Resolution 1995-566 RESOLUTION NO. 95- ~~~ RESOLUTIOH EXPRESSING THE BOARD'S INTENTIONS REGARDIHG FaTURE USE OJ' THE COUH'l'Y'S BAYVIO PARK BOAT LAUBCHIHG PACILITY; AUTHORIZING STAPJ' TO PR~~ESS AHD EXECUTE NECESSARY APPLICATIONS WITH SUP~ORTIHG IHPORMATION TO APPLY J'OR GRANT KOHlES '1'HA~~ MAY BE AVAILABLB nOK TKB J'LORIDA DEPAR':l'JODfT OJ' ENVIROHKBBTAL PROTBCTIOH J'OR COHSTRUCTIOH OJ' IMP~OVEHBllTS TO BAYVIO PARK BOAT I.AUBCHIHG PAC "LITY; AHD TO EXECUTE THB RBLATED GRANT AGRBEMENTS WHEREAS, the County of Collier was originally incorporat(-!d by the State of Florida on July", 1923, and has since grown to its pre;':ent population of rpproximately 180,540 re9idents; and WHEREAS, Collier Coun":y is hard pressed 1;;0 meet the expenses involved in park development and improvements tor its expanding resident and visiting populatio~, and is therefore anxious to seek financial assistancu in the development and improvemen' of its Bayview Parle Public Boat Launch Facility; and WHEREAO, the Departmel t of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, provides grant moneys under the State administered Florida Boating :1 'l1provement Program for local governrne~ts qualifying for laid assistance for Boating Imp )vement projects; [ nd WBEREA&, it will bene it residents of anc visitors to Collier County for the Courey to acquire the subject grant monies to construct improvements to the Collie~ County Bayview Par}; Public Boat Launch Facility. HOlf THUlBPORE, BB IT F:)~SOLVED BY THB BOARD OJ' COUH'l'Y COMMISSIONERS 01' COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that~ Section 1. If the Stat.e finds that Collidr County is eligible for assistance under the Florida Boating Improvement Program, Collier County will continue to make the improve Bayview Park B',at Launch Facility available _....._...~;...",.".."''''"~"o.""..,,.._._,...;.~~.,....,,__";^.."_..."~ OCT - 3 1995 to the gen~ral public without regard to race, creed, gender, color, national origin, or location of users' residence. Secti~n 2. Collier county staff is herewith authorized to execute and process any and all applications and such other supporting lr~terials as may be required to process the subject applic l,tion, and except af; may be required t C) be executed by the Chairman of thl'~ Board of County Com',dssioners, to e"ter into and exeCU'Le grant agreements to secure the subject grant funds for the County's Bayview Park Public Boat Launch Facility. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED AFTER MOTION, SE' :OND AND MAJORITY VOTE FAVORING SAM THIS...:E1 DAY OF ~~~) , 1995. ,10,"111111',.,. .,.'~\ ,',--:- ": ,'. / ".. .. .r' ... ".- .'. :;-' ,,' ";: "';':'..> .':'" :. ATTEST. -: (, "_ .=' . DWIGHT, E~ (~BROCK, CLERK TY COMM:itS HERS TY, F~. , . MATTHE":S, CHAIRMAN . , ~ / C " . 'J,,' . ......t'.. "1,.,.." Approved as to Form and Le9al -iiCiency p~_ .A)Y\4.' C- Tomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney TCPIbII0445