Resolution 1995-481 RESOLUTION .,0. 95- 481 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION or A HIGHWAY SWEEPING MAINTENANCE MEMORANDUM or AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE or FLORIDA, DEP.M1'HENT or TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATI. WHEREAS, t~. Collier County Bo.rd of Commi..ion.r. i. conc.rned ov.r the .ppe.r.nc. ot medi.n i.land curbinq within the limit. at Collier County, .nd WHEREAS, the Colli.r County Board of commia.ioner., .fter di.cu..ion with the State ot Pl 'rid., Dep.rtment ot Tranaportation, belie"e. that it ean a..i.t in ~epinq thone .r.a., and WHEREAS, t Ie St.t. ot Florid., Oepartment of Tran.portation ha. .qreed to provide funds ~n the amount ot $6,537.18 per quarter tor . tot.l .ua of $26,148.72 per fe.r tor . period It one (1) year tor C. ,Uier County to ~ .aid curbinql ald WHEREAS, .he Call i.er Count} Board ot Corrrni..ior Ir. beli.ve. .uch an .;reement to b'l in the beat inu 'e.t of the eitizen. f Collier County I .nd WHEREAS, t.,i. Resolution supe:. ,Jede. Rel!lolution 92-27' . NOW THEREFC'RE, 8E IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIotfnS or COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTIOtL.J.: Th-tt the Bo.rd doe. 1ereby .uthorize it. hairman to execute .n .qreement entitled "Hiqhway SWlt pinq Maintenance Hen "randum of Aqree:aent- between Collier County and the Site of Florid. Oep.rtm<lnt of Tr.n.port.tion, .qreein; to awe.p median isl.nd curbing deacribed in s.id Aqreement in exehange for the p.yment of $26,148.72 per year payable at the rate of $6,537.18 per quarter, for. period of one (1) year. SECTION 21 Thia R.solution shall ~ake effect imm.diatel}' upon it. p....q.. S!CTION 3. All resolutions and srts of resolutions i conflict herewith are repealed. Thi. Re.olution adopted after motion, .econd, and majority vote. 'DA~.D: ',/.9f.- ,-'An-EST: /' ,DWIGHT !; BROCK CLERK .. ". '- 0 .....,,~.~~~~~ ~/~ Q) (1. ", Approved .. ,to' torm and lW9al .ufticiency: Dgi:~~; ~ 100' nno ,,\~ 226 A.si.tant~C~unty Attorney BOARD or coun COLLIER CO BYI~_ .... ./ BETTY! , . CO~;~ ':;jy TTHIWS, CHAIRMAlf