Ordinance 94-27 .. - .. ORDINANCE 94----11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 91-102, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, ARTICLE TWO, ZONING; ARTICLE THREE, DEVELOPMENT REQUIRFXENTS; AND ARTICLE SIX, DEFINITIONS ~ MORE PARTICULARLY PROVIDING FOR SECTION ONE2 RECITALS; PROVIDING FOR SECTION TWO, FINDIN&S OF FACT; PROVIDING FOR SECTION THREE, ADOPTiON ~.. OF AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SECTION FOUR, ~ I ... ~ ~ INCORPORATION INTO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COD_ r.; .~ ~ OF COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 91-103, THE ." g ~ fl~ J!> Ci GROUNDWATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE; PROVIDING~ ~ cr~ ~ FOR SECTION FIVE, AMENDMENT OF ZONING MAPS ~ ~ . ~ OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS TO CONFORM TO SECTIONS ~~ ~~,, OF THE LAND ~"'Z t:t~ DEVELOPMENT CODE; PROVIDING FOR SECTION SIX, tz CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SECTION SEVEN, EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ "'. C7' - I . c... r- \oJ ,.,. ..... " C tr. ..c- Whereas, the Land Development Code aay not be 111llended aore than two times in each calendar year pursuant to Section 1.19.1, LOC; and Whereas, this is the first amendment to the Land Development Code, Ordinance, 91-102, in this calendar year; and Whereas, on March 23, 1993 the Board of County comaissioners adopted Resolution 93-124 establishinq local require.ents and procedures for aaending the LOC; and Whereas, all requirements of Resolution 93-124 have been met; and Whereas, the Collier County Planning Camaission in a aanner prescribed by law did hold advertised public hearinqs on Karch 17, 1994, and April 7, 1994 concerninq these a..ndaents to the LOC; and Whereas, the Board of County comais.ioners in a JlAnnor prescribed by law did hold adverti.ed public hearinq. on Kay 4, 1994 and May 18, 1994 and did take action concerninq these aaendaent. to the LOC; and Whereas, applicable procedural all substantive and requirements of the law have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: . BOOK 006 w,{ 61 - 1 - - - .. SECTION 1: RECITALS The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated by reference herein as if tully set torth. SECTION 2: FINDINGS OF FACT The Board ot county commissioner. ot Collier County, Florida, hereby makes the tollowing tindings ot tact: 1. Collier County, pursuant to Sec. 163.3161, ~ ~., Fla. stat., the Florida Local Government comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (hereinafter the "Act"), is required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive Plan. 2. After Adoption at the Comprehensive Plan, the Act and in particular Sec. 163.3202(1), Fla. Stat., mandates that Collier County adopt land develoPJIent regulations that are consistent with and implement the adopted Comprehensive Plan. 3. Sec. 163.3201, Fla. Stat., provides that it is the intent ot the Act that the adoption and enforcement by Collier County of lanc2 development regulations tor the total unincorporated area shall be based on, be related to, and be a means ot implementation for, the adopted comprehensive Plan as required by the Act. 4. Sec. l63.3l94(1)(b), Fla. Stat., requires that all land development regulations enacted or amended by Collier County shall be consistent with the adopted comprehensiVe Plan, or element or portion thereot, and any land development regulations _dsting At the time ot Adoption which are not consistent with the adopted Comprehensive PlAn, or element or portion thereof, shall be amended 80 a. to be consistent. 5. Sec. 163.3202(3), Fla. stat., states that the Act shall be construed to encourage the use at innovative land development regulAtions. 6. On January 10, 1989, Collier County adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan (hereinatter the "Growth Management Plan" or "GMP") as its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the 800K C66 f'v.!. 62 - 2 - --,,-,...._--,~_.._-- - .. .. requirements of Sec. 1634.3161 At~. Fla. Stat., and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. 7. section 163.3194(1) (a), Fla. Stat., mandates that atter a COIIIprehensive Plan, or element or portion thereot, has been adopted in conformity with the Act, all development undertaken by, and all actions taken in regard to development orders by, governmental agencies in regard to land covered by such Comprehensive Plan or element shall be consistent with such COIIIprehensive Plan or element as adopted. 8. Pursuant to Sec. 163.3194(3) (a), Fla. stat. , a development order or consistent with the land development regulations shall be Comprehensive Plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, and other aspects ot development perJllitted by such order or regulation are compatible with and turther the objectives, policies, land uses, and densities or intensities in the comprehensive Plan and it it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 9. Section 163.3194(3) (b), Fla. stat., requires that a development approved or undertaken by a local government shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan it the land uses, densities or intensities, capacity or size, timing, and other aspects of development are compatible with and turther the objectives, pnlicies, land uses, densities or intensities in the Comprehensive Plan and it it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 10. On October 30, 1991, Collier County adopted the Collier County Land Development Code, which became ettective on November 13, 1991 and was amended on October 14, 1992, July 6, 1992 and December 17, 1993. 11. Collier County tinda that the Land Development Code is intended and necessary to preserve and enhance the present advantages that exist in Collier County; encourage the most appropriate use of land, water, and resources, consistent with the public interest; overcome present handicaps; and deal ~ &OOK C66 'A';[ 63 - 3 - .. - .. ettectively with tuture problems that may result from the use and development of land within the total unincorporated area of Coll~er County and jt is intended that this Land Development Code preserve, promote, protect, and improve the public health, safety, comfort, good order, appearance, convenience, and general welfare of Collier County; prevent the overcrowding ot land and avoid undue concentration of population; facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, recreational tacilities, housing, and other requirements and service.; conserve, develop, utilize, and protect natural resource. within the jurisdiction of Collier County; and to protect human, environmental, social, and economic resources, and maintain, through orderly growth and development, the character and stability of present and tuture land use. and development in Collier County. 12. It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County to implement the Land Development Code in accordance with the provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Chapter 125, Fla. Stat., and Chapter 163, Fla. stat., and through these amendments to the Code. SECTION 3: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The Collier county Land Development Code is hereby amended as shown on the side sheets which comprise Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. 'SECTION 4: INCORPORATION OF COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 91-103 Collier County Ordinance 91-103, The Groundwater Protection Ordinance, attached hereto as Appendix B, is hereby incorporated into the Land Development Code as Division 3.16. SECTION 5: ADOPTION OF AMENDED ZONING ATLAS MAPS Zoning Atlas Maps numbers MBIA, MBIB, MB2B, MB2A, MB2C, MB3A, MB3B, MB4A, MB4C, MB4B, MB4D, MB5A, MB5B, MB5C, MB50, MB5E, MB6B, MB6C, MB6D, MB6E, MB7B, MB6F, MB7C, MB7D, MB7E, MBSB, MB8C, MBSD, MBSE, MB9B, MB9C, MB9D, MB9E, MBlOE, and MBlOD attached hereto as Appendix C and incorporated by reference herein are amended and . ~ODIl 066 PAGE 64 - 4 - .. .. .. hereby adopted and made a part of the Collier County Land Development Code in accordance with Section., and, LDC. SECTION 6: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY It any phrase or portion of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent proviaion and auch holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION 7: EFFECTIVE DATE This Orc2inance shall become effective upon receipt of notice trOll the Seoretary ot state that th1a Ordinanoe haa bun tiled with the Secretary ot State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board at County commi.sioners of Collier County, Florida this /f ~ day of 1994. DATE: '. \;\J~UUU '. :A~EST: .' -: (';" .,DWIGHT E.; B,R~, Clerk BY: :. ~ ... . ~ :/: '.~ ',:= .. " . ~~ ~. .... ,.... puty "I' . ." . ,", ,.: .' . (I" ...... \~...;~~ FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY ~...ti U..L 111. ,&'u{~-/.(..t o B M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY \aoOl fJf)f)PlGr ~ - !5 - .....--.............. .. - APPENDIX A 1'- ~l'lGr 66 - 6 - - ') . "f .:' " ", ',: ,'..;. , , , "': :'~ '" .... .'. -:.-,",: '!' j' .... ". ~'; I,; . ,', . ..,:. . . '." ,."; . ',' :'\"'\' .~' ORIGIN: AUTHORs DEPARTKEKT : LDC PAGE: LDC SECTION: CHANGEl STAFF DONALD W. ARNOLD SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1-41 1.22.2 CODIFICATION Revi.e AFPO ordinance number and add citation tor Groundwater Protection Ordinance. General update and incoproration by reterence. REASON: AMENDMENTl SEC. 1.22.2 CODIFICATION. The tollowing ordinances and laws are not repealed or replaced by the provisions of this Code, but rather are codified by, and included in, the provisions of this Code: Sub1eot Adequate Public Facilities A!tordable Housing Density Bonus Ground Water Protection Ordinance ~ 93-82. as amended 90-89 9l-103 aOOK f]()f)PA~t f)~ .. - - \~), :- . '. :,':.'. . : .. ~. ORIGIN: AUTHORs DEPARTXENT s LOC PAGES LDC SECTIONs CHANGEs REASONs staft Donald W. Arnold, AICP Site Development Review 2-8, 2-9 Modify Permitted Uses of Agricultural District to restrict specific uses. BCC direction to review permitted Uses in the Aqricultural Zoning District per Public Petition. Zoning FISCAL IMPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. None. PROPOSED AJCDI)HD'l's Permitted Uses: 1. Sinqle-family dwelling. 2. Agricultural activities, including, but not limited to: crop raising; dairying; horticulture; fruit and nut production; forestry: groves; nurseries; ranching; beekeeping: poultry and egg production; milk production; livestock raising; and animal breeding, raising, training, stabling or kennelinq, and aquaculture tor native species subject to State of Florida Game and Freshwater Fish commission permits. 3. Wholesale reDtile breedina and raisina (non- venomousl. sub1ect to the tollowina standards: a. minimum 10 acre Darcel size. b. anv roofed structure used tor the shelter and/or feeding of such reDtiles shall be located a minimum ot 100 teet trom any lot line. ~~ wildlife management, plant and wildlife conservancies, wildlife refuges and sanctuaries. 4T~ Conservation USCD. 6T~ oil and gas exploration subject to state drilling permits and Collier Couney site Development Plan review procedures. o-rL. Family Care Facilities, subject to Sec. 2.6.26. ~.L.. Communications Towers up to specitied height, subject to Sec. 2.6.35. ,801)( 066 PA~E 68 ). -. :.. ....' ,', , ' ,';,". . '.! ~~ .. f ,.. '.,'" i:?i\(:M> ',::: ,: :..~::.t:)!i<:" .~.':', ',': , ",' ,,.1 ....:.. ::.:",:!:;::..:. '" ", ' :; ", .' . ' " ' I \ .,,",. : , . ..:' ", .......:. ORIGIN: AUTHOR: DEPAR'l'MENT : LDC PAGE: LDC SECTION: CHANGE: stat! Donald W. Arnold, AICP site Develop1llent Review 2-10 REASON: Modify Conditional Uses of Agricultural Zoning Di.trict to re.trict .pecitic u.... Bce direction to review permitted uses in the AgriCUltural Zoning Di.trict. FISCAL IHPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: PJlOPOSZD AXDDXDTI None. None. Conc2itional Uses. The tollowing uses are permitted as conditional uses in the Rural Agricultural District (A) , subject to the standards and procedures established in Div. 2.7.4. 1. Extraction or earthmining, and related processing and production not incidental to the agricultural development ot the property. SaW1ll il I. Zoo, aquarium, aviary, botanical garden, or other similar uses. Hunting cabins. Aquaculture for non-native or exotic species, subject to state at Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission perwits. Wholesale rectile breeding or raising (venomous). Churches and other places of worShip. Private landing strips tor general aviation, subject to any relevant State and Federal regulations. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6-r 1... ~.a..... I eoo<< 066l'V.! 69 1 J _.....~_...-....,.._....._--",......._-...,-'"_........~- .' , ORIGIN: AUTHOR: DEPARTKEHT : LOC PAGE: LOC SECTION: CHANGE: REASON: .0'; . '. ... ." '" " . " <: ':,\ '~'.: ';;7:' ':;:'; ; , .:. .' '......~..... , .. ;.'. 0" . , . :.." ........ . '," '. .-. . '" I:' : ':.~'. ;,:"' . .: staff Ken Pineau Emergency Management/Emergency services 2-29 Modify hurricane shelter requirements All mobile homes are extremely vulnerable to hurricane force winds. Evacuations will be orderec2 for all mobile home dwellers in all categories of storms. Residents living out of storm surge areas are equally as vulnerable to wind and should provide for their safety by either on-site sheltering or off-site mitigation. An oft-site mitigation option should be considered, especially for those located in flood zones. Although residents would be relatively safe in an on-site shelter constructed in accordance with Sections to, automobiles, if left on-site, would be destroyed. It is also possible that the shelter could be isolated by flood conditions until waters subside. This would prohibit fire suppression and emergency medical support from reaching the shelterees. FISCAL IMPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. None. noPOsZD AXDDKmIT I Reauirements and Standards For Hurricane Shelters: All new, or existing mobile home subdivisions in the process of expanding, which are twenty-six (26) units or larger in size &ftd ere leea~ed ~ Sa~e,ery ~ ~ 6ftd ; h~rrieane vuln.ra~ili'y ~ &8 epeeifled ~ ~ eurren' Natienal ~ end ~~mespherie ^dministra~ien' ~ ~ Kedel, ~ &8 Se&r ~ 6ftd OVerland ~~r,es ~ Ihlrrieanes (&LGCII) shall be required to provide emergency shelters on-site or provide fundina to enhance existina Dublic shelters Off-site. eOOK (Q)~ jI) .'. j ...--. ...-.,. ~ ORIGIN: AUTHOR: DZPARTHENT : LOC PAGE: LOC SECTION: CHANGE: REASON: . ~ .', " , " ',' . ',.t'. . ,: . ': .' " : .. :':'-~'... . \.,' :' , , .;r:: :" . ", . ". ",:,..' I ;' ~: : . :.':' ',. . ',' Star! Ken Pineau Emergency Management/Emergency Services 2-30 Provide revised mitigation standards for shelters The cost of off-site mitigation, currently written as is exce.sive. No prudent developer would consent to matching the cost of Off-site mitigation to constructing a shelter on-site. I think that the methodology used in Developments of Regional Impact would be appropriate for mobile home developments even though mobile home residents would require evacuation at a much higher rate than condo or conventional single tamily home owners. FISCAL IMPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None tor Collier County. Unknown tor private sector. None. PllOPOSZD AJaJrDHBIf'T I A mobile home Dark develoDer or owner may, subject to the approval of the Board ot County Commissioners, provide a cash contribution in lieu of on-site shelter tacilities~ *n eft a.ee~~ e~i~alen~ ~ ~ estiMated ~ e4 pre~idi"! ea44 en site ehelters. The cash contribution will be comDuted bv the tollowina formula: a x b x c x d - Cash Contribution Where: a: oar caDita rate b: occuoancy rate ot each mobile home or unit c: total number ot lots in subdivision lincludina existinq and proDosed~ d: averaae DODulation rate occuoancv subdivision durina June throuah Novemb~ (Note: amendment continued on tollowing page.) ExamDle: 5800 x 1.75 x 60 units x 50\ - S42.000 _...-...",,-~.,.~"_._..,,---- &00<< (J()()PAGE ~j[ ~ - - ..J '."'. ,') '. , , '. ",,' . "'. . .,' .' < i~' . , continuec2 r.Pfte Gellier Ge'olni;y s.er,en8Y Kana,e..n. Diree1>er e-fte.H INHM eft esi; i.a~e &E 4lfte eee4t &E en. i 'lie ehel~er i.pre...e.en1>. eM ~ e-fte.H e.I'Ye .. e ~ i-ft H-eu &E oo"sllruetllen. Ghenlld ~ Ita eftY dlea'r...e". .. ~ ~ ~ &E ee+d required ehelller i.preveaen1l ~ appliea~ May ~ ~ pay ~ ..... &E e~llaini"9 eft independ.,,_ appraisal whe e-fte.H Ita re'ained ~ ~ ;:::r:~ Manaqeaen' elree'llerr -'Fhe indep.ndent! a ~ e-fte.H eh:eft de'.lI'IIine ~ Y&:l-\te e4 ~ eeeJt *" Hev &E pa~en'. said monies shall be placed in a special account manaqed bv the Emerqencv M'anagement Director. eM eJta-H:. etHy Ita epeM Expenditures will onlv be made for capital improvements (window/door protection, generators. etc.) for American Red cross desianated shelter facilities that will benetit the area for which the cash-in-lieu of on-site shelterina originated. To the maximum extent possible. shelter enhancements will be made at facilities within 8 road miles ot proposed Dark or subdivision e~ansion. ,~ . , - aooc 006 "v.r 72 ... ....:. I , ) .. , )" . ~ .~ ,,;', ,." ..... ", .' '." " . . ,.". ..." ;",~~'t:.;:' . . , ;.. ~ ~ : .:. ~ "'/: . ..' ORIGIN: At1l'HOR: DEPARTMENT : LOC PAGE: LOC SECTION: staft Martha L. Nebelaiek, Assistant county Attorney county Attorney 2-39 CHANGE: Regulations governing amus81Ilent areas at fast food re.taurants. REASOR: c~issioner request. FISCAL IXPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None to Collier County. None. no708m UDDHDT. 2. Where plav areas are constructed as accessorY use to a nendtted use. followina conditions shall aDDlv: a. a minimum tive foot. six inch hiah reinforced fence shall be installed on all sides of the Dlav area which are not ODen to the DrinciDal structure: b. inaress to and earess from the Dlay area shall be made onlv from the DrinciDal structure. however an emeraency exit from the Dlav area shall be Drovided which does not empty into the DrinciDal structure: c. the Dlav eauiD1llent shall be set back a minimum distance ot five (5) teet from the reauired fence and from the princiDal structure. I aoor 066 P'AG[ 7J an the -~ - -- '. .: '\ I '..' stat! Philip J. ScheU Site Developaent Review Delete ho.eles. .helter. fro. per.itte4 uses in C-l through C-4 zoning di.tricts and list homeles. shelters as conditional use. Retain homeless shelters as peralttod uses with speoltio development oriteria in C-5 zoninq district. REASON: BCC Direction to review homeless shelters as permitted VB. conditional uses in all cOlll1llercial zoning districts. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. ORIGIN: AUTHOR: DEPARTKEN'l'1 CHAHOZI LDC Page: 2-36 LOC section: C-1/C-l/T Zoning District noPOaJm AXDDKmCT I Group Care Facilities (Category I and II..xc.at for homeless shelters); Care Units, except tor homeless shelters; and Nursing Ho~es, subject to Seo. 2.6.26. 5. LDC Pagel 2-39 'LDC Section: C-2 Zoning District nOJlt)sJm AXDDXD'l'a Group Care Faoilities (CAteqory I and II. exceDt tor homeless shelters); Care Units, except for homeless shelters; and Nursing Homes, subject to Sec. 2.6.26. 9. Reason: BCC direction. IOlII flE w.t 74 .. .. .. '. .~ .,J'... " , .. .',' ',' ......... .. .... . . ~. ;.. ", ",'~. : ". . ~ . ,,'",.. .. LDC paqe: 2-42 LOC section: C-3 Zonin9 District noP08~ axDDXD'1' I Group care Faciliti.. (Cateqory I and II~ exceDt tor homeless shelters); Care Units, except tor homeless shelters; and Nursinq Homes, subject to Sec. 2.6.26~ 8. REASON: Correct redundancy in LDC. LDC Page: 2-42 LOC Section: 1'1lOP08~ AXDDXD'l': ~ Greup He"ein" eX.ludil,. Paaily Pael1i.l.s, su~1e.. .. S... 3.'.2'. GHoe LDC Page: 2-46 LDC Section: C-4 Zoning District nOP08ZD UDDKEJIT: 13. Group care Facilities (cateqory I and II.exceDt tor homeless shelters); Care Units, 1".l"d!", exceDt tor homeless shelters; and Nursinq Homes~ subject to Sec. 2.6.26. LDC paqe: 2-46 LDC Section: PJlOP08ZD AJIBJIDJU:IIT: 23. Social Services (groups 8322-8399. except tor homeless shelters and SOUD kitchens). To correct internal inconsistency. Reason: fIOOI C66fi? 75 --........, ... . , - - -, 'i , ,),,;' . ~, . .:: ',.; . ,',,, 1 .r' ....... .. :' .' /.~; . '. ~...::~. >......:'., . . ':. ~.~:--: '.::.. . " , , LDC Page: 2-46 LDC section: C-4 Zoninq District PR01'OSm AXDDXBJI'l': Q4. Seu, ki'ehen.., a. ..fin.. ~ 'hi. Qede. To correct internal inconsistency. Reasons lOOK IJ66 PAt;~ 76 ~' ~"-"..._-~--.,.""" -".~--- " ;.. " , '.~~. . . :;' .'~. - , , , : .\....-..:... .. ,.. .... ", ~. ~. ~. <.... .' . . '.~' '. ~ .';: ';':'. OJUC:::Df : Atn'HOR : D EP AR".l'JIEM"l' : LOC PAGE: LDC SECTION: CHAXGE: Statt Donald W. Arnold site Developaent Review Depart.ant paqe 2-55 section Add h~le.s .helters and soup kitchens to industrial zoning district as conditional use. Soard Direction Jf one. Jfone. REASOJf : FISCAL Da'ACT: RElATED CODES: Conditional U.e.. 21. Roaele.s shelters. as defined ~ this Code. 22. SauD Kitchen.. a. defined bv this Code. llOOC C66~ 17 -,,,------- ORIGIJf: AUTHOR: DEPARTKEHT : LOC PAGE: LOC SECTION: CHANGE: REASON: . " ......... " ' . . ~. , " .... " statf Ronald F. Nino, AICP site Development Review 2-116 2.3.14 Add parking requirement for athletic tields. CUrrently the parking section ot the Land Development Code does not provide any parkinq requirement for an athletic field. Con..quently, when the Jloat recent County Park .ite development plan was subm~tted for review and approval we were required to approve whatever was proposed tor parking on that plan for the athletic field. Based on detinitivo parlcing requirements tor other activities proposed at this same County park thirty spaces of the proposed parking lot can be attributed to the athletic fielc2. It now appears that this may be deticient. Professional organizations engaged in the dissemination of parking statistics were unable to provide information for parking demand generated by a typical athletic field at a County park facility as opposed to a professional sports stadium. Staff of the County Parks Division advise that the various county parka with athletic fields have parking lots where they estimate 30 to 50 spaces are unique to the athletic field. It is also reported that there are many occasions when parking lots are inadequate and consequently users are required to park in unauthorized places. Given this indeterminate condition the best wc can do is to estimate the amount of parking generated by a typical soccer or baseball playing event. A soccer team usually has a roster of 18 players. Because we know that most soccer playing is by youths it is logical to a.sume that they will be transported to the tield by an adult who will remain at the tield tor the duration ot the soccer ~tch. Based on this it is possible that a soccer aatch could generate a need tor 36 parking spaces without any consideration tor coaches and spectators. Given this potential scenario it would appear that an athletic field when used tor a soccer match could generate a parJdn9 demand tor at least <40 spaces assuming coaches are not the parents of one or more soccer (Note: amendment continued on following page.) ,lOGIC 006,,," 78 ..._,",",---~'~"-~<"'~'^.~- _.._-_..............-_..'=~,..., .,-,,,,...."...- ,..r""___-'~".~...- ...J .....,. .... 'F' . :' .~: ~ . i";";; LDC SECTION: 2.3.14 continued players. Adc2itionally, there is the problem ot overlap where another tea. arrive. to the playing tield prior to the completion ot th~ current playing activity. The rec01lUlended standard ot 40 spaces doe. not there tore appear to be excessive when compared to the parking that a soccer match between two youth teams could potentially qenerate. This consideration is important because we want to avoid any condition whereby the Use ot tacilities at a County park do not encouraqe ott-street parkinq within the public riqhts-ot-way. FISCAL IHPACT: None. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: noPOSBD AXDDXD'l'1 None. Athletic Fields Forty (40) SDaces tor each athletic field (baseball. slow Ditch. soccer. etc.). The Communitv Development services Administrator. or his desiqnee. may adllinistrativelv reduce this reauirement where the applicant can demonstrate a reduced need tor the required Darking due to the tYpe of athletic facility or where shared Darkina mav be Drovided on ad1acent cublic Dropertv. Grassed RA.t.k.1J'Ia mav be permitted tor not more than 50' of thB Drovided parking. \ aOOK fX>6 'AGE 79 "_'e",,",,'_"""'_'_~__"'._--- .. , ' j . ,.; '; ..... .' ORIGIJf: AUTIfOR: DEPARTHEHT s we PAGE: we SECTION: staff Joseph F. Delate, R.L.A., A.S.L.A. CUrrent Planning, Development Service. 2-127 CHANGE: Delete landscape bond requirements. Landscape survivability my be insured through normal Code Enforc81llent activity. REASON: FISCAL IMPACT: The initial savings in staft time will exceed $12,000 per year. The savings to developers and property owners will exceed $100,000. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. PllOPOaZD AMDDHEJIT I All required landscaping shall be installed in accordance with plans approved under Sec. - Landscaping within a Subdivision Development shall be guaranteed by a Subdivision Completion Bond in accordance with oiv. 3.2 qoverning the tinal platting of a Subdivision. ~ ~ laftdacapift~ ahall, betere 6 certitieate ~ Oee\lpaftcy (0.0.) &P #twH: iftspee~ieft -!it appre,,'ed (e'eeepii &e ethcndee a~therieed ey ~ Develepmeftt ~ervlees Direeter), be lJUaraftteed ey+ -tat 6 ea5h del'eai~ &P .ashier's cheelq &P -fbt 6 perlortlaftee HM-t e-r-r ~ 6ft irrevoeable Letter eE Greilt. Letters eE Oredlii ~ be doewaented en ~ -. ~ provide. ey Gollier Gownty. ~ perfertlaftee lJ\Iarafttee ~ ~ ~ 6ft amewn' ~ -litfHt ~ ~ pereeftt f5-O-\-t eE ~ iftstalled Ytive eE ~ laftdseepift9 reqwired ey ~ Gede? ~ perfermaftee lJUarafttee ~ be exeewted ~ 6 persen &P entIty ~ 6 ~ &P tiftafteial iftterest *" ~ preperty 6ftd ~ remain *" elfee' ~ ~~alve ~ aefttho ~ ~ ~ e4 ioowaftee .E . Gertitieate e4 Oee~paney, ~ eweeesotwl osapleti8ft eE e reinspeetien eE ~ ~andoeapin. ~ Oe.plianee &ervleeo. Aft esti.ated epiftieft eE pre~aBle ee&e ~ aees.paftY ~ perter.anoe .waran'.ee. Cevernaofttal efttitiee ~ ~ exe.p' ~ ~ r84fUire.ont 4e-r porformanoe tJIIaranteee. Shewld ~ Gewn'y .f4..rHI i4 fteeeeeary 4!e ,,'ilis. ~ pert_rIIaftee lJ'Iarantee " "ndertal(e 6ftY eerree'i ve werJt 6ft 4l-fte reqaired landaeapift9, the rcr.ittee shall B8 finaneially (Note: amendment continued on tollowing page.) 600( 066 PAr~ 80 . . :.:: > ~ 0 j . ,.",: ~ .". . .....,.. . " " ," .'..... .\ "; .;,~ i',. . ~~.: ....:.. ~::.; . ........ ". .-0. ". '.. ~~ .."... ": '. ' ..1. .' .... :' " '.' '0, '.:", . LDC SECTION: continued respeftsi~l. 4er ~ ~ 4eee end asseeia_ed ~ ineurred ey Gellier OSUft\y ~ reee\-erin, ~ eK-penses 4rew ~ ~ eerpera\ien .. inBti'u'ien ~ pre'lided 'he perfe..anee tuaran'ee. All required landscapina shall be maintained in . healthv condition in ~rDetuity .e ~r the approved buildina and eite D1an8. Code cOlIIDllance lIay inv.etiaate deficiencies in annroved landscanina and institute corrective action to insure c~Dliance with this Code. eooc C66~ 81 ".,.,.~-;---~-"_._.,...._----- ,_,_",,__,'_,,",,_,___..,."__~..-.^__V___ v ORIGIN: AtmfOR: DEPARTMENT : LOC PAGE: LOC SECTION: CHANGEr REASOR : Staft John Wilver CUrrent Planning, Development Services 2-143 2.5.6 A~d regulations dealing with prohibited accent lighUnq. BCC direction. nsCAL IMPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGt1LATIONS s None. None. noPOam AkDWLiIIT I Accent liqhtinq as defined in thi. Code. outlinina doors and windows. or attached to columns and vertical corners of structures. Accent liahtina on walls of commercial buildings that abut residentiallY zoned Darcels. &001 fJ66 ~ 82 ,""-,._._..,'-~-------""".~...._-"_.~.~~~._....,'-_..._~~....- . ^ ~.~~ L ;_, ~.'..~ : tft .. \ r'~.\ ~,~.., If" ~"":\~ ORIGIN: AUTHOR: DEPARTMENT: LDC PAGI: LDC SICTION: CHANGE: REASON: ) .... Statt John Wllver CUrrent Planning, Development Servioe. 2-145 2.5.8 Add requirements tor permitting accent lighting. acc direction. FISCAL IMPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. None. PROPOSBD A1DDfI)xmrr: SEC 2.5.8 ~~RMITTED SIGNS: The tollowing signs are permitted, upon issuance ot a building permit and subject to the restrictions below: Under Canoov s.isn..&. In addition to any other sign allowed by this Code, one (1) under canopy dgn shall be allowed tor each establi.hment in 4 shopping center. This sign ~hall not exceed six (6) square teet in area and shall be a minimum ot eight teet (8') above tinished grade. Accent Liahtina. In addition to any other sign allowed bY this Code. accent lia~tina may b~ allowed subiect to the following requirements. 1.... No more then two (2) tubes or strands ot continuous accent liqhting will be allowed oer wall of a structure. ~ Accent liahtina cannot exceed one and one-half inch (I 1/2") in diameter oer tube or strand. ~ Accent liahtinq must have the aDDroval of the Communitv Develooment Services Administrator or his desianee exceot aa Drohibited in section 2.5.6 ot this Code. Insta llation ot accent lightina shall require a building permit. .L. Accent liahtina must comQlv with the Collier County current Electrical Code and must be installed by a licensed electrical sian contractor to an aDoroved electrical source. aOOJ 006 Pi<;1 B3 ";~, . " ", ", ORIGIJf: AUTHOR: DEPARTMENT : LOC PAGE: LOC SECTION: CHANGE: REASON: FISCAL IMPACT: - ~ :,>'.~. .:'~; , .~. :..:,:" : ....;.:>~ '. " ,:' .,' ':,'. , . ',. \:" .':~ :. ,', ',0, \. , ' '.'.., .,~.J:';,/.:: statt Donald W. Arnold, AICP Site Development Review 2-169 2.6.11 Add criteria under which property owners may install tence. without presentinq the finished side to the adjoining property. BCC direction upon hearin9 of public petition No adc2itional tiacal impacts beyond the normal base level tunding tor the Department are requied to implement the proposed changes. Cost of fence construction may be reduced to some property owners where unfinished side may be presented to the neighboring property owner. RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. PROP08ED AKBKDXZHT8: Ceneral. r rences and walls shall be constructed to present the tinbhed aide ot the tence or wall' to the adjoinin9 lot or any abuttin9 right-ot-vay. ~ due to the Dresence of an oxisting tence or wall or continuous landscape hedge on the adjoinina parcel. this provision may be administratively waived where said reauest has been requested in writina. '~OOIC C66l'm 84 . ' ORIGIJf: AUTHOR: DZPARTXEHT : LOC PAGE: LOC SECTION: CHANGES REASONS - .... / I / ,. I / / / // ',.' . Staft Bob Kulhere CUrrent Planning, Development Services 2-189, 2-190 Revise language regarding process and submittal requirements tor temporary construction permits. ourin9 the last toe amendment cycle, changes were made to this .ection in order to allow an applicant to request a T81Iporary Use Permit, under certain conditions, after approval ot a Preliminary Subdivision Plat, Preliminary SOP, or both, as the case may be. The actual adopted languaqe was conflictinq in various places within this subsection regardinq minimum requirements and approvals necessary to submit tor and receive approval ot Temporary Use Permits tor Development and Construction related activities. FISCAL IMPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. None. 2.'.33.3 PJlOPOSBD UDDMDT I _..__."'____~_..,.___~.__,..~O^ ., ~"Dor.rY Construotion .n~ De..looaent Permits. Durin9 the construction of any development tor which at least a preliminary .. ~ development order has been granted ~s reauired below, the developer may request a temporary use permit for the below listed activities. The temporary use permit shall be granted initially for a period not to exceed twenty-tour (24) months in lenqth and JIIay be renewec2 annually based on demonstration of need. A request tor renewal shall be submitted to the site Development Review Director in writing thirty (30) days prior to the expiration ot the temporary use permit. Temporary construction and development permits shall be allowed tor the tollowing uses: 1. Temporary offices to be used for construction, and administrative tunctions within the development. 2. Temporary ott ices to be used tor sales tunctions, including sales ottices, allowing tor the sale, resale, marketing ot dwellings, structures, or property within the development in which it is located, or adjacent developments under the same control. 100I 006 rAG! B5 .. - - - \ \ . \ "\ \ , l. LDC SECTION: continued . 3. On-site storage ot equipment and construction materials for Us. on the development site only. 4. On-site mobile home used as a t.mporary ctfic. or storage facility tor persons engaged in the development of the site. 5. On-site mobile radio and television equipment and antenna.. 6. On-site mobile home tor the use of a watchman or caretaker only. 7. On-site temporary use of structures and oquipment for the building of road, public utilities, and government projects. 8. Off-site temporary parking on property contiguous to the subject development with the written authorization of the property owner. 9. Other on-site uses similar to the toregoing uses and determined to meet the intent of Sec. Proposed temporary structures identitied above and intended to be located either within a development for which a Preliminary Subdivision Plat. in the case of sinale tamilv orojacts, or a Preliminary site Develooment Plan for all other oro1ects ~ SGP ~ has ft04 been granted er within a p1a~ted ~ e.f. aft eppt'OYOd dovelepJlle"tI ~ ~ p&&ubdivisie" ee reqaired By ~ pre...isie"B &E ~ ~ require the submission and approval of a conceptual site plan which addresses any or allot the above referenced considerations identified in a pre-application meeting. &i-M O....e18p.."iI N-eft *" aeeerda"ee ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eeee e4 prejeets req~ir1", p1att1", p~rBaanil .. DiYT ~ T a Preliaiftary C~ed1...isis" ~ ~ ~ eubaitted end In the case ot orojects reauiring Dlattina Dursuant to Div. 3.2. a Preliminarv SUbdivision Plat shall be submitted and aooroved in addition to the PreliminarY site Development Plan reterenced above. approved ~ .. ~ ,rant!", e4 ~ ~ De....1epJlle"iI ~ approval. All other temporary uses and structures permitted within Sec. require the SUbmission of. a conceptual plan which demonstrates that provisions will be made to address the requirements of Sec. .. 