Ordinance 95-37 ORDINANCE NO. 95- 37 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 9523N; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE MEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM RSF-3, RSF-4 AND A TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN~ KNOWN AS BAILEY LANE PUD FOR A MAXIMUM OF 7~ SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE END OF BAILEY LANE, IN SECTION 23, T~DWHSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 25± ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Robert L. Duane, of Hole, Monte~ & Associates, Inc., representing Steve Loveless, petitioned the Board of COUnty Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: The zoning classification of the herein described real prol)erty located in Section 23, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed frcm RSF-3, RSF-4 end A to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the Bailey Lane PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 9523N, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. -1- PA~SED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County C~mmiesioners of Collier County, Florida, this 2k_ day of ~/ , 1995, " BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS llLLI ER COUNTY ,~ · ' : MATTHEWS CHAIRMAN · ~T'.- ..". .. ' 'A~, ORM "81FFFICIENCY MANJOB~[E M. ASSISTANT COSNTY ATTORNEY F~D-95-20RDINANCE/lgk/13598 fir received th,l~ ~ c~3y~ BAILEY LANE PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT Prepar~ for: PaLm Fou~_~on. Inc. 845 PaL-n Vic'w Drive Naples, FL 33942 Prepared by: Hole, Mont~s & Associates, Inc. 715 Tenth Su'm Soul Naples, FL 33940 May, 1995 Date Filcd: Date Rcvicw by CCPC: Date Approvcd by BCC: 5/26/95 Ordinancc No: 95-37 EXHIBIT TABLE OF CONTEINTS Page 5'ECrlO N I - 5ta:ement of Compliance ................................. 1 - I SECTION II - Property Ownership, Legal Description and Short Title ............ 2 - 1 SECTION III - 5talemere of ln~em ~nd Project Description ................... 3 - 1 B~J2TION IV - (3ene~ Development Regulations .......................... 4 - i SECTlION V - Pen~tted Uses & Dimensional Standards for Residential Development ........................................ 5 - I B~'~TION VI - Transpor~on Requi~ernents ............................. 6 - 1 SECTION VII - Utility and Engineering Requirements ...................... 7 - 1 SECTION VIII - Water Management Requirements ......................... 8 - 1 SECTION IX - Environmental Requirements . ...._. ........................ 9 - 1 EXHIBITS A. ~ Mtster Plan SECTION I -.. STATEI~'~FF OF CO~LIA~CE TI~ development of 24.76t: acre~ of property in Section 23, Township 49 Somh, gan~ 2~ East, as a Planned Unit Development to be known as the BAILEY LANE PUD iv/all be in compliance with the plato'ling goals and objectives of the Collier Colrely (3m9~ Management Plan for the following reasons: 1 .I The l:,'oject is located in the Traffic Congenion Area, therefore, it is permitted a maximum den.~ity of up to three (3) dwelling units per acre, as identified on the Ftmaz hnd Use Map and referenced in Objective 1 of the Futtn~ Land Use Element ('FLUE) of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. i.2 Improvements are planned to be in compliance with applicable land development regulations as set forth in Objective 3 of the Future Land Use 13 The project will be metred by a full range of services provided by the County and sewer and water services provided by the City of Naples that will result in an efficient and ex. onomical expansion of facilities as required in Policiem 3. 1H and 3. 1 L of the Future Land Ug Element. 1.4 Th~ projek't is coml:mu'l>le with and complementary to adjacent existing and ftm~ !taxi ume$, as required by Policy 5.4 of the Future Land Use Element. I.:t All final local Development Orderm for this project are subject to the Collier County ~,~,,cy Management System as implemented by the A__,,Jequate Public Facilitie~ Ordinance. 1.6 The project density of 75 dwelling units or a gross density of 3.0 clwell~ units per acr~ is in compliance with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. SECFION II -, PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SHORT TITLE 2.1 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The ~ubject property is under contract for purchase by the Pah-n Foundation, Inc. at the time of the application for zoning. 