Ordinance 98-091 ORDINANCE NO. 98-91 ~,2n2R2~~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102 THE '1? <:&""~,, COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH ~1Y ~ ~\ INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR l? ~ ~~~ ~.~ '. THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ~ ~~ :..,: BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER ~ ~~~~~~~~ t,) 8527N; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF ';of) c}.~" ~:. THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "A" RURAL ~. \;~'/ AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ~ ltO\ ("~~/. KNOWN AS GRANADA SHOPPES PUD FOR A MIXED USE -----~ COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF A MAXIMUM GF. 390,000 SQUARE FEET OF GROSS FLOOR AREA INCLUSIV~ OF RETAIL, OFFICE AND SERVICE LAND USES FOR ~. PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEASTERN QUADRANT Of : THE INTERSECTION OF U.S. 41 AND IMMOKALEE ROAD ;~.~: (C.R. 846), IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ._ CONSISTING OF 39.2! ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN ~:~ EFFECTIVE DATE. to C:D o ....: ""'" ~ l:=> ~ U1 ~ "!,,...'" WHEREAS, George L. Varnadoe of Young, van Assenderp & Varnadoe, P.A., representing Granada Shoppes Associates, Ltd., petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Section 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "AN Rural Agriculture to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the Granada Shoppes PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 8527N, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. e -1- ;;~,.e BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this Lt?:t::L day of 1~ 1998. e \' \) ~ \\0 lit . ~ ".. ~v,'. ~.... .... ~I : ". C( ',' : '/'.-:. ;~tT~:S: "~""~""~' An ~~.. '-(~~ l"/V''' ~ ;D GAT .E. BRG , Cler ~t~~ '.s~to~~~r...'S s1gnatttt 6N\'i~ Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency ~.tL on. ~~uJ:, Marj ie M. Student Assistant County Attorney I'tlD-tl-14 OIUlIIWlCII BY:~E~_ This ordino"cl' fihi with the Secretory nf $~,'l"", C flicc tw- ~doyof .~~..l2P:,_ and ockncw'"d,,',..,cnt of ,hot flll~ecCi"cd 'this..2.:l.& cloy of """'. .LJ1L~ By "'P>' p;~ ~~ ~ l)oputy c: -2- ~'e .' GRANADA SHOPPES A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PREPARED FOR GRANADA SHOPPES ASSOCIATES LIMITED ."e ~";. . AUGUST, 1998 Exhibit " A" IIIU......_ VII: a.wAMllUl ......&e__ ..... III Got Pl"l.D421n ..' e Granad. Shoppes A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 39.23:t Acres Located in Section 27 Township 48 South, Range 25 East Collier County, Florida PREPARED FOR: GRANADA SHOPPES ASSOCIATES LIMITED P~AREDBY: WILSON, MILLER, BARTON &: PEEK., INC. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, Florida 34105 and YOUNG vanASSENDERP &: V ARNAOOE 801 LAUREL OAK DRIVE SUITE 300 NAPLES, FL 34101-7907 e DATE FILED DATE APPROVED BY CCPC DATE APPROVED BY BCC ORDINANCE NUMBER 8128/98 11Il~_Yr.Q.WAlMllLD ILI..IIC-.... ~IJJ "e TABLE OF CONTENTS f&m STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE ii SHORT 1TI1..E iv SECIlON I LEGAL DESCRIPTION, PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, &. I-I GENERAL DESCRIPTION SECIlON n PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 2-1 2.1 Purpose 2.2 General Description of tile Project and Proposed Land Uses 2.3 Compliance with County Ordinances 2.4 Land Use Summary 2.5 Lake Siting 2.6 Fill Storage 2.7 Use ofRigbt-of-Way 2.8 Sales Office and C..onstruction Office 2.9 Changes and Amendments to PUD Document or PUD Master Plan 2.10 Preliminary Subdivision Plat Pbuing 2.11 Open Space and Native Vegetation Retention Requirements 2.12 Surface Water Management 2.13 Environmental 2.14 Utilities 2.15 Transportation 2.16 Common Area Maintenance 2.17 Design Guidelines and Standards 2.18 Landscape Buffers, Berms, Fences and Walls 2.19 Signage 2.20 Public Places 2.20 General Pennitted Uses SECIlON m COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 3-1 3.1 Purpose 3.2 General Description 3.3 Pennittcd Uses and Sections 3.4 Development Standards EXHIBIT A GRANADA SHOPPES PUD MASTER PLAN (WMB&.P File No. B-0690-0(8) e EXHIBIT A-I SHOPPING AREA PEDESTRIAN WAY EXHIBIT A-2 PARKING AREA PEDESTRIAN WAY EXHIBIT A-3 PERIMETER PEDESTRIAN WAY EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION 11Il___...WAIHDLD ........-- ...... .. PftI).Z2ISJ . . .- STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The purpose of this section is to express the intent of the Granada Sboppes Associates, Ltd., bc:reiDafter referred to IS the Developer, to create a Planned Unit Development (PUD) on 39.23: ICl'eI ofland located in Section 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. The name of this Planned Unit Development shall be Granada Sboppes. The development of this lite win be in compliance with the planning goals and objectives of Collier County IS set forth in the Growth Management Plan. The development will be consistent with the policies and land development regulatiOlll adopted thereunder of tho Growth Management Plan Future Land Use Element and other applicable regulations for the following reasons: 1. The subject property is within the Urban Commercial District. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict IS identified on the Future Land Use Map. This District is intended to IICCOmmodatc the majority of all new commercial zoning in the County. The Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict boundaries arc flCXlDlc, and the boundaries as shown of the FLUE Map may be modified throuah the use of the Master Planned Activity Center designation where the Developer maintains unified control of a majority of a quadrant in a Mixed Use Activity Center. The Developer owns the entirety of the Southeutem quadrant of Mixed Use Activity Center 1#2 and the proposed project bouDdaries represent the use of tho Master Planned Activity Center concept. The proposed development is consistent with both the existing Collier County Comprehensive Plan and tho rcccnt1y adopted plan amendments. Under the existing Plan, the project qualifies IS a Master Planned Activity Center IS it is a unified plan of development in the form of a PUD which encompasses at least one full quadrant of a designated activity center. The pertinent plan provisions specifically sJlow flexibility in the boundaries, mix and location of uses permitted within an activity center, including the modification of the square configuration. The recently ammded comprcbcnsive plan provides the property with flexibility in the boundaries, mix and location of uses within a master planned activity center, and pennits modification of tho square confiauration of Ictivity center quadrants if the applicant has unified control of a majority of a quadmnt. The Plan provides that 100';' of the acrcaae within the Ictivity center is eUaible for commcrclal uses. 2. 