Resolution 1995-646 RESOLUTION 95- 646 - A R.ESOtDrION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISKM'EJrl' OF A JfODEL HOME CONDITIONAL USE PER SECl'ION 2..6..33.4..5 OF THE COLLIER COVNTY lNID DEVELOPJIEIrl' CODE, IN THE -E- (ESTATES) ZONINC DISTRICT, FOR PROPERTY DESCRISED AS EAST 150 FEE'l', ".I'RAC'r 81, GOLDEN GAD ESTATES, UNIT 8, COLLIER COUNfV', FLORIDA.. '" WHEREAS, the Legislature ot the State ot Florida in Chapter 6'-1246, Laws ot Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statute., bas conterred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and entorce zoning and sucb busine.. regulations as are INcessary tor the protection ot the public; and WHEREAS, the county pursuant :heret~ bas adopted a Land o.veloplMnt Code 'ordinance No. 91 -102) which include I a COIIprebemaive Zoning Ordinance utablishing req\'l.ationa tor the zen Lng ot partiCUlar geoqraphic c11 vi.ions of the Count t', aJlOn9 which i. tne granting of Conditional Us.s; and WHEREAS, the COllier County Planning Co.aission, being the duly appointed and const.ituted planninc board tor the area hereby atfected, nas held a public bearing att.r nc :1ce aa in said r~Jlationa aade and provided, and has ~idered the l Ivisability ot Conditional U.. per Section 2..6..33.4..5 in an -E" (Estates) zone tor a ~l hoae on the property hereinatter cSescribed, and has found as a .. :ter of fact (Exhibit -A-) that satistactory provision and arrangeQ8nt bave been ..de concerning all applicable aat ':ers required by sa.d r89Ulations and in accordance with sw.action 2.7 ;." of the Land l)e\/tlopMnt Code for the Collier County Planning COKait lion; and WHEREAS, all intere.ted partie. have been 9iven opportunity to be '3eard by this Soart in a public meeting assnbled and the Soard baving considered all aattera pre.ented. . NOW, THEREFORE SB IT RESOLVED. BY THB SOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida that: ~ '~ ~' If! >11 ,~ .. ~-4' ;,--~~ 1,: ~ [ 10' t . 815 The petition filed by George A. SClUlaeling ot Florida HOINt. of COllier, Inc.. witb respect to the property hereinatter described a.: Ea.t 150 teet, 'l'ract 81, Golden Gate Estate., Unit 8, a. recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 97, of the Public Record. of COllier County, ftorida be and the sa.. is' bareby approved tor Conditional U.. per Section 2.6..33.4..5 in the .E- (Estate.) zoning di.trict for a Dadel b~ in accordance with tbe COnceptual Master Plan (Exbibit -S.) and subject to the tOlloving coratitiona: ,. Exhibit .C. vhlcb i. attached hereto and incorporated by reference hel.in. ^,,~ ,~, '~ j, , ~ BE IT FtJ'R'bsa RESOLVED that t'11s Ra.olution be r acorded in the .inute. of this Soard. co..is.ioner Cltn..t.an t. in. offered t'.e foreqoing Re.olution and aoved for its adopt. on, .econded by CO".i..ioner MAC! · Ir.i. and upon roll call, the vote wa.: AYES: Co..laaloner Coaat.ntine, Commlasloner ftac'Xle. Co.-laaloner Norrla" Co..iaaloner Baacoct, and Commia.loner ftatthev. ASSENT AND NOT VOTIJIG: ABSTENTION: NAYS: rii' 14th Nove.ber , 1995. Done this day ot BOARD or ZOIfIJCC APPEALS COLLIER COlrnr, l'II'RIDA , ..... BY: .' ATTEST : OIfIGHT E. SROCK',.-cLERK 1. ~--~4;.~(I)l / . - r .; .' . hPPR AS, ,'1'0 roar. AlII) LBGAb'SUPPICIErCY: ....,....... t ~ iF ~ f . J CU-95-13 RESOLUTIOI/l5177