Resolution 1995-619 NOV - 7 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95-619 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF NOT EXCEEDING $1S,000,000 FROM THE POOLED COMMERCIAL PAPER LOAN PROGRAM OF THE FLORIDA LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMISSION AND THE COUNTY IN ORDER TO FINANCE CERTAIN BEACH RENOURISHMENT AND PROTECTION PROJZCTS IN THE COUNTY; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF' A LOAN NOTE TO EVIDn~CE SUCH BORROWING; AGREEING TO SECUF' E SUCH LOAN UOTE WITH A COVENANT TO BUDGET AND APPROPRIATE LEGALLY AVAILABLE NON- AD Vl.LOREH REVENUES AS PROVIDED IN THE LOAN AGREFMENT; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELI' ERY OF SUCH OT! ER DOCUMENTS AS Ml.Y BE NECESSARY TO EFFEC~ SUCH BORROWING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTI" ~ DATE.. BE IT REsc,r...VED BY THE BOARI OP COUNTY COHMISSIt\NERS OP COLLIER COUNTY, PLORIDA: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. Unless the context ot use indicates another meaninq or intent, the tollowinq words and terms as used in this Resolution shall have the followi~q meaninqs. "Act" means, collectively, Part I, Chapte; 125, Florida statutes, Part I, Chapter 163 Florida Statutes, and all other applicable provisions of law. "Addi tional Payments" meal'; the payments req\i ired to be made by the County pursuant to Sectic IS 5.02(b), S.02(c), 5.02(d), 5.05 and 6.06 (e) of the Loan AgreemE It. "Board" means the Board of County Commissioners of the County. "Chairman" means the Chairman or Vice Chairml,~l of the Board, and such other person as may be duly authorized t~ act on his or her behalf. "Clerk" means the Clerk 0) the Circuit Court .:or the County, ex-officio Clerk of the Board, f. Id such other persor. as may be duly authorized to act on his or hel behalf. "Commission" means the ; lorida Local Government Finance Commission, and any assigns or successors thereto. "County" aeans Collier County, Florida, a political subdivision of t.he state of Florida. . NOY - 7 1995 "County Administrator" means the County Administrator of the County and such other person as may be duly authorized to act on his or her behalf. "De.iqnated Rev.nues" means Public Agency Moneys budgeted and appropriated tor purposes of payment of the Loan Repayments and any other amounts due under the Loan Agreement. "Draw Date" has the meaning set forth in the Loan Aqreement. "Loan No. 1.-7-1" means the Loan designated as "Loan No. A-7-1" the proceeds of which are to be used to tinance Project A-7. "Loan" metinS the loan to be made by the COJ:mission to the County from proceeds ot the Series A Notes in acco~dance with the terms ot this Resolution and of the Loan Agreement. "Loan Agr....m.nt" means t 1e Loan Agreement dated as of April 12, 1991, between the Cou Ity and the Commiss..on, as amended and supplementdd and as the lame may be furthL':r amended and supplemented. "Loan Rate" has the mean in", set forth in the :,oan Aqreement. "Loan Repayments" or "Re~}aymeDts" means tt,e payments of principal and interest at the Loan Rate on the Loan amounts payable by the County pursuant to the provisions of the Loan Agreement and all other payments, including Additional payments, payable by the County pursuant to the provisions ot the Loan Aqre.:'!ment. "Non-Ad Val(')rem Revenues" Jl'; 'ans all legally aV2'ilable revenues of the County derived from an~ source whatsoever other than ad valorem taxation on real and pe sonal property, wh~ch are leqally available to make the Loan . epayments require<' in the Loan Agreement, but only after provis on has been made by the County for the payment of s~rvices and prog ams which are for essential public purposes affecting the healLl, welfare and safety of the inhabitants of the County or which are legally mandated by applicable law. "program" means the Pooled Commercial Pape~' Loan proqram established by the Commission. "proj.ct A-7" means the c acquisition and::onstruction 0 County described in Exhibit A he modified from time to