Resolution 1995-464 RESOLUTION NO. 95-464 A RESOLUTIO. RATIFYING AHD APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE 01' COOJlTY J'lJN1)S TO PURCBABB REJ'RESBM:ENTS CONSUMED BY COUftY ZULOnES WHILE AftDDIJfG A UTILIn DIVISIOB StJPDVISoay STAI? WOJUtSBOP 1 I'IJrDINCJ AND DECLARIHCJ THAT nB BDD'DITURB IS AU'l'BORIZED AS SERVIBG A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSB. WBER~~, Collier County Ordinance No. 87-5 provides,tor expenditul:e ot Collier County funds to enhance County employee,lroductivity provided the Board of County Commissiorlers adopts a resolution that makes a tinding that the expen 'itures are for I valid public purp('lsesi and WHEREAS, on June 28, 1995, Collier Coun1y Utilities Division ,upervisory staf attended a team bl ilding workshop at the tr::.ining room of the North Regional Wi ter Treatment Plant. Ti'le Utilities Adm; nistrator authorizt d an expenditure of $23.07 for coffee and donuts for consumption, during the workshop, by the employees who attended the ;orkshop. HOW T:IERUORB, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD 01' COtnrJ.'Y COMMISSIONERS 01' COLLIER I,OUHTY, FLORIDA, th,ts 1. The expenditure' of twenty-three dollars and seven cents ($23,07) to purchasu donuts and coftee for consumption by the Utility Division supervisory employee~ during their attendance at the June 28, 1995, team buildi/g workshop is hereby determined by the I,oard to be an expeJ'diture tor a valid public purpose. Th e~ard, pursuant t. Ordinance No. 87-5, hereby ratifies tha expenditure. THIS RESOLUTION ADOP~ED after motion, second and majority vnte in favor of adoption. ..,1111 I, I" \ ~. ' "1/ "',' /, DATED': .AU'g 1st 15, 1995. , ' '- \" ATTEST: ". ' DWIGHT E'. .:SROCK, .. - ~~ t&? BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLI CO T~ ~A T'T JiEWS, CHAIRMAN ,.' and aoar fleo Pltt 16~