Resolution 1995-644 1 RESOLUTION NO. 95--2ii IlEU.Jfj,Q TO PETITION IlUIlIlER V-95-20. FOR A VARtANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAI"'l'ER DES~ED IN COLLIER COllHTY. FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of Florida in Chapter 125, ,~(, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Oevelopment Code I Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes regulations tor the zoning ot particular geographic divisions ot the County, among which is the granting ot variances; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning \ppeals, being the iuly elected constituted Board ot 'the area herE"Y affected, has heLd a public" ft.aring after noticer'as in said re JUlations made and j)rovided, and hasi' I considered the advisability of a J,l.5-foot variance t~om the required 20 foot project boundary setback to 7.5 feet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit -A-, in a "PUD" zone for the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matt~r of fact that satisfactory Qrovision and arrang8llent have beE I made concerning a'1..l applicable matters required by said regulatic IS and in accordance with Section 2.7.5 ot the Zoninq Regulations at said Land Oevelopment Code tor the unincorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given '~pportunity to be ;. I' leard by this Board in public meet~ng assembled, and '~he Board having I :onsidered all matt~s presented; , NOW THEREFORE BB IT RESOLVED Y THE BOARD OF ZON: NG APPEALS ot Collier County, Flor~a, that: f The Petition V-9S-20 filed by 3akob and Birgitte Hotstetter, with respect to the prCl~Y hereinafter described as: J. ~ and the same here is approved for a 12. 5-toot val'iance from the ,', Lot 178, crown Pages 37-41, ot Florida. inte East, a:: Recorded in Plat Book 16, e Public Re( ords of Collier County, required 20 foot project boundary setback to 7.5 feet ~s shown on the -1' . ,- ,~ :,~ :<I" j -~ ~: ROY 1 4 .. ,," if' attached plot plan, ~ibit "A", of the "Poo" zoning district wherein said property is located, subject to the following stipulation: A type "B" buffer shall be installed on the west property line adjacent to the house and pool enclosure. BE IT RESOLVEO that this Resolution relating to Petition Number ~ V-95-20 be recorde1 in the minutes ot this Board. I' commissioner Mac'Kie offered the fnregoing Resolution and .OVe4t~,_;or its adoption, aeconded by eom.iaaioner Hancock and UpOI roll call the vot~ was: ',:!j ;~ AYES: Commissioner: Mac'ICie, Commi, ,sioner Hancock, Co..missioner Rorris" and Commissloner Matthews NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Commissioner Constantine ABSTENTION: 14th day of ~ vember , 1995. Done this \ ,....'..., . .a'" 'f,., A~<. ....,.;.., '>:"" {; DWIGHT E. BROCK; ~.ERlt i~:~.,.l~ @{'. ',.;'/ :--. '... ': -:.'~: "~~' APPRO~ "AS .:r.C)"'FORM AIm LEGAL SUF, i:CIENCY: .,..t....- f",-' ,,'. ~ ~n,,' l-cd MARJO E M. STUDENT. ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ARIANCE RESOLUTXOr/15555 _'4"",_,~.__"___,""""",_"~"","""",4~""'",',''',_,,,,,",,,,,~,""""'M_"i.,,;'.'"'" I I 81 " I I I PJ.A T Of SURVEY CERnAED' ",ORRECT TO: · Jnkoh (mcl nridg~I'1" I/ofA"."r,.,; nUll AlII'" j, "" lill,. '"111I'""''' r.1lI111"'"'/; OESCRIPlION (FURNISHED BY CUrNT): lOT IYR. CROWN POINT( EAsr. (lI'cordillq I,) 1/", fll"I 1 h""wf. WI (p.I;ord,.d ill ,."" 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