Resolution 1995-618 RESOLUTIOtl rlo. 95-618 NOV - 7 1995 A RESOLUTION REGARDIHG UTILITY JOINT PROJECT AGREEMENT BETWEErl THE COUNTY OF COLLIER AND TilE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SUCH AGREEMENTS: AND AUTHORIZING THE PLACING OF FUNDS WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE COMPLETION Of THE UTILITY INSTALLATION. WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation is constructing, reconstructing or otherwise Changing a portion of the State Highway System, between Marco Island Bridge and south of New {ork St.reet in Collier County, Florida, which shall call for the ir.stallation of new County 12" water line facilities over and/or under said highway; and WHEREAS, the County requires additional water capacity in certain locatj.ons wi thin thf construction lirits of this project; and WHEREAS, the County has leretofore authoriz ad that plans and specifications be prepared for the installati'~ of said new County facilities over and/or under said highway; and WHEREAS, the plans and specifications have been prepared and approved by Johnson Engineering Company a'ld the County Engineering Departmerlt; such plans and specifi::ations to be made a part of the DElpartment s highway construC't:ion contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT : ESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER- .,EWER DISTRICT that: 1. The Board enter in ) a JOINT PROJECT .\GREEMENT with the State ot Florida De) irtment of Tranf ',ortation for installation by the DEPARTME T of said new COUrlTY facilities designated as Utility Job 6509, Section 03030, Parcell, and that the Boal i assume all costs incurred in ~:he respective utility instc llations, whic 1 costs are estimated to be $602,560.00; and, 2. The Board hereby authorizes its dilly authorized officer(s) to enter into such agreements with the State of ..,,---_~_'" _."<ll<N nur - , IW:J .. . Florida Department of Transportation for the installation of said new County facilities; and, 3. The estimated costs of such utility installations as set forth above shall be pa id in advance to the State of Florida Department of Transportation in accordance with such utility installation agreement. This Resolution adopted this ~ day of ~~ 1995 after mot...on, second and majority vote favoring same. ATTBRT: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMM.ISSIQNERS'" COLLIER COUNTY, FLOP.ID~'{ AS.. EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF ',,' 'THE COLLIER COUNTY WA/l'ER-SEWER 0' r rSTRI~ .~ /" TTHElo/;, ChairmaJ1,.\\';:::;'/; - :...... , 0, -'.,..- 'lI"'- ..- .... Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: j"tr" a ~t1_ Oav d C. we q Assistant County Attorney dcw1lw/14100