Ordinance 95-53 ORDINANCE t10. 95- 5t AN ORDINANCE ANENDING ORDZlq'Ar,/CE HUNBElt 91-102'" THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE ~-' FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS NAP NUMBER 1612S; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY PROM sPUD" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS PARADISE POI}r~E RV RESORT PUD, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH WEST SIDE OF STATE COUNTY't FLORIDA, COTISISTING OF 56.13 ACRESI PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAI~ OF ORDINANCE NUMBER S9-1, AS AJ4~NDED, THE FOI~4ER PARADISE POINTE RV RESORT PUD; AND BY PROVIDING A/q EFFECTIV DATE. WHEREAS, CeoffryC. Purse of Purse Associates, Inc., representing Creys~o~e Park Mobile Homes, Inc., petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Bection 12, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "FUr" to "PUD" Planned Unit Develolmen~ in accordance uith the Paradise Pointe RVResort PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit was and Incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoni.g Atlas Hap Number 1612S, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County land Development Code, ls hereby amended accordingly. Ordinance Number 89-1 as amended, known as the Paradise Potnte RV Resort PUD, adopted on January 10, 1989, by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, is hereb~ repealed in its entirely. -1- This Ordinance shall become effective upon ftllnq vtth the Departnen~ of S~ate. ~S~ ~ ~Y ~~ ~ the Board of County C~tssion~rs of Collier C~ty, Florida, this ~ da~ of ~ Or CO~ C~IS~ZO~5 ,- //~* ." , ~ '~Sl~ ~ A~ fili,no received this , _: day. ' -2- PLANNEDtYNITDEVELO~~ FOP, PARADISE POINTE KV RESORT DATE ISSUED:. DATED REVISED:. DATE APPROVED BY BCC:JANUAIm, Y I0. 198~ ORDINANCE ~~ ~- I _ EXhibi~ 'A~ -- 4~0! * ~ .................................................. ! ! 4.02-PEXMITfla3USE~ANDS'TRUC11JRE~ ................................ I1 -~- 4.03-FROFERTYDEVEI, OPMIgq'fCRITEIUA ................................ 12 ~ECTIONV.~~COMM3TI~:rNT$ ......................... 13 J.01 - ~ .................................................. 13 J.02-P.U.D, MAf'f'E~Pt,AN. .......................................... J.O"J - LtNV'iX~AL..ADV'[JORY C{Y,.JNC'~., S']'1]qJI,AT'JON] .................... : ~.04 - WAT!gt MANA,OEMI~N'T ADV~.JOR. Y BOAKD $T'IIq, Jt,ATION] ................... 5.05-TRANgPOR'TAllON ............................................ 15 · ~.06 - UT~IT1F~ .................................................. 5.07-FLt:X3DCIUTE3UA ............................................. J.0g - EXCE3q'ION~ TO COUNTY $UIIDIVI~ON RE(31,t. ATIONS .................... 16 5.09 - ADDITIONAL ~ C(3MM1'TM~NTS AND STANDAIU:~ ............... 17 INTE:NDE33LANDU~,SANDACRF=AGE ................................... TABLE I PROJ~CTION Oe FROJ~CT~ ................................ .TABLE ~1 MA.s~P..KPt.AN ................................................ ~"'~-!1BITA NRMD DIAGRAM ................................................ L'~HIBff B ,,, DEVEI,0~ TEAM ,,t~_.~;.-::~ P~V. o ~...., ,~ Aromcy: -S60~erth Te. mle mi-~eil Neples~le~e-3-~)6~ ,_ SECTION i PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP 1.01 INTRODUCTION. LOCATION. AND PU/d'~SE: ftisthetntentofWildgvoed-K "'; '~ .... '~~,a FlatIda osporstlen, h~,sl~er called "spplk~i" or *developer', its succesam~s and as/~ns, to establlds a i~nned Unit Development (PUD) on spproxlmstely 56. 