Ordinance No. 89-06, as amended, or the Clty Housing Code, Ordinance No. 92-6621, as amended. a. All work performed under the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program must conform to all State,County, and/or City code requirements to be reimbursed under this program. 3. COpies 'of inspection forms shall be signed by each individual performing an inspection and a copy of ?'11S~4 r~en 42 the completed, sl~ned inspec~ion form will be provided to the homeowner and to Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department within three (3) working days of completion of any final inspection. a. Each inspection form shall be maintained as a permanent part of each program partictpant's file. The Collier County Co~e Enforcement Department and/or the City of ~aplee ~ilding Division shall be vested with the authority to sake a final detemination o~ conformance to C~e requirements for all co~e related rehabilitation work performed under this program. S. All rehabilitation work performa~ under ~he Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program must confore to the requirements of 'Caneral as well as general lnduatr~work quality standards for such work, in order to pass inspection~e> and be reim~urmed under this program. The Pro~;ras~ainietrator shall be vae~ed with the authority to make a final determination of work completeness and work quality in the. event that there ~is disagreement amon~ any of the parties. Final Inspections for Rehabilitation Work Other ~han Co~e Deficiencies l. Final inspections for o~her rehabilitation work will be performed ~l Collier C~unty Co~e Enforcement Department, or the CAtM of ~aplee Suilding Oivi$1om to determine if materials and workmanship comply with the requirements of this program as deacribe~ in 'Ceneral for Rehabilitation and Rome Repair" above, as well as the requirements of the County and City for such ~wo rk. 2. Copies of si~ned, completed inspection forms for all final inspections shall be provided to the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department within three (3) working days of completion of the inspection. 3. Each final inspection form shall be saintained as a pemnent part oZ each program participan~'s file. 4. Final inspections of premises shall be sade by the Collier C~unty Rousing and Urban Xsprovesent Department, or by inspection personnel from a Collier. County financial institution,' when such institution becomes an active participant In the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. a. Such inspections say address, but are not limited to: 1) Inspections prior to mediation between the homeowner and contractor, when needed 2) Inspections to detersine extant of work progress prior to approval for final pageant to contractor 3) Inspection to detersins if all receipted, purchased materials have been installed 4) Inspection to obtain homeowner final sign-off and approval for final papsant to contractor. ; r/is/w,~ 1 4 4 :, i0. 5. All rehabilitation work performed under the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program must conform to the requirements of ~General Speoifications for lehabilitation and I~oae Repaiz~ as well as general industry work quality standards for such work, in order to pass inspection(s) and be reimbursed under this pro~ras. 6. The Program Administrator shall be vested with the authority to Bake a final detsrmination of work complstensss and work quality in the evsnt that thsrs is disagrssment amon~ any of the par~les, VXII. Mothods o~ Payment foz bhs~il~tation Work ~srforssd A. Performance Bonds 1. No perforsancs bend shall be required to be posted '. by a prs-qualifisd contractor under this program. 2. In lieu of postin~ a performance bond, an amount equal ~o ~ven~y {20t) percent of any interim progress payment will he retained pending completion and final spproval of all rehabilitation work, and sulmission of Waivers of Lien and propar do~men~ation. B. Hethnds of Payment for Work Performed. 1. There are t~o mathods by ~hich contractors say be paid for services rendered under ~his pro~ramz a. One time payment for services x 1) ContraCtor submits storm u, Request for Inslsctions to the Housin~ sad Urban Improvement Department. Such request must have copies of receipts for materials attached. No request will be processed without copies of the vendor ~scsipts for ~atsrials used on the d~elling unit, 2) Pa~stnt to ConeraZor is con~ln~en~ on ~issi~ o~ ~Fo~ U, ~s~ Zor Z~~s ~o Collier C~n~y Housing a~ Urban l~r~ement ~pa~ent, Final InaCtion ~ a~ropriate ~rsonnel, and a) ~fZidavit fr~ CentraZor s~i~ ~t s~ontra~ors ~d ~terial ~lisrs have ~en paid for the ps~i~lar ~ob and ~slli~ unit for ~ich the Contremor is ~lttl~ a rs~est for pa~ent to ~llisr C~nty. 1. Contra~or(s) ~st s~lt .~ final, n~arlz~ ~riqlnals o~ mF~ M, Wa~V~ Ot ~m ~ all ~ ~1~." ~ 2. final inm~io~ viII no~ be %. c~du~md until final, no~riz~ ort~i~ls : mF~ Nm WalV~ ' ~m havm ~en ~itt~ to ~m N~l~ a~ U~sn .!~. Z~r~nmn% ~~ for all s~ontra~u ~rfo~l~ i',. ~habill~ti~ ~ ~ final, n~riz~ origi~lm o~ ,,, ~Bl-',. 81 ~'~ "Form H, Waiver or Lien to ~') Dates from all buiXding ~ material suppliers with =Form U, Rsluest for Xnspec~ion.' 4. Final Xnspec~ions rill no~ be conducted until such time that final, notarized originals of ;' "Fern M, Waiver of Lien to Datem has 'been submitted to ;, the RoUsin~ and Urban Zsprovenent Department for all ;~ material vendors providing ! materials for the dwelling - unit to be inspected, b) In the alternative, upon submission of invoices or other documentation from Contractor and a vritten norariled statement from Contrac'cor that materials have been supplied and services rendered which are satisfactory to Contractor, payment shall be processed c) Final inspection of all work intended to cartecho Collier County Housing Cede violations ie conducted by the Cede EnforceBent Department vithin three (3) working days of receipt, of mY0rm U, Request for Inspection~ from the Housing and Urban Improvement Department, d) Final inspection of all rehabilitation work shall be conducted by the Collier County 711a,"~ rehai~¶l 47 llousing and Urban Improvement Department, 'the Collier County Coda Enforcement Department, personnel from applicable City departments or Divisions, and/or appropriate personnel from a local £inancial institution that is participating in the Program, to determine tha~: all purchaseS materials have bean installed. Such inspection shall be conducteS within three (3) working days of receipt of 'Form U, itel:Juelt fez' llllpection" ~ the ' Housing and Urban Xmprovement Department. e) Contractor, Homeowner, and all Inspector(s) .complete and sign form entitleS eFori T, Dllb~ Authorization." Contractor executes form entitled mForl X, Waiver of Men to Dates and provides the original notarizeS document to the Purchasing Department and a copy of the executeS form to the Housing and Urban-Improvement Department. 6) Contractor submits copies of receipts for all rehabilitation materials purchased and lnstslleS for reimbursement with program/loan funds to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department with signed and completeS "Form T, Disbursement Authorization.s Tlll/~ ,~uSl 1 4 8 ,o. s'3 7) Housing and Urban Improvement Department shall forward copies of all Contractor's receipts for purchased materials, 'Form T, Disbursement Authorization, s and other appropriate documents to the Collier County Clerk's Finance Department. S) Collier County Clerk#s FInance Department shall process payment to contractor for the contract amount and for any additional work authorized and documented on 'Form R, Change Order' by the Program Administrator. 9) Contractor is responsible for providing payment to any and all sub-contractors performing rehabilitation work on d~elling units and property. b. Progress Payments 1) All requests for proqress payments must be submitted on the form entitled afore T, Disbursement ~tuthorizatlon. e 2) Inkerie or final inspection of all work intended to correct Collier CounCy Housing Code violations is, conducted by the Code w-nforcesent Department, and all work to correct City of Naples Housing Code is conducted by the City Building Division, within three (3) working days of receipt of 'Form U, Request for Inspection' from the Housing and Urban Improvement Department. 3) Interim inspection of all rehabilitation work shall be conducted by the Collier /'118/1~ rehae~l 1 4 9 County Housin~ and Urban Improvement D~partment, Collier County Code Enforcement D~pa=tment, applicable City departments or divisions, and/or appropriate personnel from' a local financial institution that Is par~lcipatin~ in the Program, to determine that all purchased materials have b~en lnstallmto Such inspection shaZl bs conducted vithin three (3) vorkln~ days of receipt of "Form U, Request for Inspection,s 4) Contractor executes form entitled mForm M, Waiver of Men to Datem and provides the oriqlnal motarissd document to the Purchasin~ D~partment and a copy of the executed, notarized form to the Houslnq and Urban Improvement D~partment. 5) Contractor, Homeowner, and all Inspector(s) complete and sign form entitled wForm T, DIsbursement Authorization o ~ 6} Contractor submits copies of rscsil~s for all materials purchased with pro~ram/loan funds to the Housin~ and Urban Improvement Department with the request for progress payment and T, Disburmsssn~ luthorlsatlon° ~ 7) Housin~ and Urban Iraprevent EWpartment shall forward Contractor's invoice, copies of all receipts for purchased materials, wForm T, Disbursement " Au~horisatlon," and other appropriate doctments to the Collier County Clerk's Finance Department, S) Collier County Clsrk's Finance Depa~'cment shall process palment contractor for the invoice amount and for any additional-work authorized through Change Order by the Program Administrator, a, No paysent shall be IRade for any york not specifically authorized by the Program Adminlstrstor, sither by contrsot or by change order. 9) Contractor is responsible Zor providin~ payment to any and all cub-contractors pmrZorming. rehabilitation work on dvmlling units and propmr~y. C. Procram Paztioipant Files 1. Copies of avery Zorm and copies oZ all raceills used in ~hm Contractor payment process shall be kept aa a part o£ each individual prngram file. D. Change Order Contingency 1. Each rehabilitation loan will include a contingency reserve fund vhich, as a general rule, will be based on ten (lOt) percent of the cost of the rehabilitation contract .- a) Contingency requirements may vary when such requirements are ~andated by a specific funding source. 2. Xny work completed pursuant to an approved change order that incurs additional costs will be deducted fros this ten (lOt) percent contingency ,. reserve. : 3. Contingency funds must be sxpe.nded to attain the ftnal dollar ano~nt o£ the Second Nortgagm and ths · P~omissory Nots. In the event of a natural disaster, program guidelines regarding pre-qualttication ot participating contractors may be waived in order to expedita needed repairs and isprovmn~ to damaged properalas. B. Any dollar expenditure cap in at£act for an~ a~ate or Zedsral program that provides Zunds used in the Collier County Rehabilitation Program say be vaivad or increased where the govarnor o£ the Stata oZ Florida, or the Executive OZ£1cer oZ any state or tedaral agency issues an Zxacutive Ordar, or other such directlye, vaiving or increasing said cap. C. All Collier County Rasidential Rehabilitation Program rsquirements for documentation by contractors oZ saterial purchases and estimated labor costs shall rexsin in e£fect. RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM FORM LIST FORM A Residential Rehabilitation Program Preliminary A~I ication FORM A-1 Homec~rner Hurricane Damage Certification FORM B A~plicant Income Certification FORM C Ap~licant Asset Certification FORM C-1 Applicant Asset Certification Addendure FORM D Verification of Emplo3ment FORM E Unm~plo~ed Affidavit FORM F Verification of Benefits FORM G Household Income Surve~ FORM H Release and Consent for Third Party Verification FORM I Verification of Mortgage or Deed of Trust FORM J Inspection Report, Minimum Housing Code FORM K Program Work write-up FORM L City of Naples Inspection Report FORM M Waiver of Lien to Date FORM N Affidavit of No Income Change FORM O Second MortVaVe FORM P Promissor~ Note FOR~ Q Proceed Order FORM R Chan~e Order FORM S RESERVED - ,Interim Inspection Form FORM T Disbursement Authorization FORN U RequeSt £or-Inspec~.ion FOR~ V RESERVED '- Final Inspection Fona FOIQX W Lead Paint Poisoninq Notification FOI~ X RESERVED FOR~( Z RESERVED Contract C - 1 ~]reement for Services Contract C - 2 , Contract for Rehabilitation of ...... ..~ner.-Occupied Dvellim] Unit Contract C - 3 Perforsance A~reesan~ Contract C - 1 EXHIBIT General 2pacifications for Rehabilitation and Rose Repairs mtrfrm~.~l) COLLIER COUNTY RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION APPLICATION Application Number · Date Phor~e No. (Home) Phofie No, (l~ork) Prc~4rty OM~er Sot(st Security No. Co-Ovner .Social Security NO.. Property Address Total X~nber of People tlvlr~ in the H~ulehold ARes of Persons In HousehoLd: Husl0and t~lfe Sons DWtera Other Do you CurrentLy &an the H~se [ ] Yei ( ) No If NO, Rhen d~ you Exlxct to Purchale the Date House Purchased Present NoteS/Re Am~a~t Veer Hue lult t ,No, of O~mER'S PREVICUS ADDRESS Street Apt, No, City . State___._.._.ZIp Rent or ~ Dates I~), Letter/Landlord Street City StILe , . ZIp CO-O~/NER'S PREVIOUS ADDRESS (if different frm o~ner.) Street. Apt, No..__ CIty.. State.. ZIp Rent or ~ Dates Me. Payment. Lender/Lv, dtord Street City State ZIp OTHERS TO RESIDE IN UNIT: Co-C)mera Source of Income Address ,,. Annuat Gross Income HW Long?. Other Feel ty Income SourcesCs) ~ . Tots( Fmmlty Arv~Jat Gross Income. Are you vieSing to abide by the terms IncI Conditions of the Cottier County Residential Rehabilitation Policy? YES [ ] NO [ ] Describe brlefty the rehsbititation ~ork you k~utd tlke to have. done: I have read and understand the purpose, restrlctlon~ and terms of the Coltier County Rehabilitation Policy. I desire to be Inctuded In the rehebitftation prqrae and attest to the accuracy of the information and current family incoe4 provided hersin. I, the property oM~er,, de indemnify end save Cottier CC~eqty, hamtess on any claim or account of shy prq:~erty or perl~nat damages ' alleged to have bee~ justmined by the ~ork being performed. Signature of Property O~ner Date Signature of Co-Applicant Date · Attach cloctawntstlon to verify income: Income Tax returns for Sue previous years and copies of checks, pay stubs, divi,:knd Itatelentse etc. i, o1111 A-I RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM This form affirms and certifies tha~ the premises located at:: and ovnsd by (C~ner) snd (Co-owner) did suffer damage as a result of Hurricane Andreg. This damage generally included= (Owner) (Co-Owner) 5/9~ dsscert .~ Florida Housing Finance Agency State Housing lnNatfvea Perffiershlp (SHIP) Program INCOME CERTIFICATION EffectlYe Date 1) A. Home OwTwr: Existing: New Cormnjctfon: (C~ctc c~e). Ois~ or c~=ing Date:. Ckrsing Date:. Date NfidM o~ Corffinued ~ ,, , B. Rental: MoveJn Chtte: U ,, D, Ike Housefx~d To~al Cash Income from C. O. 3. Tofal Net Vah,,e d As,f4ts 4. TotalAcfu~Asaetlncome 4. S.._ ....... & ff line 3 Is ~'matef man $S,000, mumfW lne 3 I~/psss~;, smv~s rate rest,tits In 5; othefwbe, leave I:dank, 8, Anftcrpated Annvsl Income:, Income dps, over~fme, Household &Wages/ . b. 8enefiLs/ c. Public m'td e. Asset Member Sarades Perilous Assistance ' commbsio~s) ffr, ome nil e. Enter me c. I ...... ; O,' box 6. Totals & b. c, cL 7. Enfet fo~a/of items 6a through This is Annual Income Par! IX: lee.me Ce~nl¢~l.n A) HoueehoM Oe~e (CN, ck NI ~ ~ ~ Black. Non~p~ic ' ~ I~ ' Fa~ ~A ~ ff ~ ~ ~e ~s are ~e~L ~ ~ ~ ~ fo ~ ~ ~ ~e ~e~s are ~i~re :o fde a ~ r~n f~ federal ~e t~ m ~B ~ ~ ~. and ~ W ~mam~.) sf a;I or a~ ~ me ~s ere ~ ~ ~ ~m A~. Oc~ ~ a ~ ~aR ~ De c~er~ u ~me efi~e ~ ~ ~ m ~s ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to file a ~ Yes __ NO __ N~ A~ffceble ~ ~ ~er~wefuper Cedl~c~pn * Re~al On~ ced~ mm the ~e~d ~e~ Im· I(n): median ~ me ~ome ~ ~ m U.8. D~m d H~g ~ UmM D~Dmem. ~ __ M~e Inc~ ~H~d b~ M ~ ~ a~ d~ ~ ~ to 1~ percane ~ The me~an ~m ~ ~ m U.8. D~ ~ H~ aM Um~ De~mem. ~ ~af~H u a MI h~e~ ~me m ~ ~ ~ r~m ~ ~ greaer 140 perce~ ~ ~e ~ a~e ~e ~e ~ P~ Name:. DaTe. D) APPUCANT STATEMENT: The InfofrnaTion on This form it to be used fo detlffnfne maximum encome for eligibirdy. I/we have provided for each person set fOdh in Item 2A Icceptlble verification of current anticipated annual Income. f/we certify that me s~atemenfs are true and complete to me m of my, ou~ knowf, c::!ge and be~ef and are given urxtet penalty of pedury. (SIGNATURE - HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD) DATE (SIGNATURE - SPOUSF,/CO-HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD} DATE ,o. ~67,,,,, 93 WARNING: Section 1001 of T~fe 18 of the U.8. Code make i~ a crtmirJI offense To make willful false statemar,Is or misrepresentations to any Department of Agency of the United States as fo any maz~ef w~l~n 4S ~22ZDEXTIAL RE~IZ, ZT'ATZC~I I~.O~R,I~ X22ET C'ERTIFIC"ATION IqlCPII, ClaII SOCIAL JlCUIITY lOSIll I hereby declare and re, set all ef my c~rren~ eases. f m mere ~ to tee,,~ oex, 4mdt or fail to rsfMr~ any ef my easeta fa a frsudulen~ set 1;knisl~e by lee. I u"defltlnd ~equtred ~ot Iom~ m;provmto I u~lefstmnd that I am not re~fred to surferdot my o~rsfs~lp at rllhtl ar tieload property, pansies ar tiplilt lolls, etc. levf~ll Account lefety Deeeft loses TOTAL CAIIP · a all tl~ltl mftal~4a te I~td (ll~ te Iml~le Irrmmcible tr~mtl) EOUITY TOts{ Va|ue ef 8~med let Estate TOtrot lee| !strata l Ir~eltslntl TgT~ !O~ITT hte~ce ef flflt hieflee tin against Property tOlr~l TgTA~ JellfiNiS TOT& I!~ lITAT! & ~ITAL aIM tOtal Treasury lilts ' · ClITIFICATEI Of Df~OIIT * · IIMey Nlrket f~fdl ' · non ~cco~ts , BOOK I ill I rA~'~. ~. , letltlmq~t ~ P!~eJefi PM'III · · Pole I ef VITalSIll IATI DATI ; f011 ~ foilwiN reel ~tate ~ ~ c~t~et t~s, st~s, ~, T~ MIll. ~lm f~, t~ M r~et~l (e.l., I~t~ ~ml~, f~e ~ ~ ~,~. If ~ ~,~, ~e fn C. I (w) fillrote ~ (~) n~l te ~ I . ~ Ic~ ~ ~Aml Ic~ ' ~lff~lm I wtlfy l~l~let l~ltltatfm Is tM ~ ~l te ~ Mt ~ ~7~ I mt~ lt~la L~, :~,. V1 Ill IS OATI IltCef't}ot4) ,o. ~67,,',. 98 VER'rFIC'ATIC3M OF EXPT.,O~'J(ENT TIe al~l lca~ Iclentfffecl below has elSe fed far reliclentilS rehd)fl ltatfon services that Ire IraviM fl~rough the Collier Coyly ~usinl ard Urlbdn Imprwenwnt ~l~ertxw?t. Our r/guletlons require f~et In erder for the I~divld~el/flai Iy to be el illbit, wces ef Incm end eeplelmer~t Mt be verified. The trdfvhiuel tcientffied berate I~s luth4rlzed y~ur release o~ tl~e fnformetic~a reeFlaCed en this fore. The t~fforamifon yea Iravide trill be uHd e~ly for the; ef determlnfri; the Indlvtdua|/famliy's eligibility fIr tl~ protrue. The leausiq rut for y~r c~'wenience. if yeu have aey questin, I~eeee feet free te centact the Ik~slq erd Urtan fqN-e~ment Oeperfaent at 663-83~0~ ~ yeU for year cGc;eratJen. ' P&~T Ill. ~T fIfCeMTIGe (Te be cemplefmi by ~) 1. Date ~ ~. ~lef~tf~ 2 Deft ~ T~latlm (if &. ~rK fate S. ~ ~ ~fci~te 9. i~s ~t esrnl~ I 1O. ~ this ~t~ PKeIW ~IIIM v~fh ~ Yn ~., 12. If t~ ~l~'l ~k is ~1 ~ ~HIC, I~tg/fl In-eft mrla. , . If m, f~tcste ~t Iml~ In ~k I 1&, ~ltlnl ~sfC~ t~ ~k ~ ~fs fn If ~) . S I gr~ture Pages COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING AND URBJal IMPROVEMENT DEPRRTMENT RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRA~ UIZMFLOTED 'XFFIDAVET Before me this day of personally appeared who, being duly sworn, deposes and says= 1. I have made application for rehabilitation services from Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Depar~cment. 2. Check (a) or (~) as applicablet · (a) I am not presently employed but anticipate becoming employed within the next twelve (12) months. (b} I am not presently employed and do not anticipate becoming employed within the next twelve months. 3. Based on my past work experience, skills, and income history as reflected in my income tax return for the most recent tax year (copy attached) and with adjustments to reflect circumstances anticipated within ~he next twelve months, expect to earn $. par year when I become employed. ( S lgnatu re ) STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this . . (date) by (Dame of person t acknowledging), who is personally known o me or who has produced (type of identification) a~ ldentlfica~ton and who did (did not} take an oath. t/w, meplyZ.W 1'7.,67,,',. 98 VERIFI~.~TION OF BEI~FIT8 The apptlcant Identified ~t~ has 8~tl~ f~ resl~tlat r~!tltatl~ asslsta~e throb Collier C~ty H~iq ~ Ur~n I~t D~rt~t. F~rat r~tmtt~ r~tre that in or~r for the fmity to ~ eLIgible, w ~rlfy the f~ity's I~, ex~sel, 8~ other Info~tl~ relatH to eligibILity. The i~lv~t hal ~thorlz~ y~ release of the rMte !nfo~tl~. The tnfo~tl~ yN pr~!~ .lit ~ ~e ~ty for the ~r~se of ~teminl~ the f~(ty/i~lvl~t's etlglbltlty for the ~qrm. ~ are r~lr~ to c~tete ~r verlffcsti~ priest tn a short tl~ ~rl~ 8~ ~td ~r pr~t res~se. A setf-~ress~ ~el~ has ~ imt~ for c~l~e. If ~ have s~ ~stlfi, p~esse f~t fr, ~o c~TKT ~ office. ~ for ~r :.. ; Nm TItle Tel~ No. Xm of A~tlcant: SSN: Ha A~resl PART II. A6ENCY PROVIDING BENEFIT (To be completed by applicant) Name of Agency Agency Address Part Ill. BENEFIT INFOP~IATION (To be completed by provide:) . Bet~f|t Recipient: " Reclplent ID Nunbar: Ag~ l~fitl: pr~rm TITle; Doltmr $ Total Gross ~t R~elv~ N~thty S Start Date of 8~fits CtHI~ Date (if a~tlcabte) Do ~ exit ~ chqe in ~fit ~ts in the future? Yes No If yes, please provi~ a brief expt~ti~z A~itI~t C~ts (e.g., any I~lat silkily,etc.) C~tet~ By: Tltte SIgnature Tet~ No, 7/~& ~ftvrl .~ FORM G COLLIER COUNTY RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM i!OUSEIIOLD INCOI%IE SURVEY NAME OF OCCUPANT: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT MY TOTAL FAMILY INCOME IS INDICATED BELOW: FAMILY SIZE HOUSEHOLD ANNUAL INCOME CHECK ABOVE OR BELOW VERY LOW INCOME 1__ $ 15,050.00 ABOVE BELOW 2__ $ 17,200.00 ABOVE BELOW . 3__ $ 19,350.00 ABOVE BELOW 4__ $ 21,500.00 ABOVE BELOW . 5__ $ 23,200.00 ABOVE BELOW 6__ 'S 24,950.00 ABOVE . BELOW 7__ $. 26,,650.00 ABOVE BELOW 8__ $ 28,400.00 ~ABOVE BELOW FAMILY SIZE HOUSEHOLD ANNUAL INCONiE CHECK ABOVE OR BELOW LOW INCOME !__ $ 24,100.00 ABOVE BELOW 2 __ $ ,27,500.00 ABOVE BELOW 3 $ 30,950.00 ABOVE BELOW 4__ $ 34,400.00 ABOVE BELOW 5 $ 37,150.00 ABOVE BELOW 6 $ 39,900.00 ABOVE . BELOW 7__ $ 42,650.00 ABOVE BELOW 8__ $ 45,400.00 ABOVE BELOW PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS The following information is required by the Federal Governmere to monitor program recipients. You are not required to furnish this inlbrmation, but are encouraged !o do so. However, if you chose not to furnish it, under Federal regulations, the interviewer is required to note race and sex on the basis of visual observation or surname. RACE:American Indian ', Alaskan Native.__, Asian, Pacific Islander , Black , Hispanic , White ;, Other (specify) SEX: Male , Female . SINGLE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD: Yes , No DATE OF BIRTH / / HANDICAP STATUS: Yes , No .. sxGNATuRE DAT ..< Collie~ Count~ Residential Rehabilitation Program AND CONSENT FOR THIRD PARTY ~RXFICATION Customer No. This is your authority to verify my bank accounts, assets, employment history, income, benefits received from local, state, and/or federal government agencies, outstanding. debts, including any present or previous mortgages, to order a consumer credit report, and to make any other inquiries pertaining to my income 'eligibility and qualification for a mortgage loan in conjunction with the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. You may make copies of this authorization for distribution and use to any party with which I have a financial or credit relationship and that party may treat such copy as an original. The groups or individuals that may be contacted to release the above information include, but are not limited to: Past and Present Employers Social Security Administration Support and Alimony Providers Veteran Administration Welfare Agencies Retirement Systems State Unemployment Agencies Banks/Financial Institutions Privacy Act Notice: This information is to be used by the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department or its assignees in determining whether you (the applicant) qualify as a prospective mortgagor under its program. It will not be disclosed outside the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department except as required and permitted by law. You do 'not have to provide this information, however if you decide to not provide the information, your application' for approval as a prospective mortgagor or borrower may be delayed or rejected. Applicant Date Co-Applicant Date Additional Household Member Date 6/94 yercredl ~.~. FC~4 !: VERIFICATION OF MORTGAOE OR DEED OF TRUST The applicant identified beto~ has aidtied for I housing rehabilitation [Daft with the Collier County Housing and Urban improvement Department. The sl~ticnnt has authorized the Department in writing to obtain verification of the status of existing mortgenies on the prolxrty from ar:y source named in the application. The requested information in tl~ts verification of mortgage ts for. confidential use by the Co[tier Housing and Urban Improvement Department and m~y state or federal ageficy providing funds to the county for use in this program. Please furnish tl~e information requested be[o~ and return this form using the stamped, addressed envelope provided. