Ordinance 94-07 ORDINANCE NO,, 94- 7___ INANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE L-V1, AS AMENDED BY ORDINAgCE 92-30, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 92-98, AS AKI~IDRD BY ORDINANCE NO. 93-53, RELATING TO THE COLLIER COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES SYSTEM ~ ~'~ -~'. IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE; AMENDING SECTION 2.03, PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO PROVISIONS RELATING TO IISE OF MONIES; AMENDING SECTION 3.04, .: PROVIDING F(7~ MODIFICATION OF PROVISIONS "' ~-" RELATING TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING; AMENDING SECTION 3 · 09, PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO PROVISIONS RELATING TO REVIEW REQUIREMENt; PROVIDING FOR MODIFICATION OF APPENDIX A; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County on August 7, 1991, enacted Collier County 0rdSnance No. 91-71, es~abllshlng an Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Ord/nance~ and WFZREAS, The Board of County CommissLoners of Collier County on May 6, 1992 enacted Ordinance No. 92-30 which amended Collier County Ordinance No. 91-71~ and F~EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County on December 16, 1992 enacted Ordinance No. 92-98 which further amended Collier County Ordinance No. 91-71; and WHZRFJ%S, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County on August 10, 1993 enacted Ordinanco No. 93-53 which further amended Collier County Ordinance No. 91-71, NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T~E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, F~3RIDA, thatt SECTZOM 03rgl amenbent to Section 2.03 of Collier County Ordinance me. 91-71, as amended Section 2,03 of Collier County Ordinance No, 91-71 is hereby amended as follows** Section 2,03, Use of Monies a, The Board hereby establishes a separate trust account for the theegeee~ ~c_'~-cnl ~ Sy:"~cm Impact Fees, to be designated as the "Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Trust Account* which shall be maintained separate and apart from all other accounts of the county, All each Eme~q/eee~ 065 79 PAG( Words~ars added~ ~ords attack t~s~J~ are deleted. -1- ~.~ ~ S~s4~s Zmpac~ Fees shall be deposited into such trust ~' account immediately upon receipt, b. The monies deposited into ths Emargsnc~Medical Services System Zmpact Fsl Trust Account shall be used solely for purpose o£ providing grov~h necessitated construc~cion improvements and additions to. the County Emergency Medical Services System including, but n~t.limited toz (1) Design or construction plan preparation~ (2) Permitting and . (3) Land acquisition including any costs of acquisition or condemnation~ (4) Construction and design of County Emergency Medical Services Svs~sm buildings, facilities or improvements and ~ additions (5) Design and construction of drainags facilitiss required by the construc~cion of ~ Emergency Medical Services ~stem buildings, facilities or improvements and additions thsrsto~ ..~ (6) Ralocating utilities required by ths construction of ~ Emergency Medical Services System buildings, facilities or improvements and additions thsrsto~ (7) Landscaping, incident to or necessitated by expansion of the County Emergan~.'y ~adical Services buildin~s~ facllitiss or improvements and additions thsrsto~ (8) Construction management or inspsc~ionF (9) Surveying, soils and material ~ssting] (10) Acquisition of apparatus or equipment necessary to expand the County Emargsncy Msdical Ssrvicas System] (11) Repayment of monies transferred or borroved from any budget, sty fund of the County, including monies burroved subssqusnt to ths adoption' of this Ordinance which were used to fund construction, acquisition of improvements and additions to ~ha Count~ Emergency Medical Services System as hersin provided~ Words~are addsd~ words :~r;:~ 'k ...... are deleted. (12) Peasant o£ principal and interest, necessary reserves and costs o£ issuance under any bonds or other indebtedness issued by the County to fund growth impacted improvements .and additions to the County Emergency Medical Services syetem; and (13) Reimbursement of ~sea~Jef~ Ne~zea& 6efvY.