Ordinance 95-64 ORDINA~C~ NO. 95- 64 -, AN ORDINANCE A~ENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-1021 THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICP~ FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLA~'~ HAP NUMBER S521S~ BY CHANGING ~{E ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "A" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT K OWN AS, NORTHSHORE LAKE VILLAS PUD FOR A ~AXIMUM OF 55 DWELLING UNITS FOR A (C.R. 90~), NORTH O~ ~I~IOItu~LEE RO~D (CoR. 846) ~N SECT[ON 2~, TOWNSIIZP 48 SOUT!!, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 18.3~ ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE PATE. WHEREAS, Blair A. Foley, of Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc., representing Gulfshore Lake Villas, Inc., petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Section 21, Township 48 South, Range East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "A" to "PUD" Planned Unit Duvelopment in accordance with the Northshore Lake VIllas PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number S521S, as described in Ordinance Number ~1-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. -1- I I I I II IIII II II I II IIII I I I I I IIII I I IIIII III II ee PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Doard of County Commissioners Collier County, Florida, this /~/ day of I)//~:, 1995o / EOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 17FLORIDA ·; 'ATTEST'.'. / ;"" ' ' ":"" "ETTYE : . /',. / · , CHAIRMAN : ;- DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK ".. <AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY ,,,, ...... ., ,, f./....,.. I,tAl~JORIg~ M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORHEY PUD-95-80RDIHANCE/15212 Secr,~.ry of S,ate's Office °f~'~_~/~,,~,'~,° -2- ee NORTHSHORELAi(EVI~ PLAHNED UNIT DEYELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND CONCEFrUAL MASTER PLAN GOVERNING DEVELOPMENT OF NORTHSHORE LAKE VILLAS, A Pt/J~NED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PREPARED FOR: NORTHSHORE LAKE VILLAS, INC~ 2~83 TRADE CENTER WAY NAPLES, R,, 33942 PREPARED BY: COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 3106 8. HORSESHOE DRrV~ ~, FL 33~42 CEC RLE NO. 95.145 June 26.1995 RevlMd Augtit 16, 1995 Revbed October f 1, fgg6 Revised October 12, 1995 Rev~eed October 18, 1995 ORDINANCE NUMBER: 95-64 TABLE OF CONTENT8 Pane STATEMENT OF COMPLfANCE ................................... 1 $EGT1ON I PROPERTY OWNF, RSHIP & DESCRIPTION .............. 2 SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT .......................... 3 SECTION III RESIDENTIAL TRACTS ............................. 5 SECTION IV OPEN SPAC~ TRACTS G - N ........................ 8 SECTION V CONSERVATION/PRESERVE, TRACT J ................. 9 SECTION VI DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS .................... 10 EX:HIBff8 'A' PUD MA~rF~ PLAN gem I STATEMENT OF COMPUANCE TIm developtnent 04 app~o'xfmatefy 18.3 acres of property In CoOler Co~0 as a Rarvled Unit Development known as No~lhshote Lake Vglas, Is In compliance with the gc~efs, ob~ec~ves and p~k:les d CoGlet County as set forth In the Growth Management F'lan. The resideffilal, recreatk:tmi, and other development authorized herein wll be cos~eflt with the growth ;::x~cles, land develop~Ttent regulallorm and sppilcabie comprehensive pierruing oblectlves c~ each d the demerits d the Growlh Management Ran In effect st the time of approval by the Collier County Board of County Comm|ssloflers for the foGowing reasons: I. The sut~eot property is withkt the Urban Residential land use desfgnaflon u Identified on the Future Land Use Map as required In Objective 1, Po~cy 5.1 end PalIcy 5.3 d the Future Land Use ~ement. 2. The subject prope r~y'a location In relation to axisling ot proposed commurdty factTries and sent~ces permits the deveiopment's resIdential density as required In Objective 2 of the Future Land Use E]emenL 3.The project deve(opment Is compelIbis and co~'nplementary Io exiting and ftlfure lurrcr,#x~ng lend uses as required In Po~cy 6.4 of the Future Land Use Element, 4. Future Improvements Ire planned to be In co~p~la, nce with a~ current Ind apO/Ical:de land development regt/atlonl as M forth In the Growth Management Ran and amendments thereto. 