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Housing and Urban improvement Department. Thank you for your cooperation. NIne Title Telephone NO. PART I. APPLICAIIT tNFCeHATION (To be completed by al~tfcant) Nsme of Applicant i;: Address Of AlsO[ fount i~ Ack:lress of MortgegecI Property Mortgage Account Nunbar ~::Y* PART It. LENDER INFOeHATIOH (To be completed by al~ticent) game of Lender Address of Lender ;~': PART Ill. MCITGAGE INFORMATION (To be c~pteted by tender) - Date of Mortgage Original Principal Amount · Date of Maturity Current Principal latenee Monthly Payment: Prtnctpa[ sod Interest Mortgage Insurance ' S Rear Estate Tax Escrou Hazard Insurance Escrow $ Other: Totat M,onthty Payment $ Type of Mortgage: Conventional FHA VA Other:, Terms: Fixed ARM .. Other: Lien Position: let Nor"tgage 2rid Mortgage ..OCher: Are payments current? . Yes __No If No, In~t in Irrears : S AND period of arrears: Termination Fee or prepayment penarty: S CCHPLETED BY: Titte S I One ture Telephone i ~ DATE: &/Dr, verargCl.~ i~.., .,~].-- FO~[ J INSPECTION REPORT MINIMU~ HOUSING CODE - ORDINANCE 89-06 (BELOW REFERENCED ARE THE VIOLATIVE SECTIONS AND, SUBSECTZONS) INVESTIGATOR: DATE: , 19 " CASE NO: LOCATION: ' NOTE "X" INDICATES VIOLATION SEC 5 SUB I 1. PROVIDE ( ) SINK, ( ) COUNTER SPACE ( ) LAVATORY, (') WATER CLOSET, ( ) TUB OR SHOWER, ( ) HOT WATER HEATER FOR OWELLING. SEC 5 SUB 1.. 2. REPAIR OR CONNECT FIXTURE TO WORK PROPERLY. SINK NOTE: · ~ TUB OR SHOWER NOTE: LAVATORY NOTE: WATER CLOSET NOTE: TUB OR SHOWER NOTE: HOT WATER HEATER NOTE: SEC 5 SUB I 3. REPAIR PLUMBING CONNECTED TO ( ) SINK, { ) LAVATORY ( ) WATER CLOSET ( )TUB OR SHOWER NOTE: SEC 5 SUB I 4. PROVIDE SEPARATE ROOM (PRIVACY) WITHIN DWELLING FOR BATHROOM FIXTURES. SEC 5 SUB I 5. CONNECT ( ) SINK, ( ) LAVATORY, ( ) WATER CLOSET, ( ) TUB OR SHOWER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLUMBING CODE. SEC 5 SUB I 6. SEWER SYSTEM CONNECTED.TO DWELLING IS NOT PROPERLY MAINTAINED. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB I 7. CONNECT ( } SINK, ( ) LAVATORY, ( ) WATER CLOSET, ( ) TUE OR SHOWER, TO APPROVED WATER AND SEWAGE SYSTEM. SEC 5 SUB 2 8. CONNECT ( ) SINK; ( ) LAVATORY, ( ) WATER CLOSET, ( ) TUB OR SHOWER, TO HOT WATER SUPPLY. SEC 5 SUB 2 9. CONNECT ( ) SINK, ( ) LAVATORY, ( ) WATER CLOSET, ( ) TUB OR SHOWER, TO COLD WATER SUPPLY. SEC 5 SUB 3 10. PROVIDE WATER HEATING FACILITIES TO DWELLING. SEC 5 SUB 4 11. PROVIDE HEATING SYSTEM OR APPLIANCE WHEREAS DWELLING MAY BE HEATED TO 68 OEGREES FAHRENHEIT. · SEC 5 SUB 4 12. MAINTAIN OR REPAIR HEATING SYSTEM TO OPERATE PROPERLY. SEC 5 SUB 5 ~ 13. PROVIDE OR REPAIR ( ) STOVE, ( ) REFRIGERATOR ( ) RANGE AND MAINTAIN IN AN OPERABLE AND WORKING CONDITION. SEC 5 SUB 6 14. 'PROVIDE AOEQUATE GARBAGE OR RUBBISH DISPOSAL (CONTAINERS) TO DWELLING. SEC 5 SUB 6 15. ( ) OWNER REQUIRED ( ),TENANT REQUIRED TO ELIMINATE TRASH, RUBBISH, JUNK OR OTHER HARBORING; PLACES FOR RODENT, PEST OR INSECT INFESTATION. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 7 16. PROVIDE ADEQUATE ( ) WINDOW, ( ) VENTILATING SYSTEM FOR SEC 5 SUB 8 17. REPAIR VENTILATING SYST~e WITHIN.DWELLING. NOTE: TO mnnw SEC 5 SUB 10 19. ( ) PUBLIC HALL ( } STAIRWAYS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY LIGHTED AT ALL TIMES. PAGE 2 CASE NO. SEC 5 SUB 11 ~20. PROVIDE OR REPAIR ( ) ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, ( ) RECEPTACLES, ( ) WIRING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTRICAL CODE TO SEC 5 SUB 12a~19. REPAIR FOUNDATION OR STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS TO SUPPORT NORMAL LOAD. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 12b _20. REPAIR EXTERIOR WALL. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 12c~21. REPAIR ROOF. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 12d. 22. PROVIDE EGRESS AS REQUIRED BY BUILDING CODE. SEC 5 SUB 12f~23.. REPAIR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE ( ) STAIRS, ( ) PORCHES, ( ) STEPS OR OTHER APPURTANCES, NOTE: SEC 5 SUB ~2g. 24. REPAIR PROTECTIVE/GUARD RAILINGS SEC 5 SUB 12h~25. PROVIDE HANDRAILS TO DWELLING AS REQUIRED BY BUILDING CODE. SEC 5 SUB 12i~26. REPAIR AND MAINTAIN ( ) EXTERIOR DOOR(S) ( ) WINDOW(S) WEATHERTIGHT AND WEATHERPROOF. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 12J_ 27. REPAIR AND MAINTAIN WINDOW SASHES WEATHERTIGHT AND WEATHERPROOF. SEC 5 SUB 12k~28. PROVIDE LOCKABLE HARDWARE TO EXTERIOR DOOR. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 121 29. PROVIDE SCREENS TO ( ) WINDOW ( ) OR OTHER DEVICE USED FOR VENTILATION. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 12m~30. TREAT ALL EXTERIOR SURFACES WITH PAINT OR OTHER PROTECTIVE COVERING TO PREVENT DECAY AND DETERIORATION. SEC 5 SUB 12n~31. MAINTAIN ALL ACCESSORy STRUCTURES IN GOOD REPAIR AND SOUND STRUCTURAL CONDITION. SEC 5 SUB 12o~32.. MAINTAININTERIOR DOORS PROPERLy FITTED WITHIN ITS FRAME. SEC 5 SUB 12p~33. REPAIR INTERIOR FLOOR. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 12p~34. REPAIR INTERIOR WALLS. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 12p~5. REPAIR INTERIOR CEILING. NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 12q.. _36. MAINTAIN EVERy STRUCTURAL ELEMENT IN GOOD REPAIR. SEC 5 SUB ~3 ~37. COMPLy WITH HOUSING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR HABITABLE FLOOR SPACE FOR OCCUPANTS OF DWELLING. FLOOR SPACE PROVIDED SQ. FT. FLOOR SPACE REQUIRED -- SQ. FT. SEC 5 SUB 14 ~38. MEET CEILING HEIGHT REQUIREMENT. . NOTE: SEC 5 SUB 16a 39. ( ) OWNER ( ) TENANT REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN DWELLING . UNIT IN A CLEAN AND SANITARy CONDITION. SEC 5 SUB 16c.. 40. ( ) OWNER ( ) TENANT REQUIRED TO EXTERMINATE DWELLING UNIT FOR ROACH, INSECT, RODENT AND OTHER PEST INFESTATION. SEC 5 SUB 16d__41. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES IN DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CLEAN AND SANITARy CONDITION FOP,~ I ESTI~TE ITN DESCKIPTZ~ OF ~K OF. ~T NOTE: IT SeAt~ BE THE CNT~T~'8 eE~tBttt~ TQ ~OlNANCES. THEREFit IT IS ~11 I~T~T T~T CNTRACT~ BE FMILI~ VITN T~SE ~NTI In TO INCL~E ~FFICIEaT ~TI IN ?~ lID ~l~ TO ~l OFF-BT~ET P~INg '~.' Deckire Felt Drip Hold " SOFFIT AIR-CONDITIONER PeN I of l]67-'.: 105 FORM K COLLIER COUNTY RESIDENTIAL RENJtBILZTATION PROGRAM WORK WRITE-UP O, mEII ~ LOCAT ! IXl z EST|IVL~E |T[HS OESClIIPTICII OF UCIIC OF ~T ATTIC -x. Ft~r *:~.: ~stis Cellfr~ Erectricer Pm 2 of [)67,',,';..-ILI6 FOR~ K COLLIER COUNTY RESIDENTIAL REZ{ABZLITATION PROGRAM WORK WRITE-UP ONEIt: LOCATIOIh iST|)qAIF. ITENS DESCRIPTICA OF I,~1C OF COST KITCHEN General Plunbht Celti~g !,. Cabinets Sf~k EtKtrlcat ~-. Notdine '!i $t~YI Itefrfgermto~ Page 3 of 7 :, ,"., ::. .~.- ,, FORM K COLLIER COUNTY RESIDENTIAL REIUtI3ILITATION PROGRAM WORK WRITE-T;P OWER ~ LCF. AT l Cm ~ eSTI~ATe ITEHS DESCRZPTIQ4 OF ~ OF BATH ~elts N~II¢I~ Cab/net Toilet Page 4 of 7 COLLIEI~ COUNTY RE~IDENTTXL ItBH,S,.DTLITXTTON W0RX IIRIT~e-UP LOCATfOIIs lEST INATE ITENS DESCII:PT|ON OF M:XtK OF COST IEDROClq Ger~erst Vfnd~ Fleet WLLS Ceiling Holding Page 5 of }' :'~, COLLIER COUNTY It~BIDENTIXL PROCRUX WORX WRITE-UP ESTIKATE ITE/4S DESCRIPTIN OF ~R~ OF C~T O~rs · floor WIts Celt trig Notdlne Etectrlcet Dc~r Floor Page 6 of 7 Page ? of 7 FOiM L ., AFFORDABLE HOME REPAIR LOAN PROGRAM j ,,,..,i~.i.....y. ,~...o,io, nonor, J Property Address Name of Owner ..~ The City of Naples Building and Zoning Department has conducted a Preliminary Inspection of the above described property which the following results: ~, COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL ZONING REQUIREMENTS The property is I'1 Is not ['1 In conformsace with local zoning requirements, Corrective actions necessar to bring the property Into conformsace with local zoning requirements Inc~ude:,, A, ' B, 2. COMPLIANCE WTTH MINIMUM HOUSING CODE ,The property Is [] is not [] In conformsace with the Minimum Housing Code. Corrective actions necessary to bring the property into conformsace with the Minimum Housing Code Include: D. E. F. 3. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A. Number ol bedrooms C. Approximate square lootage - B. Number of bathrooms D. Construction type Date of Inspection Inspector COLLIER COUNTY' RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGPj~ WAIVER OF LIENTO DATA COLLIER COUNTY,FLORIDA Date= This Waiverof Lien to Date to be applied u Progress Payment for Work Performed u Final Payment for Work Performed LOAN NUMBER: WHEREAS the undersigned has been employed by to furnish rehabilitation work and materials for the premises located at: of which Is the owner(s}. The undersigned, for and in consideration *of (dollars) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby waive(s) andsrelease(s) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the statutes of the State of Florida, relating to Mechantc's liens, on the above described premises and improvements thereon, and on the monies or other considerations due or to become due from the owner, on account of labor or services, material, fixtures or' apparatus heretofore furnished to this date by the undersigned for the above decried premises. COlTTRACTOR: STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __(date) by ,(flame of person acknowledging), who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification) as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. ($ig~ure of Pers~ ~ak|~ ackno~teclgeme~) (N~m of Ackno~iedger Typed, Prlnt~ or (Title or (s~re,s N~ber, ~f ,~) (NOTARY'S SEAL) NOTE: At| we~vers .u~t ~ for the futt arr~C ~id. If .siver is for · Cor~rs~l~, cor~rlte name shard ~ ~, cor~rs~e seat Sffix~ ard ~ltle of officer signing waiver sh~id ~ set forth; if ~·l~r |s for s ~rT~rsh|p, The prC~rsh~p na~e sh~ld ~ ~, ~rt~r sh~ld st~ and designate h|me|f as tlentd. Np COLLIER COUNTY RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM AFFIDAVIT OF NO INCOME ~HANGE Homeowner Name: Co-Owner Name: Address: DATE OF AFFIDAVIT: I am signing this AFFIDAVIT OF NO INCOME CHANGE to certify that my household Income has not changed, since the time of my original Income Certification Form (Form B), dated . It is my understanding that my eligibility for the use of the SHIP Program funds depends on my household income and that all-of the information that has been reported and recorded on Form B, Income Certification is true, accurate, and current. INCOME CHANGE: YES .. ; NO__ ~;,- SIGNATURE OF APPLICA/qT DATE ~.~ INCOME CH~GE: YES __.; NO__ SIGNATURE OF CO-OWNER DATE INCOME CHANGE: YES ; NO SIGNATURE OF OTHER HOUSEHOLD DATE MEMBER TRlt RCONO IqOfZTGAGI (=Secvrity In, true,fitn) is lie On , 1~.._. !~e Second Iqortlagor let ("lorrwer"). This Security Instruant is given to ("Lender"), which Is orBseized and existing under the iM of the United States of Arerick, and kt, eao addcast it . SoProue~ oval Lender the eta of (U.S. S ). This debt It evidenced by Iorrover't Note datKI the same date ax this Security lestresent (wSecond Norstage"), ulllch provide for neeShy layee~tt, with the felt debt, if not paid ear|Set. due ard payshie On This Security lestrue,fit secures to Lenders (I) the relaysent of the debt evidenced by the Note. with Interest. and rertvoit. exteflslone Ird modl flcetlorm; (b) the layme~t of all other sum, with Interest Idvanced u~der paregrq3h 7 to protect the security of the Security Iratrue,fit: end (c) the performance of Iorrc~der't coy,fleets and agreeflats urder this Security Instf%ne~t and the Note. For this purpose. Iorrmer does hereby teeend morse,, 9rmt and co, way to Larder the following described prqxrty locited in County. Florida. whirl1 has the Iddress of C"Preperty Adclresz,): (Street) (City) (State) (ZIp) TOGETHEg VITN ell the improvements no, or hereafter erected On the prq>erty. and all easements. rights, 1t3pJrtmes, rants, royalties, Binsrat, oil and gas rights and profits. water rLghtt ard stock and all fixtures no~ or hereafter a part of the property. ALl rapt,cam,fits and additions shell oso be covered by the Security Lnserunefit. At of the foregoing Is referred to in this Security Lestrum,fit as tho "Prq>ertye. ICIR(:3~R CI~/'ENANTS that Iorrwer Lt LayfuSty eelted of the estate hereby coeweyed anti has the right to mortgage. grant and cankey the Prq>erty ard that the Property It ~red, except for er~'ud:rances of record. Iorrouer warrants ard wit daferd germ, rally the title to the Property against all claim ard deeerda, subject to any of record. THiS SE(:U~ITY INSTRUI4ENT Co,t>inss .unitors coytaunts for notional USe and r,m-unifom coy, resets with limited wartliOn by JurisdictiOn to constitute a ellfont security Instrue,fit cMring real prolxrty. UNIFCIN COVENANTS. Borrower end Larder coverlet end agree as tollwet 1o Palsent of Principal end Inter, t; Prep~ment and Late Charges. lottower shoLt promptly pay shOe due the prlhclpaL of erd Interfit On the debt evidenced by the Note encl any prepeye,fit erd Late charges due u~der the Note. 2. Funds for Taxes ard Irsurance. Subject to alplit,be Law or to s writTOn waiver by Larder, Borrower shati pay to Lender On the day BenShy paymerits are clue Ur~er the Note, Until the Note is paid in furl, a sun ("Fu~ds") fort (e) yearly texas end assfirm,nit t~hich noy attain priority ever this Security iratrue,fit fi a LiOn On the Prqxrty: yearly leeschord payments or grou~cl rants on the Property, if any; Co) yearly hazard or property Inourence premium; (d) yeer y flood Insurance premise, if any; Ca) yeatry mortgage Lncurance premiums, if any, ard if) any sues payable by Iorrowr to Lef~cler, in accordance with the preylilt4 of par,graph 8, in lies of the payment of Bortg~ge insurance prmi~am. These Item ere called "Etcrw Lie, s% Larder moy, at any ties collect end hotd FLrds in On anent not to exceed the mxlu eax~t · terrier for a fKlers Ly ratated mortgage loan may require for Iorrwer't escrea accost trder the federal Reel Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 197/, ax err, dad from tLm to time, 12U.S.C. 2601 et aeq (eRESPA"), Unless another Iw that alpLies to the Furls sets · riser emo~t. if s~, Lender my, at ar~/tim, coltact and hold F~ds in On arearot not to exceed the lesser emamt. Larder my eatlate the aremat of Furale due On the beaLs of currant date end reesorabte fitlmtes of expenditures of furire Eacro~ Ltems or ethervia, in eccord&qce with al:piLcabLe The Ftrds sheIt be held in On InstLtutiOn ~hrte deposit are insured by a federal egeficy, Lnstrueefitatlty, or antSty (Inct.~dfng Larder, if Larder is such On Institution) or in any Federal Rome Loan lae~k. Lefider shall ,Spry the Fu~de to pay the Escrmd lima. Larder may not charge Borrower for hotdiet and apptylng the Furale, annually enetyzlnI the axcrm4 eccajnt, or verifying the Escr~d It,me, unless Larder pays Sorroter Interest On the Funds end applicable trd permitS Lettier to eke such a charge. Hotask,r, Lender may recFjIre Borrower to pay · ant-tim charge for On irdeperdast rest estate tax reporting service USed by Larder In coYtctlOn with this Loan, Unless epptLcebie Lie provides otherwise. Unrest On agr~.~nt It mode or appL Ictble ew require. interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Iorrowr ony Interfit or earnings On the Furd~. lotrover and Lender may egret in writing, however, that Interfit thai be paLd on the F~wds. Larder shall give to Iorrwer, wfthovt charge, On arvvjeL accounting of the Funds, shwLng Credits debits to the Funds ard the IxJrpose for t~lch each debit to the Funds ,as made. The Funds ore pledged as additional security for el tees secured by this Security leoinstant. if the Fu-ds held by Ler~er excee~ the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shetL Kcmrt to lottower for the excess Funds in accordance kith the requiremerits of appleable Laid. if the amomt of the Fa held by Larder et arr~ tim la not sufficient to pay the Escrw items khon due, Lender may notify lotrover In writing and, in such case Iorrowr ehstl pay to Larder the seejet necessary to noke up the deficiency. Iorrmeer shall make up the deficiency in no mere then twelve momhty payments, at Lender'e tote discretion. Upen paymerit In felt of tt t~me secured by this Security Inotrusmt, Lender shatL promptly refund to Iorrowr errf Furtit herd by Lender. If, urder par,graph 21, Letter shatt acquire or esLI the Property, Lender, prior to the ecqultltl0n or sale of the Property, she! L appy ~,/ILr~s held by Larder at the time of eccluitltlOn or tale as a Credit against the sews secured by this Security Instrument. 3. AR~LLcetim of Pets. Ufitees applicable La~ provides otherwise, all payments received by Leader under paragraphs I and 2 shell be applied; first, to any prepsyacht charges ckje Later the Note, sacoral, to leounit payable under paregre;h 2; third, to interest due; forth, to principal due; end Last, to any Late charges dge under the Note. &. Charges: Lisa. Borrwer shatL lay eL taxes, esseetmefitt, charges, flnot encl*lm;x~LtLens attributable to the Property which may attain priority oVer this Security !nstrum~t, e~l tees,hod payments or Irou*d rOntt, Lf any. lottower shet L pay these c~L Igatiens in the manner provided in paregraFIs 2, or if not paid in that BenMr, Iorrover shall lay thee On time directly to the persOn crded payment. Iorrowr shall proel~tLy furnish to Lender eli notices of moamts to be laid under this peregroph. if lotrover ekes these payments directly, Iorrowr that proq~tty furnish to Larder receiptl avidarcing the laymeets. Iorrwer shall prompity discharge eel Lion ~ich hat priority over this SecurLty tnctruletlt unless Iorrwert it) agrees in writing to the payment of the ebLgatlOn snared by the LiOn in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests In good faith the liOn by, or daterale an, tat Onforcesant of the iOn in, Legal proceedings MsIch in the Lrder'l cainiOn C:lwp511coi t t erlccbl~ FORR 0 aperats te pre~tnt the enforcement of the lien; o~ (c) s~es fr~ :he hoist of the Ii~ m qr~T SmTISfNTO~ to L~r ~l~ilq the tt~ to this I~ity INt~t. If Lm~r ~teml~ that ~ ~rt of the Pr~rty ~JKt t. · tim ll~ ~ attain ~lorlty ~r the I~lty I~t~t, L~r my gift Iorr~r a Miles lltifyIq the tim. I~r~r ~atl ,tlsfy the If~ or take ~ ~ ~re of the Ktl~ set forth ~ ellbin 10 ~ of the elyiN of ~t1ce. 5. ~ ~ l~ into. Iorr,~r shell ke~ the 1qyff~ts ~ exlstfq or hereafter erKt~ the Pretty INwe qalmt I~s ~ fire, hazels I~t~ Mfthln the tern "ext~ Crierair K ~ ether hazard. I~I~IN ft~ or flil~, for ~lch L~r r~lr, insures. This Imur~e shell H mlntal~ In the its ~ f~ the ~rl~ that Lmr r~ires. The im~e carrier ~ffldlq the Imw~e shell ~ ~ee ~ l~r~r I~JKT t0 L~r'l ~ffet ~lch ~elt ~t ~ ~reel~bly vlthhetd. If lotrat fells to mintsin carage l, L~r ~, at L~r's ~tf~, ~leln t~rege Co ~otKt i~r'l ri~tl In the Pretty in Kc~e Nr~r~ 7. All I~e ~llcl, ~ r~els shell ~ Kc~table to L~r ~ shell I~ll a :tmrd mrtg~e trio. L~r ~atl ha, the r1~t to hold the ~tlcf, ~ rats. If Lmr r~lr,, Iorr~r ~ett ~ty lie co L~r ell rKelpts of ~ld ~m1~ ~ rat ~tlces. In the ~t of loss, lotfir lhalt II~ ~lt ~tlte to the l~e carrier ~ k~r. L~r my rake ~f of t,s If ~t e ~tty ~ Iorr~r. ~tHs L~r ~ Iorr~r otherlie sire In ,rlt!~, I~urm=e ~e~ ~att ~ ULIH To ret~atlm or r~1r of the Pretty Ig~. If the rH/oratlm ~ r~lr Is Kmicelty feasible ~ Lmr'e lily the. If the rHtoreCi~ ~ r~lr IS ~t Killally feasible ~ L~r,s s~lty ~ld ~ I~, I~e ~ ~el t ~ UIIH to the s~ l~ ~ t~ S~ity Iralet, ~ether ~ ~t thm i, ale uces ~1d to ~r~r. If ~r~r ~ t~ Pretty, ~ ~ ~l n~ ell ~ ~ e ~fe f~ ~ ~. The ~'m Nrl~ viii ~ln ~m the ~tlce II lira, ~lHI L~ ~ I~mf ethellie afro In Nrltlq, ~ ~tlcltlm of ~ to ~l~l~t shell Nt ext~ or ~t~ the ~ ~te of the ~thty pats referre to In programs 1 ~ 2 or ch~e the ~t of the If ~r pragra~ 21 The Pretty Is K~lre ~ Le~r. Iorr~r's rl~t to ~ I~ur~e ~ttcI. ~ rfutti~ frm ~ge to the Pretty ~lor to the ~lsitl~ shall Nns to L~r to the extmt of the m ~ this $mrlty INtr~t i~latety ~for to the ac~fsitl~. &. ~, Protim, ~tnt~=e ~ Prot~tlm of the Pr~r~; b~*l Lm LetS. Iorr~r shell ~c~, ~tabtish, a~ me the Pretty el 8orr~r's ~lml~t tHEMe Nitbin Ilxty after the exK~l~ of this $Kufity INtr~T I~ shirt C~ti~ to ~c~ The Pretty as IorrMr'l ~i~l~t resi~e for at toast ~ year after the ~te of ~c~my, roteli Lmr other. fie agrm In .rltfq, ~lch shall ~t ~ mrees~bty .fthhetd, or rot ass extmttq clrc~temes exilt ~lch are ~ lorrMr'l IorrMr shall ~t estrw. ~ge or I~lr the Pretty, mite the Pretty to ~teHorate. or cmlt .eats m the Pretty. IorrMr shell N tn~f~tt If ~ forfeiture KtI~ or pr~edl~. ~ether civil or crlmlMI, 1l ~ that In L~r's g~ filth Jmt c~(d rfiutt In forfeiture of the Pr~trty or otherlie mterletty I~ir the tim creat~ ~ this S~urity IMt~t or L~r*l security interfit. IorrMr W ~re s~h e ~f~tt ~ reiNtote. ~i~ in ~ragr~ 18, ~ cMIq the scrim or ~lq to h dimiss~ vith · mti~ that, In L~r'l ~ faith ~te~i~t!~, ~Kt~ forfeiture of the Borr~rel interest In the Pretty or other ateriot I~l~t of t~ tim creet~ ~ this $Kurlty I~tr~t or L~P*i s~ity Interell. Iorr~r shell also ~ in ~fwtt If I~rMr. ~1~ the t~ ~llcetlm ~s, gl~ mterletly false or I~ete Info~tf~ or stat~tl To L~r (~ feit~ to ~i~ L~r .lth ~ mteriat Infomtl~) in c~tl~ kith the t~m ~i~ ~ the iote, I~l~iq, ~ tfmft~ to. rWesmtetl~ c~erniq lorr~r's ~cmy of the Pretty fi a ~l~i~l rHIne. If this S~lty INTer Is ~ a tees~old. Borr~r shell c~ty .ith ell the prwlll~ of the lease. If Iorr~r K~lr~ fe title to the Pr~rty. the tefi~otd ~ the fee title shell ~t mrge rotass L~r agr~ to the Mr~r in 7. P~t~tim of L~'s RI~tl in t~ r~. If 8orr~r fails to ~rfom the c~ts ~ cmtel~ In this $~wfty I~t~t. or there Is I I~lt ~1~ that my sl~ific~tty aff~t Ler'l ri~tl the Pretty (s~ as · ~t~ In N~r~tcy. ~te, for c~tl~ or forfeitwe or to mforce t~ r~tetl~), thm L~r My ~ e~ ~y for ~eteer is mollify to ~otKt the vat~ of the Pretty ~ L~r's rl~ts In the Pretty. L~r's ecti~ my Iml~ ~yi~ ~ s~ l~e ~ a tl~ ~lch has ~iority mr this 5~lty l~t~t, e~art~ tn c~rt, pyiq feasible errorS' fes ~ ~teriq ~ the Pretty to rake r~irl. Alth~ L~r my take acti~ ~r this pregre~ 7. L~r ~1 ~t have To ~ so. ~ ~ts dis~ri~ ~ L~r ~r this ~ragr~ 7 shell ~ ~ltl~l ~t of I~r ~ ~ this 5~urlty I~t~t. ~tes$ 8orr~r e~ L~r eg~ee to other te~ of ~t. thele eta shell Nat Interfit frm The ~te ef discreet at the Note rate ~ shirt N ~yebte. vlth interest, ~ ~tice frm L~r to IorrMr 8. ~tW I~e. If L~r r~lr~ mr/gage Imur~e as · c~ltlm of mkfq the I~ s~e ~ this S~tty I~t~t. eorrMr shell ~y the ~ml~ r~ir~ to mintsin the errgage INures In effKt. If. for e~ realm, the ~rtgage IMur~e c~rage r~lred ~ L~r tape or ceases to ~ In effKt, IorrMr shell py the ;rml~ r~ir~ to ~taln c~rage s~tmtfetiy ~vet~t to the artgage i~ur~e pr~l~ty in effKt, at · c.t s~t~tlelty ~lvel~t to the cost to Sorter 2f the ~rtgage I~ura~e pr~t~ty In effKt. frm ~ attests ~rtgege iMurer ~o~ ~ L~r. If s~tmtiatty ~(vat~t artgage t~ur~e c~erqe Is ~t toilets, IorrMr shall ~y to L~r eKh Dth e Im ~l to ~-twlfth of the yearly ~rtgege i~ur~e ~mim Nt~ ~id ~ IorrMr ~m the IMur~e c~er/ge la~ or ceas~ to ~ In effKt. L~r ~itt acc~t. me a~ retain th~e p~tl t.s r~e~ in tf~ of artgage fNura~e. Loss reser~ ~mtl my M I~er ~ r~ir~, it the ~tim of If ~rtgafe INures coverage (In the ~t e~ for the ~rl~ That L~r r~ires) ~1~ ~ m t~er ~ ~ L~r again ~s available a~ Is etai~. Borr~r shall Ny the ~ml~ r~ire to mintsin mrtgM i~e In eff~t. or to ~l~ a t~l reset. tntil the r~ir~t for artgage INures e In Kcome vlth 8~ urltt~ egret Nt~ !error ~ L~r fir a~tfcebte lay. 9. i~t;m. L~r or Its ag~t my rake refi~ble ~trlH ~ .~ IN~tl~ of the Pretty. s~atl glw lorr~r ~tice at the tIN of or ~lor to an i~tl~ ,~lfylq resemble ¢Me for the 10. ~tlm. The pr~e~a of ~ a~a~ or dale for ~ges, dlrKt or ¢~tlel, In t~tfm ~ ¢~tl~ or other takl~ of e~ ~rt of the Pretty. or for c~e In (IN of ¢~ti~, ere her~ fisfg~ ~ shell ~ Nfd to t~r. In the wet of · tote( tekl~ of the Prc~rty, the ~ shell ~ a~(l~ to the I~ I~N ~ this $~lty ;Nt~t, ~ether or ~t th~ ~. ~lth a~ excess Nid to 8orrMr. In the ~t of a ~rtiat taklN the Pr~rty, In ~fch the fair mrket val~ of the Pretty I~iatety ~fore the taklN is ml to ~ Ireat~ thm the ~t of the =~ eKurN ~ this $~urfty lntt~t i~fatety Mfere the taki~, ~(,s lerrMr ~ L~r otherlee agre in ~rftl~, the t~ IK~ ~ thl, S~urlty Imt~t shirt N r~ ~ the ~t of the mttlptl~ ~ the fotlwl~ frectl~: (a) the total et of the s~ sKur~ I~lately Mfore the teklq. divi~ ~ (b) the fair mrket val~ of the Pretty ~letely Nfore. the taklq. ~ Nt~e shell N ~ld to IorrMr. In the eel of a prtfa( takl~ of the Pretty In ~lch the fair mrket vel~ of the Pretty I~leteiy Nfore the teklq Is isle thm the et of the ~ s~u~ le~letely for the tskl~. ~les= Iorr~r e~ Let other~lse agree In wltl~ or rotass e~llcable is, otherNile ~ovldes. the pr~e~e/halt ~ e~ii~ to the s~ I~ ~ this Security INtr~t ~ether or ~t the e~ ere the~ ~. ~lne L~r ~ Borr~r otherNtis sire In Nrltiq, ~ a~ileett~ of ~ to ~l~l~t Shell Nt o~ ~et~ the M ~te of the ethly ~ts referr~ to in ~regra~l I e~ 2 or ~h~ the ~t of a~h 11. ~mr lot eeleas~. F~erm ~ L~ Not I Wle. Ext~im of the tim for ~t ~1flcati~ of ~rtfzetl~ of the sa e~rN ~ this S~wlty I~tr~t grmt~ ~ Lmr to ~ e~ees~ interlit of IorrMr she( ( ~t ~rate to release the liability of the origiM( IorrMr or IorrMr'l i~¢Hsers Interft. Lmr shell Mt N r~ir~ to c~e ~e~l~l egelMt ~ s~t,sor In lnter, t or ref~e to ext~ ttN for p~t or otheroils ~ify ~rtlzetf~ of the I~ ler~ ~ this Se~ity Imt~t ~ realm of ~ e ~ the orlglM[ Iorr~r or lorr~r'e I~celsorl tn Interlit. A~ for~ar~e ~ Lmr In exerttslq ~ rl~t or r~ ~e(t ~t N a ualver of or ~l~ the earcite ef ~ rl~t or FONN · 12. lucceseors and Asslena Im~f; Joint and Several Llablllty~ Co-SIgners. The covenants and erescents ef this Security ;Mtf~aant shaft bind anti benefit the laceassets and assigns ef Lender end lotrefer, subject te the provisions of parseraph 17. Iorrowrel covenant· and qlremnentl Ihlll be Joint end several. Any lotreset who co-stOne thai f,e~x'lty Ifat~ment ~ does not exec~Re ths Note; (l) Is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mort·as, great and convey that lerrmarPe Internfit In the Property trder the terms of this Security instrument; (b) is not perlenatty ebLigated to pay the sues secured igr! this lecurlty Instrument; and Co) ;grm that Lender end any' othe~ Nortruer my ernf te extefxI, Bodily, forbear or omke any eccceeodatlens with regard te the terns ef this Security Instrument or the Nets wlth~jt that gorroter'l 13o Loin Char·el. If the loan ascu~ed b/this $ecs~l ty Instalent Is e~bJect to · tree ~hlch sets iixtlull inn charge, and that tN le fineSLy interpreted ee that the interest or ether teen charles collected or te be ceilacted in teefaction with the teen exceed the paml tted limits, rheas (It any such loan charge shall be re~Jced by the neonfusty to rectjce the charge te the ixrmltted timit; and (b) any Im already cellacted from Iorrouer which exceeded permitted limit· NItS be ref~ded to lotrear. Le/~der Bey choose to make this ref~-d by red~clne the prlnoipei wed trder the Note er by omklr~g · direct payment te t)orrwer. If 8 ref~a~d reduce principal, the reduction ells be treated Is · partial prepeymefit afthoot any prepsyacht charge under the Note. lie Notices. Any notice te 8erro~er provided far in this Security Instrimmest shall be givefi by detlverinl or by matting it by first class matt miens applicable Is4 required use ef another ·Shod. The notice shell be directed te the Property Address or any ether address Bertwar designates by notice to Letter. Any notice te Lefttier shall be given te lorro~er or Lender i~on glve~ es proviaNd in this paragraph. 