Ordinance 94-36 ORDIN~CE NO. 90-30, AS ~D~, ~E ~ P DA~RY SOLID W~ SPECIAL ASSES~ ~ ~ ~DIHG SE~ION NIN~E~z RES~HSIBILITIES ~ F ~~R FOR SOLID WX~Z ~LLE~ION~ ~ ~ R~IDING FOR ~NFLI~ ~D S~BILI~I ~D ~ ~ BY ~OVIDIHG ~ EFFE~IVE DATE. ~a Board o~ C~nty C~issioners adopted Collier C~n~ ~dinance No. 90-30, the '~ndato~ Solid Waste Special ~sesnent Coiledion a~ Dis~sal ~dinanca' on ~pril 10, 1990 and amendants thereto on ~ay 14, 1991 (~dinance No. 91-36), ~ly 27~ ~993 (~dinance No. 93-47), and on Xu~st 24, 1993 (~dinancs No. 93-60] ~ and ~, the Board has e~ressed lnteres~ that the ~dinance ~ revisited end asended as ma~ ~ ~ecessa~, a~riate Zor administrative ~oses and/~ helpful to the recipients o~ colle~ion and disposal seaices and the welfare o~ the citizens and ~blic o~ Collier County ~ene~allyy and ~S, the Board has date~ined 'that it Is appropria~e for Collier C~nty ~dinance No. 90-30, as amended, to amended to provide for standard container solid ~as~e colle~ion seaice Zor ce~in ~ltiZamlly co~ercial units. NOW, ~EFO~, BE IT O~XlN~ BY ~E BO~ OF CO~ Section Nineteen of Collier. C~nt~ ~dinancs No. 90-20, as amended, Is here~ amended to read as foll~s: FOR SOLID WA~Z ~s Contra~cr shell collect solid waste ~r~ residential units and c~srcial props~lss and ~nt~srs shall provide ~or collsc~lon as foll~s: " A. Should a ,~ristmas, Nay Years, ,~anks~lvlnq holida~ or local emer~an~ as declared ~ the Board, oc~r on the date dssi~ated as the collection da~, the collection shall take place the ne~ re~lar colle~lcn da~. Subseteat collections durlnq the feBlade: c~ the week may also ~r on the day after the usual colls~ion day. ~outes recsivinq twice ss~ics shall receive one colls~ion In ~oss weeks within Words u~derlined are added: ~ords ~ are deleted. which these holidays o~ur. B. Residential Units$ R~sidsncas in the benefit units shall be served twice weakly. Not satliar than six o'clock p.m. of the night prior to the day of the regularly scheduled collection solid vast, shall be placed within six (6) feet the closest accessible right-of-way tS' the residential unit. The customer shall be allowed unlimited pickup provided all solid waste is properly containerizad in containers not to exceed thirty-two .(32) gallons, or in sealed p~astic bags or tied bundles, not exceeding four (4) feet in length. afor~aentioned container, bag or bundle may exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight. Ingress and egress on private roads must be provided by the. customer. However, if said private road is physically inaccessible, the customar~s containers shall be placed on the closest right-of-way that Am accessible to the authorized Contractor, but ao as not to obstruct motor vehicle traffic or pedestrian passage or surface storm drainage. Xdditionally, the Contractor shall provide for a separate or combined pickup of ~unk, as defined herein, and such service shall be unlimited as to quantity, size and weight~ however, the ~unk shall be placed at the curb and shall not include vehicles, vehicle component par~s, boats or boat trailers or component par~s or .liquid waste. Further, the Junk shall be disassembled, if possible, prior to pickup by the Contractor. Doors on appliances shall be taken of~ the discarded units to prevent entrapment of children. The pickup of unlimited quantities of Junk shall be included in the special assessment imposed herein,, without any additional assessment, service charge, fee or tax to be i~posed by the Board or Contractor for such earvice. All collections under the tens of this Ordinance shall be made in a neat and workmanlike manner and any spillage caused by the Contractor shall be removed by the Contractor. Customers in residential units may negotiate separate arrangements with the Contractor for services additional to those established harein~ the County shall in no way be responsible for the administration or collection of any such -2- Horde underlined arm addadz words ~ are deleted, arrangements .' C. Commercial Proper~yz A minimum of twice per reek service is required o£ all ~s~ers ~enera~ing pu~rescible vassal o~e~ise once per reek minin. Such ee~ice shall be pr~lded ~ ~lk con~ainer as deZinad herein~ unless a ~s~er ~epera~es one (1) ~bic ~ard or-less ~ ~ per reek o~ solid ~s~e; in such even~ s~ndard containers ~y u~ilized. ~ ~s~er is a ~l~iramilv reside~ial c~ercial uni~. s~andard goneairier colle~ion se~ice may ~ u~ilized in olace o~ bul~ ~n~ainer collation semite ~r~ided the site develo~ ~lan for s~ch cmercial unit does not orovide for ~lk container collation semite and funher er~ided said site develonen~ Rlan has ~sn ao~r~sd erior to the effective date of this xn the ~,nt 'this ~dinanc, confXi~. vith an~ other ~dinance of Collier C~nty or o~er applicabXe lay, the more restrictive shall a~Xy. Xf any phrase or potion of this ~dtnanc. is held i~aXtd ~ unc~stituttonal ~ any c~ of ~Etsnt ~urisdl~lon, such ~ion shaXX ~ desmad ~ ss~arat,, distin~, and/nd,~sndsnt ~rovisLon and such holdin~ shalX not aff,~ ~s ~Xidity of ~s ~smaining potion. ~is ~dinance shaZZ ~c~e e~fs~ive ~on :ecei~ o~ no~lce ~rom ~hs Secretary o: 5~a~e ~ha~ ~his Ordinance has ~sn ~lled vt~h ~he Ss~s~a~ o~ 5~ats. P~S~ ~ D~Y X~ ~ the Board of C~nty Conissioners of Collier C~nty~ Fluids, this ~ day of ~ "o fo~ and s . su ~ c en~x -3- Words underlined are added: vords ~ are deleted. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLXZR ) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, C~erk of Courts In end for the Twentieth Judicial ClrouJt, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: brdtnance No. 94-36 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 9th day of August, 1994, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board County Commissioners Of Collier County, Florida, this 12th .. day of August, 1994., .. DWIGHT i. BROCK Clerk of Courts end Cisrkj.~'~i~ IX-officio to Board of ,.'.' ,, County Commissioners Deputy Clerk