1166tw;l B6 __.__.."''"',__'''...__......''"''., "~,__;~'.'n....,'...~....,~..___"'__ ",."."O,..,'~_,"'_~__".~_,."..__-"~,..."'".,..".._~.'"_......~"~_..,.."."_.""-"-~-'"~,,.,..."-, ORICUlIl At7TlrOlll DBPARTXD'l' J (, . r...:....>:~' BCC Bob Mulhere, Acting CUrrent Planning Mqr. site Development Review Department. LDC PAGZJ 3-4,3-5 CBAlIQal Provision of an exemption fro. the requir..ent. of Division 3.2 for Chokoloskee Island. R~OWI Chokoloskee i.land has been reooqnized .s . unique urban enolave. one which has an existing and unique prevailing development pattern, and which, for the most part has existing infrastructure in place adequate to support the prevailing development pattern. While the existing infrastructure and prevailing development pattern function well in support of the population of Chokoloskee, it would be extremely difficult, and would likely cause undue hardship on the property owners thereon, to require them to comply with the subdivision requirements in effect tor the typical urban areas at Collier County. FISCAL IXPACTJ None. RILATBD CODa. OR RZQOLATIOXSJ LeC Article 2, zonin9. ..0. 3.2.4 BrEKPTIOWS Chokoloskee Island SUbdivision. The nUrDose or this Section is to recoanize the uniaue attributes of the area identified as Chokoloskee Island in the Future Land Use Element of the Collier Countv Growth Manaaement Plan. The prevailina development nattern on Chokoloskee Island was established prior to the adoption or Countv subdivision reQulations and inrrastructure necess~rv to support this development nattern is in nlace. Throuah the nrovisiono of this Section. practices that are compatible with the character of the Chokoloskee Island area are best promoted bv the alternatives nrovided to the "Urban" imnrovements set forth in Division 3.2 aenerallv. Exemetion from Plattina and subdivision Reaulations. The division of eropertv on Chokoloskee Island shall not reauire the subdivider to record a final nlat nor comnlv with the subdivision reaulations erovided in Division 3.2. The subdivider and purchaser of the pronertv shall comelv with the reaulations nrovided in Section The divisign or proportv not on Chokoloskeo Island is reauired to comely with all reauirements to Division 3.2. All narcels of land existina on Chokoloskee Island as of October 30. 1991. and identified in the Prooertv Aopraiser's official records. ....hich do not conrorm to the minimum lot area and lot ....idth IOIlIC 1166 'AI'I. 87 -', . / , ' ., ...... ~ I' .'. reauirements ot the overlyina zonina district shall be considered contormina lots. Any sUbdivision of land on Chokoloskee Island occurrina after October 30. 1991. shall complv with the minimum lot area and width reauirements for the overlvina zonina district in effect at the time the land is subdivided. In any case. excect as described above. the minimum accllcable develonment standards set forth in the Land Develocment Code shall acclY. unless a variance therefrom is obtained. Deeds and other Conveyances. All deeds and other conveyances for crocerties hereafter on Chokoloskee Island shall include in ten-coint tvce the followina statement: "NO GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. INCLUDING COLLIER COUNTY. SHALL EVER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE. UPKEEP OR IMPROVEMENT OF ANY PRIVATE DRIVES. ROADS. STREETS. EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY PROVIDING INGRESS AND EGRESS TO THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONVEYED." Failure to include this intormation in a deed shall not atfect the convevance of cropertv. Building Permits tor Chokoloskee Island. Prior to the issuance of a buildina cermit for anv crocertv on Chokoloskee Island. the owner of the crocertv acclvina for the buildina permit must crovide verification that he or she has an existina means of access to the crocertv and the existina means of access to such cropertv must be imcroved to the standards established bv this subsection. Said access mav be: a\ dustless surface a minimum of 20 feet in width. or b\ aschalt caved road a minimum of 20 teet in width. or c\ limerock surtace a minimum at 20 teet in width. Access Aareement. The owner ot procertv acclyina tor a builc2ina cermit shall execute a release and waiver aareement which shall be executed and recorded at the acclicant's e){Dense in the official records of Collier Countv. The release and waiver aareement shall be in a form apcroved bv the Countv Attornev or his designee. and shall include. at a minimum. the followina crovisions and a cocv of the recorded agreement submitted with the cropertv owner's building cermit apDlication: al Identification of the procertv bv leaal descriction and tax Darcel folio number: bl Descriction of the means of access to the sub1ect crocerty and the chvsical condition of that access: cl A statement recoonizina that the access riahts are cersonal riahts between the arantor and arantee and the Countv' s aCDroval or the use of the l\ccess....av in no way imDlies that the use is cermitted. : &OOC 066 1>1'1. 88 \ ,": 'f /. . ",.-.... t..:...... , ,.:.,;.:,L:;-;~~::: , :...... ..::.: ... ..... ': . .". .'.. '",', -. . '., " dl A statement con~irminq that the maintenance and upkeeo o~ such means o~ access shall be the oercetual resoonsibility o~ the individual(sl or other entity holdina riCJhts to such means o~ acceSS1 el A statement confirmina that anv develoument order issued bv Collier Countv orooosinq utilization of such means of access shall contain a soecific disclaimer from Collier Countv relatina to the Countv's obliaation for the oresent or future maintenance or uokeeD of such means of acceSS1 fl A statement of relea.e holc2ina Collier county harmless in perpetuity for maintenance of such .eans at acc...: Ql Descriotion ot the extent and S;lecitications tor improvements to the means of access beinQ proposed bv the aoolicant: hI Descriotion ot the utilities. includina. tor examole. vater. sewer. teleohone. electricity. which shall service the crooerty as reauired bv Collier Countv Ordinance 89-06. known as the Collier County Standarc2 Housina Code. or its successor in function: il A statement ot the apDlicant's intent to arranqe tor. have installed and Dav tor Drovision ot such utilities as are req.uired bv law: ~} A statement o~ release holding Collier Countv harmless in perpetuitv for maintenance of such utilities: kl A statement that Dermits ~r01ll all state and tederal aaencies have been obtained or aDDlied tor. includina cooie. of said oermit aoolications. The re.Donsibility to determine if such permits are necessarv is solely the responsibility of the aoclicant. eoor 006"'7. 59 - ORIOIRI AUTHOR I DEPARTKEN'l'1 LOC PAGE s LDC SZCTIOtf I CHAJfGEs Rv.8OR s " - \ .. '. .... ...;. .' ..' ," ,': .... ',.. 't:, " ~'-~'.: ,,~~'.; . ' ~- :f~ " ','.:.. . " .; ~."'.:,: ' , ".\,'.. ...' . <!,<;',., . \. . .\!;::~:. '-..:..) "",. . :-:::: . .... . . ~~:. . Statt Dick Clark c01Il1IlUnity Develop.ent Divi.ion 3-123 Provide tor Miccosukee Indians to cut cypress tr.e.. To contora LDC to 581.187, F.B. FISCAL IXPAC'1': RELATED CODES or. REGtTI..ATIOHSs None. Hone. ftOPOSJm .aJQDlDKD'l's ExceDt that in accordance with section 581.187. F.S.. ve<retation removal perJIits shall not be reauired tor .e1Ibers o~ either the Seminole Tribe or Florida or the Miccosukee Tribe of Florida Indians. sub1ect to the rollowina conditions. said permit exemotion shall be for the sole DUrDOSe of harvestina select v8getation. includina but not limited to Dalm trends and ~o.s. ~or use in chick.e hut construction. or ~or cultural or reliaious DUrDOS... and tribal ..mber identiti- cation and written DerJIission tr01ll the DroDerty owner must be in DOs.es.ion at the time of veaetation removal. This .xe1IlDtion shall not apply to aeneral land clearina. or to agricultural land clearina. includina silviculture. :.. 1J66W;( 00 : ~ . """. . :~:. " . .' . . ." " .;," . ..... .... . .' . . , . . ',. . . "" ; ': I::',' . . " . , " " .... . ..." . '.,'.', , ' . ."', . " "::.:. j':";,,::,,,~'~~";. .I;:;:;:i:ilf~(.. .... " :' '" .' ," . .'.. .:., ." ,': .... ~, ~. ,t . , : '.- " . ~::~ . " . '. ',. ~. . . .~. ;~!,:':~ .......:. ". ,"',,"'''' I . . ,,::' I O's. US..., OlUGDfs AOTHOR s DZPARTKEHT r LOC PAGEr LDC SECTION r staff stan Li tsinger Lonq Range planning 3-148 DIV. 3.15 CHAJfGls REASOR's Modify Adequate Public Faciliti.. ordinance Per ..ttl...nt aqr....nt with DCA nsCAL IMPACTr RELATED CODES OR RECOLATIOHS r noI'OSBD bAlwlUUn"l !fone. None. I eooc 1166 f'lI?: 91 - - , COLLIZK COUN'l'Y AOEQOAT~ PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE ORDINAKCB NO. u-2L AN ORDINANCE TO BE J<NOWN AS THE COLLIER COUNTY ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS 1 PROVIDING FOR SHORT TITLE, AUTHORITY AND APPLICABILITY 1 PROVIDING FOR INTENT AND PURPOSE 1 PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS, PROVIDING FOR RULES OF CONSTRUCTION 1 PROVIDING FOR THE GENERAL REQUIREMEN"l' THAT ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES BE AVAILABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT 1 PROVIDING FOR MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PROGRAM, ANNUAL INVENTORY UPDATE REPORT, ANNUAL CIE AND AMENDMENT, ANNUAL BUDGET, PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATORY PROGRAM TO ENSURE ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE 1 PROVIDING FOR LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION, SEVERABILITY, AND PENALTIES; PROVIDINd FOR EfFECT OF PRIOR REFERENCES TO PREVIOUS ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE1 PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE 90-24, AS AMENDED, THE PREVIOUS ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE 1 PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUN'l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: SEe.i. rINDINGS 1.1 Collier County, pursuant to section 163.3161, At. ~., Florida statutes, the Florida ~cal Government comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (hereinafter "the Act"), is required to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan1 and 1.2 As part of that Comprehensive Plan, the County is required to prepare and ac20pt a Capital IJlIprovement Element (CIE) which covers at least a tiv. (5) year period and 18 d..iqned to consider the need for and location ot public faoiliti.., and 1.3 The CIE is required to: 1.3.1 establish a level ot service to determine the adequacy of public facilities1 and ' .4 1.3.2 based upon the established level ot service, estimate public facility neec2s both to correct existing deticiencies anc2 aoc01ll1ll0date need. projected by new growth and development, and 1.3.3 based on public tacility neec2s, project costs to provide the necessary public tacUities and tind realistic revenue sources to tund the public tacilitie., and 1.4 The Comprehensive Plan with the CIE is designed to ensure that adequate public facilities are available concurrent with the impact of development1 and 1.~ After adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Act mandate. that Collier County adopt Land Development Regulations that implement the Comprehensive Plan1 and 1.6 Section 163.3177(10) (h), Florida statutes, provides that public facilities and services needed to support development must be available concurrent with the impacts of such development1 and 1.7 Section 163.3202(2)(g), Florida statutes, also provides that not later than one (1) year after its due date established by the state land planning agency's rule tor SUblois.ion ot local Comprehen.ive Plans, a local qovernment shall not issue a development order or permit which results in a reduction in the level of service for the affected public facilities below the level qt service provided in the COMprehensive Plan and CIE1 and ... OOOPit ,92 Doc. Ret: 6515 _._._---,--~,.._-"......_--~ - - - 1.8 Rule 9J-S.00SS, Plorida Administrative Code (P.A.C.) requires that a concurrency unag81llent syste. must be implementec2 after adoption of a C01llprehensive Plan with it. cn to ensure that public facilities and servioe. needed to support development are available concurrent vith the impact. of such development 1 and 1.9 On January 10, 19B9, Collier county ac20pted the Collier County Growth Manaqement Plan incluc2ing a CIE pursuant to the require- ments ot Section 163.3161 At. ~., Florida statutes 1 and 1.10 In March 1990, Collier County adopted its Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (Orc2inance No. 90-24) which implemented the Concurrency Management System of the Growth Management Planl and 1.11 In September 1990, certain providon. ot the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance regarding the implementation of concurrency vere challenged pursuant to Section 163.3213, Florida Statutes 1 and 1.12 On November, -Z6,. , 1990,... ,the Department of Community Attain held':a preliminary hearing pursuant to Section 163.3213(4), Florida statutes, to determine whether or not the challenged portions of the Adequate Public Facilitie. Orc2inance were consistent with the CIE ot the Growth Manaqement Planl and p' ' 1.13 On December 6, 1990, the Department of Community Affairs issued its Final Order determining that certain provisions of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance were inconsistent with the CIE of the Growth Management Planl and 1.14 On February 6, 1991, the Department ot Community Atfairs and others petitioned the Division ot Administrative Hearinqs on the Issue of consistency at certain provisions ot the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance with the CIg ot the Growth Manaqement Plan pursuant to section 163.3213(5) (b), Florida Statutes 1 and 1.15 An administrative hearinq was conducted in Collier County between July 22 and July 26, 1991, wherein the Division ot Administrative Hearinqs Hearinq Officer heard testimony and received evidence concerninq the, issue of the consistency of the Adequate Publio Facilities ordin~nce with the CIE at the Growth Manaqement Planl and 1.16 On Auqust 27, 1992, the Hearing Ofticer issued a tinal order tinc2ing certain ot the challenged portions ot the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance incondstent with the CIE of the Growth Management Plan and recommending the imposition ot substantial sanctions upon Collier County as a result pursuant to Section 163.3213(6), Florida Statutes 1 and 1.17 On March 16, 1993, the Board of County Commissioners ot collier County entered into a stipulated Settlement Aqreement with the Department of Community Attairs and the other parties to the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance challenge in which it was aqreed that Collier county would amend the Concurrency Management System ot the CIE pursuant to Rule OJ-5.0055, F.A.C., and later amend certain portions of the Adequate Publio Facilities Ordinance caudnq it to become consistent with the Concurrency Manaqement System amendments to the CIEI and 1.18 On April 13, 1993, the Administration commission issued its Final Order Number AC-93-036, approvinq the stipulated Settlement Aqreement and directinq Collier County to adopt the remedial amend- ments to the Concurrency Management System of the CIE and amendments to the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-24). 1.19 On July 27, 1993, the Board ot County commissioners at Collier County did take action in the manner prescribed by law, did hold publio hearinqs concerninq the adoption of tho remedial plan amendment and did adopt such amendment as Ordinance No. 93-411 and Doc. Ref: 6515 toOl 066 ,.v;.- 93 ,~,<~-... ,.__...-,."_..,'~."..>,_.,,---._~ -... -_........-..--_.---_.~ 1.20 Th. Collier County Planninq commission and the Boarc2 ot County Commissioner. find that this Ordinance i. con.istent with and turth.r. the Colli.r county Growth ManAgement Planl and 1.21 It is the intent ot the Board ot County Commissioners ot Collier County to impl.ment the "concurrency r.quirements" of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Section 163.3177(10) (h) and 163.3202(2) (g), Florida statutes, and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. SEC. 2. SHORT TITLE. AUTHORITY AND APPLICABILITY. 2~1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Collier county Ac2equate Public Facilities Ordinance." 2.2 Authority. The Board of county commissioners at Collier County has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII, section 1 Cf), Fla. Const., Section 125.01 n. ~., l"1orida Statutes, Section )63.3161 At ~., Florida Statutes, Section 163.3161(8), Florida statutes, Sections l63.3177(lO) (h) and 163.3202(2) (9), Florida Statute., and Rul. 9J-5, F.A.C. , .. .2.3"' Ap'Olicab111tv. This Ordinanc. shall apply to all d.v.lopment in the total unincorporated area ot Collier County, and to all public facilities owned by Collier County in the incorporated or unincorporat.d areas' of Collier County, and to all privat.ly-o....ned public tacilities where the lev.l of service has b.en .stablished by the County. SEC.3. INTENT AND PURPOSE 3.1 Intent. This Ordinance is intended to implement and be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Section 163.3161 ~. ~., Florida statutes, and Rul. 9J-5, F.A.C., by ensuring that all development 1n Collier County be served by adequate public facilities. 3.2 Purpose. This objective is accomplished by (1) establishing a management and monitoring system to evaluate and coordinate the timing and provi.ion ot the necessary publio tacilities to .ervice d.v.lopment, and (2) by establiShing a regulatory program that ensures that each public facility is available to serve develop- ment concurrent ....ith ....hen the impacts ot development occur on the pUblic tacilities. 3.3 Minimum Requirements. The provisions at this Orc2inanc. in their interpretation and application are declared to be the minimum requirements necessary to accomplish the stated intent, purposes, and objectives at this Ordinance. SEC. 4 DEFINITIONS. 4.1 Annual UDdat:e and Inventorv ReDort or AUI~ means the County report on public tacilities described in S.ction 7.2. 4.2 Application for DeveloDment A'ODroval means an application submitted to Collier County requesting the approval ot a development order. 4.3 Ca'Oital Drainage Facilities mean the plannin9 ot, engineering tor, acquisition of land tor, or the construction ot drainage and water management facilities necessary for proposed development to meet the LOS for drainage facilities. 4.4 Caoital Park Facilities mean the planning ot, engineerin9 for, acquisition of land tor, or construction of buildings And park equipment necessary to meet the LOS for park facilities. 4.5 Cacital Road Facilities or CaDital Road Improvemen~ shall include transportation planning for, right-of-way acquisition tor, engineering tor, and construction of any project eligible for ~~ aoo<< 066 rAG{ 94' - ::I - Doc. Ref: 6515 --------"'<...."""-. , .~ ---_.~-~-"" ..' inolusion as a road project in the road component of the CIE of the Collier County Growth Management Plan or the Five Year Florida Department of Transportation Plan. 4.6 CaDital Potable Water Facilities mean the planning of, enqineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of potable water tacilities necessary to meet the LOS tor potable water Facilities. 4.7 CaDital SanitarY Sewer Facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of sanitary sewer tacilities necessary to meet the LOS tor sanitary sewer tacilities. 4.8 Caoital Solid Waste Facilities mean the planning of, engineerinq tor, acquisition of land tor, or construction of solid waste facilities necessary to meet the LOS for solid waste facilities. 4.9 Comnrehensive Plan mean. a plan that meets the require- ments of Sections 163.3177 and 163.3178, Florida Statutes, and shall mean the Collier County Growth Management Plan, where reterenced in this Orc2inance. 4.10 Deficient Road Seament means the tollowings po' ' 4.10.1 A County or Stat. road segment on the Major Road Network Syste. that eitherr has an adopted LOS "C" peak season, peak hour, that has operated below LOS "C" peak .eason, peak hour, based on the Annual Update and Inventory Report ("AUIR")1 or, has an adopted LOS "D" peak season, peak hour, that has operated below LOS "D" peak season, peak hour, tor two (2) years or more based on the AUIRl or 4.l0.1.3 has an adopted LOS "0" peak season, peak hour, that is operating below LOS "E", peak season, peak hour, based on the AUIRl or has an adopted LOS "E" peak season, peak hour, that is operating worse than LOS "E" peak season, peak hour, based on the AOIR. 4.10.2 In detenininq the capacity ot a County road seqment or a State roac2 seqment tor the purpose of determininq whether it is a deficient road seqment, the County shall considers 4.l0.2.1 any capital Road Improvement ourrently in place 1 under construction 1 any Capital Road Improvement that is any capital Road Improvement guaranteed in an entorceable development aqreement that inoludes the provisions in subsections and 4 0 10.2.4 the actual construction ot the requirec2 capital Road Improvement is inclUded and i. scheduled to commence in or betore the third year of the State's Five (5) Year Work Program and the County's current five (5) year Capital IlIlprovement Schedule adopted as part of the Growth Management Plan: and 4 .10. 2.5 the Board of County Commissioners has made an express finding, after a pUblic hearing, that the current five (5) year Capital Improvement Schedule is based on a realistic, financially teasible program ot funding from existing revenUe sources. 'DOC 066"ct 95 - 4 - Doc. Refs 6515 ........ "..... . -. - 4.11 Deve1ooe~ mun. any per. on includinq a qovernmental aqenay, undertakinq any development as defined in this Ordinance. 4.12 Develo'9ment Aareement has the meaning contemplated in section 163.3220 At ~., Florida statutes. 4.13 Develooment has the meaning given it in Section 380.04, Florida Statutes. 4.14 Devel09ment Order means any order, permit, determination, or action granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application tor any tinal local development order, building permit, temporary use permit, temporary construction and development permit, sign permit, well permit, spot survey, electrical permit, plumbing permit, occupational license, boat dock permit, HVAC permit, septic tank permit, right-at-way permit, blasting permit, excavation permit, construction approval for infrastructure (including water, sewer, gr~ding, paving), approved development of regional impact (DRI) , zoning ordinance amendment, comprehensive plan amendment, flood variance, coastal construction control line variance, tree removal permit., .ite development plan approval, subdivision approval (including plats, plans, variances, and amendments), rezoning, PUD amendment, certification, conditional use (provisional use), variance, or any other ofticial action ot Collier County having the etfect ot permittinq development .s detinec2 in this Ordinance. 4.1S Final Develooment Order means a tinal local c2evelopment order or a tinal DRI development order. 4.16 Final DR! Develooment Order means a development order, as amended trom time to time, adopted by the, Board ot County Commissioners of Collier County and approved by the state pursuant to section 380.06, Florida statutes, notice of which is recorded pursuant to section 380.06(15) (f), Florida Statutes. 4.17 Final Local Development Order means any valid, unexpired buildinq permit or mobile home tie-dawn permit issued by the County. 4.18 Growth Management Chiet means the Growth Management Chiet or his designee. 4.19 Growth Management Plan or GMP means the most recently adoptec2 and etfective Comprehensive Plan of Collier County, as amended trom time to time. ' .- 4.20 Land DeveloDment Reaulation~ mean Ordinances enacted by Collier County pursuant to Section 163.3161 ~. aAg., Florida statutes, tor the requlation ot development, and includes any zoning, subdivision, impact tee, buildinq construction, or sign regulations, or any other regulations controlling the ~evelopment of land. 4.21 Level of Service (LOS) means an indicator of the extent or degree of service provided by, or proposed to be provided by a pUblic facility based on and related to the operational characteristics ot the pUblic facility, as adopted in the Collier County Growth Management Plan. LOS shall indicate the capacity per unit of demand tor each public facility. 4.21.1 Level of service Calculations tor Roads mean calculations that are pertormed annually tollowinq the end at the calendar year by comparing average annual daily tratfic counts to the annual average daily trattic service volume lOOk-Up tables in the Traffic Circulation Element. These tables are calculated to express the annual average daily tratfic volumes based upon the 100th highest volume hour of the year, or peak season, peak hour. Annual average daily traffic (AADT)is generally calculated as the average of a daily 24-hour two-way volume, counted in each ot the four seasons of the year. On som<< low volume roads, a single annual count may be taken and tactored to the annual average daily trat!ic volume using a monthly or quarterly factor. . eoGll 066p~! 00 .. 5 .. Doc. Ref: 6515 .,,' 4.22 LOS for Capital Drainaqe Facilities varie. among 1) new or existinq capital drainaqe facilities owned or operated by a local government or other public entity, 2) existinq capital drainaqe faailities owned or operated by private persons, and 3) new capital drainage facilities owned or operated by private persons. For those capital drainage facilities (publicly or privately ownec2) that are in existence on the effective date of this Ordinance and tor those new capital drainage tacilities owned or operated by a local government or other publia entity, the LOS is the existinq LOS as identified (by dedqn storm return frequency event) in the Collier County Water Kanaqement Kaster Plan. For new capital drainaqe facilities ownec2 or operated ,by- private persons, the LOS is identified in the Orainaqe Sub-Element and Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.5.A.3 (present requirements are a 25-year, 3-day storm event) and is based on those standards, and. requirements tor renewal and approval of drainaqe and stormvater management plans established in the Collier County Water Manaqement Policy Ordinance, Ordinance No. 74-50, as amended, and ordinance No. 90-~~ ,which are incorporated herein by reference. , " ,., " .23 LOS for cani tal Park Facil i ties means 2.9412 acres per 1,000 persons tor reqional park lend1 1.2882 eoros per/1,000 persons for community park land, and $122 of capital investment per capita (at current cost) for recreational tacilities. 4.24 LOS tor Capital Potable Water Facilities varies between .' publia water systems and private water systems. For public water systems, the LOS is 135 qallons per capita per day (qpcd), plUS 21' for non-residential development (except in the Marco Water and Bewer District), makinq the LOS 163 qpCd. The LOS in the Marco Water and Bever District is 200 qpcd (with no 2U adjustment). For private potable water systems, the LOS is as tallows, except that approved private veIls are exempt trOlll these LOS requir81llentsr ~t Establishment Airports (a) per passenqer (b) add per employee Barber and beauty shops (per Chair) .Bowling alleys (toilet wastes only per lane) Country club . (a) per resident member (b) per member present (c) per employee Dentist Offices (a) per wet chair (b) per non-vlt chair Doctors otfic.. (per doctor) Factories, exclusive of industrial wastes (gallon. per person per shift) (a) no showers provided (b) showers provided Food Service Operations (a) ordinary restaurant (per .eat) (b) 24 hour restaurant (per seat) (a) .inqle .ervice article. only (per person) (c2) bar and coaktail lounqe (per person) (e) drive-in restaurant (per car space) (f) carry out only 1. per 100 square feet of floor space 2. add per employee (q) Institutions (per meal) Hotels and motels (a) regular (per room) (b) resort hotels, camps, cottaqes (per person) (c) add for establishments with self service laundry facilities (per machine) Office buildinq (per employee per 8 hour shift) Service stations (per water closet and per urinal) Shopping centers without toed or laundry (per square ot floor space) '001 006 rv.t fl7 - 6 - Doa. Ref: 6515 Gallons Per Dav rGPDl 5 20 100 100 100 25 20 200 50 250 20 35 50 75 25 30 50 50 20 5 150 75 400 20 250 toot 0.1 Gallons Per Dav (GPOl 5 0.1 Type of Establishment stadiums, race tracks, ball parks (per seat) stores per square foot ot tloor space Theatres (a) indoor, auditoriums (per .eat) " (b) outc2oor, drive-ins (per space) Trailer/Mobile Home Park (per trailer space) Travel trailer/recreational vehicle park (a) Travel trailer (overnight), without water and sewer hookup (per trailer space) (b) Travel trailer (overnight), with water and sewer hook-ups (per trailer space) swimming and bathing facilities, public (per person) ,Churches (per seat) Hospitals (per bed) 5 10 200 75 100 10 3 200 Nursinc;, rest ,homes (per bed)' 100 Parks, public picnic (a). with toilet. only (per per.on) 5 ,:.~: (b), with bathhou.., shovers and toilets (per person) IO Public institutions other than schools and hospitals (per person) 100 Schools (per student) (a) day-type 15 (b) add tor showers 5 (c) adc2 for cateteria 5 (d) adc2 tor day school workers 15 Ce). boardinq-type 75 work/Construction camps Semi-permanent (per worker) 50 Residences (a) Sinqle or multiple tamily (per dwelling unit) 1 bedroom and 600 square teet or less heated or cooled area 150 2 bedrooms and 601 - 1000 square teet heated or cooled area 300 3 bedrooms and 1001 - 2000 square teet heated or cooled area 450 4 or more bedrooms and more than 2000 square teet heated or cooled area 600 (b) Other (per occupant) 75 4.25 LOS tor Ca~ital Road Pacilities on the Major Road'. Network System varies dependinq on the type ot road,' and i. based on a definec2 peak .eason, peak hour. The LOS on the tollowinq County roads is LOS "E" peak season, peak hours ~ Airport Road Seqment pine Ridc;e Road to Golden Gate Parkway Airport Road to Santa Barbara Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway Gooc2lette-Frank Road pine Ric2c;e Road to Golden Gate Parkway Golden Gate Parkway to U.S. 41 Airport Road to I-75. Goodlette-Frank Road Pine Ridqe Road On all other County roads on the Major Road Network System, the LOS is "D" peak season, peak hour; however such a county road segment may operate at LOS "E," peak season, peak hour, tor a period not to exceed two (2) tiscal years so as to provide Collier county time to make the capital Road Improvements needed to restore the road to LOS "0" peak season, peak hour, or better. The LOS on state and Federal roads shall be as tollows based on peak seasqn, peak hour: , Boor f16fl ~t;{ 98 Doc. Ret: 6515 ----..--,,,,--- B.w1 1-75 US .u SR-84 SR-9S1 BR-29 BR-82 Existing ,Urbanized Area C D D D Transitioninq Urbanhed Area C C C C Rural Area B C C C C. 4.26 LOS tor CaDital SanitarY Sewer Pacilities varies b.tween public sanitary sewer .yst... and private sanitary s.wer .ystems. The LOS tor public sanitary sever system. is 100 qallons per capita per day (gpcd), plus 21\ tor non-residential. development, making the LOS 121 gpcd. The LOS for private sanitary s.wer systems is a. r.quired by the stat. ot Florida in Chapt.r 10-o-6, l.A.C. Th.... .tandards vary according to the ~ype of land Use. They are a. tollow., except that approved private .eptic systems are exempt trom these LOS requirements: ' TvDe ot Establishment- p' . Airports (_) per passenqer (b) add per employee Barber and beauty shops (per chair) Bovlinqalleys (toilet wastes only per lane) Country Club . (a) per resident member (b) per member present (c) per employee Dentist otfice. (a) per wet chair (b) per non-wet chair Doctor. offices (per doctor) Factorie., exclusive ot indu.trial waste. (gallons per person per shift) (a) no showers provided (b) showers provided Food Service Operation. (a) ordinary restaurant (per seat) (b) 24 hour restaurant (per seat) (c) single service articles only (per person) (d) bar anc2 cocktail'lounqe (p.r per.on) (e) drive-in restaurant (per car space) (f) carry out only 1. per 100 square teet of floor space 2. add per employee Hotel. and motels (a) regular (per room) (b) resort hotels, camps, cottages (per person) (c) add tor establishment. with selt s.rvice laundry tacilities (p.r machin.) ottic. building (per worker) Service stations (p.r bay) Shopping c.nter. without tOOd or laundry (per square foot ot tloor space) stadiums, race tracks, ball parks (per seat) stores (without tood service) (a) private toilets, tor employees only (per employee) (b) public toilet. (per square toot of floor space) Gallons Per Dav (GPDl 5 20 100 100 100 25 20 200 50 250 Theatres (a) indoor, auditoriums (per seat) 5 (b) outdoor, drive-ins (per space) 10 Trailer/Mobile Home Park (per trailer space) 200 Travel trailer/recreational vehicle park (a) Travel trailer (overnight), without water and .. IJ66 ,.