Resolution 1995-608 RESOLU'l'ION 95- ~ A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND IMPLEMENTING THE COLLIER COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County acknowledges that automobile traffic can have negative impacts on residential neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Planning organization staff conducted exte~lsive research of traffic calming procedures and techniques, and WHEREAS, t~\e Metropolitan Planning organization staff and a 25 member citizen/professional Traffic Calming Talk Force developed the Collier County Nighborhood Traffic Management Program based on the research _indings and other rrofessional presentations and assistance; Jnd WHEREAS, the Neighborhood 'rraffic Management Program includes policies, procedures and techniques that will add "eSS correcting neighborhood traffic problems; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood raffic Management Program procedures require both staff nd neighborhood pa~ticipation and consensus in developing soluti 'ns to neighborhood traffic problems; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Planning organization's Citizen A~visory committee has endorse< \ the adoption and :.mplementation of the Neighbor~ood Traffic Ma agement Program . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO VED BY THE BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNT'.. I FLORIDA THAT: SECTION ONE: The Board of County Commissioners acknowledges the Traffic Calming Task Force's e.:forts, and recommends that the applicable provisions of the Neighborhood Traffic ~anagement Program be incorporated into tle Traffic Circulati':m Element of the Collier county Growth Management Plan during lbe next amendment cycle. SECTION TWO: The County's Transportation Services Department is hereby directed to implement the procedures contained in the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. SECTION THREE: The County's Transportation Services Department is hereby directed to develop and provide realistic cost estimates for ~mplementing the Neighburhood Traffic Management Program, durinq the upcoming budget hearings, including the identification of suitable revenue sources to implement recommended improvements. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED af' er motion, second c.nd majority vote favoring same. " " .1'........., ~. . "" l BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNT . F~ HLWS, _c~~~zPerson /o/~.r- ,'ATTEST: ' DWIGHT E.: 'BROCK, Clerk BY~---.r;~ @~ "/,~ " " 'Approved a~.'to form and leg~- -suff ici'ency: -P!(A d' 451, It^'-' - Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney Doc Ref' dn/7914P