time, all the plans and specifications on sts and expenses T,tlating to the certain improveml' rats within the 9to, as the same ma.. be amended or ~s more particularly described in file with the County. "Public Agency Moneys" shall mean the moneYF budqeted and appropriated by the County for payment of the Loan aepayments and 2 NOW - 11 any other amounts due hereunder from Non-Ad Valorem Revenues pursuant to the County's covenant to budget and appropriate such Non-Ad Valorem Revenues conta ined in Section 6.04 of the Loan Agreement. "R.payment. Sch.dule" means the schedule of Repayments of the Loan as determined by the County Administrator, as the same may be amended or modified tram time to time. '~..olution"means this Resolution, as the same may from time to time be amended, modified or supplemented. "s.ri.. A .ot.... m.c:!ans the Commission' s Pooled Commercial Paper Notes, Series A (Governmental Issue), to be issued tram time to time by the Commission. The terms "herein," "hereunder,. "hereby," "hereto," "hereot," and any similar terms, shall reter to this Resolution; the term "heretotore" .iall mean befor e the date ot adoption ot this Resolution; anci the term "here, fter" shall mean after the date of adoption of this Resolution. Words importinq the masc lline qender incl\1!e every other qender. Words im~rting the sinqul: r number include thd plural number, and vice versa. SECTION 2. AUTHORITY FOR RESOLUTION. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the proviSions ot the Act. SECTION 3. FINDINGS. It is hereby ascertt. ined, determined and declared that: (A) The Commission has ) gen established for the principal purpose ot issuinq commercial p; per notes in order to provide funds to loan to public agencies, suc as the County, des~ring to tinance and refinance the cost of acq iring, constructing and equipping capital impro\1sments and t} finance and refinance other governmenta 1 ne.3ds. (B) In furtherance of the foregoing, the \~mmission shall issue, from time to time, commercial paper notes to be known as "Florida Local Government Finance Commission Pcoled Commercial Paper Notes, Series A (Governnental Issue)" and shall loan the proceeds of such Series A Note' to public agencie!;, including the County. (C) Pursuant to the authcity of the Act, th", Commission has agreed to loan, from time to ': lme, to the County such amounts as shall be authorized herein anc in the Loan Agreement in order to 3 ~OOK f i eo PAr,E 378 NOV - 7 19S enable the County to finance, reimburse or refinance the cost of acquisition, construction and equipping of capital improvements. (D) The County presently has outstanding $21,628,470 principal amount of Loans pursuant to the Program for the acquisition and construction of various capital improvements. (E) The County desires to borrow an additional amount not to exceed $15,000,000 in order to finance Project A-7. (F) The County hereby determines that the provision of funds by the Commission to th~ County in the form of Loan no. A-7-1 pursuant to the terms of the Loan Agreement and the financing of Project A-7 will assist in the development and maintenance of the public welfare ot the residents ot the County, and shall serve a public purpose by improving the health and living conditions, and providing qovernmental services, tacilities and programs and will promote the mest efficient an j economical development of such services, facilities and prograns. (G) Loan No. A-7-1 shall 1 ~ repald solely fr~'. the Designated Revenues. Such Desiqnated Rev nues shall include moneys derived tram a covenant to budget and aJ: )ropriate legally a ',ailable Non-Ad Valorem Revenuos. The ad valor~m .taxing power ot 4;he County will never be necessary or authorizei to make the Loan ltepayments. SECTION 4. TERMs OP LO~~S. The County hereby approves of Loan No. A-7-1 in the principal amount of not exceeding $lS,OOO,OOO for the purpose of providinq the County with sufficient funds to. t inance proj ect A-7. The Cha irman and the Cllrk are hereby authorized to