5. The profact developmed rilLdiS In an efficient End economical exPertsloft o~ commur~ty faclltlel and Services as required h Po~cles 3.1.H and L of ~e Future Land Use Element. 6. The pro~ect development incorpo~tes a natural system for waist menagetnetlt h accordance w~h their natural funotlons and capabiitles as required by ObJeotJve 1.5 of the Dra~'mge Sub-E)ement of the PubOc Faclfit~es Element. 7. The maximum density is 3.0 dwelling units per acre and is in compganc, e with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Ran. 6. The ;oject includes e~tensive open space in me fo~n of a native vegetation preserve to prov'~de a high quality of fife fo~ its residents. SHORT TTTLE This Ordlrmnce shall be known and cited as ~e Northshore Lake Vlllal Rarmed Unit Deve{opment Ordinance. SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION .. 1.f pIJRPOSE The purpose of thZ$ Section IS to set forth the Ioca[lon and ownership of the property, and to describe the exlsdng conditions of the property being deve{oped under the proJed name of Northshore Lake Vila.s. 1.2 !~BOPERTY O~NERSHTP The subject property is currerffiy under the ownership of Thomas R. Brown, Trustee. 2660 Airport Road Sot~h. Naples, FL 33~42. 1.,1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land rfing In SadIon 21, Township 48 South, Range 25 East; Coillet County, Florida, being ITlOfO particularly delcflbed U fdfovrt: The NW 1/4 of SW !/4, lesl 800 ft + 621 ft TR In SW corner + South 1/2 of Soulh 1/2 of NW I/4 of $W I/4 R/~/In O.FL 106, Page 131, lese O.FL 12410 Page 727, O.R. 1235, Page 1095, O. FL 1292, Page 933. 1.4 GENERAL DESCRrPTION OF PROPERTY AREA The proJe~ ~e contains 18.3 acres and I~ located In lands lying within 8action 21, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Calllet CounW, Florida. The property bounded on ehe north by Vanderbilt Vllla$; on Ihe east by Nap/as Park E]efTwntaty, and on the south by the Hal~es Mer~ Gardens. 1.5 PROJECT DESCRIFq'ION Northshore Lake Vllas is · proposed residential ~. The prolect wll consists of 54 via tanits, single faml~ estate, recreational pool area and house. The project entrance Is on Vanderbllt Drive and the intema/road r/stem I~ · dual dead end cul-de-Mc. The maximum number of dwdllng units fc~ 1he proled we be 55 ur~ mulen0 h a gross density of 3 units per acre. SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 2.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section Is to delineate and generaJly describe Ihe project of devdoprnent, relationships to applicable County ordinances and the reap·oily/ land uses d Ihe tracts Included In the project. 2..2 GENERAL A. Regulations for development of North·hot· shaft be In accordance with fl'NI contents of this document, PUD-Ranned Unit Development Dlstdct end olher applicable sections and pads of th/Collier County LInd Development Code and Collier County Grov4h Managem/~ ~ - Conservation and Coastal Management Elemenl In/fflct It the tim/of local I1naJ development o~der or building permit app41cation. Where thel/ PUO regulations fal to provide developmental Kanderds, then the provisions of the most similar dlstrlct In Ihe Coillet County Land Oevelopment Code sha/I apl:4y, B. Unlose ofherwl~e nOlKI, Ihe definition· of deflnllloP4 M fodh In Collier Courtly Land Developre·hi Code h effecf · e lime of local tlnaJ devdopment ~def C. The development permit1·· by the approval of this I:~ltio~ will be lubJect Io review under the appilcable provLdona In effect petmils are requested, 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PUD MASTER PLAN The PUD Master Plan Including layout of streets and uses of land I'or the various Iract$ Is Iljustrated graphically by Ihe PUD Master Plan, Exhibit 'A'. 2.4 .RELATED PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS No more man the maximum of 55 dwelling units shall be constructed h ~e local The grotl project arla ie 18.3 icrel. The troll proJecf density, therefore, wll be I maximum of 3 unltl per ictl. 2.5 ELATED PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REQJJ1REMENTS Prior to recocding the Subdivision RIT, and/or approval of · Condomlnlum Plat, final I:~,.ns shall receive approval of the er:q:xoprfate · get'~'y' to Inlure cornpiience with the PUD M~er Fla~, the Calllet Co~ Land Dr~opmenf Code and the plaffing ~ of ~e State ot Flodda. 