13 acres of property leested in Collier Com~y, Florida. The subject property is lotsted on the Esst Tsm;sml Trail (U.~;. 4 !), approxtmstely 2.6 tm~es east ofthe intersection of U.5. 4 Ststo !~ad 95 ! (Isle of Cspri Road). The Subject property is bordcred on the west by the existing lmperhl WBderneas RV ~ It is bordered on the east and south by nndevelaped properties, and it is bettiered on the north by U.S. 4 !. It is the Furpose of this docmn~t to est~!idg stssdsrds and gnidclinea for the ~ development oftlsls property. 1.02 LEGAL DESCRIPTION From the intersection of the stmth llne of S4~etlon 12, Towns~p 5 ! South, Range 26 Fast, Collier Coum'y, ~ w~th the .~xthvv~erly r~ght-of-way ilne of State Ro:d ~ (U.5. !~uto 4 I, Tsmismi TnH), run North 54 21' West, alon! said ri~t-of'-wsy line for 2000.00 f~.t to th~ POINT OF BE~(~, thence South 35 39' W,~st for 1439.79 f~'t, to z~mth Fmo of S~,~m 12; thence Sarah 89 54' Writ, along said South Free, for g48.74 to tho Fast Fsno ottho W~st halfoftho West halFofsaid Section 12; thenco Narth 00 S0'Z0" East, along said line, For2344.13 feet to the aforesaid tight-of-way Free; thenco South 54 24'20' East, along said llne, 1468.94 feet; thence South 54 2 I'0' Ez~ for 564.58 f~-t, to tho Point of B~ng, containing 56. 13 acres, more or Jess; snld s~sted, l)4uS and l~,-hg in Comer County, Florida. !.03 ~ TO PROPL~TY Th~ subjcc~ propert), is owned by th~ applicant. SECTION il PRO.rECT DEVELO~ 2,ol ~ The pro'pose of this Section is to ~enerally describe the phn of the development and 2,02 GENERAL PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT Pandlse Polnte RV Resort is · planned c~mum~'y inclmfmg a mi3zm'e ofresldenthl uses, and reeFcarlo·at, conserYstion, and water management-related elementt 2,0:3 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE ORDINANCES The project is intended to be in substantial compfiance with the :l~[icable Collier County Zmtlng and Sufxllvlsion :zlFladons as ,veil u other CotHer County Development codes in efe~t at the time permits and/or plats are requested. No FRACTIONAIJ2ATION is pennbled. 2,05 ~ Table I is a schedule efthe intended land use types, w~th :pproxh~ate acreuSe and total dwelling units indicated. Tbe arrangement of'these land use p/pes Is ~c~vn on Ex~s'bk 'A°. P.U.D. Muter Plan. Minor chnges sad variations in design sad acreage shah be permitted at final dedgn to s~e topography, vegetation, sad other she condhlont The final size ofthe rccrutkm and open space bnds wfil depend on the actual rcqulrcmcnts For wster management. rmdwzy pattern. and dwclfing unit size ned configuration. 2.06 PKO JECT DENSFTY The total acreage el'the Paradise Poinfe RV Resort is approxlmntcly 56. 13 acres. 107 DEVELO~ SEOI/ENCE AND S~ULE The tl~liamt's Fejecdou ~ d~~ ~ ~ f~ b Table H ~OS ~S~S FOR 2.10 P~ CO~CE~ S~ ~ APPROVAL ~ C~ ~L ~e ~ ~ag hcfu~e ~t~als n~ d~n~ate that the appr~al ofthe conc~fual she plan ~II be the B~al ht~t and pu~oH ofthls do~f. Such ~t~al ~y Wncfudc. not !lmh~ to the eoH~ ~ 8trike-oveFte~-t-ls-being-temove4: Shaded tex~'~ being added. % I) Site pbns at an sppro!