Resolution 1995-471 AUG 2 2 1995 .;:' ,;i j RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ r RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF VILLA LA PALMA AT BAY COLONY BEND A REPLAT OF A PORTION OF A PREVI('USLY RECORDED PLAT KNOWN AS BAY COLONY BEND . ;,. '~ .+ ,'; .~ ':'":1 WHEREAS, tJ.e Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on AU~st 10, 1993, approved the plat of ~ay Colony Bend for recording; and WHEREAS, W(tl Communities, Joc. is replattinq 1ract C of Bay Colony Bend and has filed for a replat ,f said lands; and WHEREAS, ttis rep1at does r,t extinguish or ir anyway affect the dedications contained in the pr. vious plat of thesE lands unless said dedications are formally vacate, simultaneously wit 1 the acceptance of this replat; anc WHEREAS, this parcel, the approved plat of Villa La Palma at Bay Colony Bend, is a part of a previously approved and recorded plat, Bay Colony Bend, and the fi1inq and recording of this approved plat shall not affect access to lots previously conveyed undel- the Bay Colony Bend plat. .;;. :!I ,j 1 ,..i', ~ .~ ;~ 'iJ i ;,!, NOW, THEREFC RE I BE IT RESOr TED AND ORDERED BY '~E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the ;)lat of Villa La Palma at Bay Colony Bend, a part of a previous 1y al' ;,roved and recorded plat, Bay Colony Bend, is hereb) approved for recoJ:Jing and the dedications contained on the p1t : of Villa La Palma at Bay Colony Bend are hereby accept.d. BE IT FtffiTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall make proper notation of this action UPO\ the previous plat and record this replat resolution in the Official Ji.'~cords of Collier County. This Resolution adopted aft.!r motion, second a Id majority vote favoring same. DATEO~,,,,~! - A'rr,EST: . . I",., ...., r ;'. ." ~: 4..', #"'" ..' ... . :' ". "~ : DWIGHT E. BRO~j CLERK ., . ;: ~ '\.~. )z...~~~> (l)~, ". (" 7. .' ..... ,.;( "'. : ~ '. . ': '.' ..' '". ..' ,..' . .~ ~', , I. f, 4 I .,.;.. A .~ J '''1' ',''''1 ' ~'i . :~ ,1-~ :i' '~'r "~.'. 'f ;", j~ ( Apprbved :as to torm and leqal SUfficiency: ~jLq,t. )- /1~L ~l~ _ HtIdi F. Ashton Assistant Collie.' County Attorn JY