2.2 LEOAL DESCRIPTION A pm'c~| of land located in the Northeast quarter of Section 23, TowrLship 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, being more particu/arly detribed ~. followt The West half of the West half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 23, Townsl~p 49 SouLh, Range 25 East, Collier County, fig East ha/f of the Northw~t quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 2.3, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collk'r CottorT, Florida, subject to public road right-of-way over and gtt~ th~ South 30 feet thereof. SHORT TITLE This ordinanc~ ~all be known and cited aa the "BAJLEY LANE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE". ?. 2-1 SECTION III STATEMENT OF INTEN7 AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The developer'$ intent is to establish a Planned Unit Development meeting lh~ applicable r,,mdarda of the Collier County Land Development Code. T!~ fi.trther purpo$~ of the document is to ~ forth guidelines for future development of the project that meet accepted planning principles and prtctlc~s, tnd to implement the Collier County Growth Management Plan. 3.2 !~tO.II~CT DESCRIFrION The i:~'oject compri~e~ 24.7&t acres and is located on the west side of Ablx~t Road with acces~ provided from B~ley Lane in Section 23, Township 49 South, Range 25 EasL The project will consist of 75 single family tm~t~, comprising a mix of both villa and more traditiocml, single [emily dwelling units, to be determined at the time of subdivision platting. The project's intended purpose is to develop a low density, $elf-cotttained, residential commtmity, with private roads and a security gate, to provide for the security needs ef future residents. Rec'nmtional facilities are also planned to be included in the project to lessen the dependence on County recreational facilities. 3.3 LAND USE PLAN A. The PUD Master Plan contains a total of 12.66 acres of residential development, 3.22 acres of lakes, 3.35 of road fights-of-way, 4.79 acres of buffer and preserve areas, and .74 acres of recreational and clubhouse area. 3.4 PROJECT PHASING The anticipated time for build-out of the entire project is three (3) yearsorb,/1997. m SECTION IV -, GENERAl, DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 4.1 PURPOSE TI~ ~ of this ~'ction is to delineate and generally describe the project plan of development, relationships to applicable County ordinances, the respective land uses of the tracts included in the project, as well as other project relationships. 4.2 GENERAL A. Regulations for development of the Bailey Lane PUD shall be in accordance wiffi the contents of this document, PUD-Planned Unit Development District and other applicable sections and parts of the Collier Cottory Land Development Code and the Growth Management Plan in effect at the time of issuance of any development order to which said regulations relate which authorizes the construction of imFovements, such as but not limited to Final Subdivision Plat, Firal Site Development Plan, Excavation Permit and Preliminary Work Authorization. Where these regulations fail to provide developmental standards, then the provisions of the most similar di='wict in the County Land Development Code shall apply. B. Unless otherwise noted, the definitions of all terms shah be the same as the definitions set forth in Collier County Land Development Code in effect at ~e ~ime of building permit application. C, All conditions imposed and all graphic material presented depicting restrictions for the development of the Bailey Lane PUD shall become pm of the regulations which govern the manner in which the PUD site may be developed. D. Unless modified, waived or excepted by this PUD, the provisions other land development codes, where applicable, remain in full force. and effect with respect to the development of the land which comprises this PUD. E, Development permitted by the approval of this petition will be subject lo a concurrency review under the provisions of Div.3.15 of the Collier County Land Development Code at the earliest or nat to occur of either final SDP approval, final plat approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this development. 