Resolution 1995-453 lUG - 8 S95 RESOLUTION NO. 95 -453 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IU TIG1.R ISLAND ESTATES, RELEASE OF THE MAINTENANCE SECl'RITY, AND ACCEPTING THE MAINTEnANCE RESPONSIBILITY POR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWrR IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE KAIl;TAINEO BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on luqust 18, 1992 ~pproved the plat of Tiger Island Estates for lecordingi and WHEREAS. the developer las constructed and maintained the roadway, dra"nage, water and sewer improvements in accordance with the approved plans and speci: ications and as recuired by the Land Development Gode (Collier Co\,nty Ordinance No. ~1-102, as amended); and the Utilities Standards 1nd Procedures Ordir,snce (Collier County Ordin.:mce No. 88-76, LIB amended), and WHEREAS, the developer has now requested final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and release of his maintenance security; and .~ ~: t ,/,I " '~.,!,. . ~ .;.,:. WHEREAS, the Compliance Services Section oj. Development ..~ Services Department has insp.cted the roadway, c'rainage, water and sewer improvements and is re, ommending acceptant~ e ot said .", facilities. t NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R'SOLVEO BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU ry, FLORIDA, that final acceptance be granted for t:lose roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in Tiger Island Estates, and authorize the Clerk to release the maintenance security. i' 'I ~;' r !~ , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that thh County accept the future maintenance and other attendant costs fOl the roadway, drainage, water and sewer imt.rovements that are not required to be maintained by the homeowners association. This Resulution adopted after motion, seCOI d and majority vote favoring same. 'if . ,.,'1";1".. . I. .~, \:\~' .'. .....,. 'DA~n::~.' . . .~S- . .. .....~. ATTEST.: (/'. . {r: .OWIGHT:~; Iifo,':4rk ~ ." ~~"ai<;.e _ g~. . ~ . .. . tIf/II' .,.. .......t'\".: '... . . "~." ..~...: ". . . .,:. ,. '.... '.. \ \. ..... . "1, t, 14 , .,,,\ " ,., ApprOTe~"as to form and legal sufficiency: ~'d; ~ A<i'h Ad ~ He F. As t >n - Assistant Collier County At10rney BOARD OF Cc.: ONTY COLLIER COUNTY, , By. :11< .\11. ~ ~. ~ ",r