Resolution 1995-531 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-95-7, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, tlJe Legislature ot the State ot Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statuten, has conf.erred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coor'~inate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessar:,' tor the protection ot the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Codu (Ordinance No. 91-10~) which esta'llishes regulations tor the zoning "If particular ge '<]raphic divisions, It the County, among which is the granting ot varian:es; and WHEREAS, t!le Board of Zoni g Appeals, being t:!e duly elected constituted Board ot the area hereby attected, has held a pUblic hearing after notice as in said regulations made a~d provided, and has ',' considered the advisability ot n 17.5 foot varianc: trom the required side yard setback ot 50 feet to 32.5 feet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", in an "I" zo'e tor the property hereinatter described, and h.ts found as a m tter ot fact that t1atistactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accord:nce with Section 2.7.5 ot the Zoning Regulations ot said Land Devel. pment Code tor the unincorporated area ot Collier ounty; and WHEREAS, al~ interested pa ties have been giv n opportunity to be heard by this Board in pUblic meting assenbled, arid the Board having considered all matters presented; NOW THEREF01:E BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ~,ONING APPEALS ot Collier County, 'lorida, that: The Petition No. V-95-7 fi:ed by David Sneed, representing Marvin Montgomery, with respect to the property hereinafter described as: EXHIBIT "B" be and the name hereby is approved tor a 17.5 foot variance trom the )...equired side ya"d setback of 5C feet to 32.5 feet as shown on the -1- ..~. (. , } t;,')-~ ' ';;;; ill. .~ '-'\:: '. tJ ~t' attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the "I" zoning district wherein said property is located, subject to the tollowing conditions: EXHIBIT "C" BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number V-95-7 be recorded in the minutes ot this Board. " \ ',i;:;" ;r Commissiorer Constantine I ottered the toregoing . ~."" Mac'Kie I I and upon roll call the vote was: " .:?t -..t.m" :, .-:, )..~. J. t '~~#^ Resolution and moved tor its adoption, seconded by Commissioner AYES: Commissil ner Constantine, Commisisoner Mac'lie~ Commisisoner Norris~ Commissif,ner Hancock" anc Commissioner MattI .",s NAYS: j jl t ~,,~ Ji p: $'" ~t~ '"., l~ t"lji".. "'t,.-f {l...\' ,t~..- ,,{' .... ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done this 12th day of 3eptember , 1395. , ., 1,_ ,..... " A'11~~: ...", . .. ... ,. . DW!GHT E. ~ . .... c, " . = .rr ...:' . -"" . , '. f "": , "', /' "" ". , c ".... BR9CK, ':~LERK " ' CHAIRMAN .."., , '. f"/ ::'; -: f ~ .... , .... .... .... (, :~','~ ". .",....' .--' APP~OVED ,ASA'T<;)_.tORH AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ' " \,. ',."."",41' ~. . " ~"~ ' n: MARJOR M. STUDEN~ ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY " ;;r~ VARIANCE RESOLUTION 14196 ~: :1 " '. ::E !~ 0 :z: -f ..:z: -<. II eI) ...::% /TI _::0 "V -f n~ .... (") . -f :D :z: ~ ". ..... eI) !r /TI .... m , ;lQ li~ II < .... n /TI :D c ill c .... ... I~ ... .,.. ~-~ . ". .: SEP 1 2 1995 _---- TAYLOR STREET --_._-~ ~ ~ V~,I! :.! 20NED "INDUSTRIAL" . ';~ ~ 1 i aae.el' M e'OJ.! 12' ee- \.I ~ . r at . Z Qt g . ... ,'~?'~ "' <JI . ... N i ... c (j) . (II z ...... <JI Z fT1 .. . . c ... .., I -. i ITl ~.It (It It t10t jI "1:J CD % . r C\ S lit C . C :0 (10 = . f/) z ~ ... . "'.... ~ I! :0 <JI ... .. GI . ,w6 ' .... . ... ~i :D ...! z: II... r- -b IN :It ~i .. b !- ... II ... b ... II ."1 ..' .... --- --- '1_