15° Governing Lme; Severability. This lecurity I~stl'unefit shall be governed by federal late end the ta, ef The Jurisdiction In ~lch the Property is located. tn the event that ornf provision er clause ef this Security Inert·mat or the Note conflicts with applicable taw, such conflict churl not affect ether provisions ef this $e~tlty Inetf~mant or the Note I~lch can be given effect vitho~jt the conflicting provision. Te this end the provisions ef this hourtry tNtru¶ent end the NOte are declared to be severable. l&. Iorrouer,a Copy. Iorrovtr shall be given one conformed copy ef the Note and ef this Security Instruaefit. 17. Trnfec ef the Prq~erty or a kne/Icisl Interest in Iorrm~er. If ell or any part of the ProFatty or any interest in it I· sold or transferred (er if · beneficial interest in leftover Is said or transferred and Norre·st not · natural parson) ulth~Jt Lender'S prier wilson consent. Le~der may, st its option, require I,nedlete payment in futt ef all sum secured by this Security Instru~e~t. Nearer, this option chats not be exercised by Lender if exercise Is p~ohlblted by federal taw nf ef the date of thta Security if Le~der exercised thts option, Larder abaft give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice chest provide · parled ef not leas then 30 days frcxa the date the notice Is delivered or mailed within khlch Borrower mull pay oft mac secured by this Security lNtrxatefit. If lotrear flits te pay these s~ea prier to the expiration ef this perle, if. Le'der Bey Invoke ony remedies par·Iliad by thh Security Instrument wlth~Jt further notice er dansacS on lottower. 18. 14~rouer,e Rift te Reinstits. If gorrNr I!ttl certain c~ditione, Nortower chstl hM the right te hays enforcesent ef this Security Ir~tru~efit discontinued st ony time prior te the nfrtter of s (a) S days (or such ether parted as K;llcsbie tan my specify for reincrate·eft) before sate of the Property pure·ant to any pmer ef sale contained In this Security Instrument; or (b) entry of s Judgmmt enforcing thts Security Instruest. These conefillers Ire that Bertstart (it pay8 Lef~der aft Ikns k~lch then would be due under this Security Instrueelt and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) cures and dafmjtt of ony ether covenants Or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing This Security Instrument, including, t~T not timlied re, rnfsonabte attelmey'a fees; and (d) takes such oction nf Lender may reasonably require to ensure that the lion of this Security Instru~-mt, Lenderwe rights In the Pro;arty end lorrMr~l c4~t lgaTIon to pay the atanl secured by this Security Iratry, eft shaft continue ·changed. Ups rolestatement by lottower, this Security instru,e~t and the obligations secured hereby chili remain fully effective if no acceleration had occurred. Nwever, this right to rainstate shatl not apply in the case of acceleration urder parsgrc~ 17. 19. hie ef Note; Chafes ef Loan rm-vlcor. The 'Note or a partial interest In the Note (together with this Security lastruinS) amy be sold one or mere times without prior notice to lerrowr. A sale may result In · change in the entity (knom es the "Loan Servitor-) that collects monthly payments due trder the Note ard this Security Instrument. There also may be one or more changes of the Lean $arvlcar unrelated to a sale af the Note. If there Is as change of the Loan Sef~lcer, Borrower wilt be gives written notice ef the change In accordance with paragraph l& and applicable lay. Ths notice hilt state the name erd address Of the net, Loan Servitor ~ the address to khtch I:mymentl should be made. The notice wits ·tse contain say other Information requtred by opptlcabie 20. Ilazardous S~betances. Iorrwer shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, ererage, or release of lay Hazardous r~lxtancea on or in the Property. Borrower shstt not de, nor sireN ar~y~ne else to do, anything affecting the Property that is In violation ef any Environmental Lay. The preceding tv~ sentences shall not eppty to the prnfeece, use, or ·totage on the Pro;arty of watt quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be oppro~late to normal reslde~tlat uses and te melnteMnce of the Prq>erty. leftover shall prtx;tty give Lender urltton notice for amy Investigation, claim, demand, letmull or other action by ony 9overranenter or regutatory agency or private party involving the Property end any hazardowl Substance or Envirorme~tal Law of k4dch Borrower has act·st knoNtedge. If 8orrwer learns, or is notified by any Severmental or regutatory outhorlty, that any removal or other renediatton ef any Hazardous Substance affecting the Prolxrty is nc~ecsary, Iorrwer shall promptly take ell no:salary remedial actlots in accordance with Envlrormental As used In this paragraph 20, "Hazardous tubelascar, are these adslanceS defined as toxic or hazardous substances by tnvlroementat LaN end the fotio~lng Iubstances: gasoline, kerosene, other ftmneble or toxic petrolM products, toxic pestleIdes end herblclcles, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, Kd radioactive motorists. As used in this paragraph 20, "Envl rorenmtat ta~ means federal iM mid tekl of the Jurisdiction tdhere the Prq:erty Is located that relate te health, safety or envlronnentst protection. NON-UNIFORN COVENANTS. Bertwar and tender further covenant ard lares Is feltmet: 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Le~er shall give notice to 8orrwer prier to acceleration forteulna Iorrwer's beeech of any c~ve~ant or agreement in this $ec%lrlty Instrument (but not prior to acceleration ruder paragraph 17 applicable tat, provides otherwise1. The notice abaft specify: {a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the dafoutt~ (c) · date, not less then 30 days from the date the notice Is given to leftover, by which the dare·St mat be cured; end (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result In acceleration of the aura secured by this Security lnstrtnent, foreclosure by Judicial procain· at~d late of the Property. The notice shell further Inform IorrMr of the right te reinstate after acceleration aecl the right to assert in the foreclosure proceeding the ncn-exlste~ce of · default or any other defense ef Iorrewr to acceleration and forectosuee. If the dare·St Is not cured on or before the date specified in the nottee, Leader, at Its option, say require lamadiets payw4nt In full of st t sum secured by this Security lestrueent allhour further demand and may foreclcae this $h'urlty Instruaefit by Judicial proceeding. Lmr shell be oathted to collect all expenoes Incwred in pursuing the treadles provided In this paragraph 21, Including, but not Limited toe reasonable ·tterney's fees ~ cents of the title avidsacs. 22. hieass. Upon payment of all sum secured by this Security Instrument, testier shatl release this Security instrusseS, without charge, to lorrMr. Iorrowr shall pay a~y recordalien costs. 2:$. Attorneyss Fees. As used in this Security lastrudest sad the Note, 'utterrays' fro" their Include any attorneys' fm awarded by an appellate court. 24. Riders to this Security Instrum~t. If one or more riders are executed by Iorrowr and recorckd teNther telth this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporoted into and chat l eased and supptea~t the coverants and agreements of this Security Inotrmmt as if the rider(s) were · part of this $h'urlty Imtrvaent. (Check Applicable C:lupSllcotllerlccbp2 F'] Adjustshie Rate RIder [] Sate Improveant Rider [] Graduated Pet Rider [] l-& Fealty Rider [] .tiean Rider [] llwekty Payment Rider [] C4xdcxmlnlum eider [] SeCQdXI Xm Rider [] Planned Unit Oevetolxent Rider [] Other(a) (apedtry IT IIGNIIIQ IELW, IorrMr accepts end eSre~s to the terms and covenants contained In this Security Instruant md In any ridarCs) executed by Iorrwer and recorded ,ith it. liONde Hated end delivered In the pflsence oft Signature: Ilgnature: (Seat) loftier Print Name: ,Iddrell: Ifgnsturel. liDnatures (hst) lorrwer Print lanes. Address: ll~neture:. ligature:. .(Semi) Iorrwer · Print Name: ; Addressf ligature: Signatures (hat) IorrMr Print STATE OF CCUiTY OF The foregQIng iritrmm~t les aclmowtedged before me this (date) by (fame of petlea aclmo~ledelne), keo i, ixrsonatty knoke to me ~' she hal ;x'oduced {type of Identification) Identification and aho did (did not) take on oath. (ligature of Person Taking Acknoviedgeaent) (Name of AckrN~tedger Typed, Printed or Stamped) .(TItle or Rank) (Serial linebar, if any) (NOTAJtY'I SEAL) C,lap511cottiarlccbp2 (Property Address) (City) (State) I. ICitR~MERCS) PtCl4IS~ TO PAYS t/Us promise to pey (g ') (this anoint Nits be carted "prlr~llxiL") to the order of. to any other holder of this Note (the "Larder"), d~ose address is I/re understand that the .Lender My irarefer the Promissory Note. The Lender or e abe takes this Note by transfer ard ~ho is antisteel to receive payRinse under thl e Note wI t t be cat ted the eRaSe Nolckre . 2. INTERESTs Interest on this Note Shell be Zero percent (ON) per MYlaR; excq~t that if l/us fell to pay this Note es required, the I~tereqt rate shall be teeLye percent (12X) per menus from the dote khan polesent of this Note is clue Until I/tJe lay it in full. 3. PAY)4ENTISPrinclFaL peylnenta shall be deferred for the tara of the first mettles teen Or Until , __ , the date the I/st peyeemt is clue on refitante or satisfy the first mortgage loan, i/Us Beret to Imeedietaly peq the entire sum due trder this Note. fly/OUr total ~t shall be U.S. $ . &. g4~ilMe'g NIGHT TO PIlEPAYS l/Us have the right to omke paywants of principal et any time befOre they are due. A pey,,~t of principal only is kr~ov as · "prq~Ammnt k~on l/re make m propayment, f/~e vltt tett the Note Holder in vrltlq that I/w doing me. lIVe may make a full prq3eymefit or partieS ;repay,ant charge. The Note Notdot wilt USe all of my propayments to ridace the aso~nt of the principal that I M knder this Note. if !/Ve make a persist prepsyacht, there viii be no chlles in the due dote Or In the awxjnC of my monthly ixyf461 Unless the Note fielder agrees In ter~tlng to those charSis. S. LOAN CHARGES: 'If a laYe ldhlch titpiles tO this Icon end Idllch sell - Blxlalai chefget, i· finoily interpreted to thmt the interest or ether loan Charnel collected Or to be collected In correction vlth this Loan exceecI the permitted limits; theft any such loan charps that t be reduced by the Im~.nt necessary to reduce the chitlet to the permitted limit; ard (il) any suns already 'collected from me dqlCh exceeded permitted timits eltt be refmded to me/US. The Note Raider ,By ThRee to make this retard by reducing the principal that I/Ve we under this Note Or by oreking · direct laywefts to n/US. !f a refund reduces princlpet, the rlductlon wits be treated as a parties prepsyeast. 6. SUICRDINATIONs Larder ~ Norrover eckno, tedge 'and agree that this Security trmtrvaefit Is subject ird mjbordlnate in ·t t respects to the t In, terms, coverliars and conditions of the First Deed of Trait led to lit edvlficec heretofOre made Or chlch may hereafter be made pursuant to the First Oe~l of TMt Irlcludiq aft ·um~ edvm, ced for the ~urpo~e oF (a) protectIns or further securing the lion o~ the FIrst Oesd oF Trust, curing da/avttl by the eorrc~er under the FIrst Oetcf of Trust Or for any other pu~-p~.-~e axle'salty permitted by the First Dad of Trust or (b) coniCrutting, renovating, repairing, furniShing, fixluring or equIAolng the Prcq~erty. The terms end provisions of the FirIt Deed of Trust /re parseaunt and controlling, and they Iqxrsede any other terms and provisions hereof In conflict thereu!th. In the event of a foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure of the First Deed of TMt, proYIslons heroin Or any provisions in any ether collateral BOreMeant restricting the USe of the Property to in or m~derate inc~ne hMehotel or othervile restricting the leftover' s abi I fty to sol I the Property ohm I I have no further force or effect on ItJbllqu4fit ramere or pjrcheserl of the Property. Any person, Including his leJcceslorl or esslgnl Cother then the Betrover or a rateted entity of the Bertover), receiving tilt· to the Property through · foreclosure or deed In lieu of foreclosure of the FIrst De~l of Trust shell receive title to the Property from ard clear from such restrictions. Further, If the Senior LIen Holder acquires title to the Prqxrty purluent tea deed In lieu of foreclosure, the lien of this Security Imtrunefit Ihell. eutcxmtlcaLly tealnote L4xn the Senior LIen Rotder'l acquisition of title, provided that (I) the Leftdot has bee~ given urltton notice of a default ardor the First Deed of Trust and ill) the Larder eheit not hays cured the default under the First Deed of Trust within the 30-day period provided In such notice lent to the Lender. 7. lOlLROaR(S) FA1LURE TO PAY AS REOU~STEOz (A) Oafsuit If live do not pay the full' roemust am required in Section 3 above, live eelit be delaYft. If I am In default, the Note Solder iany bring -m any actions not prc~hlblted by applicable .laY and require me/US to pay the Note Raiders· Cost amcI emee at doscrilx<l in (B) btto~. ,., ,.,.,., .o,. .e,der,..as, If the Note fielder takes such octlone et delcrlbed above, the Note Holder wilt hove C:I~SI/coi t Itrlccbpl FQNII P the rift to b, paid beck ,fo~ sit sf Its casts and expenses, inctudf.l. but ~tlMt~ to, ~le Itt~' fm. l, elYin ~ ~f~S: ~t~s ~tlc~te I~ r~lr~ , dfffer~ mt~, ~ ~tfce that ut k ll~ to ml~ ~ t~ Rote vltt ~ tl~ ~ ~tl~fq It ~ ~ mfll~ It ~ fl~t clue all to m at the P~ty ~8 m Pe I ~ at · differn ~l If fin lie t~ l~e h(~ I ~tlce ~ ~1~ dlffe~ ~ ~lce t~t ut k lf~ to t~ Note ~l~f ~ ~fl hie will ~ II~ mlllq It ~ fl~t ties ell to the hie ~l~ at t~ ~nl Itlt~ in 3(A) ~ It I dlff~ ~l If I/w ~ ~ ll~ · Mtlce of that dlff~ ~ h fully ~ ally ~tlpt~ to km sit of t~ Film e in Note, I~t~l~ t~ ~(H to ~ t~ full ~t ~. ~ ~r~ e Is ~r~, ~e~ ~ ~ ~ this Note Is It~ ~tipt~ to ~ t~ ~t~. ~ ~ take ~ t~ ~tlptl~, f~t~!~ the ~tlgetl~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ of ~ts I~e, Is at~ ~ti~tM to km sit ~ t~ ~fm in this note. ~ note kt~ ~ ~f~e its rl~ts ~ ~ll ~e slat ~ IMfvl~tty ~ saint its of a tithe. ~ls m t~t ~ ~ ~ a k ~l~ to ~ aft o1 t~ ~s ~ ~ this Note. ~ ~ ~ ~tfce ~ d~. ~r~tet: m ~ rt~t to r;fre l~e ht~ to M ~ ~ ~tl ~. qotlce ~ Ol~ an t~ rift to ~lre the late ki~r to 11~ ~tice to othff ~m t~t ~l ~ ~ ~ ltd- 11. ;fF~ g~ ~E; This N~e Is · mifn Imt~ ffl~ tielid ~lltfn m )~fHIctln. In ~ftfm te the ~tKtlM I(~ to t~ g~e Nt~ ~ this t~ m ~te e this ffote, FotKfl t~ Me nol~ f~ ~sfbte lea ~1~ ~t r~tt If I/w ~ ~t km t~ Fetid ~f~ I/w rake In ~ls late. ht ~1~ !mt~ ~rlM ~' ~ ~ ~at ¢~lti~ . f/~ ~ ~ r~lrM to I~late ~ In full d lit ~1 f/w M ~ this Me. ~ d ~ltlfi ere ~rf~ a fottMf Trnf~ of t~ Pr~ ~ · I~flclal I~et In I~. If lit v ' e ~rt ~ ~ ~ ~ , IntKMt In It II Hid ~ trnf~r~ (~ If · ~flcllt I~t In ~r~ is ~td ~ trnf~ ~ ~r~ Is mt · atoll ~tt mt N ~c!~ '~ L~ If ~fH is ~lbftM '~ fat in n ~ If L~ ~e~fm this ~lm, Le ~lt{ II, ~ ~lce ~ ~t~etlm. h mtl~ ~elt ~!~ a ~l~ ~ ~ t~s ~ thlr~ (~) ~ f~ N ate ~f~ Imt~. If ~r(s) fail to ~ thm m Fin to the ~frmtlm of this ~f~, L~ ~ I~e ~ ~fn ~ftt~ ~ thll ~f~ fmt~ wlt~ feint alice K ~ ~ ~rMr. IOtul~lt~lq the ~, N L~'I rl~tl to ,trot ~ ;ty h ~ hre ~att N ~JKt ~ ~-~lmte to the rf~tl dtN kl~ LIra h(~ to ¢ot(Kt ~ ;ty ~ ~ In K~e ul~ t~ FI~t ~ of TMt. Vitals TK ~CS) i ~(I) ~ TK (If el) .(MI) krrmer {lent leturn tel Cattier County Dearmeet of Rousing 2800 north Rofleshoe Drive Phone: (813) 643-8330 Fax: (813) 643.8))1 "' g67 120 BOOK rAG[ CIty ef Naples 735 8th Street South, Rom hal)tel, FL 33940 xttfil lull1 O~ldlll lewis (813) 4)4-&4~ C:/~p51/cot t I or/col}p1 COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING AND URBAN IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 33942 RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM TOt (Contractor) FROMS (Owner) DATEs THIS NOTICE IS YOUR AUTHORITY TO PROCEED WITH REHABILITATION WORK ON THE PREMISES KNOWNAS AND LOCATED AT: , Collier County, Florida. WORK TO BEGIN BYz COMPLETION DATE: (Unless extended by change order) O~R SZGNATUPa: (Owner) (Co..,..Ownmr)m mpplieable ..... Greg Hthaltc, Director Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department ,6194 COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING ~ URBXN IMPROVEHENT DEPXRTMENT RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM CONTR~CTcmANGB ORDER Owner:Order No.: Contractor: Project Address: Approval:D Yes D No XEQUENTZD C~XNOES IZ~L~tNATION/~UITXFZe~T~ON DOLLP31 DELETIONS: ... ADDITIONS: TOTAL DOLLAR J~MOUNT OF CHAN~E NEW CONTRACT TOTALS <completed by Housing and/or (if applicable) Finance personnel> OWNER APPROVAL: {Owner} (Date} CONTRACTOR ACCEFTANCE: {Contractor} (Date) INSPECTOR CONFIRMATION: (Inspector} (Date) ADMINISTRATOR APPROVAL: {Program Administrator) (Date) COLLIEIt COUNTY HOUSING AND URBAN IMPROVEMENT DEFARTMXNT RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM DZBBURBKMXXT 2%.~rHOEXZATXOI COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Date: DOLIAR A/~OUNT REQUESTED: AMOUNT APPROVED: This disbursement authorization is for= G progress payment for work performed o final payment for work performed. This is to certify that .(Contractor) whose address is: and is a participating contractor in the Collier County Rehabilitation Program and who has performed rehabilitation work for the following individual/family at the address below is entitled to payment for work performed in the amount of dollars. Contractor: Inspector: Homeowner: Program Administrator: STATEKENT OF ACCOUNT Original Contract Amount: Change Order Additions: Change Order Deductions: Net Contract Amount: Previous Payments: THIS PAYMENT= CONTRACT BALANCE: e~ dfs~rs.w COLLIER COUNTY HOUSINa AND URBAN IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM KEQU~ST FOR I~SI~CTIOI This is a formal request to the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department by (Owner) to perform and/or arrange: a. Interim Inspection (DATE) U Final Inspection (DATE} for the premises located at I hereby request and authorize an inspection to be performed by County, City, or other authorized program personnel including personnel from any local financial institution participating in the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program. This inspection request is limited to the rehabilitated premises described above, and must be conducted to determine compliance with applicable County, City, or other relevant building codes, and completeness of contracted work. I understand that, once inspections have been completed and all applicable codes have been complied with by the contractor and sub-contractors who have provided rehabilitation services, final disbursement of monies to the contractor will be initiated. {Ovner) (Co-Owner, where applicable) Contractor hereby asserts that all applicable County, City, or other codes have bean complied with and that the residential rehabilitation work contracted for with the owner of the premises described above is ready for inspection. Final disbursement of monies payable to contractor under this program will not be approved by the Program Administrator until such time that all work has been completed and complies w~th all applicable codes, and copies of receipts for purchased materials have been provided for use in the final inspection. (Contractor) 6/9~ 7, FOR)4 J~ ,.o....,,.~o,~..-. Notification Ix/o~e 197t Watch Out For Lcad-l]ascd Paint Po~son~ng THIS RQREEHENT, made and entered into this day of 1994, by and between , hereinafter called ~he "Contractor" and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Collier County, Naples, hereinafter called the "County": ~9~- The Contractor shall commence work within days after receiving a Notice to Proceed from the County shall have finally completed the Work on or before the expiration of 45 days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. The County Manager may, at his discretion, extend the Agreement for up to ·(90-180} days. The Contract Manager shall give the Contractor written notice of the County's intention to extend the Agreement term not less than > days prior to the end of the Agreement term then in effect. For purposes of this Agreement, the Contract Manager is . 2. STATEMENT OF WORE. The Contractor shall · in accordance with the terms and conditions of the specifications of Bid ~94- and the contractor's proposal hereto attached' and made an"~ntegral part of this agreement. In addition, all work shall be performed in accordance with the General Specifications attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "A". 3. THW CONTRACT SU~. The County shall pay the Contractor for the performance of this Agreement an estimated maximum amount of · ($>), ·based on the unit prices set forth in the contractor's proposal, subject to Change Orders as approved in advance by the County. 4. NOTICES. All notices from the County to the Contractor shall be deemed duly served if mailed by registered or certified mail to the Contractor at the following Address: All notices from the Contractor to the County shall be deemed duly served if mailed by registered or certified mail to the County to: Collier County Government Center Purchasing Department - General Services Building 3301 Tamiami Trail, East Naples, Florida 33962 1 The Contractor and the County may change the above mailing address at any time upon giving the other party written notification. All notices under this Service Agreement must be in writing. NO PRR~RSFIIP. Nothing herein contained shall create or be construed as creating a partnership between the County and the Contractor.or to constitute the Contractor as an agent of the County. FER~ITSt LICENSZS~ TRXZS. In compliance with Section 218.80, F.S., all permits necessary for the prosecution of the Work shall be obtained by the Contractor. Payment for all such permits issued by the County shall be processed internally by the County. All non-County permits necesear~ for the prosecution of the Work shall be procured and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also be solely responsible for payment of any. and all taxes levied on the Contractor. In addition, the Contractor shall comply with all the rules, regulations and laws of Collier County, the- State of Florida, or the U.S. G~vernment now in force or hereafter adopted. The Contractor agrees to compl with ell laws governing the responsibility of an employer ~th respect to persons employed by the Contractor. ral~- The contractor shall employ people to work at County facilities who are neat, clean, well-groomed and courteous. No IMPROPZR USE. The Contractor will not use, nor suffer or permit any person to use in any manner whatsoever, County property or property to be rehabilitated for any improper, immoral or offensive purpose, or for any purpose in violation of federal, state, county or municipal ordinance, rule, order or regulation, or of any governmental rule or regulation now in effect or hereafter enacted or adopted. In the event of such violation by the Contractoror if the County or its authorized representative shall deem any conduct on the part of the Contractor.to be objectionable or improper, the County shall have the right to suspend the contract of the Contractor. Should the Contractor fall to correct any such violation, conduct, or practice to the satisfaction of the County within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving notice of such violation, conduct, or practice, such suspension to continue until the violation is cured. The Contractor further agrees not to commence operation during the suspension period until the violation has been corrected to the satisfaction of the County. 9. =~Ba~. Should the Contractor'be found to have failed to perform his services in a manner satisfactory to the County as per the specifications and requirements of this Agreement, the County may terminate said agreement immediately for cause: further the County may terminate this Agreement for convenience with a thirty (30) day written notice. The County shall be the sole Judge of non- performance. 10. NO DISCRIMIFATION. The Contractor agrees that there shall be no discrimination as to race, sex, color, creed or national origin. Xl. INSURANCE. The Contractor shall provide insurance as follows: A. ~omme=cial General Liabllitvz Coverage shall have minimum limits of $1,000,000 Per Occurrence, Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. This shall include: Owned Vehicles, Hired and Non-Owned Vehicles and Employee Non- Ownership. B. ~§iness Auto Liabilitvx Coverage shall have minimum limits of $300,000 Per Occurrence, Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage for Business Auto Liability shall include Owned Vehicles, Hired and,Non-Owned Vehicles and Employee Non-Ownership. C. W~rXers, Com~ensationx Insurance covering all employees meeting Statutory Limits in compliance with the applicable state and federal laws. The coverage must include Employer's Liability with any minimum limits established by statute. 2~ecial Reauirements: Collier County shall be listed as the Certificate Holder and Included as an Additional Insured on both the Comprehensive General Liability and Business Auto Liability Policies. Current, valid insurance policies meeting the requirement herein identified shall be maintained by Contractor during the duration of this Agreement. Renewal certificates shall be sent to the County 30 days prior to any expiration date. There shall be a 30 day notification to the County in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. Contractor shall insure that all subcontractors comply 3 with the same insurance requirements that ha is required to meet. The same Contractor shall provide County with certificates of insurance meeting the required insurance provisions. 