2.8 MODEL HOMES AND SALES FACILITIES Model homes/dry model home centers, sales centers and admlnlstratNe officel shall be perm~ed In conjunction wl~h the promotfon o1' the development aftel' app~ovai' of the fezone or preliminary p~at. 2.7 ~END~ENTS TO PUD DOCUMENT OR PUD MASTER PLAN Amendmelts may be made Io the PUD as provided In the Comet County Lard Developme~ Code. 2.8 ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS FOR COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE The land areas ar, d re~eatlo~ amerdtles whose ownership and maintenance resl:K:H'k~ollty Is a common Interest to ~ subsequent purchasers of prolx~ywlthln laid develope'nent In which me common Interest is located, the developer has provided !he appropriate legal IrtstrumenfJ fo,' the establishment of I Master Prof:)erty Ownlrl Association whose fundIon Includes provisions for the pefpe{ud care and maintenance of those common fadtiles and open elect This document Is known as the 'Master Declaration of Covenants, Cond~lons and Restrfctlo~l for Nodhshore Lake Vlilas, Io be recorded In the Publlc Records o1 Collier County, SECTIOI'J RESIDENTIAL TRACTS: .. B, C, D, E, F 3.1 pURPOSE The purpose o! Ihis Section is to Ident~,,, specltlc development standards tot areas deslgnalecl on the PUD Master Plan as reslcfontial tracts. 3.2 MAXIMUM DWELLJNG UNITS Tracls des.rgnatod for residential uses shaft be developed in accordance with the standards set forlh in the C,c~)er County Land Development Code and the developmini regularlens established In this ordinance preyfried the total number of dwelling u~lts for the entire Norl. h,~hore Lake V~Ilas PUD does not i0cceed 3.;3 USES PERMrI'I'EO The type ot principal use that characterizes the Initial development of any platted I/acl shall be Carried throughout the d0vefopment of that entire tract. NO IxJdltlg ot slructure. or part thereof. shall be erecled. alterecI or used, or lard used, In whc~e or part, lot other than the I~owSng: A. Prlnclp6l Uses: 1. SIngle Family Detached 2. Duplex/Villas/MuXti. Fam~y/Pallo 3. Recreation Commun"" Facilities (See B.2 below) B. Accessory Uses: 1. Customary accessory uses and structures, ir~-'tudlng Carports. garages, patios, poc~$. spas, decks, fences and other accessory uses thai are lyplcally assoclaled wfth litflier pdnctpal the ~ Developmenl Code. 2, Recreational cornmurray racrn~es mat sewe as an I~egral pert a resldenl~ tree1 and have been desigrmfed, revfewed approved on a site deve{oprner~ p/an or Prefirnlnary $utx~vlslon Plal for that deve{opment. Recreatlona/faclltlel may Include, but are not limited to a pod building and swimming pod. 3. Small buildings, enclosures, or other structures constructed For purposes d rnalnfermnce, ~ervfce or sh~fer. 4. Small docks, piers, boerdwa~ or of her such faclitles for purposes d lake ecces& ,.1.4 PERMITTED USE STA,~DA;IOS TYPE T SINGLE-FAMILY TYPE DETACHED MUt. T~-FA,MIt. Y V1LLAS/DIJP1,.EX/PATIO J,~n;vtlt. mLand Alefi Per Owerk.~ Uni{ 4500 SF 2~00 SF 5;le of Lo~ W'Nu'T. h KAn. Avg, /.OFT N/A Fron! Y,ud .~lbidr. Prlndpal 20 FT 20 FT Fronl Yard .Setb~ack. A~cessory' 10 FT 10 FT .~de Yard Setback. Pfinclp.tl '7% FT 0 FT of · mtn. of 6 FT S;de Yard Se~bv.k .Ac~es.sofy 71, FT 0 FT of · m|n. of 6 FT OlltlnCel Debrief1 Pylnclpi/St/uclufel H/A 11' ~f · Irislance heightS. whichever grief el Mif~. Flghl,,efoWsy E.I. elmerd ~ fo~ I~a~,d F~oeds wfth V~lley Ck~et o~ 40 FT N/A Curb sn~l (~flet NOTE: Un/ess otherwise Ind/ca~ed, development f, andards epply Io principal strutlures. Front yard setbacks shall be measured as fallows: If lhe parcel IS served by a pubfic or private right-of-way. setback Is measured from the adjacent right-d-way fine. (2) If Ihe perCel Is served by a nofl-p/a~ed prfvste drfve, setback Is mear,,rred from the back d curb, valley gutter or edge d pavement. (3) If Ihe parcel Is IeNKI by a piefled prfvate drive, setback t$ measured from Ihe roed easement or proper~, fine. 3.5 As required by OMslon 2.3 d lhe Co/~r County Land Development Code In effecl at the trine of buiding permit epp/lcatlon. No recreaglo~d or commercla/vehicle peking Is afrowed wfihin houling tractt Parking wflhln prlnclpa/$tructurel IS peru'dried. 