Agenda 05/13/1999 W COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1999 TOWNHALL MEETING 7:00 P.M. IMMOKALEE MIDDLE SCHOOL NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PRIOR TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 99-22 REQUIRES THAT ALL LOBBYISTS SHALL, BEFORE ENGAGING IN ANY LOBBYING ACTM TIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS), REGISTER WITH THE CLERK TO THE BOARD AT THE BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION A. ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1) Lake Trafford. 2) Enterprise Zone Benefits. 3) Enterprise Community programs update. 4) Housing ownership programs. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1) Report to the Board on the status of ongoing work performed by the Transportation Services Department in the Immokalee area. C. EMERGENCY SERVICES 1) Update to the Board on the closure of the Immokalee Urgent Care Center. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. ADJOURN 1 May 13, 1999 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROGRE S S RE PORT ON LAKE TRAFFORD RE S TORAT I ON OBJECTIVE: To provide the Board of County Commissioners with a progress report on the Lake Trafford Restoration Activities. CONSIDERATIONS: The Lake Trafford Restoration Task Force was created as an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee by the Board of County Commissioners in May, 1996, in response to a major fish kill in Lake Trafford during April of that year. Representatives include staff from the South Florida Water Management District; Big Cypress Basin Board; Collier County; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida Department of Environmental Protection; The Conservancy of Southwest Florida; the National Audubon Society; and representative property owners adjacent to Lake Trafford. The Task Force has met monthly or bi-monthly, or as needed since April, 1996, gathering information, considering lake restoration options, investigating, and applying for potential funding sources, and generating permit applications for lake restoration. The following are highlights of the accomplishments of the Lake Trafford Task Force: Applied and received Environmental Resource Permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the Lake Trafford Restoration. ·Received $8,200,000 letter of commitment from the Army Corps of Engineers. · - Received $900,000 commitment from the Fish & Game Commission. · Received up to $2,000,000 commitment from the Big Cypress Basin Board, mostly to be used towards the purchase of disposal and treatment areas. · Received up to $2,000,000 from Tourist Development taxes with the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. · Organized public awareness, education activities and fund raisers as follows: Bluegrass Pick-In - June, 1998 - raised $700.00 - January, 1999 - raised approximately $1,500.00. Do Ripe Farms - Gave tomatoes to be sold - raised $1,200.00. Will continue. November, 1998 - Photo-Shoot~Class-with Clyde Butcher - raised $1,500.00 .' Winn Dixie Supermarket donated food and paper products - also sent a $200.00 check. i h lS99 pg. I -2- May, 1997 - Seminole Indian Casino conducted a Bingo event - raised $925.00. Will hold additional event in December, 1999. Immokalee Middle School - raised $412.83 with homemade jams, jellies, etc. Hog and turkey hunt at Peppers Preserve,- raised $2,000.00 in a Silent Auction. Lake Trafford Elementary - Students and Teachers Actively Reaching (S.T.A.R.) group, put together a great Cookbook to date - raised $1,500.00. Collier County Bass Masters conducted a fishing tournament - raised $500.00. April 17th and 18th, 1999, - Florida Sports Park - A Cowboy Shoot. Private and corporate donations - over $19,000.00. The funds are managed by the Wildlife Foundation of Florida, Inc., and all funds raised are to be expended only for the Lake Trafford Restoration. FISCkL IMPACT: Estimated project cost is $16,400,000 and $8,200,000 of this emount is to be funded by the Army Corps of Engineers and to be matched with local and regional State funds. Thus far, funds are committed as follows: Up to $2,000,000 from the Tourist Development Council (TDC) funds; $900,000 from the Fish & Game Commission; and up to $2,000,000 from the Big Cypress Basin Board, including the purchase of a disposal site. The Task Force is currently working with the Florida State Legislature and the Governor's office to secure the $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 needed. GROWTH M3~NAGEMENT IMPACT: Implementation of this restoration project is consistent with the Growth Management of Coastal and Conservation and Public Facilities elements, goals and'objectives. RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation that the Board accept the progress report for information only. Prepared By: ~-~--~,-~_~_ ~--~ 4_2_0-/9~7 G. George Yilmaz, Ph.D.,P.E.,P.H.,R.E.P, Director Pollut' n Control & Prevention Department Approved By: c Community Development & Environmental Serv~ t ; ~ 1 1999 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IMMOKALEE ENTERPRISE ZONE BENEFITS OBJECTIVE: To provide state incentives to entice companies to relocate or expand in Immokalee thus diversifying the area's economy. CONSIDERATIONS: 1 ) Jobs Tax Credit - taken against either the state corporate income taxes paid or state sales taxes paid when hiring new workers. 2) Sales Tax Refund - a company or homeowner can be reimbursed for up to 97% of the sales tax paid on materials used in building or renovating a structure; up to 97% can also be reimbursed on the purchase of new/used equipment used within the Zone. 3) Sales Tax Exemption on ElectriCity Usage - a company is eligible for up to 100% in sales tax exemptions over 5 years when moving into a newly constructed facility or renovating one that has been vacant for more than 3 months. 4) Pro.Derty Tax Credit - a new or expanding business can apply for up to $50,000 in Florida corporate tax credits for 5 years. ,---. 