12. IKDEKNIFICATION. The Contractor/Vendor, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is accepted through the signing of this document, shall hold harmless and defend Collier County and its agents and employees from all suits and actions, including attorney's fees and all coats of litigation and Judgemerits of any name and description arising out of or incidental to the performance of this contract or york performed thereunder. This provision shall also pertain to any claims brought against the County by any employee of the named Contractor/Vendor, any Subcontractor, or any one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The Contractor/Vendor's obligation under this provision shall not be limited in any way by the agreed upon contract price as sho~n in this Contract or the Contractor/Vendor's limit of, or lack of, sufficient insurance protection. The first Ten Dollars ($10.00) of money received on the contract price is considered as payment of this obligation by the County. This section does not pertain to any incident arising from the sole negligence of Collier County. 13o THIS AGREEMENT shall be administered on behalf of the County by the · Department. 14. COMPONENT PARTS OF THIS CONTRACT. This Contract consists of the attached component parts, all of which are as fully a part of the contract as if herein set out verbatim: Contractor's Proposal, Insurance Certificate, Bid ~94->· Specifications, Exhibit "A", General Specifications, and ·Addendum/Addenda. 15. XT IS FURTHER D]RDERSTOOD M~DAGREED, by and between the parties herein that this agreement is subject to appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the County, have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date and year first above written. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts Datedz Timothy J. Constantine, (SEAL) Chairman Contractor First Witness Signature Type/print witness name Second Witness Typed signature and title Type/print witness name CORPORATE SEAL (Corporations only) Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney 5 Z. NATEP. IALB AND WORKMANSHIP 1. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Building Code, 1991 edition, as amended (hereinafter cited as "S.B.C."). Additions and structural changes must also conform to the Collier County Housing Ordinance, Ordinance No. 89-06, as amended, and the City of Naples Minimum Housing Code, Ordinance 92-6122, as amended. All required permits and approved plans must be made available for the appropriate inspecting authorities at all times during the construction process and copies must be provided to Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department prior to the commencement of construction. 2. Repairs shall be made to all surfaces damaged by the Contractor resulting from his work at no additional cost to the Owner. Where "Repair" 'is called forby the Work Order, the feature (floor, wall, ,ceiling, door, window'or trim, etc.) excluding ornamentation shall be placed in "Equal to New Condition", taking into account the fact that old buildings cannot be made "As New" and that some lines and surfaces may remain irregular, slightly out of level or plumb, either by patching or replacement; all damaged or loosed, or rotted palwcs of wood, metal or plaster shall be removed and replaced and the finished work shall match adjacent work in design and dimension. Such patching and replacement shall be made to blend with existing work, at the minimum including painting and/or staining to blend, so that the patch or replacement will be inconspicuous. Zl · INTERPRETATION 1. The term 'or equal" shall be interpreted to mean equal in quality, design and integral properties. No substitutions shall be made without the prior written approval of Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. Proposed substitutions must be clearly designated on the Contractor's Bid Proposal. ,0,, fi67" ,'-131 (~|I|T cA" TO COWTItKT C'1 Work in Oocupied stracturesz The Contractor shall be responsible for the storaqe and safety of his ovn material. The Ovner assumes no liability whatever for any material damaged or stolen on the premises where such has not been brought into the buildin~. Any damage to, or loss by theft or vandalism of any material, appurtenance or appliance, after such has been brought into the building; applied, connected or installed shall be the sole responsibility o~ the Contractor until said item has been inspected and approved by the O~mer and CoZlier County Housin~ and Urban Improvement Department. In the event that the o~ner elects to use any completed or pa~ctalZy completed potion of the building, then the Contractor is released from above liabilities of all the materials uithin the occupied portion o~ the building. .. ~ ~f", BP~CZTZCATZON8 <X> ALUXZXT;J( AWNINOB AND CANOP! 1. Aluminum Door Canours Furnish and install baked enamel aluminum door canopy over exterior doors. Indicated in the Work Order of kind and const=uctionapproved by Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department and of color selected by the ouner vith "Drop," "Projection," and 'Width' as indicated in Work Order. Provide for adequate door svin9 clearance, and include hurricane tie dovn fasteners. 2. Aluminum Awninqsz Supply and install baked enamel aluminum avntn~s of type Indicated in the Work Order and of color selected by the O~ner. All Zittings shall be provided, Including hurricane tie dovns. Avnin~s manuZactured by Hurricane A~nin~, or equal. <B> APP~ZANCEB - ~LBCTRZC ~ All units must be repaired or installed nev to comply ~tth the model energy efficiency codes for building construction as per the State of Florida. Contractors shall supply the Home Owner utth original ~arrantles and/or .~uarantees. Ovner shall have selection oZ available colors. · X shut-oEf safety valve must be Installed In the connecting gas pipe to any ~as appliance. 3. Bloctrio Water Reaterx Provide and install a glasslined, quick recovery, electric vater heater. Heater shall . ~XNflfT ~e TO COifTU. CT C-1 be equipped with a high limit safety cut-off and a pressure relief valve piped to the outside. Heater shall be 220 volt, double element, 4500 watts with minimum five year guarantee. Heater shall be minimum 30 gal. capacity. NOTEs All heaters installed outside must be placed on a leveled concrete or block surface and adequately protected from the elements. 4. Gas Water Heaters Provide and install a glass lined, quick recovery gas water heater. Heater shall be equipped with a high limit safety cut off and pressure relief valve pipe to the outside. Heater shalI have a minimum five year guarantee, and be minimum 30 gal. capacity. Heater is to be vented outside. NOTEs All heaters installed outside must be placed on a leveled concrete or block surface and adequately protected from the elements. 5. Radiant Heaters Furnish and install surface mounted radiant heater. Heater shall be in the 4000 watt range, have a circulation fan, and thermal overload safety control. Heater shall be a minimum of 13,000 BTU. 220 volt. Include connections to electric service. 6. Electrio Ranqt! Replace old range with new electric range. New range shall be 30" free standing, with clock, I hour timer, appliance outlet, and Visa Bake door. Includes pig tail installed, and range to be made operative. Sears 62641/62631, or equal. 7. Gas Ran~e: Replace old range with new gas range. New range shall be 30" free-standing, with clock, i hour timer, and Visa Bake door. Include connections to electric service and provision for gas hook-up. S. Electric Refriaeratorx Replace old refrigerator with a new minimum 16.0 cubic foot, frost free unit with two doors with separate freezer compartment. Sears Model 63601, or equal. 9. RanceHo~f Install newductless type,range hood. Include connectionsto electric service. 10. Ranae ~oodf Install new range hood vented outside. Includes electric service and duct work. To deliver 160 C.F.M., minimum. Air Conditionors Install reverse cycle air conditioner with BTU capacity to conform to requirements for the size of the volume of the area to be cooled/heatedl Sears model or equal. ,:. (167 , t133 · EXIiflfT ~" TO C~IfTRACT C°1 12. Air Conditioner with Heat 8trip: Install air conditioner with BTU capacity to conform to requirements for the size of the volume of the area to be cooled. Heat strip as required to BTU capacity to conform to requirements for the size of the volume of the area. Sears model or equal. 13. Gas Furnace: Provide and install new gas furnace, complete with vent stack piped to exterior of house. Furnace shall be equipped with a thermostat, blower, and BTU capacity as required. All wiring to be enclosed in wire mold, and heater to be connected by authorized gas service personnel, approved by City. 14. ~as Wall Furnaces Provide and install new gas wall furnace completely ready for use. Direct vent, BTU required, wall mounted, with circulating fan and exterior unit control. Electric service required for fan. To be inspected and connected by authorized gas service personnel. 15. Bathroom Exhaust Fan: Fan to be Sears Ventilator Fan Model g42AgS56 or equal, vented to the outside. <C> BLACKTOP 16. BlacktoP 'Drive: Install blackt~op drive as provided in Work Order. All base material to be compacted to obtain minimum thickness. Prepare all grading to carr~ water away from building. Blacktop shall not be less than 11/2" thick after compaction. <D> C~BINETS NOTEX The contractor shall repair, paint, or match any area affected by removal or replacement of cabinets or counter tops. All areas (floors, walls, or ceilings) affected by cabinet removal, MUST be filled in to level of existing surfaces, using comparable materials, and sealing off areas to be roach and rodent proof, prior to installing cabinets. 17. Kitchen Base Cabinets: Base cabinet shall be Formica, clad 1/32" minimum thickness, with appropriate doors and drawers. Counter top of cabinet shall be approximately 25' wide with a full backsplash, Formica to be 1/16" minimum thickness, or equal. Base cabinets to have 1/2" thick shelves. Include all drawer hardware, catches, and pulls of approved design and good quality per manufacturer's specs. Interior to be vinyl clad. 18. Wall Cabinstel Kitchen wall cabinets shall be clad with Formica 1/32" minimum 'thickness. All door and shelf edges shall be trimmed with Formica. Cabinet length, number of lutde2.t~> 711&/g& 4 ,oo,, !:X~IIIT maw TO CClTIACT C-1 shelves, doors, and hardware as specified in proposal including at least two shelves oZ 1/2" thickness. Include all necessary door pulls and catches oZ manufac~urer's good grade and quality. Interior to be vinyl clad. 19, Xedicine Cabinet: Cabinet to be metal Construction, Salgar model IA101 or equal. 20, (This item intentionally lest blank.) FENCING [This scotion left intentionally blank] [This itemleSt intentionally blank] <F> CONCRETB WORK 22. Walks. Drives. and Patloss Concrete used shall not be less than 2,500 P.S.I. strength in 28 days. Slab to be 4' thick reinforced with 6' by 6' no. 10/10 welded wire. Steel trowel, wood float or approved finish shall be used. Walks, drives, patios and ramps shall have expansion Joints in them to divide them into blocks and shall also be edged. All drives, walks, patios and ramps shall be graded to slope away from house. Finish grade o~ work shall be held close to ground grade so cars may have easy access to drives; walks and drives shall not have dangerous step-offs. When forms are removed, use necessary fill. Grading and sodding shall be done to match existing. (Scored contraction Joints at 5'0 center and expansion Joints at 20' center).. "Fill" shall be sand, selected earth, shale, or gravel free form all extraneous substances. 23, Footings and/or Foundation Walls i- Tie Beemet Shall be constructed according to the sizes, shapes and other details on the approved drawing. Where no such drawings exist, they shall be made in accordance with applicable County and/or City codes and/or ordinances,as amended, and as applicable. 24° Vaoor Barriers Shall be poly-urethane/plastic sheeting or asphalt impregnated felt, in thickness or layer specified in any area to be used as living area. 25. Concrete Porchs Replace existing porch with new concrete porch with 10" X 16" continuous concrete ~ooting with 2 - }To. 5 reinforcing rods. Foundation walls shall be 8' x 16' concrete block. Porch ~loor shall be 4' thick, 2,500 P.S.I. concrete reinforced with 6' x 6' No. 10/10 welded wire. Concrete porch to be separated from main body oZ house by 1/2' asphalt impregnated expansion material. eulde2.,ep 711&/94 5 .. triG'7 ,,,,,: 135 IXIIIIIT was TO CC~TUCT C'I 26. ~oncrete Bte~l~ Poured concrete steps shall be properly formed and poured with 2,500 P.S.I. concrete over firm, undisturbed soil. Brick, stone, or broken concrete may be used as fill material. The treads shall have a non-skid finish. 27. COncrete Piers on Isolated Footings: Footing for piers are to be not less than 10" deep, and 20" x 20" square and piers no less than 8' wide by 16" long (nominal sizes), provided with termite shields where applicable. 28. ~asonrv Wall ReDairx All mortar Joints shall be cleaned of loose mortar and shall be tuck pointed with new mortar in an approved manner. Any chipped blocks shall be patched with mortar and any structurally damaged block shall be removed and replaced with a new, properly set in a new bed of mortar. <Q> DOORS AND WINDOWS NOTEX When replacing door Jambs or frames, all necessary trim is to be included in the bid price. Windows are to be caulked. All windows and doors are to be installed to meet energy saving criteria. Contractor shall repair, paint or match any interior or exterior areas affected by the removal or installation of windows, doors, etc~ Exterior doors are to be painted with two coats of oil base paint or varnish, top, bottom, and edges. Bid price shall include repairing and/or replacing all trim. 29. Install in Existin~ Jambx Doors shall be interior type. Install door plumb with 1/8' clearance at head and Jamb and 1/8" clearance at floor threshold or rug, whatever the case may be. Mortise new door to receive an appropriate privacy/passage lock. Adjust all hardware so door works properly and leave door clean, smooth and finished as specified. Include applicable type of door stops. 30. Z~erior Pre-hun~ 'Unitx Install to consist of hollow core door, Jamb, trim and hardware including lockset. Paint or finish as specified. 31. ~olid Wood Core Door= Install plain, undecorated 1 3/4' thick solid wood core door unit complete with door, Jamb, trim, threshold, hinges, lock and weatherstrip. Install door plumb with 1/8' clearance at head Jamb and 1/S' clearance at floor threshold or rug, whatever the case may be. Mortise new door to receive appropriate lock (Schlage middle grade or equal). To include Single Cylinder Dead Bolt Lock. Adjust all hardware so door works properly. Sand smooth and install safety chain, or luldel.te 7/14/9~, co,, DillliT ~e TO COIfTIACT C-1 stop as applicable. When door is more than S' from window, security 'peep" shall be installed. 32. D~or Frame; Replace deteriorated door frame or Jamb with new solid wood frame or ~amb, and all necessary trim as needed. 33. New Exterior Doors Doors shall be 1-3/4' thick solid wood. Door shall be sized to fit existing opening, include keyed entry lock and weatherstrip, door stop or safety chain as applicable, 1-1/'2 pair hinges, and Single Cylinder Dead Bolt, threshold, and security "peep'. 34. Xiami Slide TYPe Doors Install new 1-3/4' wood exterior door incorporating a double or single hun9 window section. Window unit to have metal type of mumtins and mullions. Include a security type 9 ~auge steel diamond mesh 9rill mounted either inside or outside of door using tamper proof fasteners. Door to have 1-1/2" pair hinges, all hardware, weatherstripping, door stop or safety chain, door lock set and aluminum screen in window unit. Include Single Cylinder Dead Bolt. 35. New Screen Doors. Screen door shall be a minimum of 1' square all aluminum,. pre-hung, with metal Jamb, lock and closer. 'Featherlira," 'Look,' or equal quality with aluminum screen. Bottom screen panel shall be rein~orced. 36. ~crsen Doorsx Rescreen indicated - using 18 x 14 mesh aluminum/nylon screen wire. When existing screen mold is split or damaged, replace. Reinforce bottom panel. 37. Exterior ~luminum Threshold Plate of ~DDrOVed Gradex Install either straddle or interior mounted as applicable. Fasten securely using necessary fastening devices (wood or concrete}, as per manufacturer's recommendations. 38. ~ Install flush, sectional steel door, "Cordas" or equal, as per manufacturer#s recommendations, including all necessary framing and brackets, stops, hardware, and trim. 39. ~escreen IndiVltod Window Soreensz Use 18 x 14 mesh aluminum/nylon screen wire. Replace damaged screen mold and damaged or missing hooks and hangers. 40. Aluminum Framest Replace indicated window screen frames with new aluminum ~rames, minimum o~ 3/8" by 1w, .032 thick complete with aluminum screen, fitted to existing opening. DillliT cA" TO CIITF. ACT C'1 41, Wood Window Sashx Replace with new sash of proper size, glazed and finished. 42° Wood Window; Overhaul to operate freely. Replace broken or cracked glass. Install or replace broken or missing window locks, bar lifts, and/or weights aS needed. All windows must have a device so they will remain in fixed position when opened. Old putty.to be removed and replaced with new. 43. AluminumWindowst Overhaul to operate properly. Replace broken or missing torque-bar operators. All broken glass shall be replaced with new glass. Replace all damaged or missing aluminum glazing beads. 44. Aluminum Xwnin~TyDes Furnish and install windows as indicated. New windows shall be as manufactured by Yale Ogron or equal, and shall have the follovlng features: Vinyl weather-stripping, nylon bushings, self-locking operator with torque-bar, removable screen and aluminum glazing bead. 4S. aluminum Sinale Hun~ Windo~ss Windows shall be manufactured by Yale Ogron, or equal, and to include removable screen. <X> ELECTRICAL NOTEz The Contractor shall verify adequacy of existing electrical service for adding electrical devices and bid price shall reflect installation to meet existing electrical codes. All exposed wire to be encased in wire mold. All non-conforming wires shall be removed. All electric work must be completed in accordance with the National Electric Code and the S.B.C. 46. Rewire Entire House as Follows: Remove existing service complete to weatherhead and all exposed wiring throughout the house. (Existing electrical equipment throughout the building which becomes superfluous, antiquated, or obsolete shall be disconnected and removed. Existing material found to be in good condition and in compliance with the' National Electric Code may be left in service.) Patch all work scarred by such removal to match existing surrounding surfaces. Install a 150 amp service. Install a new circuit breaker panel of sufficient size to carry the number of circuits required to service the house. Use GFCI breakers where required. Branch circuits shall be of sufficient number and size for anticipated loads, and in no case shall any living unit have less than two (2) lighting circuits of 15 amps each and one (1) appliance circuit of 20 amps. Separate circuit for water heater, refrigerator, and proper grounds. All new wiring shall be copper, double insulated wire lXXflfT ~a TO G:XfTR.ACT C-¶ or THHN wire enclosed in metal conduit, size according to the demand of particular circuit. An additional four (4) circuits must be provided and to be left blank. 47. Service and Breaker Panels Install new 150 amp 120/240v single phase electrical service entrance. Service shall include weather proof cabinet, main disconnect, necessary circuit breakers, and proper ground. All new wiring shall be copper double insulated wire. Patch any damaged surfaces to match existing. 48. Service with Separate Main Disconnects Install a new 120/240v minimum 150 amp service complete with separate main disconnect switch and proper ground. Include adequate mast and weatherhead. Main disconnect to be placed outside when existing main disconnect or panel is more than 5' from exterior door or window. Patch any damaged surfaces to match existing. 49. 150 AMP Minimum Panels Remove old panel and replace with new 150 amp circuit breaker panel. Panel to have four (4) spare two pole circuits, and/or amp. main breaker. So. ReceDtacless Install duplex electrical receptacles and cover plates, flush, 15-20 amps. S1. ReceDtacless Replace duplex electrical receptacles and cover plates, flush, 15-20 amps. S2. Operatint Switchs Install new single pole toggle switch and cover plate, flush, 15A-125V. 53. ODefarina 8witchx Replace with new single pole toggle switch and cover plate. 54. Three-Way Switchass Install 3-way operating switch as indicated on WorkWrite,Up. 5S. ~all or ceilina Lichtz Install fixture 'to replace deteriorated fixture. Allowance for receptacle specified in Work Write-Up. Fixture will include glass globe and switch. 56. Ceilinc Lithe; Install new fixture. 57. APPliance Recentacless Install appliance receptacle(s) on back splash of base cabinet. 58. Ground Fault Circuit InterruDters Install a G.F.C.I receptacle in bathroom appliance outlet, connected to a separate circuit. I].67 139 EXXTItT ~e ~ CX:~TIU. CT C'1 59. Zmeraencv Exit Liehiss Shall be installed in hallways. Emergenc~ lights shall be ACoperated, battery back- up, and connected to house meter. S0. Smoke Detector~ Shall be AC operated with battery back-up units installed in hallway(s), to be connected to house meter without interruption of elec=rical supply. Detectors inside of dwellings shall be installed above door leading to bedrooms. Electrical supply shall be connected to refrigerator circuit. <'r~ IPLOOP, AI(D ~ All shoot vinyl and floor tile to be covered by shoe mold at walls and cabinets. All underla~ment must be securely fastened, all nail holes and cracks must be filled and smooth to present a uniform surface for the installation of the floor tile or vtnyl covering. Cars must be taken in applying floor mastic to avoid "bleeding" between tile, as this condition is not acceptable to the County or the City. 61. Floor Framinax Remove deteriorated floor Joists and replace with new Joists of No. 2 Southern Yellow Pine or other approved materials with same dimensions as old Joists. Replaced floor Joists shall be supported at their extreme ends by either a 2" x 2" ledger or metal Joist hanger. Toe nailing only will not be accepted. All floors shall be properly reinforced. 62. W~d Flogr Underlavment and PreParations. All broken or damaged floor material to be replaced and level before applying minimum 1/4" A.C. interior piTwood. Underlayment to be secured by 3D ring shank nails (or equal), all nail heads to be counter sunk, and nail heads and cracks to be filled in with approved wood filler. Floors to be finished smooth and level, and thoroughly cleaned before applying floor cover. NOTEs All replacement of sills, plates and floor Joists to be pressure treated material. 63. Concrete Floor Underlavment and PreDarationx All floors to be cleaned of oily substances, holes and cracks filled with grout, and floors sanded or finished smooth and level, before applying floor cover. All cracks and voids to be filled with a manufacturer's approved type filler, and all surfaces to be level, smooth, clean and dry, prior to installing floor cover. 64. FjaI~/_XAlg/ Apply 1/16" vinyl-asbestos floor tile (Armstrong Excelon 1/16" or equal) using adhesives as recommended by manufacturer. Care must be exercised by installer to avoid ea1,l.w 7/1A~ 10 DIlllIT ~n TO C~IITIAC'f C'l "bleeding" of adhesive between tile. This condition is not acceptable. 4S. Ceramio Floor Tiles Use U.S. Standard quality - as U.S. Romany Tile or equal. All surfaces must be clean and level before applying ceramic tile. All tile must be placed to attain uniform spacing, and level with other tile, using approved style latex-portland cement or equal. All flooring to be stable and non-flexing, before installing ceramic tile. All Joints to be full grouted to full depths of units. All surfaces must be cleaned and polished as completion of work. Tile to be sloped 1/8" per foot minimum towards floor drains, as applicable. 44. ~ Prepare and install .090" minimum thickness x 12' sheet viny1 floor cover over underlaymerit. Quality criteria Amtico Flooring Division,I Congoleum Industries, Inc., or equal. 67. Replaced Damaged Floorin~ in Roomss Hey flooring shall match existing in size, quality, color, and finish, as closely as possible using standard available products. 48. RePlace Deteriorated Wood Floorine; Hatch existing materials as closely as possible, fill An holes, sand and finish with 2 coats urethane type finish. 4l. Terrasso Floorss Clean, fill in holes with grout, matching existing finish as closely as possible. Grind repaired areas to blend. Seal and apply one coat of wax and polish floors. 70. caruet: Prepare and install carpet of good grade or commercial grade carpet as per work Work Write-Up. Provide metal strips, tackless strips, adhesives, tapes and all other necessar~ accessories. Install 64 oz. minimum carpet cushion, waffle type. Quality of carpet to meet F.H.A. standards. Acceptable manufacturers include Armstrong Company, Roxbury Carpet Company, Celotex Corp., Sears, and Hontgomery Ward. All carparing to be properly fitted, with no fillers less than 12" wide or 36" long. 7%. gOlvanised Gutterse Shall be no less than 24 gauge and 5" outside diameter half round galvanized metal securely fastened with strap hangers. Downspouts shall be no less than 26 gauge and 3" round galvanized metal fastened with strap hangers at each Joining. Splash blocks shall be installed at all downspout terminals. wl~.