~ate scale showlng proposed placement of. structuresen the propet~, provbions for h~'en and egress, off-street loading areas~ yards 2) Ptans Jowhl proposed bestlons for utiF~ties hoelmp. 3) Plans for scre~bItnd bu~'erlat, 2. i I SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL SECTION IH RESIDENTIAL LAND USE 3.01 PURPOSE The propose ofthls Sealon is to set forth the re~latlons f~ the :r~s d~Gn~ted on Exlu'b~ "a', P.U.D. Master Pttn H Residential The maxlmtun tintuba of 383 dwellin8 nits, sometimes also called KV ~es, rrmy be connruaed ou the lands des/$~ted as rm~dt, ntiaL 3.0~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION As staled herinbefor~, ~ sr~s designated u residemial on th~ P.U.D. iVl~ter Plan designed sol~ly for P-V ~es. Th~ *pypic~l* ~ w~ be 35 fed by 70 feet, ~lthou~h this sme~ma is not i~end~d to eemblhh any minimum or ~ ~ for any parti~uler sitt However, no site ,bah ccmtah lea ehn_ !,S00 sctx:aTe feet and no ~e shag have an sverage width of leg t_he 30 feet nor an average depth orlen; than 60 feet. A recreational ~ (]~V) is for these Pu-t~oses the same as dcfin~ in Florida Statutes 320.01 (I) (b), as sinended fi'om time to dmt That Statute currently' rc~ds as follows: 'A recreational vcbicle-typl unit prlmsHly desIGn,.-d as ten~pors~ livln$ quarters rot recreational, calnplng, or travel uss, w~ich either has its own motive power or IS iTmunted on or drawn by :mother vehicle. Recreatlonit vehicle-type units, when travelins on the public roadways of this state, mug comply whh the length stud width provision/or s.316.5 ! 5, as that section may hereafter be amended. As defined below, the basic enthjes Ire:. f. The "travel frai*/er:', ]ncluding a 'fifth-wheel travel Ira·let'. which as a vehicul~r portable unit, mounted on wheels. of such · size or weight as not to require spccial highway movcment permits when drawn by a motorized vehicle. It ts primaHly designed and constructed to provide temporap/living quarters rot recrcationaf. camping, or travel use. ft has · body width ofno more then g, l/2 rect and an overall body fcngth orno more th-~n 40 reel when factory-equipped for the road. 2. The "camping trailers, which is a vehicular port.bit unit mounted on wheels constructed with collapsible partial sidewalls whlch fold rot towinB by anothcr vehlcte untold at the camp·he to provide tc,~porasy living quarters rot rccrc-ational. camping. or 3. Th~ *truck camper", which is a track equipped with a portable unit deigned to be loaded onto, or at~ged to, the bed or chassis of the track and constructed to provide temporary FMng qt~ters f~r recreaficmal, c~,,~ping, or travel use. 4. The 'motor home~, which is a veMcuisr tm~t which does not exceed the length sad width ~d;~atiots Fro~fM in t3 16.5 15, is t on a selF-Impelled mot~ vehicle cba$.sLt and is mrh'y designed to prov/de temporary Frylag quartets for recreational. camping, :~. The spark trsfiefs witida is a transportable unit which has a body width not exceedS; 12 feet and whJ~ Js !mgt on a ltngle chassis and b designed to provide seasonal or teapotsty llvinS quartets when connected to milltin necesury for operation olinstalled fixtures and fppbcet The total srmi of the trait in a semp mode, when me,ured frm the exterior Itrface ofthe meT/or walls at the/evel ofmaxlmum dimensions and includlnI mr/bay window that extends to the floor llne, does not exceed 400 ;are feel The length of a park trailer ms the distance 5m the exterior of the front of the body (neerut to the drswhr and coupling mechanism) to the exterior ofthe rear of the body the opposite end ofthe body), ;ncinding any protrasions.' ).04 PERMITlED PRINCIPAL, USES AND STRUCTUgES The R'v' sites shah allow either the tempomy or permanent placement of a recreational vehicle upon the she. An example of temporary plae~:mcmt wmsld be a motor home being drlve~ on to and offofthe site ~ tfme to t~e. An example ofperr~nent placement would be what is cofnm~ Imo~41 H a recreat;ona! vehic/e park model. which, once it is set up on a site, is not usually mo~L Any mch pern~nent placement shah conform to the Collier County Building Code as in effect from time to time regJrding hurricane tie-down and ,n ether tVpn.bt~ r~~, ~~.~...~Te~.'cv~t~on The rt',maindcr of the acreage designated as residential on the Master f'fan shah be dev~ed tO ft~'tationa| fat/hales, lakes and water management fie:Tale4, roads and uti~tles. and maintenance fac~Tgies connc'~ed therewith. 3.05 PEP~FFTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES. S~cen rooms (whh via)4 or glass windows, and with or whhout a kickplate). cabanus. patios, f~jdeouts and tipouts, uttTfty rooms, storage sheds, decks, air conditioning units located outside the RV. and other accessory uses and structures customarily assoc/atcd with RYs shah be perrelated Such accessory structures may be conattracted out ol'any materials, and built and attached to the RV ~ any manner. provided that the Collier County Building Code as in effect from time to time is complied with in all respects. ~fike.-~e~,'~-i,-!~./nS-,'emoved= Shad~ text is'beln~ a~ccL . sinsnares will no( be lea suacrms ms the skewben Ihe P,V u~t is not present. so uto dl..~l-ste dsaSer ofsuch accessor), tmcim-cs becomlnS danSerous instrumentalitlcs in the ernst of'h~Sb winds or bunlcsne conditions. 3.06 DEVELOpMLq~ STANDAKDS LIVFminmm Loe Ares: I SO0 squsre feet M'mimmnLotDizzwmstoug I) widik AveraSeof3Ofeeg 2) depth: Av~a~e of 60 feet t M'm~m.m Ysrds - Both Prindpal snd Acctssory Structures: 1) Front Yard: I0 Feet 2) Side Yud: 5 Feet 3) Rur Ysrd: S feet 4) FromPUDbomsdzryoreomsnyrequimilmiTcrsru: S) From lmbic sUeeC 25 Feet 6) Sopsration betweeu eu~ctm'es: & Msxlmum He{She of Struaureg 20 Feet e. Msxlmum Size of TTR.V Unit: 500 squmre fec~ or !mrgcr ifpern~ed by Ordi~mn c~ ~2. 2 ~ as :mt. udt. d. £ Msxbmsm ~ orTT~V unit in combMarion w/th Attschcd Accessory Struaures: 500 square feet orGyins (:h, cond'a[onecl) area of hrSn' Wpcrmhftd by Cottory Ordi, a~c~ s"~2 9.~I02 n 8- Internal Street System: All TrKV lo(s shah h~we d'srcci access ~om tho hlternal h. P, cquircd Fadrifles: I) Central watcr and sewer shah bc available to c~ch TTKV lot. 2) A trash c~a~ner such as a d~ ~a~ be located h ar~s , , P~ ~ o~V: ~V ~ ~ ~ F~~ I~ ~ a be ~ 84~~ Shactcd t~isbelxi~ adxlCd. ,, ,... SECT;ON IV RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 4.01 PURPOSE The propose ofthh Section is to set forth the Rgnlatlons for the areas covered on *A* within the recreational acreage. 4.02 PERMITTEDUSES AND STRUCTURES No bm~nS or struawe, or pan there~; a, aH be era'ted, altered, or used, or tend or w:ter used, in whole or in pet, For otbff the the a, Perm~ed Prhcioal t. Fsea and !) Parks, playgrounds and pine corals and 2) Biking, lu~.tng, canoeing and nature trails. 