Resolution 1995-647 RESOLUTION 95-~7 A RESOU11'IOff PROVIDING FOR THE ES1'ABLISJDfEN'l' or A G01I DRIVING RANGE, COIIDITIOffAL USE -17- lit THB -A- ZOIfIJfG DIS1'JUC'l' PURSUAJt1' TO SECl'tON or 'l'IIE COLLIER COUITY LAND DEVELOfKD'l' CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED 1M SEC'l'IOIf 26, TOWNSHI P 48 SOOTH, RAllGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, th. Legislature ot the stat. of FloridA in Chapt.r 67-1246, Law. of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statut.., bas conf.rred on Coll~ er County the power to ..tabli.b, coordinate and enforce zoninq and sadl busine.. regulations a. ar. nec....ry for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the county pursuant :her.t., bas adopted a Land Dev.loplMnt Cod. ~OrdiDanc. No. 9J -102) which include I a COIIpreb.nsiv. Zoninq Ordinance C1stabli.bi"9 reqv lat.ions for th. ZOI! Lne; of particular fleoqraphic divi.ions of the Count '/, aaong vbicb i. t,le firantinc) of conditional U...; and WHEREAS, the COlli.r County PIaMine; coai..ion, beiraq the duly appointeeS and constitlrted planninc board for th. ar.. her.by affecte4, ~. held a public baarinq att..r nc ~ice a. in .aid r~'Jlationa ..d. and provided, and has conaict.red the I Ivi.ability of Conditional U.. -17- ot Section in an "A" zona for a 90lf drivincjJ r8ncjJ. on the property h.reinafter ~ibed, and has found a. a _~t.r of fact (Exhibit -A.) that satisfactory provi.ion and arraft9.~..nt bav. be.n l18de concemin4J all applicable mat :er. required by "!.d r89Ulationa and in accordance vi th JulMrection 2.7 .4. of the Land Dtn 'llopMnt COde for th. Colli.r County Planninq C~1f ion; and WHEREAS, all inUruted partics have be.n viv.n c;pportunlty to be heard by thi. Board in a public lIeetincJ a.llellbled and th. Board baving conaidered all aatt 'JrII pre.ented. NOW, THERD'ORI. 8B IT RESOLVED. BY THB BOARD OF ZOltING APPEALS of ~llier County, Florida ~t: .. , , ~ The petit.ion filed by Blair A. Foley of Coastal Engineering COn.u1tants, Inc., reprelHntinq JCristal rerc;u.on wit.b re.pect to tbe property hereinatter described as: E 40', JiI'E 1/4, II1f 1/4, section 26, Township 48 SOUth, Range 26 East., Collier COUnty, Florida. be and the .... i. hereby approved for Conditional U.. "17- of Section ot the -A" zoning di.trict tor a (Jolf drivin9 range in accordance vith the conceptual Maater Plan (EXhibit -8.) and subiect to the fo1lovinq cor .di~ions: Exhibit -C- \ditch i. attached hereto and inc:orpQratecS by reference bnrein. 8E IT ruJd'HEU ItESOLVED that 1 hi. Resolution be ,.ecorded in tbe atnute. of thi. Board. co.ai.sionex constantin. offered 1 be for84)oing Resolution and IIOvecl for its adop ion, seconded by c._i..ioner "_c'kie and upon roll call, the vote va.: AYES: Co..issioner Constantine, Com.i.sioner Mac'Kie, Co..issioner Norris, Co..is.loner .aDcock, CODCissloner Katthev. NAYS: ABSENT AND Nar VOTDlG: ABSTENTION: Done this l4th day ot Move.ber '. 1995. .,........, . " BY: . . .. r / I . ~', ". ATTEST: ' '. , . DWIGHT E. BROCK'."c1.~ +l~'-~'~; fPe!- . AP ROVED AS TO FOlK un LEGAL SUrrICIENCY~ ,~ tJ"~ ~ ~ !tl:i:. o B". ASSISTANT COUNTY A'1'TO.IIIEY CU-95-14 RESOLUTI~/15215