0rInada Shoppca 11 compatible with ad complementary to exiatins and zoned future land usealW'rOUDding tho project IS required in Policy 5.4 of the FLUE. 3. Site and buildina bnprovements will be in compliaocc with applicable land development regulations as set forth in Objective 3 of the FLUE, unless and to the extent amended bcRin. u 1~Yw:_AUlCILD .....aa-..... ..... .. .. Jl'l.D.DID " . . ., 'e 4. The development of Granada Shoppcs will result in a well-dcsigned commercial project, throush coordinated and regulated signagc, building design, vehicular and pedestrian access, and landscaping and will further the intent of Policies 3.1.E and F of the FLUE. S. The development of Granada Sboppcs will be designed in a manner consistent with Objective 7, Policies 7.1, 7.2. 7.3 and 7.S, which address access management, on-site traffic and pedestrian circulation, and compliance with the Collier County Strectscape Master Plan. 6. Granada Shoppcs does not meet the minimum thresholds for a Development of Regional Impact (DRI), pursuant to Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes. 1997, in that it is at or below 80% of all numerical thresholds for retail commcrcial, office and multi-use development pursuant to the auidelines and staDdards set forth tbcrcin. The Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) bas reviewed and issued a clearance letter for the project. 7. The development of Granada Sboppcs will result in In efficient and economical extension of community facilities and services as required in Policies 3.1 H and L of the Future Land Use Element 8. The 0raDada Sboppcs win be developed c:onsistcnt with the Collier County Access Management Plans. as required in Section 2.6.38 of the Collier County Land Development Code. 9. 0rIIJada Sboppea bas m:eived a waiver from the bistorica1larcbcologica1 survey and assessment requirements of Section of the Land Development Code due to the site's location in . low potential area for containing bistoric:aJ/arcbcologica1 artifacts. The developer will comply with Section of the Land Development Code should IICCidcntal discovery of any historic or archeological site, significant artifact. or other indicator occur during lite development or building construction. tit III 11Il____W-.D ......- _IOI.-In .. ; ,. e SHORT TITLE This ~ shall be known and cited as the "ORANADA SHOPPES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE". Iv 11II~Vtr...W-.D ......"'-- .... _ _ JIPLDoUID ...,...,,-.----'........-.--- -"..."--"'-'"~ e I-I SECI'IONI LEGAL DESCRImON, PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, AND GENERAL DESCRImON 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to set forth the legal description and ownership of Granada Shoppes. and to describe the existing condition of the property proposed to be developed. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRImON Plcuc refer to Exhibit "B". 1.3 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The subject property is currently under the equitable ownmhip or control of Ocean Boulevard Partnership, a Florida partnership, or its assians, whose address is 2640 Golden Gale Parkway Suite liS, Naples, FL 3410S, and Ocean Boulevard Partnership n, whose ..wrcss is 2600 Golden' Gate Parkway, Naples, Fl 3410S. 104 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY A. The project site is located in Section 27, Township 48 South, Range 2S East. and is generally bordered on the west by U.S. 41 and commercially developed property. To the south lies the Bay Colony Golf Course. which is part of the Pelican Marsh ORI. To the cast lies Agriculturally zoned and utilized property. Immediately north lies 1mm01ca1ee Road. and commercially designated and developed Riverchasc Shoppina Center, which is part oftbc Collier Tract 22 ORI. B. The zooina classification of the subject property at the time ofPUD application is A (Aaricultural). e C. Elevations within the site an: approximately 7.5 to 9 feet-NOVO. Per FEMA Firm Map Pane" No. 1200670193D, dated 1UDO 3.1986, the Granada Sboppes property is located within Zones " AE-ll" of the FEMA flood Insurance rate map. D. The soil types on the site generally include Riviera limestone substratum, Copeland fine sand, Pineda fine sand, ImmokaJee fine sand, Myak1ca fine sand, Basinger fine sand, Rivieria fine sand, Ft. Drorn and Malabar fine sand, and Satellite fine sand llIl_Vor.lIJ.WAIHllUI ..........-.. ...... _ _ ~IJJ e 1-2 E. Prior to development, vegetation on the site primarily consists of active croplands and small lImounts of pine Oatwoods along the north and west boundaries with varying degrees of Brazilian Pepper infestation. F. The projcc:t site is located within the Pine Ridge Canal and West Branch Cocohatchce River sub-basins, a depicted within the Collier County Drainage Atla (July 1995). The South Florida WafJ:r Management District bas required off-site diJcharge to the Pine Ridge Canal. e 11II_Vr....W-'O ........,,-- .... _ _ fPF.D..Z21JJ .;:.,..~... . '\ . SEcrION n PROJECf DEVELOPMENT 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to generally describe the plan of development for Granada Shoppes, and to identify relationships to applicable County ordinances. policies, and procedures. 1.2 GENERAL DESCRImON OF THE PROJECf AND PROPOSED LAND USES A. Granada Shoppes is a 39.23 acre mixed use retail commercial and office development which will consist of general and specialty retail shops, restaurants, business and professional offices, and financial institutions. Granada Shoppes shall establish project-wide guidelines and standards to ensure a coordinated and consistent level of quality for proposed features and facilities. B. The PUD Master Plan is illustrated graphically on ExIu'bit A (WMB&P. Inc. File No. E-0690-0(8). A Land Use Swnmary indicating approximate land use acreages is shown on the plan. The location, size, and configuration of individual tracts shall be determined at the time of County development approvals in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). C. The Project shall contlin a maximum of 300,000 square feet (gross building area) of retail commercial uses and a maximum of 90,000 square feet (gross building area) of office uses. 2.3 COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY ORDINANCES .'