Resolution 1995-643 mu TO m 101II rmlOlfIa m nooJ 1lt72U UCOlDID In the O!flew. UCOIlIS of (OUIII comt, n. mIls II/11tH It 12:53" DIIGIt I. 11OCI, (Uu RESOLUTION NO. 95- 643 NOY 1 ~ 8B RESOLUTION FOR PETITION AV 95-018 TO VACATE TWO-FIVB FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENTS LOCATED ON A PORTION OF LOT 16, BLOCK I' AND A PORTION OF LOT 11, BLOCK H, ON THE PIAT OF REPIAT OF UNIT 3, LI'l"l'LE HICKORY SHORES, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 2, OF TIm PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, purRant to Section 177.101, Florida statut.., J.... M. Bo.w.ll II, as owner, does herebY request the vacation of two-five foot drainage easements located on a portion of Lot 16, Block r and on a portion of Lot 11, Block H, as shown on the plat of Replat of Unit NO.3, Little Hickory Shores, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Paqe 2, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, t~e Board has th is day held a public hearinq to consider vacatuiq a portion olJdd plat as .ore : 'ully described below, and notice of said publ c hearinq to vacat. was qiven a. required by law 1 and WHEREAS, tb. qranting of the vacation will not adveraely affect the ownership or right of convenient access of other property owners. NOW, 'l'HEREFORB, BE IT R- SOLVED BY THE 8Q\RD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNT~. FLORIDA, that tit. followinq b. and i. hereby vacated: See Exhib.l.t "A" attached to and incorporated herein BE IT ~ RESOLVED, that the Clerk i. herby directed to record this Re.olution in the Public Records of (~ollier County, Florida and to .ake proper no' ation. of this va.-,:ation on said plat. I ,This reso1~tion adopted a ter motion, s.conu and majority \>: ......, : vo.tll::favor,tnq .ame. , t- ~..:' ~ # ~,;.: . . , :: I '. .' '~, '/. D~#D: //jjlAr:-: ~ "A"""ST '. '-":, , . ., '.L-.i"~ :. . .. :,; DWIGHT .B.f BROi::J', Clerk '; . '''', I,' . : . . .' (' nrn _, ?r::... . 3.1. EXHIBI'l' -A- PAGE 1 OP 2 L DESCRIPTION OP VACA'1'IOR A 5 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED OR U)'l' 16, FOLLOWS: FEET OF U)'l' 16, BlOCK P AND A 5 FOO'l' OR} , INAGB EASEMENT lDCl.TBD OR U)'l' 11, FOLLOWS: 5 FEET OP U)'l' 11, BLOCK B l'LAT OP REPLA'l' OP tnfIT NO.3, tI'l'TLB HICKORY ., I1f PLAT 1 JaX 6, PAGE 2, C 'JLLIBR COOHTY , i " . aoo~ r! JO PAr.! 2!lS ~.., ~ ,~'" ;? ~.t$', . ~ ~';~/".l..// 1- " "J , NOY 1 4 . '. \\ .; ,Lor 1(.. BLK. F '~ "J!J-~ I""...,',....',..'.,'..'., , , ;i I ',~ )-' ~,^,4l( ..~ .,~ :~' _i:. :.'t fi ,_to & ;~' (, ;~!" j,- ~ .'i~ ~.cl., ~ l-o ~ "'? ~<$ .~ ~' ~/ [' . ~:; .~~~ ~~-JAMESM, 'fa 1. ' 2281 ARBOUtl WALK CIRCLE "'. APARTJ..ENT'1411 ...,. " NAPLES. Fl0Rl0A33I42 t.~. @'U) ~l(- 5.:: lOCI" fleO PAG!. 256 ;;::,~L;Jt~~,~~.;/~ '