~ 99 - 8 - Doc. Ret: 6515 20 35 50 75 25 30 50 50 20 100 75 400 20 500 0.1 5 20 0.1 - Gallons Per Dav (GPm so ~ ot Establishment sewer hookup (per trailer space) (b) Travel trailer (overniqht), with water and sewer hook-ups (per trailer space) Swimming and bathing facilities, public (per person) Churches (per seat) Hospitals (per bed) Nursing, rest homes (per person) Parks, public picnic (a) with toilets only (per person) (b) with bathhouse, shovers and toilets (per person) Public institutions other than schools and hospitals (per person) Schools (per student) (a) day-type , _ (b) add for showers -. (c) add ~or cateteria (d) add tor day school workers (e) boarding-type 100 10 3 200 100 5 In 100 15 5 5 15 75 Work/Construction camps S..i-peraanent (per worker) R..idenc.. (a) .in9l. ta.ily (per bedroom) (b) apartment (per bedroom) (c) aobile home not in a trailer park (per bedroom) (d) other (per occupant) 50 150 150 150 75 4.27 LOS for Caoital solid Waste Facilities requires sutticient capital solid waste tacilities to dispose ot 1.39 tons of solid waste per capita per year. In addition, the LOS requires two (2) years ot landfill lined cell disposal capacity at present till rates and ten (10) years ot landtill raw land capacity at present till rates. 4.28 LOS .e" oeak season. oeak hour is in the range of stable flow, but marks the beginning of the range of flow in which the operation at individual users becomes significantly atfected by inter- actions with others in the trattic streaa. The selection ot speed is affected by the presence of others, and maneuvering within the traftic streaa require. substantial viqilance on the part of the user. The general level of comtort and convenience declines noticeably at this level. LOS "C" peak season, peak hour, is based on the one hundredth'~ (lOOth) highest hourly tratfic volumes durinq a calendar year tor the various types at Roads de tined by Soecial Reoort 209, "Highway Capacity Kanual," Transportation Research Board, National Re.earch council, Washington, D.C., 1985, or subsequent revisions thereto. ~.29 LOS "D" oeak season. oeak hour represents a high- density, but stable, flow. Speed and treedom to aaneuver are severely restricted, and the driver or pedestrian experiences a generally poor level of comfort anc2 convenience. Small increases in tratfic flow will qenerally caUse operational problems at this level. LOS "D" peak season, peak hour, is based on tho one hundredth (lOOth) highest hourly traffic volua.s during a calendar year tor the various types of Roads defined by So.cial Report 209. "Highway Capacity Manual," Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1985, or subsequent revisions thereto. 4.29.1 LOS "E" oeak season. Deak hour reDresents operating conditions at or near capacity. All speeds are significantly reduced. Freedom to maneuver is ditficult. Comfort and convenience is extremely poor, and motorist trustration is generally high. LOS "E" peak season, peak hour, is based on the one hundredth (lOOth) highest hourly trattic volumes during a calendar year tor the various types at Roads' detined by soecial ReDort 209, "Highway Capacity Manual," TransportatJ,on Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1985, or subsequent revisions thereto. rIGOr fJ66,AGt 100 - 9 - Doc. Ref: 6515 ,,<", ~_."-,..",_.~"","' .....- 4.30 Peak season. Deak hour is considered to be the IOOth highe.t voluae hour of the year, and i. the basic ti.. reterence used to calculate level. ot service u.ing the detinitions and methodologies of the 1985 Hiahwav capacitv Manual (or it. current edition). For planning and concurrency applications, peak season, peak ,hour conditions are converted to annual average daily traffic (AADT) level at service ~ximum volumes and are presented in a series of look-up tables adopted in the Tratfic Circulation Element of the Growth Kanag81llent Plan. 4.31 Ma10r Road Network Svstem means all arterial and collector roads within the total unincorporated Collier County. The Major Road Network Syst81l is depicted in the Traffic Circulation Eleaent ot the Collier County Growth Kanagement Plan. 4.32 Person means an individual, corporation, governmental agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other entity, and its designated agents, successors or assigns. 4.33 Potentiallv Deficient Road Seament means the tollowing: 4.33.1 A County or state road segment on the Major Road Network Systea whose adopted LOS standard is LOS "C" or LOS "D", peak season, peak hour, that is presently operating at its adopted LOS, or .'who.e adopted LOS is LOS "D" peak .eason, peak hour, and has operated at LOS WEW peak season, peak hour, tor two (2) year. or le.s, based on the AUI~. A potentially deticient road .egment which has an adopted LOS wDw peak season, peak hour, ~y operate at LOS "E", peak season, peak hour, tor two (2) years betore it shall become a deticient road .eg1I8ntl 4.33.2 A COUnty or state road segment on the Major Road Network sy.tea who.e adopted LOS standard is "E", peak season, peak hour, that i. pre.ently operating at LOS "E" peak season, peak hour, basftC! on the AUI~. 4.33.3 In determininq the capacity of a County road seq1llent or a State road segment tor the purpose of determining whether it i. a potentially deficient road segment, the County shall consider: any Capital Road Improvement currently in place 1 under construction 1 any 'capital Road Improvement that is any capital Road Improve..nt guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that inclUdes the provisions in Subsections and the actual construction ot the required Capital Road Improve..nt is included and is .cheduled to c01ll1llence in or betore the third year of the State'. Five (5) Year Work Program and the County'. current tive (5) year Capital Improvement Schedule adopted as part ot the Growth Kanaqement Plan 1 and the Board of County Comaissioners has made an express tindinq, atter a public hearing, that the current tive (5) year capital Improvement Schedule is based on a realistic, financially feasible program ot funding trom existing revenue sources. 4.34 Public Facilities mean capital drainage tacilities, capital park facilities, capital potable water facilities, capital road facilities, capital sanitary sewer tacilities, and capital solid waste facilities. . ICClI 006"''1.101 - 10 - Doc. Ref: 6515 - - - SEC. 5 RUT,P:S OF CONSTRUCTION. In the construction of this Ordinance, the rule. set out in this section shall be observed unless such construction i. inconsistent with the unitest intent of the Collier County Board of County COlDiuioner.. The rul.. of construction and definitions set forth herein shall not be applied to any provisions which expressly exclude such construction, or where the subject matter, content or context at such provision would make such construction internally inconsistent or inconsistent with other provisions at this Ordinance. 5.1 Generallv. All provisions, terms, phrases and expressions contained in this Ordinance shall be liberally construed in order that the true intent and meaning cf the Collier County Boarc2 of County C01Il1Ilissioners may be tully carried out. Terms used in this Orc2inance, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall have the meanings prescribed by the statutes ot this state tor the same terms. In the interPretation and application ot any provision of this Ordinance it shall be held to be the minimum requirement adopted tor the promotion of the publio health, satety, comtort, convenience and qeneral Welfare. Where any provision of this Ordinance imposes qreater restrictions upon thesubjeot matter than a qeneral provision imposed by the Growth Manaqement Plan or another provision of this ordinance, the provision imposinq the qreater restriction or regulation shall be deemec2 to be controllinq. 5.2 ~ In case of any ditterence ot meaning or implication between the text of this Ordir.:ance and any tigure, the text shall control. 5.3 Comoutation of time. The time within which an act is to be done shall be computed by excluding' the first and includinq the last day; it the last day is Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, that day shall be excluded. 5.4 ~ The word "day" shall mean a calendar day, unless "business" day is indicated. 5.5 Deleaation of Authoritv. Whenever a provision appears requiring the head of a department ot some other County ofticer or employee to do some act or perform some duty, it i. to be construed to authorize the head of the department or some other County otticer or employee to designate, deleqate and authorize protessional level'~ subordinates to perform the required act or duty unless the term. of the provision or section specify otherwise. 5.6 Gender. Words importing the masculine gender shall be construed to include the feminine and neuter. 5.7 Month. The word "month" shall mean a calendar month. 5.,8 Non-teChnical and Technical Words. Words and phrases shall be construed according to the C01ll1llon and approved usage of the languaqe, but technical words and phrases and such others as may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in law shall be construed and understood according to such meaning. 5.9 Number. A word importing the singular number only, may extend and be applied to several persons and things as well as to one person and thing. The use at the plural number shall be deemed to include any sinqle person or thing. 5.10 Shall. May. The word "shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive. 5.11 Tense. Words used in the past or present tense inclUde the future as well as the past or present. 5 .12 ~ The word "week" shall mean seven (7) calendar days. 'soor em ~AGE 102 - 11 - Doc. Ref: 6515 - .- -- , 5.13 Written or In writin9. The term "written" or "in writing" shall be construed to include any representation ot vords, letters, or figures vhether by printing or other torm or method of vri Hng . 5.14 ~ The vord "year" shall mean a calendar year, unless a tiscal year is indicated or 365 calendar days is indicated. SEC. 6. ESTABLISHMENT OP MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PROGRAM AND REGULATORY PROGRAM: THE ANNUAL UPDATE AND INVENTORY REPORT (AUIRl. CIE AMENDMENTS. AND ANNUAL BUDGET. In order to implement the mandate of the Collier County GroV'th Management Plan to ensure that adequate potable vater, sanitary sever, solid .waste, drainage, park and road public facilities are available to accommodate development in Collier County concurrent vith when the impacts ot development occur on such public facilities, the Boarc2 of County C01ll1llissio~rs establis~~s, pursuant to the terms ot this Ordinance, (I) a management and monitoring program that evaluates the conditions of public facilities to ensure they are being adequately planned' for and funded to maintain the LOS for each public facility, and (2) a regulatory program that ensures that each public facility is Available to serve development concurrent with the impacts of that development prior to issuance ot development orders which are subject to the provisions ot this Ordinance. ., ' S EC. 7. MAlI ~GEMENT AND MonITORING PROGRAM. 7.1 General. In order to ensure that adoquate Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid waste, Drainage, Park and Road Public Facilities are available concurrent with when the impacts of develop- ment occur on such Public pacilities, the County shall establish the following management and monitoring practices. Their purpose is to evaluate and coordinate the timing, provision, and tunding ot Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Park and Road Public Facilities (1) to ensure adequate planning and tunding to maintain the LOS tor the Public Facilities, and (2) to evaluate the capacity of the Public Facilities tor use in, the regulatory program to ensure that no development orders subject to concurrency regulation are issuec2 unless adequate public tacilities are available to serve the deVelopment concurrent with when the impacts ot that development occur. 7.2 Annual Uodate and Inventory Reoort on Public Facilities (AUIRl. On or about AUgust 1 of each year, the Growth Management Chief shall complete an Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (hereinafter "AUIR"). The AUIR shall determine the existing condition. of all Capital Potable Water, capital Sanitary Sewer, Capital Solid Waste, .Capital Drainage, Capital Park, and capital Road Public Facilities, determine anc2 summarize the available capacity of these Capital Improvements (Public Facilities) basec2 on their LOS, forecast the capacity at existing and planned public facilities identified in the Five (5) Year Capital Improvement Schedule for each of the five (5) succeeding years, and ten (10) succeeding years, and identity new project. needed to maintain adopted LOS. The torecast. shall be based on the most recently updated Schedule ot capital Improvements (Publio Facilities) tor each Public Facility. The AUIR .hall b. based on the most recent Bureau of Eoonomic and Busines. Research (BEBR) high-range porulation projections, updated Publio Faoility inventories, updated un t costs and rovenue projections, and analysis at the most recent traffic count data. The findings of the AUIR shall torm the basis for the preparation of the Annual Update and Amendment to the CIE, any projects to b. included in the county's Annual Buc2get, the determination of any Area of Significant Influence (ASI) and the review of and issuance of development orders SUbject to the provisions of this Ordinance during the next year. 1001 066 'II;[ 103 - 12 - Doc. Rets 6515 .......---_..,,-,--,,---- - - - 7.2.1 Annual Determinat.ion ot Adeauate "Cateaorv A" Publio Facilities (Concurrencvl. On or about August 1 of each year, the Growth Management Chief will present the AUIR report to the Board of County COlMlhsioners identifying deficiencies or potential deficiencies in "Category A" Publio Facilities end remedial action options including but not limited to the followings 1. Establishment of Areas of Significant Influence (ASI's)7 2. Public Facility project edditions to the CIE7 3. Deferral of development order issuance in affected areas pending: a. Lowering of LOS via Growth Management Plan Amendment7 b. Inclusion of necessary publio faoility projects in the adop~ed Annual Budget and Annual CIE Update and Amendment 7 c. Approval of new or inoreased revenue sources for needed Publio Facility projects by the Board of County Commissioners, the state Legislature or the County voters. 7.3 Recommendations on the Annual CIE UDdate and Annual Budaet. Based upon the AUIR analysis, the Growth Management Chief shall propose to the Collier County Planning Commission and the Board of County COlMlis8ioners on or about october 1 of each year, the Annual Update and Amendment to the CIE as part of the Annual Growth Manage- ment Plan Amendment cycle transmittal public hearings. It will include the Public Facilities needed to maintain LOS as directed by the Board of County Commissioners upon presentation of the AUIR. The Annual Budget, which is to be adopted by October I ot each year shall also include projects and tunding as directed by the Board upon presentation of the AUIR. 7.4 Establishment of Area ot Sionificant Influence (ASIl tor Roads. 7.4.1 Establishment of Areatsl of Sianificant Influence (ASIl. If the findings of the AUIR analysis identify additional road improvement proj ects needed to maintain adopted LOS, they may be included in the road component of the proposed Annual CIE Update and" Amendment at the discretion ot the Board. Bascd upon Board direction on inclusion of additional road projects, the Growth Management Chief, in conjunction with the MPO Chiet and Transportation Services Administrator, may propose and identify one or more Areas of Significant Intluonce (ASI) around any deficient or potentially deficient road segment (except where such potentially deficient road segment is projected not to exceed its adopted LOS within the first three (3) years at the tive (5) year Schedule of Capital Improvements 1n the ell Update and Amendment proposed for transmittal on or about Ootober 1, and the estimated Annual Residual Capacity Trips that WOUld be allocated to those applicants tor Certificates ot Public Facility Adequacy within the ASI encompassing such potentially deticient road segment during the next year dOGS not oxceod tho romaining trip capacity). The boundaries of any ASI shall be established pursuant to the standards in Subsection 7.4.2 of this Ordinance along with the annual Residual Capacity Trips covering potentially deficient road segments for each ASI by September I ot each year. No Residual Capaoity Trips shall be allotted for development in an ASI encompassing a deficient road segment. 7.4.2 Standards in Establishino Area of Sianiticant Int1ueo~ ("SIl. General. The boundaries for an ASI shall be based upon an "envelope" that surrounds major road segments. In general, the ASI surrounding a road segment will radiate out trom the ioar ~ p~t 104 Doc. Ref: 6515 -- ,... .... ".. depending upon natural or Additionally, there ~ay be ac2jacent land uses upon a segment a distance of one to three ~ile., man-made feature., roadway tacility type. an overlap of ASI'. due to the effect of roadway segment or segments. Standards In oeterminina Area ot sicnificant Influence fASI1. The Growth Management Chief in conjunction with the .MPO Chiet and Transportation Services Administrator shall examine traffic move~ent patterns anc2 shall then prepare a map(s) that details the location ot the proposed A51 (s). Such ~ap(s) shall then be presented to the Board of County c01ll1llissioners at a regularly scheduled ~eeting tor its review. The tollawing standards shall guide .the Growth Management Chief, MPO Chief and Transportation Services Administrator in developing these proposed ASI's: ScoDe of ASI Three (3) mile. on each side of affected segment and three (3) ~iles frOM each end of affected segment. Two (2) miles on each side of affectec2 segment and two (2) mile. from each end ot aftected .egment. One (1) mile on each side ot attected .egment and one (1) mile from each end of affected segment. One (1) mile on each side ot affected segment and one (1) mile from each end of affected segment. One (1) mile from each side ot the affectec2 segment and three (3) miles from any access point and each segment end. Determininc Annual Residual CaDacitv TriDs. The Growth Management Chief in conjunction with the MPO Chief and Transportation Services Administrator shall complete a detailed conditions analysis ot the deticient or potentially deticient road .e91llent wi thin each proposed ASI boundary prior to proposing the boundaries of the ASI. The analysis shall take into consideration characteristics at the road segment (such as trattic control, signal spacinq, timinq, and phasing) usinq procedures documented in the ~ Hi9hwav CaDacitv Manual (or its current edition). The Annual Residual capacity Trips for the proposec2 ASI covering the potentially deficient road segment shall be based upon up to one hundred percent (100%) of the potentially deticient road segment's remaining capacity, measured in peak hour, peak season trips. Thirty percent (30%) of the potentially deficient road segment's remaining capacity shall be reserved tor only those land uses which generate one (1) peak hour trip, per day or less, based on the most recent ITE Trip Generation Rate 'Manual. Tvoe of Roadwav Facilitv Principal Arterial Minor Arterial p' colleotor Rural Minor Collector Limited Access Facility 7.4.3 Review and Approval bv Board of County Commissioners. After receipt of the proposed boundaries of a potential ASI and the proposed Residual Capacity Trips ot the ASI tr01ll the Growth Management Chiet, the Board of County C01MIissioners, by October 1 of each year, shall hold a public hearing noticed pursuant to the requirements of Section 125.~~(5), Florida statut.s, and after consideration of the proposal and public comment, approve the boundaries (including a map of the boundaries) and the Annual Residual Capacity Trips of the ASI, with or without modifications, or determine that competent substantial evidence has been placed on the record to show that the road segment is not potentially deficient and determine that the establishment ot an ASI is not necessary to ensure that development orders are served by adequate road public tacilities. The approved boundaries and Annual Residual capacity Trip Allotments for BOOr 006 ~'''1.105 - 14 - · DoC. Ref: 6515 I I I I f I I I i ! . I, i I I \ - - - each ASI will become etfective on October 1 of .ach year it additional road i=prove.ent. are not added to the Capital I.prove.ent El..ent at that tilDe. 7.4.4 MaD ot Areas of Sianificant Influence (ASI). A Map shoving the boundaries of each ASI established by the Board of county C01ll1llissioners shall be kept in the Office of the Growth Manage- ment Chiet and the otfice of the Clerk to the Board of County c01ll1llissioners for review and inspection by the public during nonal business hours. 7.4.5 Duration of Established Area Influence (ASI). Once the boundaries ot an ASI are Board ot County C01Il1Ilissioners, they are valid for one otherwise dissolved. of Si9nfricant approved by the (1) year, unless 7.4.6 Duration of Residual Capacity Trips. Once the Road Facility Res,idual Capacity Trips are approved by the Board of county commissioners, they are valid for one (1) year. 7.4.7 Dissolution ol Area of aianilicant Influence lASI). It the additional needed road i.prove.ents identified in the AUIR are added to the CI! or funds are available tor, and committed tor construction at, the needed road improvements to eliminate the clas.ification of a road as a deficient or potentially deficient road segment, then the Area ot Significant Influence (ASI) established tor that deticient or potentially deticient road segment shall be dissolved in the same manner in which it was established. SEC. . REGULATORY PROGRAM: REVIEW 0' DEVELOPMENT TO ENSURE ADEOUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE. , 8.1 General. In order to ensure that adequate Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Park and Road Public Facilities are available concurrent with when the impacts of develop- ment occur on each Public Facility, Collier County shall establish the following development review procedures to ensure that no development orc2ers SUbject to concurrency requlation are issued unless adequate Publio Facilities are available to serve the proposed development. S.2 ExemDtions. The tollowing development orders and development shall be exempt from the terms ot this Ordinance: 8.2.1 All valid, unexpired tinal DeveloPJIent ot'- Regional Impact (DRI) development orders which were issued prior to adoption ot the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989, ,except wherer ' Development condition. or stipulations applicable to concurrency, or the provision ot adequate public facilities concurrent with the impacts ot develop1llent, exist in the DRI development order1 Substantial deviations are sought tor a DRI develop.ent order, and then, this Ordinance shall apply only to those portions of the development tor which the deviation is sou9ht1 An overriding concern tor publ ic health, satety, or weltare exists1 8. 2 . I. 4 The county can demonstra te pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida statutes, that substantial changes in the condition. underlying the approval of the development order have occurred or the development order was based on substantially inaccurate information provided by the developer or that the application ot thiS Ordinance, to the develoPJIent order is clearly established to be essential to the public health, safety anc2 weltare, or ".. 066"1'1.100 - 15 - Doc. Ref: 6515 .. I ) I I I \ I t 1 I I . The new requirements would not .0 change or alter a DRI development order that they would materially or substantially aftect the developer's ability to complete the develop- .ent authorized by the DRI development order. 8.2.2 Construction of Public Facilitie. that are consi.tent with the Collier county Growth Management Plan. 8.2.3 Any development orders determined by the Growth Management Chiet not to impact Public Facilities as evaluated against the standards contained in this Ordinance. 8.2.4 Original temporary construction and development permits and any subsequent renewals not to exceed a cumulative period ot one (1) year. \ i f \ I l I I ! 8.2.5 Development orders permitting replacement, reconstruction or,repair ot existing development consistent with all elements ot the Growth Management Plan. 8.2.6 Original temporary u.e permit. and any .ubsequent renewals not to exceed a CU1IlUlative period of one (1) year. 8.2.7 Any develOpment order or development who.. current owner is entitled to receive, and who prop.rlr obtains, a pO ,Determination of Vested Rights tor Adequate Publio Facil ti.. ("APF") in accordance with the provision. ot this Section 8.2.8. Acclication. An application for Determination of Ve.ted Rights for APF shall be submitted in the form established by the Growth Management Chief. An application tee in an amount to be determined by the Soard ot County C01IlJIissioners shall accompany and be part ot the application. The application shall, at a .ini1llU1ll, include: Name, address, and telephone number ot the owner and authorized applicant it other than the owner; Street address, legal description, and acreage ot the property; and All tactual information and knowledge reasonably available to the owner and applicant to address the criteria e.tablished in Section Determination of Completen.... After receipt ot an Application tor Determination ot Vested Rights tor APF, the Growth Management Chiet shall determine whether the application submitted i. complete. It he determinos that the application is not complete, the Growth Management Chief shall notity the applicant in writing of the deficiencie.. The Growth Management Chiet shall take no further steps to process the application until the deficiencies have been remedied. Review and Determination or Recommendation by Growth Manaaement Chief and County AttorneV. After receipt of a completed Application for Determination at Vested Right. tor APF, the Growth Kanagement Chiet and the county Attorney shall review and evaluate the application in light ot allot the criteria in Section Based on the review and evaluation, the Growth Management Chief and the County Attorney .hall prepare a written rec01ll1llendation to the Hearin9 otticer that the application should be denied, granted or granted with conditions by the Hearing Otticer. Such reco1ll1llendation shall include findings ot tact tor each ot the criteria established in Section to the extent that information is presented or obtained or inclusion is feasible or applicable. If the Growth Management Chief and, the County Attorney agree based on the review and evaluation that the Application tor D.termination of Vested Rights for APF so clearly should be granted or granted with conditions, then they may enter into a written Stipulated .. (8)fI'1. W7 - 16 - DoO. Ref: 6515 - - .. .;; i r i \ oeteraination of Ve.ted Right. tor APF with the owner, in lieu ot the written'rec01llJllendation to the Hearing Ot!icer and the providon. in sections, and However, any such stipulated Determination shall be in writing, signed by the Growth Management Chief, the County Attorney and the owner, and shall include findinqs of fact based on the criteria established in Section, conclusions at law for such criteria, and the determination granting or qranting with conditions, in whole or in part, the vested rights tor adequate public tacilitie.. , Review and Determination ot Vested Riqhts Determination for APF bv Heerino Officer. Upon receipt by the Hearing Officer of the Application tor Determination ot Ve.ted Rights tor APF and the written rec01ll1llendation ot the Growth Management Chiet and the County Attorney, the Hearing ofticer shall hold a 'public hearing on the application. At the hearing, the Hearing Officer shall take evidence and sworn testimony in reqard to the criteria set forth in Section, and shall tollow the rules of procedure set torth in section 120.57(1)(b), 4, 6, 7, and 8. Florida statutes, and Section 120.58(1) (a),(d) and (f), Florida statutes, and Section 1~0.58(1)(b), Florida statutes, onlr to the extent that the Hearing Ofticer is empowered to swear w tne..e.' and taJce te.tilllony under oath. The Hearing Officer shall tollow the procedures e.tablished tor adainistrative hearings in Rules 60Q-~.009, 2.017, 2.020, 2.022, 2.023,2.024,2.025,2.027, and 2.031, Plorida Adlllinistrative Code except as expressly set torth herein. The parties before the Hearing Ofticer shall include the County, the owner or applicant, and the public. Testimony shall be limited to the 1IlAtters directly relatinq to the standards set torth in Section The County Attorney shall represent the County, shall attend the publio hearing, and shall otter .uch evidence as i. relevant to the proceeding.. The owner of the property and its authorized agents, may otter such evidence at the public hearing as is relevant: to ,the proceeding. and criteria. The order of presentation before the Hearinq otticer at the public hearing shall be as follows: 1) the County's SU1ll1'Dary ot the application, written rec01ll1llendation, witnesses and other evidence, 2) owner or applicant witnesses and evidence, 3) publio witnesses and evidence: 4) county rebuttal, it any: and 5) applicant rebuttal, it any. Issuance of Vested Rights Determination tor APF bv Hearino Officer. Within fifteen (15) workinq days atter the coapletion of the public hearing under Section, the Hearinq Officer shall consider the Application tor Determination of Vested Riqhts for APF, the rec01ll1llendation of the Growth Management Chief and'~ the County Attorney, and the evidence and. testimony presented at the public hearing, in light of allot the criteria set torth in Section 8.2.i.7, and shall deny, grant, or grant with conditions the Application for Determination of Vested Rights tor APP for the property or properties at issue. The determination shall be in writing and shall include tindings of tact tor each of the applicable criteria established in Section, conclusions ot law tor each ot such criteria, and a determination denying, granting, or granting with conditions, in whole or in part, the vested rights tor adequate public tacilities. i .' [ f I r f I ADpeal to the Board of Countv C01IIIIIissioners. Within thirty (30) days after issuance of the Hearing Officer's written determination ot vested rights tor APr, the County Attorney, the Growth Management Chief, or the owner or its authorized attorney or agent, 1IlAY appeal the determination of vested rights tor APF ot the Hearinq Otticer to the Board ot County com.i.sioners. A tee tor the application and processing ot an owner-initiated appeal shall be established at a rate set by the Board of County C01Il1Illl1s1oners frOM time to time and shall be charqed to and paid by the ownor or its authorized aqent. The Board of County comaissioners shall adopt the Hearinq Of ticer's determination ot vested riqhts tor APr, with or without .oditications or conditions, or reject the Hearing Of ticer's determination ot vested rights tor APr. The Board ot county coaai.sioners shall not be authorized to .odity or reject the Hearing otticer's determination ot vested rights tor APF unless the Board of ,. tOOl C6&?,.rJOS Doc. Ref: 6515 "......"..,--"_.._-_..,--~".-'-..~,._.".._.., I t I l , 1> I ," County comaissioners finds that the Hearing Officer's determination is not supported by substantial coapetent evidence in the record ot the Hearing otficer's public hearing or that the Hearing Officer's determination ot vested rights for APF is contrary to the criteria established in Section Criteria tor Vested RiOhU-.. This section is intended to strictly adhere to and implement existing case law and statutory law as they relate to the doctrine of vested rights and equitable estoppel as applied to a local govermaent exercising its authority and powers in zoning, the provision of adequate public facilities concurrent with development (concurrency), and related aatters. It is the express intent ot Collier County to require application ot the provisions of this Ordinance to as much development and property in the unincorporated areas ot the County as is legally possible without violating the legally vested rights which the ~wner may have obtained in accordance with, Florida Common law anc2 statutory law, particularly flection 163.3l67(8), Florida statutes. The criteria herein provided shall be considered in rendering a vested rights determination under this section. It i. intended that each case be deoided on a case by case tactual analysis. An owner shall be entitled to a positive determination of vested rights for APF only it he demonstrates by substantial coapetent evidence that he is entitled to complete his development without regard to the otherwise applicable provisions of this Ordinance based on the provisions of Section p' 163.3167(8), Florida Statutes, or all three ot the following require- ments of the three-part test under Florida common law: 1) Upon som8 act or omis.ion ot the County, 2) a property owner relying in good faith, 3) has made such a substantial change in position or has incurred such extensive obligations anc2 expenses that it would be highly inequitable and unjust to destroy the rights acquired. f \: Limitation on Determination of Vested Riahts tor APP'. A Detendnation of Vested Rights for APF which grants an application for determination of vested rights tor APF shall expire and be null and void unless construction is commenced pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plat, or final site development plan, within two (2) years after the issuance of the "determination of vested rights tor APF under this Section 8.2.7, or unless substantial permanent buildings have been, or are being constructed or installed pursuant to a valid, unexpired, tinal development order of Collier County within two (2) years atter is.uance of the determination of vested rights for APF under this Section 8.2.7., and such develOPJlent pursuant to . tinal develOPJlent order, final subdivision plat, tinal site devdop1llent plan, tinal subdivision master plan, or planned unit develoPJIent master plan is cohtinuing in good faith. The aforementioned two (2) year time limitation on the determination of vuted rights for APF shall be stayed during any time periods within which commencement of construction pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plat, or final site development plan is prohibited or deterred by the County solely as a result ot lack of adequate public tacilities to serve the property, pursuant to this Ordinance. 