Ordinance 95-71. I ORDINANCE NO. 95- 71 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 95-50~ TO CORRECT SCRIVENER'S ERRORS TO THE LEGAL;'; '- DESCRIPTIONS TO LAND AREAS BEING REZONED BY~ ~. r-- SAID ORDINANCE NUMBER 95-50 AN ACTION ADrUSTINC~ TIrE BOUNDARY OF THE PELICAN MARSH COMIVIUNI~ PUD BY EXEMPTING CERTAIN LAND THEREFROM AN~ r_-- ADDING CERTAIN LAND THERETO; AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 95-50, an ordinance amending the boundaries of the Pelican Marsh Community PUD district on September 16, 1995, and WHEREAS, following ~aid action adopting Ordinance No. 95-50, staff was advised that certain typographical errors were made in transposing the metes and bounds description of the properties included in this rezoning action and their correction constitutes a scfivener's error. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida that: SECTION ONE: SCRIVENER' S ERROR AMENDMENT TO CORRECT ERRORS IN LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN SECTION ONE OF ORDINANCE NO. 95- 50, TIrE PELICAN MARSH COMMUNTTY PUD Section One of Ordinance No. 95-50, the Pelican Marsh Community PUD, i, hereby amended to read as follows: The Zor~ng Classification of the herfin descn'bed real property located in Section 27,, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "PUT)" Planned Unit Development to "A" Runfi Agricultural: All that part of Secfion 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida ~ being more particularly dcscnlxxl as follows; Commencing at the west one quarter corner Section 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 East; thcnce nJong the west line orsaid Section 27 North 00~39'12" West 1127,69 rcet; thence leaving said scction ilne North 89~20"'_' 45" East 55.00 feel to the Point of Beglnning ofthe area thereon dcscn'bcd; thence North 89°20'_' 45" East 366.45 feet; thcncc South 00°39'_' 15" East 34.09 rcct; thence so~athcaslcdy 47.35 rcct along the arc ofa non-tangcntia] circular curve concave ~athwcslcdy having a radius or To. oo rcct through a c~m'a] angle of 28°45"_' 23" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 64°i9'_' 09" East 46.45 rcct to a point orcompound curvaturc; thcnce southerly 259.53 fcc~ ,long the arc ofa drcular curve concavc westerly having a radius of 197.21 fcct through a central ang]c or75o24-_' 06- and being subtended by a chord which bears South 07~ 14'23" Ea.sl 241.20 fcct to a point orreverse curvature', Words undcrllncd arc sddi~onr, words ~l.~.k :~:,,,,~;.k. ~ dclctions. · w~ol:ldrco'n, ec~ -1- thence southerly 151.40 feel along the arc of a circular curve concave easlerty having a ratrn~s of 130.00 feet through a central angle of 66°43'37" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 02°54'07" East 142.99 feet to a po~ ofreverse curvature, thence southoily 120.22 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave westerly having a ratrras ofT0.00 feet through a central angle of 98°24'12" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 12°56'10" West 105.95 feel; tl-dmce So~sth 62°08'16" West 75.07 feet; lhcncc soulherb' 48.75 feet along the arc of a circular cttrve concave easleHy having a rattins of 30.00 feet