Resolution 1995-581 1984259 OR: 2108 PG: 1785 mORDIo in the OPlIcm RlCORDS of COLLIJR COUXTT, lL I0/13f~5 at 07:UAK DlIIGST I. BROCI, CLUI Retn: CLIRl TO TRI BOARD IITUOmCI 5TH PLOOR lIT 721 0 mlll corns HISC OCT 1 0 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95 - ~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNT THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1993 SOLID WASTE COLL~CTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier county Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Boa~d of county Commissioners on September 20, 1994 adopted Resolution No. 94-694 authorizing the recording of notices of liens for the delinqu~nt solid waste collection and disposal services special assess.lents for 19931 and WHEREAS, Collier county Ordi lance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board to approve by Resolution and rec')rd in the Official Records a satisfaction uf Lien on all accolnts that have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF :OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Collier county Ordinance No. 90-.0, as amended, the Board recognizes full payment and reCE: '.pt of the 1993 Service Year Solid Waste Coll€~tion and Dispo~al Special Assessment for the following accounts numbered below, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No. 94-694, whereupon a lien had been rer:orded on real property pertaining to the accou1ts identified herei.n. The satisfactions of :',ien attached 1 ,rp.to referencing t Ie accounts identified herein are hereby app'oved and the Chairilan is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of ~he Board of County Commissioners, and the Clerk is directed to record this Resolution and tr,flse satisfactions of Lien individutlly in the official records ~f Collier Coun:y: Account No. 55 Account No. 738 Account No. 11 07 Account No. 2309 Account No. 4747 Account No. 5487 Account No. 5762 Account No. (;25 Account No. 0716 Account No. 8400 Account No. 8484 Account No. E523 Account No. ~ )72 lo.s0 2.00 1.00 ""1 *** OR: 2108 PG: 1786 tt~ OCT 1 0 1995 Account No. 9124 Account No. 9221 Account No. 10333 Account No. 10964 Account No. 10993 Account No. 11387 Account No. 13042 Account No. 13181 Account No. 13259 Account No. 13848 Account No. L5121 Account No. .l6683 Account No. 17200 Account No. 17433 Account No. 18160 Account No. ~9567 Account No. ~0239 Account No. ~0543 Account No. 21513 Account No. 21995 Account No. ?-2703 Account No. 23919 Account No. 24905 Account No. 25865 Account No. 26929 Account No. 27135 Account No. 28066 Account No. 29502 Account No. 29764 Account No. 30494 Account No. 30533 Account No. 30546 Account No. 30559 Account No. 30562 This Resoluti~n adopted this ~ day of ~~ --,. , 1995 aft~r motion, second and majority vote. . ~ ' . , r....' , , ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROc:K, CLERK COMllISSIONERS FLOPID~ TTHl~ nOARD OF COUNTY "OLLIER COUNTY, "f'r''''~~ C;;.t! . , , , . ',' '. : <. .. '. ,,' , , ) . APP'rov.ed..as'to form and legal sufficiency ~ t-lt'~~. avid C. wei: el Assistant County ttorney