8.3 Certiticate of Public Facilitv Adequ~cy. 8.3.1 General. A valid, unexpired Cert1ticate of Public Facility Adequacy shall be obtained at the tiling for the earliest or next to occur of final subdivision plat, tinal site development plan or building permit, provided however, any development orders except a final local development order may be approved or issued provided they are expressly conditioned on the issuance of a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy prior to building permit approval and provided the owner and applicant proceed at their own risk and expressly waive and release the County in writing tram any and all tuture claims ot vested rights and equitable estoppel resulting frOM such conditional approval or actions relying thereon. aoor -fW ~G[ 109 , \.-- , DoC. Ret: 6515 .... At the applicant's request, the County shall review and approve, or deny, an Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy prior to the consideration of an Application for Development Approval for any development order needed tor a proposed development prior to receipt of a final subdivision plat approval, final site develoP1lent plan approval, or building permit approval. Where the proposed development has been issued final subdivision plat approval or final sit. developmen~ plan approval prior to the eftective date ot this Ordinance, a Certiticate of Public Facility Adequacy shall be obtained prior to approval of the next development order required tor the proposed development. All applicable impact fees and system development tees for a development shall be paid into the Impact Fee Escrow Trust Fund in the amount estimated to be due upon issuance of the buildinq permIt(s) for the development upon or prior to issuance at a Certificate at Public Facility Adequacy tor the development, except, in ,the instance of a simultaneous application for a buildinq penit(s) and a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy in which case(s) all applicable impact tee. and system development tee. will be paid directly into the appropriate impact tee tund at the time the building permit (s) and Certificate are picked up by the applicant. The payment of the estimated impact and system development tees into the Impact Fee Escrow Trust Fund shall be applied as a credit towards the impact and system development fees calculated and due upon issuance ot the buildinq pemit(s) for the development. Impact and system development tees paid into the Impact Fee Escrow Trust Fund shall be refundable upon written request to the Growth Kanaqelllent Chief accompanied by the surrender of the oriqinal Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy obtained prior to issuance of buildinq permit (s) for the development. Fees paid upon issuance ot buildinq permit(s) in accordance with the applicable impact fee or system developlllent fee ordinances shall be refundable pursuant to the provisions at such ordinances upon written request to the Finance Director, Clerk of Courts. 8.3.2 Rule. of General Aoolicabilitv'for Certificate of Public pacilitv Adeauacv. Timing. An Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy may be submitted at any time, subject to Section 8.3. 1.1. ' .. ~onsolidated ADDlication. A buildinq peI'lllit, tinal subdivision plat or final site development plan shall receive final approval only to the extent to which the proposed development receives a Certificate ot Public Facility Adequacy. The Application tor a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy may be submitted with an Application for Development Approval, where appropriate under this Ordinance. Assianabilitv and Trans!erabilitv. A Certificate at Public Faoility Adequaoy shall run with tho land, shall be assiqnable within a proposed development, and shall not be assiqnable or transferable to other development. Exoiration. A Certiticate ot Public Facility Adequacy shall expire three (3) years trOll the date ot its approval except to the extent that building permits have been issued tor the proposed development tor which the certiticate is approved, and the proposed development is then completed pursuant to the terms ot the Collier County Buildinq Code, provided: For development comprised ot more than tive hundred (500) residential dwellinq units, or tor a phased increment of development comprised ot more than one hundred and tifty (150) residential dwellinq units, or tor a commercial/industrial development ot more than 100,000 square teet of gross leasable area, a ~~ leOOl C66!AGfito Doc. Ret: 6515 , :1 , ~~ certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall expire tive (5) years trOll the date of its approval except to the extent that building pe11llits have been i..ued !or: the propo..d development tor which the Certiticate is approved, and the propo.ed development is then cOlIpleted pursuant to the terms ot the Collier County Building Code, provided the certiticate holders obtains approval at it. Final Subdivision Plat anc2 Final Site Development Plan, whichever is applicable, within twelve (12) months trOll the date of issuance of the Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy; and 'C01Il1Ilences construction of the infrastructure tor the Final Subdivision Plat and Final Site Development Plan, whicheVer is applicable, within twentY-four (24) months trom the date ot issuance of the Certiticate of Public Facility Adequacy; and " Completes the construc- tion ot, the intrastructure for the Final subdivhion Plat anc2 Final site Development Plan, whichever is applicable, and records the Final Subdivision Plat in the public records ot Collier County, if applicable, within thirty-six (36) months from the date at issuance of the Certificate of Public Facility Ac2equacy. .' . For purposes ot determining the expiration ot a Certificate of Publio Faoility Adequacy tor a mixec2 use develoP1Dent, the size of the mixed use development shall be dete11llined by aggrogating the percentage ot the threshold for each land use component identitied in section that is proposed for the mixed use development. ' 8.3.2.' Ettect:. Issuance ot a certificate of Public Facility AcSequacy shall demonstrate proof ot adequate public tacilities to serve the development approved in the development order, subj oct to the conc2i tions ,in the development order. A subsequent Application tor DeveloP1Dent Approval for development approvec2 in a development order for which a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy has been approved shall be determined to have adequate pUblic facilities as long as the Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy is valid and unexpired. When a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy expires, any subsequent Application tor DeveloP1Dent Approval shall require a new certiticate of Public Facility Adequacy to be issued pursuant to the terms at this section prior to approval ot any subsequent development order for the proposed development. Anything in this Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanc2ing, all Certiticate. of Public Facility Adequacy approved or issued trom the date that the Growth Management Chief presents the proposed ASI boundary maps to the Board ot County C01l\missioners, as provided by Section, through the date that the bouncSaries and the Annual Residual Capacity Trip Allotments tor each AS! are approved by the Board shall be expressly conditioned upon any and all restrictions, limitations, provisions, boundari.. and allotments adopted by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 7.4.3. 8.3.3 Eftect or Development: Aqreement in con1unction with a Certificate ot Public Facility Ac2eauacv. Upon approval by the Board of County commissioners, any applicant may enter into a Develop- ment Agreement with Collier County pursuant to the provisions of Section 163.3220-3242, Florida statutes, in conjunction with the approval at a cSeve10pment order and/or a Certiticate of Public Facility Adequacy. The effect of the Development Agreement shall be to bind the parties pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement and the Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy in order to insure that adequate public facilitieo are available to serve the proposed development concurrent with when the impacts ot the development occur on the public tacili ties. Development Agreements may address conditional development order approvals and conditions tor 1001 116~&A(;1.111 Doc. RGt: 6515 renewal of the Certificate of Public Facility Ac2equacy beyond tive (5) years, however, the duration of any Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall not exceed five (5) years. Development Agreements may also provide for private provision of public facilities or for a joint endeavor between the private sector and Collier County to provide public facilities. Any public tacility in the Five (5) Year Schedule of Capital Improvements in the CIE on which such a certificate of Adequate Public Facilities is made in conjunction with the approval of a development order and a Development Agreement shall not be delayed, deferred, or removed [rom the Five (5) Year Schedule of Improvements in the CIE. 8.3.4 Procedure for Review of Acclication. SUbmission ot Aeelication and Fee. An Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall be submitted to the Growth Management Chief. An application shall be submitted at the ,filing of the earliest or next to occur of final subdivision plat, final,site development plan, or building permit. An application fee in an amount to be determined by the Board of County c01ll1llissioners shall accompany and be part of the application. ACDlication Contents. The form and contents for the Application for Public Facility Adequacy shall be e.tabli.hed by the Growth Management Chief and .hall be published and made available to the general publio. Determination of Comeleteness and Review. After receipt of an Application for Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy, the Growth Management Chief shall determine whether it is complete within three (3) business days. If it is determined that the application is not complete, written notice shall be served on the applicant specifying the deticiencies. The Growth Management Chief shall take no further action on the application unless the de!iciencies are remedied. Within five (5) business days atter the application is determined to be complete, the Growth Management Chief shall review and grant, or deny each public facility component in the application pursuant to the standards established in Section 8.3.5. Apeeal to Public Facilities Determination ACDeal Committee. within thirty (30) days after issuance of the determination ot the Growth Management Chiet on the Application tor a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy,the applicant may appeal the determination of the Growth Management Chief on the Application for a.. certiticate of Public Facility Adequacy to the Public Facilities Determination Appeal C01ll1llittee. A tee tor the application and processing of an appeal shall be established at a rate set by the Board of County Commissioners from time to time and shall be charged to and paid by the applicant. The Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall hold a hearing on the appeal and shall consider the determination of the Growth Management Chie! and public testimony in light of all the oriteria .et forth in Section 8.3.5 ot this Ordinance. The Public Faoilities Determination Appeal Committee shall adopt the Growth Management Chief's determination on the Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy with or without modifications or conditions, or reject the Growth Management Chief's determination. The Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall not be authorized to modify or reject the Growth Management Chief's determination unless the Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee finds that the determination is not supported by substantial competent evidence or that the Growth Management Chief's determination is contrary to the criteria established in Section 8.3.5 of this Ordinance. The decision of the Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall include findings of fact for each of the criteria. Cornoosition of Public Facilities Determination .a.Doeal Committee. The PUblic Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall be comprised ot three (3) members: the ottice of Capital Projects Management Director, or his designee, Metropolitan BOOK !Jfi~ ~!,G[ 112 Doc. Ret: 6515 ,.' Planning Organization (MPO) Coordinator, or his designeet and the Project Review Services Manaqer, or his desiqnee. Cancellation ot certiticates. Upon notitication by the Growth Management Chief, or his de.1gnee, that an application for a certificate of Public Facility Adequacy hu been approved and a Certiticate issued, the applicant shall have thirty (30) calendar days to pick up the Certificate and pay all applicable impact and system development tees. If the applicant fails to pick up the Certiticate and pay the appropriate fees within twenty (20) calendar days ot notification of approval, a second notification of pending cancellation ot the Certificate will be sent to the applicant by certified mail. If the applicant does not pick up the Certificate and pay all applicable tees within ten (10) calendar days of notification by certitied mail, the Certiticate will be voided. In such a case, the applicant shall then be required to apply for issuance of a new Certificate. Certificates issued simultaneously with building pe~its shall be voided if the applicant fails to pick up the building permit and tails to pay all applicable fees within the time period during which such building permit(s) remain(s) valic2. 8.3.5 Standards tor Review ot Aoo1ication. The fOllowing standards shall be used in the determination of whether to grant or deny a CertHicate ot Public Facility Adequacy. Before issuance of a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy, the application p' .hall fulfill the standards for each Publio Facility component (Potable Water, sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Parks and Roads). Potable Water Faoilities. The Potable Water cOJllponent shall be qranted it any of the toll owing conditions are met: The required Public 'aoilities are in place at the time a building permit i. issued. The required Public 'aoilitie. are under construction at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that inclUdes the provisions ot SUbsection. and Sanitarv Sewer Facilities. The Sanitary Sewer component shall be'qranted it any of the tOllowinq conditions are met: The required Public Facilities are in place at the time a builc2ing permit ls issued. The required Public Facilities are under construction at the time a building permit Is issued. The required Public Faoilities are guaranteed in an entorceable dsvelOPJlent agreement that includes the provision. of Subsections and Solid Waste Facilities. The solid waste component shall bo qranted if any ot tho tollowinq conditions are metl The required Public Facilities are in place at the time a building permit is issued. lDOC 066 F'AGt 113 - 22 - Doc. Ref: 6515 The required Public Facilitie. are under construction at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development that includes the provisions of Subsections and Drainaae Facilities. The Drainaqe component shall be qranted it the proposed development has a drainaqe and water manaqement plan that has been approved by the Environmental Services Division that meets the LOS for capital Drainage Facilities defined in Subsection 4.22. Pa~k and Recreation Facilities. The Parks and Recreation component shall be.qrantec2 it any of the following conditions are mets The required Public Facilities are in place at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilitie. are under construction at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facili ties are the subj ect of a binding contract executed tor the construction of those Public Facilities which provides for, commencement of actual construction within one year of issuance of a building permit. The required Public Facilities are quaranteed in an entorceable development agreement that includes the provisions of Subsections .1.1, and Road Facilities. The Road component shall be considered based upon whether the proposed development is outside a designated ASI or within a desiqnated A8I. DeveloDlllent OUtside Designated Area of Sianificant Influence (ASnor Where No ASI Exists. For development outside a designated ASI, or where no ASI exists, the Road component .. shall be granted. , DeveloDment Within Desianated Area of 81an!ficant Influence (ASI). For development within a designated ASI coverinq a potentially deficient road seqlllent, the Road component shall be approvec2, subject to available capacity, it it ls demonstrated the proposed development will not make the potentially deficient roac2 seqlllent within the ASI a deficient road .egment. In the instance where the proposed develOPJlent will create a deticient road se91llent, a certiticate of Public Facility Adequacy tor the road component shall be approved only for that portion of the development that does not create the deficient road segment. For development within a desiqnated ASI covering a deficient road segment, the road component shall be approved only tor that portion of the development that does not increase the net trips on the deficient road seqlllent and does not turther deqrade the LOS ot the deficient road seqlllent. SEC. 9 LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION. SEVERABILITY. AND PENALTY PROVISION. 9.1 The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purpose in tho interest ot the public health, satety, welfare and convenience. 9.2 If any section, phrase, sentence or portion ot this Ordinance is tor any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court ot C01Ipetent jurisdiction, such portion shall be de_ed a .eparate, _ ~,!t114 Doc. Ref: 6515 .- - .. ... distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not ettact the validity of the r...lnlnq portion. 9.3 A violation of this Ordinance shall be a misde.eanor punishable accordinq to law, however, in addition to or in lieu of any criminal prosecution, Collier County shall have the power to sua in civil court to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. SEC. 10. EFFECT OP PRIOR REFERENCES TO PREVIOUS ADEOUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE. All references in any dOCU1llents whatsoever to the previous Mequate Public Facilities Ordinance (Ordinance 90-24, as amended), superceded and repealed hereby, shall constitute a reference to this Ordinance. SEC. 11. REPEAL OF PREVIOUS ADEOUATE PUBLIC PACILITIES ORDINAN~. .. Ordinance NUmber 90-24, as amended, known as the Adequate Public Facilities ordinance, adopted on Karch 21, 1990, by the Board ot County Commissioners ot Collier county is hereby repealed' provided however, as set forth in Section 10 above, any reterences to such prior Ordinance shall be deemed a reterence to this Ordinance. SEC. 12 EFFECTIVE DATE. p' ' This ordinance shall bec~e effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary ot state that thla ordinance hu been tiled with the Secretary of State. ,. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board ot COUnty COUissioners of Plorida, this ~ day ot III ~l' ~T': , 1993. BOARD OF COl1N'rY COMHISSION'ERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Bys ~4~ CHAIlUWf .. fJ66~115 24 - Doc. Refr 6515 """'.,.-.------" .. OllIGIX : At11'HOR: DEPARTKENT : LDC PAGE: LOC SECTION: CHARGE: Rv.sotf : .. " , . - ".' .. I' " ." ""'J' ,.' . ' " '. . , .':':~\:~'~,:;' ~ ", statf John wUver current Planninq, Developllent Service. 6-4 6.3 Add definItIon of accent l1ghtInq. currently no definition in code, requlation. for accent 11ghtinq directed by BCC. nsCAL IXPACT: RELA'l'ED CODa OR R.ZGOI.A'l'IOJfs: no1'OIlD ~UItu'):. Irone. Irone. Aeent: Llqllt:lDor strands or tubes ot H9ht1na that: outline a structure. or to 1IAintain a coemon architectural the.e to attract attention to anv bu.in.... servic.. or oth.r related functions. ..' .__..~. . _ 066w.tl16 ..... ",":' : . ~ ',: .. . ' origins Author: D.part.ent: LOC paq.: LDe Section: Chanqe: Reason: '-" .. .' , , ...._... _..~___..~__._._.._u_....... H'_._" ". _..........._. BCC Direction Philip Scheff sit. Development Plan Review 6-26 Divi.ion 6.3, Definitions Hodity detinition of homele.. shelter Bee direction n0P08m ~I 1[01181... Sbdterl A type ot tacility which provides a living 'environaent for people who lack a permanent residence, including such 2. hour supervision and care by supportive stat! a. may be nece..ary to .e.t the physioa1, elllotional, and .00ia1 n..d. at the r.sid.nts. This tvoe of racilitv .hall have a oroarammatic comoonent that reters client. with the orilllarv orablem. or the hom.l.... incluc2ina. but not limit.d to. drua. and alcohol abus.. and mental illn...... to the aQpropriat. a;encv tor tr.atment. .. ',':' .t~~." .': :' .' :,:)";'~~".:',' {. .:)~~::;:. . ~.f ~ .......-....,..--...."........-. .. 066Mtl7 -. 'J ~ r.y.,:#o....: ..'.....~~. '..... 0'" ... .".; :; ~...:~ ' .'. ;i~::::? ....... . <'/~;;:..:r" ': ',.:~ .:; :>+~",' . '.' '.' ".. . . :..~~i~1~~-~i~;fl}-~~; .:.. ".. .....:.. ",' , . .,: :.. '. . ~ . ..", .. - -' ORIGIN: Atrl'HOR: DEPARTHENT : LOC PAGE: LDC SECTION: statt Donald W. Arnold, AICP site Development Review 6-64 Division 6.3 Definitions Add language to definitIon of Yard, Front underlIned paragraphs Were not submitted during last LOC amendment cycle when the detinition of tront yard was amended. C01lUIIissioner direction to address setbacks from access easements. CHANGE: REASON: FISCAL IMPACT: RELATED CODES OR REGULATIONS: None. None. ~m UlDrDICmI'l" Yard Pront: The required open space extendinq across the entire width of the lot between the tront bulldinq line and street right-ot-way lIne. Where double trontage lost exist, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets. Where corner lots at record existed prior to the date at adoption ot Collier County ordinance No. 82-2, which lots do not lIeet minimum trontage requirements established in this Code, I) only one (1) tull depth front yard shall be required, 2) all other front yards shall be not less than tifty percent (sot) at the otherwise required front yard depth, except that this dimension aay not be less than tifteen (15') teet exclusive ot any right-of-way, or right-ot-way easement in the "Eft Estates District and the tull depth tront yard shall be located along the shorter lot line alonq the street. In the case ot throuah lots. unleslJ the prevllillna front yard pattern on the adioinincr lots indicate otherwise. a tull deDth tront yard shall be provided on all frontages. Where one (11 of the front vards that would normally be reauired on a throuah lot is not in keeDing with the Drevailincr yard pattern. the DeveloD1llent Services Director lIav waive the requirement tor the normal front yard and substitute there tore a sDecial vard reauirement which shall not exceed the average of the yards provided on adjacent lots. HOTE: amendment continued on next page HOC 066~118 ,- ., ,.., : , - - .. .:./.: ~ " '>:'{;.':' .' LDC Division 6.3 continued: DeDth ot a reauired front vard shall be measured so that the varc2 established is a .trio of the minimull width reauired bv the district requlations with its inner edae oarallel to the front lot line. In the case of irreaularlv shaDed lots. includina cul-de-sacs. the deDth may be measured at riaht angles to a straiaht line ;oinina the foremost Doints ot the side lot line. Drovided the deDth at anv Doint is never less than the minimum lenath ot a standard Darkina SDace as established within Sec. 2.3.4 of this Code. However. in the Golden Cate Estates subdivision. unimnroved oerimeter and bisectina access easements. or illlOroved access easements servina three or tever lots ot record. shall not constitute a front vard for the ourcose of establishina buildina setback line.. Where lots in residential districts comnrisin9 tortv Dercent f~~:~.~~~~~e ::r:::. f~~eta~:v~~Q~~~ (;: t: ids\~'c:u:::e~~~~w.:~ averaae front yard with a variation of not more than six teet (6". no buildina thereafter erected shall ~01.ct bevond the averaae line so established. This Drovision aDDlies in all residential zonina districts and to all residentially desianated areas. ! ~ j ! i ~ " r ! ~' ~ ~ f < . ,'001 066 f'AG! 119 ,....,/ ,I , , " " f .~ . ,; " .: ,: . ~ ... . ., ,.J.';, --."'.--......----,........... , ~ ;.' , . '.';. Appendix . ( ~~ 100I 066 mt 120 rill ~ ~ ;tp'6l1JJZI~2-?'1~ , I - (, - 9 \ ~~ ~ :t'?, COLLIER COUNTY GROUND WATER !:l +.. ~~ PROTECTION ORDINANCE ;: ..~ ~ "~' ~ E ORDINANCE NO. 91- 103 <": i.Y" "J "'0 .. "Q "'1' "V'- RDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF O~D9~C~~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROVIDING FOR PROTECTION OF EXISTING AND FUTURE WELLFIELDS AND PROTECTION OF EXISTING AND FUTuRE GROUND WATER RESOURCES THROUGH CREATION OF WELLFIELD RISK MANAGEMEUT SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY ZO~ES WITHIN WHICH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT WILL BE PROHIBITED OR REGULATED; PROVIDING FOR CREATION OF GROUND WATER PROTECTION' ZONE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND ZONING ATLAS; PROVIDING TITLE AND CITATION, LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY AND FINDINGS OF FACT; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING TECH- NICAL FINDINGS. OF FACT; PROVIDING 'IDENTIFICATION OF PROTECTED PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLFIELDS; PROVIDING FOR CREATING, MAPPING, ,DESCRIPTION AND BASIS OF WELLFIELD RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY ZONES; PROVIDING FOR ,REGULATED DEVELOPMENT INCLUD- ING STANDARDS FOR EXISTING AND FUTURE OPERATION, FACILITIES AND LAND USES; PROVIDING FOR WELLFIELD EXEMPTIONS PROM COMPLIANCE WITH IDENTIFIED PROHIBI- TIOn OR REGULATION; PROVIDING FOR WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USES; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF REGULATED DEVELOPMENT' AND CERTIFICATES TO OPERATE AND PROHIBITED 'APPROVALS OF REGULATED DEVELOPMENT AND CERTIFICATES TO OPERATE; PROVIDING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR GROUND WATER QUALITY; PROVIDING FOR MODIFICATION OF REGULATED DEVELOPMENT i REVISION OR REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATE TO OPERATE, WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, OR WELLFIELO EXEMPTION; PROVIDING FOR RESTRICTIONS ON ISSUANCE OF APPROVED SITE PLANS AND CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY; PROVIDING' FOR PUBLIC HEARInGS AND APPEALS; PROVIDING FOR FUTURE WELLS' AND WELLFIELDS; 'PR~DING FOR ADMINISTRATIVE FEES AND SURCHARGE; PROVIDING FOR' 'ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES/PROMULGATION; :PROVIDING FOR VIOLATIONS, PENALTIES AND REMEDIES/ENFORCEMENT; PROVIDING FOR NOTXCES; , PROVIDING DEFINITIONS AND RULES OF CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION: PROVIDING, FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFE~IVE DATE. ' . WHEREAS~ Part II ot Chapt~r 163, Florida Statutes, establishes 'the local Comprehensive Planninq and Land Development Regulations. Act,' 'providing 'Collier ~ounty with the authority and responsibility to comprehensively plan tor tuture,development and r..ource protection throU9h land development regulations; and '. . WHEREAS, existinq County publio water supply welltields draw water trom the ,Water Table Aquiter and Lower Tamiami Aquifer o! the Surficial' Aquiter Systom; and WHEREAS, the protection at welltields and potable water resources mandated by law and provided tor by the Collier County Comprehensive Plan will be implemented through the adoption ot land use prohibitions, regulations and crite~ia deemed necessary to,ensure the quality and quantity ot present and tuture public potable water supplies; and WHEREAS, .deqradation ot specific land uses and activities,may ground wat~r quality; and .., .. Ofi)WA12l != contribute to the fit rot I") >> ;J >> ..., a '" Ot it ~ ~ - .." - 1- rn o ~ ~ cO - I * ~ r- ~ HHZREAS, specific land uses and activities May contribute to the degradation of ground water qualitYI and WHEREAS, the risk of contamination ot ground vater and existing and future velltields in Collier County viII be reduced by regulating the develOPJlent, land use, and activity within Collier County and ensuring that state ground vater quality standards ara implomontad. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ,ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA, that: " ARTICLE I. ,INCWSION IN COLLIER COUNTY I...AND DEVELOPMENT CODE. It is the intention at the Board of County COlludssioners of Collier county, Florida, that this ordinance is a land use ordinance to be implem.nted and entorced as adopted. ' It i. the turther intention ~f the Board of County c~ssioners of Collier county, Florida, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be Made a part ot the Collier County Unffied Land Developaent Code, when adopted 1 and that Sections ot this Ordinance aay be renumbered or reletterec2 to accomplish such intention and that the word "ordinance- May be changed to "division", "article" or other appropriate designation. SECTION 1.1 TITLE AND CITATION. " This Ordinance s~all be known as, the "Collier County Ground Water Protection Qrdinance" and aay be cited and reterred to herein as the "Ground Water Protection Ordinance" or the "-Ordinance". .. SECTION 1.2 LEGISLATIVE AU'l'HORITY. The Board ot County c01Il1Ilissioners ot Collier County, Florida, has the authority to adopt this Ground Water Protection Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII, Sec.l(t), Florida Constitution: section 125.01, et seq., Florida Statutes; section 16J.3177,' Florida ,Statutesl Section 163.32~2, Florida Statutest Rule 9J-5.013, Florida . ~inistrative Codel and 'other such authorities and provisions as in the statutory and c01ll1llon law of the state ot Florida. SECTION 1. 3 FINDINGS OF FACT. ", ' The Board of County COlluds.ioners of Collier County, :( Florida, hereby makes the tollowing findings of tact: SEC.l.3.1 Pursuant to section 163.3202, Florida Statutes, Collier county is required to' adopt a welltield protecdon ordinance which imple.ents .and is consistent with the elements ot its adopted Comprehensive Plan, which: COMprehensive Plan was adopted by Collier county on January '10, 1989, as the Collier County Growth Management Plan. SEC.l.3.2 'Pursuant to Section 163.3202, Florida Statutes, Collier : county is required to adopt a wel1tield protection ordinance to protect the existing and tuture public potable vater supply wells. . SEC.i.':3 Pursuant to Rule 9J-5.013, Florida AdJainistrative Code, Collier County is required to protect vater quality by restricting activities known to adversely attect the quality and quantity at identified water sources including cones ot intluence, vater reqharge areas, and vater wells. ' SEC. 1. 3.'4 Pursuant to Goal 3 of tho Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Collier County GrowthcManAgement Plan, and specitically Objectives 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, thereunder, Collier County is required to protect the county's groundwater resources to ensure the hi9hes~ water quality practicable. ' ,aOOl ~ OBBT1?l , ' '. .oj I I I 1 .