~Ne ~ Impact Fees due an Applicant p~.rsuant to Section 3.06o (14) To the extent provided by lay, reimbursement of costs incurred in the preparation of the Impact Fee Study adopted pursuant to Section 1 · 04 and any amendments or supplements adopted pursuant to Section 3.09 and any other administrative costs incurred by the County. c. l~nds on deposit in the Emergenc~ Medical Services Systes Zmpac~c Fee Trust Account shall not be used for any expenditure that would be classified as · maintenance or repair expense, d, The monies deposited into the Emergency Medical Services Syetea Impact Fee Trust Account shall h used solely to provide improvements and additions to the County Emergency Medical Services System required by growth generated by Emergency Medical Services J.YAt~I Impact Construction as identified in the Impact Fee Study. so Any funds on deposit vhich are not immediately necessary for expenditure shall be invested by one County. All income derived from such investments shall be deposited in the Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Trust Account and used as provided herein. To the extent permitted by law. any interest accrued on Impact Fees which is not needed for improvements and additions to the County Emeraencv Medical Services System ma_v. at the discretion of the Board. be used to fund waivers or deferTale of IWDact Fees pursuant to Section 3.04 of this Ordinance. f. The ~set~Jene~ MegJ~ea~ 6elw~eee 6ye%em Impact Fee collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall be returned to the then current Owner of the p~y on behalf of which such fee ,0. Words ~ are added; words =t;---'c~ ~ ...... are deleted. -3- yes paid if such fees have not been expended or encumbered prior to the end of the fiscal year immediately foXloving the sixth anniversary of the date upon which such fee was pa~d. Refunds due under these circumstances shall be made only in accordance with the following procedure: (1) The then current Owner shall petition the Board for the refund prior to the end o~ the fiscal year immediately following the sixth anniversary of the date of the payment of the "~r;:r;Z ........ =or:ice= .... *- Impact Fee. The petition for.refund shall be submitted to the County Manager, on a form approved by the County Hanager, and shall containt (a) ~ sworn statement that the petitioner is the then currant Owner of the property on behalf of which the lapact Fee was paid/ (b) A coF/of the dated receipt issued for payment of such fee or such other record as would indicate payment of such fesy (c) A certified copy of the latest recorded deed or other instruments evidencing titles a representation that the most recent recorded deed or other instruments reflect the exact names of all current legal ovnersy a representation that the petitioner will notify the County of any chan~e in the s~atus of legal ownership which occurs prior to the issuance of any refund from the County~ (d) A copy of the most recent ad valeram tax bill. (3) Within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of a petition for refund, the County Manager wtll advise the petitioner and the Board of the status of the Impact Fee requested for refund, and if such lapact Fee has not been expanded or enctunbered within the applicable time period, then it shall be returned to the petitioner. For the purposes of this Section, fees collected shall be deemed to ,0. 