through a central angle of 93°06'13" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 15°35'10" West 43.56 feet; thence -de,=s South 30"5758" East 34.79 feet; t~ ~, 19.94 feet alons the arc ora drcular curve concav~ westerly having · tad'ms of SO.00 fee~ through a central angle or 14°!6'43" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 23°4937. East 19.89 feet; thence along a non-tangential rme Sou~h 84°13'14' East 155.41 feet; thence South 80°55'24" East 183.78 feet; thence South 81°52'51" East 180.90 feet; thence South 00~00'00' EasZ 261.28 feet; thence North 9(Y'00'00" Wes~ 394.57 reel; thence North 0(Y'00'00' East 271.73 feet; thence North S4° 13'14' West 120.32 feet; thence South 33°05'40" West 54.13 reel; thence South 76°56'5 I" West 89.04 reel; thence North 58~35'21" Wes~ 65.19 feet; thence North 15°3 i'55" West 74.80 feet; thence North 0<Y'41'41' Wes~ 115.24 feet; thence North 28~22'47' East 171.51 fec~; thence North 17°1 i'45" West 106.79 feet; thence North ~0 1:l°02'52' East 28.51 feet; thence North 73°36'14" West 54.78 feet; thence South 49"16'08" West 112.7S feet; thence South 89~47'0S" Wcsz 53.0S feet; thence North 58°00'49. Wes~ 50.49 feet; thence North 0q'39'12" WesI 303.49 feet to the Point of Begint~g of the area hereln desert'heal; Containing 7.8 acres more or less; Subject to easements asxl reslHctlons ofrecord; Beatings arc based on the west I~ or Section 27, Towttshlp 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida being North 00°39'12" West; All that past orSectlon 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, HoHda being more particularly desert'bed a,s follows: Commencing at the west 1/4 corner orsaid Sectlon 27; thence along said west line North 00°39'12" West 827.69 feet; thence leaving said h North S9~20'45" East 2469.55 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING or the pared hereln desert'bed; thence continue North 89°20'45· East 787.88 feet; thence South 84°45'32" WesZ 23.43 feet; thence South 74°56'42" West 121.32 feet; thence South 7749'51" Wes~ 45.93 feet; thence westerly 45.51 feet along the arc ora tangential circular curve concave to the north having · rattius of 66.00 feet through a central angle of 3 9~30'16'' and beLn8 subtended by a chord which bears North 8(Y'25'01" West 44.61 feet to a point ofreverse curvature;, Words underlined ~ additionr, words ~nsei~ at~ dcletiont .W41~CK3GTkIC~ 141'~,JIMI~Fu'D .. I Imlm the~,e nortl'twester~ 52.92 feet al~g t~ ~c of a t~gential c~rcul~ ctu've concavc to the south having · radius of 150,00 feet through · central angle of2CY' i 2'5? and being subtended by · chord which bears North 7CY'46'21" West 52.65 feet; thence North g0"52'50" West 36.59 feet; thence westerly 46.17 feet along the arc of a tangential circular curve concave to the south having a r·d'ms of g0.00 feet through a central angle of 33"04'13" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 82'35'04' West 45.54 feet to a point of reverse curvature, the. rice we·icily 38.16 feet along the arc of· tangential ch'cular curve concave to the north having · ra~us of 60.00 feet through a central angle of36°26'I g" and being subtended by a chord which bears