~.- .,.,.. ~v~ ; . ~..: B. Regulations for development of Granada Shoppes shan be in accordance with the contents of this PUD Ordinance, and to the extent they are not inconsistent with this PUD Ordinance and applicable sections of the LDC, which is in effect at the time of issuance of any development order. Where this PUD Ordinance docs not provide development standards, then the provisions of the specific section of the LDC that is othc1wise applicable shall apply. Unless othawiao defined herein, or u necessarily implied by context, the definitions of all terms shall be the same u the definitions set forth in the LDC in effect at the time of development order application. A. ... ~\ : , >/. IIII~Y",_WAaHOLD .........-.. MOllO .. toll 1'ftI).DlJ) e 2-2 C. Development permitted by the approval of this PUD will be subject to the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, Division 3.15 of the LOC. D. All conditions imposed herein or as represented on Granada Shoppcs Master Plan arc part of the regulations which govern the manner in which the land may be developed. E. The Developer shall submit to the CoWlty an annual PUD monitoring report in accordance with LOC Section 2.4 LAND USES A. The location of land uses and general project configuration arc shown on the PUD Master Plan, Exhibit A. Changes and variations in building tracts, location and acreage of these uses shall be pennitted at time of County development to accommodate utilities, topography, vegetation, and other site and market conditions, subject to the provisions of Section of the Collier CoWlty LOC. The specific location and size of individual tracts and the assignment of square footage or units shall be dctennined at the time of CoWlty development approval. B. Roads and other infrastructure may be either public, private or a combination of public and private, depending on location, design and pmpose. The request for a road to be public aba11 be made by the Developer at the time of final CoWlty development approval. The Developer or its assignees shall be responsible for maintaining the roads, streets, drainage, common areas, and water and sewer improvements where such systems arc not dedicated to the CoWlty. Standards for roads shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of the CoWlty LDC, unless otherwise approved during CoWlty development approval. The Developer reserves the right to request substitutions to Code design standards in accordance with Section of the LOC. 2.5 LAKE SITING, EXCAVATION AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS .'.- -:;~- A. A. depicted on the PUD Master Plan, lakes have been pn:liminarily sited, with the ultimate location and configuration to be determined during the site development review stages of project development. The goal of this Master Plan is to lCbievc an overall aesthetic character for the project by designing the surface water management system lakes as an integral feature of the project, and to utilize the lakes as a waterfront amenity for the public as well as tenants of the project. In that regard, exceptions from slopes and setbacks may be requested during the site plan review process. 11IIJ1111.4S134 Ytr: Cll.WAaMlU) ......1&'__ _ _ .. PftI)o22IJJ ~_._~-,...'"-""...._~.,...,'.-=,.,'''''.*...".~~,_...._----_...., . 2-3 B. Fill material from lakes is planned to be utilized within the project site; however, excess fill material may be transported off-site. The volume of material to be removed shall be limited to ten percent of the calculated excavation volume to a maximum of 20,000 cubic yards. If the Developer wishes to remove additional material from the project site, a commercial excavation permit will be required. C. Lake banks and edge of water may be sculpted for aesthetic purposes and to complement the overall project theme and may use combinations of vertical bulkheads (rock, concrete, wood), vegetation and earthen benns for aesthetic purposes, consistent with the intent of Section of the LOC. O. Final la1ce area detcnninations shall be in accordance with the South Florida Water Management District stonnwater criteria and Section 3.5.7. of the LOC. 1. Setbacks: Lake excavations shall be located so that the control elevation shall adhere to the following minimum setback requirements, unless bulkheading is provided, per LOC and Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) standards: a) Lakes and stonnwater management fcatw'cs may be located adjacent to internal roads. The roads will be designed to (AASHTO) road standards and shalI incorporate such factors as road alignment, travel speed, bank slope, road cross sections, md need for barriers. b) Lakes and stormwater management features shall be set back a minimum of twenty feet (20') from Immokalec Road or U.S. 41 rights-of-way, providing appropriate County and FOOT barriers are installed where required. 2.6 FILL STORAGE A. Fill storage is generally permitted as a ~paI use throughout the Granada Shoppcs PUD during development phases of the project. The following standards shall apply for stockpiled excavation material: e I. Stockpile maximum height: Thirty-five feet (3~ 2. Fill storage areas in excess of five fect (5') in height shall be separated from developed areas by fencing, excavated water bodies or other physical barriers if the side slope of the stockpile is stccpcr than 4: 1. IIll-..a4l1\r."'W-'" lI.....w_ .... _ _ PlU)..22I>> .... :"'e 2-4 a) Soil erosion control shan be provided in accordance with LOC Division 3.7. 2.7 USE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY The Developer may place landscaping, signage, lighting, water management facilities, bcrms. decorative walls and fences, utilities or decorative entry features within any public or private rights-of-way adjacent to or within the Granada Shoppes, if the applicable agency's pcnnits and approvals are acquired. 