Resolution 1995-582 RESOLUTION NO. 95-582 A RESOLUTION ENACTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF COLI,IER COUNTY ORDINANCE 83-7, WHICH ESTABLISHED A SYSTEM OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING CERTAIN CLASS SPECIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 95-544. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 83-7 states that. the Board of Count.' Commissioners shall adopt personnel rules and regulations which provide classification of all positions based on duties, author '.ty, and respons :.bility of each pos.~.tion; and WHEREAS, Collier County R~,solution No. 93-41'. which adopted the current Collier County Per;onnel Rules and R~Nlations, provides in section 0210(C) (1) that amendments to the Pay Plan shall be considered by the Hum,)n Resources Directur when changes of responsibilities of work or classes, living costs, availability of labor supply, prevailing rates of pay, the County's financial condition and policies, or oth r pertinent econom~c considerations warrant such action. Said sec'ion further providos that amendments must be recommended to the Board of County commissioners by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners aropted Resolution No. 94-720 approving the 1994-1995 County Pay Plan and Class Specifications; and WHEREAS, t;....e Human Resour es Director recomm"'nded that thirteen (13) new positions be added to the Pay PJan; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on September 26, 1995 adopted Renolution No. 95-544 approving the thirteen (13) new positions with the condition t~~t the class specifications for said positions be adopted by slosequent resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLtER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: 1) The present County Pay Plan as set forth in and adopted by Resolution N~. 94-720 and approved by Resolution No. 95-544 is hereby amended '-.0 approve the thirteen (13) new position U '" I t U l~!I:J class specifications that are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. The thirteen (13) new positions are as follows: PAY TITLE Public Works Administrator Community and Environmental Services Administrator Support Services Administrator Solid Was~e Coordinator Communica+:ions System M.~nj(ger Client System Support Maniger Office Information Techno'ogy Manager Network Technology Professional Principal Information Technology Professional Fire Captain Information Technology Pr~fessional Information Technology Sp cialist Public Information Coord! ator This Resolution adopted this 10th day of October, 1995, after motion, second and majority vote. . I . . I . . ~ I I , I ~ ,ATTEST: .. "", : ',DwIGHT..E. .,'S'ROCK, CLERK 0." I'... ~ . . . . BOARD OF COUHTY COLLIER COU 'CY, ONERS ~, .'( App ved as to legal ,su ficien,cy:.." ~~t~(9~4< County Attorney . ,