South g4°16'C)6" West 37.52 feet to a point of reverse ctmcaa~e, thence westeHy 68.84 feet along the arc of· tangential circular curve concave to the south having · racrsus of 305.00 feet through a central angle of 12055'58" and being subtended by a chord which bean North g3°58'44" West 68.70 feet; thence South 89"33'17 West 18.36 feet; thence Soulh 89"39'11" West 71.63 feet; thence North 89"35'03" Wes~ 36.03 feet; thence South $6°C)633" West 42.94 feet; thence South 83°44.08" West 26.23 feet; thence South 51 °0 1 '05" West 27,49 feet; thence South 33°25'42" West 19.95 feet; thence South 15e39'57 West 20.54 feet; Ihence South 1C~543 1" West 34.64 feet; thence South 89'20.06' West 101.06 feet; thence North 10a45'58" East I01.42 feet to the Point of Beginnlng ofthe parcel herein described; Subject to easements and r~fictknu of record. Containing 0.48 acres more or less. Bearings are based on the west line of said Section 27 as belngNorth 00°39'12" West; All that part of Sectlon 27, Township 48 South, l:t~nge 25 East, Collier County, Florida being more particularly described as foBours: Commencing ·t the west 1/4 comer orsaid Section 27; thence along sa~d ,,vest Free North 00"39'12° West 827.69 feet; th<mcc leaving said line North 89"20'45" East 3401.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel herein described; thence continue North 89"20'45" East 443.43 feet; thence South 05~34'48" East 147.72 feet; thence South 89"20'45" West 51.56 feet; thcnce North 23°56'01" West 13.07 feet; thence northerly 30.72 feet along the arc of· tangential circular curve concave to the east having · radius of g0.00 feet through · central angle of 21°59'53" and being subtended by a chord which bea/s North 12e56'04" West 30.53 feet; thence North 05°01'01" West 31.56 feet; thence North 36019'27" West 32.02 feet; thence North 56°04'43" West 35.11 feet; thence North 80"399.3" West 32.53 feet; thence North 88"39'20" West 97.78 feet; thence North 86°04°4g· West 45.79 feet; thence North 89"49'56" West 132.77 feet; thence North 69°40'1g" West 37.23 feet to the Point of Beglnning of the parcel herein descn'bed; Subject to easements and restrictions of record. Containing 0.38 acres more or less. Be·sings are based on the west line of said Section 27 as being North CK)"39'12" West. Wor~ underlined ar~ addi~ionr, words smNi41eeugh ate dclctlotts. - ,,-05 ~ ,.a -3- SECTION TWO: SCRIVENER'S ERROR AMENDMENT TO CORRECT ERRORS IN LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN SECTION SIX OF ORDINANCE NO. 95- 50, THE PELICAN MARSH COMMUNITY PUD Section Six of Ordinance No. 95-50, the Pelican Marsh Corrtmunhy PUD, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1.2, the Legal Desc~ptlon of Ordinance 95-4, the Pelican Marsh Community PUD, is hereby amended to re~d as follows: PELICAN MARSH, being approxlmateby 2076 acres, is iega~ descn'bed as follows: BEGINNING at the gxahwe~ comer of Section 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, thence gong the west line of'said Section 27 and the asterly right-of-way line Of U.S. 41 North 00"38'20" West 2623.40 feet to the west I/4 comer of said Section 27; thence continue gong the west lane ofnid Section 