5) Community Contribution Tax Credit - Florida corporations that make donations to eligible non- profit organizations in Immokalee can take 50% of the value of the donation as a credit against their Florida corporate income tax. FISCAL IMPACT: none GROVVTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATIONS: Continue to actively promote the Enterprise Zone program, and assist """"""""!.: an ma ufacturers utilizi g the program. PREPARED BY: %L "'Helene Casel~ine ' Date Economic Development Manager Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator E~ate Community Dev. &Environmental Se~ices F;iAY 13 pg. I ---- EXECUTWE SUMMARY A SUMMARY OF COMMUNTIY PROGRAMS AIMED AT ENHANCING ECONOMIC CONDITIONS AND PROMOTING DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE IMMOKALEE COMMUNITY. OB|ECTIVE: To provide the Board with an overview of community programs that enhance economic conditions and promote development in the Immokalee Community. CONSIDERATIONS: (1) Main Street - The program created to assist Florida Communities in developing a public/private effort to revitalize "Main Street" areas began in 1985. In 1996, the Immokalee community was awarded the designation by the Florida Department of State and has since begun the "Main Street" approach towards redevelopment. Guided by four principles; organization, promotion, design and economic restructuring, the community has completed six building renovations on Main Street through a facade grant program. Beautification improvements, median landscaping and lighting on CR 846 have been completed and beautification efforts on Main Street and SR 29 are underway. Finally, under the auspices of the "Main Street Program" promotion of ecotourism around the Lake Trafford area and identifying Robert's Ranch as an historically significant site, has focused attention on existing assets -" essential to economic restructuring of the community. (2) Immokalee Zoning Overlay - Staff is currently working with the community to .- develop an overlay that identifies six distinct areas, in the community, with differing development objectives. Because the underlying zoning addresses land use, the overlay will be essential in providing flexible design and development standards necessary to encourage redevlopment and promote growth. Phase I of the overlay focuses on the Main Street corridor, with emphasis placed on pedestrian traffic, building setbacks, landscaping and merchandise display. Phase II of the overlay will address development needs unique to CR 846 and SR 29 and the remaining overlay areas subsequently will be addressed. (3) Federal Enterprise Community - In 1994 the Federal government created the Empowermerit Zone/Enterprise Community Initiative (EZ/EC). Since the onset, the EZ/EC initiative has been a catalyst to improving the quality of life in many of America's most distressed rural and urban communities. On January 13, 1999, The Empowerment Alliance of Southwest Florida, which includes the communities of Immokalee, Eastern Hendry County, and the Seminole Indian Tribe, was selected by ' USDA Secretary Dan Glickman to be designated as a rural Federal Enterprise Community. The Community Foundation of Collier County is the lead entity that will oversee the program. The designation will bring $250,000 annually for ten years into the community. In addition, the community will also receive a priority rating for other federal grants in which they apply. (4) State Legislative Issues - ,~, a. Rural Definition - Immokalee is a rural agricultural community, however, the state definition of rural has been counties with less than 75,000 populatic r,. The existing definition has hindered the Immokalee Community to quali y o!~1o' assistance under certain rural state programs. The Collier County Econo XLiC Development Council has initiated a change to SB 1560 that would expa~ td th~i;XY definition of rural to include any area designated as a Federal Enterprise · Community. If this bill passes Immokalee would qualify for additional funding opportunities. b. Florida Empowerment Zone - The Empowerment Alliance of Southwest Florida, which consists of the communities of Immokalee, Eastern Hendry County and the Seminole Indian Tribe are requesting State funds to match the federal allocation of $250,000 per year for ten years. Senate Bill 214 - We are requesting to amend this bill introduced by Senator Silver in support of Miami's designation as a Federal Empowerment Zone. The original bill created the Florida Empowerment Zone Act that allocated funding the Miami Empowerment Zone $5 million per year for ten years. It was not anticipated that the Enterprise Communities would be announced at the same time as the Empowerment Zones so they were not included in the original bill. The proposed amendment recognizes both the Miami Federal Empowerment Zone and the Empowerment Alliance of Southwest Florida Enterprise Community. An amendment is also requested to extend the Florida Enterprise Zone designation to mirror the boundaries of the Enterprise Community. House Bill 297 - Introduced by Representative Villalobas is similar to Senator Silver's bill. An amendment has been requested to include a $250,000 annual allocation to the Rural Enterprise Community and the Enterprise Zone --- dbsignation. c. One-Stop-Shop - A request made by the Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board, for funding of an all purpose government facility, or a one-stop-shop career center, serving Immokalee, eastern Hendry County and the Indian Reservation lands would provide accessibility to essential state services at one location. The 1.5 million dollar project would enhance the Immokalee community by providing support services, education and job training on site. An additional benefit would be seen, as a result of cost savings in lower rental rates, for the agencies housed at the facility. There is an appropriation request identified in the House budget for $250,000 for this project. HSCAL IMPACT: None GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Immokalee Master Plan, a separate element of the Growth Management Plan, states under Policy II.2.2 that alternative funding sources will be investigated in order to promote or expedite the implementation of the Building Immokalee Together and Main Street Projects. RECOMMENDATION: Continue to support and promote community programs that will enhance the economic conditions and encourage redevelopment in the Immoka Lee Commurtity. N FiAY 13 PREPARED BY:, DATE PLANNER II/' COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION BARBARA A. CACCHIONE, AICP DATE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING MANAGER REVIEWED BY: r~~u '~" ~L f l,~ /~.