6 r r ; A building which contains orffy one dwef/rng unit and la occupied by no more than one family. B. ~t~,~LO_~: A struclure In which one wail Is concurrent with side prop·fly line and lhe required ITffnlmum stx foo~ side yard Ls shfi~ed the non-zero side log llne, C, Du~ex: Means a housIng structure containing two dwe~ing units either vertJca~ly or hodzonfa~y attached, D. V~as: Multiple family slruclure confalnlng ~ree or more dwe~ng units boffi vertlca~y and hortzonta~y aft·chad typlca~y with dwefilng units over dwelling units hr/fng Irregular shaped axleriot E. ~. A group of three or more dwelllng units within · elngfe conventional bulding. attached aide by side, or or4 above another, or bofh, and wherein each dwe~ng un/t may be IndMduafy owned or leased but Ihe land on which lhe buiding Is iocaled Is under common or ownership. 3.7 The vertical dielance measured from the first finished roof Io lhe hlghe~f polnl of fie rod ruff·c· of fie fal of Bermuda rod, Io the deck I/n· d · manMrd rod and lo the mean hefahl levd befween eavea end rfdge of gable, hip end gambref rod& Where minimum floor elev*aLlonl Jn food prone areas have been estaMlshed by law, the bulldlng height ~ be rheare, red from such required n~/n/mum foot' elevations, (See Se¢ 2.8~, d fie Lard Devetopment Code, T. xclu~ion from Height Umltf and 'Off-Street Parking VVlthin · eu~olng~ SECTION IV OPEN SPACE TRACTS " TRACTS G, H, K, L, M, N 4.t The purpose of this setlion Is to set forth the development I:ffan and development standards for Ihe areas designed as Tracts G, H. K, L M, and N, Open Space, on lhe PUC) Master Plan, Exhibit 'A'. The primary fundIon and purpose of Ibis tract Is to provide lake. open ipece, end recreational facllltles, If any vegetation Is removed within Tracls H, K, L, M or N, It shaft be provided eisewhere wKh[n the PUD Io maintaln lhe required twenty-rive percent (25%) retained naflve vegetation, 4.2 No buildTrig or structure or part thereof, shaft be erected, altered or used. or land used, In whole or In pert, for other Ihan fie fallowing; A. Principal Uses: 1. Lakes. pod bul/ding, pod, end lennis courts, 2. Open Spaces/Nalure Preserves (Conservation Area). 3. Sma/I docks, boardwalks, or other such facilities constructed for purposos Of lake access. 4. Small bugclings, encrosures or other st~cturos Construction for purpose of maintenance. storage. recreation or shelter with appropriate screening and landscaping, 4.3 P N A. Overaft site design shaJl be harmonious In terms of landscaping, enclosure of strutlures, localion of access streets and parking areas and location and Ireatmeot of buffer areas, 13. Ughling facffitres shaft be arranged In a manner which wiTI protect roadways and neighboring properties from direct glare or other interference, C. A be required In accordance with SealIon 3.2. el' the Land Development Code. D. Maximum Height: Fody-sSc (46) feet w~h the bugd~ng height Article 6 el the Land Development Code. Minimum Off-Street Parking and Loading: AS required by DIvision 2.3 of the Land Developmenl Code ai ~ne d buildIng permit apprlcatlon, F. Buildings shall be setback a mlnlmum d 20' from abs.~ing residential ~racfs oulsJde Ihla Ranned Unit Developmenl, and Ihe setback area shaJl be appropriately landscaped and maintained as a buffer zone. 8 SECTION V Zi j CONSERVAT1OH/PRESERVE TRACT J 5.1 ~ ~rvat~:N'~/Preserve Area o The purpoM Ls to preserve and protect the natNe vegetation and naturaJly functioning habitat such as scrub oak In their natural state. 5.2 ~ Ho buading c~ structure or part thereof shal/be erected, altered or used. or land used, In whde or In part, for other than the fdlowing, subject to local, regionaJ, state and federal permits when required: A. Principal Usee Open Spaces/Nature B. Perrn~lng Accessory Uses and Stn,,cturee Acceu~ry, use end stNcture, cu~ornarlly associated wllh the uses permitled In this Dl, trlct. Illill / ( SECTION DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 6.1 E,~IRPOSF- The purpose of this Soctlon Is to set forth the development commitments for the de-/elopment d Northshore Lake V'dla& 6.2 GENERAL All Iacfiltles shall be constructed In strict accordance w~h Final Site Development Plans, Final SubdMslon Rans and all applicable state and local laws, codes, and regulations applicable Io this PUD In effect at ~e time of local ~naJ development order or bu~Ing perml~ application, Except