4.3 SITE CLEARING AND DRAINAGE -, Clearing, grading, earthwork, and site drainage work shall be performed in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 4.4 EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES Easements, where required, shall be provided for w~tcr management areas, utilities and other purposes as may be required by Collier County and other permitting agencies. All necessary casements, dedications or other inslrumenta shall be granted to ensure continued operation and maintenance of all services and utilities. 4..S AMENDMENTS TO THE MASTER PLAN T!g Master Plan is designed to be flexible with regard to the placement of buildings, water management facilities, and the boundaries of tracts as long as the final design complies with all the applicable portions of the PUD ordinance. The Development Services Director shall be authorized to approve minor changes and refinements to the Bailey Lane Master Plan upon w~ittt'n r~cluest of the Developer based on the following, in addition to the standards provided in Article 2, Division 2.7, Section of the Collier County Land Development Code. I. The miner changes are limited to reconfiguration or preserve areas, jurisdictional wetlyhal limits, and mitigation features as a result of regulatory agency review. 2. To reconfigure lakes, ponds, or other water management facilities where such changes are consistent '~ith the criteria of the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County and there is no f~.trther encroachment into preserve are~. 3. Internal r~alignment of rights-of-way other than relocation of ~c_-.,3s points to external streets. 4. Reconfiguration o~' residential parcels where there is no etgn'ot. hmem into preserve or buffer at~ts. 4.6 PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REQLFIP, EMENTS Exhibit No. ! of PUD Ma.~ter Plan, constitutes the required PUD Development Plan. Subsequent to, or concurrent wi~, PUD approval, a Preliminary Subdivision Plat shall be submitted for the entire area cover~! by the PUD Master Plan. All division of property and the dev~lopment of the land shall be in com,~liance with the subdivision r~-gulstions set forth in Sec. 3.2, Lar~d Development Code. 4-2 Prior to recording of the Final Subdivision Plat, when required by the -, $ubdivi~on Reg,,!~,_'ons set ferth in Sec. 3.2, Land Development Code, final plato of tl~ required improvements shall receive the approval of ' all appropriate Collier County governmental agencies to ensure complim~ with the PUD Master Plan, the County Subdivision Regulations md th~ platting '!aw~ of the State of Florida. Tig provi$iora of Se~:. 3.3, Land Development Code, regarding site dt, v~lopment plato ahall apply to th~ development of all platted tra~, or pm'r~e!$ of lind, when tl~plicable, a~ provided in aid Sec. 3.3, Land D¢~l~ COd~, prior to the issuance of a building permit or other 4.7 PROVISION FOR OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF EARTHEN MATERIAL Th~ excav~on ,:ff earthen material and its mockpiling in preparation of ~ nmnagement faeilitie~ or to otherwise develop water bodies is hareby permitted. If, after cormideration of fill activities on those buildable portions of the project site art such that there is a surplta of :, earthen nutterial, then its off-site di~3o.~al is also hereby permitted ~ubject to the following conditions: A. Exe, avation activities ahall comply with the definition of a · *Development Excavation* pursuant to See., Land Development Code, whereby off-site removal shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the total volume e~cavated up to a maximum of 20,000 cubic B. A timetable to facilitate said removal shall be submitted to the Development Services Manager for approval. Said timetable shall irclud¢ the length of time it will take to complete ~ald removal, hou~ of operation and haul routet In any event, no timetable shall b¢ approve! for off-sit~ removal in excess of ninety days from date of ~roval. C. All provisions of Sec. 3.5, Land Development Code ate applicable. 