Resolution 1995-604 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Retll: UAI. PRom" lIT 8m 11111 orlICl 1988669 OR: 2113 PG: 0603 P.3CORDED 111 the OFFICIAL RICORDS of COLLIla CCUITY. !L 10/26/95 at 12:56lX DWIGHt I. 8ROer. eLIRI RESOLUTION NO. 95- 604 OCT 2 ~ 1995 ;,IC Fil :~.50 COPI3S 2.00 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PRO-RATING AND CANCELLING CURRENT TAXES UPON LAND ACQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE. WHEREAS, r,ot 32, Craig's Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 27, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, has been conveyed ~ithout monetary compensation to Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and was accepted by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on October 24, 1915; WHEREAS, the subject proierty will utilizec( in aid of the County's Affordable Housing pr.grams; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, approved Resolution No. 93-499 on No"ember 2, 1993, approving a policy to cancel cu rent real property .'~d valorem taxes upon land conveyed for pu I ic use, and w}. thout monetary compensation tc Collier Count:, or to the Collier County W'ater- Sewer District; and WHEREAS, Sections 196.28 aId 196.29, Florida S'~atutes, provide that the Board (If County Commit ;ioners of each cou .ty of the State of Florida is given full P( 'er and authority to cancel and discharge liens for (real prop~rty) taxes, delinquent or current, upon land held or owned by said county for pllblic use by a governmental unit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BC'MD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU~TY, FLORIDA, tha: the current outstanding real property ad valorem taxes on L\')t 32, Craig 's SUbdiViSion, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 27, of the Public ttt OR: 2113 PG: 0604 ttt OCT 2 ~ 1995 Records of Collier County / Florida (Folio No. 29280960006) are cancelled as of October 24, 1995/ and the payment of the pro-rata portion of the ad valorem property taxes attributable to the subject proper:y from January 1, 1995 through October 23, 1995, in the amount of f99.66 is hereby approved and authorized by the Board of County Conm.issioners of Col .fer County, Florid'l. THIS RESOLUTION ADOP~ ED on this -eL day of O~ _, 1995, afte' motion, second an~! majority vote. ' . BOARD OF COUNTY CO~SIONERS COLLIER OU r FLOR 1/' Bt: .( ETTYE . "~THEWS, CHAIRMAN 'Approve4.. as to form and le al"Bufficie cy