27 and said right-of-way North 0(P39 '12" Weg 827,69 feet; thence leaving nld line North 89~20'45" Etst 3844.57 feet to the westerly right-of-way rme of proposed Goodlette-Frank RoM as recorded in Plat Book 1:3, page 58, Public Records of thence gong ~d westerly right-of-ray llne in the following four (4) degn'~ed cagses; 1) Scn.nh 05°34'48· East 3545.96 feet to the south line orsaid Section 27; 2) South 05"33'10" East 2542.17 feet; 3) southerly 620.87 feet gong the arc ofa circu~ an're concave westerly having a rad'n~s of 2799.93 feet through a ~ angle of 12~42'I g" and being subtended by s chord which bears South 0(P47'59" West 619.60 feet; 4) South 07°09'0g" West 1675.54 feet to the boundmy llne of the plat of Free Ridge Second Extension as recorded in Plat Book I0, page 86 ofthe Public Records of Ihence gong the ~ orsaid l:rme Ridge Second Extension in the following eight (g) I) Soulh 89"50'58" We~t S&21 feet; 2) North 31~34'00" West 120. 19 feet; 3) North 05~37'10" West 956.47 feet; 4) South 74°46'39* We~t 379.98 feet; 5) Soulh 12"04'43" F..ast 23.53 feet; 63 South 87"09'43" West 272.40 feet; 7) northwesterly 1854.46 feet gong the arc ofa non-tangentig circular curve eoncr/e sc,.rthwe. aerly having a radius of 1540.26 feet through a central angle of 54°46'40" ar~ being subtended by a chord which bem's North 48°50'02" West 1757.26 feet; 8) North 81~13'22· West 737.85 feet; thence leaving hid plat boundary North 00"03'39" West 707.85 feet; thence South 89"33'32" East 336.81 feet; thence North 00"26'2g" East 180.54 feet; thence northerly 37.60 feet gong the arc ofa ciro. dar awve concave eastexty having a radius of 130.00 feet through a central angle of 1 6~34'19" and being subtended by a chord which bem's Norlh 08"43'37" East 37.47 feet; thence North 17'°00'47"East 181.41 feet; thence norlhw~edy 654.92 feet gong the arc of a circular an're concave southwesterly having ~ radius of 395.00 feet through ,. centraJ angle of94~59'52" and being subtended by a c&~d which bears North 30°29'09" We~t 582.44 feet Words underttne~ ar~ s&li~on~, words ~ m deletions. |4lB-II4,1XqqJO thc~c ~of~h T/~5~70~' Wc~ Ida.30 fcct~ a ~s ~.~ f~ t~ a ~ ~e of2~5~57 ~ ~ng m~ ~ a ~rd ~ ~ N~h 6~5~' W~ 414.10 f~ t~ No~ 4~5~08' W~ I~.03 ~ ~ 615.18 f~ M~g ~ ~c ofa ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~g a ~ of826.~ f~ t~ a ~ ~e of42°4~' ~ Mng mbt~d~ ~ a c~rd ~ ~ Noah 6~1~10' W~ ~I.07 f~; ~ ~th 8~2q48' W~ 2~.55 f~ to t~ w~ line of~d S~ion 34, ~ t~ ~ fi~t- of-~ ~ of U.S. 41; ~ ~ng ~d fi~ N~h ~0' W~ ~5.~ f~ to ~ Po~ of B~ng T~~ ~ ~ FOL~G D~~ P~: ~ ~t ~ of S~ 27, T~p 48 ~ ~ge 25 ~ ~ ~, ~ofi~ ~g Ne p~i~l~ d~ ~ foH~: Coming at t~ ~ 1/4 ~ of~d S~ 27; t~ Mong ~d ~ fi~ N~h ~3~12" W~ 827.69 f~; t~ ~ng ~d b N~h g~45" ~ 577.78 f~ to t~ PO~ OF BEG~G of t~ p~ ~n d~; I~ N~h 574~59" ~ 46.~ f~; t'~ No,h 68~35~I' ~ 110. g8 f~; t~ N~h ~3~12' W~ 187.52 f~; t~ N~h ~43'40' ~ 573.08 f~; t~ S~h 72~5~03' ~ 785.48 f~; t~ ~h ~15' ~ 27.71 f~ ~ No~ 8~45' ~ 503.78 f~ ~ S~h ~15' ~ 1~.