Resolution 1995-592 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 592 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOl\.RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and repo~ted to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description .)f said parcel,: and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shal:. : 'ecome due and payanle thirty (30) '~ays after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after ~:ich interest f.hall accrue at a rate of twelve pe"cent (12.0!'.) per alnum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COLNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COi.JLIER COUNTY, FL' RIDA, that the prolierty described ~ 3 follows, and having been abated l'f a public nuisanc~ after due and I'~oper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed tle following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COST: ~'>hn Roy Young ~ .'09 SW 76th St Z,ami, FL 33143 Lot 28, JU, ck "B" GOODLAND ISrES, $245.00 according . 0 the Plat thereof recorded il' Plat Book 6, Page 7, of the Pub ic Records of Coll:er County, 1"1. t'ida. REFERENCE: 50424-057 #46372360005 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of ass(.~sment of lien t., the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such C~TIer fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) ~ays hereof, a c:rtified copy of this Resolution stall be filed in the Office of the C~erk of Courts, in and for Collier :ounty, Florida, tc constitute a 1 en against such prcperty accordin: to law, unless SUC.1l direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of :he assessment of tle owner. BOQ( f. a ~() t'F.C 1n5 __""""""".M".ll '1.'~"""'_'''''\'"''''''_'''''_, ~ ------.,."','~.,,' 1 OCT 1 7 1995 This Resolution adopted dfter motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK I) C T 1 7 1995 . ~t~---~ c2(l, BOARD OF COUNTY COLLIER com Y, . "'" APPROVED AS TO FORM AND 'LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: He /C'{.(' ;j ;y\',{.C':.L ~--~ {~ENNETH B. CUYLER COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/94 .........,...-",...-."'...............,-. '-~.,