where speclficaJly noted or slated othenvlse, the slandazds and specifications of the Land Development Code shall apply to this project even If the land within the PUD Is not to be platted. The developer, his successor and assigns, sha~l be responsible rot the commitments outJlnod In this document. The developer and all subsequent landowners am hereby p/aced on notice that thoy are requlrecl to latIsty the requlrementl d 8ZI applicable County ordinances or codes In effect prfot to ot concurrent with any subsequent development order relating to lhrs sffe. This Inciudes, but Ii not Ih/ted to, 8ubdN, lslon Master Plans, SIte Development Rane ancl any other appllcallon Ihat will result In the Issuance ol firm/local development order or bul/dlng permit, 0.3 Exhibit "A': The PUD Master Plan reflects the proposed site Improvements, B. AR necessary easements, dedications, or olher instruments have been, or shall service u~nitres and an common areas In the project. 6.4 !FRANSPORTAT1ON The development o( this PUD Mater Ran sha, R be subject to and governed by the following conditions: A. All adjacent projects that desire · connecllon to thls PUD shall also have access from a public road where geographically feesrole, All streets shall remarn prMate with controlTed access. B. The developer Is responsible for a fair share contrroutlon to a traffic ignal, when warranted, at the Interlectlon d Vendorhilt Drhte and Vanderbllt Beach Road. The expected traffic l'rorn this project will have some effect on that Intersection, C. Arterial level liteel rightIng shall be Insistted at the project entrance before any certlflcatel of occupancy ere LMued. D. There Is an existing right turn lane from Vanderblit Drive Into Floes Drive, a pr~vale road eervldng Vanderbl~t Vies PUD, to the norffi of the site. The proposed entrance to this I~o]ect will Interfere wllh this turn lane. The 10 developer shall b~ rosponslb~o for extending the existing right turn lane sou~h to accomodate this project In accordance w~h the L~nd Development Code roqulremonts` This Improvement shall be In p/ace before any corlificatos d occupancy are Issued. In addition, If compensating right-or-way Is required, Ihe developer shall be responslb/e for such rlght-o~-way dedlca,ort to Carllet County within 90 days of receipt at not/fic,ltlon by the county. 6.5 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Accessory structures shall be constructed slmuftaneourJy with. or fc41owlng the construction or. the principal structure except as allowed In the Land Development Coda and for construction s/~e office and related facilities such as ProIect AdmlnlstraI/ve Offices and Prolect SaJe$ Offices. 6.5 SIGNS Aft signs shall be In accordance with Dk4slon 2.5 of the Cc411er County Land Development Code. 6.7 If gopher Ionelse burrows (aclive. Inactive and/or abandoned} are located on site, they Shall be Indicated on the St;o Oevelopment Ran or Preliminary Subdivlslon Plat and rleld verified by Co~llar County Planning and Technical Services Environmental Staff. Management p/ans end/or permits from F/orlda Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission ('~f appropriate) sha/I be submitted to Planning and Technic. a! Services ErwfronmentaJ Staff for rev~ew~nd approval. Management p~ane shall be In compliance with Section 3.1t.3. t of the Co411er County Land Development Code. haas of totalned native vegetation may serve as potent/a/ gopher tortelse relocatlon areas, If app/|cable. The conservation/preserve tract shall be recorded on the p/at or by a separate easement In favor of Cofiler County with no respons/bility for maintenance and sublect to protectk'e Covenanls as per or simiar Io Chapter 704, Section 704.06 of the Rorlda Statu~es. The applicant shall be required to remove a/I proh~ited exotic vegetation on site and to prevent the reinvaslon of prohlb/ted exotic vegetation by rnain~ainlng the site exollc free In perpetuity. 