Resolution 1995-645 RESOWTION NO. 95- 645 - :>'$; .".; .~ A aaournON AMENDING PARAGRAPH FIVE or RESOtDl'IOJl 95-528, A PROVISIONAL USE FOR PROPERrY HEREINAFTER D&SCRJSED IN COLLIER COUJrfY, YLORIDA, TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR IIf THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCIUP'l'tON . -, WJIEREAS, the COllier County &oard of County commissioners adopted Resolu~ion 95-528, pertaining to the Conditional Use for Verai. Spooner on 8epteaber 12, 19951 and WHEREAS, fol'oving said action adopting Resolu~ion 95-528, staft vas advised tha~ .. ~ion of the site'. l89al descrigtion va. described incorrertly in Paraqrap~ Five of Resolu~ion 95-528 by aistake, and constitute. a SCriver ,r's Error. IIOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLvEr, by the Soard of c:'JUnty co.ai..ioner. of COllier County I ~lorida, that ~he If19al descrl~ion of para<Jraph riVe ot Rasolution 9! -528, i. bereby ...rlded, by addJ..nq the correct legal description to read a. follows: NOW THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLVED BY THE SOARD or ZOrlNQ APPEALS of Collier County, Florida, that: The pe~ition filed by Wi1l3 i 'P8 Joy and Henan spooner, repre.en~in9 Versi. Spooner, with 'esP8~ to tbe prop~y bereinat~ described as: The East 110 feet o( the We.t 460 fee~ ot the Iforth 200 feet of the 81 ,It. north one-balf of the northves~ one-quarter ~t the southwe.t one-qJarter of ~ soutbVest one-quartlr of Section 33, Tovn1IaJ.p .. 6 South, :ang. 29 EaR, 1... 4tH- ","e..l y 109 I ( .... f 81' 1'8a. 1'1,,,, ,.. way. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha~ this Resolution be recorded in the rdnute. of this soard. Word. .'raek '~~~h are deleted; words underlinf~j are added. ""j'j II;!'. I " I :;. ;" 'I '~~ co.ai..ioner it I/'. ~,~ flancocl< offered ~be foregoing ~ "ac'Ki. and upon roll call, the v~. vas: Resolu~ion and aoved for it. adoption, .econded by eo..is.ioner WAYS: AYES: Co..i..ione~ Hancock, Co..iasione~ Mac'Kie, CODDI.sloner "ocris, Co..issloner Kattheva A88D'l' AJID .01' Yen nrG. A8&l"MtlOJrs Done this l4th C0.8i..ionec constantine day of Nove.bec , 1995. FL'JRIDA .,q ';WS, CHAIJUIA.M COLLIIR COOlt'.fr, BOARD OF comrn ca oaS8IOJfERS ." ....... . ' " ". , . ArrEST: ' . DlfIM E. BROCK, .' fit. ~ AID LEGAL St1FJ ;CIDCY J I ' . SCRIVEIfER '8 ERROR RESOUJ'nON /15650 l~ f: