Resolution 1995-542 *** 1979688 OR: 2104 ?G: 0040 *** ~!CCP.D!D In ClflCI^: ~:ccp.~s ~: C~::::? C:~~::. :: 09/29/95 !t 08:Z5A~ ~4!GF.! :. ;~CCl. ::~=~ ;~. :,: .-... ..... ;.JO RESOLUTION NO. 95-542 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THEi!~t: ~'eI OF PEl,ICAN MARSH UNIT TEN A REP r~'A 1iIPN OF A PREVIOUSLY RECORDED B C1J(N\l\}ts PELICAN MARSH UNIT NINE .. ~~cr:~ ........... SEP 2 6 1995 WHEREAS, t.he Board of county commissioners of Collier county, Florida, on February 7, 1995, approved the plat of Pelican Marsh Urit Nine for recording; and WHEREAS, weI communities Limited Partnership is replattinq all of Tract E of Pelican Marsh Unit Nine and has filed for a replat of said lands; and WHEREAS, this replat doer, not extinguish (,r in anyway affect the dedications contain.'l in the previous l,lat of these lands unless said dedicat ions are forma ,ly vacated simultaneously ~ith the acceptar :e of this replat; lnd WHEREAS, t:l!s parcel, the approved plat of ) elican Marsh Unit Ten, is a (,art of a preViclsly approved and rtcorded plat, Pelican Marsh t!nit Nine, and t\;e filing and reCOl ding of this approved plat shall not affect access to lots previously conveyed under the Pelican Marsh Unit Nine plat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED B1/ THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, . ',hat the plat of Pelican Marsh Unit Ten, a p,'rt of' a previously approved and recorded plat, Pelican Marsh UJ it Nine, is hereby approved for recording and the dedications (mtained on the pL,t of Pelican Marsh Unit Ten are hereby accep~!d. BE IT FORTE ER RESOLVED ANI ORDERED that the Clerk of the circuit Court sh~,ll make proper ~otation of this action upon the previous plat and record this replat resolution in the Official Records of collier County. This ReSOlution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring saae. , DATED:"~#~ A,~)::ST:, :..',:/ ",'/ . . ~ "" '. "', f . .'. ' rk ',.,'..., ,;", :', : ,:,..',." ,Approved as to form and legal sUfficien~: lL ,~. lAy;h A/\..- Ht1di ~. Ashton Assistant Collier County Attorney jrh/doc.2033 Pelican Marsh Uni" Ten .,~ ~; ~ :.; ," ~ ~'i ~, ., '. '1 'if