3) Nature presen, es and wi'~ll'd'e unctuarlet 4) ~ shelters, bundry ~ctTnles ~d restroom factT, iet 6) Clubhouse and all related faQTstles, including Inndry and sw;~ag pook 6) Roads, pstlnvays, aecusory uses and struaures customan'b/associated with the p;, ..-'~iai use, including but not Emlted to ut~Tny stmaure,, fakes. water maneSchant ~eilldes, ett 7) C_m~ouan, petintact f~nee. and ~h~r security stmaures. b. p~-tmhted Accessory Uses and Structures I ) A~essory uses and strdctures custon~rih/nst,:inted with prine~-'.l perm~ed tn thi~ d'mrta. 2) Malntensnee and storage ares stmCtt:ret Site Plan Approval Requlrernenl Site Development Plans, per Section 2. ! ! eFthis document. s~;ll be submitted for ~rike-ov~-F-texl-is-belng-remt~ed~. Shaded t'~-Xt"~t~'~x~ addca rev~,w and approval prior to t~Hd'mg petit 4.03 ~FEg. TY DEVELOPMENT CRfTEP, IA a. Overall ~e de/~n shall ~ hnnonlous in terms ofhndsc~ing, enclo~ of stmcturek Ioc~tlon of access tzreets and parking areas and location and treatment ofbu~'er are~L No r~re~ional faciIk,/shah exceed s n'mxlrnum bright of 30 feet. b. Minlmmn ~ Am: 1.43 acres. e.. Psr~ ~tz~ Reqdrementt OeneraHy sz ~o~,n on %~ PUD Master d. Miniram Yards - Bo~ Prtn~sl and Accessory 5tructur~ !) Front Yard: l0 fm 2) Side Yard: 5 fm 4) FromPUDbonn~orrB~r~Ibnt~erm~: 10fe~ 5) ~patstbn ~ ~ 10 e. Maxlmmn Heart of Stngturet 30 feet 8,1keeve~ex: ~: ~i.g-remeve~.~ Sbaded{~d' is t~ng mddcd. m., SECTION V GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS The purpeM oflJ~js Section is to set forth ~e development commitments of the project. ,. The P.U.D. Mas~er Pha xttached as Ex~'~ "A" ha'ao is mn iljustrative Masttr Plan shall bs understood to bs fir, dble, ~o that, ~e final design may the l.'oject criteria and ~!y with all applicable rectuh'enz'nts of tilt 0rd~nxnct b. All nicegary easemamt~ dedications, or other hm~nents shah be ~,/iaied to tnsm~ the eontlnned operation and maintenance of all service utilities. c. M'mor design changes shah be permitted subject to County statradmlnl-e, rative ~~lml-sbmtLelewdy~lepk~-heuv-lhe-l'mml-sile ~mbed-mm~tmmi~m,4~4h~-mmxhmm~ h(n~kt'~mg!vlmkt~l~-I~ltking-lols~ mnd-ol ht, F-fiFeigh ~ irv~ ted-I nooommodatethb-~ot.l:- Nml~ell-be-uls~z~e-svsilsble.-Io-(henmNinmm-eNlessl-posslble4n ~he-slte-landsen~endseeplng-phn-v,,ill-I~--submixted-to-she-Nexurel 8trik~is-belng-removed: Sl~adcd text is l>elxi'8 added. b. Detailed ~e drainage plans ~ be m~ to the County Enghecr tot review. No conLmctjon painlts aftall be breed unk~ and nntll approval of'the proposed ' ~ construction b accordace wh the subn~ed plus b mated by the Cotrely d. The P~bjoaet dull construct that portion of the so-oHecl US 41 ~ Swab No. I aaconVtminf the endm 130 root width ofthe combbed clrtjnmge easement wlth lmperial W*ddenas itV. Resort. Constructlon orthe swale th/I be permitted and al~oved by b County EnBjnea' nd County Wster Management S.0~ ~ L Subject to Florida Depgmncnt ofTrusporm~ q,l.',MI, me developer than prm4de kft ud ri~at tunt Jtaes oa US 4 l tt the project ~c~ b, The developer thll provide trterhl level ttn~ llahtbS tt the project cutnmc~ c, ~ t tnd b there ue cou~cred '~e rebte~' ts alebed b Ordhm2ce 85-55 and shll not be applied fi credits towsrd any impact fm req~n~ ~ thst d. All vdnjcubt