Resolution 1995-565 RESOLUTION NO. 9S-~ OCT - 3 1995 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF NON-EXCLUSIVE, TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS BY GIFT IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSED IMPRnVEMENTS WITHIN THE NAPLES PARK AREA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT ~.mICIPAL SERVICE BENEFIT UNIT PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Hoard of County Commissioners, on July 29, 1986 adopted Ordinance ~o. 86-37 creating the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxir:<;J and Benefit Unit; and WHEREAS, on July 18, 1995 the Board of County Con missioners adopted Ordinance Ho. 95-44 which amended Ordinance Ne. 86-37 and authorized Staff to proceed with ttll! completion of the design plans, tudy the financing options and to prepare the project for the lonstruction phase; and WHEREAS, on August 22, 1995, the Board of County Commissioners 'dopted Resolution No. 95-476 creat .ng the special aS91.JSSment district or the Naples Park Area Drainage Llprovement Project; and WHEREAS, in ord,:!r to ensure th'lt the contractor has the ability to access the stormwater drainage facilities and to provide the contractor . .l.th a staging area for the storage of materials/equipl"ent in the v lcinity of 91st/92nd Avenue and along 8th Street with:l.n the Naples Plrk area required for the construe .ion of the Naples ark Area Drainage Improvement Project, Tempo 'ary Construction Ecsements need to be acquired on numerous vacant lots along the route of the proposed it1provements prior to the construction of the aforement ioned improvements; and WHEREAS, the Boc'.rd of County CtI!nmissioners recognizes that the e~'Peditious acquisition of the required Temporary Const!:uction El sements are of importance to complete the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED '~Y THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SJ ONERS OF COLLIER C\ uNTY, FLORIDA,:;hat: -~ 1. The proposed stormwater drainage improvements for the ditch enclosures in the vicinity of 91st/92nd street and along 8th street within the Naples Park Area are nocessary and in the best interest of Collier County, Florida. 2. Staff is hereby authorized to acquire non-exclusive Temporary Construction F~sements on unimproved propertiQs from the various property owner's by gift only. ~. The Board of CQunty Commissioners hereby authorizes its present Chairman and any subsequent ch~irman, for the lifl of the project, to execute any instruments, wh i.ch have been appro','ed by the Office of the County Attorney, as may be required for the! acquisition of the Temporary Construction Eas~ments. .:. All title to the non-exclusive Temporary Construction Easements obtained in the manner described above shall be d)emed "accepted" by the Board of County Commiss ioners, the governi:lg body of Collier County, Florida, a pol:tical subdivision of the state of Florida, and as the Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Naples Park Area Drainage I)i1prOvement Hun! :ipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit, and staff is hereby authorized to record in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, said non-excll.l sive Temporary Construction Easements and suc~ other instruments as may be required by the Office of the ~unty Attorney. This Resolution adopted this ~' day of ~, 1995, after mction, s~cond and majority vote. . , ~ . : ' 1- . ~EST : D ":'IGHT E. BROCK, CLERK ~t:::--.-~".~Cj).{! . Ap o~ed as to.form and legal SUfficiency: Y COMMIS , FLORIDA ~ OF - . As;Jistant Attct'ney "_.._-~.,,,., "'1