- .... ... SEC.1.3.5 Pursuant to Goal 1 of the Natural Ground Water Aquifer Recharqe Sub-El...nt of the Public Facilitie. Elem.nt of the Collier county Growth Management Plan and specifically Objective 1.2, thereunder, Collier County, is required to adopt a local ground wator protection ordinance to protect existing and future potable wellfiolds frea existing and future land use and surface activities. SEC.l.3.6 Pursuant to Goal 1 of the Natural Ground Water Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element of the Pu~lic Facilities Element of the collier County Growth Management PlaJr,' and specitically Objectives 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5, thereunder, Collier County is required to identify and protect natural qround water aquiter recharge areas frOlft activities that could degrade and/or contaminate the quality ot ground water, and to' identity and map ground water recharge' areas most sensitive to contamination tram ~~nd development and other surtace activities. .' SEC.1.3.7 Pursuant to Goal 2 of the Natural Ground Water Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element ot the Public Utilities Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan and spe~itically Objective 2.1, thereunder, Collier County, in order to protect the natural ground 'vater aquiter recharge areas trom activities that unacceptably alter the ground water recharge, is required to develop local criteria tor : en.uring that land develoP1Dent activities do not unacceptably alter the tiaing or reduce the amount ot .ground water recharge. SEC.1.3.8 Collier County has developed a three (3) dim.nsional r.gional computer mod.l trom which capture zones around selected existing wellfi.lds in the unincorporated area and incorporated areas ot Collier County have been ide~titied and mapped tog.ther with ar.as ot natural ground water recharge, recognizing that geographic Collier County is a natural aquiter recharge area, for theSurticial Aquiter syst81ll. SEC.I.3.9 The public water supply welltields, identitied within this Ordinance, are collectively the primary source of potable water in Collier County and have been computer Ilodelled in order to identity and map Welltield Risk Management Special Treatment overlay Zones around each welltield together with areas of natural ground water rechargo. ; SEC.1.3.10 The Surficial Aquiter System i. the existing principal sourc. of potable water in Collier County, hovever~ the Intermediate and Floridan 'Aquiter Syste.., which pr.sently .erve as a l....r source of potable vater, are, deemed to be an important tuture source of : Collier County's po~b1e water sUPpl~. SEC. 1.3.11 That there is sutficient technical data available ,to question the inteqrity ot the Talliami semi-contining beds thrdughout Collier County as providing adequate protection tor the Lower Tamiami Aquiter trea contaminants generated by land use activities: SEC.I.3.12 There is sutticient technical data to indicate that'all ot geographical Collier County serves as a natural aquifer recharge ar.a to the Water Table Aquitar, and that, 'on a regional basis, approximately eighty percen~ of the recharge ~o the Lower Tamiami Aqulter occurs tram ~he Water Table Aquifer. . :. . SEC.1.3.13 Protection ot the ground water quality in the Wa'ter Table Aquiter and Lower Tamiami Aquiter will be enhanced and furthered by the prOhibition and regulation of identitied land uses or develoP1D.nt. SEC. 1.3.14 It is deemed to be necessary and in the be~t interest of' public health, safety. and weltare of the citizens at Collier County to adopt r~gulations pertaining to land uses arid development within defined areas around Public Water Supply Wells, and to establish County wide ground water protQcti~n criteria tor the County's existing and future potable 9roun~ water resources in:the Surficial, Intermediate and Floridan Aquifer Systems. ' tOO<< 066~.123 '/>' .3 . '. . . a- ~ ... SEC. 1.3.15 It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, to eftectuate and directly advance these requirements and findings tor the public health, safety and welfare, and for the reasons set forth herein. SEC. 1.3.16 It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, to illlplement the Collier County Growth Managament Plan through the adoption ot this Ground Water Protection Ordinance. SECTION 1.4 /./ PURPOSE. The purpose of this Ground Water Protection Ordinance is to-'.stablish standards, regulations and procedures tor the review and approval of existing,and proposed developlllent within mapped welltield protection z~nes in the unincorporated area and the incorporated areas of Collier County, Florida. The standards anc2 regulations of this Ordinance shall be implemented to protect existing and future wellfields, protect natural -aquiter systell recharge areas, protect County wide ground water resources and to protect the publiC' health and resources through regulation and establishment of standards for development involving the use, storage, generation, handling and disposal of' quantities of Hazardous Products and Hazardous Waste in excess of identified quantities, disposal of sewage and effluent, stormwater management, earthmining, petroleull exploration, solid waste and other related aspects of land Use and development. SECTION 1.5 INTENT . It is the intent of the Board of County c01IUIIissioners ot Collier county, Florida that this Ordinance implement and be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. Implementation will provide for the long terJI protection of the County's ground water resource, and through the management of those land uses and develoP1Dents within Wellfield Management Special Treatment, OVerlay Zones and County wide Ground Water Protection Zones, insure shorter ,teJ:1l r,rotection. This Ordinance is intended to be consistent with , princ pIes of property riqhts, as balanced with the health, satety and welfare of the general public. : ARTICLE 2 APP~CABILITY . '.. . This Ordinance shall 'apply to and be entorced in the unincorporated are. and in the incorporated areas of Collier'County to' the extent, authorized by ArtiCle VIII, section, 1 (t), the 1'10ri'da Constitution. No development Shall be undertaken wliich is inconsistent with this Ordinance. SECTION :I.I WELLFIELO RISK MANAGEMENT, "SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY ZONES AND GROUND WATER PROTECTION ZONE. INTRODUCTION. " SEC.2.1.1 : In orcser to protect Collier County's potable ground water r~sources, this Ordinance establishes County wide ground water protection standards, implemented through a County wide Ground Water protection Zone, and a series ot Welltield Risk Management Special Treatment OVerlay Zones around identitied public water supply welltields. These Special Treatment overlay Zones and Ground .Wator protoction Zona torm,the basis at land usa management prOhibitions and regulati:ons to reduce or eliminate the potential tor ground water contamination trom specified land uses and activities. &O~IC 066 PAGf 124 " 4 , . , , i' , , . . ,. ' . . ',: ::' :.. t' , " , ~"... ~ " .":", " " , . I a- ,.. ... SEC.2.1.2 WELLFIELD PROTECTION. BEC. TECHNICAL FINDINGS OF FACT. '... ' Technical findings of fact that support the establi.hment of Well field Risk Management Special Treatment OVerlay Zones and the designation ot wellfields protected under this ordinance include: SEC.2.l.2.1.1 The surficial ,~Aquifer System in Collier County is composed of the Water Table Aquifer and the Lower Tamiami Aquiter, which are generally separated by semi-confining beds. SEC. primary regional source of leakance recharge to the tower Tamiami Aquife~ is the overlyinq Water Table Aquifer. SEC. The seai-confining beds vary in thickness tram 0 feet to approxiaately, 50 feet, and the semi-con,fining beds exhibit varying degrees ot vertical leakance. ' : SEC; The vertical leakance between the Water Table Aquiter and the Lover Tamiami Aquifer, through'the semi-confining beds, varies throughout geoqraphical Collier County, and due to pumpage, is generally qreater in the vicinity ot welltields. ' S!C. The semi-confining beds between the Water Table Aquifer and the tower Tamiami Aquiter may provide tor attenuation ot some contaminants of the qrounc2water; however, presently there is insufficient data to conclude :that these semi-confining beds will adequately protect the g~ound water quality within ~he Lower Tamiami Aquifer froa surtace contamination throughout geographical Collier County. SEC. 2 .1. 2.1. 6 The Three-Dimensional Simulation ot Welltield Protection Areas in Collier Countv. Florida, prepared by voorhees and Hades, 1989, finds that, on a regional basis, approximately 80 percent of the recharge to the Lower Tamiami Aquifer is from the overlying Water Table Aquiter. ' : BEC. The tOllowlng well fields withdraw ground water lr01ll the Water Table Aquiter: A. The Everglades City Welltield; B. The Florida Cities (Avatar) Wellfield; and C. The North Naples Utilities (Quail creek) "alltield. SEC. The t01lowing welltields withdraw ground water fio. the Lover Ta.ia.i Aguiter: , A. The East Golden Gate Welltield; B. The Coastal Ridge (Goodlette Road) Wellfield; C. The Collier county Utilitie., Welltield; D. The Glade. Wellfield; ,E. The Airport Water Treatment P~ant Welltield of the 11IlJII0ka1ee Water , Sewer District wel1tields; " F. The Carson Road Water Treatment Plant Welltield ot the I.mokalee Water , Sewer District wellfields; arid G. The Pelican Bay Wellfield. SEC. The Port ot the Islands Wellfield withdraws ground water tram the Intermediate Aquiter System. SEC. The~Main Water Treatment Plant Welltield of the I1IlJIIokal48 Water' Sewer District welltields withdraws ground water trom the Lower Tamiami And the Sandstone Aquifers. ,oo~ 066 PAGE 125 '. " ,5 " " " ..; . I .' . ') . ~ .. . : ,..- . : e ,'. . ;t \. . ~ _ " 1 1 . I .... - . ... SEC. Available data indicate that: A. The Water Table Aquifer is unconfined across all of geographic Collier County, and receives its recharge directly from infiltration trom the land surface. B. The Tamiami confining beds, where present, act in a semi-confining unner (Missimer and Associates, 1990). ,.. C. In 80me are~~ of Collier County, the semi-confining beds are absent (Knapp et al., 1986, Figure 19). D. The stratigraphic zone containing the semi-confining beds varies from a thickness'of 0 feet to approximately 50 te~t within County (Knapp et al., 1986). E. In some areas ot Collier County where regional data indicate a thick section of semi-confining beds (Knapp et al., 1986), local information shows a substantially thinner 'section ot the same (e.g., Missimer and Associates, 1990: and Alamo/Saxema, 1990). F. Well completion reports citing well completion depths for (i) private potable water supply wells, (ii) public water supply wel1fields, and (Ui) consumptive water use permits indicate that more than 80 percent of persons in geographical Collier County derive their potable water from tho Water Table and Lower Tamiami aquiters (SFWMD and Department tiles). G. Hydrograph ~ata from South Florida Water Management District ("SFWMD") 1I0nltoring wells completed in the Water Table Aquifer and in the Lower Tamiami ~quifer indicate that in some areas of Collier County, there is essentially unrestricted hydraulic connection between the two aquifers (e.g., Wells C-976 and C-977, United States Ceoloaical Survey Data ReDorts Well Years 1988- .l2.ll) or only partially restricted hydraulic connections (e.g."Wells C-953 and C-951, ~). SEC. SFWKD technical assistance intormation includes a . finding that' R(d}ue to the leaky nature ot the Tamiami confining beds.. . there i. presently not enough data' t'o conclude that these 'confininq beds coul~ protect the 'aquifer from surface contamination. . Theretore, land use decisions should be geared towards restricting "hazardous chemicals or industries trom the immediate areas where the Lower Taaiaml is beinq used as' a source of. drinking wa'ter' supply." (Water Resources Data end Related Technical Information to Assist Local Government Plannina in Collier Countv,SFWKD, 1987, p. CO-~-5). SEC.2.1.~.1.13 The risk at contamination of ground water and existing and tuture well fields in geographical Collier County will be reduced by regulating the development, land use, and activity within Collier County and ensuring that state ground water quality standards 'are Implemented. BEC. PROTECTED PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLFIELDS. The 'following public water supply welltields permitted by the South Florida Water Management District tor potable water to wIthdraw a ainblWll of 100,000 average gallons per day ("GPD") are identitied as protected welltields around which specific land use and activity ("Regulated Development") shall be ,regulated under this Ordinance: SEC. Withdrawinq,trom tho Wator Table Aquifer: A. Th~'Everglades city Welltleld: B. The Florida Cities (Avatar) Welltield: and C. The North Naples Utilities (Quail C~eek) Welltield. 'eool! 066,fG! 126 t h, J... , , . ". \ ~ . '" ~ '. ~ 1) . ".,J'" , i I : " ':" . ' ~. , , . I '. '. I ': . . '. . ~ ,.. ~ SEC. Withdrawing troa the Lower Tamiami Aquifer: A. The East Golden Cate Wellfield; B. The Coastal Ridge (Goodlette Road) Wellfield; C. The Collier county utilities Wellfield; D. The Glades Wellfield; E. The Pelican Bay Wellfield; F. The Airport Water Treatment Plant Hell field of the Immokalee Water ~ Sewer District well!ieldsi and G. The Carson Rbad Hater Treatment Plant Wellfield of the Immokalee water" Sewer District wellfields. SEC. Withdrawing from the Surficial" InteI"1llediate Aquifer Syat...: SEC. A. The Main Water Treatment Plant Wellfield at the Immokalee Water" Sewer District'wel~fields. CREATION AND HAPPING OF WELLFIELO HANAGEMENT SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY ZONES. ' There are hereby created Wellfield Risk Management Special '1'reataent overlay Zones around each existing public water sUPP1I welltield peraitted by the South Florida Water Management Distr ct, to withdraw a ainiau.'of 100,000 average gallons per day or ~r. and identitied as a protected wellfield in Sec., hereof. The.e Welltield Risk Management Special Treatment OVerlay Zones are generally depicted on Wellfield Protection Zone Maps and are made a part hereof as -Appendix A". . Welltield ,Risk Management Special Treatment Overlay Zones shall be supplemental to existing and tuture zoning and land use requlations and shall not be deemed to peI"1llit or authorize any use or activity not otherwise peraitted in the underlying zoning district or allowable in the underlying future land use designation. SEC. DESCRIPTION AND BASIS OF WELLFIELO RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY ZONES. t I f r f I ! r. Welltield ,Risk Management Special Treatment OVerlay Zones are derived from the three-dimensional computer modelled analysis of ground water tlow and solute transport in the fresh water aquifer system of Collier County, as prepared and presented in a study comais.ioned by Collier County and known as' the ":rhree-Dimensional SillUlation of Wellfield Protection Areas in Collier County. Florida" (Voorhees and Hades, 1989~, (the "Th~ce-Dimensional Wellfield Study"). "For Collier County, these three-dimensiona'l aspects are the exception rather that the rule. Coastal Ridge wa. the only well field in the study which exhiHited such marked three-dimensional tlow conditions.' All other ,well fields failed to exhibit such marked vertical migration. However, the use of the three-dimensional modeling,' even tor welltields which tail to exhibit such significant vertical migration, generates pathlines, traveltimes, and capture zones which include the etfects of vertical leakage. Not accounting tor this vertical lea~ge would create miSleading results regarding pathlines and traveltimes. For all wellfields, the assumption ot concentric circular traveltime contours is not appropriate. This is a result of regional gradients, interference from neighboring walla and boundary conditions such as canals, as well as vertical leakage to the producing zones.- (Three-Dimensional simulation of Hellfield Protection Areas in Collier Countv. Florida, Voorhees and Mades, 1989,p. 92). The Three-Dimensional Helltield Study uses a twenty yoar planning horizon capture zone around the ten wellfields selected tor the modelling study. This time trame is predicated on the anticipated Year 2005 pumpage rate for each production well in the study. The twenty year capture ~one,was selected to correspond to the twenty year planning period to evaluate public facilities as provided in Chapter 163, F~orida statutes. GOOC 066 PAGE 127 .7 " ,.. ~ ..- I The aaxi.ua areal extent of the Well field Risk Kanaqeaent Special Treat..nt overlay Zones is detined by a closed contour around each welltield, which represents the twenty (20) year planning horizon capture zone. "The capture zone is the plan view area troa vbere all water .igrates laterally to a well durinq the planning horizon.- (Voorhees and Kades, 1989). Partial planninq horizon capture zones tor tive (5), ten (10) and twenty-five (25) percent of the twenty year planninq horizon capture zone approximate the one (I) year, two (2) year, and tive (5) year pa~icle travel times, respectively. Each partial planning horizon capture zone was mapped to illustrate the expected area around the wellfield within which a particular capture zone occurs, at the seventy-five (75) percent confidence level. (rg.). These partial planninq horizon capture zones correspond to Welltield Risk Kanaqaaent special Treatment OVerlay Zones W-l, W-2, W-3 and W-4 tor the twenty year planninq horizon. ~. WELLFIELO RISlC KANAGEKEN'l' SPECIAL TREATMElIT OVERIAY ZONE W-l ("ZONE W-l"): r . The land area between an identified welltield and the 'five percent ground water capture zone, approxiaating the one year walltield Risk Manageaent Special Treatment OVerlay Zone boundary as shOwn on the Welltield Risk Management Special Treatment OVerlay Zone Map, Appendix A, which area shall be protected trom the discharge or accidental release at contaainants tram a sanitary hazard or other contaainant source, inclUding the discharge or accidental release of Raza~ Products and Hazardous Wastes. SEC. WELLFIELO RISK J!lAHACEKEN'l' SPECIAL TREATMEN'l' OVERIAY ZONE W-2 ("ZONE W-2"): The land area between ZONE W-1 and the ten percent ground water capture zone, approximating the two year Welltield Risk Kanaq81l8nt Special Treatment OVerlay: Zone boundary as shown on the Welltield Risk Kanag..ent Special Treatment OVerlay Zone Hap, Appendix A, which area shall be protected frOll the discharge or accidental relea.. ot eontaainants, includinq trOll a sanitary hazard or other conta.inant source and the discharge or accidental release ot Hazardous : Products and Hazardous Wastes. ~. WELLFIELO RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIAL TREATHENT OVERLAY ZOtfE W-3 ("ZONE W-3"): The land area between ZONE W-2 and' the twenty-tive percent ground water capture zone~ approxiaating the five year Wellfield Risk Management Special Treatment OVerlay Zone bound~ry as shown on the Welltield Risk Management special Treatment OVerlay Zone Map, Appendix A, whic~ area aay be protected tr~ the discharge or accidental release ot specitic'contaminants, includinq the discharge or accidental release of Hazardous Products and Hazardous Wastes. SEC.2.1.Z.4.4 WELLFIELD RISKHANAGEMENT SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY ZOIlE W-4 ("ZONE W-~") : : . The land area between ZONE W-3 and the lOa percent " ground water capture ,zone tor the twenty year planning limit, which is the twenty year Welltield Risk Management Special Treatment Overlay Zone boundary as shown on the Welltield Risk Management Special Treataent OVerlay Zone Map, Appendix A, which area aay be protected frOll the discharge or accidental release of sptJcitic contaminants, includinq the discharge or accidental reloaso ot Uazardous Products and Hazardous Wastes. SEC.2.1.:3 GROUND WATER PROTECTION. SEC. 2 . 1. 3 . I CREATION AND MAPPING OF GROUND WATER PROTECTION ZONES. There ."re hereby created Ground Water.' Protection Special Treatment overlay Zones as qenerally depicted on the Welltield Risk Kanaqoilont Special Traatmant OVerlay Zona Haps, Ap~endix A. These '.- 06681Gt 128 filii ,. ... I , Cround Water Protection special Treatment OVerlay Zones reflect Wellfield Risk Hanageaent Zones W-I, W-2, W-3 and W-4; areas of, high natural aquifer recharge in Collier county ("ST-NAR"); and the natural recharge areas of geoqraphical Collier County that require Minimum ground vater protection and within which future public water supply wells AaY be located ("GWP".) Wellfield Risk Management Special Treatment overlay Zones, High Natural Aquifer Re9harge Special Treatment Zone (ST-NAR) Ground Water Protection Spec,ial Treatment OVerlay Zones shall be suppleaental to existing and future zoning and land use regulations and shall not be deemed to permit or authorize any use or activity not otherwise pe~itted in the underlyinq zoninq district ,or allowable in the underlyinq tuture land use designation; . The High Natural Aquiter Recharge Spe<:ial OVerlay Zones (ST-NAR) and the Ground W~ter Protection Zones (GWP) are based upon: SEC.2.1.3.l.1 Those portions ot geoqraphlcal Collier County, Florida, to be identitied as areas ot high natural aquifer recharge to, the surficial and Inter.ediate Aquifer Sys~ems ("ST-NAR"); and SEC. The susceptibility ot the surticial and Intermediate Aquifer Systeas' in geoqraphical collier County to, contamination resulting tr~ surficial activities and the need for protection of the ground water resource as a future public water supply ("GWP"). II SE~~ .1'. 3.2 DESCRIPTIOPf OF GROUND WATER PR01"ECTION SPECIAL TREATMEH'l' " OVERLAY ZONES. .~ ~,' SEC. HIGH NATURAL AQUIFER RECHARGE AREAS ("ST-NAR"): p These areas have not yet been detined. The prohibitions and 'regulations for this special Treatment OVerlay Zone shall be based upon the deter.ination and designation ot those portions at geographical Collier County that naturally function as high natural recharge areas to the Surficial and Intermediate Aquifer Syste1llS' Upon identification ot ST-NAR areas, Articles 2, 3, 4 and other applicable . sections hereot, shall .be amended to include the ST-NAR Special Treatment overlay Zone where appropriate. l SEC. GROUND WATER PR01"ECTION AREA ("GWP"): All of, qeographical Collier County provides natural aquifer recharge to the 'Water Table Aquiter and the potential tor '" natural aquiter recharge to the unconfined or semi-contined portions ,of the LoVer Taaiaai and Sandstone Aquiters. Natural aquiter' recharge troll the Hater Table Aquiter constitutes approxi~tely eighty percent of the recharge to the Lower '.l'4miami Aquifer on a regional basis. That area of geoqraphical Collier County excluding W-l, W-2, W~3, W-4 and ST-NAR, shall be provided' with a minimum level of ground water protection and shall be designated as GWP.' SECTION 2.2 ,ZONING ATLAs.' , .... ' The Helltleld Risk Management 'Special Treatment OVerlay zon1ll and the High Natural Aquiter Recharge Special Treatment OVerlay zones shall be aapped as provided herein and shall be shown on the Otfcial Zoning Atlas of Collier County and the .unicipalities within th eoqraphical boundaries of Collier County. ' SE ON 2.3 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ZONES. , , Tho Wollfield Risk'Managemcnt Special Treatment Overlay Zon Maps, Appendix A, shall be reviewed by the Doard on an annUA basis or ~ore often as aay.be determined by tho County Manager in discretion upon the p~currenca ot: SEC. 2 ..3 .1 Changes in technical' knowledge concerning t. understanding of ground water hydraulics ~s applied to~ lOOK 06maCE 129 ... .it~ , . .._...".--.".....---....1..-- ,-- 'SEC.2.3.2 , \, SEC.2.3.3 SEC.2.3.4 SEC.2.3.5 SECTION 2.4 SEC.2.4.1 r- - I the hydrogeology of applicable aquifer systems in Collier County; Changes in the pernitted withdrawals from the identified WelHield(s) ; Reconfiguration of identitied wellfields; The designation/Of new welltield(s) as protected under this Ordinance.~ and Availability of any other technical or scientitic intormation relative to the aquiter systems in Collier County. ' APPLICATION OF ZONES. REGULATED WELLFIELDS. The tOllowinq Welltield Risk Manaqement Special Treat'1llent overlay Zones, as de tined in Section 2.1, and criteria sp~citied in Article 4 shall be applied to the tOllowing wellfields: SEC.2 . 4 . 1. 1 SEC. SEe.2.4~I.J SEC. SEC. SEC: SEC. , SEC. SEC. 2 . 4.1. 9 SEC.2.4.2 East Golden Gata Welltield. Coastal Ridqe Wellfield. Collier County Utilities Wellfield. Everglades Ci~y Welltield. Florida cities (Avatar) Welltield. The Glades Welltield. ' I the Immokalee Water and Sewer Welltields drilled into Lower Tamiami Aquifers and Sandstone Aquifers. North Naples Utilit~es (Quail Creek) Welltield. Pelican Bay Wellfield. UNREGULATED lfELLFIELDS. , Wel1ti~ld 'Risk Management Special Treatment Overlay ;'Zones as defined in section 2.1 and the criteria'specitied in Artiole 4, shall not be appli~d to: SEC. Port of'the Istands Welltield DETERMINATION OF LOC1.TIO~ WITIrIN WELLfIELD RISK MANAGEMENT ZONES. ,In determining the location of Requlated Devel'opment within the Wellfield Risk 'Management Zones, the following rules Sh811 apply: SEC. 2.4.3, SEC.2.o4..3.1 Requlated Developmont IOC8tod wholly within 8 single Welltield Risk Management Zone, as reflected on the Well field RiSk ,Management Special Treatment OVerlay Zone Map(s), shall be 'governed by ~G restrictions applicable to that Zone. !':C.2"'.4.3.2 ~ere;a boundary between two adjacent Welltieli Ris-' 'Management Zones, as reflected on the Welltield Risk Management specia~ Treatment Overlay Mapes), passes through the structure of a Rcgulatedt Development, the entire structure and Regulated 'Development Ghall btr . rOid.rOd to bo in tho OO:"O;:i;;;on.. 10, ,_"0<,,,_,_~~_,_,_~~__'-'_''''''--.4''_''_______"_'"~__'__'''''''''______---'-' 'i" ~" __'-'R'..,_.. o.._."..._____.~,.,,,....~_.,,._"~."" ,- r- ... SEC.2.4.3.J Where the site ot a Rogulated Development lies within two or more W.ll!1eld Risk Management Zones, QS reflected on the Wollfield Risk Management Special Treatment Overlay Map(s), and tho structural or activity portion of the site may be confined to one of the Zones, then each portion of the Regulated Development shall be governed by the restrictions applicable to the applicablo Overlay Zona in which the portion is located so long as the Owner/Operator provides reasonable assurances that a discharge or accidental release will be prohibited from entering the m9re restrictive Zone. SEC.2.5 PROTECTION OF FUTURE WELLFIELDS. Wellfield Risk Management. Zones shalL by established around those future public water supply wellfields with SFWMD permitted withdrawals of a minimum of 100,000 gallons per day from the Surficial .Aquifer System. . Future pUblic water supply wellfields with SFWMD permitted withdrawals of a minimum of 100,000 gallons per day from the ~ntermediated Aquifer System shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the applicability of Well!1eld Risk Management Zone delineation. ' Well field Risk ManAgement Zones shall not be established for tho.. future publio water supply well fields with SFWMD permitted withdrawals of a minimum of 100,000 gallons per day from the Floridan A~ifer, System. All Regulated Development within the Well!1eld Risk Management Zones of the ,future public water supply well fields shall comply with the,rogulations and standards of construction of Article 4 and ArtiCle 5 hereof which incorporates by reference the state's Ground Water standards of non-degradation and enhancement of ground water. SECTION 2.6 EFFECT OF SETBACKS AND BUFFERS FROM SANITARY HAZARDS AS PROMULGATED AND ADOPTED IN THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code, establishes minimum setbacks and buft'ers between the placement of identified sanitary. hazards and public potable water supply wells. The location of the following Regulated Development and associated activity shall be subject to the minimum ,setback and butfer reqUirements as promulgated and adopted by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and incorporated herein by reforence. For reference purposes only, the .. applicable setbacks from potable water wells on the effecti~e ~ate,of this Ordinance are as follows: SEC.2.6.1 Domestic Waste~ater Treatment Plant outfall, as " regulated under Rule 17-6pO.510, Florida Administrative Code, shall discharge not less than 500' feet from an approved, but not yet constructed potable water intake. SEC.2.6.2 ,Application ol sludge, as regula~ed under Rules 17- 7.540(4), (5), (7), 17-7.570, and 17-7.580"Florida Administrative COde, shall be no closer that 500 teet from a shallow public water supply well as defined in Rule 17-7.020(46), Florida Administrative Code: SEC.2.6.3 The 'edge or the wetted area used tor the application and reuse of reclaimed water, as regulated under Rule 17-6l0.471, Florida Administrative Code, shall be no closer than 75 feet from an existing or HRS approved potable water supply well; and reclaimed water transmission facilities shall be no closer than 75 feet from a potable 'water oupply wall. SEC.2.6.4 The edge of. the pond, basin of trench emban~ment used for a rapid rate la~,application system; as regulated under Rule 17- 61,0.521, Florida Administrative Code, sha~l be no closer than 500 feet trom an existing or HRS approved potable water supply well, or 200 feet i~ conditions specified in the cited Rule are met. a~olC ~A(;E 131 ~ ,...-. ~ SEC.2.6.5 The edge of a reuse absorption tield, as regulated under Rule 17-610.571, Florida Administrative Code, shall be no closer than 500 teet from an existing or HRS approved potable water supply well, or 200 feet if conditions specified in the cited Rule are met. SEC.2.6.6 The edge of the wetted area used for effluent disposal by overland flowJ as regulated under Rule 17-610.621, Florida Administrative Code, shall be no closer than 100 feet from an existing or HRS approved potable water supply well; and a reclaimed wastewater transmission tacility, as regulated under Rule 17-610.621, Florida Administrative Code, shall be no closer than loa teat from a public water supply well. SEC.2.5.7 'Domestic Wastewater Residuals land application, as regulated under Rule, 17-640.700(4) or Rule 17-640.800(1), Florida Administratiye Code,' shall be no closer than 500 teet from any shallow public water supply well. ' SEC.2.6.8 Dairy farms, regulated unde~ Rule 17-670.520, Florida ~dmfnistrative Code, shall maintain the 300 teet separation between storage and treatment or high-intensity areas and a drinking water supply well: and shall maintain a separation of 200 feet between land application of wastewater and a drinking water supply ~ell. The land application of Egg Wash Wastewater, as regulated under, 17-670.600(3), Florida Administrative COde, shall be no closer than 200 feet from a drinking water supply well. SEC.2.6.9 Disposal of solid waste, as regulated under Rule 17- 701.040(2), Florida Administrative Code, is prohibited within 500 feet of an existing or approv~d shallow water supply well unless the disposal meets the standards~of Rule 17-701.040, Florida' Administrative Code. SEC.2.6.l0 Any other applicable setback and buffer trom a drinking water supply well required by state or tederal regulations shall be applicable to any new or substantially modified Regulated Development after the effective date of this Ordinance. '. ARTICLE 3 EXEMPTED DEVELOPMENT. ... The following legally existing and future development is deemed by the Board to be exempt from the prohlbitions,regulations and : standards of construction established by this Ordinance as set forth below. These exemptions shall not be construed or otherwise interpreted to exempt that development prohibited or regulated ,in, Article 4 hereof. ' , SJ::CTION 3.1 WELLFIELD EXEMPTION. A Well field Exemption for a particular development shall not automatically expire so long as the development meets the criteria of this Section. An exemption for a particular development shall be subject to revision or revocation as provided in Section 8.2 hereot. SEC. 3 . 1. 1 WELLF~ELO EXEMPTION FOR CONTINUOUS TRANSIT. The transportation of any Hazardous Product or Hazardous Waste shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance provided that the transporting motor vehicle is in continuous transit. This exemption shall not bo construod to prohibit tho dol ivory ot A HazardouD Product or tho temporary atop of such motor vehiclo tor such period ot time as is necessary for refueling,' ,emergency repairs and driver comfort. ' SEC.3.1.2 WELLFIELD EXEMPTION FOR VEIIICULl\R', FUEL AND LUBRICANT USE. The use of any petroleum product solely as a fuel in a e~lC 066p,,~~132 , . 12 " -- ~ ... vehicle'. fuel tank or a. a lubricant in 8 vehicle shall exempt the vehicle from the provisions o~ this Ordinance. SEC. 3.1. 3 WELLFIELD EXEMPTION FOR THE USE OF NITRATES CONTAINED IN fERTILIZERS. The use of fertilizers containing nitrates shall be generally exempt from this Ordinance. ~// '. SEC.3.1.4 WELLFIELD EXEMPTION FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 'The activities of constructing, repairing or maintaining Any facility or of. facility improvement shall be exempt from the provisions ,of this Ordinance provided that all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, material men and their employees or agents, when using, handling, storing, producing, transporting or disposing or Hazardous Products or Hazardous Wastes continuously use industry .ta~dard Best Management Practices to ensure that Hazardous Products, Hazardous Wastes or other contaminants are not discharged or accidentally released. ' WELLFIELO EXEMPTION FOR APPLICATION OF PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, FUNGICIDES AND RODENTICIDES Application of pesticidos, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides in nny non-residential pest control and aquatic weed control Activity shall not be :required to obtain a Certificate to Operate under thio ordin~nce provided that: SEC.3.l.5.l The application o~ pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides is in strict accordance'with the federal requirements set forth in 7 U.S.C. H1J6-1:36Y and a's indicated on the containers in which the substance is sold or stored; and SEC.3.1.5 SEC. The use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides is in strict accordance with the requirements of Chapters .482 and 487, Florida Statutes, and Chapters;5E-2 and 5E-9, Florida , Administrative Code as each may, from time to time, be amended. SEC.3.1.6 WELLFIELD EXEMPTION FOR EMERGENCY GENERATORS ACCESSORY TO PUBLIC UTILITIES OR SERVING'A SAFETY PURPOSE. Emergency generators that are accessory to a public utility and which will provide emergency electrical power to, e~sure a continuous supply of a public benofit; including without limita~ion, a public potable water supply, natural gas, sewer service, and telephone service; shall not be required to obtain a Certificate to Operate so long as the State mandated ~etbacks and buffers as may be set forth in the Flor~da Administrative Code and incorporated by reference: in Section 2.6 hereo~are met and maintained. Emergency: generators that are ac;:cessory to essential services, suctl as elevators in condominiums, hospitals and other publicly accessed places, and which are connected to fuel storage tanks of less ~han 110 gallons shall be exempt from regUlation under this ordinance. ' SEC.3.1.7 WELLFIELO EXEMPTION FOR RETAIL SALES ACTIVITY. Retail sales establishments that store and handle for resale, Hazardous Products in the substance's' ,original and unopened individual containers of not more than live gallons or fifty pounds, shall not be required to obtain a Certificate to Operate. &OOK 066 PAGE 133 13 _.,--...,-""'".