065.c S2 Words ltlMiirl/Ja~are addsd~ words e~eek-j~bare deleted. -4- be spent o~ encumbered on the basis of the first fee in shall be the first fee out. g. Any Owner entitled to a refund who fails to file a timely petition for a refund upon becoming eligible to do so shall be deemed to have waived any claim for a refund, and the County shall be entitled to retain and apply the Impact Fees for growth necessitated capital impr_oyements and additions to the County Emergency Medical Services System. IlCTION TWOS Xaendment to Sootion 3.04 of Collier County Ordilxsalol No. 9X-71, sl amended Section 3.04 is hereby amended to read as follows= Section 3.04. Affordable Rousing %. Pursuant to the ~uidelines established in this Section, the County shall (1) waive or (2) defer, as applicable, the payment of the Impact Fee for any new owner-occupied or rental Emergency Medical Services System Impact Construction ~hich qualifies as Affordable Housing under Appendix A of this Ordinance. (1) Any person seeking an Affordable Housing waiver or defertel for proposed Emergency }fedice1 Services System Impact Construction shall f~le with the County Manager an Application for waiver or deferral, prior to receiving a Building Permit for the proposed ~=rgency Medical Services System Impact Construction. The Application for waiver or defertel shall contain the followingx (a) The name and address of the Ownsty (b) The legal description of the Residential property upon which the Emergency Medical Services System Impact Construction shall be constructed7 (c) The income level of the Owner or if the Owner is a builder, the income level of the household to which the Dwelling Unit will be sold or rented; (d) The number of bedrooms in each Dwelling Unit of the Emergency Medical Services System Impact Words 1~ are added~ words e4~ are deleted. (2) Zf the proposed Emergency Nedlcal Services System Zmpac~ Construction meets the requirements for an Affordable Housing waiver or defertel as set forth in this Section, then the County Manager shall issue an Impact Fee waiver or defertel, as ap~licable, to the Owner or Applicant. The Impact Fee waiver or defertel shall be presented in lieu of payment of the Impact Fee pursuant to Section 2.02. B. To qualify for an Impact Fee waiver or deferral, an owner-occupied Dwelling. Unit must meet all of the following criteriaz (1) The 0wner(s) or a,ticiDated Ownerrs} of the Dwelling Unit must have · very low, low, or moderate income level. at the time of issuance of the Imuacq: Fee..waiveT glfallal~ as those ter~e are defined in Appendix A and the monthly payment to purchase the unit must be within the Affordable Rousing guidelines established in Appendix A. Dwellins Unit shall al/alifv as owner-occupied if a lease-purchase a~reement is in effect at the date issuance of the TmDact Fee waiver or deferTel. or Within thirty f301 days thereof. and within twenty-four [~4~ months from the date of issuance of the certificate of occu_DanCV or the execution of the lease-purchase a_~reement. whichever is later. the ODtiOn tO Purchase is al~cised and the purchaser takes ovnershi~ of the Dvellinu Unit. If the Purchase[ fails to Purchase the Dwellins Unit within the twenty-four (241 month period. then the waived or deferred ImDact....Fee must be immediately rePaid unless the Dwellins Unit is sola to another_eualifvtneOwner. (2) The Owner, or if there is more than one Owner, one of the Owners, must be a first-time home buyer. To qualify as a first-time home buyer, the Owner must not have had an ownership interest ln~4~e~Phts/her primary residence in the past three f3~ years. Words~ars added~ words =~r=:h =hr=ug,% mrs deleted. (:1) The Dwelling Unit must h the homestead of the Owner (s) · (4) The Dwelling Unit must remain Affordable Housing for fifteen ~ years from the date a cer~ificate of occupant7 is issued for the Dwelling Unity. unless the Impact Fee is repaid to the County. C. TO clualify for an Ilpac~ Fee defertel, a Dwelling Unit offered for rent must meet all of the following criteria: (1) The household rentl.g the Dwelling Unit must have · very low or low income level. at the commencement of the leasehold and durind_ the duration thereo[m as ~ are defined in Appendix A and the amount of rent must be within the Affordable Housing ~laidelines established in Appendix A. (2) The Dwelling Unit must be the household's permanent residence. D. All Impac~ Fees deferred for owner-occupied Dwelling Units at the time the ~ullding Permit wee issued shall become due end payable and shall be immediately