~ ~14~ 11 "* ElliflfT eAe TO CGITIACT 72. 31uminum Gutters an4 Downspouter Shall be 32 gauge .Kn style vith baked on enamel finish to include all accessories, (hangers, ~oints,. and caps, angles and splash blocks). Use only aluminum nails If feral is to be utilized in installation. Hails to be installed atleast every 16n. ~F~ INeUI~TION 73. ~ ~aterial shall be as manufactured b~ Owens Coming Fiberglass, U.S. Gypsum., Johns-Mansville, Certainteed ~oducts ~o~oration, National Cellulose Co~., ~ono-Te~ or U.S. F~ber ~o~. or e~al. ~11 materials shall bear labels ind~catin~ that the mater~al is ce~ed by Unds~ter ~boratories, Inc., as no~-co~ustible and b~ Facto~ ~utu~l S~stem as ~pr~ed ~l~ss I. ~11 insulation shall be ~nstalled ~n accordance ~th the pr~s~cns o~ the Unde~r~ter ~borator~es F~re 7~. Ninetel-Fiber Blanket ~ns~la~icns ~nstall spun non- c~ustibls m~eral ~iber blanket w~th a non-~la~able va~r ba~ier on inside (room-side~ ~ace. ~ide anchorinq flanges tot open or e~osed installations. Con~o~ to Federal Specification ~-I-521E ~e lI. 75. Cellulose Fiber fBlo~ in and Poured~Insulationf Install loose cellulose ~ibers treated to be non- co~ustible, fire resistant, rot resistant, and dimensionally stable (non-settling or shrinking). Fire hazard classifications~ Flame spread 20, ~uel contributed 10~ smoke developed 25. ~ ~FILL 72. ~ ~ovide and install c~ean sand or fill as apprwed by ~er in all lw areas. Grade till to slope avay ira house to provide adenate drainage. ~s ~s use oZ lead-based paints Is prohibi~ed on any surface (Ref, ~ad-Based Paint Poisoning ~evention Ac~, 84 Star. 2080; 42 C~ Paint 30.) 77. Preoaration Before Painting, and Paintings Contractor shall repair, pain~ or match any interior or s~erior areas affected by removal or Installation of materials. All paint and other finished materials shall be of go~ ~altty such as Pittsburgh, She~in Willlams, Benjamin N~rs, Tower or approved e~al. No patn~ shall be applied until all nail holes have been puttied and all defects in wo~ work have been ~i~.w ~/:~ 12 I:XlI!IIT maw TO C:OIITIL~CT C'l eliminated, All surfaces to receive coats of paint. Special applications are indicated on Work Write-Up. All muffaces, including floors, walls, ceilings, trim, doors, and windows shall be cleaned and excess paint removed 'from same upon completion of painting. Reasonable care shall be exercised in moving ladders and scaffolding about dwelling to avoid damage to shrubbery and premises. All such damage shall be repaired to match original. All exterior doors shall be primed and painted or varnished both sides and all edges (6 sides). Oil based enamel, or paint to be used on all exterior wood surfaces, including but not limited to windows, shutters, trim, solfits, fascias, ~ambs, and casings. Urethane or marine type exterior varnish is to be applied on exterior surfaces requiring a varnish type finish. All exterior doors and windows shall he cleaned and excess paint removed from same upon completion of painting. ?a. Frame nousex All deteriorated material must be replaced prior to painting. Znclude caulking of seams and cracksX ~oints and holes to be filled in level~ all windows to be glazed (where applicable) and caulking by gun method all around all windows, frames# doors,'and other applicable areas. All loose paint must be removed, and rough areas are to be sanded smooth or sanded to "feather" edges at low spots to blend as 'close as possible. All new or unpainted areas are tO be painted with primer paint before the final coats are applied. ~here applicable (as walls, posts, piers, etc.), all surfaces must be painted to be at, or below the ground level. All exposed areas must be painted, even though not visible from the ground level. All surfaces to receive at least 2 coats of paint, plus primer. 79. 2t~cCo and Concrete Btructures: All holes, cracks or broken concrete areas must be pointed up, or repaired prior to being painted. All window areas must be caulked, glazed as necessary, or repaired. Doors, ~oints, cracks, holes, or trim areas to be treated as above, (see Frame Houses) as they relate to Zrame members. All walls to be cleaned by either water pressure cleaning, or sand blasting method to remove loose paint. All concrete structure areas are to receive one coat o~ concrete sealer, prior to the Zinal two (2) coats of paint. SO. Xnterior Paintina: Spackle and patch vail and ceilings unless otherwise prescribed. Apply one (1) coat or sealer and two (2) coats o~ Zinish paint. The finish coat in kitchens and baths shall provide a durable and washable surface. Paint with two (2) coats o~ enamel. Remaining rooms shall have a semi-gloss finish on all wood york. el. Jiitl~,~L. All surfaces to be thoroughly cleaned and all old loose paint and rust removed. ^teas or removed paint ~l~z.w ~/~ 13 g)OfflfT ~e N C01fTUCT to be sanded to "feathere rough edges. Apply two (2) coats of rust inhibitire type Metal Paint. 82. Floors. Porches, and Decksx Surfaces are to be cleaned, all holes and cracks caulked (or pointed up if masonrT). All surfaces to receive two (2) coats non-skid porch and deck enamel, or either masonry, or wood deck paint, as applicable. <~> PORouS AND WOOD 23. Porch Wood Floorsz Wood floor shall be 1" x 4e Tongue and Groove flooring.. All newly installed material, shall receive one (1) coat primer and two (2} coats of exterior oil base semi-gloss paint, or two (2) coats urethane type finish. 84. Porch RescreeninaW Remove all deteriorated framing and replace with pressure treated wood or aluminum. Rescreen using 18 x 14 mesh aluminum/nylon screen wire. 8S. BUDPOrt Columns! Replace with material of like kind and/or guality or ornamental iron or aluminum. s2. ~ Replace existing wood steps with 2" x 12e construction grade fir horses, Ie x 8e risers, and 2e x 9n treads. All newly installed material shall receive one (1) coat primer and two (2) coats of exterior oil base semi-gloss paint, or two (2) coats urethane type finish. 87. alJaaL~Railing to be installed when four (4) or more risers exist. All material,to be like kind and quality wood, ornamental iron or aluminum. Wood and iron surfaces to receive recommended finishes, as in Specification ~103 and'#107, herein. Railings to be insta11*ed. <0> PLUMBING IOT]I All faucets and fittings to be of American Standard GOOD GRADE, or equal. All new or replacement fixtures to be connected toHot and Cold water lines and to proper drains. Owner shall have selection of available fixture color. Unless otherwise stated, existing fixtures are to be removed and replaced where applicable. (The cost of removal is to be included in the Bid Proposal.) All surfaces damaged by removal shall be patched to match existing surfaces. Where water and/or sewer lines are installed, they shall not ~e covered until inspected by the County or City,as applicable. The Contractor shall be responsible to check for proper 144 ~m TO C~fT~ location of sewer and/or water lines to meet existing or proposed laterals. The Contractor's bid price shall reflect all ~lumbing installation to meet applicable cedes. Abandoned septic tank shall be completely pumped out and Aoles knocked in the bottom. The tank shall be filled with sand or other approved materials. All defective lead swiped fittings and pipes are to be ~eplaced, whenever necessary, with approved, standard type fittings of non-lead swiped t~pe. All excavated areas are to be filled in and compacted level, And the surfaces to be blended to match the landscape of areas directly adjacent to excavated areas (as sand, sod or other}. ss. BathTubs Install 5' enameled steel recessed bath with slip resistant surface - American Standard, Salem J0135.137/0137.133 (or equal}. Tub shall be equipped with American Standard Cadet Bath and Shower Set #18000.036/1800.045 (or equal). Include toe drain stopper and all necessary fittings, supply lines, and drains. Aluminum shower curtain rod to be included in proposal price. S9. Shower Stallz Replace or install shower stall with fiberglass stall - National Fiberglass Corporation Model #36-3W (or equal). Include all fittings, valves, mixer chambers, shower head, curtain rod, drains, pipes, and traps as necessary to conform to applicable codes. 90. Lavatory Basin for VanitY TYPe Cabi~e~2 To be enameled steel self rimming American Standard vanity ~3003.605/3004.207 (or equal). Includes all fittings supply and drains. Includes American Standard Cadet #2350.049/2350.057 faucets with pop-up stopper (or equal). Include all necessary fittings, plumbing, supply lines and shut off valves. 91. W~11 Hun~ Lavatorvz Install vitreous china American Standard - Comrade J0123.014 lavatory (or equal), includes American Standard Cadet ~2350.049/2350.057 faucets and pop-up stopper (or equal). Includes all necessary plumbing, fittings, supply lines, and shut off valves. 92. Vanity TYPe Lavatorvs Install vanity cabinet to be 1/32" minimum mica on sides, doors, and top., It shall be of adequate width to fit required located, beapproximately deep x 30" high, with a 2" high back splash. 145 DCIIZlZT ~Aa TO C:~IITIACT C'1 93. Water Closet: Install ~merican Standard Piebe J2131.175/2138.012 toilet (or equal). Include toilet seat, supply, wax ring, and shut off valves. 94. S~ainless Steel Double ComDartment Sink: Install Sears J65K8903H or equal minimum 6" deep self-rimmed double compartment sink. Include basket strainer, all drains, fittings, and pl,,mhing. Include American Standard Aquarian g4200.010 (or equal) ledge mounted swing spout faucet. Include supply lines, fittings and shut off valves. 95. ~tainless Steel Sinale Commartment Sinkg Install Sears J65K8801L or equal minimum 6" deep self-rimmed single compartment sink. Include basket strainer, drains# fittings, and plumbin9. Includes American Standard Aquarian #4200.010 (or equal) faucet, supply lines, £ittings and shut off valves. 96. ~e~er: Trench and lay 4" PVC schedule 40 sa~er pipe. Sewer line ~o be connected from existin~ waste line to sewer lateral at property line. Cast iron to be used when installed under sidewalk or driveway. 97. ~ Trench to one (1) foot deep and lay 3/4w copper or PVC water line and connect to existing supply. Connec~c to house line. 98. WashinQ Machine Drainst Trench out and install washing machine drain line to hook up to existing waste line. Include stack, and all fittings and plumbin~ per local codes. <~ ROOIZ~G SPECZ~ XOTgg The GENERA~ CONTRACTOR and ~he R~FXNG SUB-~~R shall be retired ~o Zumish ~e ~sr a ~l~en ~aran~ea on all roo~s replaced under ~heir respective con~ra~s, as Zollows: . Composition Shin~le-~e Roe: - 7 yr. wa~an~y . Sla~e or Roll-~e Roo~ - 5 Mr. wa~an~y . Buil~-up Roo~ wi~h ~ar and ~ravel - S Mr. warranty . Buil~-up Roof wi~h ReZlec~orized pain~ - 5 Mr- wa~an~y . Parape~ ~a Roo~ - 5 yr. warranty. . Tile ~e Roe: - 15 Mr. warranty GFRE~ NOTes All roofs shall meet ~he Southern Standard Building Code. . All valleys, flashings and eave drips shall be replaced with standard galvanized metal, a minimum of 20 gauge. Eave drips · ,:' wlde2.W 7/lr,/9~ 16 UaS~fT ~- ~ C~TUCT C-1 shall be separated a minimum of 1/2"' from rafter ends of fascia surface. ~otnts to be bedded in asphalt, and overlapped a minimum of 6 inches. All vent pipes shall be properly flashed with approved lead sleeve type flashings or pitch pans. Any repair work on roof covering shall match existing as ~losely .as possible. 99. 2hinale Type Xoofinaz Remove existing roof cover, replace damaged sheathing. Reinforce, or replace damaged rafters vith pressure treated wood. Apply 43e felt, adequately tacked, color and type as specified. Apply 12n x 36' three tab square butt shingles vith maximum 5' exposed tab. Include drip and all finishings. Drip edge to a minimum of 1/2' clearance from fascia and rafter ends. Shingles to be self sealing type. 100.21ate & 2mooth TYPe Rolled Roofinax Remove existing roof covering and replace damaged sheathing and rafters. Apply one 43# layer of'felt tin tacked and then apply one layer 90! slate roofing mopped on. 101. Tar 2 Gravel TYPe RoofX Remove existing roof covering · and replace damaged sheathing, reinforce or replace damaged rafters, using pressure treated rood. Apply one layer of 43~ felt tin tacked, and then apply two (2) lays of 15# felt (glass fiber mat and asphalt) mopped on vith hot asphalt. Install 3' x 3~ galvanized gravel stop around eves. Flood coat and apply gravel or coat vith fibsred roof coating. 102. Tile T~De RoofZ Remove existing roof covering and replace damaged sheathing and rafters. Apply one layer of 43J felt tin tacked then apply one layer of 90# slate hot mopped on. Install tile, color and types specified in proposal. Roof tile shall not be applied to the surface of roofs having an incline of less than two and one half in 12 inches. Tile shall be stacked on roof for a period of seven days before laying in setting bed. Tile to be vet dovn before applied. 102. Tar and Gravel TYPe Roof with Para~etz Remove existing roof covering. Replace all deteriorated sheathing, reinforce or replace damaged rafters, using pressure treated wood. Repair parapet valls. If parapet vall is rebuilt,-prime concrete blocks. Broom clean all decks. All drains and/or scuppers to be repaired or replaced as determined at time of old roof removal. ~l~ce 2e x 2~ c~nt s~ri~s. ~1~ felt mid 90 lb. sinetel cosbination flashings AB 20 or I end se~brene' st i~ coating. Nain Roof: ~pply 43e felt turned up at least 4", E)nflllT ~" TO CaiTL&CI' C'1 mopped at parapet wall and tin tacked. Mop on two (2) layers 1S# felt. Flood coat entire roof using hot asphalt or coal tar pitch. Apply gravel or coat with fibsred roof coating. <Q> SOFFIT AND rAVES NOTEZ All newlyinstalled wooden soffit ,shall receive one (1) coat primer and two (2) coats of exterior, oil base semi-gloss. Nails used shall be galvanized type, and countersunk and holes to be filled with putty. 104. ~Verhan~ and lavess Enclose all saves indicated on Work Write-Up by applying 3/8" exterior plywood to underside of rafters. Enclosing of saves shall include installation of fascia board. Soffit shall'be solid, continuous vent or spot vented to assure all areas of roof adequate ventilation, and as indicated on Work Write-Up pursuant to Contractor inspection of premises. Screen wire used for ventilation shall be 18 x 14 mesh. 105. solfits Build soffit under roof overhang by installing 3/S" exterior plywood from end of rafter to wall of structure utilizing rafter returns. Soffit shall be constructed at 90 degrees to wall, parallel to ground, and shall not be attached to bottom of rafters. Maximum spacing for soffit supporting members shall be 24m center to center. Soffit shall be caulked at wall, and at end of rafter along fascia board. Soffit shall be solid, continuous vent, or spot vented as indicated on Contractor Bid Proposal. Screen wire used shall be aluminum 18 x 14 mesh. 106. 2~ucco Soffit Workx Install a 3/8" galvanized metal rib lath - lapped a minimum of 1" and secured with 3/8" dia. nails, or staples. Apply. stucco base and finish coats and include appropriate moisture barrier. 107. Fascias/Soffitsx Repair and replace all deteriorated fascias and soffit around house. No splicing shall be less than 5 FEET in length. Wood to match existing wood. <R> STUCCO WORK 108. Stucco Repair i lnstallationf Stucco shall be a mix of cement, lime,'sand and potable water or premixed and applied either with standard equipment or by hand. Finished stucco shall be a minimum of 1" thickness. Wire shall be 16 gauge. Dowels shall be metal. When applied to masonry, shall consist of at least two (2) coats. Cement shall comply withASTMC150, Type I or II having less than 15% water soluble alkali by weight in the combination of lime and cement. Lime to comply with ASTM C207 ~lde2.~ ~l&/W, 18 :! EXItflIT ~e TO CO~TUCT C'1 Types, hydrated lime for masonry, Sand (Mortar Aggregate) to comply with ASTM C144. Water to be clean and free from impurities and alkalis. Where pigments are required in order to match existing, use only chemically pure mineral oxides that are alkali proof and sun.fast. Where the Contractor deems special additives are necessar~ in order to'match existing, the Contractor shall receive the approval of the Housing and Urban Improvement Department for such additives. Finished surface shall be uniform, free from excessive build-up, runs, sags or defective materials. Contractor shall take care to maintain continued alignment of all surfaces and profiles. The Contractor shall remove all spilled, splashed or splattered stucco from all surfaces. 109. Stucco on Concrete! Applied surface to be clean, free from efflorescence, damp and sufficiently rough, or coated with approved bonding agent. Apply two (2) coats of at least 1/2s thickness. 110. Stucco on Woods Wood to be protected by 15# roofing felt, or other approved material. Stucco to be placed over expanded galvanized welded, or woven wire fabric minimum weight 1.8 lbs. per square yard. Fasten with approved fasteners. Stucco to be three (3) coats work of total thickness of not less than 1/2' each coat. -S> Termitess 111. Drywood Termitest Treat house by tent method, using Vykane gas. Owner to be notified of measures to be takeh while ' treatment is ongoing,.including precautionary measures. 112. Subterranean Termitesz Treat house by Soil Poisoning method, include all soil beneath structure to a 5'0" periphery to structure. Owner to be notified of measures to be taken while treatment is ongoing, including precautionary measures. 113. ~T~e~..~a~_~i3/ Tree removal requires a special permit. The contractor shall be held responsible for any and all damage to all areas in delivering materials or services. ,oo f187 :t 49 I:XNIIIT eAa TO C~IITIUi,CT C'1 ..cU~ t:TTILIT~ BUIT.,DIII(3 ~14. gtilitY Buildirises Furnish and install new metal utility .building of type and construction approved by the County or City, as applicable. Utility Buildings shall have two (2) sliding or hinged doors. Building shall be' constructed of .032# interlocking panels and shall be securely anchored to concrete slab. NOTes Utility Buildings are not an eligible expenditure for rehabilitation services performed with funding from Hurricane Assistance or State Housing Initiative Program (SHIP)funds. This section has been included for those instances where CDBG funds are used to fund rehabilitation services. <V> V~ITB XND CRAWE, SPACE ACCESS liD. Ve~ts crawl SDaoe a~cessf All crawl space entries and vents shall be replaced or repaired with 18 X 24 aluminum screen or aluminum vent cover appropriately framed. 116. ~peninas Beneath Rousef Protect all openings beneath the house, including basement or cellar windows and crawl space with an approved type of screening or lattice work to keep out large animals. <W> EXTERIOR R3fD IITEERIOR WALL )aID CEILING FINISIrES 117, Mouldim~x All walls to be finished with appropriate cove moulding, shoe moulding or baseboard. 112. ~Sw ceilin~ (Without Furrinu StriDs) x Install new ceiling in rooms indicated on the Work Write-Up. Ceiling shall be 1/2" sheetrock, taped, bedded, and sanded. Latex. paint shall be added to texture coat and ceiling painted., No paint to be applied before bedding is adequately dried. 119. New Ceilinax Install new ceiling in rooms indicated in Work Write-Up. Ceiling shall be 1/2" sheetrock, taped, bedded, and sanded. Latex paint shall be added to texture coat and ceiling painted. New ceiling shall be installed over furring strips, nailed to ceiling Joists and spaced 16" on center. Reinforce existing ceiling Joists where possible to prevent sagging. Install i 1/2" cove moulding around ceiling. Furring strips to be shimmed to level, as necessary. Ivfde;.v4, ?/14/~4 20 IXIIIIIT ~" TO COIfTItACT C'$ 120. Suspended Cellinq; Install 24" x 48" x 5/8" acoustical tile with straight edges on metal grid type suspended ceiling. Haintain ceiling height per code. Use wet felted process cellulose tile CL&SS "C" flame spread classification, Celotex or equal. 121. Suspended Ceilina (Liahted)s Install 24" x 48w metal grid type suspended ceiling clear prismatic design ceiling lighting panels ASTM CLASS 10 fire resistance, as Sears Polystyrene Plastic Light Panels, or equal. 122. Da~ajal~ Install 12" x 12- x 3/4- bevel edge for adhesive application, or tongue and groove edge for staple application. Class "C" flame spread classification. Celotex Corp., Johns-Mansville Corp., or equal. 123. Plaster Ceilina and Walls on Metal or Wire Lathx Apply three (3) coats of plaster to attain a minimum thickness of 5/8". Finish to match existing or as specified on Work Write-Up. 124. Plaster Ceiling and Walls and Gypsum Lathx Apply two (2) coats of plaster to attain a minimum thickness of Finish to match existing or as specified in Work Write-Up. 125. Ke~ak_YJ. TlJ~ Patch cracks in walls and/or ceilings of rooms indicated in Work Write-Up. Rake cracks clean, remove all loose plaster and fill with plaster.. New plaster shall be struck level with surrounding surface and finished to match existing plaster, as closely as possible. All lath or plaster board that is loose, must be replaced or fastened, as applicable. 126. ~ Install 1/2' sheetrock on walls indicated on Work Write-Up. Sheetrock shall be taped, bedded, and sanded edges of bedded areas and seams. 127. Wood Panelinux Install wood paneling of grade and style to match existing, secured by bonding adhesive and/or panel nails of blending color. Include all necessary mold and trim. Do not bond with adhesives directly to the interior or exterior concrete walls. 128. water Resistant Sheetrookl Install 1/2, water resistant sheetrock. 129. Wall and Ceramio Fixturesx Use U.S. Standard Quality, U.s. Romany tile, or equal. All surfaces to receive ceramic tile first be made even and straight and substrata cleaned of dirt, dust, and grease. All tile to be installed true and straight, and using applicable coring, trim and radius tile on walls and comers. An approved type adhesive such as water . ,o. ~67-i,-151 DINlIST "A· TO CONTRACT C-I resistant organic adhesive is required as a setting. All Joints to be grouted to £ull depth of units, and ceramic wail £ix~ures are to be architecturally located to be in line with the respective fixtures that they serve (as lavatories, bath tubs, etc.). Fixtures to be included as standa=~ are as ~ollows: One Towei Bar Combination Soap Dish & Grab ~ar inch Xrea . ~ooth B~sh Holder .Soap Dish · Toilette Tissue Holder 130. Zxterior Si~ina on Frame Houses Replace deteriorated wood frame, sheeting, building paper, and ex~cerior siding with new to match remaining existing (clapboard, exterior plywood, metal, asbestos, asphalt, or fiberglass shingles, stucco and/or brick veneer). 131. ~ Xny demolition work unde~caken shall include the hauling away of debris, including footings, slabs, block, etc. All excavated areas are to be filled and compacted level to conform with and match the landscape of areas directly adjacent to the excavated areas (as sand, sod, or other). <X> BOLXR ZN'BRG! SYBT~I 132. Solar Erieray Bvstem: Install solar heater system· Include storage tank~ collector, valves, vents, shut offs, safety valves and alI necessar~ plumbing to conform to local Codes. Permits and Plans to be provided by the Contractor. All work to have final approval of the City. Size capabilities of unite as recommended by plans architect and/or manufacturer and as approved the County and/or City, as applicable. ~s Agreement, made and entered into ~h~s <DA~>, ~n ~he year <>, by and between <0~, the Prope~y ~er, Pa~y of F~rs~ Pa~, and <~~0~, the Contractor, Pa~y of the Second Pa~. ~SSE~z ~at the pa~ies hereto, for the consideration herein set fo~~ually agree as follows: 1. ~~ ~e ConeraZor shall fum~sh all labor, ~ter~als, and e~l~ent and ~erfo~ all the necessa~ work ~e manner and fo~ prodded by the Con~rac~ ~men~s as here~naf~er defined for the Rehabilitation Const~ction prope~y located at <Address>, which by inference are made a of th~s contract. 2. ~~ ~e ~ope~y ~er shall pay, through assistance provided by the Res~denttal Rehabilitation ~ram, ~e Contractor, for the faithful perfo~ance of th~s Contra~, lawful money of the Un~ed Sta~es of ~er~ca, ~otal sum as fo11~sl Based on the Contract price sh~ ~n the Work Wr~e-Up heretofore sublimed ~o ~he ~roperty ~er, a copy of Work Write-Up being a pa~ of the Con~rac~ ~men~s ~he s~ Base Bid: ~ ~~ ~: $(<~0~) Pa~en~ shsxx be ma~e upon submission o~ p~oper d~en~a~on Reha~X~a~on ~:8m 8~ ae~ ~o~ ~n ~oun~y Ordinance No. 94- 3. ~~ O? ~RK/NOTX~ ~ PRO~SED: Work ~X ~o~e~ ~e~e, a~ ieeu8nee o~ ~ No~ee ~o Pro~ee~ by ~he P~o~e~y ~er 8pproved by ~he Housing en~ u~an Xm~ovemen~ Depa~me~ (~he ~Pr~ram A~in~s~a~o~w) ev~e~e~ by a e~e~ co~a~. Work mus~ conenee w~hin Ten (~0) cs~en~ar days 8~er ~eeusnee o~ ~he No~ce ~o ~oeee~. ~aye a~er ~seua~e or a No~ee ~o Pro~eed. ~e~e ~XX be ~s~e~ ~ama~es o~ $25.00 ~ day rot eve~ ~a]endar day ~e~ ~he compXe~on da~e. Any ~n~s ~or L~id8~e~ Damages ~esuX~ ~n s re~u~ion in ~u~e ~syab~e ~o ~he Co~a~o~ as s~s~ed ~n ~he Con~a~ For RehablXl~a~ion o~ ~er-Oe~p~ed emoun~ received ~y ~he ~ope~y ~er. de~aye~ a~ any ~me in ~he p~ess o~ ~e'work by any cause beyon~ ~he Con~ra~or~e con~roX or any oause ghieh ~e Housing en~ U~bsn Zmp~ovemen~ Deps~men~ de~e~inee may Justify dehy, ~e con~ra~ ~me m~y ~e extended ~y change o~der. DeXsys ~h~eh ~esuX~ ~rom Xabo~ e~o~8ge no~ cauee~ by Xabo~ diepu~es, ~rom ~a~Xu~e o~ ~he Contractors eubeo~r80~o~e or eu~pXie~e ~o pe~o~ on ~me, ~rom ~he necessity ~o corre~ de~ee~ive york o~ renxe~e dere~ve ms~e~exs e~e no~ cons~e~e~ ex~ss~xe s~s~X no~ be g~ounds ~or an ex~ension o~ ~lme. CONTRACT DOCDX~NTSZ The documents hereinafter listed shall 1 f)67,, 153 e~x~CX C4 form the Contract and they are as fully part of the Contract as if attached heretoE a. Contract for Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Evelling Unit b. Work Write-Up c. ~ny modifications Issued by Change Order hereafter 7. ~::)rPL~,ZNTB RNDDZB'PUTESI 1. General. The Property Owner is responsible for resolving any construction and post-construction complaints with the Contractor. 