~~;"'-~"'...., ... ".. .. SEC. 3.1. 8. WELLFIELO EXEMPTION FOR ELECTRIC POWER TRANSFORMERS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PUBLIC ELECTRICAL UTILITIES. ' Electrical power transformers that are necessary equipment to the operation of. electric power utilities which deliver ....ntial electric service of a public benefit, including both distribution and substation power transformers, shall not be required to obtain a Certificate to Operate so long as the state mandated setbacks and buffers as may be set forth in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in section 2.6 hereof are met and maintained. ' SECTION 3.2 INS PECTIONS . SEC.3.2.l REAS01-lABLE t/OTICE. The continued Welltield Exemption status of a Regulated Development shall be dependent upon compliance with the criteria of Section 3.1 and this Section. In order to ~nsure compliance with the criteria of Section 3.1, the County may inspect the premises of the RegUlated Development at reasonable times and after reasonable notice an~ consent of the Owner/Operator. ' SEC.3.2.2 INSPECTION WARRANTS. Where consent has been withheld, the County may obtain an Inspection Warrant in the same manner as provided for in Section 403.091, Florida statutes. SEC.3.2.3 IDENTIFIC~TION. Agents of the County shall be provided with oftlcial identification and shall exhibit this identification prior to any inspection. ARTICLE 4 REGULATED DEVELOPMENT. " ' Unless otherwise exempted from~compliance with this .., . Ground Water Protection Ordinance as provided in: (i) Article 2 (Regulated Development is within We1lfie1d Risk Management Special Treatment OVerlay Zones of a regulated wellfield); or (ii) Article 3 (Regulated Development is legi~l~tively exempted); or (iii) Article 1 (a Wellfield Conditional Use Permit has been issued for the Regulat,ed Development); it shall be unlawtul to '. SUbstantially modify, r~placo or maintain an exi~ting Regul~tcd Dovelopment, or to commence tho oporation or conotruction of tho fOllowing Regulated Developmcnt in violation of the standards set forth in this Article. ': : All existing Regulated Developlllent, unless otherwise expressly provided herein, shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable local, state and federal law and regulations. All existing Regulated Development meeting this criteria are cleemed to be legal non-conforming Regulated Development which shall, within one year ot the effective date of this Ordinance, come into compliance with the standards for existing Regulated Development as provided in this:Article. ,All existing Regulated Development not constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable local, otata and federal law and regulations, are ,deemed to be illegal non-co!'1forming Regulated, Development and shall within one year of the ettective date at this Ordinance, come into compliance with the standards for future Regulated Deve~opment as provided in this Article. , ,aooK' 066r~it34 ,.. ,.. .. SECTION 4.1 SOLID WASTE FACILITIES. EXISTING SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES. S!C.4.1.1 SEC. 4 . 1. 1. 1 STANDARDS. SEC.4.1.l.1.1 All existing solid waste disposal tacilities shall have .et the applicable State mandated setbacks and butfers AS adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in section 2.6 hereof. :.' SEC. In ZONES W-l And W-2, the owner/Operator of an existing lawful non-conforming solid WAste disposal ~acility shall: A. Mo~itor discharges to ground water as provided under' Rule 17-701.050(6), rlorida Administrative Code; and B. Comply with the operating criteria established under Rule 17-701.050(6), Florida Administrative Code: and C.Submit to the Depart~ent copies of all ground water monitoring reports and other operational reports as ~ay be required by FDER on a quarterly basis or as submission may othervise be required by', FDER. .' .' SEC.4.1.l.1.3 In ZONES W-3, W-4 AND GWP, existing sr ~d waste disposal fa9ilities are not regulated under this Ordinance. SEC.4.l.2 FUTURE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES. SEC. 4 .1. 2 . 1 STANDARDS. SEC. In ZONES W-l, W-2, W-3, W~4 and CWP, future solid waste dilJpOsal facilities are prohibited in the absence of a Wellfield Conditional Use Permit. SEC.4.1.3 EXISTING SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATIONS. : SEC. STANDARDS ': SEC. In ZONES W-1, W-2, W-3 And W-4, the qontinued operation of a lawful non-conforming solid waste transfer' station shall be allowed after the e!tective date ot th1s Ordinance upon the : owner/Operator of such .tacility obtaining a Certiticate to Operate from the Department which shall include the following conditions: ; . ... . '., A. Compliance with the operating criteria established under Rule 17-7p1.801, Florida Administrative Code:'and B. The OWner/Operator shAll submit copies of all ground wat~r monitoring reports and other operational reports as may be required by FDER on a quarterly basis or as may othervise,be required by FDER: and C. The owner/Operator shall report any discharge or accidental release of contaminants to tho Department within 24 hours ot discovery. ' SEC. In CWP, existing solid waste transfer stations are not regulated under this Ordinance. SEC.4.l.4 FUTURE SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATIONS. SEC.4.1:4.1 STANDARDS. SEC. In ZONES W-l, W-2 and W-J, tuturo oolid waste tranater stations arc prohibited in the absence o~ a Well field Conditional Use Permit. aGO( O66!,AI;{ 135 15 '. f .-- ,.... ..- . SEC.4 .1. 4.1. 2 In ZONES W-4 and GWP, future solid waste transfer stations shall operate pursuant to a Certiticate to Operate issued by the DepartMent subject to c01Ilpliance with the tollowing criteria: A. COMpliance with the operating criteria established under Rule 17-701.801, Florida Administrative Code: and B. The OWner/Operator shall submit copies of all ground water monitoring reports and other operational reports as aay be required by FDER on a quarterly basis or as aay otherwise be required by FDER; and SEC.4.1.5 c. The OWner/Operator shall report any diGcharge or accidental release of contaminants to the DepartJllent withip 24 hours of discovery. EXISTING JlJrD FUTURE SOLID WASTE STANDARD CONTAINERS AND SOLID WASTE BULK CONTAINERS. ;SEC: STANDARDS . SEC.o4. In ZONES W-1 and W~2, all solid waste standard containers shall be constructed of a leak proof and non-absorbent aaterial, with handles, provided with a closely tittinq watertight cover. SEC...I.5.l.2 In ZONES W-J, cohtainers are not regulated Ordinance. H-4 and GWP, solid' waste stAndard under the Ground Water Protection SEC.o4.1.5.LJ In ZONES W-1,:W-2, W-3, W-4 and CWP'~ all '.olid waste bulk containers shall be constructed of a leak proof and non-absorbent 1IAterial, and fitted with a rain proof lid or cover . SEC. 4 . 1. 6 FUTURE SOLID WASTE STORAGE, COLLECTION AND RECYCLING FACILITIES. SEC. STANDARDS . "" SEC.4.1.6.l.l In ZONES W~l, W-2, W-3, H-4 and 'ewp, storage, collection and recycling tacilitie., that do not handle Hazardous Products or Hazardous wastes, are not regulated under this Ordinance. : SEC. In ZONES'W-1, W-2 and W-3, tuture solid waste storage, collection and recycling facilities that will handle Hazardous Products and Hazardous Wastes shall be prOhibited in the absence of a Welltield Conditional Use Permit. ' ~ SEC. In ZONES W-4 and CWP, tuture solid vaste storage, collection and recycling tacilities are not regulated '1Jnder this ordinanc~. SEC.4 .1. 7 DISPOSAL, OF HAZARDOUS WASTE. SEC. ,In ZONES W-l, W-2, W-3, W-~ and GWP, tha, disposal ot any Hazardous ;/aEte or' constituent thereof' in an existing or future landfill: or other land disposal syste. is prohibited. SECTION 4.2 HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS AND HAZARDOUS WASTES. SEC. ~. 2. 1 EXISTING AND FUTURE NON-RESIDENTIAL USE, HANDLINe, STOMGl':, GEIIERATION. TMNSPORT OR PROCESSING OF" HAZAROOUS PRODUCTS. SEC. STANDARDS. SEC.4 .2.1.1. 1 In ZQNES W-I, W-2, AND W-), future non-residential development and the continued operation or use' ot existing non- residential development, which at any point in time, uses, handles, stores', generates, transports or processes Hazardous Products that aro 16 800" 006 PAGE 136 - -_.,"'~.~_..._-""- -,-,_...--"..~ ", ,- ... .. not: (1) gaseous at 105 Degrees Fahrenheit and ambient pressure: (ii) in quantities that exceed 250 gallons tor liquids or 1,000 pounds tor solidS, shall be allowed pursuant to the Owner/operator of such development obtaining A Certificate to Operate issued by tho Department. The Certificate to Operate shall incorporate the following conditions: A. Existing non-residential Regulated Development shall implement a det~iled containment plan, approved by the County Manager~nd providing for: 1. Containment of the Hazardous Product(s) which will provide for absorption of not less than an equivalent volume ot tho Hazardous Product(s), or provide tor secondary containment with a volume of at least 110 percent of the largest container: or other comparable method to manage discharges or accidental releases and prevent contact with the land or waters constituting or connected to Waters of the state as defined in Chapter 403, FIQrida statutes. ,2. Liquid Hazardous Products in tanks with a capacity of greater than 250 gallons must be stored in secondary containment with a volume of at least 110 percent of the largest container, plus the displacement of that and any other tank(s) within the containment area. Rain water may not exc;eed 10 percent of the volume in the seco~da~ containment area at aryy tim~. B. Future non-residential Regulated Development, shall implement a detailed containment plan, approved by the County Manager in accord with the standards set forth in subsection A hereof with the exception that the future Regulated Development shall provide for both the containment and absorption of Hazardous Products. C. Exist~ng and Future non-residential Regulated Development shall comply with the following conditions: 1. Hazardous Products must be' removed from the secondary' containment within 24 hours of the ,discharge or acc~dental release. ' 2. Submittal to' the Department of a fire plan approved by the local tire district. ~ 3. 'Upon discovery of any discharge or accidental release, implementation of a detailed contingency plan ~pproved by the County Manager which shall describe the following: :, a. Actions to be taken ,by the Owner/Operator in the ,event of a discharge, or accidental release of a Hazardous Product under this Section, which shall include: 1) First response steps to control and prohibit the discharge or accidental release of the Hazardous Product; 2) Remedial actions co'nsistent' with applicable state and federal laws: and . . :3) Proper disposal or the Hazardous Product. b. Emergency telephone numbers of: .~ 066,PAr.E 137 F, --.----<"'. _"c.._..,.,._,~~.._..-___- " ~ -",--_.._,_."---".>~.,-- ,.... .-- 1) Local and state response units: and 2) Owner/Operator's designated emergency response personnel. c. Compliance with the applicable State and Federal regulations. d. Th~ Department shall provide torms for repo~ting of discharges or accidental relea'ses. 4. The facility shall, report, to ,the Department, discharges or accidental releases exceeding 50 gallons including: date, time, product discharged or released, control measures ~sed, quantity of product discharged or released, and disposition of recovered waste: within 48 hours of the discharge or accidental release. 5. Annual inspections as provided in Section 6.3 hereof. SEC.4 .2.1. 1. 2 In ZONE CWP all future and existing 'non-residential development involving the us., handling, storage, generation, transport or processing of Hazardous Product below the thresholds stated in SEC.". 2.1. 1. 3 hereof, and all future and existing non-residential development in ZONES W-4 and GWP involving the generation or storage of Hazardous Waste at or above the thresholds state in SEC. hereof, shall not be required to obtain a certificate to Operate, but shall comply with the following: ' A. No Hazardous 'Product shall be discharged or released to any stormwater treatment system. B. No Hazardous Product shall be diSCharged or released to anyon-site sewage disposal system not permitted for industrial or manufacturing use. . C. No Hazardous Product shall be discharged or released to any wast~~ater treatment system:not permitted for industrial waste. D. No Hazardous Product shall be discharged or released to the surface of' the land of into any' water constituting or connecting to Waters o! ~he, S~ate ,as defined in Chapter 403, Florida Statutes. E. All Hazardous Product shall be retained on-site until use. SEC.4.2.2 F. ~ll Hazardous Product shall ,be stored in rainproof and leak,proo~ containers. G~ Dischargos or accidental re~ease of Hazardous Product exceeding 50 gallons shall be reported .to the Departll\ent within 48 hours of discovery. The report shall indicate the date, ti.mu, product discharged or released, control measures used, quantity of product discharged or released, and disposition of recovered product. EXISTING AND FUTURE RESIDENTIAL USE, "ANDLING, STORAGE, GENERATION, TM/1SPORT on PIlOCESSING OF HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS. SEC.4.2.2.l STANDARDS. , SEC.4.2. 2 .1.1 The ';xisting and future residential use, handling,' storage, generation, transport or processing of Hazardous Products is n~t regulated under this Ordinance. ~OOK 000 PAGE 138 ,.....,......_----- .. . -- SEC.4.2.J EXISTING ^ND FUTURE NON-RESIDENTI^L GENERATION OR STORAGE Of "^ZAROOUS W^STE. SEC. STANDARDS. SEC.4.2.:1.1.1 In ZONES H-l, W-2, AND W-J, future non-residential facilities and the continued operation or use of existing non-residential facilitien whi,ch generate or store Hazardous Wastes Which accumulate more than 22Q'pounds per month or 110 gallons at any point in time, shall be allowed pursuant to the Owner/Operator obtaining a Certificate to Operate. The Certificate to Operate shall incorporate ,the following conditions: A. Existing non-residential Regulated Development shall implement a detailed containment'pla~, approved by the County Manager and p'roviding for: 1. Containment of the, Hazardous Waste (s) which will provide for absorption of 'not less than an equivalent volume of the Hazardous Waste (s), or provide tor secondary containment with a volume of 'at least 110 percent of the largest container: or other comparable method to manag~ discharges or accidontal releases and prevent contact with tho land or watorn conntituting or connected to Waters of the state an define~ in Chapter 403, Florida statutes. 2. Liquid Hazardous Wastes in tanks with a capacity' of greater than 250 galldns must be stored in secondary, containment with a volume of at least 110 percent of the largest container, plUS the displacement ot that and any other tank(s) within the containment area. Rain water may not exceed 10 percent of the volume in the secondary containment area at any time. B. Future ,non-residential Regulated Development, shall implement a detailed containment plan, approved by the County Manager in lIccordance with ,the standards set torth in subsection A hereof with the' exception that the future Regulated Development snail provide for both the containment and abso~tion of Hazardous Wastes. c. Existing and Future non-residentil\l ,Regulated Development shall comply with the following conditio~s: I. Hazardous Wastes must be removed from 'the secondary containment within 24 hours of tho dischargo or accidontal reloaso. 2. ,Submittal' to the Department of a fire plan approved'by the local fire district. J. Upon discovery ot'any discharge or accidental release, implementation of a detailed Contingency Plan approved by the County Manager which shall , describe the following: a. Actions to be taken by the Owner/Operator in the event of a discharge, ,or accidental release of a Hazardous Waste under this Section, which shall include: 1) First response 'stops prohibi t the discharge releaso of the Hazardous tOOK e66 PAGE 139 to control and or accidental Waste: 19 ,.. - I IJIII- 2) Remedial actions consistent with applicable state and federal laws; and J) Proper disposal ot the Hazardous Waste. b. Emergency telephone numbers of: 1) Local and state response units; and 2) Owner/Operator's desiqnated emergency response personnel. ,c. Compliance with the applicable state and Federal regulations. d. The Department shall provide forms for reporting ot discharges or accidental releases. 4. Tho facility shall report, to the Department, discharges or accidental releases exceeding 50 gallons including; date, time, wAste discharged or reloased,'control measures used, quantity at waste discharged or released, and disposition of waste product; within 48 hours ot the discharge or accidental release. 5. Annual inspections as provided in Section 6.3 hereot. SEC. In ZONES W-l, W~2 and W-J all tuture and existing non- res~dential development invoiving the generation or storage of Hazardous Waste below the thresholds stated in SEC. ,hereot, and all existing non-residential development in ZONES W-4 and GWP involving the generation or storage of Hazardous Waste at or above the thresholds state in SEC. hereof, shall not be 'required to obtain a Certificate to oporate, but shall comply with the following: A. No Hazardous Waste shall be discharged or released to any stormwater treatment system. B. NO,Hazardous Waste shall be discharged or released to any on-sit;e sewage disposal system not permitted for industrial'or manutacturing use. SEC.4.2.4 '. C. No Hazardous Waste shall be 'discharged or released to any wastewater treatment system not permitted, tor industrial waste. D. No Hazardous Waste shall be discharged or released to the surface of the land at into any' water constituting or connecting to . Waters of the state as defined in Chapter 403, Florida Statutes. ' E. All Hazardous Waste shall be retaihed on-site until disposed ot in accordance with applicable law. F. All Hazardous Waste shall be stored in rainprOOf and leak proof containers. ' ,'G. Discharges or accidental release ot Hazardous Waste exceeding 50 ga~lons shall be reported to the Department within 48 hours ot"dlscovery. The report shall indicate the date, time, waste discharged or' released, control measures used, quantity at waste discharged or released, and dJ.sposi tion of recovered ',waste. " EXISTING AND FUTURE RESIDENTIAL GENERATION OR STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS WASTES. 066 '140' BOOK PAt;r 20 " " f''''' ,.. ,.. .. I SEC. STANDARDS. SEC.4.2.4 . 1. 1 generation and Ordinance. In ZONES '''-1, W-2, W-3, W-4 and GWP, residential storage of Hazardous Waste is not regulated under this SECTION 4.3 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS AND EFFLUENT LAND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. SEC.4.3-1 EXISTING AND FUTURE DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS. SEC. STANDARDS. SEC.4.3.1.l.1 All future and existing Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state law and regulations, and comply with the State mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated bX reference in Section 2.6 hereof. SEC.4~3.l.l.2 In ZONE W-1, all future Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants are prohibited. Tha continued operation of all existing legal non-conforming Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants shall be allowed to continue pursuant to the Owner/Operator obtaining a Certificate to Operate. Tho Certificate to Operate shall incorporate the following conditions: A. All applicable sampling requirements of Rule 17- 601.500(5), Florida Administrative Code pertaining to monitoring of influent and effluent; and, B. All applicable ground water monitoring requirements of Rule 17-601. 700, Florida Administrative Code pertaining to ground water monitoring, and provide the Department with copies of all monitoring reports submitted to FDER; and C. The applicabl,e influent/effluent' and ground water monitoring reporting requireJllents of Rule 17-601.300(3), Florida AdJllinistrative Code, and provide the Department with copies of all monitoring reports submitted to FDER; and SEC.4.3 .1.1. 3 In ZONES W-2, W-3, W-4 and GWP, future Domestic ,Wastewater TreatJllent Plants and the continued operation of all existing 'legal non-conforming Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants permitted tor over 100,000 GPD, shall bo allowed pursuant to the Owner/Operator demonstrating compliance with and incorporating the following conditions: ' ~ A. All applicable ground water monitoring requirements of Rule 17-601. 700, Florida Administrative, Code pertaining to ground water monitoring; and B. On a quarterly basis; the Owner/Operator shail provide the Departmont wit~ copies of all current monitoring reports submitted to FDER'" SEC.4.3.2 EXISTING LAND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EFFLUENT. '. SEC. STANDARDS. SEC. All existing land disposal systems for application of Domestic Wastewater Treatment ~lant effluent shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable State law and regulations, and comply with the State mandated setbacks and butfers as adopted. in the Florida Adm~nistrative Code and as incorporated by reference in Section 2.6 hereof. ~oot( 1166 PAG!: 141 21 -------...----'..--- .." " .,.. ~- -- I SEC. 2 In ZONE W-1, tho continued operation at all land disposal systems for the application of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant effluent shall be allowed pursuant to the Owner/Operator obtaining a certificate to Operate. The Certificate to Operate shall incorporate the following conditions: A. All applicable sampling requirements of Rule 17- 601.500(5), Florida Administrative Code pertaining to monitoring of wastewater effluent; and SEC.4.3.J B. All applicable surface water and ground water monitoring as required by FOER pursuant to Rule 17-601.700(4), Florida Administrative Code; and C. Reporting of wastew~ter effl~ent sampling data and surface water and/or ground water'monitoring data to the Department on a quarterly basis. D. The wastewater treatment and high level disinfection standards identified in Rule 17-610.460, Florida Administrative Code shall be implemented for effluent land disposal systems designed to accommodate a loading r~te of 2,500 gallons per acre per day. , ' fUTURE LAND DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EFFLUENT. SEC. STANDARDS. SEC.4.3.J.l.l All future land disposal systems for application of Domestic Wastowater Treatment Plant effluent shall be constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state law and regulations, and,c01llply with the State mandated setbacks and buffers'as adopted in the ',Florida Administrative Code and as incorporated by reterenco in Section 2.6 heroof. SEC.4.3.3 .1. 2 In ZONE W-1, future land disposal systems tor the application ot Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant eftluent shall operate pursuant to, a Certificate to Operate incorporating the following conditions: A. All applicable sampling require~ents of Rule 17~ 601.500(5), Florida Administrative Code pertaining to monito~ing,of wastewater effluent; and~ B. All applicable surface water and ground water monitoring as required by :PDEn pursuant to Rule 17-601.700(4), Florida Administrative Code; and ~ ..' C. Reporting ot wastewater effluent sampling data and surface water and/or ground water monitoring data to the Department on a quarterly basis. ' ' , , , D. The wastewater treatment and high level disintec~ion standards identified in Rule l7-610.460, Florida Administrative Code shall be implemented for'effluent land disposal systems designed to accommodate a loading rate of 2,500 gallons per acre per day.. SEC.4.3.4 FUTURE INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS OR FACILITIES REQUIRED TO OBTAIN AN INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER :PERMIT. " SEC. STAIIDARDS. SEC. All future industrial wastewater treatment plants shall be constructed. and pormitted in accorctance with applicable state law and regulations. eOOK C66 PAGE 142 22 ". --_..,"'."',"""---- - I .- . SEC.4.J.4.1.2 In ZONES W-l, W-2, W-3, W-~ and cWP, future industrial wastewater plants and facilities subject to pretreatment standards or effluent limits for Toxic pollutants as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 401.15, shall he permitted pursuant to a certificate to Operate incorporating the conditions set forth in Subsection below. SEC.4.3.4.!.3 In ZONES H-l, W-2, W-3, W-4 and GWP, future industrial wastewater plants and facilities subject to effluent limits for Conventional or other pollutants as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 401.16, shall be permitted purSUAnt to a certificate to Operate incorporating the following conditions: A. The Owner/Operator shall establish an industrial pretreatment program in accordance with the applicable categorical pretreatmer:1t standards for the specific industry as developed by the Industrial Technology Division o~ The United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Regulations and Standards at 40 CFR Part,135: and B. Provide copies of all current ground water monitoring reports and intluent/eftluent sampling data to the Department on a quarterly basis. - SEC. In ZONE W-1 any dischargo from an industrial wastewater treatment plant shall meot tho high lovel disinfection standards set forth in section 4.3 hereof. SECTION 4.4 COLLECTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS. EXISTING AND FUTURE COLLECTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS. BEC.4.4.l SEC.,4 . 4. L 1 STANDARDS. SEC.'4. 4. L L 1 All future And existing domestic And' industrial Collection and Transmission Systems shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable County, state and-Federal law and regulations, and comply with the State mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in:the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in Section 2.6 hereof. SEC.4.4. L 1. 2 All existing and future collection and transmission systems located within ZONE l,shall be inspected by the Owner/Operator at six (6) months int~rva~s, and any deficiency from applicable design standards shall be brought into compliance within thirty (30) days of , inspection. SECTION 4.5 DOMESTIC RESIDUAL DISPOSAL SITES. SEC.4.5.l EXISTING AND FUTURE DOMESTIC RE!:IDUAL DISPOSAL SITES. SEC. ".5.1. 1 STANDARDS. SEd. All existing legai, non~conforming and future D6mestic Residual Disposal sites shall have been con~truct~d, and permittod in accordance with collier County ordinance No. 87-79, as may be amended or 'superseded, and all applicable State and~ Federal law and regulations, and comply with the State mandated setbacks and bufters as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in Section 2.6 hereof. - SEC. :Existing domestic disposal sites not meeting tho criteria tor a legal:non-contorming use, shall within one year of the effective date of this Ordinance, come into compliance with the standards set forth in this Subsection. ' SEC. In ZOQe W-l, land application of Class A Domestic Residuals shall be permitted in accorda'nce with the standards ot SEC. hereof. ~OOK 066 PAGE 143 23 _.__-..<.-~-_....._. ". --,""..---.",.~..~,,~-_.,_.......,- SEC.4.S.I.1.4 In ZONE W-1, land application o! Class B and Class C Domestic Residuals is prohibited in the absence of a Well!ield Conditional Use Permit. SEC.4.5.I.l.S. In ZONES W-l, W-2, and W-3, land application a! OO1Ilestic Residuals shall comply with the following criteria: A. Metal concentrations of Cadmium" Copper, Lead, nickel and Zinc shall not exceed the thresholds set forth in Rule 17-640, Florida Administrative Code, as may be amended. For reference purposes only, the applicable metal concentrations for these metals at the effective date of this Ordinance are as follows: METALS CADMIUli COPPER LEAD' NICKEL ZINC . MG/KG DRY WEIGH~ JO' 900 1,000 100 1,800 B. The total rate of Domestic Residuals applied to land s~all not exceed the nitrogen uptake o!:the vegetation upon which the -residuals are being applied, and shall be consistent with Collier County Ordinance No. 87-79, as may be amended or superseded, and Chapter 17-640, Florida Administrative Code and 40 CFR Parts 256 and 257, and as may be superseded. C. If Domestic Residuals are applied tOea .ite that is receiving reclaimed water, the nitroqen uptake calculation shall include the combined ettect of nitrogen loading from both Domestic Residuals and Reclaimed Water applied to the site as provided: in Rule 17-640, Florida Administrative Code. SEC. Minimum frequency at ground water monitoring criteria is as tollows: ~ MONITORING/REPORTING FREOUENCY W-l QUARTERLY' W-2 SEMI-ANNUALLY ... W-3 SEMI-ANNUALLY W-4 SITE SPECIFIC PER RESIDUAL DISPOSAL PERMIT CONDITIONS GWP SITE SPECIFIC PER RESIDUAL DISPOSAL PERMIT CONDITIONS .' .' SE~ION 4.6 ON-SITE SEWAGE'DISPOSAL SYSTEMS SEC;4.6.1 EXISTING ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS SEC.4.6.l.1 STANDARDS. SEC.4.6.l.1.1 In ZONES W-l, W-2, W-3, W-4 and GWP, existing on-site sewage disposal systems are not regulated under this Ordinance. SEC. Existing on-site sewage disposal systems as defined in Rule 100-6.042, Florida :Administrative Code 'serving existing residential structures located in Zones W-1, W-2J W-J, W-4 and GWP are not regulated under this Ordinance. SEC. At such times as any repairs arc required to existing n9n-conforminq disposal systems located within 200 feet of a public IO)C cOOn7-!<< -..,,-------,. --...-....,--,...-- ,.. ,. -- I water supply well, the disposal system shall be upgraded to standards as specified for "future on-site disposal systems" in Sec.4.6.2, hereot, or shall be relocated outside of a radius of 200 feet from the well. SEC. On-site sewcgo disposal systems requiring a certificate of Operate under section 4.2 hereof and serving existing industrial uses located on ZONES W-1, W-2, or W-3, shall be allowed to continue pursuant to a certificate to Operata from tha Department, incorporating the following conditions: A. Reporting by the industrial user of all hazardous products stored or uDed at the subject location: B. Implementation of a groundwater monitoring system on the site, designed by a professional engineer or professional geologist licensed in the state of Florida, with monitoring required on a semi-annual schedule for any Hazardous Wastes that are used or stored on the industrial site, and reporting of monitoring data to the Department 1 and C. Certification by a professional engineer that the on-site sewage disposal system meets construction and operating ~tandards as contained in the most current version of Rule 100-6.056, Florida Administrative Code as may be amended. SEC.4.6.2. FUTURE ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. SEe. 4 . 6 . 2 . 1. STANDARDS. ,SEC. In ZONE W-l, future on-site disposnl systems requiring a soil absorption or infiltration area greater than 1,000 square feet shall be'conatructed to minimum standards contained in Rule 100-6.056, Florida Administrative COde, as may be ",mended, end the following criteria: A. Wastewater shall be distributed onto the infiltration surtace by means pt arr automat~c dosing devic~ (p.ump or, siphon) and a low-pressure lateral distribution system shall be designed as outlined in the U.S. Environmental 'Protection Agency Design Manual On-site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems (EPA 625/1-80-012). B. The design of the on-site disposal or the on-slte system s!1all be certified by a registered engineer, licensed 'in ehe State or Florida, to be capable, of providing a vertical separation of .at least 24 inches between the bottom of the stone till in the draintield (infiltration surface) and the wet seasonal high water table when the disposal system is operating at design flow. SECTION 4.7 CONCENTRATED ANIM1\L FEEDING OPERATIONS, HIGil INTENSITY USE AREAS, DAIRY FARM STORAGE AND TREATMENT FACILITIES, AND LAND APPLICATION OF EGG WASH 'WASTEWATER. SEC.4.7.1 EXISTING AND FUTURE CONCENTRATED ANIM1\L FEEDING OPERA'iION'S, IIIGH INTENSITY USE AREAS" DAIRY FARM STORAGE AND TREATMENT FACILITIES, AND LAND APPLICATION OF EGG WASH WASTEWATER. lOGIC 066rlt1145 25 ,.. fill ..- . SEC. STANDARDS. SEC.4.7 .1.1.1 All existing and future concentrated animal teeding operations, high intensity use areas, dairy farm storage and treatment facilities, and land application of Egg Wash Wastewater shall be constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable State and Federal law and regulations, and comply with the State mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in s,ction 2.6 hereof. , SEC. In the event FOER requires an industrial wastewater permit for any of the activities regulated pursuant to Rule 17- 670.400, Florida Administrative Code, the development shall comply with the criteria of Sec.4.3.6 hereof. SECTION 4.8 STORMWATER KAHAGEMEN'l' SYSTEMS. SEC.4.8.1 EXISTING STORKWATER MANACEM~NT SYSTEMS. 'SEC; STANDARDS. SEC. All existing stormwater management systems in place and operational at the time this Ordinance becomes etfective shall be allowed to continue operation without any additional requlation under this Ordinance. SEC.4.8.2 FUTURE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. SEC. STANDARDS. '. " SEC. All future stormvater management syste1llS shall be constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state and South Florida Water Management Di13trict law',and regulations, and comply with the state or South Florida Water Management District mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code, South Florida Water Management District Basis ot Review tor Stor1llVater Management Systems and as incorporated by reference in Section 2.6 bereot. '. SECTION 4.9 WELL CONSTRUCTION AND SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION. SEC.4.9.l EXISTIN~ WELLS, AND SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION. " STANDARDS. SEC.4.9.!.1 " " SEC. In ZONES W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4 and GWP, all" existing wells, which may be' deemed to be abandoned wit,hin the meaninq 'of Chapter 373, Part III,' Florida Statutes as implelllented in Part II ot Rule 40E-3r Florida Administrative Code, shall be plugged 'and grouted in accor~ance with those provisions. SEC. " . 