Ordinance 95-59 ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCe- AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 92-11, HIDF, AWAY BEACII PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AMENDING SECTIO~ 4 · 04 · 04 ) MINIMUM SETBACKS, BY ESTABLISHING THE MINIMUM PRINCIPAL AND ACCESSORY BUILDING SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR LOTS ABUTTING THE BEACH ALONG BIG MARCO PASS AS 30' AND 20 ' RESPECTIVELY, AS MEASURED FROM THE EROSION CONTROL LINE, OR SUCH OTHER SETBACK REQUIREMENT AS MAY BE ESTABLISHED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN PART OF SECTIONS 5, 6 AND 7, TOWNSHIP 52 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of Commissioners has directed staff to amend the building setbacks for beachfront lots within the Hideaway Beach PUP by amendinq Ordinance 92-lt, and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that; ~ AMENDMENTS TO MINIMUM SETBACKS SECTION FOR LOTS ABUTTING THE BEACH Ordinance Number 92-~1, Subsection 4.04. OdD. 2., Lots Abuttin~ Beach, is hereby, amended to read as follows: 2. Lots Abutting Beach: A beach setback line and/or Coastal Construction setbac~ line has been established for the protection of the home owner as located on the record plat. An Erosion Copfro1 Line has also been established under Florida Statutes ChSvter 161 in conjunction with beach renourisbment Which reflects the seaward extent of private oroDertv owners~iD and which represents the mean hiqh water line a~ the time of beach renourishment. This Erosion ~gntrgl Line represents the rear yard property boundary. · h. lz linz ~zrk~ the prlnci~l build~.=tback liner For Blocks 1 and 2 representin~ beachfront residential properties. setbacks shall be established as follows: a. South ~ots (Lots 9-I2, Block On the South lots. Lots 9-12 ~ plock 2. the minimum setbacks shall be: Rear Y~rd; Principal Structures - Thirty fee~ (30'), ~andward O~ the Erosion Control Line. ~gcessorv Structures - Twenty feet (20'). landward of the Erosion Control Line. Front Yard: Twenty-Five feet ~25'). Side Yard~ Fifteen Feet Words underlined are additions; Words st-~ck t.~ough are deletions. -1- b. Central $each Lots CLotS ~.z~ Di~ck 2: Lots ~lock 1) Rear Yard: The most restrictive of either the Platted Buildina Control Line or fifty feet landward from the Erosion Control Line for principal structures. Accessory Structures m~v extend a maximum of fifty fe~ (~0'] ~Owa~ds the water. except where such extension Shall brina such structures. except for boardwalks. leadin~ to the beach closer than fifty ~eet {50'} from the E[os~o~ Control Line (ECL). Front Yard: Twenty-Five feet ~25'~. Side Yard: Fifteen Feet C. North BeaCh ~ots (Lots 13-17# Block 1| Front Setbacks: FiVe feet Side Yard: Fifteen feet {15'~ except for the northernmost boundary of Lot 17 ab~ttin~ the conservation area which shall have a zero foQt setback. Lot 13 Rear Yard Setbacks - ~rinciDal Structures - Fifty feet (50'~ landward of the Erosion Control Line. Accessory Structures - ~ ptraioht line connectin~ the Accessory Structure Setback op Lot 12 (Fifty feet (50') with the AccessOrY ~tructure Setback on Lot 14 Thirty feet ~ot ~4 Rear Yard Setbacks - Principal Structures - Fifty feet (50') and AccessOFF StrUCtures - Th~tv feet (30') landward of the Erosion COntrol Lot 15 Rear Yard Setbacks - Principal Structures - FortY- Five feet ~45') landward of the Erosion Control Line and Accessory Structures - Thirty fee~ landward of the Erosion Control Line. LOt 16 Rear Yard Setbacks - Principal Structures - Forty- Five feet [45'} landward of the Erosion Control Line and Accessory Structures - Thirty fe~ landward of the Erosion Control Line. Lot 17 Rear Yard Setbacks - Principal Structures - Forty- Two feet (42'~ landward of the Erosion Control and Accessory Structures - Thirty feet /30') landward of the Erosion Control Line landward of the Erosion Control Line. d. MOOr Overhanas and Bal~OD~W-- Roof overhangs and balconies can extend eiaht feet/8'} beyond the rear yard principal structure setback line, Roof overhanus and balconies can extend four feet (4'] into the required five foot (5'} front yard on lots ~4-17, Block 1. e. puns Veaetation All dune vegetation shall be retained to a minimum ~Dth Of ten feet flO') seaward of the accessory ~etback line. Where native dune vegetation no lo~er exists. the dune vegetation shall be Words underlined are additions; Words e~ are deletions. -2- replanted to a minimum depth of ten feet (I0'~ seaward of the acCessorv setback line~ f. Non-Conformin~ Setbacks C~eated ~Y Ero.~ion ContrO~ In the event that a buildina which is Don-¢on~Ormina due to its setback from the Erosion Control Line or the Buildina Control Line is damaoe~ or destroyed by fire. flood, explosion, Gollapse. wind or other like catastrophe, it may be replaced to the density, height. parkin~o landscaping, and se~ba~ COnditions which existed at thq time o~ the .catastrophe, provided that permits ~Or the rebuilding are issued within one {1~ vear.OZ the catastrophe unless an extension of time has been apprOved by the Board of County Commissioners of collier county, FlOrida, The burden of proof of the catastrophic condition of the property rests with the property ow~leris), Other applicable county, state and f~deral regulations must be met for replacement buildin~s PrODosed under this SeCtion, ~X~ EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State, PASSED ]tND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida thistle/.. day of .c-~/~~,/, 1995. ...'~' '~9 ,,....~. ATTEST:: ..... BOARD OF COUN~ COMMISSIONERS ... ..~ ,,,,. APPRO~ED.AS..T~ FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY M~b~JfE M, TUDENT S ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY {i :r.~ ~<- c,...- .! ,:~, ~ ~ c~ Puo- 0- 0 O OINANCE HIDEAWAY BEACH/wa Words ~Dderlined are additions; Words =truck through are deletions, -3- STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 95-59 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 7th day of November, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 13th day of November, 1995. ITdlGHT E o BROCK .."' ........ " Clerk of Courts and Clerk ix-officio to Board Of .' County Con~nissioners .' : "- Deputy C :