2. Informal Mediation. When the Property Owner and Contractor have made good faith efforts to resolve their differences without success, the Housing and Urban .Improvement Department may be called upon to mediate informally. In such cases, the. Program Administrator will review all of, the facts of each case carefully. 8. COF~aRCTOR,S INSURANCe: The Contractor shall furnish Certificates of Insurance to the Property Owner and the Housing and Urban Improvement Department prior to commencement of work. The insurance required shall be written for not less than any limits of liability required by law and shall include contractual liability insurance as applicableto the Contractor's obligations as set forth and attached to the responsible bidder's questionnaire. 9. OWNt~I,S INSURANCes The Property Owner shall be responsible for maintaining fire insurance, including extended coverage and other hazard insurance, in an amount equal to the value of the property. In addition, the Property Owner shall be required to purchase such insurance as is necessary to insure the Rehabilitation Construction project described in this contract until the proJect's completion. If the property is located within a Flood Hazard Area, the Property Owner shall maintain Flood Insurance until the Promissory Note is satisfied. 10. EOURL OPPORTUNITYt The ContraCtor willabide by all provisions set forth in the Anti-Discrimination Statement. A list of all pertinent provisions are attached as an addendumto this Agreement. The Contractor agrees to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the Property-Owner and the County and its agents for any losses incurred as a result of its failure to abide by the applicableAnti-Discrimination laws. 11. USE CF EXISTING UTILITIES BY CONTRACTORS AND/OR PROVISION OF TEMPORARY SERVICES OF BITES The Ownershall permit the Contractor to use, at no cost, existing utilities such as light, heat, power, and water necessary to carry out the completion of the Contract. If utilities are not currently in use, the Contractor's bid shall include an allowance for provision of temporary services. 12. CONTRACwfOR 8UPERVIBION OF EMPLOYEESl The Contractor will assure that all employees are neatly attired and conduct themselves in a courteous and orderly manner. No alcoholic beverages are to be allowed on the work site, nor are employees permitted to carry out the work while under the influence of any alcoholic beverages or other controlled substance. 13. MAINTENANCE OF PREMIOESI The Contractor shall keep the premises clean and orderly during the course of the work and remove all debris at the completion of the work. Materials and equipment that have been removed and replaced as 'par~ of the work shall belong to the Contractor unless otherwise specified. The Contractor shall always leave the premises at the end of the work day In a state that will provide protection of the premises, i.e., roof covering, 14. OCCUPANC"rOFTH~ PREMISESS [Check One] The premises will be occupied, or unoccupied, during the course of the con~truction. If occupied, the Property Owner shall cooperate with the Contractor to facilitate the performance of the work, Including the removal and replacement of rugs, coverings, and furniture as necessary. Once the work commences, the Contractor shall have free access to all parts of the premises requiring work. Should this access be limited in any way by the Property Owner or the tenant, the Contractor will be notified in advance and adjustments in the Contract will be made at that time. The Contractor shall permit observation of the work by the Property Owner and his agents at all times. 15. INSPECTION OF WORKS Personnel from the Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department, the Collier County Code Compliance Department, the City of Naples Building Division, any appropriate personnel from a participating local financial institution, and the Property Owner wtll be authorized to inspect all work done and material furnished at reasonable times. 16. CHANGE ORDERS ~ND MODIFICATIONSs Changes originating from any source must be approved in writing by the Program Administrator and by the Property Owner prior to the performance of the work requested In the change order. If any changes should be required and adequate funds are available, the contract sum shall be adjusted accordingly. Claims by the Contractor for extra work must be made in writing to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department before executing the work involved. Except as otherwise herein provided, no charges for any extra work or material wtll be allowed unless the same has been ordered in writing by the parties to the Contract and approved by the Program Administrator or his/her designee. 17. GUARANTEE OF WORKs The Contractor shall guarantee the work performed for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of all work required by the Contract and furthermore, furnish the Property Owner, in care of the Housing and Urban Improvement Department with all manufacturer's and supplier's written guarantees and warranties covering materials and equipment furnished under the Contract. The Contractor shall also correct any work that fails to conform to the requirements of the Contract which appears during the progress of the work. The Contractor shall remedy any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship which appear within a period of one year from the date of completion of the Contract. Where the Contract specifies a warranty period for the particular item of more than one year, the general and/or subcontractor must warrant the Item for the period specified, regardless of whether the work was performed by the general contractor or by a subcontractor. The general and/or subcontractor must take responsibility for ensuring that the warranty is honored. All requests for warranty repairs should be made in writing by the Property Owner to the Contractor. 18. LEAD BREED PAINT CERTIFICATIONs The Contractor and his subcontractors shall abate Lead-Based paint pursuant to HUD Lead- Based Paint Regulations, 24 CPR Part 35 and subsequent amendments and the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 4821-4826), as required in the schedule of work. 19. CONFLICT OF INTERESTS The Contractor hereby certifies when signing this Contract that he has no interest in this property or is not involved with the Property O~ner in any way. His only interest shall be in the fee to be paid to him upon proper completion of the Contract. 20. C0MPL~RNC~ WZTR LOCAL CODES AND ORDZFANCESt The Contractor shall perform all york in conformance with applicable codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of any Public Authority bearing on the performance of the work. If the Contractor observes that any of the Contract Documents are at variance in this respect, he shall promptly notify the Housing and Urban Improvement Department and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by appropriate modification. If the Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such lays, ordinances, etc., without notice to the Housing and Urban Improvement Department, he shall assume full responsibility and bear all costs attributable thereto. In addition, all work shall be done in compliance with the General Specifications for Home Repairs attached hereto as Exhibit 'B'. 21. ABSTGNMEI~ RND TRRNBFERz The Contractor shall not assign or transfer any of its rights, benefits or obligations herein, except for transfers that result from transfer or consolidation with a third party, without the prior written approval of the Property Owner and the Housing and Urban Improvement Department. The Contractor shallhave the right to employ other persons and/or firms to serve as subcontractors in connection with the requirements of the Contract. 22. =~BaIL~ATJg~s If through any cause, the Contractor shall . fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner his obligations under this contract, or if the Contractor shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract, the Property Owner shall thereupon have the right to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the Contractor at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the effective date of such termination. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive Just and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily completed under the Contract. The Contractor shall complete such work as may be directed by the Property Owner prior to the effective date of the termination. 23. J~z The provisions and scope of work included in this contract are severable. The oxouse of or nonperformance of a portion of this contract shall not excuse the Contractor from further performance or. completions of the Contract. 24. ~ONFLXCTXNG PROVISXONX Should an provision of this contract conflic~ with any other specif~cations or provisions included or incorporated by reference, the provision of the Contract shall control. 25. ~rVZRZ Any waiver by the Property Owner or the breach of any provision of this contract shall not be construed or deemed to be a modification of the terms of this contract. 26. H~LXEL~Ja~Jt Modification to covenants, terms and provisions of the Contract shall only be valid when issued in writin as a change order agreed to by both parties and authorized the by Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department, 27, YLtxGAL OR UNCONSTITUTIONRL PROVISIONSt Should a Court of law determine any provision of this contract to be contrary to the law, such a ruling shall not relieve the Contractor from fulfilling other responsibilities under the Contract. 28. HOLD HARMLESS RND INDEMNITYs The Contractor agrees through the signing of this document by an authorized party or agent that he shall hold harmless and defend the Property O~ner and their agent including the Housing and Urban Improvement Department from all suits and actions, including attorney's fees and all costs of litigation and Judgemerits of every name and description arising out of or incidental to the performance of this contract or work performed thereunder, whether or not due to or caused by negligence of the Property Owner and their agent excluding only the sole negligence of the Property Owner. This provision shall also pertain to any claims brought against the Property Owner by any employee of the named contractor, any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employedby any of them. The Contractor's obligation under this provision shall not be limited in any way to the agreed upon contract price as shown in this contract or the Contractor's limit or lack of sufficient insurance protection. IN WITNESS WHEPaOF the said party of the first part and the said party of the second part hereby agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of T~IS COSTRXCT ~XZCUTED TH~ DX~ ~ ~ FIMT~X~~, <OWNERs, PROPERTY OWNER WITNESS PARTY OFT HE FIRST PART WITNESS ,CONTRACTORs, CONTRACTOR WITNESS P~TY OF THE SECOND PART WITNESS APPROVED: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By2 TIMOTHY J. CONSTANTINE, EXHZBXT cA' TO CONTRACT C-2 ADDENDUN TO CONTRACT BETWEEN PROPERTY OWNER AND CONTRACTOR R~X-DXNCRXHXNATXON STATEMENT SPECIAL ~OUAL OpPORTU~ZTY PROVXSXONS ~ctivitiJJ and Sontracts Not subject Co Executive Order 11246. as Amended (Applicable to Federally assisted constructlos contracts Ind related subcontracts $10,000 and under.) During the perEormsnce oZ this contract, the Contractor agrees as The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant. for employment because oZ race, Color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure tha~ applicants for employment are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, withou~ regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but be limited co, the followingx employment, ul~rading, demotion, or transfer~ recruitment or recruitment IdverCisingX layof~ or termination~ rates o~ pay or other ~orms oZ compensaCionx end selection for training, including ipprenticeshlp. (2) The Contractor shill post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by Contracting Officer setting forth the provisions o~ this nondiscrimination clause, The COntractor shall stare chic qualif~ed applicants ~lll receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (3) Contractors shill incorporate foregoing requirements in all subcontracts. Civil Riohis Act o~ 1964 Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act oZ 1964, no person shell, on the grounds of rice, color, age, national origin or mental or physical handiclp, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any prodrim or activity receiving Federal ~insncial assistance. Section 109 o~ the Housina lnd Community Development Act o~ 1974 a. No person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be suDJected to discrimination under any prqram or acclvity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this t~tle. * parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas. Title vzr of the Civil Riohis of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3601, ec sea,), as amended, requires that the Program affirmatively further fair housing, and prohi~Lts discrimination against persons on the basis o~ race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. "Section 3' Comollance ih the ProvLaLon of TraLnLna. ~moloyment and a. The work to be performed under thLs contract is on a project assisted under · program providing dLrect Federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Develolxnent Act of 1968, aa amended, 12 UoS.C. lT01u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given lover income residents of the project ·re· end contracts for ~ork in connection with the project'be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the area of the project. b. The parties to this contract will comply with provisions of said Section 3 and the regulations issued pursuant thereto by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development set forth Ln 24 CFR 134, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department issued thereunder prior to the execution of this contract. The parties to this contract certify and agree that they are under no contractual or other dllability which would prevent them from complying with these requirements. c, The contractor will send'to each labor organizatLon or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, If any, a notice advising said labor organization or s~orkerl' representative'of'his commLtmente under thai notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment or tr·lnLng. d. The Contractor will include thLm Section 3 clause in every subcontract for york in connection with the project and will, ·t the direction of the applicant for or recipient of Federal financial assistance, take appropriate action pursuant to the subcontract upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of the regulations issued by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 24 CFR Part 13S. The contractor will not subcontract with any subcontractOr where it has notice or knovledge that the latter has been found in violation of regulations under 24 CFR Part 135 and will not let any subcontract unless the subcontractor his first provided lc with · preliminary statement of ability to comply wLth the requLremencs of these regulations. e. Compliance with the provisLone of SectLon 3, the regularLone set ~orth ~n 24 crR Part Z3S, and all apl}licable rules and orders of the Department issued hereunder prLor Co the execution of the contract, shall be in cond~tLon o~ the federal fLnancLal assistance provided to the project, and bLnding upon the applicant or recipient for such assistance,, its successors and assigns. Failure to fulfill these requirements shall subject the applicant, or recipient, its contractors or subcontractors, its successors and assigns Co those sanctions specified by the grant or loan agreement or contract through which federal aSslet·rice L· provLded, and tosu~h sanctions as Ire spaelf'ted by 24 CPR Part ~35, ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT BETWEEN PROPERTY OWNER AND CONTRACTOR AWEX-DZICltINIIIRTXON STATEMENT ~PECIAL EOUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVrSIONS ~ctivities and Contracts Not subject to Executive Order 11246. as Amended (Applicable to Faderally assisted construction contracts and related subcontracts $10,000 and under.} During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: (1} The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or al~plicant for'employment because of rice, color, religion, sex, or national origin.' The Contractor shill take affirmative iction to ensure that applicants for employment are employed, and that employees ire treated during employment, without regard to their rice, color, religion, sex, or nltional origin. Such iction shall include, but not be limited to, the followings employment, upgrlding, demotion, or trlnsfer$ recruitment or recruitment advertisingl layoff or terminationl rates of ply or other forms of compensations and selection for training, including apprenticeship. (2) The Contrlctor shill post In conspicuous places, availibis employees and Ippllclntl for employment, notices to be provided by Contracting Officer letting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. The Contractor shall stirs that cjualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regird to rice, color, religion, sex, or nationli origin. (3)Contractors shall incorporate foregoing rec/uirements in subcontracts. givil glahts Act of 1964 Under Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, no person shall, On the grounds of race, color, age, nationll origin or mental or physical handicap, be excluded from participation In, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. ~ection 109 of the Housina and Co~wmanity DeveloDeen~ Act of 1974 i. No person in the United States shall onthe ground of rice, color, nltionil origin, or sex be excluded from participation In, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in pitt with funds mlde available under parking lots, drinking.fountains, recreation or entertainment areis. TItle VZZ of the Civil Rlahte of 196e 142 U.S.C. 3601, e= sea~), is amended, requires that the Program affirmative~y further fair housing, and prohLbLts discrimination against persons on the bills of race, color, religLon, lax, or national origin. "Section :)" ComoZLance J~ the ProvLaLon o~ TraLnLna. Emotoyment and §um~nesa O~ortunLctes a. The ~ork to ~ ~:to~ unde~ ChLs contract Ls on a ~:oJecC assLaCed under a pr~:am ~=ovLdLng dLce~ r~era~ [LnancLa~ aseLscance ~r~ the DepartNnt o~ HoueLng and Urban DeveZo~nc and ~s subject Co the :~L:mntsof SecCLon 3 of the HousLng and Urban Deve~o~nc ~cc ot X968, as mnd~, Z2 U.S.C. ~?0Zu. Secc~on 3 r~u~res Chat Co the greatest extent teasLb~e op~rCunLC~es to: cra~nLng and q~o~nt ~ gLven Z~: Lnc~e ~esLdents of the project area and Contracts for ~tk Ln connectLon ~Lth the pro~ect ~ a~atded to haLnasa concerns ~hLch a~e ~ocated Ln, or ~ned ~n eubstsntLa~ pact by ~=mons tesLdLng Ln the area of the project. b. ~he partLee to th~e contract ~J~Z c~Xy vLth pt~eJone of saLd Section 3 and the reguZatLons Lesued ~rsuant thereto by Secretary o~ HousLng and Urban Deve~o~nt set forth Ln 24 Z34, and a~Z a~Lcab~e tu~ee and Orders o~ the DepttNnt Lslued thereunder prLor to the executLon of thLe contract. ~he partLee to thLs contract certLfy and agree that they ate under no contcac~uaZ or other dLsabL~Lty ~hLch ~uZd prevent th~ c~pZyLng .Lth these c. ~he contractor ~L~Z .send to each ~a~t organt=atLon or tepcesentatLve of ~ckets ~Lth ~hLch he hat a coZYactive batgaLnLng agreent or other contract ot undetstandLng, Lf any, a notLce advLsLng eatd ~a~t otqan~zatLon.ot cepresentatLve of hLs c~LtNnts under thLs notLce Ln cons~Lcuoue ;Zaces avaLZabZe to e~es and a~Lcants for ~Zo~nt ot ttaLnLng. d. the ~nttactot ~LZZ LncZude thLe 8ectLon 3 cZause Ln every subcontract for ~ck Ln connection .Lth the project and vLZ~, at the d~cectLon of the a~Lcant forot tecL~Lent of redeta~ ~LnancLa~ aesLstance, take apetop=Late action ~=suant to the subcontract u~n a fLndLng that the subcontractor Ls Ln vLoZatLon o~ the cegu~atLons Lssued by the Secretary of HoueLng and Urban DeveZo~ent, 24 C~R Part 135. ~he contractor ~LZZ not subcontract vLth any subcontractor ~hete LC hal notLce ot kn~Zedge that the Zatter has mn found Ln vLoZatLon of reguZatLons under 24 CtR Part 135 and ~LZZ not ~et any subcontract unZess the subcontractor has flier provLded Lt ~Lth a ~te~m~naty atetent of abLZLty to c~p~y ~Lth the of these teguZatLone. e. C~pZLance ~th the ptovLsLons of Section 3, the t~ZatLons eat forth Ln 24 CrR Part Z35, and a~ applLcab~e rules and orders the Department Lesu~ hereunder prLot co the executLon o~ the contract~ sha~l be Ln condLtLon of the ~ederaX aseLetance provLded to the project, and bLnding u~n the ap~Lcanc or cecLpLent for such seaLstance, LtB succeelots and assLqne. Failure to Eu~fL~ these =~uLrenteeha~Z subject the appZLcan~, or =ecLpLent, Lte contractors ot su~ontractot8, Lts ~uccessota and assLgne to those eanctLons s~cLfL~ by the grant oc [oan agescent or contract through vhtch [~e:a~ aseLstance ;, pcovLded, and to such eanctLons as ace s~cL~Led by 24 CFR Part ~35. ~ TO ~ C-2 COLLZZit COUNTY HaID~I~ ~ILXTXTION ~ P~a~ General Specif~cations for Rehab~litation and H~e Repairs MATERIALS/aft)WORKMANSHIP - GEI~P. aL l. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Building Code, 1991 edition, as amended (hereinafter cited as "S.B.C."}. Additions and structural changes must also conform to the Collier County Housing Ordinance, Ordinance No. 89-06, as amended, and the City of Naples Minimum Housing Code, Ordinance 92-6122, as amended. All required permits and approved plans must be made available for the appropriate inspecting authorities at all times during the construction process and copies-must be provided to Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department prior to the commencement of construction. 2. Repairs shall be made to all surfaces damaged by the Contractor resulting from his work at no additional cost to the Owner. Where "Repair" is called for by the Work Order, the feature (floor, wall, ceiling, door, window or trim, etc.} excluding ornamentation shall be placed in "Equal to New Condition", taking into account the fact that old buildings cannot be made "As New" and that some lines and surfaces may remain irregular, slightly out of level or plumb, either by patching or replacement; all damaged or loosed, or rotted parts of wood, metal or plaster shall be removed and replaced and the finished work shall match adjacent work in design and dimension. Such patching and replacement shall be made. to blend with existing work, at the minimum including painting and/or staining to blend, so that the patch or replacement will be inconspicuous. ZZ, ZNTERPRETATZON 1. The term "or equal" shall be interpreted to mean equal in quality, design and integral properties. No substitutions shall be made without the prior written approval of Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department. Proposed substitutions must be clearly designated on the Contractor's aid Proposal. EXNIIIT "'F* TO CONTRACT ZZZ. GE~I'gR3LT~:)~DZ~ZOX8 Work in Oa~ied 8t~ctures~ The Contractor shall bs res~nsible for ~hs s~ora~e and sa~e~y oZ his ~ ma~erial. ~s~er assumes no liability ~ha~ever for any material damaged or s~olen on ~he premises ~hers such has no~ been brou~h~ into ~s buildin~. ~y damage ~o~ or loss by ~he~ or vandalism any ma~erial~ appu~enance or appliance, after such has been brou~h~ into ~he buildin~ applied~ conne~ed or ins~alled shall bs ~hs sole responsibili~y oZ ~hs Contractor until said i~em has been inspected and approved by ~he ~er and Collier County Housin~ and Urban Improvemen~ Depa~men~. In ~hs svsn~ ~ha~ ~he ~er elects ~o use any completed or pa~ially completed potion o~ ~he buildin~, ~hen ~he Contractor is released ~rom above liabilities o~ all ~hs materials within ~hs octpied potion of ~hs buildin~. ZV. BI~OZTXCX~ZONB <A> M.,U'MZNUXAltlrJ:NOB XNDC'ANOP2' 1, Aluminum Door Canoo?z Furnish and install baked enamel aluminum door canopy over exterior doors. Indicated in the Work Order of kind and construction approved by Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department and of color selected by the owner with "Drop," "Projection," and 'Width" as indicated in Work Order. Provide for adequate door swing clearance, and include hurricane tie down fasteners. 2. ~luminum Xwninass Supply and install baked enamel aluminum awnings of type indicated in the Work Order and of color selected by the Owner. All fittings shall be provided, including hurricane tie downs. Awnings manufactured by Hurricane Awning, or equal. <B> APPLIANCES - ELECTRIC AND GAB NOTES All units must be repaired or installed new to comply with the model energy efficiency codes for building construction as per the State of Florida. · Contractors shall supply the Home Owner with original warranties and/or guarantees. Owner shall have selection of available colors. · A shut-off safety valve must be installed in the connec~cing gas pipe to any gas appliance. 3. Bleotrio Water Heaters Provide and install a glasslined, quick recovery, electric water heater. Heater shall wld~b.W ~1&/9~ 2 ~ ~ C~IrrlU~"T be equipped with a hiqh limit safety cut-off and a pressure relief valve piped to the outside. Heater shall be 220 volt, double element, 4500 watts with minimum five year ~uarantee. Heater shall be minimum 30 gel. capacity. NOTes All heaters installed outside must be placed on a leveled concrete or block surface and adequately protected from the elements. 4. Gas Water Heaters Provide and install a glass lined, quick recovez7 gas water heater. Heater shall be equipped with a high limit safety cut off and pressure relief valve pipe to the outside. Heater shall have a minimum five year ~uarantee, and be minimum 30 gal. capacity. Heater is to be vented outside. NOTEs All heaters installed outside mustbe placed on a leveled concrete or block surface and adequately protected from the elements. s. Radiant Heaters Furnish and install surface mounted radiant heater. Heater shall be in the 4000 watt range, have a circulation fan, and thermal overload safety control. Heater shall be a minimum of 13,000 BTU. 220 volt. Include connections to electric service. Ileotric Ranqox Replace old range with new electric range. New range shall be 30' free standing, with clock, 1 hour timer, appliance outlet, and Visa Bake door. Includes pig tail installed, and range to be made operative. Sears 62641/62631, or equal. 