Resolution 1995-667/CWS 95-11 2003474 OR: 2128 PG 0541 RlCORDID in the OPPICIAL RlCOIDS of COLLIIR coum / PL 12/13/55 at 02:02PM DWIGHT i. BROCK, CLBRK IBC m H.OO COPIBS 9.00 Retn: CLBRI TO THB Bom INTBROPPICI 5TH PLOOR BIT 7240 NOY 2 8 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95-667 RESOLUTION NO. CWS-95-11 A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE ROYAL COVE SEWER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT OF COLLIEH. COUNTY, FLuRIDA; CONFIRMING THE BOARD' : RESOLUTION NO. 95"583/RESOLUTION NO. CWS-95-7, AS AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 95-666/RESOLUTION NO. CWS-95-10; AP~ 'ROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PRuJECT, THE ESTIMATE OF THE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AND THE TENTATIVE APPORTIONMENT OF COST; ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SANI~ARY SEWER 1M' 'ROVEMENTS WITHIN THE ROYAL COVE SEWER SPECIAL AS,.iESSMENT DISTRIC''' TO BE FINANCED WI' .'H SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINS'i' THE BENEFITED PAR ~ELS OF PROPERTY FOR SUCH ,MPROVEMENTSo WHEREAS, the Board of Cmnty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-Officio t .e Governing Board If the Collier county Water-Sewer District, (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") on October 10, 1995 adopted Resolution No. 95-583/Resolution Noo CWS-95-7 initiating a pro Jram for the purpose of providing a san it .ry sewer system wi ':hin Royal Cove; and WHEREAS, the Board on N IV ember 28, 1995, adopted Resolution No. 95-666/ Resolution No. CWS-95-10, amending and superseding Resolution No. 95-583/Resolution No. CWS-95-7, Lnitiating a program for the purpose of providing a sanitary sewer system within Royal Cove unit 2; aI I WHEREAS, the Board adoI .ed Resolution No. 15-609/Resolution No. CWS-95-8 fixing the date, time and place for a public hearing on the tentative apportionment of cost roll, su~h public hearing was held on to ,vember 28, 1995 at the Collier COllnty Government Complex, Admi~istration Builcling, Third Floor, Commission Chambers, Naples, Florida; and WHEREAS, notice both by publication and by mail was duly had and given as by law provided to the property OW'lers whose property was to be included in the sp~cial assessment di~trict for the November 28, 1995 public hea1oing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT :lESOLVED BY THE BOARo, OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER! OF COLLIER COl"NTY, FLORIDA, AS TI.r: GOVERNING BODY OF ............. ... \"J. \I..J.l. "" NOV 2 8 1995 COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERl :':NG BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, that: SECTION ONE. The Board, having heard property owners and other interested persons appearing before the Board as to the propriety and advisability of making the sanitary sewer improvements described in Resolution No. 95-583/Resolution No. CWS-95-7, as amended by Resolution No. 95-666/Resolution No. CWS-95-10, and as to the manner of payment of said cost by the levy of spec.'al assessments against lots or parr:els of property to be specially benefited by such improvements and having considered any objections to said Resoll,tions and the Proj'~ct as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto ,"nd incorporated he: 'ein, on the ground that it cont"ins items which cannot properly be assessed against property, or that it is for, ny default or defe, t in the passage, void or voidable in whole or in part, or that it exceeds the power of the Board, hereby determines and resolves to proceed with the Project for Royal Cove unit" only. SECTION TWO. The cost I f the Project is el'timated to be approximately $223,781. 25 wh ch shall be payabl,,, by the levy and collection of the special aSl essments against the lots or parcels of property within Royal Cove Unit 2 as recorded in Plat Book 11, Pages 3 and 4 of the Public Records of Collier' :>unty, Florida. Said lots or parcels of property shall be specie lly benefited by the constructi on of the sani' 'try sewer improvem nts. SECTION 'l'BREB. The spel lal assessments dee ::ribed in Resolution No. 95-583/Resolutlon No. CWS-95-7 as amended by Resolution No. 95-666/Resolution No. CWS-95-10,ihall be co-equal with the lien ?f other taxes, superior to all ot'ler liens, titles and claims, urtil paid. Suc~ assessments are found and determined to be levied in direct proportion to the special and positive benefits to be received by tho lots or parcels o'~ property listed in the tentative apportionment of cost roll, att,\ched hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated ilerein, from the acquisition and -2- .----, . . - --. WOV I.. d 1995 OR: 2128 PG: 0543 construction of the Project. SECTION FOUR. The special assessments described in Resolution No. 95-583/Resolution No. CWS-95-7, as amended by Resolution No. 95-666/Resolution No. CWS-95-10, shall be levied against all lots or parcels of property within Royal Cove unit 2 as recorded :,n Plat Book 11, Pages 3 and 4 of the Public Records of Collier Crunty, Florida, and which are included within the Royal Cove S~wer Special Assessment District. The appnrtionment of costs of the Project will be based on the front foutage of the pro! erties adjacent to the street right-of-way or easement in 'hich the sewer con lection has been made or will be made. SECTION FIVE. All obje.:tions to the confi'1Tlation of Resolution No. 95-583/Resolution No. CWS-95-7, as amended by Resolution No. 95-666/Resolution No. CWS-95-10, on the ground that it contains items which cannot be properly assE;Jsed against the property, or that it is for lny default or defe,:t in the passage or character of the resolut:.m or the plans or Jpecifications or estimate of C)sts, void or \)idable in whole or in part, or that it exceeds the power of the Board, shall be made in writing, in person or by an attorney, and filed with the C~ ~rk at or before the time or adjourned time of such hearing. Ar{ objections against the IT \king of any a ;e~sable improvemeJ Cs not so made shall be considered as waivl I, and if any objection shall be made and overruled or shall not 1:.'3 sustained, the confirmation of the resolution shall be the final adjudication of t.1e issues presented until proper steps shall be taken in a court of competent jurisdiction to secure relh'E within 20 days. iICTION SIX. This Resolution is supplemer:al to Resolution No. 95-583/Reaolution No. CWS-95-7, as amended oy Resolution no. 95-666/Resolution No. CWS-95-10, and such resolltions are ratified and confirme~ in all respects. ~~ SEVEN. The CI~rk is hereby ordered and directed to -3- urt: ,l'b t'G; U::lqq NOV 2 8 1995 spread this Resolution in full among the minutes of this meeting for permanent record in his office and to record this Resolution with all the Exhibits attached to this Resolution in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida. ilCTION BIGHT. This Resolution shall become effective immediately' pon its passage. This Re~olution adopted this day of /I~~, .". ~ cJ! 1995, after notion, second and majority vote. ATTEST:, DWIGHT E~ BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY ~OMMISSIONERS . COLLIER COUNTY, fLORIDA, AS THE: GOVERNING BODY ')F~ COLLIER COUNT'{ AND AS EX-OFFIC :O';~THE GOVERNING.: BOARD OF THE CO ILlER, COUNTY,';::' WATER-SEWER DIS'RICT""II,,: J' 'I"""",'" ; , ~f ~\\ BY: ," / TTYE . ,M.A ','THEWS, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: vJ j Lt~~_/ IA/ (J f2,l, ,~ Michael W. Pe~tit Assistant COU:lty Attorney