4.8 SUNSET AND MONITORINO PROVISIONS The Bailey Lane PUD shall be subject lo Sec., [,and Development Code, time lirr. it$ for approved PUD Master Plans and See. Monitoring Requirements. :~. ~: 4.9 POLLING PLACES -, Any community recreatior/public building/public room or similar common ,- facility located within the Bailey Lane PUD may be used for a polling place, if determined necessary by the Supervisor of Elections, in accordrace with 'Se,:. 2.6.30, Lind Development Code. " 4.10 DENSITY A nuximum of up Io 75 single family or villa/z~ro lot line homes are permitted in the planned development Th~ E)cnii~y R~ling Sy~m of the Collier County Growth Management Plan pcnnit~ up Io lhrcc (3) dwelling units per acre for the project or a rn~ximum of seventy-five (75) dwelling trait.t, which is the proposed number of dwelling tmiB for the project. (See also Statement of Compliance, Section 1-9). 4.11 MODEL HOMES/SALES CE"NTER - OTHER STRUCTUI~S FOR PROMOTION Model homc$, hies centm and other uses and s~mctures related to the promotion ~ sale of real estate, such as, but not limited to, pavilion.s, viewing platforms, gazelos, parking areas, tents, and signs, shall be permitted principal uses throughout the Bailey Lane PUD subject to the requirements of Article 2, Division 2.6, Section and Article Division 3.2, Section of the Collier County Land Devel6pmcnt Code. The limitations of Section, regarding the number of model homes allowed prior to plat recordation shall be applicable to each subdivision tract rather than each subdivision phase. 4.12 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS All landscaping requiremenu, buffers, walls. herins, etc. shall be dc'veloped in conformance with rcqulrcmenu of Division 2.4 of the Collier County Land De~tcJopment Code pertaining to landscaping and buffering. 4.13 SIGNS All sigrmge of the Bailey Lane PUD shall be the same as permitted by Section 2.5 of the Collier County Land Development Code 4.14 NATIVE VEGETATION RETENTION REQUIREML'NTS Pursuant to Policy 6.4.6 of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, twenty-five portent of th~ viably functioning native habitat shall be retained in buffer aret% aroxmd the perimeter of lakes and to the rear of resid~-'ntial m u depicted ors the PUD master plan. 4-4 4.15 COMMON AREA I~s~qTENANCE Common Ar~ l~t~-~nce, including ~e ~nt~ce o~ colon ~ili~ ~ ~ ~~n ~ ~d ~e ~t~ ~g~t ~nciHfies 4.16 U~E OF ~G~F-WAY ~ ~1~ ~ ~ time of Fi~ Su~ivision Pla~ing ~ ~e o~ion of i ~ng ~ ~ fi~f-~y for ei~ ~vate or public 4.17 ~O~SI~ OF ~A~ONAL ~ES ~ ~1~ ~1 ~de a ~ng ~1 ~ mi~mm dimemiom of 30* x ~' ~ · elub~ of at l~ t~ ~o~d (3,~) ~e f~ ~ ~'~ ~ im~m~B ~I1 ~ p~ovid~ ~n pRelve (12) mon~ of ~ ~R~ ~mpl~on of ~Mi~sion ~[at~ im~ovemenB. 4.18 G/PE~D USES ~ foH~g ~ ~tl ~ ~mid~ g~ ~miR~ ~s ~ ~e ~lq ~ P~. ~ P~ Urn: I. ~ ~ a ~ fo~ und~ Co[li~ Co~ L~d ~l~t ~e, ~ion 2.6.9. I. 2. Wa~ ~m~t f~iliti~ ~d related s~ctures. 3. ~~ ga~ho~ ~d ~ ~n~ol mmres. 4. ~oM f~ilifi~ imh~ing a clubhour, to meet 5. Tm~ c~ion, nl~, ~d Mmini~ntive o~ces for ~ ~e[o~ ~ ~/elo~'s au~od~d con~toB ~d ~mulm~ including ~ accm ways, p~king ueas ~d ~lat~ ~, ~bject to 2.6.33 of the LEd Development C~e. 6. ~d~ fea~ including but not limited to lad~a~ buffeB, ~, fenc~ ~d walls. 7. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing ', uses and which the Development Services Director determines to be compatible. B. Development Standards - General Permitted Uses: Unle~ othenvi~e set forlh in this document, the following development sl,mdard$ shall apply to uses enumerated above: !. ~-tback from back of curb or edge of pavement of any road - fifteen feet (15') except for guard houses, gatehouses, and $ece$$ control structures which shall have no required 2. ~'tback from property lines -- one half (1/2) the height of 3. Minimum distance between accessory structures - five (5) feet. 4. Minimum distance between principal structures ten ( I 0) feet. 5. Maximum height of strictures - twenty five (25) feet. 6. Minimum floor area - None required. 7. Minimum lot or parcel area - None required. g. Standards for parking, landscaping, signs and other land uses where such standards are not specified herein, axe to be in accordance with Collier County Land Developmere Code in effect at the time of Site Development Plan Approval. 