Resolution 1995-543 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 543 A RZSOLUTIOK OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIOHERS OF COLLIIR COUNTY, FLORIDA, A77IRHING, ESTABLISHING AND IKPL~I.G VEHICLB PARKIKa FBES AT COUNTY BEACH FACILITIES WBERBA8, Collier County staff has studied the feasibility and legalIty of possible implementation of vehicle parking fees at Collie~; County beach and beach access facilities to collect money for partial reimbursement of beach related expenses; and WBER3AB, staff's study and analysis has determined that during the past three years an average of eighty percent (80%> of vehicV!s that park at . he subject beach a)ld beach access facilities in unincorpora'"ed Collier County ( isplay vehicle license p?.ates issued fro:, outside of Collie: County; and WBER:uB, the provisi.n of beach parking facilities for parking ot vehicles, beach maintenance, policing beach facilities, repairs to existing facilities and construction of new facilities, including beach access point:., is related to the magnitude of vehicle arkinq at such fac,llities and corresponding use of CoIl er County beach anll beach access facilities: and WHEREAS, staff has estimated that implementation of a beach parking fee of $3.00 per vehicle per d,y, plus projected parking meter fees of $0.75 per hour where a} plicable, is projected to produce annu 1 fiscal year revelues that may reimburse c :ollier County p to approximately sixty-two percent (62%> of the County's bea- (). related expenses, which is below the approximately eighty percent (80%> that ~ay legally be contribute', from such vehicle parking fees ur.ler current circumstanl:es; and WHEREAS, Staff has rf.commended to the BO::lrd of County Commissione~s that vehicle parking fees be im\)lemented by the County at specified locations; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissione:s, after analyzing 11 information lnd arguments for and against -1- n,...."., implementation of these parking fees, voted in favor of staff's recommendations to implement beach parking fees during the regular meeting of the Board on Tuesday, september 12, 1995, agenda item 8(C) (1). NOW, 'l'HERE70RB, BB IT RBSOLVED BY 'l'HB BOARD OJ' COUNTY COMHISSIrWBRS 07 COLLIER COUNTY, that: 1. EFFECTIVE DATE. Beach parking fees are hereby affirmed and established to become effective on October 1, 1995, or as soon thereafter as possible at each respective facility. 2. APPLICABLE LOCA1'~. The beach packing fees shall be implemen~ed at the follo\ing beach parking facilities within Collier County: a. Barefoot Beach Jccess. b. Barefoot Beach Park. c. Vanderbilt Beach Access. d. Clam Pass Park e. North Gulfshore Beach Access. f. Tigertail Beach g. : ;outh Ma rco Beach Access. 3. FEE RATES. The beach parking fees shall be at the rate of $3.00 per vehicle per day; also at r,arking meters fees of seventy-five cents ($( .75) per hour per vehicle. The fees shall be (laid by means 0 vehicle parking m, 'ters or by collection by county per onnel. ~. EXD~PTION FOR COUNTY RESIDENTS: PROOF OF COLLIER COUNTY RE~IDENCY. The beach parking fees a~! exempted for residents of Collier Courty because residents of Collier County pay ad valorem taxes and impact fees to pay to the below-listed expenses. However, to bp exempted from ther.! fees, the vehicle to which t.he beach parkirlg fee exemption is claimed must at:. the time of parking display a valid Collier Cour..ty beach parking sticker 0":" a valid city (,f Naples beach parking sticker. -2- 5. ALLOWABLE EXPENSES. Expenses associated with and which are to be paid in part by the beach parking tees are as follows: a. Salaries and all other related expenses of employing Parks Rangers, prorated to policing beach facilities in Collier County. b. ,lfaintenance expenses associated with beach facilities in Collie~ County, including expansion of current facilities and creation of additional beach parking facilities and beach n, .t .~ ..f ,.~",'.il: .. " ,.^ .-"~ access points. c. Costs of collect ,.ng beach parking f.!es, including personnel, facilities, eq'lipment, and relate I capital. d. Costs of the Coulty'S beach related capital projects. e. The County's cor.;ributions to the C.ty of Naples for the City'S beach related capital projects, includinq the city Pier; also the County's contribution for vehicle parking at the City'S beach parking and beach access faciUdes. 6. nONITORING THE l'tOGRAM. Staff sha] ~ monitor the .}; .~ :",,1 :4 tr! ~ .R, :; j ::~ 'A, .~ ~ :l: " ~ Jj ~.!. ,1 'tl ., relationship of beach par. ;inq tee revenues 8 nd allowable beach related e)lpenses. Statf Ihall report to the Board of County Commis~ioners if it is determined by staff that beach parking fee revenues in any fiscal year exceed eight} percent (80t) of concurrent tiscal year allowable beach relat'ld expenses. "j ;7~ ~ ':~ l< .j " _,:l~ ,~ f'l4 ~ i :..r ~ 'f ;l ..':~ .,; .itJ "~ " 7. RESTRICTED PARK:' TG AREAS. Pursuant to section FOUR of . ,'~~ .~. .f, J . ;; '<C'~ County Oro inance No. 80-J " as amended, eact, of the above-listed "Applicable "ocations" is desigl\ated as an area where vehicle parking is restricted to vehic\es that display a valid bea(h parking sticker or for which all beach parking fees are paid. 8. PROHIBITED PARKlfG AREAS. Pursuant to section FOUR of County Ordinance No. 80-4.', as amended, at e:~\ch of the above-listed "Applicable Locations" each veh...cle parking space controlled by a parking meter is designated dS an area where J, ." '~ ;~ -~ -3- .j.........,1 '. t " ,I &OOK 000 PAr.t 225 .. ~ ... ,. , SEP 2 6 1995 ~f " parking is prohibited at all times when the meter is expired. 9. PARKING CITATIONS. Pursuant to Collier County Resolution No. 92-504 and Chapter 89-449, Laws of Florida, each qualified Park Ranger is authorized to issue parking citations at each facility in accordance with Ordinance No. 80-47, as '.'" ~. ;. ;,I ..' ~ amended. .' r. '~ 10. at"QPTION OF WHEREAS CLAUSES. All f1J.dings in the above WHEREAS causes are incor}orated herein by rr:ference as if restated verbatim in this numbered paragraph ten. 11 ~' .., .' ..........MOVET), SECONDED, AND ADOPTED BY MAJORIT~ VOTE OF THE BOARD OF '. COUNTY COjQfISSIONERS THIS :2~ DAY OF SEPTEMl ER, 1995. :i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO tTY, FLORIDA .~ ",' I'HEWS, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal su~t~cien~ _ ~Io."~ ~ Th mas C. l'alm r Assistant County Attorney r ,4 TCPlb/l0411 " .' ~ :~ '-~, '~ of ;:i i 1 .. t", '" :;Ie ~OD\( oeo par.~ 22A i 'f 'f f!:, ~ _'*___"""""II"I""",",,,~,_,_,__,_~,,,_,""'",. _I,~ -' r