Resolution 1995-448 .,':':. l' l!t:~:'~. :!;C', J <~f'.:~~ ~ .'1'. ~~~ ~'4' .Ii < ~ -:":'. RESOLUTION NO. 95- ~dA A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDj.NG FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE Al-'ATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as \.rovided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of cert,.in nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by t ,he County, shall be assessed againl,t such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the CC'unty as to ei..ch parcel shall be calculated and re,orted to the' Bo.rd of County Commir sioners, together with a descriptio, of said parcel. and WHEREAS, sue. h assessment sha ~l be a legal, val i..; and binding obligation upon the property agai,st which made unti paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shal.'. become' due and pa::able thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. : ~ i ,~ ~ ;~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF :OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COtnrrY, -~RIDA, that the pr.operty described as follows, and having been abate t of a public nuisa.lce after due and proper notice thereof to the OWDf': of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abat( ',ent, to wit: ,~ NAME I COST I '1. " :,~ ;,$ :r .f '..~ 't :~ t ~I "'t ; r " ~ I 4 :~ .~ /,j~ LEGAL DJ IC1UPT:IOH I Kicbel P Smith 6: Margaret M Smith 1026 Crozer Laue Springfield, PA 19064 Lot 19, Block 594 of Marco Beach $245.00 t7nit Twenty-Three a Subdiv.i .iem accordi:1g to the Plat therf ,)f, recorded in Plat Book 8, pa..re 81-83, of the Public aecorda of Cc\lier County, Florida. RBPBRJDlCB I 50426-025 '~8773960005 The Clerk of the Board shal: mail a notice of a~sessment of lien to the owner or owners of the ~ve described proper~y, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (301 days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed in ',:he Office of the Clerk of Courts, n and for Collier County, Florida, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless Juch direction is stayed by this B~lrd upon appeal )f the assessment of the owner. aDaK noo PACE 136 1 't .~ 'li: t'~ BOARD, OF COUNTY COMMISSIO,{RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ...1 \- "":'_ ~. "i.. ;, " BY : v.- 't~~(I'\-_ Mt - . ,9E'I"l'YE .(]. TTHEWS, CHAIRMAN / ./ 1 11 . i 'I ,'. ~ ~ , ,~ '<. ~ '," ~~ ~ ~ ~ 'lI! .~ ~ I I t .1 ^',' ;.