execute, seal and deliver on behalt ut the County a Loan Note with respect to Loan No. A-7-1 and o~..:her documents, instruments, aqreements and cert f icates necessary~)r desirable to effectuate Loan No. A-7-1 as pr 'vided in the Loan ~.greement. The Loan Note with respect to Loan N . A-7-1 shall reflE'ct the terms of such Loan and shall be substan ially in the form ~ttached to the Loan Agreement as Exhibit I. 1 e County Administrator shall make the Draw Request with respect to Loan No. A-7-1 in accordance with the terms of the Loan Aqreement at such time as shall be determined by the County Administrator as appropriate to finance Project A-7 and is permitted by the Loan Agreement. Loan to '.'. A-7-1 shall mature on such dates and i:1 such amounts .~iS the County Administrator shall determine; provided, howe~~r, the final maturity of Loan No. A-7-1 sha' 1 not be later th2"n December 31, 1999. Loan No. A-7-1 shall b ar interest at the Loan Rate in accordance with the terms of :ha Loan Aqreemen1. The County further agrees tel make all Loan epayments required of it pursuant to the terms ot the Loan Agreeme t. The Letter of credit fees for Loan No. A-7-1 shall be 35 bas s points or such ocher amount as First Union National Bank of Flcrida and the County shall agree. 4 llnn I'l~n HOW - 1199!i SECTION 5. AO'1'BORIZATION 01' PROJECT A-7. The County does hereby authorize the financing of Project A-7. SECTIOH ,. SECURITY POR '1'HB LOAN. The County' s obligation to repay Loan No. A-7-1 will be secured by a pledge of and lien upon the Desiqnated Revenues in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement. The obligat ion of the County to repay Loan No. A-7-1 shall not be deemed a pledge of the faith and credit or taxing power ot the County and such obligation shall not create a lien on any property vbatsoever of or in the County other than the Desiqnated Reve ::lues. SBCTIOH 7. GERBRAL AUTHORITY. The members of the Board and the ofticer's, attorneys and other aqents or employees of the County are here~~ authorized to do all acts and things required of them by this Resolution and the Loan Agreement, or desirable or consistent with the requirements of this Resolution and the Loan Agreement, for the full punctu~l and complete performance of all the terms, covenants and agreel ents contained in ~~his Resolution and the Loan Agreement, and ez:h member, employe., attorney and officer of thf' County or its Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver my and all papers md instruments and to do and cause to be d me any and all a':ts and things necessary or pr~per tor carrying out the transactio'ls contemplated by this Resolution and the Lear Agreement. SECTION 8. SBVERABILI'I >: . If anyone or more ot the covenants, agreements or provisions herein contained shall be held contrary to any express provision of law or contrary to the policy. of express law, thouqh not expressly prohibited, 0% against public pOlicy, or shall tor any reason whatsoever be hel/;$ invalid, then such covenants, agreements or provisions shall be nLll and void and shall be deemed separable from t Ie remaining covenants, agreements or provisions and shall in no wa . affect the validit,! of any of the other provisions hereot. SECTION 9. REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS. resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are superseded and repealed to the extent ot such conflict. Resolution specitically supercedes Resolution No. 95-487. All hereby This 5 , ,...... .~, . &;L&i&~iL County Attorney David C. Weigel NOY - 11J95 . 8BC'!IOJI 10. UnCTIVB DATB. effect immediately upon its adoption. shall take DULY ADOPTBD this 7 , OJ' (SEAL) ............. #. .,,' "1 . Ams'1':.' '. "" .~. , DWIGHT E.',. BROCY :. . ~. .... .. t, . . ~ . ' .. .. ~ '. !~. OVEC AS' TO' ,fORM AND . LEGAL SUFFIC1DCY: . ",,,, ...'" ,- . . .. . . .. . II ~ .. · .. 6 EXHISI!r A DESCRIPTION or PROJECT A-7 Beach renouriahaent and protection Vanderbilt Beach to the Gordon River Pass. for the Nor - 7 . area from