7. Gas Ranass Replace old range with new gas range. New range shall be 30" free-standing, with clock, 1 hour timer, and Visa Bake door. Include connections to electric service and provision for gas hook-up. 8. Electric Refriaeratorx Replace old refrigerator with a new minimum 16.0 cubic foot, frost free unit with two doors with separate freezer compartment. Sears Nodel 63601, or equal. 9. Rants Ho94;. Install new ductless type range hood. Include connections to electric service. 10. Ranae Hoods Install new range hood vented outside. Includes electric service and duct work. To deliver 160 C.F.N., minimum. Air Conditionors Install reverse cFcle air conditioner with BTU capacity to conform to requirements for the size of the volume of the area to be cooled/heated. Sears model or equal. ~lck2b.w ~1&/94. 3 EXWIIIT F TO COltTRACT ~ir Conditioner with neat strin: Install air conditioner with BTU capacity to conform to requirements for the size of the volume of the area to be cooled. Heat strip as required to BTU capacity to conform to requirements for the size of ~he volume of the area. Sears model or equal. 13. Gas ~urnaCef Provide and'install nov gas furnace, complete with vent stack piped to exterior of house. Furnace shall be equipped with a thermostat, blower, and BTU capacity as required. All wiring to be enclosed in wire mold, and heater to be connected by authorized gas service personnel, approved by City. 14. Gas Wall Furnace; Provide and install new gas wail furnace completely ready for use. Direct vent, BTU required, wall mounted, with circulating fan and exterior unit control. Electric service required for fan. To be inspected and connected by authorized gas service personnel. 15. Bathroom Exhaust Ymnf Fan to be Sears Ventilator Fan Nodel ;42A9856 or equal, vented to the outside. 11. Blackton Drivel Install blacktop drive as provided in Work Order. All base material to be compacted to obtain minimum thickness. Prepare all grading to carry water away from building. Blacktop shall not be less than'l 1/2" thick after competition. ,D> CABZI~"rS The contractor shall repair, .pain~, or ma~ch any area aZfe~ed by rn~al or replacemen~ oE cabinets or counter ~ops, All areas (~loors, walls, or ceilings) aZ~e~ed by cabine~ removal, ~ST be filled In ~o level oZ exis~ln9 surfaces, usin9 c~parable ma~erials, and sealin~ o~f areas ~o be roach and r~en~ prooZ, ~rior ~o ins~alling e~ine~s. 17, Kitchen Base C~ine~ss Base cabine~ shall be Fo~ica, clad 1/32" minimum ~hickness, vl~h appropriate doors and drawers. Counter ~op o~ cablne~ shall be approxima~ely 25" ~ide ~i~h a ~ull backsplash, Fo~ica ~o be 1/16" minimum ~hic~ess, or e~al. Base cabinets ~o have 1/2" ~hick shelves. Include all drawer hardyare, catches, and pulls o~ approved design and ~o~ ~ali~y per manu~ac~urer's specs. ln~erior ~o be vinyl clad, 18. Wall Cabine~ss Kitchen wall cabinets shall be clad vi~h Fo~ica 1/32" minimum ~hickness. All door and shelf edges shall be ~rl~ed vi~h Fo~ica. Cabine~ length, auger oZ 13mtitT -r' ~ CX3TtU~'T C-Z shelves, doors, and hardyare as specified in proposal including at least two shelves of 1/2e thickness. Include all necessary door pulls and catches of manufacturer's good grads and quality. Interior to be vinyl clad. 19. Xsdicine Cabineft Cabinet to be metal construction, Salgar model exlol or equal. 20. (This item intentionally lest blank.) FENCING [This section left intentionally blank] [This item left intentionally blankI 4F~ COl~ WORI' 22. Walks. Drives. and Patiost Concrete used shall not be less than 2,500 P.S.I. strength in 28 days. Slab to be 4e thick reinforced with 6" by 6w no. 10/10 welded wire. Steel trowel, wood float or approved finish shall be used. Walks, drives, patios and ramps shall have expansion Joints in them to divide them into blocks and shall also be edged. All drives, walks, patios and ramps shall be graded to slope away from house. Finish grade of work shall be held close to ground grade so cars may have easy access to drives7 walks and drives shall not have dangerous step-ells. When forms are removed, use necessary fill. Grading and sodding shall be done to match existing. (Scored contraction Joints at 5'0 center and expansion Joints at 20' center). "Fill" shall be sand, selected earth, shale, or gravel free form all extraneous substances. 23. Footings and/or Foundation Walls & Tie Beamsz Shall be constructed according to the sizes, shapes and other details on the approved drawing. Where no such drawings exist, they shall be made in accordance with applicable County and/or City codes and/or ordinances,as amended, and as applicable. 24. Vapor Barriers Shall be poly-urethane/plastic sheeting or asphalt impregnated felt, in thickness or layer specified in any area to be used as living area. :5. Concrete Porcht Replace existing porch with new concrete porch with 10~X 16" continuous concrete footing with 2 - No. 5 reinforcing rOds. Foundation walls shall be concrete block. Porch floor shall be 4" thick~ 2,500 P.S.I. concrete reinforced with 6" x 6" No. 10/10 welded wire. Concrete porch to be separated from main body of house by 1/2' asphalt impregnated expansion material. ~ : Ssd~b~b.t,p 7/ls/94 S -,~:.. j, EX'RIIIT I'l" TO Car'tRACT C-2 26. COncrete Stepst Poured concrete steps shall be properly formed and poured with 2,500 P.S.I. concrete over firm, undisturbed soil. Brick, stone, or broken concrete may be used as fill material. The treads shall have a non-skid finish. 27° Concrete Piers on Isolated Footinasz Footing for piers are to be not less than 10" deep, and 20" x 20" square and piers no less than 8a wide by 16" long (nominal sizes), provided with termite shields where applicable. 28. Xasonr~ Wall Roe.ire All mortar Joints shall be cleaned of loose mortar and shall be tuck pointed with new mortar in an approved manner. Any chipped blocks shall be patched with mortar and any structurally damaged block shall be removed and replaced with a new, properly set in a new bed of mortar. <a~ Doozt8 M~) WINDOWS NOTes When replacing door Jambs or frames, all necessary trim is to be included in the bid price. Windows are to be caulked. All windows and doors are to be installed to meet energy saving criteria. Contractor shall repair, paint or match any interior or exterior areas affected by the removal or install.tie. of windows, doors, etc. Exterior doors are to be painted with two coats of oilbase paint or varnish, top, bottom, and edges. Bid price shall include repairing and/or replacing all trim. 29. Install in histin. Jambf Doors shall be I 3/8" interior t~pe. Install door plumb with 1/8" clearance at head and Jamb and 1/8" clearance at floor threshold or rug, whatever the case may be. Mortise new door to receive an appropriate privacy/passage lock. Adjust all hardware so door works properly andleave door clean, smooth and finished as specified. Include applicable type of door stops. 30. Interior Pre-huna Unitt Install to consist of hollow core door, Jamb, trim and hardware including lockset. Paint or finish as specified. 31. Solid Wood Core Doort Install plain, undecorated 1 3/4e thick solid wood core door unit complete with door, Jamb, trim, threshold, hinges, lock and weatherstrip. Install door plumb with 1/8" clearance at head Jamb and 1/8" clearance at floor threshold or rug, whatever the case may be. Mortise new door to receive appropriate lock (Schlage middle grade or equal). To include Single Cylinder Dead Bolt ~ock. Adjust all hardware so door works properly. Sand smooth and install safety chain, or ~lde2b.~ W14/9~ 6 EXllIIIT ale TO COIlTRACT stop as applicable. When door is more than 5' from vindov, security "peep" shall be installed. 32. Door Frames Replace deteriorated door frame or Jamb with new solid wood frame or Jamb, and all necessary trim as needed. 33. New Exterior Doorl Doors shall be 1-3/4" thick solid wood. Door shall be sized to fit existing opening, include keyed earl7 lock and weatherstrip, door stop or safety chain as applicable, 1-1/'2 pair hinges, and Single Cylinder Dead Bolt, threshold, and security "peep". 34. Miami Slide TVDe Doorl Install new 1-3/4' wood exterior door incorporating a double or single hung window section. Window unit to have metal t~pe of muntins and mullions. Include a security t~pe 9 gauge steel diamond mesh grill mounted either inside or outside of door using tamper proof fasteners. Door to have 1-1/2" pair hinges, all hardware, weatherstripping, door stop or safety chain, door lock set and aluminum screen in window unit. Include Single Cylinder Dead Bolt. 35. New Screen Doors Screen door shall be a minimum of 1" square all aluminum, pre-hung, with metal Jamb, lock and closer. "Featherlite," "Look," or equal quality with aluminum screen. Bottom screen panel shall be reinforced. 36. i~TJ_t~_D~.~A Rescreen indicated - using 18 x 14 mesh aluminum/nylon screen wire. When existing screen mold is split or damaged, replace. Reinforce bottom panel. 37. Exterior Xluminum Threshold Plate of AnDroved Grades Install either straddle or interior mounted as applicable. Fasten securely using necessary fastening devices (wood or concrete), as per manufacturer's recommendations. 38. ~ Install flush, sectional steel door, "Cotdes" or equal, as per manufacturer's recommendations, including all necessary framing and brackets, stops, hardware, and trim. 39. Restteen Indicated Window Screensz Use 18 x 14 mesh aluminum/nylon screen wire. Replace damaged screen mold and damaged or missing hooks and hangers. 40. aluminum Framess Replace indicated window screen frames with new aluminum frames, minimum of 3/8' by 1", .032 thick complete with aluminum screen, fitted to existing opening. EXIIIIIT q* ~ C~TRACT Wood Window Sashx Replace with new sash of proper size, glazed and finished. 42. Wood Windowt Overhaul to operate freely. Replace broken or cracked glass. Install or replace broken or missing window locks, bar lifts, and/or weights as needed. All windows must have a device so they will remain in fixed position when opened. Old putty to be removed and replaced with new. 43. Xluminua Windowst Overhaul to operate properly. Replace broken or missing torque-bar operators. All broken glass shall be replaced with new glass. Replace all damaged or missing aluminum glazing beads. 44. Xluminum Xwnina TvDet Furnish and install windows as indicated. New windows shall be as manufactured by Yale O~ron or equal, and shall have the following features: Vinyl weather-stripping, nylon bushings, self-locking operator with torque-bar, removable screen and aluminum glazing bead. 45. Xluminum Sinale ~runa Windowsx Windows shall be manufactured by Yale C~Jron, or equal, and to include removable screen. ]IOTSt The Contractor shall verify adequacy of existing electrical service for 'adding electrical devices and bid price shall reflect installation to meet existing electrical codes. All exposed wire to be encased in wire mold; All non-conforming wires shall be removed. All electric work must be completed in accordance with the National Electric Code and the S.B.C. 46. Rewire Entire House as Follower Remove existing service complete to weatherhead and all exposed wiring throughout the house. (Existing electrical equipment throughout the building which becomes superfluous, antiquated, or obsolete shall be disconnected and removed. Existing material found to be in 9ood condition and in compliance with the National Electric Code may be left in service.) Patch all work scarred by such removal to match existing surrounding surfaces. Install a 150 amp service. Install a new circuit breaker panel of sufficient size to can7 the number of circuits required to service the house. Use GFCI breakers where required. Branch circuits shall be of sufficient number and size for anticipated loads, and in no case shall any living unit have less than two (2) lighting circuits of 15 amps each and one (1) appliance circuit of 20 amps, Separate circuit for water heater, refrigerator, and proper grounds. All new wiring shall be copper, double insulated wire eufcbS~.k9 ?11~/9& 8 graftliT ~ia TO c~ru~ C-2 or THHNwire enclosed in metal conduit, size according to the demand of particular circuit. An additional four (4) circuits must be provided and to be left blank. 47. Service and Breaker PaneIx Install new 150 amp 120/240v single phase electrical service entrance. Service shall include weather proof cabinet, main disconnect, necessary circuit breakers, and proper ground. All new wiring shall be copper double insulated wire. Patch any damaged surfaces to match existing. 48. §ervice with Souorate Main Disconnects Install a new 120/240v minimum 1S0 amp service complete with separate main disconnect switch and proper ground. Include adequate mast and weatherhead. Main disconnect to be placedoutside when existing main disconnect or panel is more than S' from exterior door or window. Patch any damaged surfaces to match existing. 49. 1so RMP Minimum Panels Remove old panel and replace with new 150 amp circuit breaker panel. Panel to have four (4) spare two pole circuits, and/or amp. main.breaker. S0. Recentmelees Install duplex electrical receptacles and cover plates, flush, 15-20 amps. 51. ~a~ Replace duplex electrical receptacles and cover plates, flush, 15-20 amps. 52. ODeretina Switohx Install new single pole toggle switch and cover plate, flush, 15A-125V. S3. ODeretina Switchx Replace with new single pole toggle switch and cover plate. S4. ~hree-Wlv Switchsee Install 3-way operating switch as indicated on Work Write-Up. SS. Wall or Ceilina Liahtz Install fixture to replace deteriorated fixture. Allowance for receptacle specified in Work Write-Up. Fixture will include glass globe and switch. 24. Ceilina Liehas Install new fixture. 57. ~pDliance ReceDteolesl Install appliance receptacle(s) on back splash of base cabinet. 58. Ground Fault Circuit lnterruDter:. Install a G.F.C.I receptacle in bathroom'appliance outlet, connected to a separate circuit. DilllIT ,10 TO COSTtACT S9. gmercencv Exit Liahtls Shall be installed in hallways. Emergent-/lights shall be AC operated, battery back- up, and connected to house meter. 60. Smoke Detectors Shall be AC operated with battery back-up units installed in hallway(s), to be connected to house mater without interr~ption of electrical supply. Detectors inside of dwellings shall be installed above door leading to bedrooms. Electrical supply shall be connected to .refrigerator circuit. ~X~ FLOOR AHDCOVEItlNGN ~]~d_]f~[~L All sheet viny1 and floor tile to be covered by shoe mold at walls and cabinets. All underla~ment must be securely fastened, all nail holes and cracks must be filled and smooth to present a uniform surface. for the installation of the floor tile or vinyl covering. Care must be taken in applying floor mastic to avoid "bleeding" between tile, as this condition is not acceptable to the County or the City. 61. Floor Yramin~s Remove deteriorated floor Joists and replace with new Joists of No. 2 Southern Yellow Pine or other approved materials with same dimensions as old Joists. Replaced floor Joists shall be supported at their extreme ends by either a 2' x 2w ledger or metal Joist hanger. Toe nailing only will not be accepted. All floors shall be properly reinforced. 62. Wgod Floor Underlavment and Preparations All broken or damaged floor material to be replaced and level before applying minimum 1/4' A.C. interior plysod. Underlayment to be secured by 3D ring shank nails (or equal),all nail heads to be counter sunk, and nail heads and cracks to be filled in with approved wood filler. Floors to be finished smooth and level, and thoroughly cleaned before applying floor cover. NOTes All replacement of sills, plates and Illsot Joists to be pressure treated material. 63, Concrete Floor UnderlaYmerit and PreDarationx All floors to be cleaned of oily substances, holes and cracks filled with grout, and floors sanded or finished smooth and level, before applying floor cover. All cracks and voids to be filled with a manufacturer's approved t~pe filler, and all surfaces to be level, smooth, clean and dry, prior to installing floor cover. 64. ~ Apply 1/16" vinyl-asbestos floor tile (Armstrong Excelon 1/16" or equal) using adhesives as recommended by manufacturer. Care must be exercised by installer to avoid DillIT whiled:fige of adhesive between tile. This condition is not acceptable. S5. Ceramic Floor Tiles Use U.S. Standard quality - as U.S. Romany Tile or equal. All surfaces must be clean and level before applying ceramic tile. All tile must be placed to attain uniform spacing, and level with other tile, using approved style latex-portland cement or equal. All flooring to be stable and non-flexing, before installing ceramic tile. All Joints to be full grouted to full depths of units. All surfaces must be cleaned and polished as completion of work. Tile to be sloped 1/8' per foot minimum towards floor drains, as applicable. $S. ~ Prepare and install .090" minimum thickness x 12' sheet vinyl floor cover over underlayment. ~uality criteria Amtico Flooring Division,. Congoleum Industries, Inc., or equal. 67, Replaced Damseed Floor:ha in Roomst Nev flooring shall match existing in. size, quality, color, and finish, as closely as possible using standard available products, 68. Replace Deteriorated Wood Flooring: Match existing materials as closely as possible, fill in'holes, sand and finish with 2 coats urethane type finish. 69. Terrazso Floors: Clean, fill in holes with grout, matching existing finish as closely as possible. Grind repaired areas to blend. Seal and apply one coat of wax and polish floors. 70. CarPet: Prepare and install carpet of good grade or commercial grade carpet as per work Work Write-Up. Provide metal strips, tackless strips, adhesives, tapes and all other necessary accessories. Install 64 oz. minimum carpet cushion, waffle type. Quality of carpet to meet F.H.A. standards. Acceptable manufacturers include Armstrong Company, Rexbury Carpet Company, Celotex Corp., Sears, and Montgomery Ward. All carpsting to be properly fitted, with no fillers less than 12" wide or 36' long. <;> GUTTERS AND DOWNSI~UTS: 71. ;llvanised Gutters: Shall be no less than 26 gauge and 5" outside diameter half round galvanized metal securely fastened with strap hangers. Downspouts shall be no less than 26 gauge and 3" round galvanized metal fastened with strap hangers at each Joining. Splash blocks.shall be installed stall downspout terminals. 72. Xluminum ~utters and Downsbourse Shall be 32 gauge "K" style with baked on enamel finish to include all accessories, (hangers, Joints, and caps, angles and splash blocks). Use only aluminum nails if feral is to be utilized in installation. Nails to be installed at least every 16'. ~Z> IlISULRTIOII 73. =IZI~3JJ~L~ Material shall be as manufactured by Owens Coming Fiberglass, U.S. Gypsum., Johns-Mansville, Certainteed Products Corporation, National Cellulose Corp., Mono-Term or U.S. Fiber Corp. or equal. All materials shall bear labels indicating that the material is cer~ified by Underwriter Laboratories, Inc., as non-combustible and by Factory Mutual System as Approved Class I. All insulation shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the Underwriter Laboratories Fire Code. 74. Mineral-Fiber Blanket Insulations Install spun non- combustible mineral fiber blanket with a non-flammable vapor barrier on inside (room-side) face. Provide anchoring flanges for open or exposed installations. Conform to Federal Specification IGI-I-521E Type II. 75. CeXlulose Fiber (Blown in and Pouredllnsulationz Install loose cellulose fibers treated to be non- combustible, fire resistant, rot resistant, and dimensionally stable (non-settling or shrinking). Fire hazard classifications~ Flame spread 20, fuel contributed 10, smoke' developed <L> LXNDFILL' 72. ~ Provide and install clean sand or fill as approved by Owner in 811 low areas. Grade fill to slope away from house to provide adequate drainage. <1(> PAINTZNQ MOTB~ The use of lead-based paints is prohibited on any surface (Ref. Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, 84 Star. 2080X 42 CFR Paint 30.) 77. Preparation Before Paintin~o and Paintin~s Contractor shall repair, paint or match any interior or exterior areas affected by removal or installation of materials. All paint and other finished materials shall be o~ good quality such as Pittsburgh, Sherwin l~illiams, Benjamin Moore, Tower or approved equal. No paint shall be applied until all nail holes have been puttied and all defects in wood work have been W~d~b.~ Fn~ 12 !~IIT ~a TO IXITaACT eliminated. All surfaces to receive coats of paint. Special applications are indicated on Work Write-Up. All surfaces, including floors, walls, ceilings, trim, doors, and windows shall be cleaned and excess paint removed from same upon completion of painting. Reasonable care shall be exercised in moving ladders and scaffolding about dwelling to avoid damage to shrubbery and premises. All such damage shall be repaired to match original. All exterior doors shall be primed and painted or varnished both sides and all edges (6 sides). Oil based enamel, or paint to be used on all exterior wood surfaces, including but not limited to windows, shutters, trim, solfits, fascias, Jambs, and casings. Urethane or marine type exterior varnish is to be applied on exterior surfaces requiring a varnish type finish. All exterior doors and windows shall be cleaned and excess paint removed from same upon completion of painting. 78. ~ All deteriorated material must be replaced prior to painting. Include caulking of seams and cracksX ~oints and holes to be filled in level~ all windows to be glazed (where applicable) and caulking by ~un method all around all windows, frames, doors, and other applicable areas. All loose paint must be removed, and rough areas are to be sanded smooth or sanded to "feather" edges at low spots to blend as close as possible. All new or unpainted areas are to be painted with primer paint before the final coats are applied. Where applicable (as walls, posts, piers, etc.), all surfaces must be painted to be at, or below the ground level. All exposed areas must be painted, even though not visible from the ground level. ~ll surfaces to receive at least 2 coats of paint, plus primer. 79. 2tucco and Concrete Struc~rest All holes, cracks or broken concrete areas must be pointed up, or repaired prior to being painted. All window areas must be caulked, glazed as necessary, or repaired. Doors, Joints, cracks, holes, or trim areas to be treated as above, (see Frame Houses) as they relate to frame members. All walls to be cleaned by either water pressure cleaning, or sand blasting method to remove loose paint. All concrete structure areas are to receive one coat of concrete sealer, prior to the final two (2) coats of paint. a0. Interior Paintinca Speckle and patch wall and ceilings unless otherwise prescribed. Apply one (1) coat of sealer and two (2) coats of finish paint. The finish-coat in kitchens and baths shall provide a durable and washable surface. Paint with two (2) coats of enamel. Remaining rooms shall have a semi-~loss finish on all wood work; el. IIAI~FJAIMtA All surfaces to be ~horoughly cleaned and all old loose paint and ~st removed.. Areas o~ rammed paint ~1~.~ 7/~ 13 q" TO CafTR,ACI' to be sanded to "feather" rough edges. Apply two (2) coats of rust inhibitire type Metal Paint. 82. Floors. Porches. and Decksz Surfaces are to be cleaned, all holes and cracks caulked (or pointed up if masonry). All surfaces to receive .two (2) coats non-skid porch and deck enamel, or either masonry, or wood deck paint, as applicable. <~> PORCKES XNDWOOD 83. poroh Wood Floors: Wood floor shall be 1" x 4" Tongue and Groove flooring. All newly installed material shall receive one (1) coat primer and two (2} coats of exterior oil base semi-gloss paint, or two (2) coats urethane type finish. S4. Foroh Rescreenina: Remove all deteriorated framing and replace with pressure treated wood or aluminum. Rescreen using 18 x 14 mesh aluminum/nylon screen wire. 85. SUDDOrt Columnst Replace wi~h material of like kind and/or quality or ornamental iron or aluminum. 860 Wood ateDig Replace existing wood steps with 2w x 12w construction grade fir horses, 1" x 8n risers, and 2~ x 9" treads. All newly installed material shall receive one (1) coat primer and two (2) coats of exterior oil base semi-gloss paint, or two (2) coats urethane type finish. 87. alllJalgalRailing to be installed when four (4) or more risers exist. All material to be like kind and quality wood, ornamental iron or aluminum. Wood and iron surfaces to receive recommended finishes, as in Specification t103 and #107, herein. Railings to be installed. <0> PLUMBZNQ NOTS: All faucets and fittings to be Of American Standard GOOD GRADE, or equal. All new or replacement fixtures to be connected to Hot and,Cold water lines and to proper drains. Owner shall have selection of available fixture color. Unless otherwise stated, existing fixtures are to be removed and replaced where applicable. (The cost of removal is to be included in the Bid Proposal.) All .surfaces damaged by removal shall be patched to match existing surfaces. Where water and/or sewer lines are installed, they shall not ~e covered until inspected by the County or City,as applicable. The Contractor shall be responsible to check for proper S~d~b.W ~/l&/w, 14 gxlifltT ~F' TO CX)IITU, CT C-2 location of sewer and/or water lines to meet existing or proposed laterals. The Contractor's bid price shall reflect all ~lumbing codes. installation to meet applicable Abandoned septic tank shall be completely pumped out and ~oles knocked in the bottom. The tank shall be filled with sand or other approved materials. All defective lead s~iped fittings and pipes are to be ~eplaced, whenever necessary, with approved, standard type £ittings of non-lead swiped type. All excavated areas are to be filled in and compacted level, ~nd the surfaces to be blended to match the landscape of areas directly ad~acen~ to excavated areas (as sand, sod or other). 