2.8 SALES OmCE AND CONSTRUCTION OFFICE Sales offices, construction offices, and other uses and structures related to the promotion, leasing and sale of real estate such as. but not limited to, pavilions, parking areas. and signs. shall be permitted principal uses throughout Granada Shoppes POO. These uses may be either wet or dry facilities. These uses shall be subject to the requirements of Section Section and Division 3.3 of the LOC, with the exception that the temporary use permit shall be valid through the life of the project with no extension of the temporary use required. These uses may use temporary septic tanks or holding tanks for waste disposal subject to permitting under PAC. 100-6 and may use potable water or irrigation wens. except that no septic systems or holding tanks shall be permitted upon issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the specific facility. 2., CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS TO PUD DOCUMENT OR PUD MASTER PLAN e A. Changes and amendments may be made to this POO Ordinance or POO Master Plan as provided in Section of the LOC. Minor changes and refinements as descn'bed herein may be made by the Developer in connection with any type of development or pennit application required by the LOC. The Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator shall be authot:ized io approve minor changes and refinements to the Granada Sboppes Master Plan upon written request of the Developer or his assignee. B. C. The foUowing limitations shall apply to such requests: 1. The minor change or refinement shall be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and Granada Shoppes POO document. 2. Tho mJnor c:banae or refinement shall not constitute a substantial change pursuant to Section of the LOC. IIIIM1-dD4 Vr. D-WAaMDLD .........- ....... _ Pft.D.ZIIJJ / ./ I .----....-..----.."...- e 2-5 3. The minor change or refinement shall be compatible with external adjacent land uses and shall not create detrimental impacts to abutting land uses, water management facilities, and conservation areas. D. The following shall be deemed minor changes or refinements: 1. Reconfiguration of lakes, ponds, canals, or other water management facilities where such changes are consistent with the criteria of the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County. 2. Internal realignment of rights-of-way or internal drives. 3. Reconfiguration ofparccls per Section 2.4 of this PUD. B. Minor changes and refinements as described above shall be reviewed by appropriate Collier County staff to ensure that said changes and refinements are otherwise in compliance with all applicable CoWlty Ordinances and regulations prior to the Community Development and Bnvironmental Services Administrator's consideration for approval. F. Written approval by the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator of a minor change or refinement may occur independently from and prior to any application for Subdivision or Site Development Plan approval, however such approval shall not constitute an authorization for development or implementation of the minor change or refinement without first obtaining all other necessary CoWlty pennits and approvals. 2.10 PRELIMINARY SUBDMSION PLAT PHASING In the event platting is required, submission, review, and approval of Preliminary Subdivision Plats for the project may be accomplished in phases to correspond with the planned development of the property. 2.11 OPEN SPACE AND NATIVE VEGETATION RETENTION REQUIREMENTS The PUD will comply with Section 2.6.32 and Division 3.9 of the LDC relating to open space and retention of native vegetation. 2.12 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT Pursuant to delegation from the SFWMD. Collier CoWlty will issue the surface water manaacment pcnnlt for the water manascment I)'Jtcm. wblch will be designed in IIJUM.4RM Vr.lD-WoUNllLD .......K__ .... tal toll mJD.22ISJ It 2-6 accordance with the Rules of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Chapters 40E-4 and 4-E-40. 2.13 ENVIRONMENTAL A. An Environmental Impact Statement waiver was requested by the Developer and approved by the Collier County Planning Services Department, Environmental Review Section staff due to prior agricultural activities on the site, pursuant to Section 3.8.9 of the Land Development Code. B. Other permits will be obtained from applicable State, Federal and Local agencies as appropriate. 2.14 UTILITIES All necessary easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to insure the continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities in compliance with applicable regulations in effect at the time approvals arc requested. 2.15 TRANSPORTATION A. The Developer shall provide appropriate left and/or right turn lanes on ImmokaJee Road and U.S. 41 at the project entrances. Such turn lanes shall be in place prior to the issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy for a use that utilizes the perspectivclassociated entrance. B. There shall be full access, signalized intersections at the project's eastern entrance on ImmokaJee Road and U.S. 41 entrance at 107th Avenue. The Developer shall provide a fair share contribution toward the capital cost of traffic signals. /- ~.. C. Future access points to 1mm0kaJee Road and U.S. 41 arc those shown on the Orauada Sboppcs Master Plan. Accesa to U.S. 41 is subject to approval and pcrmiuina by FOOT and locations may be modified from those shown on the site plan .. determined during the permitting process. Arterial level street lighting shall be provided by tho Developer at the project's main entrances in conjunction with the development ofthesc entrances. D. B. Road impact fees and credits shall be in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 92.22, as amended. 11Il_v.r._W-.D "'...v.-. ....__~IJJ e 2-7 F. County staff win prepare an amendment to the County TranspOrtation Plan to include as a County minor collector road a roadway that would link U.S. 41, cast to Goodlette-Frank Road through the Granada Shoppcs entrance and PUD then to the south road in the Creekside Commerce Park PUD, in a manner compatible with the adjacent properties. When said roadway is officially added to the County's transportation network. the County and Developer shall enter into an agreement whereby developer shall grant (at no cost to the County) a sixty-four (64) foot road right-of-way easement for said roadway from U.S. 41 to Goodlette-Frank Road, and shall be required to construct the County road so it is completed no later than sixty (60) days after a certificate of occupancy is issued for the Granada Shoppes Center. Said agreement shall provide that the Developer win receive impact fee credits for the design and construction of said improvements from U.S. 41 to Goodlette-F~ Road. O. If Board of County Commissioners decides to grant Na~les Park's request to block access from U.S. 41 to 1071h Avenue North and 108 Avenue North as per the plans requested by Naples Park and made a part of the record in this proceeding, Developer agrees to pay for the closing of 1071h and 10Slll Avenues North if said closure is pursuant to said plan and is accomplished prior to November of2003. 