repaid to the County upon the sale of the Dwelling Unit ~g_~_~n-qualified purchaser provided, however, if the Impact Fee deferral was paid with State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Program funds, repayment will be made to the Collier County affordable housing trust fund. For Durooses o[ this Section 3.04° a non-aualified ourchaser is a Person who does not satisfy the Affordable ltousina criteria set forth in subsection B above or a Person who does not dares tg the terms of the waiver or deferTel of imp_act tees E. The Impact Fees deferred for rental Dwelling Units at the time the Building Permit was issued shall become due and ~ords ~ are added~ words :tr=c~ '.hr:u~ are deleted. -7- shell be Immediately repaid to the County upon 4~he ea~e ~ ga~4~ ~ et ~he ~ ~ the . ~.. .... dlsc~t~nuance of use c~ the ~ellin~ ~lt as ~ffordable ~sin~ cr flfteen ~1~ ~ears fr~ the date of issuance of the Ce~if~cate of ~pan~, ~lchever oc~rs F. ~ I~a~ Fees waived for an ~er-oc~pied ~ellin~ Unit at ~e time a ~ldin~ Pe~ ~s issued shall ~ec~e due and pa~able and shall ~ ~n~latel~ repaid to ~e Ccunt~ ~f the ~ellin~ Unit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ls sold or translated tc s ncn-~alified ~rcha~er durln~ the f~fteen ~15] ~ear per~ after the ce~ificate is~ed for ~e ~ellin~ Uni~. I~ the Impa~ Fee vl~ State H~sin~ In~tlat~ves Pa~nersh~p [~IP] ~am ~unds, r~ent w~ll ~ ~de to ~e Collier C~nt~ aff~dable t~st f~. I~ ~e ~sll~n~ Unit ls used ss Affordable ~sln~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in c~liance ~lth this ~dinancs for fifteen ~15~ years after the date the ce~i~icate of cc~an~ is issued for the ~ellin~ Unit, the I~a~ Fees are no longer due and the l~en on ~e ~ellln~ Unit shall ~ ~. ~e percentage of ~e tc~l I~a~ Fee ~ich sh~ll waived or defe~ed ~rsuant to ~ls Se~on ~c~ an or renal ~ordable H~sinq ~ellinq ~lt shall ~ the percen~ge set fo~ in A~endlx A. ~e Z~a~ Fees vaived or defs~ed shall be a lien on the prope~y untll all re~irements under ~ls Section have hen sa~isfled. H. ~ ~ually, the ~er of ~ ~ ~elling shall provide to ~e C~ty Hanager an af~idavit o~ c~llancl vlth the ~iteria let fo~h In this Se~ion. ~ affidavit ~s~ h fLIed within thi~y [301 days of ~he anniversa~ date o~ the issuance of a certificate of 'oc~pan~. Zf the income of any unit tenter vhich oriainallv ~alified as ve~ 1~ or 1~ inc~e level as defined in Appendix X exceeds the Affordable Housina ' benefit standards set fo~h in ADDendix A ~ more than fo~ Words ~ are added~ ~ords :~;~ ~h::=;~ ar~ daisted. -8- ' ~ercsnt (40%1 J than the deferred :[m~a~ Fee shall im~edia~ely due and ~avabl~ ~ the ~er or~, ~n the the ~er shall have n{netv ~901 days ~o c~lv vith the A[[oTdable ff~sin~ standaTds set fo~h ~n A~endtx A. {2) I[ the h~sehold inc~e of the ~ali[ied ~er-oc~Died ~ellind Unit TiSeS a~e the hne[~t standards lOT waivers and dere~als set [o~h in A~endix A. the ~er shall maintain the ~iver andloT' de[e~al. No~ithstandin~ the [oreQotn~. all ~tstandtnd I~a~ Fees waived or deleted shall be repaid tn full UDOn sale or trans[er of the hellln~ Unit to non~ali[~ed ~rchaseT. except lot waived I~a~ Fees where ~eT has cmlied with the A[fordable R~stn~ ~iteria se~ ~n ~h{s ~e~{on ~.04 lOT [i[~een ItS1 vests a[teT the issuance the ee~i[ieate o[ oe~Dan~s I. ~e ~er rece~ving an I~a~ Fee waiver or defe~al shall enter ~nto an ~a~ fee agenen~ wl~ the C~nty agessent sh11 pr~de for, at a min~, the fo11~ng and sh11 f~er ~nclude Such pr~lsions de~ed necessa~ ~ ~ to effe~uate the pr~isions of ~ls Seaion= (1) ~e legal des~ipt~on of ~e ~e11~ng (2) ~ere an I~a~ Fee waiver or defers1 ~s g~ven to an ~er ~o will h selling or renting ~e ~e111ng Un~ to a s~s~ent ~chaser or ren%~r, ~e ~ergenq Medical Se~ices Syste I~a~ Const~on ~s~ be sold or rented to h~seholds meeting the ~iter~a set fo~h ~n th~s in order to maintain the waiver oT defers1. Impac~ Fee waivers or deferale paid for w~th S~ate Housing Init~a~ves Pa~nership [~IP] ~am f~ds w~11 only be ganted dire~ly to ~yers meeting Appendix A ~alif~cat~ons and a~roval prior to Building