4-6 SECTION V -, PERMITTED USES AND DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL LAND USE PIJRI~SE TI~ purpose or this Section h ~o id~ntiry permitted uscs and dcvclopmcnt ~mchrdl for m within the Bailey Ltnc PUD designated on Exhibit "A", lr0D Mailer Plm~ for residential use that includes Tracts A, C, D and F. MAXIMUM DWELLfNO UNITS A mum of seventy-five (75) single family or vilia lots rnay be G~ DESCRIPTION Th~ si~roximat~ acreage of residential tracts are depicted on the PUD Mast~ Plan. This acreage is based on conceptual d~signs and is approximate. Actual acreages of ~11 development tracts will be provided st th~ time of Site Development Plan or Preliminary Subdivision Plat ~ in accordanc~ with Article 3, Division 3.3, and Division 3.2 r~spectiv~ly, of the ColJier County Land Development Code. Pa:sldential tr~'ts are designed to accommodate internal roadways, open spaces, smenity szeas, wtt~r management facilities, and other similar uses found in rtsldentlal ar~as. PEI1MITTED USE.¶ AND STRUCTURES No building or structure, or part thereof. shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in who!~ or part, for other than the following: !. Principal Uses: (a) SinSic Family ~hed Eh~!l ings Co) Villa or Zero-Lot Line I2)wellings 2. Accessory Uses and Structures: (a) Accessory uses and structures customaxily associated with principal uses permitted in this district, including recreational facilities. S-I 5,5 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS !. Table I sets for',h the D~'velopment Standards for residential tracts. BAILEY LANE PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL AREAS FERMITIED USE8 SINGLE VILLAS AND STANDARDS FAMILY Minimum Lot Area 7,500 SF 5,000 SF Minimum Lot Width ~'~ 60 40 Front Yard 25 20 Sid~ Yard ~ 7.5 Rear Yard Principal 20 I0 Ra~m' Yard Accesaory I0 5 Maximum Building Height 35 35 Principal Stngua'~ 15 I 0 Floor Anm Min. (SF) 1200 1200o~ Minimum lot width may b~ reduced by 20 percent for cul- de-sac lots provided minimum lot area requirement is still maintained. Zero (0) feet or a minimum of five (5) feet on either side, except that where the zero (0) feet yard option is milized, tl~ opposiu: side of the struc~u~ shall have a ten (10) foot yard. Two-story villa or zero lot line homes are required to have a minimum of 1,500 S.F. 7; Z Villa or zero-lot line dwellings are distinguished from single family detached -, ','. d~llings with conventional side yard requirements to differentiate these types of single family uses for the purpose of applying Development Standards under Table 1. (Villa or Zero-Lot Line dwellings shall be defined as any type of detached single family structure employing a zero or reduced side yaxd as set forth herein, atgl which conform to the requirements of Collier County Land Development "" Code, Article 2, Division 2.6, Subsection 2.6.27.) 3. The mzmber and location of single family end villa or zero-lot line dwellings will ' · bs determined at the time of ~uMivi~ion platting. ~ 4. 8itlgle family itncl villa or zero!or line dwellings may be k--'parated by recreational · fgilitie$, common Itrea$, latglscap¢ buffer~ rights-of-way or by a common lot line. Rtgatdle~ of how this gparation is achieved, single family lob will be generally !, glmated from villa or zero-lot line dwellings. 5-3 SECTION VI TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS T!~ propole of lhis Section is to sct forth the transportation commitments of the Project De~ioper. 6.1 The developer shall provide a ~{dewnlk internal to the project for the exclusive use of project r.idents prior to or at time time that the final subdivision improvements arc 6.2 Transporuttion Impeel Fee Credits, if any, shall be allowed in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 92-22, u amended. Internal access improvements and external tress imlno,tements (turn hines, street lighting, etc.) .,hall not be eligible for any such 6.:t Prior to the placement of a guardhouse or security gate at the project entrance, portions of Bailey Lax~ eomFrising '+46 acres, that fall within the boundary of the project, shall be requested to be vacated by the Collier County Board of Commissioners pursuant to a public petition. All roadways within the boundary of the project shall be private roadwny~ with nec:ess permitled only for residents and their guests. 