6.8 LrTIUTIES A. Water distribution, sewage c04lectlon and transmission r/stems shall be constructed throughout the prolect by the deve/oper at no cost to CoOler County end the state of Rorlda. Potable wafer and unitary ~ewer facli,les constructed wIfh/n p~a~'ted fights-d-way or within dad/cased County ut~llty easements, required by the County, chair be conveyed to the County for ownership, operation and ma|ntonance pursuant to Cattier County Ordinance No. 88-76, as amended and all State and Federal rags.clarions and adopted pericles In effect at lhe time of conveyance. All parable water and unitary sewer facrXltles constructed on private property and not required by the County to be located with|n County u~'3lty easements shall be owned, operated and maintained by the developer, hid assigns or successors, Upon comp/etlon d the parable water and san/tary sewer IIII IS IIIl within the project, the facilities sha/I be tested to Insure they meet Cofl'ler County's uti1~ty construction requirements In effect at the time construction plans are approved. The above tasks sha[I be completed to Iho sailsfaction of Engineering Review Services prior to ~aclng the facilities, whether County owned or privately owned, Into service. Upon complelion el the pot. able water and sanPan/sewer facilities and prior to the Issuance d Cer~/flcates of Occupancy for structures within the project the L~illty facilities shaft be conveyed to the County, pursuant to C~ller County Ordinance No. 88-78, as amended and a[I regulations In effect at the time conveyance Is requested. 13. AJI constnJction p~ans, technical specifications and proposed It)Tat, If applicable, for the proposed potable water and sanitary sewer cofiectlon and transrnlsslon systems, whether County owned or prN~ately owned shall be reviewed and approved by Engineering Review Services prior to commencement of construction. C. NI customers connecting to the potable water distribution system shall be customers of the County and shall be billed by the County In accordance with the County'e established rate. O. NI potab~e walor and sanPan/sewer facilities In publicly owned rights-of- way or within dedicated County ulllity easements within the proJect's limits shall make connection to the County's off-site potable systems end lanltan/sewer facilities Including but not rlmited to Ihe following: 1) Main sewage In station end propody sized force marn Inter-connoctlng with the Counly ulillty easements necessary, 2) Potable water distribution facilitIes from the point of connection with Ihe County's potable water facilities to a point of the proJect's property line. 3) Construction and ownership of the potabre water and sanitary sewer facilities shawl be in comp{lance with Co~ller County Ordinance NO. 88-76, as amended, ait Federal, State regulations which apply and practices etc. In effect at the time construction approval is requested. 4) Detailed hydratj~c design repeals covering potable water and unitan/sewage collection and transmission systems to serve the project shaJl be submitted with the construction doct, nT~nts. The reports shall llst all design assumptions, demand rates and aJl other factors pertinent to the system under consideration. 5) Ce~lif}cations of Occupancy for structures constructed within the prolect shall not be approved by Engineering Review Services untl ~e flow tests have been conducted on the proJect'l potable water dlstrlbutlon system and the results are found to be acceptab{e and approved. · WATER MANAGEMENT A, In accordance wfth the rUes of lie Soulh florida Water Management Dlstrk't (~F"'WMD), Chapters 40E4 and 4OE.-4O, this project Itmll be designed for a storm event of s ;}-dgy duration and 25-yo~r return frequoncy, B, An ExcavalJon Permt~ wfil be required for lie proposed lake In accordance w~h DIvision :3,5 of lie Coffer Cour~ Land Developmere Cc~e, C, Offs~e drainage from the sou~h shall be rou~ed through the pro[ed's storm water management system, 6.10 A. Deign end consiructlon of all improvements shall be lubJec~ to compliance wf~h the eppropriate provisions of the C, dl[er County Land Development Code. DMs|on 3,2° B. Work w~hln Coffier Counly riga-of-way shaft mee~ lie requrrements of lie C_,dfier CounW Right-of-Way Ordinance No. STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do here.by certify that the foregoing is a true co~Ty of: ORDINANCE NO. 95-64 ~ich was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 14th day of November, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, th~s 16th day of November, 1995. Clerk of Courts an~"'~l'e~k%" .' EX-officio to Board County Commissione, rs;": : .. o.-.. . Deputy C18.rk ,."..' .... ~.. -, I .o