2008/2009 \( &3(01) ~~.q(V~ County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 Dwight E. Brock Clerk ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECE I PT : 5 57 52 2 9 ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAYOR: MICHELE KLINOWSKI MICHELE KLINOWSKI LOBBYIST 25.00 NAME: REFNC: APJ DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 ~ ft,3C}j(j Expires ~ ffi Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F. 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name "'he)' e \ e f', \, ~ 0'-'-'''''' ~; Dale 111;( ':1/ D 'is Business Address d- '3 q 0 'TC(. W'1 \'t{. VV\. ; \ ~: \ ~. S t)...l~ ;;J... \ (::) o f}-e c;.. H- 3 Lr I 03 Business Telephone ~ '1 g. ~ ,q s~ E-Mail CY\\C.'<....-e\..~ GJ ~\es L~'M.~ ('. or ~ NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). G- no~+e r )J CL~ \ e <;. C hCd\1\. 'oe r- sf CD m Mere E' J.. -;.~ q 0 JI1l/11I'a rn \' -Yeu' \ .D, 5,^ ;,~ d lOA ~ if (r:;;.. Fe 3 y. (D '3. tv\. \ ( \1'\ -f' \ t" ~ \ ~ '" 0 LA.JS."<-- ~ 2). 0 0 ,-,,::)('\~vVi' ^' ')b~\C"~ ~soc l'/A~' d\ ,?D D r-; :.r'~ ~ - S;t')t..{r/t, SL-i Je /(5)) /(plrc;.. p- 3'lf 10[;) H J'c h-e I e Ii {/(I c).v s.l~ PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY , ~~/#~. Lobbyist Signature State of Florida County of Collier The fOhfOing registration was sworn to and day of t>\)1Wt1e/ pt, bym .i tV\.. me or has produced fL. who did take an oath. ubscribed before me on this ~ . who is personally known to - . . . .0 , as identi6cation and . '. ) _.- . . '- BY: )"'\~. -. ;p,J. " ;~.... ,k . >." " Deputy ClerkIN Pu1:l c The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to CoOler County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts <at the address listed at the top of the form). -","-- Martha S. Ver~ra Michele Klinowski (miChele@napleschamber.org] Monday, June 08, 2009 2:03 PM Martha S. Vergara Lisa Swirda; Mike Reagen; Alissa Arce RE: Lobbyist and Client List Update From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hello, Thank you for your e-mail. We should have the following people registered: Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce ;#0 Michael Reagen Michele Klinowski Downtown Naples Association >>Michael Reagen "Michele Klinowski Jt Lisa swirda I hope this matches your records. If not, please let me know and we'll make the necessary arrangements. Kind Regards, Michele Michele Klinowski Vice President Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce michele@napleschamber.org Office: 239-298-7932 Cell: 239-595-5589 From: Martha S. Vergara [mailto:Martha.vergara@collierclerk.com] Sent: Monday, June 08,2009 1:53 PM To: Michele Klinowski Subject: Lobbyist and Client List Update Hello, I'm nol sure who is in charge of your com pany' s lobbyisllisl or lheir clienls. I have a lisl of names lhal are registe red as Lo bbyisls for you company. ean you piease verify and se nd an e-mail letting me know.. Also I'm sending a copy o!the letter senllo alllobbyislS wilh an e-maiiaddress regarding the updales and registralion. If you have any queslion feel free to e-mail or call. Garrett Denison Joan Hayden Thanks, Martha Vergara, Deputy Clerk Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Minutes and Records Department 239-252-7240 1 239-252-8408 fax (martha .veraara(Ci)collierclerk.Com) Hello, yO' '" "Qiyiog <hi' ,-m,"'o, y'" "'" '" "mio'" ",,,"0' <h, """"N cn,o' Li" ",,,, to< Lobbyi,U- W, ,,,'0" ,,,,wo, yo"' ,"'""'y "P'''', Yo" m'V m,iI YO"' ""I, 0' ,-m,iI <h'm- If yo" ,,,' mo" <h,o 00' Iobbyi" <hot wo'" to' yo"' wmp"y (<h,e, ,'''''y ",i"''''). ,,0' , Ii" '0 <hot w' m'V "P,,,, <h,i, file as well. u 010"" o''''y 0"' w, b,i" i, "ill "0'" '0" ,""'''00 'od. "o'illf" ,om p,,,,d. w, '" "kio, <h, "pd'''' io p"roo. vi, ",",,, m' 11. ,od y," ,- m' iI (" 0'''' yO" '" registering). Re2istration Due: Oct. every year Client List Updates Due: January. April. & July According to Ordinance 2007-24 (title of the ordinance): AN OAN,NANCE AMEND,NO COLL'ER COUNTY OAN'NANCE NO_ ",'-5'. AS AMENDED (ALSO KNOWN AS THE COLL'ER coUNTY ETH'CS ORD'NANC", BY AMENO'NG SECT,ON sEVEN TO REOO'RE LOBBY'STS TO REG'STER QUARTERLY AND UPDATE THE NAMES 0' THOSE ENT,,'ES BY WHOM THEY HAVE BEEN EMPLOYED TO LOBBY ANO ALSO REQU'R'NG O'SCLOSURE 0' THE NAME OR ,DENT''" 0' THOSE EMPLOy,NG A LOBBy,ST WHENEVER A LOBBY'ST ENGAGES 'N LOBBY'NG ACT'V'T'ES, PROV'D'NG 'OR 'NCLUS'ON 'N THE CODE OF LAWS ANO OAN'NANCES, PROV'D'NG FOR CONFL'CT ANO SEVERAB'L'TYj ANO PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. E-mail your list to: m in utesand records(cilco lIierclerk.com Thanks for your help in keeping the records updated. Clerk to the Board Minutes & Records Department Undo< Flo,ido LoW. e-mail odd,."es 0" public ,.co,ds. If you do not wont you, e-mail odd,." ,.Ieosed in ,.sponse to 0 public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. 2