2.16 COMMON At-mA MAINTENANCE Common area maintenance, including maintenance of the surface water management system, win be provided by the Developer. 2.17 DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS A. The Collier County Planned Unit Development District is intended to encourage ingenuity, innovation and imagination in the planning, design and development or redevelopment of relatively large tracts of land under unified ownership as set forth in the tDC, Section 2.2.20. B. Granada Shoppcs PUD is planned as a functionally interrelated commercial aite under unified control. The Developer will establish auidelines and atandards to ensure quality for both the common areas and the individual parcel developments. All development win meet and enhance tDC Division'2.S, Architectural and Site Design Standards and Guidelines. C. The Granada Shoppes PUD win feature an integrated and compatible architectural building style or theme, which will be incorporated into the primary retail center, and all free standing uses. Massing of building facades will be reduced by III1s.w-aD4 Vr. a.WAlJlCU) "iUMl'~_ ___~IU e 2-8 transitioning building heights, widths and colors, and adding architectural elements such as loggias, canopies, comer towers, archways, or columns, which will fonn courtyard-like areas, appropriately scaled for public gathering spaces. These treatments will create visual interest and variety, while providing visitors to the project, a pedestrian-friendly atmosphere. Building architectural styles shall be compatible and complementary throughout project, and shall feature unifying and complementary elements such roof treatments, signage, landscaping and building materials and building colors. D. The Granada Shoppes PUD win be a fully integrated planned site, where attention to the overall site design is achieved by providing wen designed and integrated vehicular use areas, pedestrian paths, and architcctura11y unified signage, landscaping, and lighting throughout the site. 1. Common Areas a) Internal roadways win provide efficient vehicular circulation and will be designed with strectscapea that create pedestrian-friendly environments. Streetscape plans win be designed to establish a hierarchy of vehicular and pedestrian flow with landscape improvements appropriate in scale and character with the function of the street and adjacent land uses. The intent is to link uses throughout the project by designing appropriately located and scaled pedestrian and vehicular circulation routes. b) Project architectural features win be developed within common areas of the project and will be coordinated in design, color, and style. Architectural features shall be permitted throughout the site. c) Lake banks and water management features will be designed with edge offsets to complement the building architectural style and landscape features of the project. It 2. Free-Standing Uses a) Site Planning: Each freo.standing use win provide a visually appealing, articulated, identifiable path of entry for pedestrians and vehicles from the internal drive to the site and from the site to the buildings themselves. The orientation of a building or structure upon a site will not only reflect the project's functional nccd, but win also be responsive to the individual parcel's characteristics and relationship to the project and vehicle and pedestrian access ways. 11II~Vtr:_WAlHOLD "'....LC'-.. ...... IOI.. ~I)J tit 2-9 When adjacent to a project lake, buildings may be oriented to the lake feature and may provide decks, walkways, and/or seating areas adjacent to or over the water feature, depending upon the compatibility of such features with the type of business located on the parcel. b) Architectural standards: Design clements for free-standing use shall be compatible and complementary with the architectural theme of the project, including building materials, roof materials, colors, signage, lighting, and landscaping. c) Building lighting design will be architecturally treated in the style of the building architecture. Similarly styled pedestrian level lighting fixtures will be located along all pedestrian pathways. d) Landscaping: Landscape design guidelines for free-standing uses will create a harmonious and visually pleasing landscape that is cohesive and complementary to the overall master landscape plan. Tbe Granada Shoppes PUD landscape concept will feature combinations of native plants and ornamental varieties which will be designed to define and accent pedestrian and vehicular spaces. as ~11 as enhance the building architectural style. Landscape designs will create a coherent theme, which emphasizes plant material as a primary unifying element. :'\,- (1) Landscape elements along public rights-of-way will be complementary to streetscape landscaping. Hedge material required to be installed to separate parking areas from rights-of-way shall be installed adjacent to the parking areas. Parcel entries will be designed to harmonize with adjacent strectscapc landscaping, and clearly 1CCCDtuatc, the parcel entl)'. (2) LandscapiDg materials will be utilized to define the main site and building entrances. e) Oraphicslsignage: Sign graphics serve to provide continuity of design for all signage in the project, consistent with the overall visual impression of the project All monument signage shall be housed within an architecturally uniform sign structure. 