connections (drjvewrys) to the Sttte Higbwsy System n~se be tpproved through FDOT petmfttbg Snz~ft A permit must be obtslned prior to the commencement orany activity within the Sine Right-of-Way. e. AH roads within the development ~ remain privately owned ted maintained. Access to the site shall be in accordance with FDOT requirements and shah include right and let turn lanes on US 4 i ifapproved by FDOT. The entrance drive shah aSgn with the ex~ing or proposed entrance across US 4 1 ifpos,~'ble. " W~..;; ;::-,~, _:", ~ ~;;~._~ '.L-~,~. ;c;.;,;,~!~ :o L':: C,,_.;/-,~:;;: -:,.I:: :' designed and sized to supply mg~ and peak day domestk: demand in addition to fir~fiowdemandatarsmappmvedbythsappropriatsFn-=ContxoiDistrict sm4clag the p~ect area. '=! ! !. J_ -J ....... ,',L ......... :-- ~ .-' - z ~., ....... .~ k.. ,L. t r,:r.,:- - th~ time construction :pproY:! is requested. '__""'_"_"_"_:7~-:: '_:::',. :~_~-~ :5,.-_~;:~ ~-': :~-: ~.;.: :=.;: :-.~ EXCEPTIONS TO COUNTY SUBDMSION REG'ULATIONr_ bm n~,~! U.S.D.O.T.F.H.W.A. ~an,al on Unif~,m Traffic Ccm~rol oft on o e. ros,lwsy · feet, conslstha onOrm orpa~ ~nd feet (on each ile) orSutter. If'roads remain p~nte, SO root m/nfmum HSht-or- way wittlt may bfr aspproved, or ~ i~ at the tim~ of~e devclopment plan approval, the Director k utbted that · smaller fight-or-way is mfliefcnt. d. An;el~;oc:. !7..v.: LDC3'2.8.4,~6 (I0):. Thc rcqu;rcmcm I'or &~ke-ovm,-t~ Shaded feX~'.fts'belai~tddcd. ~, tanSent sections between reverse curves orstreats will be ~,aived on local ro~ds, provided that collector roads i~all be btn'h to Cotrely standards. ,,- J,O~ ADDITIONAL DEI/ELOPMENT COMIHITMENTS AND STANDARDS If~/lots, tncU, ps~.eb, eft sre to be sold or subdMded, p~tting shall be required in accordrace wltb the Coltier County Sulxlivision ReSulmtions. b. The Mu~er PLw lows L-veal imerse~ions fb~t m~ n~t meef en~neerbg sfaadanb. AD int~ d,]! be re~ to t~ in :cc~r~ce whb Subdh-isio~ c. F~elr~servedbymbimumShcbwatermxb~sbsllbespacednoAuTber _~h~ ~00 feet apart, mad plaas ~ be mbmiued for location approval by dse East Naples rzre Depm d. The development tnnsl have r~e spparstus acce~ to every portion ofthe project including all ancilary sen'ice structures, and plan~ shah be submitted rot spproval ~ ehe Easx Nspr~ Fire Depsttn~nt. . I~-.;~,~=-_.-;~. :.."~: te-opprove-the--Peh;om-ln-the-.evenHhet-the-Peilion4s..denk. d-l~.-Ihe,-DCC-~he P~4kioner-undefitsm;s~e~!~t-is-shefi-!.,,~e-no-r;~hHe~!e.~he propel)- ~, ;--,,c,,~ds::.c: ~lh-chj: P~[Nlocu~l~-,Fnnd-lhmHh~eh--dev,elopmeN ri~s~fsm ' ' ;alely-be-~ded-and.~s,hhout4unhef-h'l~ ~fi ,' ' . Sba~[alt~b~gaddcd. L~t I P~:.~I DE~TIA~ AltF. A$ : .- VEG"-TATI*/c- C~,~L~IIjI,IITIE5 AT P~t. DI~ !~l~ ~' · ( T~ .." '. : . I~ · ~d- e~p,ss ~etland · srl- Sedge ~ead~ S:~- ~utt=t:bush ~e~lz~d T~- ~ans~ti:na~ Hneland F~- Fern ~eeland DP-CP- Sra~tllan Pepper/ Cabbage Palm I, D~OHT Zo BROCK~ Clerk o£ Courts in and ~or the Twentieth ~udicial CirouiC, Collier County, Florida, do hereb~ certify that the Zoregoing is a true copy 0RD]~MtC~ NOo 95-53 Which was adopted by the Boar~ oZ County Co~aissioners on the 24th day o~ October, 1995, during Regular Session° WITNESS my band and the oZZicial seal oZ the Board oZ Count)r Commissioners of Colli~ C~, Flori~, this 30~ ~ o~ Octo~r, 1995. Clerk of C~r~s and .~'~k "..,: s ureen Ke~ ,, .