Resolution 1995-556 RESOLUTION 95-~6 RELATING TO PETITION NO. CU-94-13 FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE OF PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida statutes, hns conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordina'e and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessa~y for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the C0unty pursuant thereto has adopted a Land I'8velopment co:!e (01:dinance No. 91- 02) wbich establist'es comprehensive 2.oning regulations for the zoning 0 particular divisic ns of the county, among which is the granting and extending the' ime period of conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, on October 11, 1994, the Board of zoning Appeals enacted J~solution No. 94-733, which granted a conditional use pursuant to '.rdinance No. 91-102, for earth mini.ng and a golf cour.,e, on the below ~scribed property; and WHEREAS, subsection 01 the Land Oevelopme "it Code provides that the Board of ZC'ning Appeals ma.' extend the one (1) year time period for a conditional use which has not been commenced; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of ze'dng Appeals of :ollier County, Florida that: The written reo 'Jest of Margarl ; Perry of wilson, 'tiller, Barton' peek, Inc., r~presenting Bonita Ba: East Golf Club fot the first of three (3) pernitted one (1) year e:..:ensions, in interest of the f~llowing described property: See attached legal description ExhH" it "A" .s hereby approved pursuant to Sub~~ction of the Land ,evelopment Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) I and the expir'ltion date for Hesolution No. 94-733, attached hereto and incorporatel herein as ~ Exhibit "B", .!nd a'll conditions applicable thereto, is extended hereby I or one year until lctober 11, 1995. "'_, v- ..-1ll1 ; SEP 2 6 1995 .:......1"........ .1 ". ,. ',.~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the .J , /~ ~ .~ . minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is gran.ed. Commissioner Mac'Kie offered the foregoing Resolution and mo,'ed for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner ":4 ~4;:, r~~ ;j.~ ,. l' ol- hancock , and upon roll call, the vote was: AYES: CommissioneL Mac' Kie,. commit- doner Hancock,. ConZlissioner Norris, Commissioner Constantine anc Commissioner Mattt9ws NAYS: ABSENT AND trOT VOfING: ABSTENTION: Done this day of SeDtember 26th BOARD OF ZONING COLLIER COUNTY, ,...t"..""'I, ,. \ ~':' (';r, "". ..~ . ..../ A'rrEST: ........ '. '~ DijtGHT::E.. BF:OCi<.,~ .ci~ ... ,.. .' . . "., ... t ;: . ",':,...: : ~_' . ". :~ ; ... '.... . ~~_. . .". ~. . .. "..' ~ ":" ..-. . R9VEO AS TO.. FQRM AND LEGAL "'~ J; .~. ......' . ".".' ',. . \' .~."....,.....;%. 1l'~7' 1.. _.~ ~-'--I ~ In-;~ HARJO IE M. STUI1EN',~ ASSISTANT COUNTY A'rTORNEY SUFFICIENCY: P.u. EXTENSION RESOLUTION/14992 1 h.. )1'_."".'1'" , 1995. '.r A';~~A F~ I:~'EWS, CHAIRMAN . . I . I I . . I I I I . . . II .. II III t' :~Ji (.li, fIltf.~. Af1. '....~ '-\: ";1; . fit': ~, Jr-, /'..... ,:(1'''': ~f) 'h'. -t:~~~ ...,.. ~.<iN, _, j. ~ . ~ ;! \1 t ~ -I , ,~ .. <~ ~ .~ ;-; .. ATTAQUIEHT 2 tAt.. DtlafplJon BOHITA lAY EAST co:.r CLUB COHO naHAL un APPLICATION All of die ......., SOO.OO fed of 11M """'" '10,00 reef or lhe Honm..c \.C or Sectk , ", T-..." 4' ,"ch, bit,. 27 I!.uc, c,(JJcr c.w.r,. 1'IotW.. Alto Lnc...,. .......n or die ~-... \.C of ~Ion I', T......".c. Iowch, ba,.2 Eut, Col'le, CouaC)', Flori.. AJ-;o llld....... ........11 oIdM IIOtIIhet,,7oo.00 it" of lhe Sovdt~ \.C of Seel_ J'. TO\o'.'hi, 4' ,"lit, ltaD,' 27 Ear, Coni. Colle!;" FIotfde. AI.. Inc'....... \heme .. ., s.c...... If, T-.h'" 4' ~ Itlll,. 27 e.., Com. CoufIt" F1orlcIa, J_ and '.apIld ....rtom ... ......, 100.00 r... M ,-..." Nt Offici., JIt..." look 10, "i.. 319 lit ' 390, P'ltWle Jte.nI. 0' Com. CoI""" 1'IotW.. . ',~ 'i Am 1M..... ....... .n .,.... ~ Ie .,....... 20. T~, 4' '-",.It_..:r. I!aat, eom., c...C)'. FlotlcI.t. '-'!iecc 10 ......... .... ....rict.....,,..,,., co ' ......, .....r __ __ 0' ,_. ':.i ,\ ';; lIo\; -,:., tfI~_ Exhit.it "A- "oo~ 000 PA(,t185