~ f~; t~ S~th 8~45" W~ 1957.22 f~ to t~ Point ofB~ng oft~ p~l h~dn d~; Su~ to ~ ~ ~a~ ofr~d. Co~g 9.5 ~ ~re or i~ B~n~ ue ~ on t~ w~ ~ of~d 8~i~ 27 ~ ~g No,h ~12' W~; ~ L~S ~ FO~G ~ (3) DES~ P~: ~ t~ pm of S~on 27, To~p 48 S~k ~ge 25 ~ CoHi~ ~, ~ofih ~ ~g ~re ~i~l~ d~ u foH~: Co~ng ~ t~ ~ o~ ~ ~ S~ion 27, T~Np 48 S~ ~ge 25 ~; th~ Mong ~ w~ ~ of~d S~ion 27 No,h ~3912" W~ 827.69 f~; ~ I~g ~d ~ion ~ Noah 8~2~45' ~ 55.~ f~ to t~ Point of B~ng of t~ u~ t~n d~; t~ Noah 8~2ff45' ~ 3~.45 f~; t~ S~h ~i5" ~ 34.~ f~; t~ ~~y 47.35 f~ ~ong ~e uc ofa ~t~g~t~ ~I~ ~ ~m ~~ h~g a ~i~ of 70.~ f~ t~ a ~t~ ~e of38~45~" ~ ~g ~bt~ ~ a c~rd ~ch ~ S~th ~I~' E~ 46.45 f~ to a ~t of~m~M ~ ~ 259.~ f~ ~ong ~ ~ oft ~ ~'e ~ ~ ~g a ~ius of 197.21 f~ t~ a ~t~ ~e of75~24'~" ~d ~ng ~bt~ ~ a c~rd ~ ~ ~th 0~ 14~3" ~ 241.20 f~ to a ~t ofr~ ~r~ ~ ~ 151 .~ f~ ~on8 ~ u~ ofa ~ ~ ~e ~ ~g a ~us of 130.~ f~ ~ a ~ ~e of~43~7' ~ Mng ~bt~ ~ a c~rd ~ch ~ S~th ~e54~7" ~ 142.~ f~ to a ~t of r~ ~r~ Wo~ uMerlln~ a~ ~itio~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~io~ thence southerly 120.22 feel along the ate of a clrculat ctn've concave westerly ha~ng a rad'aa of 70.00 feet through a ce~t~ angle of 98~4'12' and being subtended by a chord which bears Sotah 12'56'i0' West 105.98 feet; the~z South 62°08'16. West 75.07 feet; thence Kxahedy 48.75 feet along the arc oft clr~ular cm've concave easterly having a tad'ha of 30.00 feet through · centra/angle of 93°06'13" and berg ~ubtended by a chord which bears South 15'35'I0' Wesa 43.56 feet; thenc~ nloeg South 3~5758' East 34.79 feet; thence sotahedy 19.94 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave westeHy having a rad'na of 80.00 feet through a central angle of 14° 16'43' and being subtended by a chord which bean South 23°49'37'' East 19.89 feet; thence along · non-tangential line South 84°IYl4" East 158.41 feet; thence South 8~55'24' EasZ 183.78 feet; thence Sottlh 81°52'51" East 180.90 feet; thence South 0(Y'0O'00' East 261.28 feet; thence North 90~00'00. Weal 394.57 feet; thence North 0(Y'00'00' East 271.7'3 thence North g4°i YI4' West 120.32 feet; thence So~h 33°05'40. West 54.13 feet; thence South 76°56'5 i" West 89.04 t'eel; thence North 58°35'21" West 65.19 feet; thence No~lh 15°3 I'55" West 74.80 Feet; t!-,e~ce North 00°41'41'' West i 15.24 feet; a~nce North 25~2'47" East 171.51 fee~; thence North 17'I I'45" West 106.79 feet; thence North 13°02'52" East 28.51 feet; thence North 73°36. 1 4' West 54.78 feet; thence South 49~16'08' West 112.78 feet; thence South 89~47'08' West 53.08 feet; therr,.e North 58000'49. West 50.49 feel; thence North 00~39'12'' Wesz 303.49 feet to the Point of Beglnnlng of the area herein desert'bed; Contajnlng 7.8 acres more of lest, Subject to easements and restrictions ofrecord; Bearings are based on the west line of Sectlon 27, Town~p 45 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida being North 0(Y'39'12" We~t; All that part of Sectlon 27, To',vnshlp 48 South, R~ge 25 East, Collier County, Florida being more pax'tlculady desert'bed ts follows: Co~g at the west 1/4 comer of'said Section 27; thence along said wes~ line North 00~39'12'' West 827.69 feet; thence leaving said line North 8~21Y45" East 2469.55 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel heron desert'bed; thence continue North 89~2q45" East 787.88 feet; thence South 84°45'32. West 23.43 feet; thence Sottth 