Resolution 1995-534 RESOLUTION 95-~4 ,1Iif .""",,, :;} " .f; RELATING TO PETITION NO. CU-94-4 FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE OFiPROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA .y WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all Counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, t .le County pursue 'It thereto has ado}; ted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which esta,lishes comprehensive zoning regulatiJns for the zonilg of particUlar di lisions of the County, among which is the grar~ing and extending :he time periOd of Conditional Uses; and . f ~ ;#' WHEREAS, on September 13, 1994, the Board of Zoning Appeals enacted Resolution No. 94-684, which granted a conlitional use pursuant to Ordinance No. 91-102, for a useum, on the belo . described property; and ,.t'. WHEREAS, Subsection 2.7.4. of the Land Development Code provides that the Board 0'; Zoning Appeals may extend the one (1) year time period for a conditional use which has not been COl menced; '\", -.! NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board 01 Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: The written request of Ron Id LaFlamme of LaF. smme ArChitectural Design Corporation representing rames Billie for thl first of three (3) permitted one (1) year extensions, in interest .of the fol10winq described property: See attached legal description E)(: dbi t "A" is hereby approved pursuant to Slbsection of the Land Development Code (Ordinance No. '..1-102), and the exriration date for Resolution No. 94"684, attached hereto and incorpor;.ted herein as Exhibit "B", and all conditions applicable thereto, is extended hereby t~r one year unti ~ September 14, 1996. -1- non rJ"'7-4 SEP 1 2 195 :~..~'i'...'.'.... ';, .... i' '.-. . 'J~ ~ ?> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolutioh be recorded in the extension is qrlnted. minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the Commissioni!r _ 'Nnrr; fII Resolution and loved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner offered the toreqoinq .". ~. :~ ~~ , " .,....i :>~ ::p,., ~1 I..'....... . . .. ..... Mac'Kie , and upon roll call, the VOi;e was: NAYS: AYES: Commissiol ar Norris, Commi.sioner Mac'Kie~ Cc~m1ss1on.r Constant1n.~ Commissio~er Hancock,and C>mmissloner Matthevs ABSENT AND NOTOTING: ABSTENTION: :>< ;r ~\ ,~ .~~~ d, .;: 1.,;' ,I' :t 1: Done this /2 day o. ~~, 1995. ./" !" .......,........ ". ,,\' I " i' . ' I,. .,...... c1'" v: I . "~" . .'. '. .' " :" ,..... " .- . \" , . ,. '. ('. i'. : I, . . S ~ ATTEST:., ": '.::. '. : "DWIGH~"E." BRO~,;CLERK \ '.', \" : ~' :" \'., ", 0 I. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER CO Y, .~ MAl' rHEWS, C AIRMAN SUFFICIENCY: 111~~ Th. ~td- MARJ IE M. STU FST ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY CU-94-4 Ext./bk/14919 ~~:' ;'f~ . I ....~ I 1 ~'';; .... "'vt1 "~ ...' "A' .c> j :~~ '; '.~ .~ ,: ..' ~ ~ - "-"-," - . ...'. ..' . ,. ", . \ ' - ____c.':/" ' ;~~ . /' " ,', ..""""'-.~ ....... --......_~_. I"," ' \. /' . ' ,~ . .,...-.~\""'c ;,,;, ; -- ...." . ".,. . . /'., "',".: . '.: /' .SEP 1 2 1995 ': !'. I ,"::', . \ __ .. ".. f" . ,~...' ,,/" ,. .. \ .. '.r. ;>.. . '.,' .; . ' ...." '\' ,. _.=,.1. . . . ,,:.. . r..' .' ;. ., " :;: " .:' .' .......' . ,. .... . . '.' ' . ,~. . . .. .. .,.. '.' ., ::!,.OESCf\ I pT I.ON' ( . Of _ ~NOS SURVEY EO ~NO fOR '..THE:' PURPOSE Of CORRECT! NO ., ., ...e · }i' ;><,",. .' . OEf \ C \ ENC I ES. .' N PREY.\ OUS .oE~~R ~ PT IONS. SHOHNHEREON) , ;.' iL;(': [, . , , . .. . . 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