1I11~ Vr.1II.WAaHClLD ......101'___ _~IJJ e 2-10 2.18 LANDSCAPING, BERMS, FENCES AND WALLS Landscaping, berms, fences and walls arc permitted as a principal use throughout Granad:l Sboppcs. Required buffer treatments shall terminate at entrances to accommodate entrance treatments and at lakes to accommodate views into the project. The following standards shall apply: A. Landscape buffers contiguous to Immokalee Road rights-of-wy and V.S 41 rights- of-way will be installed at the time of site development or subdivision improvement and will have the fonowing characteristics: 1. Minimum width of 20'-0", measurcct' from the property line. The minimum number of required trees shall be calculated at 1 tree per 25' linear feet. Plantings shalI not be required to be planted on 25' centers in a linear manner, but may be clustered or planted in irregular patterns to provide greater buffers in certain areas and to provide view corridors of key project features in order to create greater visual interest 2. The height of required trees within the buffers shall be 12' on average. Canopy trees shaJJ have a 6' canopy spread at the time of planting. 3. Hedges, where required by the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) shall be installed in accordance with LOC Division 2.4, Landscaping and Buffering. B. Landscape buffers contiguous to the agriculturally zoned parcel immediately east of the Granada Shoppes shall be a Type "A" buffer and wilJ be installed at the time of site development or subdivision improvement and will have the fallowing characteristics: 1. Minimum width of 10', measured 1iom the property line. The minimwn Dwnber of required trees shall be calculated at 1 tree per 30 linear feet. 2. Canopy trees wilI be planted at an initial height of 12' on avcrag~ with a 6' spread. C. Landscape buffers contiguous to the Pelican Marsh PUD shall be Type "A>> buffers. O. Landscape buffers. berms, fences and walls may be constructed along the perimeter of the Granada Sboppes PUD boundary concurrent with site development or 11II~Vr._WAaHOLD ........w_ ..... ... ... PPUD-22UJ .. . 'e 2-11 subdivision improvement E. Sidewalks. signagc, water management systems, drainage structures, project architectural features, and utilities shall be pcnnitted within landscape buffers. F. Landscape berms located within the Granada Shoppes PUD boundaty and contiguous to a property line and/or right-of-way line may be constructed such that they encroach into the right-of-way when approved by the applicable owner or agency. 2.19 SIGNAGE A. GENERAL 1. All ground mounted project and free-standing use signs shall be of consistent architectural style and shall feature like building materials and sign structures. Sign stnJctures will be uniform in size, color and building material. Pole signs shall be prohibited. 2. PW'suant to Sections of the LDC, the following conditions provide for the required comprehensive sign plan for the Granada Shoppes. All sign regulation, pW'SWU1t to Collier County Division 2.5 shall apply unless such regulations are in conflict with any conditions established in this PUD, in which case the PUD Docwnent shall govern. a) Free-standing use parcels shall be considered a separate single use parcel of land for the pwposes of this PUD so that signage may comply with the LDC requirements. b) Signs and decorative landscaped entrance features within a County dedicated right-of-way shall require a right-of way permit subject to tho review and approval of tho County and FOOT where applicable. .e c) A minimum. setback of 5' from edge of pavement shall be required, except that no sian shall be located so as to create a vehicular line of site obstnJctlon. d) All project sian structures may feature architectural treatments which shall be permitted to extend above the rnaximwn height of the sign specified herein. IIIIJIII.4RM Yw: D-WAMllLD a......._ .... .. .. PPlD42IJJ " e 2-12 B. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS 1. One project directory sign, with a maximum of 250 square feet of sign copy per side and a maximum sign copy height of 25', shall be pennitted per public right-of-way frontage. The directory sign may be pennittcd within the medians of project entry drives generally depicted on the Master Plan. 2. Project identification signs shall be located as generally depicted on the PUD Master Plan. Project identification signs shall be monument or wall mounted signs and feature only the project name, insignia or motto of the development. 3. Project identification sign copy will not exceed 100 square feet in size on any side, and shall not exceed a maximwn height of 10' above finished grade, except for architectural detail treatments. 4. No minimum setback shall be required, except that no sign shall be so located so as to create vehicular line of site obstructions. C. FREE-STANDING USE MONUMENT SIGNS I. Each free-standing use shall be pennittcd one monument sign per public road or private drive frontage. 2. Maximum pcnnissible sign copy shall be 100 square feet per side for public road frontage and 80' for private road frontage. .e 3. For public road frontage, the maximum height of the sign copy shall be 10' above finished grade. Architectural details of the sign stIUcture may project above tho 10' height; however, no part of the sian or sian structure shall exceed 12' in height above tlnlshcd grade. For private drive frontage, the maximwn height of the sign copy shall be 8' above finished grade. Architectural detail. of the sign structure may project abovo tho 8' height; however, DO part of the sign or sign structure shall exceed 10' in height above finished grade. 4. D. TRAFFIC SIGNS Traffic slans such as Itreet name signs. atop signs. and speed limit signs. may be IIIlMl-4RJ4 v.r. at.wAAHOLD ..........-- ..... .. tllt-P'UD,:tl1JJ e 2-13 desi&ned to reflect an alternative specification and common architectural theme upon approval by the Development Services Director, in accordance with Section of the LDC. 2.20 PUBLIC PLACES A. GENERAL. The Granada Shoppes will provide a variety of publicly accessible amenities which will further the project's commitment to complement and enhance Collier County's Architectural and Site Design Guidelines, and serve to provide a sense of place for .the community. B. PUBLIC ARCillTECTURAL FEATURES 1. A publicly accessible architectural feature such as a pergola, pavilion, gazebo, courtyard, observation deck or similar feature shall be constructed at the intersection oflmmokalee Road and U.S. 41. Such feature shall be architecturally unified with the project's overall design theme and linked to the project's pedestrian pathway network. The public space shall be a minimum of 300 square feet in size and provide seating for the public and patrons of Granada Shoppcs. The feature may have project identification signage which will meet the sign copy criteria of2.19B ofthiJ POO. 2. Decorative architcctura1 features shall be permitted throughout the Granada Shoppes POO, and shall be pennittcd within or adjacent to pedestrian pathways. C. PEDESTRIAN PATIlWA Y NETWORK J. A pedestrian way network shall be establiahed throughout tho project as shown conceptually on the PUD Master Plan. The pedestrian system will serve to link the primary shopping and office areas with fn>>.standing uses at tho perlmctcr of tho project sito, by providing a landscaped walkway protected from vehicular traffic movements. Any required breaks in the pedestrian network for vehicular acceu to tho .ite .hall be identified through use of pavers, signage, or other traffic calming techniques deemed appropriate to reduce the speed of vehicles and provide safe pedestrian movements throughout the site. 