Petit issuance. A ~elline Uni~ shall ~all[v as ~er-~Dled if a lease-DurchaW- a~eement ~s in effe~ at the date of ~ssuance of the ImD~ Fee waiver or de[e~al .or within thtTtv ~301 days thereof. and within twenty-louT [241 months [r~ the date o[ is~uanC~ of the certificate of occuoancv or the execution of the ~ease-~urchase earcement, vhichever is'later, the option to _Dutchass is exercised and the purchaser takes ovnershiD of ~hs Dvsllina Unit. ~f the purchaser fails to ~urchase the Dwellins Unit within the twenty-four [241 month period. then the waived or deferred Impact Fee must be repaid im~ediatelv unless the DWlllina Unit is sold to another aualifvina (3) For owner-occupied Dwelling Units, the amount of ~mpact Fees deferred shall be repaid to the County upon the saler ~ ev ~leeee%~%~e~e e~ ~ee e~ %ks ~ transfer to a ncn-aualifted purchaser. If Impact Fees were paid with State Housing Initiativel Partnership [SHIP] Program funds, repayment will be made to the Collier County affordable housing trust fund. For rental units, the Impact Fees deferred shall be repaid upon ee3zer ~ the discontinuance of use of the Dwelling Unit as Affordable Housing or fifteen /151 years from the issuance of a certificate of occupancT, whichever occurs first. (4) For owner-occupied Dwelling Units where Impact Fees have been waived, the Dwelling Unit must be utilized bvthe original cualifvina Owner. or subseauent cualifV~nd ~ ~e~ as Affordable Housing in compliance with ~l~tion 3.04 of this Ordinance for a fifteen ~ year period after the certificate of occupancy is issued and if the Dwelling Unit seesee ~e be utilLzod fc= ~ae% impose is Words~are added~ vordse~are deleted, -10- sold to a non-aualifvina ~urchaser, the Impact: Fees shall be repaid ~o the County. Zf Zmpact tees 'were paid with State Rousi~ Xnl~ia~ivel Pa~nership [~P] ~am ~unds~ repa~an~ ~ill ~ ~de ~o the Collier C~n~y affordable h~sinq t~s~ fund, ~ ~ ~ (5) ~e deleted and/or waived Impa~ Fees shall be a lien on ~e pr~e~y ~tch Hen may ~e ~ent of non-c~l~ance ~ith the re~lr~entm of the mgm~ent, ~s s~eement ~es~tbed herman shall operate as a 1ten a~a~nm~ the ~e]]~nu Unit, ~e the ~blt~ rec~s o[ Col]{mr C~ntv, waiver, much re~esse or mat~s[a~on mhsll be [t~ed Illteen veers alter the ~s~ance o[ the oe~[{cate Dr~l~e~ ~er a~e~ ~n cml~nce w~th the u~n reoa~ent ~n [u11, In t~e case o[ a ~e[e~al. such release shall N recor~e~ UPOn reDa~ent ~n [U11, (6~ Annually. the ~er of a re'Atal ~rovi~e to the C~ntv Manager an ar~t~avit or comoliance Vl~h ~ha criteria set forth in Se~ion 3.04 (H), An aZ~idayit ~s~ be riled within thi~v [301 days Cr the annivsrsa~ da~s ~ the issuance occupant. ~ the inc~e or a~ unit tenter which oriainallv ~alified as a ve~ 1~ or 1~ income level as defined in ~D~endix ~ exceeds the ~ffordable Housi~q bene~i~ standards set ~o~h In XDDendix X ~ more than fo~v Dercen~ Words ~ are added; words :~r;:~:t~=;=~ are deleted, (40tl- then ~he deferred r~ac~ Fee shell become i~nnediatelv dam and mayable by the Owner or. in .'the alternative. the ~r shatl hay. ninety/901 days to c~oZv with the ~Z~o~dabla R~sinc s~andards (7) ~n satis~a~o~ c~plation oZ the a~aamant ra~lr~ants, ~ha C~nty shall record any nacassa~ d~an~tion ~id~ncing same, includin~, ~t not limited ~o, a release oZ (8) ~a a~e~ent shall h binding upon the ~er~s successors a~ assi~s. (9) ~e a~e~en~ shall h recorded in the O~lcial Records oZ Collier ~. ~e g~n~ of Z~a~ Fee waivers and de~e~als ~anted ~rsuan~ to ~ie Seaion shall be ~ final ~lio hearinV regarding ~e adoption o~ ~he annual C~n~y ~ge~ a~ ~e am~ allocated to Z~a~ Fee waivers or deZs~aZs In ~e Collier C~n~y H~sing ~sis~nce Plan~ as es~ablished ~ C~y ~dinance and ds~srrals ~ant to ~is Ss~ion shall hgin in the 1993-94 Ziscal year or earlier ~n recsip~ o~ State H~sin~ ~nitia~ive2 Pa~nsrship [~P] ~~ Eunds. ~11 ~a~ Fees ~ai?ed or ~ ~ paid ~ into the ~sr~sn~ Hsdical Ss~icss ~st~ l~a~ Fee ~st Acc~t within six [S~ ~sars from the dats o~ the award or a waiver and/or ds~e~al. ss ~rovidsd hersin. ~ in no sven~. ~ later than ~at time when tha~ am~nt is needed for a pro~s~ ~undsd ~ ~oss Impact Fees waived or dsfs~sd, ~s Board shall Da~ into the ~erCen~ ~edical Ss~icss Systn l~act Fee ~st Xccount such amounts e~al to any ~m~a~ Fees ~reviouslv waived or dere~ed ~ tbs Board. or ~reviouslv exempted or rei~rsed ~ the Board ~ithin pix ~6) years ~rom the date of such ~aiver. defertel. exemption or reimbursement. ~ in no even~. later th~n the time such Wordedare added~ vords :~r~:~ ~h;:=~ are deleted, amoUZlts are needed ~or a ~ro~ec~ funded by those Tm~,a~'t: Feel waive. defied. ~ed ~ reim~rsedt Waivers and de~e~als shell ~ is~ed in ~e order that c~let~ a~l~t~ons arm revived ~ the C~nty Manager. A~ lease percent f40t) o~ the amount ~d~eted ~or I~a~ Fee waivers a~/or de~e~als ~st ~ utilized to ~und I~a~ Fee va~vers a~d/or defe~a~ for s~n~le ~am~ly ~er-~ed ~ell~n~ Units se~in~ ~e ve~ 1~ and 1~ inc~e levels ~ ~ X. ~ changes or ame~ents to Appendix A or the ~ln~ re~lraents ad~ted in th~s Se~ion ~s~ oc~r as an ordinance ame~ent at a ~blic hearl~ o~ the Board o~ County C~lss~ers ~in~ a~ter Sx00 p.m. L. No A~dable H~s~n~ va~ver or dete~al shall be ~anted ~ an ~ergen~ Medical 2e~ices Systa Impact Co~st~ion ~o~e~ ~ich consists o~ a Mob~lt H~e. 8~1~ ~t ~en~ent to Beetion 3.09 o~ Collier Couty ~d~ae No. ll-71, as Gended Se~ion 3.09 o~ Collier C~nty ~diunce No. 91-71, as amended, Is here~ amended to read as Zoll~s: Seaion 3.09. Revi~ Retirement. A. ~ls ~dlnance and the rqa~ Fee StudF shall reviewed ~ the Board initially In conne~ion vl~h its approval o~ the Capital Iqr~,ent El,en~ o~ its C~rehensive Plan as retired ~ Seaion 163.3177, Florida Statutes. ~erea~ter, this Ordinance shall h reviewed at leas~ ~ eve~ two ~. ~e initial and each ~ revi~ shall consider estimates oZ po~lation and other socioecon~ic data and changes In constation, land ac~isition and related costs and adjustments to ~e ass~ptions, conclusions and findings ~o~h In ~e study adopted ~ Section 1.04. ~e ~se o~ ~is review Is to ensure that the ~ ~-~--' ~ I~act Fees do n~t exceed the reasonably anticipated costs Words ~ are added~ words ..... ~ '~ ...... are deleted. -13- Venerated ~y ~sst~sncy Ksdlcal Services ~ystss ~ ~' ~st~/on, Zn ~e ~ent the revt~ o~ the Ordinance retired '~ ~ ~s Ss~ion alters or changes the ass~t/ons~ conclusions a~ Zl~ln~s oZ ~s ~stsr plans adored ~ reference in Ss~lon 1.04, r~ises ff chan~es ~e C~nty bergen~ Hedical 2yst~ ~ alters or changes the am~nt o~ I~a~ Fees, the study ad~ ~ re~erence In Se~ion 1.04 shall h uended and updated to reZle~ n~ and d~onstrable as~tions, conclusions and Zi~lngs o~ ~ch revievs and Se~ion 1.04 shall be amended to adopt ~ reZarencs such u~ated. studies. B. Si~l~neous vith the ~ revi~ o~ the I~a~ Fee Study r~ired in S~se~ion X o~ this 2e~ion, ~s Board shall r~l~ ~e capital i~r~ents elgents for the ;~ availability a~ ede~a~ of r~s~e s~ces to const~ l~mnts and additions to the C~nty ~ergen~ Hedical SedUces Systu dete~ined in the Impact Fee Study to be retired to acc~ate existin~ develo~ent. I~l~ ~I ~sn~ent t~ X~end~ X e~ Collie~ ~dinancs is. ~I-71~ as uended A~endix A is here~ amended to read as ~P~IX A A~O~ ~OUSINC D~INITIONS, B~T ~~S, ~ LI~TA~ONS ~e follow~ng set fo~ the applicable definitions and benefit standards for Affordable Housing ~ell~ng Units for the pu~ose of dete~ning eligibility for Impa~ F~= waivers and deferale (herein refe~ed to as ~nef~ts~). I. D~INITIONS OF ~O~LE HOUSING INC~ a) Ve~ 1~ inc~e families means those families whose inches do not exceed fi[tv percent ~50%1 of the median ~nc~e for ~e area as dete~ned ~ the Se~eta~ of the U.S. Depa~men~ of H~s~ng and Urban Develo~ent {area median ~nc~e). b} ~ lnc~e families means those families whose are more ~han fifty percent ~50%1 and do not e~ceed ~ 160%1 of the area median ~ncome as dete~ined ~ the Secreta~ of the U.S. DeDa~ment o[ ~sin~ and Urban Develo~en~ {area media~ c) M~erate inc~e families means those families whose inches are more than sixty percent ~60%1 and do not exceed eichtv percent [S0%l of the area median ~ncome 8s detemined the Secreta~ of the U.S. DeDa~me~t of ~ousin~ and Urban, Development farea median income~. ,oo 065,, 9Z Ho~ds ~ are addedJ voids =~;;~ ~;;~ are dele~ed, -Z4- ' .