85. BathTubs Install S' enameled steel recessed bath with slip resistant surface - American Standard, Salem t0135.137/0137.133 (or equal). Tub shall be equipped with American Standard Cadet Bath and Shower Set-#18000.036/1800.045 (or equal). Include toe drain stopper and all necessary fittings, supply lines, and drains. Aluminum shower curtain rod to be included in proposal price. S9. Shower Stallt Replace or install shower stall with fiberglass stall - National Fiberglass Corporation Model #36-3W (or equal). Include all fittings, valves, mixer chambers, shower head, curtain rod, drainS, pipes, and traps as necessary to conform to applicable codes. 90. LSVltorvBasin for Vanity TYPe Cabinetx To be enameled steel self rimming American Standard vanity #3003.605/3004.207 (or equal). Includes all fittings supply and drains. Includes American Standard Cadet ~2350.049/2350.057 faucets with pop-up stopper (or equal). Include all necessary fittings, plumbing, supply lines and shut off valves. 91. Wall Bun~ Lavatorvx Install vitreous china American Standard - Comrade ~0123.014 lavatory (or equal), includes American Standard Cadet ~2350.049/2350.057 faucets and pop-up stopper (or equal). Includes all necessary plumbing, fittings, supply lines, and shut off valves. 92. V%nitV Type Lavatorv~ Install vanity cabinet to be 1/32" minimum mica on sides, doors, and top. It shall be of adequate width to fit required located, be approximately deep x 30" high, with a 2" high back splash. DtX:I:T I1* TO CQ(TU. CT C-2 93. Water Closet: Install American Standard Plebe ~2131.175/213S.012 toilet (or equal). Include toilet seat, supply, wax ring, and shut off valves. 94. Stainless Steel Double Compartment Sink: Install Sears #65KS903N or equal minimum 6" deep self-rimmed double compartment sink. Include basket strainer,':11 drains, fittings, and plumbing. Include American Standard Aquarian 14200.010 equal) ledge mounted swing spout faucet. Include supply lines, fittings and shut off valves. 95. Stainless 8~eel Sinale Comuartment 8ink~ Install Sears ~65KSS01L or equal minimum 6" deep self-rimmed single compartment sink. Include basket strainer, drains, fittings, and plumbing. Includes American Standard Aquarian ~4200.010 (or equal) faucet, supply lines, fittings and shut off valves. 56. SeweXA Trench and lay 4" PVC schedule 40 sewer pipe· Sewer line to be connected from existing waste line to sewer lateral at property line. Cast iron to be used when installed under sidewalk or driveway. 97. ~ Trench to one (1) foot deep and lay copper or PVC water line and connect to existing supply. Connect to house line. 9S. Washins M~c~ine Dr%~ns: Trench out and install washing machine drain line to hook up to existing waste line. Include stack, and all fittings and plumbing per local codes. ~P~ ROOFING SPECIAL NOT~: The GENERAL CONTRACTOR and the ROOFING SUB-CONTRACTOR shall be required to furnish the Owner a written guarantee on all roofs replaced under their respective contracts, as follows: · Composition Shingle-type Roof - 7 yr. warranty · Slate or Roll-type Roof - 5 yr. warranty · Built-up Roof with tar and gravel - 5 yr. warranty · Built-up Roof with Reflectorized paint - 5 yr. warranty · Parapet type Roof - 5 yr. warranty · TAle type Roof - 15 yr. warranty GEIrZRAL lOTIt All roofs shall meet the Southern Standard Building Code. All valleys, flashing: and cave drips shall be replaced with Atandard galvanized metal, a minimum of 20 gauge· Eave drips IXIIIIIT iF" TO C:INITIIACT shall be separated.a minimumof 1/2" from rafter ends of fascia surface. ~oints to be bedded in asphalt, and overlapped a minimum of 6 inches. · All vent pipes shall be properly flashed w~th approved lead sleeve type flashlags or pitch pans. ~losel~y repair work on roof covering shall match existing as as possible. 99. 2hinqle Tv~e Roofin~x Remove existing roof cover, replace damaged sheathing. Rein~orce, or replace damaged rafters with pressure treated wood. Apply 43# felt, adequately tacked, color and type as specified. Apply 12' x 36" three tab square butt shingles with maximum 5' exposed tab. Include drip edge, and all f~nishings. Drip edge to a minimum o~ 1/2' clearance from fascia and rafter ends. Shingles to be self sealing type. ~00o Blare 2 Smooth TYPe Rolled Roofing; Remove existing roof covering and replace damaged sheathing and rafters. Apply one 43J layer of felt tin tacked and then apply cne layer 90# slats roofing mopped on. ~01. Tar S Gravel TYPe Roofs Remove existing roof covering and replace damaged sheathing, reinforce or replace damaged rafters, using pressure treated wood. Apply one layer of felt tin tacked, and then apply two (2) lays of 15# felt (glass fiber mat and asphalt) mopped on with hot asphalt. Install 3" galvanized gravel stop around eves. Flood coat and apply gravel or coat with fibsred roof coating. 102. Tile TYPe RoofX Remove existing roo~ covering and replace damaged sheathing and rafters. Apply one layer of felt tin tacked then apply one layer o~ 90~ slate hot mopped on. Install tile, color and types specified in proposal. Roof tile shall not be applied to the surface of roofs having an incline of less than two and one half in 12 inches. T~le shall be stacked on roof for a period of seven days before laying ~n setting bed. Tile to be vet down before applied. 103. Tar and Gravel Tyue Ro~ with Parsuets Remove existing roof covering. Replace all deteriorated sheathing, reinforce or replace damaged rafters, using pressure treated wood. Repair parapet walls. If parapet wall is rebuilt, prime concrete blocks. Broom clean all decks. All drains and/or scuppers to be repaired or replaced as determined at time of old roof removal. Replace 3" x 3' cant strips. Apply felt and 90 lb. mineral or combinat~on flashlags (AS 20 or equal) and membrane strip (cap strip). Seal w~th asphalt roof cement and coat with fibsred roof costing. ~ain Roof: Apply 43J felt turned up at least 4 EXIIIIIT ~ TO COISTIULCI' C-2 mopped at parapet wall and tin tacked. Mop on two (2) layers 15# felt. Flood coat entire roof using hot asphalt or coal tar pitch. Apply gravel or coat with fibsred roof coating. <g> SOFFZTXNDF~VES All newly installed wooden soffit shall receive one (1) coat primer and two (2) coats of exterior, oil base semi-gloss. Nails used shall be galvanized type, and countersunk and holes to be filled with putty. 104. Overhana and Zavesl Enclose all saves indicated on Work Write-Up by applying 3/8" exterior plyrood to underside raZters. Enclosin9 o~ saves shall include installation o~ fascia board. SoZZit shall be solid, continuous vent or spot vented to assure all areas oE roof ade~a~e ventila~ion, and as indicated on Work Write-Up pursuant to Contractor inspection oZ premises. Screen ~lre used Zor ventilation shall be 18 x 14 mesh. 105. ~ Build soE~it under roo~ overhen9 by installin9 3/8~ e~erior pl~o~ ~rom end stature utilizin9 raZter retu~s. So~Zit shall be cons~cted at 90 degrees to wall, parallel to 9round, and shall not be attached to bottom suppo~in9 meters shall be 24" center to center. SoZZit shall be caulked at wall, and at end oZ raZter alon9 Zascia board. SoZ~it shall be solid, continuous vent, or spot vented as indicated on Contractor Bid Proposal. Screen wire used shall be al~in~ 18 x 14 mesh. 106. Stucco SoZZit Work~ Install a 3/8 lath - lapped a minimum oZ 1' and seared ~ith 3/8~ d~a. nails, or staples. Apply stucco base and finish coats and include appropriate moisture barzier. 107. Fasalas/So~itsz Repair and replace all deteriorated Zascias and sofZl~ around house. No splicin~ shall be less than 5 ~ In length. Wo~ to match axistin~ wo~. <~ B~C~ WO~ 108. Stucco Ragair cement, lime, sand and po~able water or premixed and applied eider with standard e~lpment or by hand. Finished stucco shall be a minimum oZ 1" thickness. Wire shall be 16 ~au~e. ~els shall be metal. ~en applied to masonS, shall consist oZ at least two (2) coats. Cement shallcompl~ with AS~ C150, ~e I or II havin~ less than co~ination oZ lime and cement. Lime to comply ~ith ~ C207 DillliT ~" TO CI31'TIIACT Types, hydrated lime for masonry. Sand (Mortar Aggregate) to comply with ASTM C144. Water to be clean and free from impurities and alkalis. Where pigments are required in order to match existing, use only chemically pure mineral oxides that are alkali proof and sun-fast. Where the Contractor deems special additives are necessary in order to match existing, the Contractor shall receive the approval of the Housing and Urban Improvement Department for such additives. Finished surface shall be uniform, free from excessive build-up, runs, sags or defective materials. Contractor shall take care to maintain continued alignment of all surfaces and profiles. The Contractor shall remove all spilled, splashed or splattered stucco from all surfaces. 109. stucco on Concretes Applied surface to be clean, free from efflorescence, damp and sufficiently rough, or coated with approved bonding agent. Apply two (2) coats of at least thickness. iX0. stucco on Woods Wood to be protected by 15# roofing felt, or other approved material. Stucco to be placed over expanded galvanized welded, or woven wire fabric minimum weight 1.8 1be. per square yard. Fasten with approved fasteners. Stucco to be three (3) coats work of total thickness of not less than 1/2" each coat. ~S~ Tezn~tesz XX1. DrYwood Termitess Treat house by tent method, using Vykane gas. Owner to be notified of measures to be taken while treatment is ongoing, including precautionary measures. t12. Subterranean Termitess Treat house by Soil Poisonlag method, include all soil beneath structure to a 5'0" periphery to structure. Owner to be notified of measures to be taken while treatment is ongoing, including precautionary measures. <T> TRBB REMOVAL 113. ~a~ Tree removal requires a special permit. The contractor shall be held responsible for any and all damage to all areas in delivering materials or services. !)GfIIIT i~e TO C~lfTII.ACT 114. Utility Buildinass Furnish and install new metal utility building of type and construction approved by the County or City, as applicable. Utility Buildings shall have two (2) sliding or hinged doors. Building shall be constructed of .032# interlocking panels and shall be securely anchored to a concrete slab. NOTes Utility Buildings are not an eligible expenditure for rehabilitation services'performed with funding from Hurricane Assistance or State HoUsing Initiative Program (SHIP)funds. ~qlis section has been included for those instances where CDBG funds are used to fund rehabilitation services. <V~ ~qiTS MID C~WL SPACZ ACCESS 115. Vents Crawl Space Accesst All crawl space entries and vents shall be replaced or repaired with 18 X 24 aluminum screen or aluminum vent cover appropriately framed. 115. ~eninas Beneath Housex Protect all openings beneath the house, including basement or cellar windows and crawl space with an approved type of screening or lattice work to keep out large animals. <W} Z]FI~RZORRND ZIFIrERZORWI~LL ~ C~ILINO FZNIBR~S ~17. ~All Walls to be finished with appropriate cove mouldlag, shoe moulding or baseboard. lie. ~ew ceilin~ (Without FurrinQ Strins) s Install new ceiling in rooms indicated on the Work Write-Up. Ceiling shall be 1/2w sheetrock, taped, bedded, and sanded. Latex paint shall be added to texture coat and ceiling painted. No paint to be applied before bedding is adequately dried. IX9. ~ Install new ceiling in rooms indicated in Work Write-Up. Ceiling shall be 1/2" sheetrock, taped, bedded, and sanded. Latex paint shall be. added to texture coat and ceiling painted. New ceiling shall be installed over furring strips, nailed to ceiling Joists and spaced 16" on center. Reinforce existing ceiling Joists where possible to prevent sagging. Install I 1/2" cove mouldlag around ceiling. Furring strips to be shimmed to level, as necessary. ElllilT Re TO CClTIACT ' C'2 120. BUlUen~e4 Ceilins: Install 24" x 48" x .28" eco.sticsl tile vith straight edges on mete1 grid tyl~e suspended ceiling. !(aintain ceiling height per co~e. Use wet felted process cellulose tile CZj~SS "C" flame spread clessi~icetion, Celotex e~ual. 121. 8Qsues~e~ Ceilin~ I~i~e~}l Install 24" x 48" me~al ~i~ t~e sus~en~e~ ceilin9 clear ~ism~tic design ceilln~ lig~tin9 ~anels ~S~C~S 10 ~i:e resistance, as ~olyst~ene ~lastic ~igbt ~anels, o: e~al. 122. ~ Install 12" x 12" x ]/4" bevel e~ge a~esive application, or tonic and ~roove edge ~or staple application. Class "C" Zlame spread classiZica~ion. Celo~ex Co~., ~ohns-Mansville Co~., or e~al. 12J. Plaster Ceilin~ an~ Walls on NePal or Wire Laths Apply ~hree (3) coa~s oZ plaster ~o a~ain a minimum ~hickness oZ Finish ~o ma~ch exis~in~ or as speci~ied on Work Write-Up. 124. Plaster Ceili~ an~ Walls and C~ La~hl Apply ~wo (2) coa~s oZ plaster ~o a~ain a minimum ~hic~ess oZ 1/2". Finish ~o ma~ch exis~in9 or as specified in Work Wri~e-Up. 125. ~ Pa~ch cracks in walls and/or ceilings ro~s indica~ed in Work Write-Up. Rake cracks clean, rem~e all loose plaster and fill wi~h plaster. New plaster shall be s~ck level wi~ su~oundin~ surZace and Zinished ~o ma~ exis~in~ plas~er, as closelyas'possible. All la~h or plaster board ~a~ is loose, mus~ be replaced or Zas~ened, as applicable. 12~. ~ Install 1/2" shee~rock on walls indica~ed on Work Write-Up. Shee~rock shall be ~aped, bedded, and sanded edges o~ bedded areas and seams. 127. Woo~ Paneline: Install w~ panelin9 oZ ~rade and s~le ~o ma~ch existing, se~red by bondin~ adhesive and/or panel nails oZ blendin9 color. Include all necessa~ mold and ~rim. ~ no~ bond wi~ adhesives dire~ly ~o ~he in~erior or exterior concrete walls. 12S. Wa~er Resis~an~ 8hee~rockl Install 1/2" wa~er resis~an~ shee~rock. 12~. Wall and ceruio vix~urell Use U.S. S~andard ~ali~y~ U.S. Romany ~ile, or e~al. All surfaces ~o receive ceramic ~ile Zirs~ be made even and s~raiqh~ and subs~ra~a cleaned oZ dir~, dus~, and 9tease. All ~ile ~o be installed and s~rai~h~, and usin9 applicable coring, ~rim and radius ~ile on walls and comers. An appr~ed ~ype adhesive such as wa~er ,o. fi67- 182 EXN!IIT ale ~ CI:)IfTIIACT resistant organic adhesive is required as a setting. All Joints to be grouted to full depth of units, and ceramic wall fixtures are to be architecturally located to be in line with the respective fixtures that they serve (as lavatories, bath tubs, etc. ). Fixtures to be included as standard are as follows: . One Towel Bar · Combination Soap Dish & Grab Bar in Tub Area · Tooth Brush Holder · Soap Dish · Toilette Tissue Holder 130. SB~erior Sidina on Frame Houses Replace deteriorated wood frame, sheeting, building paper, and exterior siding with new to match remaining existing (clapboard, exterior plywood, metal, asbestos, aspha!t, or fiberglass shingles, stucco and/or brick veneer). 131. l~ Any demolition work undertaken shall include the hauling away of debris, including footings, slabs, block, etc. All excavated areas are to be filled and compacted level to conform with and match the landscape of areas directly adjacent to the excavated areas (as sand, sod, or other). 132. Solar Energy System: Install solar heater system· Include storage tank, collector, valves, vents, shu~ offs, safety valves and all necessa~ plu~ing to confom to local C~es. All Pemits and Plans ~o be provided by ~he Contractor. All work to have final approval of the City. Size capabilities of units as reckended by plans architect and/or manufacturer and as a~r~ed ~e County and/or City, as applicable. REBZDENTZZi=a ItZHRBZLZTATZOll PROGP.,aM THIS PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this . day of .., 19 .... , b~ and between <owneD(Owner), its successors and assigns, (the Owner), and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (the County), WHEREAS, Owner has applied for a Residential Rehabilitation Loan through the Housing and Urban Improvement Department (HUI) 7 and WHEREAS, the proceeds of said loan shall be applied toward the rehabilitation of certain improved property located in Collier County, Florida, more particularly described herein~ and WHEREAS, Owner has read and understands the conditions a~d restrictions of said loan including the requirement that the property shall be occupied by Owner after the rehabilitation~ and WHEREAS, Owner will simultaneously execute and record a Promissory Note and Mortgage. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the mutual covenants and premises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. That by signing this Performance Agreement, Owner acknowledges that Owner fully understands the conditions of said loan, including the gnidelines (entitled Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program) and the rules and restrictions set forth herein. 2. That by signing this Performance Agreement, Owner acknowledges that Owner Is legally bound by the conditions, rules and regulations of the residential rehabilitation loan and that the benefits conferred hereunder are not transferable. 3. That buildings to be rehabilitated shall be owner occupied residential units and that under no circumstances shall funds from the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program 1 CUlTtACT C-3 be used or expanded to repair a residential unit that is not owner-occupied before and after the rehabilitation. 4. That the County will utilize available federal, state and local monetary resources to fund this rehabilitation program. The various funding sources may have different requirements as to income, location, and use of funds. All residential units to be rehabilitated shall be located within the territorial limits of Collier County, however certain funding sources may restrict the location of residential units to be rehabilitated under this program to particular geographical areas of Collier County. 5. After rehabilitation has been completed, all buildin~s for which assistance has been received from the Collier County Residential Rehabilitation Program must be in compliance with the Collier County Standard Housing Code Ordinance No. 89-06, as amendedl the City of Naples Comprehensive Development Code Ordinance No. 92-6621, as amendedl and any other applicable codes or regulations. 6. Under the Residential Rehabilitation Program, no Owner, or any immediate relative of the Owner, shall serve as a contractor or sub-contractor for the rehabilitation of the subject property, neither shall Owner, nor any immediate relative of the Owner, receive any compensation for their own labor with program funds for the rehabilitation of Owner's property or the property of Owner's immediate relative. A relative of a homeowner shall bedSfined as an immediate Irarally member to include mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, and cousin or a family member by marriage to include mother-in-law, father- in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. 7. The Owner shall enter into a contract with a County- approved contractor. The contract shall clearly state the work and the amount of compensation to be paid to the contractor. All contracts shall be reviewed and approved by the Housing and Urban Improvement Department (hereinafter referred to as 2 ~ c-3 S. All work shall be performed in accordance with the Inspec~ion Report provided by the Collier County Code Enforcement Department, or the City of Naples Inspection Report, as applicable, and the Work Write-up and bid-submitted by said contractor and reviewed by HUI. No changes to the work as de~ailed in the Work Write-Up shall be made without the express, written approval of HUI. 9. The Owner shall provide access to the property to County, City, or other inspec~cion personnel, which may include personnel from a participating local financial institution, to lnspec~c work in progress and to perform an interim inspection or a final inspection after completion of work. 10. The County and Owner acknowledge that contractor shall be responsible for obtaining necessary permits and approvals and proving existence of these permits to inspectors. 11. Prior to receipt of any rehabilitation loan funds, the Owner shall execute a Promiss6ry Note and Mortgage in favor of Collier County. The Mortgage shall be recorded by the Owner at the Owner's expense within thirty (30) days after the agreement has been signed and a certified copy of the recorded document provided to Collier County HUI within three days after recordation. No payment or advance of loan funds will be made to the Owner or to the Contractor until the Promissory Note and Mortgage have been-executed and recorded and a certified copy received by HUI. 12. In the event that work is performed by a contractor prior to receipt by HUI of a certified copy of the recorded Promissory Note and Mortgage, liability for payment due for any work performed by contractor shall be the sole responsibility of Owner until such time as the Promissory Note and Mortgage are executed and recorded. 13. Liability for payment for any work performed by the contractor which does not conform to the Work Write-Up where 3 e~press vritten approval has not been given by Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department and the Owner shall be tJ~s sole responsibility of Contractor, 14, Funds for rehabilitation will be loaned to the Ovner at zero (0t) percent interest and the payment of principal viII be deferred until such time that title to the property is transferred to an entity other than Owner. The outstanding amount of the note shall be due and payable at, or prior closin9 on the sale of the property being rehabilitated, or at the time of any other transference of the property to an entity other than Owner. 15. Owner shall ocoup/the rehabilitated residential unit as Owner's primary residence after rehabilitation is completed until a Satisfaction of Boregage is recorded in the Public Records of Collier County. If Owner ceases to occupy the rehabilitated building as Owner's primary residence, Owner shall be in default of the mortgage held by Collier County. 16. The maximum amount of the loan shall be the actual amount paid to the contractor, or seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00), whichever is less. Xf the source of funding permits, the maximum amount of the loan may be extended to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) if needed to correct Housing Cede violations of the Collier County Standard Housing Code, Ordinance No. 89-06, as amendedX or the City of Naples Housing Code Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-6621, as it may be amended from time to time. 17. If the. building or the site has historical significance, the improvements must be consistent, with those authorized by the Florida Department of.State in accordance with the most current revision of 'Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildingss and be in compliance with the Collier County Historic/Archaeological Preservation Ordinance No. 91-70, as am.nd.d. 187 ,'.'.' 4 .~- , canuc~ 18, Provisions o~ this Performance Agreement shall be en£orceable by the County by inJunctive relieZ or other legal remedy available at law or equity, 19, The proper~y which is the subject of this Agreement is addressed as and is more particularly described.as 20, This A~reement shall terminate upon recordation oZ a satis£a~cion o£ the mo~cgage dated. by and between Ovner and Collier County, 21,(a) Notices required or psrmitted to be given heraunder shall be in writing, may be delivered personally or by mall, relax, cable or courier service and shall be deemed given when received by the addressee, Notices shall be addressed as Zollows: If to COUNTY: Collier County Housing and Urban Improvement Department 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 33942 Tel: (8131643-8330 Fax: (813)643-8331 or to such other address as either party may direct by notice given to the other as hereinabove provided. (b) Notwithstanding the Zoregoing, any notice sent to the last desi~nated address of the party to whom a notice may be or is required to be delivered hereunder shall not be deemed lneZZective iZ actual delivery cannot be made due to a change address of the party to whom the notice is directed or the £allura or refusal of such party to accept delivery of the notice. 22. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida. 23. Respecting the subject matter hereof, this Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and their representatives and agents, and incorporates all prior CaI~IKT C-3 understandings, vhether oral or written. No change, modification or amendment, nor any representation, promise or condition, nor any vaiver, to this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and si~ned b~ a duly authorized officer of the party to be chaz~ed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the date and year first written above. Approved as to from and legal sufficiency: Heidi Ashton Assistant County Attorney WArhess W~tl~ses STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by (name of person acknowledging), who ~'s personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification) as identification and who did (did no=) take an oath. (Illnature of Persan tiklnl kknovtecllmnt) (lines of Ackn~tedger Typed, Printed or {Title M' Rmqk) ,(klst lidSet, If any) (NOTARY#S SEAL) .o, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER l, DWIGHT E.' BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial circuit, Collier County,' Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of= Ordinance No. 94-39' Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 16th day of August, 1994, during Regular Session. . WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this lath day of 'August, 1994. DWIGHT E. BROCK .... *-. Clerk of Courts and Clerk ~%~8S '~ Ex-officio to Board of. ~ ......... -. ~ County Commissioners'/'~4~ :.ji.,~.~..":.';:~.,":. ~.'. B /N ureen Kenyon. 9:'/'~'L"?~-~-*'.~--''.* b" Deputy Clerk '. ~ ':..-$ ..~'..'~'~-': · .'.. ~....,,~,~,~-.~ 'f....-.':.,