Ordinance 95-55 ORDINM~CE WO. 95-55 7903N~ 85268~ 8527S~ 9535N~ 9536N~ 9536S, 472930, ~ 171718, ~NG TO ~G~NG ~ERFAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance NOo 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Coda on October 13, 1991, ',II~X~, following said action adopting Ordinance Wo. 91-102, the Collier CounCil, Land D~alOlmant Coda, s~a££ was advised tha~. thers ara several errors in the site's zonir~ classification as identified belov and their correction cons~:itutes a scrivener's error. ROM, THEREFORE BE XT ORDAXRED, b~ the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: s~rrxoN 0~ The ~-oning Atlas Haps, of various Co.llisr County approved by the adoption of Ordinance ~o. 91-102, the Collier County Land Devalo~mnt Code, are hereby maended to read 7903N Change C-5 to ! for Block 59, Lo2s 1-14~ and change X to C-5 between New Harkat Road and the P Zoning District. 85265 Cha~ga Z-ZND to X 85275 Change X-X~D to X 9535N Change I-IRD to l 9536N Chanqe Z-ZND to ! 95368 Change Z-XND to ! 472930 Chanqa X-];~D to ! 171718 Change XND to I SECTION TWO: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. Words-e~m~k-~h ara deleted; vordsuD~xIAn~ are added. ~xs$~1). X~D ~y XDOP~:O by the Board o~ County SCI?,.ZY'~R,S ~ C~RDZX)J'~'~/~lC/3.S544 i~ord:-='.~;ck ....... ' are deleted; vorde ~ are added. umw PUD ~' ~. ~ R 29 E ' · ~ R 30' E · I TTRVC' STA'I'~ OF FLORXDA) COUNTY OF ¢OLLZER) Z, D~XGli~ E. BROCK, Clm:k o£ Cou3:~s in and fo~ ~he ~ven~ie~h ~udicial Circuit, Collier Court,M, Florida, do he~ebM ce2:Ci£y ChaC ~he foregoing is a true copy o~: ORDZIiA,'4C'B ~0. 95-55 · ~hich was adopted by ~he Boax~ of County Cc~,tssione=s on the 24th o~ October, lggS, ~uring Regular ~ession. ~X~S my hand and the o££icial seal ol the Board ol County Commissioners of Coll/e~ County, Florida, ~his 2Sth ~ay o£ October, 199S. Clerk o£ Courts an~"~erk ..... . . Ex-o££icio ~o Boa~ off " Cotlrl~ / '"" ;'