~.~ For a Dwelling Unit to be determined to be affordable, the monthly rent or monthly mortgage payment, including property taxes and insurance shall not be in excess of ~hir~v percent 130%~ of the families household income. In no instance viii Fentat limits exceed the rental limits established bY the Florida Housinc Finance Acenov for rents adjusted to bedroom size in Dro~ects assisted under the SAIL Loan Prostem or the Low Income Housinc Tax Credit Pr_o~ram based on unit size. II BENEFIT 2TANDARnS a) Affordable Housing owner-occupied Dwelling Units which exclusively serve very low income families and which are the cvner's homestead shall have one hundred percent [100%~ of the applicable Impac~c Fee waived pursuant to the terms of the Impac~c Fee Ordinance. b) Affordable Housing rental Dwelling Units which exclusively serve very low income families shall have~ RJlgallJ;_~100%l of the applicable Impact Fee deferred pursuant to the terms of the Impact Fee Ordinance. c) Affordable Housing owner-occupied Dwelling Units which exclusively serve low-income families and which are the owner's homestead shall have fifty neroant f50%1 of the applicable Impact Fees waived and have fifty neroant f50%1 of the applicable Impact Fee deferred pursuant to the tams of the Impact Fee Ordinance. d) Affordable Housing . rental Dwelling Units which exclusively serve low income families shall pay 150%1 of the applicable Impact Fee, and shall have 150%1 of the applicable Impact Fee deferred, pursuant to the terms of the Impact Fee Ordinance. e) Affordable Housing owner-occupied Dwelling Units which exclusively serve moderate income families and which are the owner's homestead shall be required to pay seventy-five percent 175%1 of the applicable Impact Fee, and shall have ~ norcent ~25%1 of the applicable Impact Fee deferred pursuant to the terms of the Impact Fee Ordinance. . f) Emergency Medical Services System Impact Construction which meets the criteria set forth in Subsections b and c of Section 3.05 constructed by an Agency of Collier County or by an Independent Governmental Agency pursuant to an interlocal agreement with Collier County and ~'hJ~h construction is one hundred percent {100%1 government funded shall have ~ percent [100%1 of the Impact Fees for that construction waived, pursuant to the terms of the Impact Fee Ordinance. NOTE: An Amendment to the Appendix shall require a public hearing of the Board of County Commissioners occurring after p.m. SBCTXOIIFMI Conflict and leverabilit~ The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purposes in the interest of public health, safety, welfare and convenience. If any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct . ,o. 065,, , 9"3 Words la/MilllJa~are added~ words ........ ~ ..... ~ are deleted. · ;;i!'q and independent provision, and such holding shall not a£rsc~ the ~, validity of the remaining portions thereof. IICTIOI fill If£sotiva Date This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt o~ notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed vith the Secretary o£ State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this '//~ day of _/,/'~/' , 1994. '..~7, % A-~-~r. STz ' ~ h~a~hl~y J. Corrs~an~ine ,~ , n legal '~fficiancy$ · ' H&Idt F. 'Ash~on T~s Assistant County Attorney Sac, d e°s Offk~ z,.' Words ~ are addadS words ..... '" ...... are deleted. , 'STATE 0F FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER l, DWIGHT g. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is m true col;./ors Ordinance No, 94-7 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 16th day of February, 1994, during Special Session, WITNESS m~ hand and the official seal of the Board County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, th~s 24th day of Februa%/V, 1994. DWIGHT E. BROCK f,l,] Clerk of Cou.'ts and Clerk~ v-x-officio tc ~osrd of *' ' ~3 I County Commissioners .*' !. Deputy Clerk