74°56'42" Wesi 121.22 feet; thence South 79~49'51" Wesz 45.92 feet; thence westerly 45.51 feet along the arc of a tangential ch'culat curve concave to the north having · radius of 66.00 feet through a central angle of39~30'16" and being subtended by a chord which bean North 81Y'25'01' We~st 44.61 feet to · point of reverse cravaturn, therr~ northweslerly 52.92 feet along the arc oft tangential ch'cular curve concave to the south having · radius of 150.00 feet through a central angle of20~12'57' and being subtended by · c~,ord which bears North 70~46'21" West 52.65 feet; thence North 8(Y'52'50" West 36.59 feet; Words underlined at~ atlditionr, words smsdt-thn,~h at~ thence we~tedy 46.17 feet aJong the &rc of · tangent~ c~cuhr ~ ~ to t~ ~h ~g a ~ of SO.~ f~ ~ a ~ ~e of33~'13" ~ ~ng ~b~ ~ a ~d ~ ~ ~h g2~S~" W~ ~ ~ 38.16 f~ ~g ~ ~c ors ~d ~ ~ ~h M'I6~' W~ 37.52 f~ to a ~ ofr~ m~r~ ~ w~ 68.M f~ ~ong t~ ~c ofa mg~tiM ~g a ~ of305.~ f~ t~ a c~d ~ ~ No~ 83=5~' W~ 68.70 t~ S~ 8~3'Ir W~ 18.36 f~ ~ ~h 8~3~11' W~ 71.63 t~ N~h 8~35~3" W~ 36.03 t~ ~h g6=~3· W~ 42.~ t~ ~ g3*~" W~ 26.23 t~ ~h 51=01~5" W~ 27.49 t~ ~h 33~5M2' W~ 19.95 t~ S~h 15'3~5~ W~ 20.54 t~ S~th I~54~ 1' W~ 34.M t~ S~h 8~" W~ 101 .~ f~; t~ Nonh 1~45'58" ~ 101.42 f~ to ~ P~m ofB~ig oft~ pu~ ~n d~; Subj~ to $ ~ r~i~ or~d. C~fing 0.48 ~ rare ~ B~np uc b~ on t~ ~ ~m of~d ~ tM pm of S~i~ 27, To~p 48 S~ ~ge 25 rare pmi~l~ d~ u foll~: ~ng ~ ~ ~ IM ~ or~d S~ion 27; t~ ~ong ~d ~ h N~ ~3~1~" t~ I~g ~d ~ Nodh 8~45" ~ 3401.12 f~ to t~ PO~ OF BEG~G of t~ S~h 05=34'48" ~ 147.72 t~ S~th 8~2&45' W~ 51.56 t~ N~h 23~56~1" W~ 13.07 f~ t~ ~fl~ 30.72 f~ ~g ~ e ~g a ~i~ of 80.~ f~ t~ a c~rd w~ch ~ No~h 12'56~' W~ 30.$3 t~ North 05~01~I" W~ 31.56 f~; ~ No~h 56=~'43" W~ 35. 11 t~ N~h 8&3~" W~ 32.53 f~; ~ No~h 86=~'48" W~ 45.79 ~; ~ No~ 8~4~56" W~ 132.~ f~ ~ No~ 6~4~18" W~ 37.~ f~ to d~; Subj~ to $n ~ ~ ~g 0.3~ m $ or ~ ~g 578.22 m ~ ~ I{ AND TOGETHER. WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL; BEGINNING at the northwes~ corner ofsakl Section thence along the north Tree of sakl Section 35 North 89,45'35" East 523 1.69 fe~ to the west ~-of-w-,y rme of~:~-pu~g ~ (C.~ 3 ~);, thence along sa~d v.,~etly Hghb-of-way line So~lh 00"3I'47" East 5258,31 feel Io the south Erie of~akl Section 35; thence ak}ng said south rm~ South 89,39'22" West 2541.65 fe~t to th~ south 1/4 corner of said Section 35; thcn~ cofftrt~ along said south rme South 89"39'32" West 2641.33 fee~ to the southw~ corr~ orsaid Section 35; Ihence along the south rn~ ofsdd Section 34 South 89,51~2" West 391.57 feet to th~ b<xmdaq rme of ·parcd dcscra~d h O.R. Book 524, page 121 of the Public Records of Collie~ County, Florida; thence along the boundap/ofsaid parcel North 01 °03'33" West 295.29 feet; thence contL'~ue along th~ bounda~ of sajd parcd South 39"51'02" West 443.28 feet to th~ easterly fight-of-way h of pwposed Goodl~-Frank Road as recorded in Plat Book page 58 of the Public Records of Collle~ CountT, Florida; thence along sadd casln'bt fight-of-way I'tr~ North 0~09'08" East 1729.52 feet; thenc~ confint~ along sajd easte~bt fight-of-way h northerly 649.69 feel along th~ arc of a drcuht curw conczv~ w~enty having · rzd'sus of 