'e a) Shopping Area Pedestrian Way IIIIM1..aa4 Ytr: ....AIHlILD ..-- ..... _~IJI 'e 2-14 The shopping area pedestrian way (Exhibit A-I) shall be a wide intermittently covered walkway, featuring pavers or stamped concrete surfaces. This pedestrian way shall include architectural features such as fountains, courtyards, arbors or similar design features, and decorative landscape plantings. This pathway shall have a minimum unobstructed pedestrian way of 10' average width. Seating and decorative landscape plantings shall be provided intennittcntly along the pathway and at all primary tenant entrances. b) Parking Area Pedestrian Way The parking area pedestrian way (Exhibit A-2) shall be located generally within the parking area as shown on the PUD Master Plan. This pedestrian way system will be designed to promote safe and convenient linkage from the parking areas to both the perimeter free-standing uses and the shopping area. Vehicular crossings will be identified with signage, landscaping and clearly marked through use of varied pavement treatments or other traffic calming techniques. This pedestrian way system shall be a minimum of 14' in width, with a minimum 6' wide paver, stamped concrete or banded concrete pedestrian pathway. Thi. pedestrian pathway way will feature canopy trees or palms with groWld level landscape planting.. Canopy trees or palms will be planted within adjacent parking landscape islands. Canopy trees or palms shall be planted along the pedestrian way system and shall be a minimum 12' high with a 6' spread for canopy trees and equivalent specification for shade palms, at the time of planting. c) Perimeter Pedestrian Way " The perimeter pedestrian way (Exhibit A-3) system is designed to link lRe-FfJItJding uses with the parking and shopping area pedestrian way as shown on the PUD Master Plan. Vehicu1ar crossings will be identified with .ignagc, landscaping and clearly marked through use of varied pavement treatments or other traffic calming techniques. This pedestrian way system will be a minimum of IS' wide and will feature a meandering 6' wide paver, stamped concrete or concrete path with meandering landscape treatments. Seating sha1l be provided intcnnittently along the pathway system. adjacent to public use areas. IIIIJ/III.4"'" Vor: IZI.WA.UlCl.D ........1&'-- ....._ _1fU)oDl>> "e 2-15 2.21 GENERAL PERMI1TED USES A. Certain uses shall be considered general permitted uses throughout the Granada Shoppcs PUD. General permitted uses arc those uses, which gencra11y serve the Developer and tenants of Granada Shoppcs and arc typically part of the common infrastructure. B. Geocra1 Permitted Uses: l. Essential services as set forth under LDC, Section 2. Water management facilities and related structures. 3. Temporary sewage treatment facilities. 4. Lakes including lakes with bulkl,eads or other architectural or structural bank treabnents. 5. Architectural features and elements including walls, fences, arbors, gazebos and the like. 6. Temporary construction, sales, and ,dmini$frative offices for the Developer and Developer's authorized contractors and consultants, including necessary access ways, parking areas and related uses. 7. Landscape features including, but not limited to, I~scape bu1fen, berms, fences and waI1s subject to the standards set forth in Section 2.1 I of this PUD. 8. FUlItoragc subject to the standards set forth in Section 2.7 ofthls PUD. Site fillina IDd aradina as set forth in Section 2.7 ofthiJ PUD. 9. Any other Use which is comparable in nature wi1h the forcgoiDg UICIIUd which the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator detennincs to be compabolc. 10. Kiosk vendors 11. Standards for parking. landscaping, signs IUd other land uses wbcrc such staDdarda arc not IpCClfied herein 11'0 to be in accordaocc with the LDC 111I",..... Vw: "WMHllLD ..-w_ .... _ _ PftJD.aIU '. 2-16 provision in effect at the time of Site Development Plan Approval. 12. Shared parking between the primary retail facility and free standing UJCS shall be pcnnitted throughout the site. Each free-standing use shall not be required to provide l000A of the LDC minimum parking on the project site; boWl:VCl', the total parking provided for the Granada Sboppcs shall meet or exceed the minimum parking required for the combined land uses. e 1., , ", ~~11,,' - 1~Vr._AIlMCI.D ........,.-- .... .. .. PftD.Z21J1 3-1 SECflON m COMMERCIAL 3.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to identify permitted uses and development standards for areas within Granada Shoppcs designated on the Master Plan as Retail and Office. 3.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Areas designated as "RIO" on the PUn Master Plan arc intended to provide a maximlUD of 300,000 square feet (gross building area) of retail, office and service uses on a maximtuD of 32 acres. Areas indicated as "0" on the PUD Master Plan arc intended exclusively for general and professional office uses and permit a maximtuD of 90,000 square feet (gross building area). Eating and Drinking Places shall not exceed 25% ofthc project's total retail commercial square footage, WlIcss additional parking spaces arc provided for restaurant uses. 3.3 PERMI1TED USES AND STRUCfURES No building or structure, or part tbcrcof, shall be cn:ctcd, altered or used, or land used, in whole or pert, for other than the following: A. Permitted Principal Uses and Structures: 1. All permitted uses in the C-4 Zoning District of the Collier County Land Development Code, as of August 28, 1998 except: a) Agricultural Services (groups 0711-(783) b) Amusements and Rem:ation (Outdoor-sroups 7948, 7992, 7996 and 7999) c) Automotive RepaJr Facilities (7532-7539) d) Hospitals (8062-8069) e) Membership Organizations (8611-8699) f) Outdoor Retail Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Stores (5261) ,. " " ' .. . . 