1999/2000 County of Collkr CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST PO. BOX 413044 NAPLES. FLORIDA 33941 <3044 Dwight E. "rock (~I('rk OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated --(!. -.-t. Jr/C7{)----- B~AW;' n~--lcES :;OLJ---ril;A'E 4839 GC LDE.,\ GA--'-: "ARKWAY GREENTi :EE ~~~K.P~'lt'IG CENTER 238E. IMMC,K,\l f:E ROAD IMMOI<A;_EI: 10" S. FlHST :C;T!=-lEET IMRGD'S_Arm 1040 V!lNTEREE'=lR Y DRIVE L ",,' October 19,1999 Ms. Maureen Kenyon Deputy Clerk to the Board 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 RE: Lobbyist Registration Renewal Dear Ms. Kenyon: Enclosed please find a check for lobbyist registration renewal for Paul V. Voinovich, Thomas E. Conrecode and Jeffi-ey A. Nunner, all of this firm. Please call me ifyol1 have any questions or comments. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, THE V GROUP OF FLORIDA, INC. ~WD~L 1v\y~ Susan M. Copeland Office Manager smc Attachment ARCHITECTURE. ENGINEERING. PLANNING. PROJECT MANAGEMENT. INTERIOR DESIGN 5150 TAMIAMI TRAIL NORTH. SUITE 600. NAPLES. FLORIDA 34103 . 941/263-3700. FAX 941/263-9117 Sent By: YVVAj 941 597 1060; May.23.00 14:29; Page 2/2 COLUER COUNTY :nlfl TlImiami Trail East NlipJes, Floridll 34112 C. -it?q t.[{JD BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Thomas Conrecode DATE June 1, 2000 BUSINESS ADDRJe:SS 24301 Walden Center Drive Bonita Springs, FL 34134 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY llliPRESENTED: 1) Watermark Communities, Inc. 24301 Walden Center Drive, Bonita Springs FL 34134 2) WCI Communities, Inc. 24301 Walden Center Drive, Bonita Springs FL 34134 3) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAYBE NECESSARY CfP~~AL!r Lobbyist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEE The tore!;(oin:~ registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the I ~ day of ~ ,2000, by Thomas Conrecode who is personally knov-n to me and who did take an oath. ,9-' PIJ. Carin A. Rupp n '0 ~ t;';t\., Commission # CC751157 ~ ::; "Expires Dec. 8. 2000 Phi' '~ oJ? BONDED THRU , '. ary U IC ~ OF f.'I.:v' AT! ANTIC BONDING co.. INC Ple;tn Note: J) Failure ,to renew thi~ reK:istration by the renewal datt of Octuber )" will result in the pl:l.cement of this registrant on a "status unknown" li~t. 2) U one wCihe!l to reVOKe this registration, a '.LobbyLst Wllhdrawal" form must be med with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual Re2istratioo Fee i. 525.00 per Lobbyi.t accordlog to Ordin.nc. No. 99-22. MRY 23 2000 14:31 941 597 1060 PRGE.02