Resolution 1995-520 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 520 RESOLUTION SETTING TERMS OF OFFICE FOR MEMBERS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISORS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 94-26m May 10, 1994, establishing the Collier County Council of Economic Advisors to provide assistance, advice, reports and recommenda:ions to the Board of County Commissioners regarding efficient and effective methods that th! Board of County Commissionlrs can use t( increase economi: opportunities and increase a~d diversify the economic base in Clllier County; and WHERE~S, Ordinance N I. 94-26 provided that the Council of Economic Advisors would c~nsist of nine (9) regular members and three (3) non-voting al t,~rnates to be app( ,inted for staggered terms which would be determined at the Council's organizational meeting; and WHEREAS, Ordinance N'. 95-6 amended Oritinance No. 94-26 by increasing the number of , Jting members from 9 to 12 and removing the non-voting alternate c tegorYi and WHEREAS, Resolution N~. 94-569 approved the appointment of 12 members whose terms of office would be determined by the Council and approved by the Board of County Commissic lers; and WHEREAS, the Co mcil of Economic Advisers has made a recommendat~on for the te me of office for ~ese members and has submi tted their recommendl :ion for approval (f terms to the Board of County Commissioners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l,-IE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION! lS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, tha',. the terms of office are established as follows: 1. Michael J. Carr, Sr. is appointed for a four (4) year term which began August 2, 1994 and expires A':.gust 2, 1998. 2. James D. Carter is appointed for ,! four (4) year term which began August 2, 1994 and expires August 2, 1998. 3. ,ohn H. Fitch:5 appointed for a four (4) year term . which began August 2, 199', and expires August 2, 1998. 4. year term Russell W. Tuff which began August 2, 1994 ires AugUst 2, 1998. inted for a three (3) year term 5. J'ames E. Laskill which began August 6. G !ry L. Tice is appo which began August 7. H9nry C. Tribble is ap which began August 8. Bryan L. which began August 9. Parker J. Collie:- is a (3) year term inted for a three (3) year term ~, 1997. three (3) year term '- , 1997. !l two (2) year term I 1996. ., , for a two (2) year term which st 2, 1996. for a two (2) year term August . 1996. ., which bega~ August 2, 1994 10. Allon R. Fish is began August 2, 1994 11. Stuart O. which began August 2, 1994 and e 12. Tom Walsh is ap~'linted for a two ,2) year term which began August 2, 1994 and ex ires August 2, 1995. This Rt:solution adopt:d after motion, second and majority vote. . '. DA'r~ti:}~t,/------- "",',., :..\!~Wj. . ......... .,.... t".. . . ., .\ '..~ ..... f.' A'l'T:EST':''', 1".... '..., ....,.. >bWIGHT 'ir~' -,BROCK, ~ . " ;' "," .~ (;,. ".;. CLERK BOARD OF COmiTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COtJN'.~ lofATTHEWS, CHAIRMAN = 4' , . v;, 4<.~LL)6:;. ~'1 >...: ,,:!,:,~: .~~'. .'>"';,., ,~ - "/'..' I"" I ',.\\" '. t . " , I ., t".. ", (/) /' . - Approved aso form and legal suffic'ency: ADV, 8d ,/kn/6893 ML~ nOD PAGE 125 .2.