3-2 g) Marinas (4493) h) Pawnshops (5932) i) Oroup Care Facilities 2. Kiosk Vendors 3. Retail Home and Garden Centers (5211,5251) B. Pcnnitted Accessory Uses and Structures I. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with principal uses permitted in this district. 2. Outdoor dining shall be permitted u an accessory use to a restaurant. provided adequate pedestrian accessibility is provided. 3.4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Minimum Lot Area: 20,000 S.F. B. Minimum Lot Width: 100 Fr. C. Minimwn Yard Requirements: 1. Principal Permitted Uses a) lmmokalcc Rd. and U.s. 41: Forty feet (40') b) Internal Frontage Drives: Fifteen feet (15') c) Distance Bctwccn Free StaDdina Usca: Thirty feet (30' d) Waterfront: Zero feet (0') to b1l11c~ or riprlp at top ofblnk e) Minimwn Building Setb8ck &om Non-Right-of.Way Perimeter Project Boundary of PUD: i. Thirty feet (30') for buildinp up to SO' in height ii. Fifty feet (SO') for buildinp areater than SO' in bciaht. t~Vw:"WoWQ.D ......'w__ ... _ _ PP\DoDIU , . ~." ':."':' . , 3-3 2) Accessory Structure Setbacks: a). Front Yard: i. Roofed parking facilities- Twenty feet (20') b) Side Yard: i. Common Architectural Features-- Zero feet (0') ii. Roofed p81king facilities- Ten feet (10') c) Lake Bank: 1. Common Architectural Features-Zero feet (OJ ii. Seating areas- Zero feet (0') D. Maximwn Height: 1. Retail Buildings: Two-stories. not to exceed fifty feet (SO'). 2. Office Buildings: Four-stories. not to exceed sixty feet (60') 3. Architectural features: Seventy-five feet (1S') .-. .(~~. ~ , t:,,:f+ ~t -. , ,-""...__.'"'..,.,""."----_._....,_..,."~-,...""..;".>...,... .- - e - "- -- } -- ... ~'8ICNAIC "- - ~ ... v o r r I - . J :. ,. 'I !: - I ., ~ ~ - - - ......- ...- -- II f1.n-J - --- -.... " __ J .. 6 LOC"'fOf ....... -- - - -- -- .- I , ! I I 7'" - ~ TRAFFIC U SECTION A-A: SI-fOPPING AREA PEDESTRIAN WAY - NOte. ~~ TO 1"1.0 NCT1ClN UO Co u. N.T .&. tlECEIVED SEP 011990 ~:i!!lMCEt Plln9R-t4"~ ", e ----- ,. ~~ . 1.-' I. t\r-::f.tVEO SECTION 6-6: P~IN:::S AREA PEDESTRIAN WAY stP 0 \ \998 : - - ,..,~~ : N01'e. ...... TO fill) Mc::TlCIH 2M Co U- NoT.6. Pl!098- e ~, . PERIMETER PEOE&TRJAN WAY' NQ11I. ....Ilt '0 PUCl' MCflON 110 C. ..... H.T.&. e ~ECErVeD SCp 0 I 1993 ~Sl:'JMct~ P \1 n 9 8 - I 4 .. . SECTION C-C: . .. I I!t. MINIt'U'1 PE~iER - -;'.. P"EDE5TR1AN lUA'T .' ..-- --, ~'MlN. -.- "ARKHCa l!LANO I I '4' --.-- PEJa1!TER ~.AO -~ I I I I I r .... ,',' , .. J: . 'I . . ., . EXHIBIT B OESCRIP nON A tract or parcel of land lying in Section 27. Township 48 South. Range 25 East. Collier County. Florida which tract or parcel is described os follows: . From the northwest corner of Section 27. Township 48 South, Range 25 East. Collier County. Florida run S.00.38'43"E. along the west line of the northwest 1 / 4 of said section 27 for 125.02 feet to 0 its intersection with the southerly right-at-way line of ImmokoJee Rood (CR-8467 and the POINT OF' BEGINNING. thence run N.44'38'23"E. along the sQUtherly right-of-way line of said Immokalee Rood for 3+.99 feet: thence run S.89.45'oo"E. along the southerly right-of-way line of said Immokalee Rood for 573.45 feet: thence run S.B6'53'15"E. along the southerly right-or-way line of said Immokolee Rood (or SOO.61 (eet: thence run S.89.45'00"E. along the southerly right-at-way line o( said Immokolee Road for 134.22 feet: thence run s.oo"O<rOO"E. for 224.63 teet to a point at curvature: thence southwesterly along the orc of a curve to the right of radius 85.00 feet (delta 90"OO.00") (chord 120.21 feet) (chord beaing 5.45"OO'OO"W.) (or 133.52 feet to the end of said curve: thence run Soo"OO'OO"E for B30.91 feet to. o point of curvature: thence southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right of radius 50.00 feet (delta 86"54'07") (chord 68.77 feet) (chord bearing S.43"27'03"W.) for 75.84 feet to a point of tangency. thence run S.86"54'OrW. for 258.32 feet to a point of curvature; thence westerty 0'009 the arc of 0 curve to the right of radius 938.00 feet (delta 06"23'14") (chord 104.29 feet) (chord bearing N.B9"54'16"W.) for 104.34 feet to the eod of said curve; thence run S.13"26'32"W. for: 348.97 feel; thence run 5.69'4'15'"W. for 258.29 feet: thence run S.00'39.,5"E. for 25.00 feet: thence run 5. S9"20'45'"W. for 396.46 feet to a point on the west line of said SecUon 27 and the easterly right-aI-way . line o( U.S. 41 (S.R. 45) Tamaiml Trol: thence run N.00.38'43"W. along the west line of said Section 27 and said easterly right-aI-way line of U.5. 41 fOt' 1670.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. containing 39.23 acres mOt'e Ot' less or 1,708,B58.58 square feet more or Ien. :e Bearings hereinabaove mentioned ore based on the west Une of Section 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 Eost.os being N.OO.38'43'"W. . Subject to easements. reservations and rutr.fctfons of record NOTES: 1. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. BASIS Of' BEARINGS IS lHE NORlH UNE Of' THE NORTHWEST 1/4- OF SECnON 27, TOYtt4SHIP 48 SOUlH. RANGE 25 EAST AS BEING S. 89.45'00" E. . . . 3. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS. RESERVA nONS AND RESlRlCnONS OF RECORD. STATE 01' PLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, ~GHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDLNANCE NO. 98-91 Which was adopted ~ the Board of County Commissioners on the 10th day of November, 1998, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Plorida, this 13th d4y of November, 1998. ,it:;:, ,t^"~.... ,- ';~'" ' ~.'(\ )~, ..~:~ .' :~~~:" ."i;t . :'t;r:: .' . . :. ~\ ~i4~~i~; , DWIGHT B. BROCX ' . ~'~~J;1~...tr:~ Clerk of Courts aI).d~,i.~J(1;~i~t~illt4I'~ Ex-offici.o to Boar~p'~:";'A~~."",:~ '.!~, C t C -~ i "'~j''''!): . ~1;'/" .....\ oun Y o-....ss oneIP'}';l"'J. :. ~;I'l '-" . _. ......., ~ '"'~Ia:.fT~ ,'-" .- ~~r. j, .. ". I"" 1:,. ....... I, . " . .'iI"j. )";'.'f'i .I' ~ ......';. --?- -' :;. I~I/" ~ #:.~':.I,:;...:.t~~I>I'.t '.' ~ .~-;J';'''''f'''''~ ft"f'~.. By: Ellie HOffman:~.~,r~~.~.:,,~':~'*~~w,~t'~ Deputy Clerk ):t)~.;,~. J,i ,,' ,..J'fr" ....,. . ... . .. .,." " . .. ...... \- ~.... '. ' ':t, I.._.~,':..~.. ,-""".._.""......"--.---~.....,""--,-