2929.92 feet through a central angle of 12~42'18· and being sub{ended b~ · chord which bean North 00"4T59, East 648.37 fc~ thenc~ conth~ along sajd right-of-way lir~ North 05~J3'i0" West 2628.44 feet to a poLnt on the north h of sald Section 34; thenc~ leaving sam righ~-of-w-q rm~ and along the north !in~ ofsajd Section 34 Sot~h 39,31'31" East 772.91 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing 708.39 acres more of Ics$, subject to easements and restrictions of record; AND TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL BEGINNING at th~ northeast con~ of said Section 36; thence along th~ easl lia~ orsaid Secfiort, South 02~12'03" FAst 2671.63 feet to the east I/4 corner orsaid Section 36; thenc~ continue along th~ east of said Section 36 South 02°06'28· East 2519.08 feet to a po~ on th~ northcrbe right-of-way h of Vanded~ih Beach Road; thence along ~dd northerly Hght-of-w'q 6n~ North 89~J9'39, Weft 2855.35 feet;, thenc~ continue along said lin~ North 39'43'59" Wenl 2544.87 fcct to a point on th~ fight-of-way h of Ah'pofi-Pulling Road (C.K 3 I)', thmc~ along said easlen'b/right-of-way iin~ North ~ 1'47" West 4490.02 feet to the southwest corner of the easI 15 feet ofthe west 115 feet ofthe south 80 feet ofthe north 619.49 feet of said Section 36; thenc~ along th~ south ~ of sald land North 39,2757" Ea~ 15.00 feet; thence along th~ east rm~ of nid land North 00~ 1'47" West 80.00 feet; thcnc~ along the north h orsaid land South 89~2757" W~st 15.00 feet to tl~ ezst fight-of- way h of Ahport Road (C.R. 3 lhenc~ along said righi-of-way North 00~ r47~ wesl 539.49 feet to the north line of sajd Section thence along sajd north Hne North 89"2757" East 3914.28 fe~ to th~ southwesl corn~ ofth~ easl 1/2 ofth~ easl !/2 ofsa~d Section 25; the~c~ along th~ w~st h of th~ east 1/2 of the east 1/2 ofs~d Section 25 North 01~54'09" West 2668.19 feet; thence continue along tlz west ~ oftl~ east 1/2 of th~ easl I/2 of said Section 25 North 0P5716" West 2567.045 fe~t to · point on ths southed~ right-of-way iirs~ of Immokale~ Road (C.R. S4~; thenc~ along szjd riSht-of-way North 39'14'36" East 1325.57 feet to the east lin~ of said Section then~ ~ said ~ast ilne of .%ctlon 25 South 0'2"06'59' East 2569.~5 f~ to t~ ~ 1/4 ~ of S~ ~ ~e ~g ~d ~ B~ of S~ion 25 S~h ~°~46" ~ 2670.~ f~ to ~ P~ of B~n~ ~g 799.67 ~ ~ ~ ~ m~ ~ ~ 2~6.28 ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ to ~ ~ ~ ofr~d; often 35, ~g No~ 8~45~5' ~ SE~ON ~E: E~FECt't~ DA~ ~s Ordi~ shall ~me eff~e u~n filing ~lh ~he D~mm~t of State. PASS~ ~ D~Y ~D ~ the Boud of C~nW Co~sslon~ of CoHi~ . .A~T: BO~ OF CO~ CO~SSIO~ MAIU~ M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Th!s ordlnc~r~.,~ fired wlth the ~.~ ar~J crkn:.w: ,'c~,~nt Of ' I~ C~ STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of~ ORDINANCE NO. 95-71 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 28th day of November, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 30th day of Ngven~r, 1995. - . *, DWIGHT E. BROCK ' .,,. ............ Clerk of Courts and ~I~rk.~- "",,. Ex-officio to Board/of ...' .... ' "' County Commissfone~s: ..' .. :'.: Deputy CI~rk'-. ,. -. ;: , ,,,,,, ;...:....,,. , ....? .