Resolution 1995-669 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 669 RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-95-17, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary f~r the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the ;ounty pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which estab1i ;hes regulations for the zoning of Jarticu1ar geogr3phic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of variance!:.' and WHEREAS, the Bocrd of Zoning \ppeals, being the July elected constituted Board Qf the area herei)y affected, has hE ~d a public hearing after notice as in said rE:'fulations made and )rovided, and has considered the advisability of a 5.2-foot variance from the required front setback of 30 feet to 24.8 feet as shown on th( attached plot alan, Exhibit "A", in a "PUD" zonE' for the property f',"reinafter lescribed, and has found as a matt '~r of fact. that sat csfactory provision and arrangement have beE 1 made concerning a .1 applicable matters required by said regulatiofls and in accordance with Section 2.7.5 of the Zoning Regulations of said Land Developn ~nt Code for the Jnincorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, all inteL"ested partj ~s have been given )pportunity to be neard by this Board in public meet ng assembled, and :he Board having considered all matters presented; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZON1NG APPEALS of Collier County, Flo:-ida, that: The Petition \-95-17 filed by W.A.F. Homes, Inc., representing )elbert E. & Carol Gavazzi-Wright, with respect to thR property lereinafter describ~d as: Lot 25, Berkshire Lakes, Unit 7, as recorded in -'lat Book 21, Pages 68 & 69, of the Publ ic Records of ColI ier ':ounty, Florida. e and the same he) !by is approved for a 5.2-foot variance from the -1- rr" .." .....,., .....v""...1 N U V L t11~~~ required front setback of 30 feet to 24.8 feet as shown on the a~tached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the "PUD" zoning district wherein said property is located, subject to the following conditions: a. This variance is only for the structure depicted on the attached plot plan. BE IT RESOLV)m that this Resolut.ion relating to Petition Number V-95-17 be record.:d in the minutes of this Board. commissioner Constantine offered the ~oregoing Resolution and mo' red for its adop'don, seconded by Commissioner .'lac' Kie and up .n roll call the VO':e was: AYES: Commission:," Constantine, (omrnissionet:' 11ac'Kil, Commissioner Nort:'is, Commissionet:' Matth' ws NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Commissionet:' Hancock ABSTENTION: Done this 28 day of ~ovembet:' , 199;. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. B~OC:(, CLERK BOARD OF ZONING A/::!>1EAL COLLI ER CO tiTY, FLO I [.. . '. . ~-~ . , ~ ~~,,--n /~ .0(', "'. (. I .~~ ATTHEI'o ';, CHAIRMAN / APPROVEDlI:S TO FOF'1 AND LEGAL SU' "ICIENCY: -m~~ ;m. /lh-;A,_.-I- ROE M. STUDENT~ ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY VARIANCE RESOLUTICN/15361 -2- ,'"' , -~...., PtA T ry SURY[Y Cmmf.D CORRECT TO: Oelb~d Wri'7ht end Cor"" Go....')ZZi-Wrilfhl; 8<7ndt ).";'71'; f!o/j)jo Tltft Guorl'),"det ^1J,,:,ncy of C~li~r C ornp Qr\ y Bonk: or ~l:::Jpl,:~. It, Suc(e'~l')rs ond/or Cov"(y. Ino:. and Chicoqo Title In'uronc~ D(SCRIP nOtl (FURNISHED BY ctmn): NO V 2 8 1995 LOT 25. BERKSHIRE LAKES, Utll! SE\!(tl, OCC?<'d'r'q \0 Ih. plol Ih".o', o. ,"co'd.d ;" Plol 80,," 21. Poqn 66 A: 59, Pub"'. R<<",d. 01 Colli<< Covnly, n",ldo , ,'~~," -~.III ~ "",,, , j ~ r ,,~ I ! I f ~~. _ ~ I! (I 1'111 f,,-(r I ~ I I II I ,5 :;L,/ I j - ?j11) /<"'0:/ :::;)v; , l ?-PS-17 "II t----- nt' ' ,_ -.'''~r. ..: ~ ?',t; f Y E LJ '~"ll:; "'.1,(. 1m ,MG. 'I-DI~A 1fO"I fj'A'Ir. H --2-'l"lr ~ y t" ~ ..,r.S ~ ~. 1" M ~t: "'-~ ...., .. ................... '..I~""", ~ ..t -' -...... - IN. '"-t or '-"...., "'-l -, .... ~ '" """ ........ 110<.... ., .....~, l""~"'" -~e'-I NOtl1:... ... ~ ;" """"'-1 '" ...,. ~. ..... ~ .... "'--"'" '" . '.... ...., ....._. r..". ~ ... ... """" ,...,..;,-.;:: ':"-2.JIII:ll _ ... ' ............ -"- ---- (1l' ...,1 ... ....... - ""'"-"-' ",,-,.. ~t.r.. c.....'" 0._ I'M Ill' 0 ~ ~ ... 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