~ LHERE, AICP DATE FLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR A~B~/ ~_~_~~,_ ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNI~ DEV. AND E~IRONMENTAL SERVICES- MAY I 3 1,9o99 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY HOMEOWNERSHIP PROGRAMS IN COLLIER COUNTY OBJECTIVE: To promote and expand homeownership opportunities in Collier County. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) The Collier County SHIP Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program -Assists low-income first-time homebuyers with an interest free loan from the County of $2,500 for down payment assistance and an additional $2,500 for repairs to the home. 2) The Collier County SHIP Impact Fee Waiver and Deferral Program -Assists low-income first-time homebuyers by granting them a waiver of deferral of Impact Fees associated with building a new house. 3) Availability of 3% Interest Rate Home Mortgages -A bond issue by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation provides residents of Collier County with low down payment, 30-year home mortgages at fixed interest rates of either 3% for Immokalee and other targeted areas, or 5.75% countywide. FISCAL IMPACT: None GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That Collier County continue to promote and assiit in homeownership opportunities for residents of Immokalee. SUBMITTED BY: F/q. dr,.( C--- Date: Cormac J. Giblin, H Manager Co acj REVIEWED BY: . . . Date: ,Y-/,q'- f 7 APPROVED BY Date: ~"/t:~d/~ ~ "" Vince A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator, ,' - AGENDA !~ Community Development and Environmental Services No. ~ .Pr N A '! 13 1999 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT TO THE BOARD ON THE STATUS OF ONGOING WORK PERFORMED BY THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT IN THE IMMOKALEE AREA. OBJECTIVE: To provide an overview of recent and ongoing work items performed by the Transportation Services Department in the Immokalee Area as a briefing to the Board of County Commissioners for the May 13, 1999 Town Hall Meeting. CONSIDERATIONS: The following major items of work have been recently completed or are scheduled for completion this fiscal year: 1. We are going to install a widened shoulder on Lake Trafford Road from Lake Trafford Elern.entary School east for about one-half mile. This will provide for a wider shoulder and pathway for school children walking to the school. We will be separating it from the travel lane via a heavier striping than normally used for roadway edges. We cannot fill in the ditch and provide a proper pathway separated from the roadway because of environmental concerns about the filling of the ditch. 2. We are performing ongoing ditch and shoulder work in the central area of lmmokalee. 3. We have finished the paving of County Line Road from the Hendry Correctional Institution north to CR i46. The entire road from the Hendry Correctional Institution to CR 846 is now paved. The biggest problem we will have in the foreseeable future along this road is speed. 4. Staff has been working with the Immokalee Beautification Advisory Board to implement the final phase of the landscaping beautification project. The bids are in and the Board has approved the award of the contract. FISCAL IMPACT: All normal maintenance activities' are budgeted in Fund 101 and Fund 106 as part of the annual budget process. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board accept the foregoing report. w . an, . r fi o a iox4 eTices Director ,---Am, ROVEDEd Ad id G 4-zf- A 13 1999 PG. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO UPdatE THE BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON THE CLOSURE OF THE IMMOKALEE URGENT CARE CENTER. OBJECTIVE: To provide an update on the closure of the Immokalee Urgent Care Center and the resulting impact on emergency medical care. CONSIDERATION: The Collier County Emergency Medical Services Department provides Paramedic Advanced Life Support care to the residences and visitors of the Immokalee community. Patients treated by the Emergency Medical Services Department are normally transported to either North Collier Hospital, Naples Community Hospital in Naples, or a hospital in Ft. Myers. In a few instances patients meeting certain criteria were transported to the Immokalee Urgent Care Center. As a. result of the closure of the Immokalee Urgent Care Center all patients will be transported to one of the aforementioned hospitals. Since mid-April the Immokalee .,.-_ Urgent Care Center stopped accepting patients from the Emergency. Medical Services Paramedics which may result in a slight increase of transports. There are two Paramedic units assigned to Immokalee. In the event both units are transporting a patient to Naples or Ft. Myers another Paramedic unit is sent to Immokalee for coverage. When a coverage Paramedic vehicle is utilized there may be a delayed response time to either the area it is sent to cover or the area to which it is normally assigned. When the urban response time to an area exceeds six minutes, eighty percent of the time, a growth management Paramedic vehicle, utilizing primarily EMS impact fees, is budgeted with an associated total (personnel, vehicle and equipment) of approximately $500,000. The closure of the Immokalee Care Center has had no negative impact on EMS Paramedic services to the community. FISCAL IMPACT: None GROVVTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners accept this staff report. ' ' Se~ices APPROVED BY: '~ '~ ~ NAY I 1 99 pg. )