6.4 The developer, his hein, suecxm¢~ or assigns, shall be responsible for a fair m eonuibution toward ,, traffic signal system at the inienection of Airport Road and Bailey Lane Ixmld ngh a signal ~ become warranted in the future. It shall be the sole detertnin~on of Collie County as to whether the .,ignai system warrant requirements are, or shall be., met Any such signal system shall be owned, operated or maintained by Collier Coumy. 6.5 The developer, his heirre, successon or assigns, shall be responsible for a fair -,hate contribution toward a sidewalk from the eastern property boundary easterly to the intenection of Airport Road and Bailey Lane. 6-1 ~ SEC~rlON VII -, ~.-..... UTILITY AND ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS TI~ ~ of this Section is to act forth the utilifie~ and engineering commitment of the Project 7.1 UTILITIES A. Sewer and water ~q'viee is provided by the City of Naples. Therefore, all pertinent requirement~ of the City of Naples, perxaining to the extension and ~ion of utilities, shall be met. ENOINEERINO 7 A. Dcudled l~ving, gr~ing, site drainage and utility plans shall be submined to the Development Servlees Director for review. No construction permits shall be issued unless ~ until ,,pproval of the proposed construction in accordance with ;. th~ submitted plar, sis granted by the Development Services Director. :' ~ B. Design and Son of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with ; > [1~ ~ provisions of the Collier County L~.nd Development Code. ~t ~ C. The project shall be platted in accordance with Scc. 3.2, Land Development Code, to det'm the rights-of-way and tracts as ahown on the PUD Master Plan. , D. The developer tad all subsequent petitioners are hereby placed on notice that they ~h~ll be required to ~afisfy the requirements of all County ordinances or codes in effect prior to or concutte,R with any subsequent development order relating to this site, including but not limited to PrelimLnary Subdivision Plat, Site Developmerit Plans and any other application that will result in the issuance of a final or final local dcvciolmlent order. 7ol SECTION VIII -, WATER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS The purpose of this Section is to set forth the water management commitmenu of the Project Developer. 8.1 Detailed paving. grading and site drainage plans shall be submitled to the Development Services Dinctor for review. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance with the submit'ted plans is granted by Development Services Direclor. g.2 Design and construction of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with the appropria~ provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code. 8.3 ~g shall not be placed within the water management areas unless specifically approved by Development Services Director. 11.4 A copy of the South Florida Water Management Distrio: Permit or Early Work Permit (with $laff Report) shall be provided prior to the issuance of final developments orders. An excavation permit shall be required for the proposed lake (in accordance with Div.3.5 of the Land Development Code and South Florida Water Management District rules). 8-1 SECTION IX -, ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 9.1 Tbe Bailey Lan~ PUD master plan proposea 4.75 acres of native habitat to be retained in buffer ~ artamd the perimeter of lakes and in the rear of single family lots to ~aist in met'ring Policy 6.4.6 of th~ Conservation and Coastal Management Element of th~ Collier Coumy Growth Management Plan. Conservation axeas (native habitat arcaa) shall be idc'ntified by survey and pi¢.$¢rv~d on the plat documents by easement or tract. Setbacks from theg traea shall be in accordance with Section of the Collier County Land Development Code. 9- I VILLAS LOTS :--- '~ ................ ;-:- ~-_:-~---_' ..... ~~.H , "-'.I o.' VILLAS L A K · . ~ ~ ass msmm STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: Ordinance No. 95-37 Which nl adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 23rd day of Nay, 1995, during Regular Session. WITll~SS my hand and the officlal seal of the Board of County CosusAge/snare of Collier County, Florida, this 26th day of May, 1995. DWXGHT E. BROCK Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-offictO to Board o~ · County Commissioners B~./s/Naureen Kenyon Deputy Clerk