9 .1. 1. 2 In ZONES W-1, W-,~ , W-3, W-4 and GWP, all permitted wells, temporarily inactive 'or standby wells, shall be titted with a well seal meeting the criteria of Part II ot Rule 40E-3, Florida Administrative Code' or blind flange within six (6) months ot the ettective date of this Ordinance. SEC.4.9.1.l.J In', ZONES W-l, W-2, W-3, W-4 llnd GWP, all other unpe~itted, inactive wells that do not meet construction stan~ards specitied in collier County Ordinance No. 88-99, and as may be amended, shall be plugged and grouted within one (1) year of the effective date of this ordinance. ' " ' Sec., In ZONES W-1, W-2, W~3, W-4 and GWP, existing monitoring wells that require a Well, Construction permit 'under Collier County OrdinAnce No. 88-99,.. and as may be alllend.ed, shall be secured with a locking cap/seal within six (6) months of the ettective date of this ordin~nce. nOO '146 &QO( I; rAGr .26 '. " ,. filii -- state as defined in Chapter 403, Florida statutes. Secondary containment shall meet the fol101ofing cri teriA: A. containment structures open to rainfall or otherwise subject to infiltration by water, shall be designed to detain at least 150\ of the total volume of the discharge or release; and / b. ."containment structures which are impermeable to rainfall or infiltration by water, shall be Aesigned to ,detain 110% of the total volume of the discharge or release., 2. Emergency collection devices 'that have or will be employed to ensure that any discharge or accidental release of, the petroleum, petroleum product, drilling fluids, or formation waters do not discharge to an on-site or oft-site stormwater management system: wetland; or surface waters or ,ground waters of the state; and 3. The maintenance thAt will be provided tor the primarj And secondary containment systems and eJllergency collection devices to ensure that any discharge or accidontal release is contained on-site for, proper disposal in Accordance witl} Applicable state and Federal la~. " B. Upon discovery of a discharge or accidental releas. to a pervious surface, implementation of a Oep'artment approved or detailed contingency plan which des~ribes: 1. Actions to be taken by the Owner/Operator in the event of A discharge, accidental ,release, or failure in any containment or emergency colle,ction system required under this Section, which shall include: a. First response steps to control and prohibit the discharge or accidental release of the petroleum product, petroleum, drilling fluid, or formation water; b. . Remedial actions consfstent' with applicable state and federal laws; and ~. Proper disposal of the petroleum product. . 2. Emergency telephone 'numbers of: "a. Local' and state res~onse units; and b. OWner/operator's designated emerge~cy response personnol. 3. Compliance with tho applicable state and Federal regulations. SEC.4.l1.1.1.3 In ZONES W-3, W-4 and GWP, the operation and use at future And existing petroleum e);Cploration and production facilities are not regulated under this 'Ordinance, except as provided in SEC. and SEC. hereof. SEC. In ZONES ,w-i, W-2, W-J and W-4, the siting of future petroleum exploratio~ and production faciJities is prohibited in the absence of a Wellfield Conditional Use Permit. ,eOQ( 006 PAr.t 148 ~8 -----. ...-- -- . -- I SEC. In ZONE GWP, future petroleum product exploration shall be prohibited from directional drilling through any potable .water aquifer within the vertical projection of the map boundaries of the Wellfield Risk Management Special Treatment Overlay Zones. ARTICLE 5 COUIITY WIDE GROUND WATER PROTECTION STANDARDS. SECTION 5.1 GROUND WATER QUALITY STANDARDS. / GROUND WATER ctAsSIFICATION AND CRITERIA. SEC. 5 . 1. 1 The Board of County Commis~ioners of Collier County, Florida adopts by reference, and shall, to'tho extent 'permitted by general law and interpretations of Courts o! competent jurisdiction, be authorized concurrently with FDER to enforce within geographical Collier County, Florida, Part IV of Rule 17-3, Florida Administrative Code, as may be alllended on the effective date of the Ground Water Protection ordinance, including all Rules referenced therein. SECTION 5.2 SEC.5.2.1 GROUND WATER QUANTITY STANDARDS. RECHARGE OF AQUIFERS. SEC. STANDARDS. SEC.5.2.1.l.l Tho Board ot County Commissioners ot Collier County, rlorida' finds that the criteria and standards tor ensuring recharge to the Surficial Aquifer System a~ set torth in the South Florida Water Management District's Basis ot Review tor stormwater Management Systems is adequate to address aquifer recharge at this time. This finding does not preclude the Department from developing additional criteria and standards at a future time. SEC. In ZONES W-l, W-2, W-3, W-4 and GWP, all new or substantially modified development for which site plan approval is required under the Collier county Unified Land Development COde, shall ensure compliance with all applicable design criteria for recharge to the Surficial Aquifer system as set torth in,the South Florida Water 'Management District's Basis at 'Review tor Stormwater Management systems " SECTION 5.3 INSPECTIONS. .... . SEC.!5.3.1 REASONABLE,NOTICE. To ensure compliance with the ,criteria of 'this Article and Article 4 hereof,' the County may inspect the. premises of a no'n- certificated but Regulated Development, reasonably believed to be.a source of potential ground water contamination, at reasonable times and after reasonable notice and consent of tho Owner/Operator. SEC.5.3.2 INSPECTION HARRANTS. , Wher~ consent has been withheld,' the County may apply tor and obtain'an Inspection Warrant,in the same manner as provided tor in section 403.091, Florida Statutes. SEC.5.3.3 IDENTIFICATION. Agents ot the County shall be provided with official identification and shall exhibit this identification prior to any inspection. SECTION 5.4 GENERAL PRO~I8ITIONS. Discharges to ~inkholes or 9ther kar~t related features' with a direct hydrologic connection to the Surticial or Intermediate Aquifer Systems shall be prohibited. This prohibition shall not be. , . 0001l lJ66 PAGE 149 . , "..: .' I . ,,, ~ . . ., . " , ...., ~ , r-- ~ filii interpreted or implemented to preclude aquifer recharge or other well injection authorized under Section 4.10 hereof. ARTICLE 6 APPROVAL OF RECULATED DEVELOPMENT AND CERTIFICATES TO OPERATE. APPROVAL OF REGULATED DEVELOPMENT BY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OF NEW OR SUBSTANTIALLY MODIFIED REGULATED DEVELOPMENT. .~ STANDARDS. SECTION 6.1 SEC.6.1.l SEC.6.l.1.1 All new and sUbstantially modified development requiring site plan approval pursuAnt to the Collier County Land Developlllent Code as adopted, or pursuant to Collier ,County Ordinance No. 82-2, and as may be superseded by the Collier County Unified Land Development Code, requiring a Certificate of Occupancy, or otherwise regulated under this Ordinance, shall be reviewed by the Development Services Director at the' time of preliminary or other initial site, plan approval required'by such Ordinance, for compliance with the standards of, this Ordinance and in the same manner as a Certificate to Operate. SEC. Approval for operation and use of development regulated pursuant to this Ordinance, which development requires compliance with specific standards as set forth in Article 4 hereof or requires a Certificate to Operate (but not a Certificate to Operate which is incorporated into a Well!ield Conditional Use Permit), shall be included in and made a part of,the Letter of Approval issued by the Development Services Director. SEC.6.l.1.3 A Certificate to Operate ,which has been issued pursuant to Sec. hereOf; shall be renewed by the Department not'later than the one (1) year anniversary of issuance of the Development Service's Letter of Approval as provided.in Section 6.2 hereof. SECTION 6.2 CERTIFICATES TO OPERATE. SEC.6.2.1 STAlIDARDS. SEC. EXPIRATION. SEC.6.2.1.I.l Each.Certificate to Operate shall be valid tor no more than one (I) year after the date of issuance and shall ' "autolllatically expire on the first anniversary date of is~uance~ The permit will remain valid and in full foroe during the term of , permit provided that the OWner/Operator remains in compliance with the terms and conditiono of the Certificate to Operate. Revocation'and revioion of' a Certificate ,to Operate is authorized pursuant to Section 8.2 of t~is ordina~ce. SEC. RENEWALS. SEC., 'Applications for renewal of C,ertlficates to Operate shall be filed with the Department at least 60 days prior to expirat,ion And shall not be automatic. SEC.6.2.l.2.2 The application tor renewal shall be reviewed by the Department for consistency with the applicable standards of this Ordinance. SEC. Applications for renewal shall provide the followlrrg: A. All documents and documentntion required for the regulated development pursIJant to Article 4, as may have been amended on the date of application tor renewal; and ; &001 Of?6 ,.v,{ 150 30 ,.. ~ B. Evidence of compliance with the applicable standards of Article 4 during the term of the Certificate to operate; and C. The Application shall include the appropriate fees as provided in Article 13 hereof. SEC.6.2.2 PROHIBITED APPROVALS OF REGULATED DEVELOPMENT AND CERTIFICATES TO ,pPERATE. , SEC. No final approval for Regulated Development or certificate to operate shall be construed or otherwise interpreted to legalize a Regulated Development existing on the effective date of this Ordinance, which is not in compliance with other applicable local, state or federal la.., or regulations. No certificate to Operate or other approval under this Ordinance shall be knowingly granted to an existing Regulated Developr.lent which is not in compliance with all other applicable local, state or federal law or regulations. SEC1:ION 6.J INSPECTIONS. SEC.6.3.l By accepting the Certificate to Operate and as a condition of the same, and by accepting a Letter of Approval which approval is based upon compliance with this ordinance, the owner/Operator grants express permission for the County, through an authorized agent, to make inspections of the regulated development at reasonable times to determine compliance with this Ordinance. SEC.6.J.2 Authorized agents of the County are hereby authorized and empowered and shall be permitted at reasonable hours and after reasonable notice to inspect the premises of the regulated 'development to ensure compliance herewith. SEC;6. 3.3 Refusal to allow inspection under this Section ,shall be sufficient grounds for consideration of revocation ot the certificate to Operate or Letter of Approval which approval is based upon compliance with this Ordinance. .SEC.6.3.4 In the, event a person who has common authority over regulated development impedes or otherwise refuses ,a lawful , inspection by an authorized agent of the County, the inspection . shall be rescheduled and notice shall be mailed by United States certified mail to the address'and person shown on the Certificate , to Operate or the Letter of Approval. Failure of such person to , permit the rescheduled inspection shall be sufficient 'grounds And .. probable cause for a court of competent jurisdiction to ~ssue an Administrative Search Warrant,for the purpose of inspection,' . surveying or examining ,said p~emiscs or facilitiea. ',SEC.6.3.5 In the evont the premises of the Regulated Development, its building or structure appears to be vacant or abandoned and 'the property owner cannot be readily contacted'in order to obtain consent for inspection, an authorized agent of the County may enter into or upon any open or unsecured portion of the premises in order to conduct a~ inspection ,therefore. ' SEC.6.3.6 Authorized agents of the County shall be provided with official identification and shall exhibit this identification prior to any inspection. SEC.6.3.7 It shall be the duty of all law enforcement officers to assist in making inspection once such assistance is requested by an authorized agent of the County. SECTION 6.4 TRANSfERS. SEC.6.4.l Withio ,thirty (30) days o~ the sale,orlegal tr~nsfer of a Regulated Development, the Owner/Operator of a Regulated' Development; for which a certificate'to Operate or a Well!ield C~nditional Use Permit has bean granted, shall provide written notice aooa: 066 PAGE 151 ~ ~ ,... to the Department of the sale or other legal transfer. within the same time periodJ the new property owner shall apply to the Department by letter for transfer of the Certificate to Operate or Wellfield Conditional Use Permit and agree to be bound by the terms of the certificate to Operate or Well field Conditional Use Permit unless same may be modified as provided herein. SECTION 6.5 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW. I Certificates tq-,'Operate shall be processed and reviewed, and shall be administratively approved, approved with conditions, or denied by the County Manager as provided in this Section. Application for Certificate to Operate shall be made on a, form prepared by the County Manager. ' SEe. 6 . 5 . 1. COMPLETENESS REVIEW. SEC. Within 30 days ot receipt of a completed application, the County Manager shall review the application for compliance with the standards of Articles 4 'and 5 hereof. SEC.6.5.l.2 If the Application is found not to be in compliance, the County Manager shall advise the Owner/Operator of the noted deficienoies or required information by certified mail'-. return receipt requested to the address listed in the application. SEC. Within thirty PO) days of the Owner's/Operator's receipt of the County's Notice, the Owner/Operator shall: A. provide- the requested information Qr provide written notice to the'County Manager ot its intent to either furnish the requested information: or B. Provide written notice to the County Manager of its intent to have the application processed "as is" with the information it then contains. , SEC. 6 . 5 . 2 SUBSTANTIVE REVIEW. SEC. Upon a determination by the County Manager that the application is complete, or upon receipt of written notice trom the from the OWner/Operator that the Application should be processed as is, the County Manager shall issue a determination of completeness and provide a copy to, the owner/Opera tor by regular U., S. Mail. "SEC. Within thirty (JO) days of issuanca of a ~etermination ot completeness, the County Manager shall render a written evaiuation of the application in'accordance with the standards of Articles 4'and 5 hereof and render a Notice of Intent to issue or deny 'the application', a copy of which shall be sent to the Owner/Operator by regular ~.S. Mail., ' SEC. 6.5.2. J The Owner/Operator may appeal 'an adverse Notice of Intent to the Board as provided in ArtiCle 10, hereof. SEC.6.S.2.4 the Department Intent, 'unless The Certificate to Operate' will be issued or denied by within tifteen (IS) days ot issuance of the Notic~ of an appeal is taken as provided in Sec., hereof. SEC.6.S.3 EXTENSION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW, AND' WITHDRAWAL APPLICATION. SEC.6.5.J.1 The County Manager may, in his sole discretion, extend the time frame for administrative review set' forth in Sec.6.5.l and Sec.6.5.2 hereof for the, purposes of requesting and receiving additional information necessary to complete the substantive review of the application. '.. SEC. ' r~qu~sted by If the Owner/Operator does not provide the information the County Manager or advise the c?unty that the 'a~ 066 PAr.{ 152 ..... ~- --- . application is to be processed "as is" within 45 days of such request, the application shall be considered withdrawal and tees paid shall be surrendered. SEC. 6.5. J. J The Owner/Operator may VOluntarily withdraw the application at any time prior to the issuance of the County Manager's Notice of Intent by submitting a written notice to the County Manger stating its intent to withdraw. , CONTAINMENT ANQ'CLEANUP, OPTION FOR COUNTY TO INITIATE CONTAINMENT AND CLEANUP, REIMBURSEMENT BY OWNER/OPERATOR. SEC.6.6.1 In the event of a discharge or an accidental release of any Hazardous Produc~, Hazardous Waste from a Regulated Development or ,contaminant trom a sanitary hazarc2 regulated under this Ordinance" t.he OWner/Operator shall immediately upon discovery of the discharge or accidental releaseJ contain the Hazardous Product, Hazardous Waste or contaminantJ and shall initiate cleanup'in accordance with approved con~ingency plans and applicablo law. SECTION 6.6 SEC.6.6.2 Failure of the Owner/Operator to contain the discharge or: accidental release or the tailure ot the Owner/operator to initiate cleanup of the site within 48 hours of discovery or within a shorter amount of time as may be necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfaro, may result in the County initiating appropriate containment of the discharge or accidental release and/or cleanup of the site in accordance with applicable law. SEC. 6.6. J In the eveJ;lt the county elects to exer,cise the option to contain the discharge or accidental release and/or cleanup the site, the County shall tirst provide written ,notice ot this intent to the Owner/Operator stating how the O'mer/Operator has failed to comply with this Section and providing a reasonable period of time within which the Owner/Operator shall perforTll the necessary containment of the discharge or accidental release and/or initiate cleanup in accordance with applicable law or the approved contingency plan. " , SEe. 6.6.4 By accepting a Certificate to,. Operate or a Wellfield 'Conditional Use Per1llit,' and as 'a condition at, the same,. and by accepting a Letter of Approval, which approval is based upon compliance with this Ordinance, the Owner/Operator agrees that the reasonable costs expended by the County' to contain the 'discharge or accidental release and/or cleanup the site shall be recoverable trom the Owner/Opera tor. SECTION 7.1 WELLFIELD CO~roITIONAL USE PERMIT. WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT STANDARDS. .. ARTICLE 7 SEC.7.1.1 PETITION. SEC. 7 .1.1.1 OWners/Operators ot a proposed Regulated Development tor which a Well!ield Conditiona~U8. Permit will be ~.quired to locate the proposed Regulated Development within any ZONE, may petition the Board for a Wel1!iei'd Conditional Use Permit exempting the development from the prohibitions set forth in Article 4 hereof, as providod in this Section ~, SEC.7.l.I.2 Owners/Operators shall submit the application. tor Welltield Conditional Use Permit to the County Manager on forms prepared by the Department. SEC.7.l;2 CRITERIA. SEC. The Owner/Operator shall damonstrato by the preponderance of sub~tantial competent evldence th~t: SEC.7.l.2.l.l The development has or can satisfy all requirements tor a Certificate to Operate: and " BOOlC ' C6B'I'."E 153 '. -----...........-- ... .,.- --- I SEC.7.l.2.1.2 Special or unusual circumstances exist which are peculiar to the particular development which are different than any other regulated development; or SEC.7.l.2.1.3 Adequate technology exists Which will isolate tho development frOM the Surficial and Intermediate Aquifer Systems; or SEC. Site-specific hydrogeologic data provides reasonable assurances that the existing water quality in Surficial and Intermediate Aquifer Systems ~~ll not be degraded as a result of the development. SEC.7.1.J CONDITIONS OF WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. SEC. In qr~nting the Well field Conditional Use Permit, the Board may prescribe any additional conditions and safeguards which it deems necess'ary to protect the existing well (s), future identified welles) or future potable water supply resources. , SEC, The Wellfield Conditional Use Permit shall incorporate 'a Certificate to Operate, which must be renewed or transferred in the same manner as any other Certificate to Operate as provided in Article 6 hereof. SEC. 7 .1. 4 PROHIBITED WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS. SEC.7.l.4.1 No Wellfield Conditional Use Permit may be construed or otherwise interproted to legalize a Regulated Development existing on the effective date or this OrdiDance, which is not in compliance with applicable local, state or federal law or regulations. No Welltield Conditional Use Permit or other approval under this Ordinance shall be knowingly granted to an existing Regulated Development which is not in compliance with all other applicable local, state or federal' law or regulations. : SEC. 7.1. 5 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PETITION. , SEC. The county Manager shall review tho Petition tor Welltield Conditional Use Permit tor compliance with Articles. 4 and 5 of the Ground Water Protection Ordinance in the same procedural manner as tor a Certificate to operate. ' SEC. It the Petition is tound not to be in compliance, the County Manager shall advise the' OWner/Operator of the noted deticiencies or required information'by certiried mail return ~eceipt requested to the address listed in the Petition. ' . SEC.7.l.5.J Upon a 'determfnation by the count'y Manager that the Petition is in compliance, or Ilpon receipt of written noti'ce tram the Petitioner that the Petition should bu processed as is, the Co~nty Manager shall render a written recommendation for approval, approval with conditions, or den~al of the Wellrield Conditional Use Permit. SEC. 7 .1. 6 APPROVAL B1l TUE BOARD. SEC.7.l.6.1 Wellfleld Conditional Use Permits which authorize development prOhibited in the Wellfield Risk Management Special Treatment Protection overlay Zones, are subject to careful review and shall include pUblic notice and hearing as set forth in Article 10 hereof. SEC. All 'Petitions tor Wellfield Conditional Use Permits shall be heard by the Board as provided in Article 10 hereof. WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PUBLIC OR QUASI:PUDLIC DEVELOPMENT. '. SEC.7.2.l The Board, atter public hearing, may find that certain exis~ing or pro~osed public or quasi-public regulate~ development is SECTION 7.2 a~ 11m f'IC{ 154 '. " ". ,.. IIIIt exempted trea compliance with this Ordinance and may issue a Welltield conditional Use Permit upon finding that: SEC.7.1.l.1 The public benotit to bo roalizod by tho propos.d or oxisting regulated develop.ent outweighs the purpose o! this Ordinance; and SEC. The proposod or existing regulated developmcnt cannot, for econo.ic or scientitic reasons, be relocated elsewhere. / " SEC.7. 2.2 The scope of any Well field Conditional Use Permit granted under this Section shall be narrow to avoid derogation of the purpose of this Ordinance And the Board may impose special conditions of' approval to ensure implelllentation ot the intent of the same. SEC.7.2.3 : Petitions shall be processed, approved, approved'with conditions or denied as any other Well!ield Conditional Use as provided in Section 7.1 hereof. ARTICLE 8 MODIFICATION OF REGUIATED DEVELOPMENT, REVISION OR REVOCATION or A CERTIFICATE TO OPERATE, OR A WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. MODIFICATION OF REGULATED DEVELOPMENT. SECTION 8.1 SE~. 8 .1.1 NOTIFICATION. SEC. The owner/Operator shall notify the County Manager in writinq prior to any expansion, alteration or lIloditic:;ation at a ~ated Developaent tor which: SEC. a Certificate to Operate or a Well!ield Conditional Use pendt has been issued; or " SEC.8.l.1.l.2. a Wellfield Exemption has been leqislatively provided. SEC. Expansion, alteration or moditication shall inClUde, ',without liaitation: SEC.8.1;1.2.1 capacitY1 an increase in square footage, production or storage " SEC. 8 .1.1. 2.2 increased quantities of a Hazardous product or Hazardous Waste or changes in 'the type or natu~e of a Regul~ted Developlllent; and SEC. any other proposed chanqa to the Regulated DeVelo~ent which aay require a change, m~itication or alteration ot the approved containment systelll, the aaintenAnce procedures for the systo., or in the approved contingency plan. ' SEC.8.1.2' , ' COUNTY APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION. '. SEC.8.1.2.l ,The expansion;' r:aoditication or alteration of a Regulated Develov-ent shall require, prior County approval. Failure to obtain such approval as provided horein shall result in the County c01ll1llencinq revoc~tion or revision proceedings at the certiticate to Operate, the Welltield Conditional Use permit or the Welltield Exemption for a Regulated Development, it in the opinion of the County, such change substantially or materially ~odities, alters or at!ects: SEC. The conditions under Which the Certiticate to Operate, or the ~ell!ield Conditional ,Use Permit was granted; or SEC. 8.1. 2.1. 2 The conditions under which tho Regulated Development qualities tor a Welltield Exemption. . ' SEC. The withi~ 60 days of County shall notify tho Owner/Operator in writing, receipt of the notice of change, of the County's 1001 066 PAGE 155 35 intent to revoke or revise the authorization and the grounds therefore as provided in Sec.8.2.3 hereof. SECTION 8.2 REVOCATION OR REVISION OF CERTIFICATE TO OPERATE, WELLFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT OR WELLfIELD EXEMPTION. SEC.8.2.1 NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE. SEC.8.2.l.1 No Wellfield Exemption, Well field Conditional Use Permit, or Certificate to op~rate for a Regulated Develop~ent shall become vested. . SEC. The County may revoke any Welltield Exemption, Welltield Conditional Use Permit, Certificate to Operate after first issuing a Written Notice of In~ent to Revoke to the Owner/operator which states that the Own~r/operator: SEC., Has failed or refused to ~omply with.any of the' provisions of the Ground Water Protection Ordinance; or SEC. Has subMitted false or inaccurate information in the Application or Petition which infoi:1Dation reasonably induced the County to issue the,CertiCicate to Operate, or approve the Wellfield Conditional Use Permitl or SEC. Has failed to subMit reports or other information required under Article 4 aD a condition of a Certiticate to operate, or Well field Conc2itional Us. Permit: or SEC. Has ref us lid lawful inspection under, required by this Ordinance as a conditions of a Certificate to Operate dr Welltield Conditional Use Permit; or SEC.8.2.l.2.5 Has altered, modified or expanded a Regulated Development as provided in this Article. SEC.8.2.2 NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVISE. , SEC~ No Well field Exemption, Wellfleld Conditional Use . permit, or Certificate to'Operate tor a Regulated Development shall be vested. -. SEC. The County may revise any Wellfield Exemption, Welltield Conditional Use Permit. or Certiticate to Operate granted or ~' issued after first issuing written Ndtice of Intent to Revise which complies with Sec. and turther states that the Owner/~p~rator:, SEC. Has been unlaw.cully modi!ied, alter.:,ed or expanded a, Regulated Development as prdvided in this Articlel or SEC.B. Has been identified by the County as responsible for, in whole or in part, for a discharge or accidental release of Hazardous Products or Hazardous Wastes or other' Contaminant aSGociated with the Regulated Development; or SEC. 8 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 3 : The c:ontinqency plans and/or remedial Action initiated and performed by or on behalf of the owner/Operator were not approved by the county or applicable state or Federal agencies and are deemed by the same to be inadequate tor the Regulated Development. SEC.8.2.J FACTUAL BASIS FOR REVOCATION OR REVISION. SEC.8.2.~.1 After being informed of or discove~j of an unauthorized discharge or accidental release ot a,Hazardous Product, Hazardous Waste or Contaminant, the County shall review tho certificate to Operate, tho Wellfield Condition'll Use Permit, or Wellfield "Exemption for the, Regulated Development(s) associated with the discharge or accidental release. fl66 156 . &OOK ) PAGE 36 -'-,... ".-.-----........ .- .- 11IIII- SEC. In the event the County determines that the owner/Operator has failed to comply with the term. of thQ certificate to Operate, the Wellfield Conditional Use Permit or the Wellfield Exemption, the County may elect to issue a Notice of Intent to Revoke or Revise such authorization to operate subject to the provisions of this section. SEC.S.2.J.J CRITERIA. I SEC. In consideratiqn of whether to revoke or revise a certificate to Operate or a Welifield Conditional Use Permit, the Board shall consider: .. A. The intentional nature or degree of negligence, if any, ..associated with the discharge or accidental' release: : B. The extent to which coptainment or clean up'or the Contaminant or Hazardous Product or Hazardous Waste or its:components is possible; C. The nature, number 'and frequency of previous discharges or accidental releases attributable to the Regulated Development; and D. The potential degree of harm to the ground water and surrounding public potable water supply wells as a result of th& discharge or accidental release. , E. The owner/Operator's actions in ~esponding to this and previous discharges or accidental release.. SEC. NOTICE OF INTENT. SEC. To initiate revocation or revision under this .ection, the County shall first issue a Notico of Intent to Revoko or Rovise which shall, in addition to the applicable standards of Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.2, hereof contain the following : information: A. The name and address ot the owner/Operator; and B. A description ot the Regulated Development which i. the ~ubject at the 'proposed revocation or revision; and C. The approximate or; it available, actual location ,0', the discharge or accidental release, it any; and D. A concise ekplanation and specific reasons tor the proposed revocation or revision; and E. The statements that: ,"Failure'to tile a petition with the County Manager within 20 days ' after ,the date upon which 'the Permittee receives written Notice at the Intent to ReVOke or Rovise shall render the proposed revocation or revision final and in full torce and effect." "Failure of the Owner/Operator t~ file a petition in opposition to the Notice of Intent to Reviso or tho Notice of Intont to Rovoko nn provided in ^rticlo 10 of this. Ordinance, shall" render ,the proposed revocation or revision final and in full force and effect." ,aoolC 066 P~Gt 157 " :p " " " " .. .. ... SEC. Failure of the Owner/Operator to file a petition in opposition to the Notice of Intent to Revise or the Notice of Intent to Revoke AS provided in Article 10 of this ordinance, shall render the proposed revocation or revision final and in full force and effect. SEC. Nothing in this Section shall preclude or be deemed a condition precedent to the county seeking a temporary or permanent injunction. ARTICLE 9 / I RESTRICTIONS ON'ISSUANCE OF APPROVED SITE PLANS MID CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY. SECTION 9.1 PROHIBITIONS. SEC.9.1.1 . No Si~e Plan or other development permit shall be I issued or renewed and no Certificate ot Occupancy issued by the Collier County Building Department for any Regulated Development which would allOY development, constructio~ or change of use in violation of the standards of this Ordinance. BEC.9.1.2 Site Plans, other tlnal development permits or Certificates of Occupancy issuec2 in violation of the prohibition of this Section are deemed to be invalid, and shall not confirm or vest any development right or property interest on the owner/Operator or Regulated Development. ARTICLE 10. APPEALS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS. SECTION 10.1. PUBLIC HEARINGS. Public Hearings shall be 'required tor: The issuance of a Wellfield Conditional, Use Permit; SEC.10.1.1 SEC. SEC.10.l.1.2 An appeal from an adverse Administrative Determination on issuance of a Certificate to Operate filed with the County MAnager ,within thirty (30) days of issuance of the Administrative . Determination; and ' SEC. County initiated revocation or revision ot a Certificate to operate, a Wellfield ponditional Use Permit~r Well~ield Exemption. .-. . SEC.IO.1.2 standards: Public Hearings shall be subject to the tollowing SEC.l0.l.2.1 Appeals ,from adverse Administrativ~ Determinations~ Applications for Welltield Conditional Use Permits and County initiated revocation 'or revision proceeding shall be considered fo~ approval, approval with conditions 'or denial by the Board as a Public Hearing matter and shall be scheduled tor Public Hearing in the same manner as an Application for zoning Atlas Amendment and in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2, and as may be amended or superseded, and when effeqtive, ~he Collier County Unified Land Development Code. SECTION 10.2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. SEC.10.2.1. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. SEC.I0.2.1.l Public Notice shall be given in the same manner as for any ordinance affecting tho use of land as set forth in Section 125.01, Florida Statutes (1990), and a~ required for an Application for Zoning Atlas Amendment as required in Section 2.2 hereof and in Accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2, And as may be amended or superseded, and when effective, the Collier county Unified Land Develop~ent Code. &OOC 066 PAG~ 158 38 '. '. ,... .... SEC.l0.2.1.2 Tha unintentional failure of tha OWner/Operator .aatinq approval ot a "alltiald Conditional U.a Permit or appaal1nq an adverse Ad.inistrative Determination, to notity the contiguous property owner(s) or other persons shall not be grounds for a continuance of the hearing, nor in any way affect any action taken at such hearing. SEC.lO.2.2 NOTICE TO OWNER/OPERATOR. SEC.I0.2.2.1 Notice of Publi9 Hearing arising from county initiated revocation or revis~bn proceedings shall be served upon the Owner/Operator by certified return receipt mail no less than 15 days prior to the hearing. SEC.IO.2.2.;2 The Notice shall contain the tollowing information: SEC.l0. naae and address of ,the Owner/operatqr; and SEC.I0. a description of the RegUlated De~elopment: and' ,SEC.l0. sp~citic'citations to the Section(s) of this Ordinance, alleged to be the basis of the propos~d revocation or revision; and SrC.l0. tha time, place and date of hearing; anc2 SEC.l0. tha tolloving statements: A. "Failure to attend may result in an Order being issued which may be adverse to your interest;", B. "All parties shall 'be given the opportunity to present witnesses and evidence in support of their position and to cross-examine witnesses."; " C. "Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, notice is hereby given that appeals trom' . ,any decision of the County c01ll1llission with respect to any matter considered at the public hearing, will. require a record of the proceedln~s and may require that a verbatim record of the proceedings be made." ' SEC~ The name and signature of the County Hanager. SECTION 10.3 DECISIONS BY THE BOARD. ,SEC.l0.3.1 At all public hearings, the Board shall hear and considar all tacts ~terial to the Application, Petition or appeal and shall thereatter issue a decision based upon the greater weight ot substantial competent evidence. SEC.l0.3.2 The Board may affirm, reverse or,modify the action or proposed action of the County Hanager. SEC.10.3.3 In all cases the Doard shall render a decision within 14 working da:fs from the date on which the hearing is conclUded which shall be the final admini&trative action on behalf ot' the. County. IClOll COOnt;! 159 39 -,~"".....'~:~'.:~~ ...... - ..- SEC.lO.3.4 Any person who is a party to the proceeding before the Board aay apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for review in accordance with applicable Florida Rules of civil Procedure and Florida law. SEC.10.3.5 There shall be no administrative review on behalf of the County other than that review specifically provided in this Ordinance. ARTICLE 11 I FUTURE WELLS ANP WELLFIELDS. SECTION 11.1 MAPPING. SEC.l1.1.1, The location and identification of future public potable water supply wells an~ wellfields shall require~ SEC. Amendment' too zoning'maps as provided in Article 2 to show the application of the Well field Risk, Management Special Treatment overlay Zones: and , , SEC.!I.l.1.2 Amendment to the Wellficld Risk Management Special Tr~atment OVerly Zone Haps appended' hereto as Appendix A. 8EC.ll.l.2' The Wellfiold Risk Management Special Treatment Zones shall bec01le applicable and enforceable under Article 4 of this Ordinance upon filinq of the amending ordinance with the Secretary of St~te or later as may otherwise be provided by the Board. SECTION 11.2 LOCATION. SEC. 11. 2.1 Future protect'ed public potable water supply" wells shall be located in accordance with Rule 17-555.312, Florida Administrative Code as may be amended. SEC .11.2.2. The tollowing quidelines should be considered in the siting of tuture protected potable water supply wells and welltields: SEC.ll.2.2.1. Future protected wells and well fields should not be , located within any area designated by the Future Land Use Map of the Collier county Comprehensive Plan for industrial use or uses., SEC. Future protected wells and well fields should be located to minimize impacts on environmentally sensitive areas. , BEC.1l.2.2.3. Future' protected wells and welltields for which an .' Application tor Water Use or consUJllptive Use Permit under, pa,rt II" Chapter 376, Florida Statutes, is pending at the time this Ordinance ,is adopted, shall not be subject.to these locational,quidelines. ARTICLE 12 DEF~NITIONS AND RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. DEFINITIONS. ~Ec:rIOH 12.1 SEC.12.1.1 ,It is the intention of the Board of County coaaissioners ot Collier County, Florida, and it is hereby provided that the following definitions be incorporated and made a part of the Definition Section of the Collier County Development Codel And that theso sections may bo renamed, renumbered or relettered to accomplish that intention: ' "ABANDONED WELL" means a well the use of which been permanently discontinued or which is in such a state of disrepair that it cannot be used tor its intended purpose or observation purposes as provided in Chapter 373, Florida Statutps. be Land has for " "ADMINISTRATIVE DETERMINATION" means any final written determination required to be issued by the County Manager in this Ordinance which will become effective without Board approval. i tollll 066 PA~olOO "BOARD" mean. the Board of County Commissioners of COllier County, Florida. "~FICATE TO OPERATE" is the legal authorization, to enqage in or conduct any operation, modification, or expansion at any requlated development within a Well field Risk Management special Treatment OVerlay Zone. "CLASS 'A' RESIDUALS" means Domestic Residuals which have been stabilized by a P1;"ocess to Further Reduce Pathogens, as listed within 40 CFR Part 257. "CLASS 'B' RESIDUALS" means Domestic Residuals which have been stabilized by a Process to 'Significantly Reduce Pathogens, as listed. within 40 CFR Part 257. "CLASS 'c' RESIDUALS" means Domestic Residuals that have been stabilized using conventi~nal engineering design criteria that do not necessarily meet the minimum standards tor 40 CYR.Part 257. Domestic "wastewater residual disposal'requires FDER approval. "COLLECTION/TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS" means sewers, pip.lin.s, conduits, pumping stations, tore. mains and, all other taciliti.s us.d for collection and transmission of wastewater trom individual ..rvic. connections to tacilities intended tor the pu~ose ot providing treatment prior to release to the environment. "CONTAKINANT" moans any physical, che.ical, bioloqical"or radiological substance or .atter in water, which i. harmful to plant, animal or human lite. ' "COUH'l'Y" means the County of COllier, Florida. " "COUNTY MANAGER" means a county Manager, his d.sign.e or any other authorized County aqency designated by the COllier county Board of County Commissioners as the authority charged with the administration and entorcement of this Ordinance. "CONVENT70NAL POLLUTANTS" means (1) biochemical demand [BOD)1 (2) total suspended solids, non-filterable (TSS); (3) Ph; (4) " tecal coliforml and (5) oil and qrease. "DEPARTMENT" means"the Collier County Pollution Control Department, charged by the Board of County commissioners '" with the responsibility at administerinq and enforcing this, ,ordinance. "DISCHARGE" means, but i. not li.ited to, any spilling, leaking, seeping, pouring, emittinq, or dumpinq ot any contaminant which occurs and which aftects lands and the surface, " waters and, qround'waters of the state not'requlated by Sections 376.011-376.21, Florida,Statutes. "DOMESTIC RESIDUAL" .eans a solid waste which is generated by any Domestic Wastewater Treat.ent Plant, septic tank, qrease trap or related operation, or any other such waste having . similar~haracteri.tics. Oemestic Residual. may be solid, liquid, or ...i-solid waste and this includes "processed do.estic residual" as defined in Collier County Ordinance No. 87-79, and as .ay be a.ended, but does not include ,the treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant. "DOMESTIC WASTEWATER" means wastewater derived principally from dwellings,. business buildings, instit~tions, and the like; sanitary wastewater: sewage. Where wastewater trom sources other than typical .domestic sources (e.g. industrial sources) is coabined and treated with wastes trom' domestic sources, the determinat.:ion at whether or not the wastewater treatment plant is d~.iqnated as "domestic" shall be mado by the Depart~ent considering 1001I 006 ~AC{ 161 ,... lIfIII- -- . any or all of the followinq: sludge classitication (currently in "reserved" status); whether wastewater have been pre-treated or contain constituent. within 50-150', by concentration of typical domestic wastewater, and whether the permittee, when not required provide more stringent or otherwise specific levels or treatment can provide assurance at facility compliance with Domestic Wastewater Treatment contained in Rule 17.600 F.A.C. "OOMESTIC WASTEWATER PLANT" means the structures, equipment and solids control procosses necessary to treat domestic wastes. "DOMESTIC WASTEWATER RESIDUAL" ..ans the solid, ...isolid, ~r liquid residue r..oved durlnq'the treatment of municipal wastewater" Kot in~luded is the treated effluent or reclaimed water 'rea a ao...tio wa.tewater treat..nt plant, wlOO MAlS NAITDIATERw ...n. w..t.ew.t.N' ,.Mrat.e4 u . nwlt. of c1....t.nq, eortlnq end pt'-.rvlnq eqczs. "EXISTING" means a tacility, buildinq or any contiquous structure(s), or activity for which construction beqan prior to adoption at this Ordinance includinq excavations or othor operations that may not consist, of structures or buildinqs. "YDER" ..ans the Florida Department ot Environmental R89Ulat~on. "FLORIDAN AQUIFER SYSTEM" means the Floridan Aquiter syst.. in COllier County extends downward trom the interbedded dolomitic and biogenic micritic carbonates at the upper Tampa Suwannee Limestone/Avon Park Limestone/Ocala Group. "GROUND WATER" means any water which may be drawn from the qround. "GROUND WATER PROTECTION ZONE" means that q~oqraphic . area at Collier county, Florida identitied as a source of recharge of ,water to the Surficial Aquifer System and does not inclUde Zones W-1, W-2, W-3, and W-4. ' "HAZARDOUS PRODUCT" means any product which is liquid or solid below 105'F and ambient pressure and is a "Hazardous Ch..ical" as defined in Chapter 29, Code of Federal Regulation., Part , 1910.1200 and .aterial' being held for 'recycling that would be hazardous :'wa.te if released. "HAZAROOUS WASTE" means any waate which i. a liquid or solid below 105"F ambient presl.ure and is de tined as a "Hazardous' Waste" in 40 CFR Part 261.3. "HICH INTENSITY USE AREA" ,means all areas of concentrated animal density qenerally associated with milking barn., feedlots, holding pens, travel lanes and ,contiguous milk herd pasture ~here the permanent veqetative ~over is equal to or less than 80 percent, und~r averaqe annual worst-case conditions, as determined by the USDA Soil Conservative Service methods. "HRS" means the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. .~INOUSTRIAL FACILITIES" means those facilities that produce, treat or dispose at waste water not otherwise de tined as Domestic Wastewater, includinq the runoff and'leachate from areas that receive pollutants associated with the industrial'or commercial storaqe, handling or processinq. '.. .. fJ66t'A(;! 162 A2 .. ~ ,~ "INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER" mean. wastewater not otherwi.e detined as Dome.tic Wastcwater, including the runoff and leachate from areas that receive pollutants associated with industrial or comm.rcial .toraqe, handling or processing. "INTERMEDIATE AQUIFER SYSTEM" means the Intermediate Aquifer System in Collier County extends downward from the sandy, clayey dolomite .ilt zone within the top of the Hawthorne Group/Formation to the interbedded dolomitic and biogenic micritic carbonates of the upper Tampa/Formation or lower Hawthorne Group/Formation, where the boundary is defined on the basis of geophysical, lithological, hydrological and geochemical signature. "LAND APPLICATION" means the reuse of reclaimed water or the utiliz~tion or disposal or effluent or sludqe on, above, or into the surface of the ground through spray irrigation, land spreading, or other methods. "LETTER OF APPROVAL" means.the written approval of ,a site development plan'tram the Development Services Director. Which shall incorporate the review of a regulated development for c~liance with this Ordinance. "HINING" means the extraction of earth 'products for .ale or transport Off-site including the removal of associated material .uch a. overburden. "HOKITORIHG WELL" means a strategically located well tro. Which qround vater levels are measured and samples are vithdrawn tor vater quality analysis. "ON-SITE" means on the same or qeographically contiquous property which may'be divided by a public or private riqht-of_ay. "ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM", also referred to as system - any dom.stic sewaqe treatment and dispo.al facility, including .tandard .ubsutlace systems, qrayvater syst..., laundry wast:ewater . 1lYllte1u, alternative .yste.. or .xperilllental .ystellls, installed or propo.ed to be installed on land of the owner or on other land.to which the owner or owners have the leqal riqht to install a system. "OTHER POLLUTANTS" means substAnce. not listed a. Toxic Pollutants at Conventional Pollutants and include without limitation, a.-onia, ch..ical oxyqen demand [COD), fluoride, iron, nitroqen, '" phosphorus and surtactant. "OWNER/OPERATOR" llIeans any person owning and operating a Requlated o.velop1ient where these parties are the sallie,' and mean. both.the person owning the Requlated Development and the person operatin~ the Re~lated Development where, these parties are not' the .am.. , ' ."PERSOH"'..ans an individual, firm, corporation, association, partner.hip, consortium, joint,venture, cOlllmercial entity, aunicipality, coamission, political SUbdivision of the Stato at Florida or State ot Florida. "PETROLEUM PRODUCT FACILITY" means; any facility which proc...e., store., handles or transports petroleum product, but .hall exclude tr~n.port of petroleum product by .otor vehicle. "PETROLEUM PRODUCT" means any commodity made frolll oil or qas and includes refined crude oil, crud tops, topped crude, processed crude petroleum, residuetrolll crude petroleum, cracking stock, uncracked fuel oil"fuel oil, treated crude oil, residuum, gas oil, casinghead aasoline, natural gas qasoline..naphtha, distillate, condensate, gasoline, waste oil; kerosene, benzine, wash Qil, blended gasoline, lubricating oil, blends or mixtures at ,~ 066 ".GEl63 ,4) _",~~'_V",_,".,...,.,_.,___,",,,,_,,..,,"~,,...'e____ ... ~ ,.. oil with one or more liquid products or byproducts derived fro. oil or g.s, whether hereinabove enu.eratod or not. "PUBLIC UTILITY" aeans any privately-owned, municipally-ovned, County-owned, special district-owned, or State- owned syst.. providing water or wastewater service to the public which has at least fifteen (IS) service connections or reqularly serves an averaqe at at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily for at least sixty (60) days o~ the year. "RECLAIMED WATER" means water that has received at least secondary treatment and is reused after flowing out of any wastewater treatment plant or other works ,used tor treating, stabilizinq, or holding wastes. , "RELEAsE" means any spilling, leakinq, pumping, ..itting, emptying, discharqinq, irijecting, escaping, leaChing, duapinq, or disposing into the environment, including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles ~ontaining any requlated substance or other contaminant. "~TED DEVELOPMENT" OR "WELLFIELO REGULATED DEVELOPKENT" ..ans .the land uses and activiti.s identified in this ordinance as potential sources ot qround water contamination or sanitary hazards in Collier County, Florida. "SITE" means the area within an installation's property boundary where etfluent are released or applied to the qround yater. ~SLODGE" ~eans a solid waste, pollution control residual which is qenerated by any industrial or Doaestic Wastewater Treatment Plant, air pollution control facility, septic tank, grease trap, portable toilet at"" related operation, or any other such waste havinq similar characteristics. Sludqe aay be solid, liquid, or semisolid waste, but does not include the treated etfluent tram a wastewater treatment plant. "SOLID, WASTE" includes garbaqe~ retuse, yard trash, clean debris, white qoods, special' waste, ashes, or other discarded material, including SOlid, liquid, semi-SOlid, or contained gaseous . material resultinq tram domestic, industrial, commercial, mininq, agricultural, or governmental" operations. ' "SOLID'WASTE DISPOSAL"FACILITY- mean. a facility ".' designed and utilized for the disposal ot sludge, tram wal!t~atf!r ,treatment yorks, yater supply,treataent plants, or air pollution control facilities or'garbaqe, rubbish, refuse, or other discarded .ateria1, inc1udinq solid, li~id, semisolid or contained qaseous' material resultinq from domestic, industrial, commercial, mining, agricult~ral or g~ernmental operations. "SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION" means a site the primary purpo.e at which is to store or hold so~id waste for transport to a processing or disposal facility. It does not include green 'box.., coapactor units, permanent dumpsters, recycling collection stations and other containers from which such wa.te. are transported to a landfill or other solid waste manageaent facility. "SOLID WASTE BULK CONTAINER" Jleans any watertight, portable non-absorbent container equipped with a watertiqht lid~r cover and approved by the Board which is used to store two (2) or more cubic yards of solid waste emptied by mechanical means. "SOLID WASTE STORAGE, COLLECTION AND RECYCLING STATION" means a sitO the purpose at which is to collect and segregate those materials designated by the County by resolution establishing a County program for recycling. 100I COOPKt 164 44 "SOLID WASTE STANDARD CONTAINER" ..ans a watertight container made ot non-absorbent aaterial provided with closely fitting water tight cover, with handles and at thirty-two (32) gallons or Ie.. qro.s capacity, or a sealed plastic baq of adequate strenqth to contain the waste materials therein. This detinition shall not preclude the use ot large containers for purpose of autoaated or s..i-automated services. Dbtrict. "SFWHD" means ;the South Florida Water Management , " "SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION" means the drilling, coring, digqing, boring, blasting or other excavation ot material below the surtace ot the land. "SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" means the collection at facilities, ,improvements, or natural systems whereby surface vaters are collected, controlled, conveyed, impounded, or obstructed. The tera includes stOrJDWater management systems, dams, impoundments, reservoirs, appurtenant works, and works as detined in sUbsections 373.403(1)-(5), F.S. "SURFICIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM" means the Surficial Aquiter System in Collier County includes the unconfined shallow water table aquiter and the deeper, semi-contined lower Tamiami Aquifer. The Surficial Aquiter Sy.tem extends from the land surtace to a depth defined by the sandy, clayey dolomite silt defined on a. the basis ot geophysical, lithological, hydroloqical and geochemical signatures within the top of the Hawthorn Group/Formation. "TOXIC POLLUTANTS" means those pollutants listed in 40 CYR Part 401.15. "WASTEWATER" means the combination of liquid and vater-carried pollutants trom residence., commercial buildings, industrial plants, and institutions together with any qroundwater, surtace runoft or leachate that aay be present. (17-600.200] , "WATER QUALITY STANDARDS" ~eans standards comprised at designated most beneficial uses (classification at waters), the numerical and narrative criteria applied to the specific water use or classification, the Florida anti-deqradation policy, and the moderating provisions ,con~ained ih Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, F.A.,C. "WATER RESOURCE RELATED WELL" means any well,. the 'purpose of which is to augment or improve the water quality at the receiving qround waters throu~h aquifer storaqe or artiticial ' recharge of qround water. "WELL" means a bored, drilled, or driven shatt, or'dug well which has a depth qreater than the diameter of the larqest surface dimension. . "WELL CASING" means a metallic or non-metallic pipe im.talled in a borehole to prevent caving, provide struct4ral strength, .eal-ott zones of poor water quality"or'prevent the interchange at waters between aquiters. "WELLFIELO" shall mean an area of land which contains one or .ore,than one well for obtaining water. "WELL~CONSTRUCTION" means all parts and acts necessatY to obtain qround water by wells, includinq the location and excavation, but excluding the installation of pumps' and pumpinq equipment. ' aoOJ 066 PAq 165 . ' 45 "WELLFIELO CONDITIONAL USE" .eans any use at land which may be conditionally allowed in a particular Welltield Risk Kanaq..ent Special Treatment OVerlay Zone, see Article 7 of this Ordinance. "WELLFIELO EXEMPTION" .eans authorization for specific Regulated Development to operate without a Certificate to Operate and for which compliance with the standards of Article 4 of this Ordinance are not required, but conformance with the other teras and conditions ot this ~rdinance shall be required. "WELLFIELO RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERIAY ZONE" ..ans a specific zone or zones as detined on Wellfield Risk Kanagement special treat.ent Overlay Zone Maps, delineated by ~ific tiae travel. contours, identitied for special treatment and based on the rate oC movement at qround waters in the vicinity of public water'supply wells with a specified pu.ping rate. "WELLFIELO RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY ZONE MAps. shall mean a serIes of .aps, aerials, and/or mylar or, Other material showinq the location on the ground of the outer limits of the Welltield Manaq..ent Zone(s) tor present and tuture publio notable water supply wells and well fields permitted for the withdrawal of one hundred thousand qallons per day or more at qround water. "EPA" or "USEPA" means the United State. Environmental Protection Aqency. .... . BEC'l'I0II 12.2 Rt7IZS OF CoNSTRUCTION. For the purposes of administration and enforce..nt at this Ordinance, unless otherwise stated in this ordinance, the followinq'rules at. construction shall apply to the text of this Ordinance: " A. In case of any difference of .eaninq or implication between the text ot this Ordinance and any ,caption, illustration, SUlIIIIIary table, or illustrative tabl'8, the text shall control. B. The word "shall. is always W1andatory and not discretionary 1 the word "may" is permissive. c. Wo~ used in the present tense shall include the future:and words used in the sinqular unner' shall include the plural, and the plural the sinqular, unless the context clearly indicated the contrary. " " D. Unless the cOntext clearly indicates to the contrary, where a requlation involves two (2) or .ore items, conditions~ 'provisions, or events connected by a conjunction "and", "or", "either... or", the conjunction shall be, interpreted as follows:' , . ,1. "And" indicates that all' the connected terms, ~onditions, provisions or events .hall apply. 2. "Or" indicate. that the connected ',conditions, provisions or events W1ay sinqularly and in any combination. ite.., apply 3. "Either...or" indicates that the connected 'items, conditions, provisions or' events shall apply sinqularly, but not in combination. '~ ~ooc 066 PACot 166 !16 '. ..... - ARTICLE 13 FEES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SURCHARGE. SECTION 13.1 FEES. SEC.13.1.1 The Board shall establish, by resolution, an application tee tor Certificates to Operate and Well field conditional 0.. Permit. to cover the cost ot the County's adllinistration and impl..entation regulations and prohibitions ot this Ordinance. i SEC.13.1.2 It is the inte~t of this ordinance that the cost of impl..entation be borne wholly' by the Regulated Development. SECTIOlf 13.::2 ,AOKIlflSTRATIVE SURCHARGE. .. SEC.13.2.1 The 8?ard may, by resolution, isrpose a surcharge on: SEC.13.2.l.1" revisions and modifiCations of Certificates to Operate and Well field COnditional Use Pe1!lits1 and SEC: appeals trOll adverse Administrative Determinations. SEC.13.2.2 The surcharge shall include a fee for ,the purpose at adainlsterinq this Ordinance includinq, without limitations, protessional statt ti.. 1n proces.inq and rev1sinq the' application, petition or .~al and reasonable costs. It is the intent of this Ordinance that such costs are wholly borne by the Requlated Development. SEC'I'IOM 13.~ FEE SCHE~.IZ. The fee schedule for applications tor Certiticates at Operate, petitions tor Ve11tield conditiOnal Os. Permiba, appeal. trOll adYersa MJIinlstrative Determinations; and revisions and JIOdltications to any of the saJIe, shall be posted in the Office, of the County Jlanager, the Deparblent and shall be on file with the Clerk to the Board . : ARrICLE 14 A.OIalf:ISTRATIVE PROCEOOR.ES. .... SEC'l'l:OM 14.1' PROKOLGATIOM OF ADtIIlfISTRATIVE PROCEDURES. 'l'be eounty Manager shall pro.ulgate and brinq for adoption by the Board, Mainistrative Procedure. to impl...nt this Ordinance within one year ot the effective date of' thI. Ordinance. , . ARTICLE l' VIOLATIONS, PElfALTIES AND REMEDIES; SECTIOM 15.1 VIOLATIONS: It shall be a violation ot this Ordinance to tail to obtain any pendt reqUired: herein or without a permit, or other awxopxiate authori;ation .s may be required' herein, to conduct, : ~nce or .aintain any u.e or activity prohibited or regulated by this Ordinance. Each violation ohnll conotltut. . SAparat. oCren... SECTIOJf 15.2 PEHAL'l'IES Violations at this Ordinance ..y be reterred bY the County Jlanager to the County'. Code EnforceJlMtnt Board f,?r entorcement action in accordance:with Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, and Collier County o.rdinance Ko. 88-89, and as may be allended. SECTION 15.3 REMEDIES. Kothi~ herein shall preclude the County from seeking all o~er r8Jlec1ies available under general law, including without limitation: ... fl>6~~167 ~7 " -_.....~,-,,,.- IJIt ~ ..-- To County: The County Manaqer Collier County Government Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 33962 To Applicant/Petitioner: Applicant/Petitioner at the Address listed in the Application. ARTI~ 17 ,/ LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION AND SEVERABILITY. SECTION 17.1 LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to eftectively carry out "its purposes in the interest ot 'public health," safety, welfare and convenience. SECTION 17. 2 CONFLICT AND SEVFRABILITY." : In .. the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance ot Collier County or other applIcable law, the sore r.striotiv. shall apply. It any phase or portion of the Ordinanc. i. held invalId or uncon.tltu~ional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a .eparate, distinct and independent provision and such holdinq shall not attect the validity of the r...ining portion. ARTICLE 18 EFYECTXVE DATE. This Ordina~ce shall become ettectlve on , 1991 and after receipt ot notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State ot, the sta~ of Florida. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this '/r< day of '"#-.... ~c/ , '1991. : .: .. A~:~JJ:J ~.,: , . .jums :c. CIUs, Clerk ...... .: ',,' ).," . ... ~I".. _.... ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIOKERS COLLIER COUNTY,' FLORIDA BY: ~:~*,l\/ c>_cJ PATRICIA .ANNE GOO~ Chainaan ,. r . .- . ~ :~ .... . ",.. .~.. ~.. . ".. .-/ -. ':"''''''::''':I~.' _~ .. !., ... ..... ).~~'p. ~~ form and .' legal sufficiencyr: I . ,'f' . " 100I 066 I'A(;{ 168 " '.. " " '. 48 " '. '. '. " - - ~ .... APPENDIX A WELLl'IELD PROTECTION ZONE MAPS Illustrating the Locations of WELLl'IELO RISJC KANACEMEN'l' SPECIAL TREATMENT OVERLAY ZONES Established by the "THREE DIMENSIONAL SIHtJLA'l'ION OF WELLFIELO PROTECTIOrf AREAS IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA" (Voorhees and Mades, 1989) Initial reterence:to "Appendix A" can be tound in SEC., on paqe 7 .ot this Ordinance. : Th. paqes that comprise Appendix A, as attached, are xerox copi.s .ot portio~ of United Btates Geological Survey Quadrangle Haps on Yhich the boundaries at the Wsl1ti.ld Risk MAnagement Zone. are plotted. The w.lltield. are arranqed in the order ot mention in :8EC., ~n paq. 5 ot this Ordinance. EXPLANATIOK or MAPS J 1. Due to the location of so.e welltie1ds relative to map )boundaries, there may be multiple Plates required to illustrate the partiCUlar welltield. 2. Kajor:roads are noted on the maps as initial points ,at reterence. .... " 3. ZOKE W-1 is the land area enc~assed by the innenaost closed line around each vel1tield. 4. ZONE W-2 is the land area situated between the innermost closed line around each velltield and the next closest closed line around the ve1ltield. " 5. ZOO W-3 i. the land area situated between the closed line surroundin<] W-2, as detined above, and the thircS: clo.ed line tro. the venti.ld. 6. zenm W-4 is the: land area lhtuated between the outermost, closed line surroundin<] the vellt!eld and the next adjacent closed line that de tines the outermost boundary ot W-3. .. f;fl6 'AGt 169 : ". , , : " / , '. I~~X TO APPENOIX A Th1. Ind.. lnelu4e. the ne~e of the welltleld and the United ~tate$ (~~1091eal Surv~y OuedranQle Meo(a) on which the welltield is lQeete~ EVER~LAOES CITY ~LL~IELO Ocnooee, ~lorldo ~LORIOA CITIES (AVATAR) ~ELL~IELD D.lle M~ade NU, ~lorido NORTII NAPLE' IJTILITI!:S (OUAIL CREEIO ~!:LLl"I!:LD Corkacrew SU, l"lorida EAST GOLO!:N GATE U!:LL~rELO ~late'l -- Cork.crew SEt ~lorlda, ~l~te 2 --'eell. Meede HE. l"loride r.OA~TAL RIDGE (GOOOLETTE ROAOl UELL~IELO Naolea North; l"'lorida COLLIeR COUNTY UTILITIES ~ELLl"'IELD Plate 1 -- Corkscrew S~. l"'lorida Pl~t~ 2 -- eelle Meade NU. Florida Plate.3 -- Corkscrew SE. l"'lorida Plat~ 4 -- eelle Meade NE. l"'lorldo .., GLAOES ~LL~IELD Plate 1 -~ Naole" Nort",' florida ~l.~. 2 -- eelt. M~ad. NU, l"'lorida It1t10l\ALEE UATER AND SEUER 'OISTRICT UELLrIELOS, Immokelee. l"'lorid6 . PELICAN eAY ~ELLI"IELD Plato 1 -- Bonita Sorin9s. I"lorido . Plate 2 -- Corkscrew S~. l"'lorlda PORT ./)I" THE ISLANDS WELLl"'IELb Ueaver. Station, ~lorida t 1001I 066 ~.t;~ 170 ". ,.- .. i , : " ~., '.. , 't' . '{ ':" , . .r ~ " : 33". "" . ~"'~+'~-'~'''--'''-- ... ,~ ,~] (, ~. '.' .' . --:" . .,~ ~ " , '. .. - : ..: -.-..-----.-.... ." . r. .. .-.,... '" '~'" JL '., "'l' . .- ~ :,"u... ~ :.. . .. .... ... ..._.._._.... .... ." ...._.....J ".. .. o. o' ..... . " , ~ ...~ .. of, . .' 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'"Ie.... ..t(.1IUGUS1 ~ ..., I"~ "I~\.~l..... &It AI ~ Of """- COli" W COlIN IV, HURlOA l -~llll>n_M' 1lI_ \ ~!>2S lING * SlC(S) It , j .... ...... ..... ...... -. ., - ....... ."--' ..", -.......-.......... -' -.. ..... ... ___. ....." .h-.." _..... ... .._.. .... _ ,- ll\ofRl.A Y SPEOAl. 'R(A ,.. N ....lfeA'fS ..-.--....-- - .--..--..... -...... "- - . : , : . 1 9____ n OCG ...-...cI .... WI .......... ~I" ........ ,.., .......\.,..... ,,:I I _"~IO.';; ......... tt'tC1lll(..-1(:......,., ~ IWW ,,0.>> 1QC: 1lU____.. .. .... OIl IIW\ --_.. ---- ~ ~~lI[RCOUNTY. nORlOA et_.... 11("<<1._"1 IllInOH 1M' -;;S-.:Ie 5lC(S) lJ . U .--~ . l '-:T::I~ ^' 1)/ , / / :I \-- & ) ~. ~ x / / .... ....... .... .. "..... .. ... .-.-.... "'... ..- ...... .. .... ........... ."..tn .. ...-... ... 1M ..- .. ...... . .....1Il ........ ~......... ...... ..-. .... 1\ I " 2J - ZONE X ..,. I Ii! I U: --.--- -_._----~--- AE 1 ) - 1 LONE (EL ...,.. - ~ / .. N- O) 0\IERI.A'f TIt(ATIol[MT _.- ZBN~ (EL -- ______________ 1N0000rtS SPtOAl. --. ~.----- -- -----... ~...",...~ _ r.... .. .... __..,,_... -'t......... II~" ~ g ~.. ... - .. ..... .. co ell ... ~ '" >>- ~~ ~ .... f I I l; Ii -- ~ - -.. . i A-ST / E ) /f .. ./'/( ~~~ ~ ~ 'SO ~~,-~~ ~ ---- "\~ ^ ~-- 16 n 11 ZONE (El A-ST' / , , ./ ......ClD ... lUN (El - C> C> ... Ll . i ...... "'... .... ............. .. ... ..''*'" ,........ IIlIIUI. ~~ ....Ill .... ..;;:;-~ ..... lit _......--- ....._ .. ..-. _ .. .. II _ _, ___ .. ~. _........... -.............. .. ___ ~I, M.... ...., ...... .......... ~. ~;;.--;.-;.~MI .......... .......__.t \ ......... II.... it..; .u ,.. .~, ~ ... ...... _ ~ COlL~~H'~~TY. rt~~_ c.-." ur..IU....N' .......- ,.... ~ ~ 111. Slc(Sln.l1.l6.l, ' "~ r-r " I -, Ult IIII' ..,_ _. toat_ 0.... - . -- - -- --- i . ! _ , 4 ;. , drl A ~~; '. 1N0lCA1T !i --~~.~.... . ..... - - . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ,:~ S/1 '.. - t: ~.._......, L1i I . . .. -.- - I I .. i -, .lI x A-ST' - ~-----,-- - -- ~I ----=- ZONE AE 1 ) ZONE (EL ZONE VE (EL 12) '- " ,1\, I ) " ,,' \ ~, 70Nr ([I g ~ ~ ... ~ ." - ~ I ------- -~-~ f\OCO ..,.,.>>1(( -.-11 .....,. ........... C~l' ~. IJ\.lD6J' ..Me,....... ., l ~_,!~_~n,",.~~~~"l. -. nocv IUIC: ...,__.. UM U v...... ... ~ ~ COLll[R COUNTY, rl.ORlOA .~~II.I. ... \4_.t.,~~,!!~~~..j "'f' !>..~. ..,..; :'1.1. ~L~ln_n.ll."" -....I...~-. r:-r . ,. r- -, &1111'.' .' - :\ ""- .. . "'..., ... ~ .. .. ... . "'4 ~... ,.--. .,. ........ _ .-.... ..,...,... ... .......... ... M-. tI ... --- . ...... ........ --- ..... . ..... - IUN I " I eL I hl ~~J . ----- - ----- 1\' t' "'I n__nnn_n_INOlCATtS SI'[(;W. IHlA.l.IIl -~---=-- --~-~-~ ..... .. - .. ..... " g : .. .. .. I I _. '-- .. - i .......... i i .. D,. -" ... " .----..- STATE 07 FLORIDA COUNTY 07 COLLIER I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk at Courts in and tor the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy ot: Ordinance No. 94-27 which was adopted by the Board of County Commi8sioners on the 18th day of May, 1994, during Special Se.8io~. "ITKIIS MY hand and the otticial ..al ot the Board ot County Co__Js.Joners of CollJer Coonty. r~orl4a. ~hl. ,~th 4ey 01 Hey, "'4, DWIGHT E. BROCJC ,'. I, . Clerk at Courts and Cler~~~1l~~~~t ' Ex-officio to Board ~~_'.:,-."~,,.; ,:+~;".J..."'''/, r. '~'.. ."! ',,'1C< '. ~ , ,1', ;,':/ .... '.'l'..:_;;:.~ ~:". ~ .. 'j ,'.'~ .,~ . .::; .;, '.~ "':......~ . : .-.1 anyon'., -:' /:,' ' " Clerk " c?.; ".' , ',.', ,. I .' '. ,," ,,'.. Q nIl" ~:~ " 10 . . "t' &og( U66 PAG~ 224 -..-..-..--.. - '.'-- ..-._--_._-----~.,-.-..._. -.-.------- . , ..._"--_._-~-_._----'-----~._--._'-~-